Participants: Janice Smith
Series Code: JA
Program Code: JA000012
00:01 Hello, I'm watering my violets.
00:03 Do you like violets? 00:05 I sure do! Whenever I water my violets, I always put the 00:09 water into the little dish. 00:10 Then put the pot into the water and the roots and dirt 00:15 can soak it up from the bottom. 00:16 The reason for that because if you pour it into the top 00:21 it is really easy to accidentally get the water 00:24 on the leaves and it burns the leaves 00:25 and that doesn't make the plant look pretty. 00:28 Don't need to water violets all that often. 00:30 Maybe once a week. 00:32 They don't need lots of water. 00:33 You know when ever I water my violets, 00:36 it reminds me of a story. 00:37 Would you like me to tell it to you? 00:40 Okay, I will. 00:50 So good to see you again. 00:53 Come up for a visit my friend. 00:59 There is so much to do 01:00 I have so many things planned for you 01:07 we'll laugh and we'll play 01:09 we'll sing and we'll pray 01:11 I'll tell you a story or two 01:15 and we'll be friends you and I 01:20 Yes you and I and Jesus! 01:29 I'm happy you're here once again 01:32 It's so nice to have you as my friend! 01:42 Are you ready for the mystery word game? 01:44 Remember the key word comes on this side 01:46 be important letter jumps out 01:49 is over into the correct spot 01:51 of the mystery word 01:52 and it looks like today's word 01:53 has 9 letters and see how quickly you can figure it out! 01:58 Our story! 02:00 Priscilla grew up in a rich family 02:02 she had so many clothes, toys, dolls, shoes she just couldn't 02:07 even keep track of it all. 02:09 but in spite of how much she had 02:11 she was often very unhappy. 02:14 And she was often not too nice to be around. 02:17 She hated sharing, she didn't like helping, 02:20 and with her friends, if one 02:22 person said, oh I like your 02:24 hair, to someone else. 02:25 then Priscilla would get all jealous 02:28 they did not say it to her, and that made her not nice to 02:32 to be around. 02:33 As parents often do 02:34 her parents started to notice that. 02:36 It made them concerned. 02:38 So one day her mom said, Priscilla come with me into 02:40 the dining room, so they went 02:41 into the dining room and her 02:43 mom said, see these flowers Priscilla? 02:45 And coarse Priscilla had seen 02:46 these flowers every day, they 02:48 always had gorgeous arrangements 02:50 on their table and her mom said, 02:52 look at them carefully. 02:53 Priscilla looked, she wondered what 02:55 her mom was up to. 02:56 Then her mom said, smell them! 02:58 so she smelled them and her mom said, 03:02 Priscilla, put on your walking shoes 03:03 and let's go for a walk. 03:05 right down on her knees and she looked 03:09 and looked again 03:11 and said; mom, they are violets. 03:14 And they are beautiful. 03:16 You ought to see the petals 03:20 They are almost like velvet. 03:23 And they even sparkle. 03:24 Then she got right down and smelled them. 03:27 Oh, they smell so sweet. 03:30 and then her mom said Priscilla, don't you think it's just a 03:35 waste that they are down under that tree? 03:37 and Priscilla said why no, that's the way God made it. 03:42 That's where they belong. 03:44 Her mom said but nobody ever sees them Priscilla. 03:47 What good do they do down there? 03:49 She said I saw them and they made me happy. 03:53 Then her mom said, what about the flowers on the dining table? 03:59 Weren't day much more beautiful than these ones? 04:02 Priscilla said, well mom I think these ones are just as pretty 04:06 as those ones. 04:07 Her mom said, old but those were in a beautiful vase 04:12 and so perfectly arranged, these ones are just out in the 04:16 midst of twigs and the rocks and stuff. 04:18 Priscilla said, mom these ones are just as beautiful. 04:23 This is the way God made it. 04:25 Then Priscilla's mom said, okay Priscilla I believe you. 04:29 but I want you to tell me what lessons you can learn from that? 04:35 Priscilla thought for a minute, then she said, well maybe that 04:40 it's okay to be pretty when people see you on the dining 04:45 room table or whether they don't see you down under a tree. 04:48 Then Priscilla's mom said, well that's a good thing. 