Participants: Janice Smith
Series Code: JA
Program Code: JA000011
00:01 Don't you just love pop belly stoves and fireplaces?
00:03 I do, there is nothing so cozy as to sit in front of 00:06 them and hear the crackling of the fire, but you know 00:10 they can be dangerous too. 00:11 And that is why when you work with them you need to 00:14 use things to protect you and that is why I have a 00:17 glove on for picking up the logs, you don't have to 00:20 do that but I like to just in case I get slivers. 00:22 And also the other reason that the glove is good is 00:25 for opening the door, because you see the door 00:28 is made of cast iron and the heat travels on it 00:30 and it's very hot. 00:31 Let's see, oh I don't actually need to put any more in. 00:34 There is already enough in there so I won't, but 00:37 sometimes you do need to check your fire and maybe 00:39 jiggle the logs around so they get down to the 00:41 hot coals so they burn better. 00:43 So when you do it you should always use something 00:46 like cast iron rod because otherwise using other 00:49 logs or stick, they can actually start to burn and 00:52 then the sparks can come out and catch your furniture 00:55 or your carpet on fire. 00:57 So it is very important to use your head and also use 01:01 special tools to protect yourself. 02:01 Do you have your pencil and paper ready for 02:03 our mystery word game? 02:04 Good, okay now remember when I am talking certain 02:07 words that I say are keywords. 02:10 And a keyword will come up on the side of the screen 02:13 right here and then the letter that is important from the 02:15 keyword will come across the screen and come over 02:19 this side into the right space of the mystery word. 02:22 It looks like today's mystery word has 5 letters. 02:26 So play close attention okay? 02:27 Now remember we were talking about protection 02:30 when we were in the attic? 02:31 Let's look that up in my computer dictionary. 02:34 Protection, let's see what would be the 02:37 root word of that? 02:38 I think it is protect, right? 02:40 So we will type that in P-R-O-T-E-C-T, 02:46 protect and then we want it to be protection 02:49 so we go I-O-N. 02:52 And let's find out what it means. 02:55 The condition of being kept from harm. 02:58 Do you like to be kept from harm? I do! 03:01 I think that protection must be important, 03:04 it is so important that God talks a lot about it 03:07 because God cares about us. 03:09 I just want to take a minute to read you a 03:12 special verse in Proverbs 2:8 and it says, 03:16 "God protects the way of His faithful ones. " 03:20 Isn't that a nice promise? 03:21 Not only that He has given us brains so that we 03:25 can think of things to make, and we can make them well, 03:28 that will protect us. 03:30 Let's go to my attic and play a guessing game 03:33 and just find some ordinary, 03:35 every day things that protect us. 03:37 Let's go! 03:41 You know what this is don't you? 03:42 A seatbelt, do you always remember to buckle-up? 03:46 I do, very important. 03:48 Let's have a guessing game, look around my attic 03:51 and see if you can find something that 03:54 won't protect your feet. 03:56 Okay, just kind of look around in all the corners. 03:59 It won't protect your feet, have you found it? 04:02 I think you did, it's a helmet isn't it? 04:05 Do you remember to put a helmet on when 04:09 you go bike riding? 04:10 How about when you go roller skating or 04:12 skateboarding, or rollerblading. 04:14 I will try it on, it doesn't fit me so this one 04:17 would not protect me very well. 04:19 It is important to get the right size 04:21 of a helmet for yourself. 04:23 Okay, let's guess on another one, 04:25 it's something that won't protect your head. 04:28 Okay, look around, just look in all the corners. 04:32 I will give you another clue, also it will help 04:36 you not to catch a cold. 04:38 Look around have you found them? 04:40 Boots, very important. 04:44 In the winter time when it is snowing or when it 04:46 is raining they are very important. 