I Want This City

The Truth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IWTC

Program Code: IWTC000012A

00:08 Over the past sixty years there's been a massive decline
00:11 in foreign missions.
00:15 I'm sharing the gospel through Church Planting.
00:19 In the 1930's if somebody gave $10.00 in tithe,
00:22 they'd give an additional $6.00 in foreign missions.
00:24 Today just 28 cents!
00:27 We're doing the best we can with what we have,
00:30 but I'm still not satisfied.
00:35 God's crazy in love with the Thai people,
00:38 and I sense His Spirit hovering over the city.
00:40 I've come to Bangkok, Thailand to discover the truth
00:43 about foreign missions.
00:45 Come with me as I follow my good friend Pastor Doug Venn
00:48 in his everyday life as a frontline missionary.
00:50 I prayed for God's biggest dream,
00:52 and He gave me this city of 12 million.
00:57 Welcome to my world.
01:11 This three story building is being rented by the
01:14 Thailand Adventist Mission as a Church Plant Center here in a
01:17 Bangkok suburb called
01:21 The first floor is where all the meetings and activities are
01:24 conducted, while the Church Planting families live on the
01:26 second and third floors.
01:28 Today's a special day because they're having a children's
01:31 evangelism program and graduation with Pastor Doug's
01:33 family helping out.
01:35 Dawn in telling the story of the parable of the lost sheep.
01:38 A story many of these kids have probably never heard before.
01:41 Pastor Reben is from the Philippines, and he's here to
01:44 reach out through teaching English.
01:46 He and his wife Merissa are the Church Planters
01:49 here at the Center.
01:54 Normally there's also a Thai pastor living here to help
01:57 translate and connect with the community.
01:59 But there's a shortage right now of Thai pastors due to the
02:02 closing of the Thai Theology Program eight years before.
02:06 Pastor Jim is here from the Division, and he gets the honor
02:09 of handing out the graduation certificates,
02:11 along with a special gift.
02:13 And, thanks to your mission offering, he is able to give a
02:16 little bit for this Church Plant to try a new approach,
02:19 to step outside into the community.
02:21 Who's going to get all of my money if I don't
02:23 have a lovely little boy?
02:24 Back and forth, and back and forth.
02:27 Vote for him. Count the stars: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
02:30 God said, That's how many children you're going to have.
02:32 And Abraham said, Oh, good!
02:36 Sarah, good news, good news!
02:37 Wake up, wake up! God said you're going to have a baby!
02:39 Good news!
02:42 The new approach is this Health Expo right here in the middle
02:46 of the neighborhood.
02:47 I asked Doug why they were doing it.
02:49 We're trying to share God's love in practical ways to meet real
02:53 needs combining health ministry with the gospel ministry
02:56 just like Jesus did.
02:57 And in that context we can then see the hearts opening.
03:02 I'm not trying to count baptisms, I'm not trying...
03:04 Right now I'm not trying to count how many people are
03:07 paying their tithe.
03:08 I'd like to step back and say how many people have we helped?
03:12 How many people even know who we are?
03:14 How many people know why we're doing this community service?
03:18 Is it to earn merit so in that way we can be super holy,
03:21 super spiritual people?
03:23 No, it is because the love of God motivates us,
03:28 and then we share that with others.
03:52 What did he say?
03:54 Okay, so he said he learned through this to change his
03:59 lifestyle, because he has problems.
04:02 He has been smoking.
04:03 So he would smoke less, and he would eat more fruits,
04:07 and drink more water.
04:12 And so she learned about exercise,
04:14 because she doesn't exercise at all.
04:16 So from now on she will start doing exercise every morning.
04:20 This kind of community service; this is what it takes
04:23 to reach these communities.
04:25 Especially they have to know who we are.
04:27 They have to learn to trust us.
04:29 And when we do drive in church it doesn't work.
04:32 She has learned a lot from this, and what she would apply,
04:37 well that would be exercise, and eating healthy food,
04:40 and drinking water.
04:42 So she's learned a lot from this Newstart program,
04:48 and she's also heard of the church here.
04:51 She's walked past the church many times
04:54 because she lives around here.
06:15 We've been in this community now for what? in March
06:18 it will be five years.
06:21 And how do you feel about this? Very sad.
06:56 What's this feel like for you?
