Participants: Janice Smith
Series Code: JA
Program Code: JA000006
00:02 I'm glad you made it up just in time!
00:03 I'd just love being up for this! 00:05 So many fun things to do and right now I'm looking 00:08 for something! 00:09 Oh Bunny, how can you help me with your ears and whinny! 00:11 Ricky, you've all fallen over and over again! 00:13 Let's see! They have wheels and... I've found them already! 00:18 They have wheels and you put them on with straps and 00:22 they are really fun! Can you guess? 00:25 I'll show them to you! 00:27 They're roller-skates just like what I had when 00:32 I was a little girl and in just a minute I'll tell you 00:35 a story about them. OK? 00:45 It's so good to see you again! 00:48 Come up for a visit, my friend! 00:52 There's so much to do, I have so many things planned for you! 01:00 We'll laugh and we'll play, 01:03 we'll sing and we'll pray, 01:05 I'll tell you a story I took and 01:08 we'll be friends you and I, 01:15 yes, you and I 01:16 and J e s u s! 01:22 You know, these skates are very fancy compared to the 01:25 roller-skates that people have nowadays, but 01:27 they surely were fancy when I was a little girl! 01:30 And I wanted a pair so bad so I begged my folks 01:34 to get me a pair! 01:35 But they said, "Janice, number 1 we don't have enough money, 01:39 and number 2 you don't have a place to ride them anyway, 01:42 because there're so many rocks on the driveway." 01:44 So I went and I thought about that. 01:47 And I came up with an idea. 01:49 I went back to my dad and I said 01:50 "Dad, I've got a good idea! 01:52 How about if I sweep all the rocks off the driveway, 01:55 then I'll have a place to skate!" 01:57 And he said, "That'll be a good idea!" 01:59 And I said, "And you could pay me for sweeping them off and 02:01 then I'll have money to buy the skates with." 02:03 My dad laughed at me, but after he'd done laughing, he said, 02:06 "OK. You've come up with a plan. Let's do it." 02:09 So the very next day after school, I started sweeping 02:12 and I swept and I swept and I swept... 02:14 And I was so tired when I went to bed that day and 02:16 the next day I swept and I swept and I swept and again 02:19 I was so tired when I went to bed that day and 02:20 that went on for day after day after day and 02:23 my arms would get sore, my back would get sore and 02:27 I started to think to myself, 02:29 "I'm never going to get these rocks swept off this driveway 02:33 and I started to think, 02:34 Maybe I don't want a pair of skates anyways. 02:36 But then I was thinking, No, I do want a pair! 02:39 So I'd go back and work some more. 02:41 Well, finally after many days, I had the day came when I was 02:45 able to go to my dad and say, 02:48 "I've got all the rocks off the driveway." And he got all his 02:52 wallet and... he paid me. 02:55 And then we went down to the store and we bought my skates. 02:59 That was such a happy day because I now had skates! 03:04 And I remember it was so much fun to skate on those skates 03:08 and every time when I skated on those skates on that driveway 03:11 without any rocks, I thought to myself, "I earned these skates 03:15 all by myself and they made me feel so good about myself!" 03:18 You know, that's all work is all about! 03:21 It makes you feel good, you accomplished something useful 03:24 and there's lots of things you can do. 03:26 There're jobs for everybody! 03:28 Let's go meet carpenter Don and his helpers now! 03:31 Come on! 03:34 We need to make this shelf, make sure it's the correct size 03:37 guys! 03:39 Hello, carpenter Don! 03:41 Hello, Janice! 03:42 I'd like you to meet my friends! 03:44 Hi! 03:45 And I'd like you to meet carpenter Don! 03:47 It's a pleasure! 03:48 And I also have two friends that are helping me today, 03:50 Nathan and Matthew! 03:51 We're glad to meet them, aren't we? 03:53 Do you mind if we stay and watch you for a few minutes? 03:56 It's fine. 03:59 If you goanna watch, you'd have to watch it with safety glasses. 04:02 I'll put these on. 04:03 These are safety glasses? 04:05 Oh my, how do I look? 04:07 They look different when I look through them. 04:11 Yes, they do, but they protect your eyes so that wood chips 04:14 won't fall into your eyes and hurt your eyes. 04:16 That's a good idea! 04:18 Because they're very important to save your eyes. 04:20 And everybody has to have them on I see! 04:23 So what are you making? 