04:48 And these are nice and tall so they protect your 04:50 legs and keep you warm. 04:51 Okay this time it's something that has to be open 04:56 in order to work. 04:58 Okay, we'll look in each corner, it has to be open 05:01 in order to work. 05:03 Have you found it yet? 05:05 You are right it is an umbrella. 05:09 You know most people think of umbrellas for rainy days, 05:13 but umbrellas are also good for sunny days. 05:15 I've seen lots of people at the beach with the 05:17 umbrellas up to protect their faces and their 05:19 bodies from getting a sunburn. 05:20 Is it nice to have so many things to protect us 05:24 and keep us safe? 05:25 But remember they don't work for us a less we use them. 05:31 What keeps us safe. 05:33 What keeps us well. 05:34 What keeps us warm. 05:36 What keeps us healthy, 05:38 umbrellas, and boots, and glasses and shoes, 05:41 and coats, and mittens, and cars and trucks, 05:44 and hats and pencils, sun screen, and schools. 05:47 Protection, God's protection 05:50 What keeps us safe. 05:52 What keeps us well. 05:53 What keeps us warm. 05:55 What keeps us healthy. 05:57 Carrots, and cabbage, and vitamins too, 06:00 and parents and firemen, doctors, nurses 06:03 laws and rules, policeman at roads 06:06 Protection, God's protection 06:10 What keeps us safe. 06:11 What keeps us well. 06:13 What keeps us warm. 06:14 What keeps us healthy. 06:16 Protection, God's protection for me and you. 06:23 Come with me okay? 06:35 Hi! I'm Janice, what's been happening here? 06:37 Well my name is Dave and this is John, well hi John! 06:42 It looks as though kids have been playing with matches. 06:46 Oh, Ohhhhhh! You know my friends and I are just walking 06:51 on our way to the fire department and I would 06:52 like you to meet them. 06:53 How do you do! 06:55 Are you a real fireman? 06:56 Yes I've been a firefighter for about 15 years. 06:59 I have to keep my protective equipment in the back of 07:02 my car as well as an extinguisher. 07:03 You never know what's going to happen. 07:05 You can help with an emergency alongside the road, 07:07 or a fire, you never know. 07:09 Well you know we have been talking about protection 07:11 and safety today, so it sounds like you really 07:14 believe in being safe by carrying those things 07:16 with you all the time. - Absolutely! 07:18 Tell me about the extinguisher, 07:20 can anybody have one of those? 07:21 Certainly, you will probably find this in your kitchen 07:25 or a lot of people carry them in their car. 07:27 You can buy them anywhere around town, and what you 07:31 want to do is when you put a fire out, aim at the base 07:34 of the fire in a sweeping motion, put out the fire. 07:37 It has chemicals in it to put out the fire. 07:39 Yes it does. 07:40 So kids should tell their moms and dads 07:42 to get one of those? 07:43 Yes they should, they should at least keep one in their 07:47 kitchen and maybe keep one in their car or boat too. 07:50 Oh those are good ideas. 07:52 What can you tell us about your suit and 07:54 what you are wearing? 07:55 These are my boots and with these boots, they protect 08:00 you from nails or any type of hot ashes. 08:03 These are my turnout pants, my coat, my gloves, 08:07 my goggles and helmet. 08:08 Right and that helmet looks pretty tough. 08:11 Can John try it on? 08:13 Absolutely - I know kids like to try on fire helmets. 08:20 Tell us a little bit more about, I see these flaps 08:22 hanging down - yes that flap in the back protect your ears from 08:27 heat, and your neck. 08:28 If any hot ambers fall onto the helmet this 08:31 bill back here will cause it to fall and roll off the back 08:34 instead of down your collar and burning you. 08:36 So that is an important protective thing! - Absolutely! 08:39 Well what kind of safety rules could 08:42 tell my friends. 08:43 I would say number one, never ever 08:46 play with matches or lighters. 08:47 And if you see any other children playing with matches or 08:50 lighters, go tell an adult or parent right away. 08:54 That sounds like an important rule. 08:55 John tell me something, have you ever played with 08:58 matches or lighters? 08:59 Nope I always follow my dad's rules. 