I Want This City

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IWTC

Program Code: IWTC000011A

00:08 Over the past 60 years,
00:10 there's been a massive decline in foreign missions.
00:15 I'm sharing the gospel through church planting.
00:19 In 1930s, if somebody gave $10 in tithe,
00:22 it gave an additional $6 in foreign missions.
00:24 Today, just $0.28.
00:27 We're doing the best we can with what we have,
00:30 but I'm still not satisfied.
00:31 Over 2 billion people in the world today
00:33 still have no access to the gospel.
00:36 God's crazy in love with the Thai people,
00:38 and I sense His Spirit hovering over the city.
00:41 I've come to Bangkok, Thailand
00:42 to discover the truth about foreign missions.
00:45 Come with me as I follow my good friend Pastor Doug Venn
00:48 in his everyday life as a frontline missionary.
00:51 I prayed for God's biggest dream,
00:52 and He gave me this city of 12 million.
00:57 Welcome to my world.
01:11 This is a neighborhood on the east side of Bangkok
01:14 in the Ramkhamhaeng district
01:15 dominated by this massive
01:17 thousand unit apartment complex.
01:19 Right across the street is our Hope for Bangkok Church plan
01:22 led by Reben and his wife.
01:24 Our theme for this week, Jesus loves you.
01:27 This program is not a reaping but we plant seeds.
01:32 Pastor Jim is our guest speaker
01:34 from the Southern Pacific Division.
01:38 He's the director of Adventist Mission,
01:41 and we invited him to come here
01:44 to meet some of our parents here
01:49 to make friends with them.
01:52 There are so many beautiful temples here.
01:53 I'm reminded that Christ wants
01:55 to make each one of us His temple.
01:59 Here he is. Good morning, good to see you.
02:01 Morning, morning, morning.
02:02 He's doing a TV show, so you're part of it now.
02:05 Praise the Lord, you made it.
02:06 And praise the Lord that we're here,
02:08 and praise the Lord, I didn't die.
02:12 You had some big cities for in your previous job.
02:15 Yeah, but nothing in comparison to these,
02:18 these are monster cities.
02:21 What was the biggest city in your conference?
02:23 Denver. Denver.
02:24 Four million, that doesn't even get on the radar screen.
02:27 People in my division
02:28 talk to me by getting some funding,
02:30 like, "Oh, how big is your city?"
02:31 "Oh, four million," I go...
02:32 "We can't help you.
02:34 "We only help those with 10 million and above."
02:35 So have you seen the website 192021.com?
02:40 It says, there will be 19 cities.
02:42 By the year 2020, they'll have 21 million.
02:45 Now as a conference leader,
02:47 how was your guys' mission giving?
02:49 Oh, it crept along there, and then seemed kind of level.
02:54 If mission giving is down, that really is a statement
02:59 that people don't believe
03:03 there's a need.
03:06 Okay, and so I've had friends in the US,
03:10 missionaries who have come back to SSD and told me that,
03:16 "Wow I was home,
03:17 and I ran into it over, and over, and over."
03:19 People saying, "Well, what do we need missions for?
03:23 The work's done!
03:24 We're just waiting for Jesus to come."
03:26 Or the Sunday law.
03:27 Or the Sunday law, that will bring them all in, right?
03:30 If I were to put, you know, my blinders on and say,
03:34 "Well, my neighbors, they've all heard.
03:37 We had evangelistic meetings in our city.
03:40 You know 100 of them, and my town's heard."
03:44 This idea that we are in a fortress,
03:48 everyone, you know, were going to be saved
03:51 because we have these ideas, these biblical truths...
04:00 is limited in the fact that
04:03 what does these truths motivate you to do.
04:08 Do you even care about other people?
04:11 Does the message of hope that I claim to have,
04:15 does it motivate me to be less selfish in my time,
04:18 in my money,
04:20 in how I interact with the society?
04:24 Those are big questions.
04:25 This is the church plant.
04:27 Yeah, I've been here.
04:29 This is the team that's gathered to meet Pastor Jim
04:31 and plan out the week's program.
04:33 In history, they came.
04:36 Foreigner, I don't know, missionary from Spain,
04:41 from France, from Portugal, they came.
04:47 Yeah, Italy, they came and helped.
04:51 They used the medical helping,
04:57 and some of them,
05:01 not all of them, some of them,
05:05 they entered to the, you know,
05:08 to the government, to the high position,
05:14 and they get some, you know, some position,
05:17 and then become somebody,
05:21 and finally in the past they control.