04:25 Well, we're making a set of book shelves. 04:28 The guys and I are having a good time making these shelves 04:31 for the house and we had to follow our blueprints, 04:36 the plans that we have so that everything will fit together, 04:39 when we go to put it together. 04:41 Right now, we're checking out the measurements on that print, 04:44 we need to be very precise. 04:46 Let's see if Matthew and Nathan must get a really measurement 04:51 on here. 04:52 Nathan, hold the end there. 04:54 Yes, it's got to be exact when you do that. 04:58 26 and 3/8, that's correct! 05:01 I see it's important that they hold it at the right place. 05:05 Right. To be dependable. 05:07 Very, very dependable. 05:09 Because if he'd let it go, 05:10 I feel all your measurements are off, wouldn't it? 05:12 Yes, it would and then everything wouldn't fit. 05:14 What do we have here? 05:15 Matthew, have 14, that's correct. 05:19 So this the correct size of shelf. 05:21 We have a little problem. 05:25 We're making another shelf and 05:27 the shelf, I believe this is the correct one, 05:34 here's our broken one, right here. 05:37 Aha, it wasn't broken, it was miscut. 05:40 We weren't being precise with our square ness! 05:43 I'll show you how to square this. 05:46 Let's see. Line that up. Exactly. 05:48 So this is called the square! 05:51 Yes, the framing square. 05:53 And we put a line here and yes, 05:56 it does show we're out of square by 3 quarters of an inch. 05:59 So that just will not do. 06:01 It wouldn't fit, would it? It wouldn't fit. 06:03 So someone wasn't precise when they did that. 06:06 So you can see that being careful in how you measure 06:08 things is really important. 06:10 Very important. 06:11 And making your lines straight on everything. 06:13 Right. 06:14 And dependability when you're helping each other and 06:16 watching out and being very, very careful and 06:19 safety-conscious as you're working. 06:21 It looks that you have some dependable helpers here. 06:23 I do. I have two good ones. 06:25 That's great. 06:26 Thank you for letting us work with you, carpenter Don. 06:28 It's our pleasure to have you with us. 06:31 You'll need this and my friends and I are going to go and 06:34 see another carpenter now. 06:38 Our next carpenter spends most of his time working under water 06:41 Can you guess who he is? 06:42 You're right. He's Mr. Beaver. 06:45 And he's a very, very busy carpenter. 06:49 Did you know that every year beavers cut down over 200 trees? 06:55 That's a lot of trees to cut down, isn't it? 06:57 What do you think they use? 06:58 A saw, an axe? No! They use their teeth. 07:02 And God has given beavers some very special teeth. 07:06 Their teeth are like your finger nails. 07:08 They never, ever stop growing. 07:10 In fact, the harder a beaver works, the more trees 07:13 he cuts down, the sharper his teeth get. 07:16 Isn't that amazing? 07:18 And if he became a lazy beaver and just didn't bother going out 07:21 and cutting down trees, then his teeth would just get too long 07:24 and they'll get in and he could die. 07:27 So, for Mr. Beaver it's a good thing to work hard. 07:30 And he just keeps busy all the time, cutting down trees 07:34 and branches and building up his den to be just the right size 07:39 and he uses mud and plants, anything he can use to make it 07:43 large and damp, just the right size. 07:47 Would you like to see a real tree that the beaver cut down? 07:51 A beaver near my home cut this log down and if you look 07:55 real closely you'll be able to see the actual marks that 07:58 his teeth made. 08:00 And when he cut it down, these were some of the pieces that 08:04 he bit off with his teeth. 08:08 I don't think I'd want to be a beaver, 08:10 but God has made beavers with just the right tools so that 08:14 they can work hard and do just the right job 08:18 that they need to do. 08:25 Busy, busy, beaver? 08:28 You work from dawn till dusk, 08:30 You have no degree behind your name, 08:36 and yet you are many things just the same. 08:40 Engineer, architect, carpenter in a bustling 08:45 little ball of fur. 08:47 Busy as a beaver, busy as a beaver, I'll be busy today. 08:56 You are God's teacher from the wild, showing how to be 09:02 God's little child: careful, thorough, dear with 09:07 a great big toothy smile. 