09:01 That's great I hope my friends will do that too. 09:04 He's wise you take note of that. 09:07 Are there any other safety rules you can tell us? 09:10 Absolutely, in the kitchen if you ever see anything 09:13 on fire on the stove what you want to do is to turn 09:16 the gas off right way and put a lid on top of it, 09:20 which will smother it. 09:21 And of course number one call the fire department 09:23 right away - because they are there to help us 09:26 aren't they - exactly. 09:27 Well thank you very much Dave and John for sharing 09:30 these safety rules with us. 09:31 We really appreciate you taking the time to do that. 09:33 It was a pleasure - thank you we will see you. 09:36 Let's go! 09:41 Hey friends if you love all the fun things you get to 09:44 do with Janice and her friends you will flip over this. 09:47 It's Janice's activity book loaded with fun this book 09:51 teaches scripture through mazes, puzzles, dot to dot 09:54 games, coloring and more. 09:56 And the best part is, it's FREE! 09:59 Let's take a look inside. 10:01 The scripture on this page says: 10:07 Now let's circle the pictures that are the same. 10:10 That is right you have got the idea. 10:13 There are many more fun filled activities in this book 10:16 just waiting for you. 10:17 By the way, did I mention it's FREE! 10:20 To get your very own copy have your mom or dad write to: 10:42 God has given Loons a special instinct to know how to 10:45 protect their babies. 10:46 When it comes time to choose a nest they often choose to 10:50 make a nest right near the water's edge. 10:52 So they gathered together bits of weeds and grasses and 10:57 leaves and form a little nest and then they lay eggs. 11:01 They always lay 2 eggs and the eggs are kind of a 11:05 brownish, greenish, speckled color. 11:07 And they lay them into the nest and cover them over with 11:11 the grasses and weeds and then it comes time to sit on 11:14 the eggs and keep them warm. 11:16 They sit there for 30 days. 11:18 The mother and the father Loon take turns sitting there. 11:21 While they are sitting there they have to be constantly 11:24 on the alert for dangers because raccoons are an enemy 11:28 that would love to eat some tasty Loon and eggs for dinner. 11:32 Otters are another enemy, and another enemy is Mr. skunk. 11:35 If the Loons see one of these enemies coming near the 11:38 nest, right away they jumped into the water and swim 11:42 just as far away as possible so the enemy animals, 11:46 like skunk or the raccoon, won't know where the nest 11:48 is and it will distract them away from the nest. 11:52 Well pretty soon it comes time for Hatch Day, 11:55 after 30 days it's hatch day. 11:57 Do you have a Hatch Day? 11:58 No you don't you have a birthday. 12:01 Well on Hatch Day those little Loons just peck their way 12:05 out of the eggs and once they have pecked out they are 12:10 all wet and sticky, but within maybe an hour or so their 12:14 wings are all fluffy and their feathers are all fluffy. 12:19 They are just the cutest little ball of fluff 12:21 you could ever imagine. 12:22 Believe it or not they can swim within just a few hours 12:26 after their birth they can swim. 12:28 Now I know you couldn't do that, but they sure can. 12:30 But even though they can swim, 12:32 they do get tired quite quickly. 12:34 So then the mother and father will come very close and 12:38 let them hop onto their back and go for piggyback ride. 12:41 And the mother will swim for a long ways 12:44 with her babies up on top of her back. 12:47 Now you know God has given the Loons another thing 12:50 that really makes it easy for them to swim and 12:53 stay in the water well. 12:55 It's a special tool, their feathers are so close 12:59 together that it makes them waterproof so the water 13:04 can't get in and drag them down. 13:06 But you know sometimes when they are out there floating 13:09 along, swimming along looking for food and so forth 13:12 they may see an enemy animal out on the water. 13:15 So God has given them a special trick to protect 13:18 themselves, they squish their feathers together, 13:21 tighter than ever and it's squishes out all the extra 13:24 air because the air that was trapped up in the feathers 13:27 made it so that they floated better. 