04:51 Do you think Priscilla that it can also apply to things 04:54 that we do? 04:56 Priscilla thought for a moment and then she said 04:58 yeah mom I think it could. 05:01 Then Priscilla looked at her mom and said, mom are you trying to 05:06 teach me something from these little violets? 05:09 Her mom said, well Priscilla maybe you to but I think 05:13 we can all learn lessons from little violets. 05:18 Pretty little violets you do your best all of the time 05:28 quiet little violets you live the Christ like way. 05:37 You brighten every day, 05:41 living the Christ like way 05:58 I think we can learn some important lessons 06:01 from those little violets, can't we? 06:02 The lesson of humility is a good one for all of us to learn. 06:06 Shall we look that up? 06:07 Well, um, I think I'll use the computer today. 06:10 Let's see, humility comes from the root word humble. 06:14 That is spelled H.U.M.B.L.E humble. 06:22 It means not proud. 06:25 Modest, boy some one who is not proud sounds like 06:28 the nice kind of friend to have, doesn't it? 06:31 You know the Bible talks about that to and it tells us 06:34 the results of being proud, or the results of being humble. 06:37 In Proverbs 18:12, it says "before his downfall 06:43 a man's heart is proud. " 06:45 So if you are proud, you'll have a downfall. 06:48 But humility comes before honor 06:52 So if you want to honor, let's be humble. 06:55 Shall we look at some ways of showing humility? 06:57 There's lots of ways are you ready? 06:59 Helping someone in the play ground is sure a nice thing 07:02 to do for them. 07:03 If you let someone else have the best doll to play with 07:06 That is another way to show humility. 07:08 or how about doing up your little sister's buttons? 07:11 it keeps her happy and helps lighten your mom or dad's load. 07:15 Picking up litter might seem like a boring job, 07:18 but it sure makes the world look nicer. 07:21 By holding a ladder steady for someone 07:23 you helped them to get the job done safely and well. 07:26 Speaking of important jobs, meet me in the jungle forest 07:30 because I have something to show you. 07:35 Come here because I have something I want to show you. 07:36 Do know what scientists call the most humble and 07:40 unappreciated creature? 07:42 Are you ready to see? 07:43 I will show you. 07:45 Here he is! 07:47 Mr. earthworm, you know some people do not like earthworms. 07:52 It sure is too bad because earthworms are very important. 07:56 They wiggle through the soil gobbling it up as they go. 07:59 They keep part of it for themselves to live on, 08:02 and the rest of it, there is a special enzyme in their stomach 08:05 any changes the rest of the dirt and they give it off 08:09 in what's called "earthworm castings" 08:11 That it is very important for plants. 08:14 earthworm castings are up to 5 times richer in nutrients 08:19 then regular soil. 08:20 Mr. Worm, you can go down there. 08:23 Plants, of course, need those nutrients. 08:26 I had this little vitamin bottle here and I'm going 08:30 to get some out. 08:33 They are not coming out are they? 08:35 I need to open the bottle and then I can get some out. 08:40 There we go, and that is what 08:43 earthworms due to the nutrients 08:45 that are locked up inside the soil. 08:47 You see it's like coming along and opening up the bottle. 08:52 Plants can get at the vitamins. 08:54 Earthworms do lots of other things too, but I don't 08:56 have time to tell you about them today. 09:04 Hey kids if you love all the fun things you get to do 09:07 with Janice and her friends, you'll flip over this: 09:10 It's Janice's Activity Book, loaded with fun 09:13 This book teaches scripture through mazes, puzzles, 09:16 dot to dot games, coloring and more. 09:19 And the best part is, it's free! 09:22 Let's take a look inside. 