09:14 Hey, kids, if you love all the fun things you get to do 09:16 with Janice and her friends, you'll fill in over this. 09:19 It's Janice's Activity Book. 09:21 Loaded with fun, this book teaches Scripture through 09:23 mazes, puzzles, games, coloring and more... 09:29 And the best part is it's FREE! 09:31 Let's take a look inside! 09:33 The Scripture on this page says: 09:40 Now, let's circle the pictures that are the same! 09:42 That's right! You got the idea! 09:45 There're many more fun- filled activities in this book 09:49 just waiting for you! 09:50 By the way, did I mention, It's FREE! 09:53 To get your very own copy, have your mom or dad write to.. 10:06 or call... 10:10 Don't wait! Order yours TODAY! 10:15 This busy worker is one that's found in most every 10:19 part of the world. 10:20 In fact, you may have even found this worker 10:22 right inside your house! 10:25 Can you imagine that? 10:26 Have you guessed what he is? 10:27 You're right. He's an ant. 10:30 You know, ants are very, very small, 10:33 but they are very strong. 10:35 An ant can carry 27 times its own weight. 10:40 Charles, can you come here? 10:42 That means that if Charles was a little ant, 10:45 he'd be able to carry a small car. 10:48 Isn't that amazing? 10:49 It sure is. 10:51 I'll tell you ants are very amazing creatures. 10:54 You know these ants are so busy! 10:58 Maybe you've looked at an ant hill and on the outside 11:01 of an ant hill, you've just seen them all scurrying around. 11:03 It looks like the ants aren't doing anything, 11:05 but they are... 11:06 They are busy working, 11:08 they are carrying food and storing it away. 11:11 They're cleaning tunnels, they're building new tunnels. 11:14 They're taking care of the little baby ant eggs. 11:17 They're very busy working. 11:19 So I'll tell you what! 11:20 The next time you're walking down the road or wherever 11:23 you are and if you see a little ant crawling on the ground or 11:26 maybe crawling up on your shoe, you just bend right down and 11:30 you look at that little ant straight in the eye and you say, 11:33 "Mr. Ant, thank you for teaching me how to be persevering 11:36 and hard-working! In fact, I think I'll tell the ant 11:40 'Thank you' right now. 11:49 Oh, little ant, I'm bigger than you, 11:53 but I have lots to learn from you. 11:57 Oh, little ant, I need to work like you! 12:01 The upper, rounder, larger road you still come through. 12:04 Oh, little ant, I'm bigger than you, 12:09 but I can work so hard like you! 12:19 Hi, you know, what do you think about learning how to work? 12:22 Is it that you can work in the kitchen and you'll be able to 12:25 help your mom and dad? That's really good because when 12:28 you learn how to do things in the kitchen, you can learn 12:32 to make some healthy things and I'd like to show you 12:34 how to make something that's good for you and they 12:37 taste really good, it's a good dessert. 12:38 But I'll need the helper and Jana 12:40 I'm wondering if you can come and help. 12:42 Would you like to come? 12:44 We're going to make something really delicious, Jana and 12:46 it's called peanut butter cookies. 12:49 Did you wash your hands before you came? 12:51 Yes. 12:52 Good. 12:53 You always want to wash your hands before you start 12:54 working in the kitchen. 12:55 That's really important. 12:57 The first thing you put in peanut butter cookies is... 12:59 peanut butter! 13:02 That's right! And you measure a half a cup! 13:04 And you take your spatula and you scrape it up, really up, 13:08 because you don't want to waste! 13:09 When I was a little girl, my mom had a saying, 13:12 "Waste not, want not!" 13:15 So I'm going to scrape well so that you won't waste any. 13:18 You put in your peanut butter. 13:21 The next thing you put in is a quarter cup of honey. 13:29 It's not very much, but it makes it sweet enough 13:32 but we don't want them too sweet because honey is a sugar and 13:33 then we want to put in two tablespoons of oil. 13:37 See how big the tablespoon looks! It's nice and big! 13:41 And we put two of those! 13:43 And the next thing that we're putting in is 13:45 half a teaspoon of vanilla! 