13:30 So they squish the feathers together to squish out the 13:33 air and that makes them lower down into the water. 13:36 Then they push all the extra air out of their lungs and 13:39 that makes them less buoyant and they go down, down, 13:43 down under the water so just a little bit of the head 13:46 is showing and that way they are hidden from the enemy. 13:49 I think God is so wonderful to give the Loons, 13:53 and all the animals the ways that He does 13:56 for protecting themselves. 14:00 The animals know, the animals know 14:06 how to protect their children. 14:12 The animals know, the animals know, 14:18 God taught them to love and care. 14:24 There is danger around, and food must be found. 14:31 Who will keep them safe and sound. 14:37 They need to be warm, secure in the storm 14:43 Who will keep them safe and sound. 14:49 The animals know, the animals know 14:55 how to protect their children. 15:02 The animals know, the animals know, 15:08 God taught them to love and care. 15:24 Well Officer Hiller I would like you to meet my friends. 15:26 Hi - can you show the kids your badge first off? 15:29 Sure! - Isn't that neat? 15:31 It says Conservation Police, tell us what a 15:35 Conservation Police Officer does? 15:37 Janice mainly what I do is that I protect the 15:40 lands and the waters. 15:42 I make sure that people do not harm them or abuse 15:45 the lands and waters so that when kids get older 15:48 they'll have lands and waters to enjoy themselves. 15:51 Sometimes people catch too many fish, or they may shoot 15:54 too many animals, and that is where I get involved. 15:58 Or sometimes people may chop down trees, they may drive 16:01 spikes in a tree, so I deal with a little bit of both 16:05 the animals and the forest and so forth. 16:08 What about baby animals in the springtime? 16:11 Well unfortunately everybody it's hard for people 16:14 to pass a cute baby animal. 16:17 The best thing they can do so is to leave it 16:20 in its natural state. 16:21 Just leave it alone, enjoy it, watch it, 16:24 but leave it out in nature. 16:27 What about if you find an animal that 16:30 is injured or something? 16:32 Best thing to do is not to mess with it your self, 16:36 because number one there could be something, 16:38 it may be carrying some kind of a disease that 16:40 you do not want to be exposed to. 16:42 Best thing they can do is to get a 16:44 hold of their local authorities. 16:45 And they will either pick the animal up themselves, 16:48 or they will contact somebody who is trained in 16:51 handling the animal, and also is trained 16:53 how to feed it, and take care of it, 16:55 and raise it up until it is strong enough 16:58 to be released into the wild. 16:59 Have you ever had to take an animal away from anybody? 17:02 One time it was really interesting. 17:04 I had to take a raccoon that an individual had, 17:08 he wanted to make a pet out of, 17:11 and unfortunately I had to go ahead and 17:13 take it from him. 17:14 The raccoon was already pretty good sized and 17:18 I put him in a box, securely taped the box up. 17:22 I'm driving in my truck to the Federal Natural Refuge 17:27 where animals are protected. 17:29 I was going to release him there, but while I was 17:31 driving down the road, all of a sudden I looked 17:34 on my shoulder and here was this raccoon sitting 17:36 right on my shoulder. 17:38 He kind of sat on my shoulder and purred a little bit. 17:41 I was driving along and people were coming by and see 17:44 that raccoon on my shoulder and probably thought he's 17:47 really serious about his job. 17:48 Anyway I got him to the Refuge and let him go 17:51 and he climbed right up a tree so I would say 17:54 he's in good shape. 17:55 So you took him to a proper refuge where he will 17:58 be safe and taken care of - yes. 18:00 Well I just thank you for being here. 18:03 I'm sure you have to get to work but 18:05 we all thank you for coming - thank you! 18:09 Did you know that one of the best ways to become 18:12 a good friend of Jesus is by spending personal time 18:14 with Him every day? 18:15 Well adults do that by praying and by 18:18 reading their Bibles. 