09:24 The scripture on this page says: 09:30 Now let's circle the pictures that are the same. 09:33 That is right you have the idea. 09:35 There are many more fun filled activities in 09:38 this book just waiting for you. 09:40 By the way, did I mention it's free! 09:43 To get your very own copy have your mom or dad write to: 10:01 Don't wait order yours today. 10:04 You know sometimes it's the littlest things 10:07 that make people happy. 10:08 I thought today that I would like to show you 10:10 a real simple flower that you can make at home. 10:12 I'm using tissue paper, but you can use any kind of paper. 10:16 Cut two pieces the same size in a square or rectangle 10:20 and then fold it in half 10:22 and fold it in half again. 10:26 Then fold it over this way, to make a triangle shape. 10:32 A triangle shape at the bottom and if you want you can fold 10:37 it even one more time. 10:39 Then you use your scissors, and like I said you can use 10:45 any kind of paper, but this thin kind of paper 10:47 makes it extra fluffy. 10:49 Take your scissors and make a half circle. 10:53 you just want to make a nice piece for the petals. 10:55 Nice pointy pedals. 10:57 then open it up, like this. 11:04 Then you want to turn it like this, so your petals are 11:10 opposite and hold it like this and stick your finger 11:14 down in the middle like that. 11:15 Then twist it down here at the bottom. 11:19 You know people like to get little surprises. 11:23 Maybe you can't always go buy flowers at a store, 11:27 maybe you live in an apartment and don't have flowers growing 11:29 in your garden, so these are simple flowers that you can 11:33 make as a little surprise. 11:35 Now we need a stem for flowers don't we? 11:37 Let's poof them out kind of. 11:39 You need a stem, you can use practically anything making stem 11:44 you can use a straw, a stick, wire, I just happen to have 11:49 some straws around. 11:50 So I'll use a straw and cover it with green masking tape. 11:55 Just regular green masking tape. 11:57 If you didn't have green 11:58 you could color the tape green 12:00 after you wind it around the straw. 12:01 So I wound the tape around the straw. 12:04 Pipe cleaners make a really good thing to use for a stem too 12:09 because they are like wires and you can bend them 12:12 into the shape you want 12:13 and then I cut off a little piece of masking tape 12:17 to attach the flower at the top. 12:20 Get it all attached, and then we need to make a leaf. 12:25 Flowers have leaves. 12:32 Again it just made some leaves 12:34 out of some wires. 12:35 Put the masking tape on them, to make it wide 12:39 and cut it into shape, but you can make a leaf 12:41 out of paper, you could make it just about out of anything. 12:45 I think I'll put in about this high and wind the tape 12:48 around so it will stick. 12:49 You know the important thing is just try doing it, because 12:53 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out a way 12:54 This one is blue and I think I'll put it there, 13:00 and my pink one in here. 13:04 I just put some Styrofoam in a pot 13:06 and poked them into it, but you can put them in a paper cup 13:08 practically anything. 13:10 Just the little things make people happy. 13:12 I think that is why God gave us hands and why He 13:15 gave us minds 13:16 to think of little things we can do for people. 13:18 He gave us eyes to notice little things people need 13:21 done for them. 13:24 God gave me eyes God gave me hands 13:27 to make this simple treasure 13:30 God help my heart to understand the love of simple pleasure's 13:36 It's the little things we do each day 13:40 that help us love each other. 13:43 It's The little things that show the way 13:46 to make somebody glad. 13:50 Let's make somebody glad. 14:00 That makes a kind of natural and finished like it came from 14:03 a garden, Hi Janice, how are you doing? 14:05 I'm fine, Hi Stephanie! 14:07 Well thanks for inviting us to come. 14:10 I'm so happy you came. 14:11 I heard she telling Stephanie, as I was coming, 14:14 you put green at the bottom, and put it in oasis 14:18 and soak that in water. 14:19 It takes up a lot of water. 14:21 I can put the flowers in it and he keeps them fresh. 