07:11 The reason why this Church Plant is moving today is why Reben?
07:15 What's, what's going on?
07:22 So the owner sold the building?
07:29 So this wasn't about the mission saying that you're
07:34 not doing a good job.
07:35 We don't want to invest in this community.
07:37 Okay, so I want that to be clear. Right.
07:40 But I know that it's an easy decision now that we don't have
07:45 enough Thai workers we're dealing with budget cuts.
07:48 Now that this could be instead of we're going to relocate the
07:52 center, or this Church Plant, well we'll just combine.
07:56 And so we'll close this one and we'll go and
08:00 move to another place, so that's my fear.
08:03 And as you've heard from the Church Planter and his wife
08:08 Merissa, the relationships that we've built here over the last
08:13 five years, we're in jeopardy of losing those.
08:24 It's starting over again.
08:27 If we move. It's starting over again.
08:31 The relationships that we've built with the neighborhood,
08:34 with the community, with the businesses, with even the
08:39 district leader, all of those.
08:42 You know, it's taken us five years of investment.
08:47 And everything in Thailand works on the relationship.
08:50 Right, you know. Long term.
08:51 Long term relationships.
08:53 When you're in the community and the people see you
08:57 day in and day out; you have those relationships with the
09:01 people, ministering to the kids, hanging out, shopping,
09:06 as well as when people have a concern,
09:09 or they stop by for prayer.
09:11 When we don't have this space it's really hard to do
09:15 incarnational ministry.
09:21 So, but how can you even do church?
09:24 When you come here on Sabbath and you don't have space,
09:28 do you just have church in the street?
09:35 We're paying 14,000 baht per month.
09:38 Not quite $500 a month.
09:45 We're trying to find a place. It's not that...
09:49 Oh, the place that he found is 18.
09:51 It's double the place.
09:54 Yeah. When we rent a facility we have to do improvements.
09:58 We have to put in lights, and electricity, and water,
10:01 and all the other things.
10:03 And, you know, painting, fixing leaking roofs,
10:07 and those kind of things.
10:08 And so that's something where we've already done that here.
10:12 So I know that my officers aren't very happy with when we
10:18 have to move again and then reincur all those costs.
10:21 They just see that we're wasting money.
10:24 But because we don't buy these places, or have long term
10:28 agreements with the owners, then what else can we do?
11:12 I wish that you wouldn't keep asking that question,
11:16 but we can see a direct cause and effect relationship,
11:20 because when people don't see the results of their giving,
11:27 then we get to experience this in the field
11:35 where work is closed.
11:38 In this case right now it's supposed to be a relocation,
11:43 but my fear is that this could be the closing
11:47 of this Church Plant.
11:49 So, yes, there's a direct relationship between those who
11:54 give and those who live here.
12:11 I see, I see, I see it differently.
12:15 I don't see it as dollars.
12:17 I see it as the influence of this community.
12:22 This center is a center of influence.
12:25 I wish we could have been here for the Christmas program.
12:28 They had over a hundred people here hearing of what the true
12:31 meaning of Christmas; why Jesus Christ came to this earth.
12:35 Many of them may have heard it for the first time.
12:37 And many of them may have heard it for the first time.
12:41 To see five years' worth of work just vanish...
12:49 I don't know how to react with that.
13:02 It looks like it. You tell me.
13:05 How do you read this?
13:07 I'd say we're going backwards.
13:09 And it looks like this Church Plant is another victim of the
13:12 decline in mission giving, which by the way, has been getting
13:15 worse for nearly two generations.
13:17 We have a small kitchen right here that they use.
13:25 No running water. And this is where Reben's family
13:30 lives, in this room.
13:35 That's the new condo that's coming in.
13:41 Those apartments range around 3 to 4 million,
13:44 so each unit is for purchase. Yeah.
13:48 So that would be a hundred thousand US dollars.
13:58 There's a lot of people who live in that building.
14:00 They have like a thousand units.
14:06 You know, there's a flood of stories that are coming to my
14:08 mind right now of people meeting Jesus Christ and having their
14:13 prayers answered. Of a God, a personal God who really cares,
14:18 that happened in this place.
14:20 You know, prayers for healing, prayers for jobs,
14:24 prayer for families, prayers for relationships,
14:27 even the desperate prayers of University students trying
14:33 to cram to get exams.