18:19 But if you can't read it's kind of hard isn't it? 18:22 Or maybe you just like listening to tapes. 18:25 We'll here is a fun way to have your very own 18:27 devotions every morning when you get up. 18:29 Janice has made morning time devotions for her kids, 18:33 and for you, complete with songs, prayers and stories. 18:37 For more information have your parents write to: 19:10 Hello Dr. Neblett - Hello Janice! 19:11 We've just been studying about the animals and how God 19:14 has given them an instinct to protect their young. 19:17 And we also learned that we have a responsibility to 19:20 protect the environment around them. 19:22 Sounds like we have better take good care of it. 19:24 You are precisely right! 19:26 While there is something else we should take care of, 19:27 well what is that? 19:29 It happens to be the largest organ on your body, 19:31 what do you think it is? 19:32 Your legs because then you can run away. 19:34 No, no it is not! - it's not? 19:35 Nope, try again - um! 19:37 Your hair because you have so much of it. 19:39 People have a lot to of hair but that's not it. 19:42 Do you want me to tell you what it is? 19:43 Yeah - it's your skin - my skin? 19:48 Your skin - oh well it is everywhere. 19:50 Did you know your skin was an organ? 19:53 No, I never knew that! 19:54 It is very important too, let me show you. 19:57 If you didn't have skin you would look like 20:00 Frank over here - oooh! 20:03 Your muscles would be exposed and you would 20:06 be in a lot of trouble. 20:08 I would probably be uncomfortable - not only 20:10 that the skin does something very important. 20:13 Let me show you with an orange right here. 20:15 This is the skin of the Orange and I am going to 20:18 take it off - um hum! 20:20 Okay what do you see? 20:21 The bare orange underneath the real orange. 20:24 Well what to you think would happen if it did 20:26 not have the skin? 20:27 Well it would get all dried out and probably 20:31 go moldy really fast. 20:32 Would you want even an orange that look like that? 20:34 No - I don't think so! 20:35 What about bugs, do you think bugs would have an 20:38 easier time getting in if the skin was on top of it, 20:41 or if the skin was off? - oh this way for sure they 20:44 would gobble it up right away. 20:46 That tells us a couple of important things about our skin. 20:49 My skin just isn't a big, big bag. 20:56 I'm not walking around in a big, big bag. 21:03 Protects me from the weather, 21:05 helps control my temperature, 21:08 it keeps me altogether, this is no ordinary bag. 21:15 My skin just isn't a big, big bag. 21:19 I'm not walking around in a big, big bag. 21:26 It senses things around me, fingers prints gives identity. 21:33 It feeds me vitamin D, this is no ordinary bag. 21:38 My skin just isn't a big, big bag. 21:44 I'm not walking a round in a big, big bag. 21:50 My skin isn't just a big, big bag. 21:57 God made my skin more than a big, big bag. 22:11 Are you ready for another story? 22:12 Yes - now remember in Longview Village lots of 22:16 mysterious things have been happening. 22:19 There were the noises in the cave, and then the things 22:22 like the boat and the horse disappearing, and the old 22:26 widow who got the food given to her and she didn't 22:29 know who it came from. 22:30 So many things and now old Peter McDonald is mystified 22:37 over who has cleaned his house. 22:39 Roy and his father and uncle are still standing there, 22:43 but they are getting so tired and they want to stay and 22:47 visit Peter more, because Peter was so excited. 22:49 But they decide to go because they are just so tired 22:52 they needed to go. 22:53 As Roy drug himself home to bed that night, 22:57 all of a sudden he said to himself, why didn't I ask 23:02 Peter McDonald what they made him for supper? 23:06 Why didn't I ask? 23:09 Because remember he had sniffed something in the air, 23:12 but he couldn't figured out what it was he had sniffed. 23:16 Ahhh, I should have asked. 