05:27 Ninety Five percent of Buddhists,
05:29 very, very strong, very strong.
05:32 What we can do?
05:34 We can share our love, we can share...
05:37 We have to exist, and live among them,
05:43 and help them, and care for them,
05:49 even without mentioning of preaching.
05:56 Your job as professional pastors,
05:58 as professional caregivers
06:00 gives to understand your culture,
06:03 to understand your people, and to figure out,
06:05 "Okay, how do I communicate the good news?
06:10 How do I get the trust levels, 'cause it's,"
06:12 you know what teeter-totter is?
06:14 Okay, if you have high resistance, no trust.
06:17 So as the resistance goes down, the trust level goes up.
06:21 And that usually takes time, relationships.
06:26 And that's, as I look at that, that's what this is.
06:29 This is a teeter-totter
06:31 where you're trying to increase the relationships,
06:34 lower the resistance,
06:36 so people simply get to know you as a friend, right?
06:40 Okay, so that's what you're doing.
06:42 And that takes lots and lots and lots of time.
06:47 Now that's where, simply they're talking about myself.
06:49 I go, "Wait a minute," then I need to disappear.
06:54 If you've got into this house,
06:56 this is venturing for the last few weeks,
06:58 then suddenly here comes this falang.
07:03 She is going to be sitting there the whole time going,
07:06 "Why is he here?
07:07 Who is he?
07:09 Why is he here?
07:10 Who is he?
07:11 Why is he here? Who is he?"
07:13 And she is not going to hear a thing you say.
07:14 Okay?
07:16 And that's why I'm gonna tell you,
07:17 "I love you but I don't think I should go."
07:21 Not while I'm here for a week.
07:23 Okay?
07:26 Simply because,
07:27 if I understand the whole issue of the teeter-totter
07:29 of resistance and trust,
07:32 you've been working for weeks to slowly move that.
07:38 For me to show up,
07:39 is gonna do this to the teeter-totter,
07:40 you're slowly moving...
07:42 That's what it does.
07:44 Okay?
07:45 And so, please, I hope you take no offence.
07:49 I think it's better for me to stay away.
07:51 I'm happy to come here, and talk with you,
07:53 and pray with you,
07:55 and we can talk about whatever you want
07:57 in the morning.
07:58 But frankly, to go out and visit,
08:02 I don't think that's helpful.
08:04 And every book that say, says,
08:06 "Unless I'm here for a year, and I know how to speak Thai,
08:12 and I started dressing Thai,
08:17 I should stay away."
08:19 Let's be real,
08:21 what we have done is not working, all right?
08:26 Yeah, it works in Philippines.
08:30 All right?
08:31 So in this division, you go out,
08:33 you hold meetings, you do it.
08:36 Boom! You're baptizing 100.
08:38 You set up a new church, okay.
08:40 It works in Manado,
08:43 because there's all kinds of Christians,
08:45 you have to set meetings.
08:47 It takes two years for them
08:50 to have a church full of people,
08:52 three years before they have their own church building.
08:55 What, what's wrong with you, Doug?
08:56 How come you don't have your own church building?
09:00 Okay.
09:01 So that's where from the division
09:03 which you need to hear me clearly saying to these guys,
09:06 "I'm not here to repeat all the mistakes
09:09 that have gone on for 100 years.
09:11 I'm not even here to try and tell you
09:15 what we should be doing."
09:17 Because every book that I read about
09:19 in terms of Thai and Buddhism goes...
09:23 We don't know.
09:25 I'm here to support you, okay.
09:28 And most important thing I can do to support you
09:30 is to show up, to say to you, "I love you, here's $4000."
09:35 As a result of Jim being here,
09:38 we've been centered.
09:39 Now we'll have programming money
09:41 for the next year.
09:43 Through small groups
09:45 and through our already teaching of the English,
09:48 we have the trust of the people.
09:50 We have a bridge, it's a natural bridge.
09:54 Reben will continue.
09:55 After this week is over, he will continue teaching here.
09:59 By God's grace,
10:00 this center will still be here in the next five years,
10:03 five to seven years.
10:05 Father, thank You for this good discussion,
10:07 thank You for the honesty,
10:08 thank You for the chance to just be Your servants here,
10:12 Your disciples.
10:14 We were given permission to film the team
10:16 as they began visiting the neighbors.
10:20 I was just asking if there's, in this area,
10:22 if there's methamphetamines
10:24 or it is called Thai's crazy medicine,
10:27 if that's a problem in this community.