14:23 he keeps them in place, where I put them. 14:25 It's like a sponge, it works like a sponge. 14:28 always cut the flowers and a diagonal, it helps them 14:32 to take more water. 14:34 Oh. cutting them diagonally across? 14:40 They're called Stock, did you smell them? 14:42 Oh, that's so nice! 14:47 And those are tulips, and that's and Iris. 14:51 It is not quite open so it it's hard to tell. 14:52 In your work as a florist, what does it seem to you 14:58 that people usually get flowers. 15:00 for what occasions? 15:01 You know the heaviest sale of flowers 15:04 is Mother's Day. 15:05 Really? And the next is Valentines Day. 15:08 So this must be a girl thing 15:10 but we do flowers for all occasions, anniversaries, 15:14 and birthdays, and Christmas and Thanksgiving 15:16 I think it's nice to give flowers for no occasion. 15:21 I think you are right. 15:23 .Just out of the clear blue, right! 15:25 Just because! 15:27 Just to say I love you! Right! 15:29 flowers are such a nice way to do that. 15:31 So beautiful, what are these ones? 15:33 Those are called Chrysanthemums white chrysanthemums, 15:37 So you did your tall ones and now looks like you're 15:42 doing a lower layer. We're doing the lower layer. 15:43 Is eighty important to fill in all the different areas? 15:47 Well you kind of do, there is a way, you have a line 15:50 and then you do a filler. 15:52 This happens to be an informal design. 15:55 So it is anything goes, but there are formal arrangements 15:59 where you put in the top one and then the side ones 16:02 it makes it very special arrangement. 16:06 Are you going to be a florist when you grow up Stephanie? 16:07 Yes I am. 16:09 it looks like a fun work, do you enjoy your work? 16:11 Oh, I do, I love flowers and I love arranging them. 16:14 God has made it so beautiful. 16:16 Hasn't He though? 16:17 we were wondering do you have to wait until you grown up 16:20 to make flower arrangements? 16:21 Oh no, in fact many times when I do a wedding, and my 16:25 grandchildren come around they make little arrangements 16:28 with me and one is 2 years old. 16:30 That's wonderful to know. 16:32 They have a wonderful time doing it. 16:34 Well we really need to be going, we need to meet Dr. Neblett. 16:38 Oh, let me give you some flowers perhaps you can take 16:41 it and arrange yourself. 16:42 Oh, we'll have fun with these won't we? 16:46 Do you have any idea what it will look like? 16:50 Well here I have already finished it, it looks like this. 16:53 Oh, it's beautiful. 16:55 well thanks for having us Darlene, bye Stephanie! 17:00 Let's go see Dr. Neblett okay? 17:11 Hi everybody! Hi! Hi Janice. 17:13 Those look like beautiful flowers you have there! 17:15 Aren't they gorgeous, I was just visiting Darlene 17:18 and she gave them to me. 17:19 She had made a nice arrangement 17:21 and these are the leftovers. 17:22 Those flowers look pretty all by themselves 17:24 but to put them together in an arrangement like that 17:26 That's even prettier? 17:27 I'll say, well what are you guys up to anyway? 17:29 Well we are making an arrangement to with some fruit. 17:31 A fruit arrangement. That's right! 17:33 It's beautiful don't you think? 17:36 Sean Tae right now is working on the bananas, and 17:38 Jana is over there working on the oranges, 17:39 Now if you think that this is a good choice 17:45 what would you think of this choice here? 17:47 Well, it looks kind of good. 17:51 Are you telling me it might not be a good choice though? 17:54 I don't think so, you know the way that God made 17:58 something He put here flavor which is sweet, but this has 18:03 sugar which is not good for our teeth. 18:04 Actually it doesn't help us to keep strong either. 18:07 God made apples that have a lot of fiber in them. 18:10 See I can squeeze that hard and can't get anywhere, you try it! 18:13 Oh, yeah its firm. 18:16 But take a look at what it do over here! 18:17 Oh, my! That's just practically air, 18:22 Practically air and a lot of oil and grease that's in there. 18:26 It's not very good for us at all. 18:28 You have the sugar, and you have the oil, 18:31 and you even have preservatives. 