23:18 Well the next morning they all got up late, because 23:21 remember they went to bed really late after their hike. 23:24 They all got up late and they were eating their 23:27 breakfast slow and all of a sudden in burst through 23:31 the door spinster McKay. 23:33 She was 70 years old, and she just come flying in that 23:37 door, Mr. Rash Mr. Rash you just will never believe 23:39 what happened, I'm so blub blub blub blub blub blub! 23:42 She was just as mad as an old hen, 23:44 someone had stolen her Peat. 23:47 Now in Scotland Peat is very important because it is what 23:51 you use to heat your houses with. 23:53 You cut it, and let it dry, and then you can use it 23:56 to burn for heating your little houses. 23:59 Well of course an old woman like her would be very 24:02 upset if someone stole her Peat. 24:04 I guess she had went out into the fields, 24:06 she had cut it, and had it out to dry and had gone 24:11 back to get it that very morning. 24:13 When she got there it was gone, 6 baskets full of it. 24:21 She was upset, why Roy which just, 24:25 his ears were just flapping. 24:26 He was trying to imagine who had done it. 24:29 He finished his breakfast just as fast as he could and 24:33 he was going to get out there and find out who did it. 24:36 On his way, while he was walking out to the Peat fields, 24:39 he met Oscar and Bruce. 24:41 So they helped him, they searched everywhere but do you 24:44 think they could find any Peat? 24:47 Not even any of it, none of it. 24:49 So they were very discouraged, 24:52 but what else could you do. 24:55 Roy said to them do you think it has anything to do 24:57 with the people in the cave? 24:58 An Oscar and Bruce just laughed and said Roy, 25:02 do you think people in a cave would want Peat? 25:06 And besides that Roy there is nobody in that cave we searched. 25:11 So Roy went back to his uncle's store and would you 25:15 believe he just gets in the door of the store and 25:19 there is his uncle with another story. 25:21 The Peat was at Miss McKay's house all neatly 25:27 stacked right behind her house. 25:31 Who could have done it? 25:33 Who would have done it was the question 25:37 that everybody was asking? 25:39 Well Roy was just stumped, who did it?. 25:46 So he decided to go for a walk. 25:48 Well he went out walking and he got down to the beach 25:51 and there was Old Corky. 25:53 Old Corky but actually his real name, 25:56 was John McCorkindale. 25:59 That is a long name isn't it? 26:00 So they all called him Old Corky. 26:03 Well Old Corky was just the best one to talk to, 26:08 he had so many stories, and he was out working on his 26:11 boat trying to tar it, to make it waterproof. 26:14 So Roy went and started talking to him and listening 26:18 to his stories, and he even started to help Old Corky 26:22 because he thought he should help him. 26:24 Well by and by as the afternoon went on Old Corky's 26:28 back started to get sore and he said, 26:31 I'm going to have to quit. 26:32 I'm going to finish it tomorrow Roy thank you for 26:34 helping me but I got to go home I'm not feeling good. 26:37 His Rheumatics were getting to him, as he called them. 26:42 So poor Old Corky felt so bad that Roy had to help him 26:47 hobble home, he had to lean on Roy's shoulder. 26:49 Well the next morning Roy woke up early, about 5 o'clock 26:53 and all of a sudden he had a good idea. 26:56 He thought I know what I will do, I'll go down to the 26:59 beach and I will finish putting the tar on Corky's boat 27:02 for him and then it will be a surprise for him. 27:05 So he jumped out of bed, he had never woken up so early 27:08 before, and he threw on his clothes. 27:10 He was so excited and went racing down to the beach. 27:15 He pinched himself and rubbed his eyes and he looked, 27:19 there was the boat finished. 27:24 Are you wondering who did it? 27:28 So was he, next time we will find out more. 27:35 Have you been paying attention to our mystery word? 27:37 It was an easy one today, wasn't it? 27:39 Safety, I'm so glad that you are safe and that 27:45 you were able to watch today, and I am looking forward 27:48 to seeing you next week. |
Revised 2014-12-17