10:30 As mothers, they say there isn't no problems now.
10:39 So she is saying that her kids are not obedient to her,
10:44 and they're really stubborn,
10:46 wherein unlike what you were saying, Reben,
10:47 is that they are very active.
10:51 So her kids are active,
10:54 and they like to play all kinds of sports.
11:01 I was just saying that
11:03 you're preparing your next year's plans,
11:05 and you're, you know,
11:07 talking about different activities for the kids
11:10 including exercise,
11:12 and so they're agreeing that that's a good thing.
11:15 What's happening with Sabbath?
11:17 Oh, yeah, we have...
11:20 We have invitation for the event.
11:29 So I was saying that the songs that they'll be singing,
11:32 or at least I tried to say that
11:33 the songs that they would be singing,
11:36 you know, God will help the kids
11:38 obey their mother,
11:41 and to give respect to their mother,
11:43 and also not be so stubborn.
11:46 I was also sharing with them that, you know,
11:49 even my children have benefited from the church plants,
11:53 there are these centers,
11:54 because it teaches them not to be selfish
11:57 or tight fisted with their lives,
12:00 so that way,
12:01 and she was saying
12:03 helping me with the proper Thai word to say.
12:24 One of the mindsets in America for Christians is that
12:27 missions is...
12:29 If it's not done already, it's almost done,
12:31 it's just about there.
12:33 What are your feelings on that?
12:37 Well, when I go home, I tell people,
12:39 "Well, Jesus can't come tonight."
12:40 And they look at me, "Oh, what do you mean?
12:42 He's coming in a day now."
12:44 And I go, "Well, there are millions, millions, billions
12:50 who have never heard of Jesus."
12:53 So I think it's safe to say He's not coming tonight.
13:00 And last Sunday, I go to MBK.
13:02 Oh, what do you think?
13:03 I think it's very good.
13:07 So what did you think of the Adventist Health Expo?
13:09 I think it's a good idea
13:14 to help the public.
13:16 Health promotion is okay
13:20 because it's a prevention for the disease.
13:25 Right.
13:26 Newstart.
13:28 Yeah, Newstart.
13:29 We are in the health industry,
13:32 so we know something about that topic,
13:37 but I think it's very good for the people
13:41 that don't know much about this.
13:44 I wanted today, and we need to get better acquainted,
13:49 and to find out from you
13:53 what are the needs from your school,
13:54 as well as what are the needs, because you're training nurses.
13:59 Yes.
14:01 And this is something asked,
14:02 we are also in health education,
14:06 we also we can work together.
14:08 But do you know why we, as Christians,
14:11 are involved in health?
14:14 Do you understand?
14:15 No.
14:17 Can you explain? I don't quite understand.
14:18 Okay, all right.
14:20 At first, it starts of with very ancient scriptures.
14:23 And so this here is,
14:25 I don't know if you've ever seen this.
14:27 It's the Bible.
14:29 Well, this actually is the Jewish Bible.
14:32 Yeah.
14:33 So this comes from many thousands of years ago.
14:37 God, when He first made the world,
14:40 He gave us choice, the opportunity,
14:44 and that's where He wanted to give us the best life.
14:48 Spiritual health, spiritual life,
14:50 our mental health, our physical health
14:54 and then how we relate to each other
14:56 into our environment.
14:57 That's why I'm a vegetarian.
15:09 Why, why am I a vegetarian all year long?
15:12 Not just nine days on the day first of all.
15:15 So it is because
15:17 that God wants to give me the best life now,
15:22 the best health, and the clearest mind,
15:25 so then that way I can help my fellow men,
15:28 and I can worship God.
15:31 Thank you so much.
15:32 I'm honored to see you again, thank you.
15:35 Thank you.
15:36 Thank you so much.
15:38 Thank you very much.
15:41 Any counsel for me?
15:42 This and they really understand how Christian is
15:49 then they try to find a way to support us
15:53 also to proclaim the good news.
15:58 Praise God that God opened the way.
16:01 Before when she was not to big
16:04 she want through Thai school.
16:08 I went to work in Canada.
16:13 If I didn't go to Canada
16:16 she could not finish the high school.
16:20 We had no money,
16:22 but I went to work in Canada for 10 years
16:25 and then sent money back for her learning, everything...
16:31 After finish, now she has a job.
16:36 I'm okay right now.
16:38 I can take it easy.
16:40 You try a way is that
16:42 the mother and father will sacrifice everything
16:46 so then that way they can give their children
16:49 the best opportunities,
16:51 and then that way in the future
16:53 that then your daughter can care for you.