13:48 That's one that's this size! 13:50 And then we're going to put in a quarter of teaspoon of salt. 13:54 That's not very big, is it? 13:55 So we put that in and then we want to start 13:58 getting all stirred well. 14:00 Would you like to stir that for me, Jana? 14:02 You can stir that really well. 14:04 While Jana's stirring that, I'd like to show you the flour 14:07 that we're going to put in. 14:09 You look at these two flours and you tell me which one 14:11 do you think is whole-wheat flour? 14:14 Can you guess? You're right. 14:17 It's this one because it's darker and the reason it is 14:19 darker is because it hasn't gone through the refining process. 14:23 You see, white flour they've refined it 14:25 and when they refined it, they took out 14:27 most of the good vitamins and minerals and the fiber and 14:30 whole-wheat flour is much better for you because it still has 14:35 all the fiber and has everything in it that God put in the wheat 14:39 to begin with it, that's very good for us. 14:42 And we want to put in 14:44 a whole cup of whole-wheat flour 14:46 So, I'll fill this cup just a little more. 14:51 And we'll put it in like this! 14:54 Jenny, you just keep right on stirring! 14:58 And you want to get all the ingredients all stirred 15:01 around real carefully so that you have a nice even consistency 15:05 in your cookies because you wouldn't want your cookies 15:09 to have a lump of peanut butter in one place or 15:11 a lump of honey in another place. You want it all evenly 15:14 mixed together and while Janna's stirring well, 15:16 I'll spray some shortening unto here. It's nice to use 15:20 a spray shortening because then it's not as high a fat content 15:24 for your cookies. 15:25 Would you like me to help you finish that for a minute, Jana? 15:28 Stirring together is a little bit hard, isn't it? 15:30 In fact, sometimes you can even mix your fingers and your hands, 15:33 at the very end because at peanut butter cookie, 15:35 that's sometimes what you need to do. 15:38 That's good to scrape off the spatula. 15:45 And then we can start rolling them into balls. 15:49 And you can just set the spatula down to the side there. 15:53 That's great. 15:54 And then we can start rolling them into the nice little balls 15:57 and shaping them into the cookies. 16:01 And line them up neatly unto the tray. 16:05 I'll move this spatula out of the way. 16:10 You can roll a few more and 16:13 I'll start squashing them down with a fork. 16:17 Well, you know, Jana and I are 16:20 going to finish working on these cookies now and 16:27 while we're doing that 16:28 why don't you look at some other ways that kids can be helpful 16:33 and the kids can do work. 16:34 And you look right now while Jana and I are finishing 16:37 with the cookies. Are you ready? 16:38 Start looking! 16:41 Washing dishes is a great way. 16:44 We wouldn't want to eat of dirty dishes, would we? 16:46 Whew, stacking wood that gives you B I G muscles! 16:53 And folding clothes! 16:54 That's the only way to keep your drawers organized! 16:59 Gardening is a good way to get exercise and it's fun too! 17:05 Picking up the litter helps keep the playground neat and tidy! 17:11 And mowing the lawn makes your yard look BEAUTIFUL! 17:17 Well, we let our cookies baked for 8 minutes and we baked them 17:20 at 350 for 8 minutes. 17:22 And Jana, you're tasting one, right now. 17:24 What do you think of it? 17:25 Really, really good. 17:28 Oh, I think I'd like to taste one too. 17:30 And remember this is something you can make at home, 17:34 because they're easy and they're good for you too. 17:37 I'm going to taste one too! 17:38 And we're going away for a minute, but we'll be back 17:41 and I think we have a friend waiting for us outside. 17:44 See you there! 17:47 Did you know that one of the best ways to become a good 17:49 friend of Jesus is by spending 17:51 personal time with Him every day? 17:53 Well, adults do it by praying and by reading their Bibles. 17:56 But if you can't read it, it's kind of hard, isn't it? 18:00 Or maybe you dislike listening to tapes. 18:02 Well, here's a fun way to have your very own devotions 18:06 every morning when you get up. 18:07 Janice has made this morning-time devotions 18:09 for kids and for you, 18:12 complete with songs, prayers and stories! 18:14 For more information, have your parents write to... 18:33 or call... 18:46 "Hi, Doctor Nevis!" "Hello, Janice!" 18:49 Can you tell our friends what we're doing outside here? 18:52 We're out here because we want to talk about EXERCISE! 