14:35 God, you know the God of this place,
14:37 can You help me pass my exams?
14:39 And to hear those stories of God even answering
14:43 those kind of prayers.
14:45 This Church Plant has been an orphan.
14:46 It's been orphaned because its mother church here in Bangkok
14:52 had four Church Plants and couldn't care for any of them.
14:58 It's been an orphan financially.
15:01 Praise God we did have one church in North America help
15:06 financially, but then that Church Plant
15:09 closed down in America.
15:11 And so that support, prayers, and financial support;
15:17 that has evaporated.
15:19 And then the laymen here in the city; everyone's busy
15:25 with their own lives, and yet Christ tells us to go.
15:32 And where do we go?
15:37 I heard something...
15:38 I know, that people like to go to the hills.
15:41 But what about this hill with a thousand people,
15:44 a thousand families in it?
15:51 But what about you and me? Will we be there?
15:55 We've been given a message of hope, and with that comes also
15:59 the privilege of sharing that hope with others.
16:01 I was excited. I guess I'm still excited about what has
16:06 happened, and what could happen here in Bangkok.
16:09 But it's like after five years we're just starting.
16:30 People like to hear, Oh, there's a missionary come to town.
16:36 And so they'd like to hear the two minute story, you know.
16:39 How's the mission field going?
16:41 How's the work going in the mission fields?
16:45 And I can share, Well, God's changing my heart.
16:51 And I see God answering prayers, and changing lives in the lives
16:57 of the people around myself, my team, and my family.
17:04 But there's not that exuberant group of people saying,
17:09 What can we do? There's a faithful few who say,
17:14 What can we do to help?
17:17 Some come, check it out for themselves.
18:02 So what's your answer to that?
18:08 So there you go; Absolutely not.
18:11 There's a token support for the work; especially in the cities.
18:16 Do I see young people who are committing their lives?
18:22 I see old people who are being awakened to the fact that Jesus
18:28 died for us; Jesus died for me, not just for us.
18:34 And because of that that means that I have the privilege
18:39 of sharing that news with others.
18:41 And guess what? Jesus is coming again!
18:43 And with that good news of Jesus coming again, who will go
18:49 and share it with the community? this community?
18:54 Who will live it? Who will walk with the drug abusing mother?
18:59 Who will walk with the couple who's going
19:03 through marital problems?
19:05 Who will walk with these people?
19:08 This is my life, and so what else can I do?
19:14 Jesus Christ died for me.
19:16 And that reality of His soon return propels me forward.
19:25 I've experienced grace, and that means I now have the privilege
19:30 of sharing that grace.
19:32 I don't know about other people, but I know that that love of
19:39 Christ, that joy, that assurance, that peace,
19:44 that hope, it's real in my heart.
19:47 And that's what I want to share.
19:50 That's what I'm trying to share.
19:52 That's what this team is trying to share.
19:54 That's what they have done in the last five years.
19:56 Are we done? Are we done?
20:04 I don't think so. I don't think so.
20:14 Well, why are we meeting in the street? you may ask.
20:19 We don't have a place, and so, because the owner repossessed
20:25 the building, and so we had to move.
20:27 And so now what we're facing is that we've been working
20:30 in this community now for five years.
20:32 And so we can't just abandon, and so that's why we're here now
20:39 is to continue to work among the kids,
20:42 and to do this Branch Sabbath School.
20:45 And so then that way when we relocate, hopefully, in this
20:48 neighborhood again.
20:49 And that way we can have continuity.
20:51 So, but this does highlight the need for partnership with
20:58 our people, and finding locations, because the physical
21:03 assets for the buildings are probably some of our most
21:06 expensive purchases, so we have yet to buy one here in the city.
21:13 How much would it cost to buy it?
21:15 It's around $50,000.
21:17 It's, we've got the lowest offer in this community.
21:20 $50,000.00? $50,000.00.
21:22 And that would buy a three to four story shop house.
21:27 You know, like you see here.
21:29 So you have all the floors?
21:31 So that's where. We did find some other ones.
21:34 Here are some of the kids now.
21:36 Reben found them, and it looks like they're wanting to play.
22:30 We're in right, up right, down right, happy all the time.
22:34 I'm in right, up right, down right, happy all the time.