18:32 That helps these to keep looking fresh all the time, 18:35 when they really have been fresh for a while. 18:37 Oh, not very pleasant. 18:39 I think that there is a good way for us remember 18:41 how to figure out what things are good for us. 18:44 What that! I like easy rules, will it be easy? 18:47 It will be an easy rule. 18:48 First of all we have already seen that there are a lot 18:50 of colors, that's good. 18:51 the other thing is that, it grows. 18:54 It grows on trees, or it grows on the ground. 18:58 Okay, that is a good way to remember. 19:00 Now if you will look back here you will notice that 19:01 we have something growing on our tree. 19:03 Donuts, Yeah! 19:05 What do you think about that? 19:06 They grow, or do they? 19:08 Well Dr. Neblett, the only problem with that 19:11 is that it is not a real tree, that is a pretend tree 19:16 I have there for decoration. 19:17 You are right, you are exactly right. 19:19 These don't grow on trees as a matter of fact, 19:20 we put them there. 19:22 I noticed they were man-made. They are man-made. 19:25 I would rather eat something that God made, 19:28 because what God makes it's much better for me, 19:31 than what man makes. 19:34 Oh, these simple fruits, and each one is simple by itself. 19:37 They are so important. 19:40 Added together they make a beautiful arrangement. 19:44 That's wonderful, I appreciate you telling us about that. 19:49 Did you know that one of the best ways to become 19:51 a good friend of Jesus is by spending personal time 19:54 with Him every day? 19:55 Well adults do that by praying and by 19:58 reading their Bibles. 19:59 But if you can't read it's kind of hard isn't it? 20:02 Or maybe you just like listening to tapes. 20:05 We'll here is a fun way to have your very own 20:07 devotions every morning when you get up. 20:09 Janice has made Morning Time Devotions for her kids, 20:13 and for you, complete with songs, prayers and stories. 20:18 For more information have your parents write to: 20:51 God gave me eyes, God gave me ears, 20:54 to see the life I'm living. 20:57 God help my heart to understand and share the love You've given. 21:03 to the young and old the black-and-white 21:07 moms and daddies too! 21:10 my neighbors and my friends at school, 21:14 to love somebody new. 21:16 to share God's love with you. 21:23 God give me eyes, God give me ears, 21:25 see the life I'm living. 21:28 Please help my heart to understand, 21:31 and share the love You've given. 21:34 To share the love You've given. 21:48 Are you ready for another story? 21:49 Yes! Now remember all these mysterious things 21:53 have been happening. 21:55 Everybody from the noises in the cave, to horses, and boats, 21:58 disappearing and coming back. 22:00 Now the most recent thing was Roy had planned to surprise 22:05 old Corky by finishing tarring his boat and would you 22:09 believe, when Roy got there to do it, 22:11 at 5:30 a. m., it was already done. 22:16 Roy pinched himself, he slapped his cheeks, and he 22:22 rubbed his eyes, because he couldn't figure out 22:24 who had done it. 22:25 So he went racing, pell-mell, down the beach, and 22:29 he went to old Corky's house. 22:32 Well old Corky was still sound to sleep. 22:35 Roy waited around and finally old Corky got up. 22:39 He said old Corky did you get up in the night 22:41 and finish your boat? 22:43 Corky said, no I didn't. 22:44 Nobody could figure out who had done it. 22:48 While they were still trying to figure out that, 22:51 something else happened. 22:53 A fisherman's wife, had been out on the fields gathering 22:57 peat, and when she came home from gathering peat, 23:01 her own only clock had disappeared. 23:04 Now she was very upset because you need a clock, don't you? 23:08 Now it was true that the clock hadn't been working very well. 23:13 But nonetheless, she still didn't want her clock to be 23:16 gone because she could have gotten it fixed. 23:19 Now Roy figured that it had to be one person who 23:23 was doing all these things. 23:26 Somehow he thought that all these things were connected. 