18:54 E X E R C I S E! 18:56 Exercise is really important to help, 18:58 to build strong bones and muscles! 19:01 Tell me why is exercise important to do that? 19:04 We know that when we don't exercise something, 19:08 your muscles get to be really weak and flabby and 19:12 your bones don't stay strong at all! 19:15 It's really important to exercise! 19:18 When you exercise your muscles get nice and big and 19:20 your bones get great and strong! 19:23 I know there're kids out there that want to have strong muscles 19:27 Oh yes! 19:28 What can they do to get exercise in order to be strong? 19:31 Well, you know, the games that we play outside give us 19:35 a lots of great exercise because we strengthen our muscles and 19:39 our arms and our legs too. 19:42 And when we're indoors, we can get exercise when we're helping 19:45 mommy or daddy! 19:46 Helping is giving exercise? 19:48 You know how we can do that? 19:50 How? Tell me! 19:51 When we're going up and down the stairs, 19:52 when we're helping to carry things for mom or carrying 19:54 things for dad, we get our exercise. 19:57 Good point. 19:59 What about if we're shopping and we can have a choice between 20:01 an elevator or stairs? 20:03 How should we convince our mom which way? 20:05 We'll get much more exercise 20:07 when we go up and down the stairs! 20:09 A very good thing for us to do! 20:12 Remember that when you're outside or when you're inside 20:15 doing your exercise, you're helping to build 20:18 a healthy mind and a real strong body. 20:21 That's the way God wants it for us. 20:23 And you're saying 20:24 we can get exercise in lots of the little things 20:26 we do around the house. 20:28 That's right. 20:29 It's a lot more fun doing them, sitting down and looking at TV! 20:32 I think so. Those kids look that they're having fun! 20:34 They surely are! They surely are! 20:36 I'll tell you what. We need to go to our story corner now. 20:39 Then after story corner's over, you can go out and play. 20:41 You come with me and thank you Dr.Nevis 20:44 for telling us about exercise. 20:46 You're welcome. 20:47 OK. Let's go. 20:50 It feels good to relax after a busy day of work, doesn't it? 20:54 And I just like sitting here by my stove, up in my attic. 20:58 I really love reading stories. How about you? 21:00 Have you got all comfortable? 21:01 I sure am. 21:05 Father placed an affectionate arm around 14-year old Bill as 21:08 he started talking to him. 21:09 "Our country is in very difficult financial times and 21:13 the 55 dollars that I earn each month isn't enough any more. 21:17 Your mother and I are having a very hard time 21:20 making the ends meet. 21:21 We all love each other lots, but with eleven in our family, 21:25 there just isn't enough money to go around. 21:28 You know Bill we had several offers to put some of the 21:31 younger children into other homes. 21:33 And I've been thinking, maybe we should accept one of the offers. 21:36 What do you think?" 21:38 Bill gave his father an anxious look as he 21:41 emphatically answered, 21:43 "No, never, father, we won't let any of the children get put 21:47 in different homes! 21:48 I'm the oldest and I can go find a job! 21:50 We must all stay together!" 21:53 "I knew I could count on you, son!" 21:56 Father looked relieved as he patted Bill on the shoulder. 21:59 "But listen, before you go looking for a job, 22:02 I want to give you a secret key. 22:06 Remember it, son, because it will bring you great success! 22:10 He carefully took a small package out of his pocket 22:14 and handed it to Bill. 22:16 Bill was very curious as he began opening the package. 22:19 Inside was a key. 22:22 He wondered what his father 22:24 meant by giving him an ordinary key. 22:26 But then he turned it over and on the back, he read: 22:31 "Do more than is expected of you." 22:35 Bill thought about those words as he started out 22:38 in search of a job. 22:40 "Do more than is expected of you." 22:43 The words rang in his ears. They became a part of him. 22:47 He went from place to place, applying for work. 22:50 When he applied for a job at the Union Pacific Railroad, 22:54 the foreman liked what he saw. 22:55 So he gave Bill his first job. 22:57 Bill's job was to work in the railroad shops where mechanics 23:01 repair the locomotives. 23:02 He had to sweep all the rooms in the building. 23:05 He would be working in night shift from 7 in the evening 23:08 until 7 in the morning. 