22:37 Since Jesus Christ came in, I gave my life to Him.
22:40 I'm in right, out right, up right, down right,
22:44 happy all the time.
23:27 And it's now been four months since we shut down the Center,
23:30 and we're still in the process of trying to find a new place
23:34 here in this neighborhood.
23:35 So the team has had to refocus and have their community
23:40 activities, which like today, we saw this Branch Sabbath School.
23:44 I really like the fact that the kids were singing Scripture
23:46 songs, and that just warmed my heart to see them
23:49 enthusiastically sharing God's word from their souls,
23:57 and their entire beings singing these Scripture songs.
24:00 In many of these cases the homes that they go back to the only
24:05 Scripture that these people have ever seen is what these kids are
24:09 now testifying and sharing.
24:12 And so that's what excites me about serving in this
24:15 neighborhood is that God's word is now a living word in the
24:20 lives of these boys and girls.
24:25 It broke my heart to see this, but I know that until we find
24:31 a location it's a, I guess I'm still not satisfied.
24:38 I'm still not happy that we can only do this every so often
24:44 instead of on a daily basis.
24:45 We've been in this neighborhood for five years now,
24:48 and so I don't want to just, because it's inconvenient,
24:52 that just to move out.
24:54 We need to continue what we started.
24:57 We've seen the sacrifice of other missionaries who traveled
25:00 many hours to come and help not only this Sabbath afternoon,
25:05 but other Sabbath afternoons.
25:07 So their commitment also is a testimony that warms my heart,
25:14 that God's people are seeing the need here in the field.
25:17 So we just need a few more.
25:25 According to Wikipedia, the city is big; like I think it's
25:35 of city, so that's kind of big.
25:39 And so we're just here in one neighborhood, and we're touching
25:45 the lives of the families in this neighborhood.
25:48 And we've been doing that now for five years.
25:50 And so literature works, media works, but it's this ground
25:57 saturation of making friendships, and building those
26:01 connections in the community that that's really where
26:03 the gospel is seen.
26:06 The tithes, at least when I've talked to them, they aren't
26:09 interested in what you believe until they see how it's lived.
26:12 They'd rather see a sermon than to hear it.
26:18 So this is her daughter. And I need...
26:28 Oh, her name is...
26:34 So I was asking when was the first time she heard...
26:40 How old was she when she first heard the name of Jesus?
26:43 And her answer was, I was 45.
26:46 Yeah, she still hasn't heard the story.
26:50 Yeah, so she's heard the name, but she hasn't heard the story.
26:55 Well I'm nearing the end of my time here in Bangkok,
26:57 and I've seen firsthand the effect of the decline in giving
27:00 to foreign missions.
27:01 To be honest, our work is collapsing.
27:04 It's being strangled by a lack of resources and interest.
27:07 Church Plants are closed.
27:08 The typology program is closed.
27:10 The press is closed.
27:11 There have been no Ellen White books in print for years,
27:13 and there's an increasing lack of Thai pastors,
27:16 yet nobody seems to know about this situation or even care.
27:19 Where are the true believers?
27:21 The fact is that unless we make a drastic change the work
27:24 overseas will continue to decline.
27:26 Have we turned out back on God and His desire to take the
27:30 healing gospel to a lost and dying world?
27:32 If so, then how will God feel about us when He comes again
27:36 in the clouds of glory?
28:10 You know, when you see a program like we've just viewed,
28:13 you say, Who is sufficient for these things?
28:16 But we've been called to make a difference in our world.
28:19 And I want to encourage you to keep praying for mission.
28:22 Find ways to get involved, and please continue to
28:26 support financially.
28:27 Thank you for what you are giving.
28:28 And if you want to find out more about the 10/40 window,
28:31 the growing challenge of the cities, go to:
28:35 And may God bless you as you continue to support mission.
28:39 I want to thank our members, especially in North America,
28:42 for support and sacrifice of the mission offering.
28:46 The mission work of this church cannot exist unless it's through
28:50 our partnership, so let us not grow weary in doing good,
28:54 for in due season we shall reap, if we don't give up.
29:20 Next week experience Christ's power in new Church Plants,
29:24 and face the painful reality of districts where we have
29:27 no churches at all.
29:28 Watch next Wednesday.


Revised 2018-01-23