16:56 Yeah.
16:57 In America or in Canada
16:59 we expect the government to take care of us.
17:01 Yeah.
17:02 The Bible's Asian,
17:05 and so as a student of Bible,
17:07 there are some things I didn't understand,
17:09 so like, you know, there's a story of a father,
17:13 and he had two sons,
17:15 and how he cares for his sons buy...
17:17 And he gives them everything.
17:20 And it's like, well, why did he save away for his retirement,
17:23 why did...
17:24 And so in my understanding I didn't understand.
17:28 And so that's what I learned here in Thailand.
17:31 Well, that's why I'm gonna invest everything
17:33 into the children
17:35 because they would then return you
17:37 when you are old.
17:38 And that's where,
17:39 like in my life I'm wanting to follow that example
17:43 that I see not only in your, in the Thai society,
17:47 we also see that in the Bible that demonstration of love,
17:51 that you really sacrificed those years
17:54 working everyday for 10 hours, that comes from a...
17:59 That part of love.
18:04 That's like a...
18:05 That picture inspires me or gives me,
18:10 it reminds me of the love that God has for us.
18:21 Please forgive my Thai.
18:23 Very good.
18:28 Thank you.
18:30 Jesus Christ died upon a tree
18:35 To change a broken life To set a captive free
18:41 You simply cannot rearrange the way your life is
18:47 There has to be a change So let me singing
18:59 So he drives taxi, he's one of the taxi drivers.
19:02 And I said I had watched him go by in his taxi.
19:05 And he drives from four in the morning
19:08 to four in the afternoon.
19:14 He is really tired.
19:18 Can you smile?
19:23 His smile has flown away.
19:24 Here we are at our neighbor's house,
19:27 and this is where we gonna have the small group meeting.
19:32 She's bringing dinner.
19:37 Yes, yes.
19:40 Sounds like your typical taco bell take out food there.
19:44 Yeah, I'm just praying for wisdom here
19:46 because in here this is, you know, our neighbors,
19:48 we've been with these people now for four years.
19:51 And, you know, we've been seed sowing,
19:54 ministering to the kids, serving this neighborhood,
19:57 and, you know, this week we're wanting to take that,
20:00 you know, be a little more intentional
20:02 at the seed planting through relationships.
20:11 The influence that we have is more
20:14 than just what we preach on Sabbath morning.
20:16 Okay, they had onions...
20:21 chili,
20:25 something I don't know,
20:28 some kind of vegetable, some green thing.
20:39 Okay, so there we go, there is a killer ingredient.
20:43 Moo is not cow.
20:48 Look here.
20:51 Yeah, okay, so there's the fish.
20:53 You know what that one is fried fish.
20:56 But Moo is not cow, and that is pork.
20:59 And so this is where we get to remind them to...
21:05 Okay, we don't do the Moo.
21:09 When you share the gospel to the Thai people
21:14 in a straight and direct way,
21:19 they don't want to listen.
21:22 But when you meet needs, and you build trust,
21:26 and the people know you, then that's a different story.
21:29 How many friends have they made?
21:31 That's a good question.
21:32 So it's hard as foreigners.
21:36 It's really hard.
21:37 What makes it so hard?
21:39 Language, number one,
21:42 you know, I've had a chance to study
21:45 about five to six months
21:47 and so, you know, I understand, you know,
21:50 when they are talking about fish, you know,
21:53 the one word that I know in the last 100, you know,
21:57 they're talking about the fish, but that's all.
21:59 Understand.
22:00 So, you know, Reben had a chance
22:03 to study Thai may be two months.
22:05 And so how do we expect our missionaries,
22:08 you know, to come in,
22:10 and you got language and cultural barriers.
22:15 He wants to go and listen to the songs being sung.
22:20 The mission tells me,
22:21 but there's no money for them to study Thai.
22:24 I'm like, "How can they do the work?"
22:28 It wasn't until one of the former missionaries
22:30 here at the Thailand.
22:32 She came through Bangkok one time,
22:35 and she just asked the question,
22:38 "Why doesn't your team speak Thai?"
22:40 I said, "Well, they've not had a chance to study."
22:42 And she...
22:43 we talked about it, and so she wrote a check
22:46 that's why even Reben had a chance to study
22:49 for the two months that he had.
22:51 And these are the missions stories that aren't told,
22:55 but here is a kid sliding up.
22:57 He comes to the meetings,
23:00 you know, that means something,
23:03 you know, that means something.