23:11 And his wages would be 15 dollars a month. 23:15 He put his father's secret into action. 23:18 He always did more than was expected of him. 23:21 After all his sweeping jobs were done, 23:24 he'd go help the telegraph agent. 23:26 This was more than he was expected to do. 23:28 The agent said he was a right, promising boy and taught him 23:31 how to send messages along the telegraph wires. 23:35 Two years passed. 23:37 The day came when a new clerk was needed 23:40 in the maintenance department. 23:42 The foreman in charge of sweeping and the telegraph 23:45 agent both gave a good recommendation about Bill. 23:48 They said, "He was a right, promising boy who always 23:51 did more than was expected of him." 23:55 So he got the job. 23:56 He kept the same habits in his new job as 23:59 clerk of maintenance department. 24:01 He always did more than he was paid for. 24:04 When he'd finished all the work the clerk was expected to do, 24:07 he went and helped the time keeper. 24:10 After a few years, the time keeper retired. 24:13 And Bill became the time keeper. 24:15 He was rising higher and higher in the business. 24:18 In his new job, Bill used his secret again. 24:21 He was always willing to do more than he was paid for. 24:25 Soon, he was moved up to 24:27 very responsible position of train dispatcher. 24:30 He had to make sure that some of the trains running through 24:34 his state run on schedule. 24:36 After a while, he was promoted 24:38 to the position of the chief train dispatcher. 24:41 Now, he was responsible for keeping all the trains 24:45 running through his state on time. 24:47 And his salary was 120 dollars a month. 24:52 Quite an improvement over what he had been paid for 24:55 his first sweeping job and that was even more than 24:58 his dad was earning now! 25:00 Because he'd developed good habits in all his other jobs, 25:03 he continued to use his magic secret. 25:06 The Union Pacific Railroad Company needed a train master. 25:10 The local railroad officials searched for a responsible 25:14 person to fill the position. 25:15 And guess who is chosen? 25:18 You guessed it! Bill! 25:21 The young man who did more than he was paid for. 25:24 Soon a train master was needed in a larger city and 25:28 Bill was hired and higher paid. 25:31 All the train masters before him had examined the railroad tracks 25:35 while they sat in the back of 25:37 their comfortable private railroad cars, 25:40 but Bill was in the habit of doing every job better, 25:42 so he walked over every mile of the main line, 25:46 carefully inspecting the tracks 25:48 for any damaged or dangerous spots. 25:51 Now let's think of the beginning of our story. 25:55 The reason that Bill got a job 25:57 was to help his family stay together. 25:59 Do you remember what his first job was? 26:01 That's right. Sweeping floors 26:03 for the Union Pacific Railroad Company. 26:06 Well, he always did every job better than was expected of him. 26:10 So he kept getting better paying jobs. 26:14 And during the war practically every person 26:16 in the United States had heard of him 26:20 because he had become so wealthy and famous. 26:22 His full name was William M. Jeffers. 26:25 Later on, he even became the president of the 26:28 Union Pacific Railroad, which was one of the largest railroad 26:32 companies in the whole world. 26:34 Do you remember what his magic key was? 26:37 That's right. 26:39 Do more than is expected of you. 26:43 Let's say that together. 26:45 Do more than is expected of you! 26:48 Good. 26:50 When Bill was a boy, he got in the habit of doing more 26:52 than was expected of him. 26:54 And THAT was his key to success! 26:57 He used it in the little jobs, 26:59 the boring jobs and the difficult jobs. 27:02 And let me tell you a little secret. 27:05 That's a key that will make 27:09 you a happy, good worker too! 27:12 Whatever you do, do it all, whatever you do, do it all, 27:20 it may not be easy, it may not be hard, 27:25 but whatever you do, do it all! 27:31 Whatever you do, do your best! 27:34 Whatever you do, do your best! 27:39 It may not be easy, it may not be hard, 27:43 But whatever you do, do your best! 27:47 Whatever you do, do it all! 27:51 Whatever you do, do your best! 27:55 Let's both promise to do that, OK?! 27:58 See you next time. 28:00 Bye! |
Revised 2014-12-17