23:29 But many people in the village said it can't be people, 23:33 it's got to be angels, but Roy was sure it was one person. 23:37 Furthermore, he was starting to suspect a boy by 23:43 the name of Pete. 23:44 Pete Malcolm was a quiet boy who didn't mix with the other 23:49 village kids very much, he stayed by himself a lot. 23:52 So Roy was suspicious it might be him. 23:55 Well he had seen him on the peat fields the same day 23:59 that the fishermen's clock had been stolen 24:02 and that's why he thought it might be him. 24:04 So Roy decided to go hiking, looking for clues. 24:08 Do you know, when he was out hiking, he was up 24:14 all one of the fields which was in behind and above 24:19 where the cave was and he was walking along 24:21 and he tripped on something. 24:25 He looked down and low and behold, at his feet 24:29 was a rusty clock spring from a clock, now 24:37 being the detective that he was feeling like he was, 24:41 he put it in his pocket and he decided not to tell 24:47 anybody about it. 24:48 Well, he went back home and he was just thinking 24:52 everything over and planned the next day that he was going 24:56 to do some really serious searching. 24:58 But the next day there as a terrible storm 25:02 and he couldn't even go out. 25:05 Well, he decided to take some time and spend some time 25:09 in his Uncle's store, because he had been so busy 25:12 since he came to Longview village, that he had hardly 25:14 even been in his Uncle's store much at all. 25:17 So he went into the store in the morning and started 25:20 to look around and it was so interesting, that was the 25:25 kind of store that you sold everything in one store. 25:27 It was called, a General Store. 25:29 There were brooms, there were dishes, there were big old Kegs 25:33 full of nails and screws, and nuts and bolts. 25:36 There were ladders, there was a clock, there was food 25:40 and big barrels with pickles in them, and different things. 25:44 There was another shelf that had jars of candy on them. 25:48 everything you could imagine was sold in that one store. 25:52 Big, old overhauls for men to wear, raincoats. 25:55 Well off in one corner of the store, was a pot belly stove. 25:59 kind of like mine. 26:01 You can imagine that on this rainy, windy day, 26:04 a stormy day, many people when they would come into 26:08 the store, do you think that they felt like going back out 26:11 of the store afterwards? 26:13 No! They didn't and so they would end up just finding 26:18 a chair and cozying up next to the pop belly stove. 26:21 Do you know they all started talking, and what do you think 26:27 they talked about? 26:29 The things that have been happening, and one 26:32 old lady would say, well I think it's got to be angels. 26:36 and another old man would say, huh, I think it some spy 26:41 that is out in the cave or something. 26:43 And someone else would say, the cave doesn't have 26:47 anything to do with it, well we just don't know what it is. 26:50 And they were all just chatting back-and-forth and everybody 26:53 was, some person would say, I think I heard this about it. 26:56 And someone else would say, but I saw so-and-so over there. 26:59 And someone else would say, and they were just all chatting, 27:02 back and forth and Roy was having the time of his life. 27:05 going from this group of people to this group of people 27:07 and asking this question and asking that question 27:08 because he was getting so much information when all of a sudden 27:13 the door to the store blew open and in burst none other 27:21 than Dr. Samuel McGreggor. 27:25 Are you wondering who he is? 27:28 Next time I'll tell you. 27:33 Did you get your mystery word yet? 27:35 It's earthworm, that's and 27:38 interesting one isn't it? 27:39 Remember we talked about the earthworms being so important 27:44 and yet most people don't think they are. 27:47 I hope that you do your jobs this week just like an earthworm 27:52 does, do then even if people don't notice. 27:55 Just do them well! 27:57 I'm looking forward to seeing you next time, Okay! |
Revised 2014-12-17