23:05 They want to shut us down for lack of funds.
23:09 The team gives their blood, sweat, and tears
23:11 to build relationships,
23:13 and then people,
23:15 because of the lack of mission giving,
23:20 they want to,
23:21 they don't know, they don't know the stories,
23:23 they don't know the people.
23:25 But do we really have to have an emotional video where,
23:30 you know, to continue giving on a regular basis?
23:36 You know, I remember the day,
23:38 or I wish I could remember the day
23:40 where we just give because Christ gave for us.
23:44 Christ came to save us.
23:46 And to me that breaks my heart, that's my motive of giving
23:50 because Christ emptied heaven for me.
23:53 And so I'll sacrifice,
23:55 so that way others can have that joy and peace.
23:59 "You're gonna be scared 'cause you'll get cancer,"
24:02 she saying, he is saying to her.
24:09 They're sharing.
24:11 Now, you'll get this cancer in one lung,
24:13 I'll get the cancer in another lung, right?
24:15 God was working on my heart
24:22 He said it's time to do your part
24:28 I'm driving the new mission truck,
24:30 and so it's like,
24:32 I do not want to be the first one to dent it.
24:35 Whenever our church planters,
24:36 when he was sharing the gospel message
24:39 in his community,
24:40 his community thought he was the first Christian
24:43 coming to Thailand with this new message
24:46 that Jesus is coming again and, you know,
24:49 talking about grace and the gospel.
24:51 It's like, they never met a Christian before.
24:54 And so they thought our church planter was a very first one.
24:57 "Who is this Seventh-day Adventist?
24:58 You know, we've never heard of these people."
25:00 And the gospel commission is not done.
25:03 It's not done.
25:05 We just keep wanting to reap, reap, reap.
25:08 But what about the planting?
25:10 I receive from the general conference,
25:12 my budget each year is $100,000.
25:16 And where does that go?
25:17 We fund nine church plants, I have a staff of 12,
25:21 and so the nine Hope for Bangkok Church plants are...
25:25 I need to do a lane change here so.
25:30 That goes to fund, the salaries of our church planting team,
25:34 it goes also to pay the rent
25:36 of our nine Hope for Bangkok Church plants,
25:39 where were just at one right now.
25:41 And then we then cover, you know,
25:45 some of the overhead of like the utilities
25:48 and, you know,
25:50 for the foreign missionaries on the team,
25:52 their visas and work permits.
25:54 And so for programs like Adventist Health Expo,
25:58 for Bibles, for literature, for even for programs,
26:05 you know, the heart of how we serve the community.
26:10 That side of the funding was not included.
26:14 And so as a missionary,
26:16 it's like I'm given a car with no fuel,
26:20 or I'm told to fight a battle with no weapons,
26:23 or you come up with the analogy.
26:27 Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
26:29 But it's just that people don't...
26:33 People don't understand that the expectations
26:39 of trying to do a job here
26:43 without the right equipment and right resources.
26:48 It's also reality check that
26:51 this is why the work here is languishing
26:54 is because I guess
26:57 it goes down to the core of selfishness,
27:01 is that when I was as a pastor, as a member in America...
27:07 Yeah, I gave to the local church
27:09 because I knew what was needed,
27:12 you know, the local programs,
27:14 you know, my pet projects, stuff like that.
27:18 And of course you give tithe because that's,
27:22 you know, that's sacred, and that gives...
27:24 You give that to God.
27:25 But, you know, foreign missions,
27:28 you know, yeah, you're putting a dollar,
27:33 but, you know,
27:37 I guess I do see that the evidence of that,
27:43 you know, that inconsistent
27:48 or that emotionally based giving,
27:51 and I'm living with it.
27:54 People are crying
27:58 Lost souls are dying
28:03 If Jesus was not content in staying in heaven
28:07 while He saw this earth suffering, and dying,
28:10 and came to reach us,
28:12 how can we sit back and just relax?
28:15 We must push forward to take the gospel,
28:18 the Advent message to every person
28:21 across this planet.
28:22 Please encourage each one around you,
28:25 and reach into your own heart,
28:29 and give everything you possibly can
28:32 to reach the world before it's too late.
28:35 Every person matters to God,
28:37 and every dollar that you give for mission
28:39 helps us to reach one more person.
28:41 And I'm so grateful to everyone who has sacrificed for mission.
28:45 One day soon you'll be able to meet the people
28:48 who found Jesus because you gave.


Revised 2017-12-24