I Want This City

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IWTC

Program Code: IWTC000009A

00:08 Over the past 60 years, there's been a massive decline
00:11 in foreign missions.
00:15 I'm sharing the gospel through church planting.
00:19 In the 1930s, if somebody gave $10 in tithe,
00:21 it gave an additional $6 in foreign missions.
00:24 Today, just $0.28.
00:27 We're doing the best we can with what we have,
00:30 but I'm still not satisfied.
00:31 Over 2 billion people in the world today
00:33 still have no access to the gospel.
00:36 God's crazy in love with the Thai people,
00:38 and I sense His Spirit hovering over the city.
00:41 I've come to Bangkok, Thailand
00:42 to discover the truth about foreign missions.
00:45 Come with me as I follow my good friend
00:47 Pastor Doug Vann in his everyday life
00:49 as a frontline missionary.
00:51 I prayed for God's biggest dream
00:52 and He gave me this city of 12 million.
00:57 Welcome to my world.
01:11 And today, we're on our way to the Chinese church
01:14 and we'll have a citywide evangelistic meeting
01:17 that will be starting tomorrow night.
01:19 And so the team is going this morning
01:21 to have a time of prayer, a time of planning,
01:25 and then also we'll be inviting the neighbors.
01:27 I'm expecting to meet people that God has already
01:31 invited to be His sons and daughters.
01:34 Who'd you bring with you?
01:37 I brought today some trouble makers.
01:39 So one of the trouble makers is behind the camera right now.
01:43 Another trouble maker is missionary Reben Huliar.
01:49 He's one of our church planters.
01:51 Another trouble maker out there,
01:53 her name is Mrs. Htee Groom.
01:56 Look at this bus. It has a flat tire.
01:58 And here in the city, anytime you see a bus
02:01 with a branch that's a clue that it's broken down.
02:07 There's a code button here that when you press,
02:11 it moves the mirrors out.
02:14 But this one mirror has a problem
02:17 'cause it's fired.
02:18 Is this mirror good? Yeah, this one's good.
02:22 Oh, cool. Do that again.
02:27 The motor cycle... Do that again.
02:28 The motor cyclers really like this
02:30 when you go by and do this.
02:34 We don't have that in America.
02:36 Where's the nearest church from here?
02:39 The nearest church from here...
02:41 We've been traveling for about an hour in traffic now
02:45 and we have not passed a single church.
02:52 Like down that street, is there a church down there?
02:54 Probably not. Yeah.
02:56 Probably not. That's probably safe to say.
02:58 How many districts are there?
03:01 Kat, I think there's over...
03:06 Yeah, you're going to show this to a few people, aren't you?
03:08 There's lot.
03:09 Are there any districts
03:10 that actually haven't heard the Gospel yet?
03:13 It's safe to say
03:14 that there are probably many districts
03:17 in Bangkok that have never heard the gospel.
03:22 Looks like a wealthy city.
03:24 Bangkok is a city of contrasts.
03:26 We have incredible wealth
03:29 as well as and there is extreme poverty.
03:36 We're here at the Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:38 and which right next to Public University campus.
03:42 And one idea to reach this city or reach the hundreds
03:49 or the tens of thousands of students
03:51 at this school is to have like a smoothie shop
03:56 where you can have fruit smoothies
03:58 and then through friendship evangelism,
04:03 you can then share the message of hope.
04:06 So why don't you?
04:08 That's a good question, why don't we do that?
04:11 And although, we have an imagination to do that,
04:15 we're facing a lack of resources.
04:18 And so as result, we do what we can with what we have.
04:22 Oh, wait, I thought a lot of money
04:23 went overseas to missions.
04:27 Lot of peoples think that a lot of money
04:28 goes to overseas in missions but the reality is...
04:35 Quite different.
04:36 Yeah, it's a different story so.
04:38 We're here, so let's go.
04:40 We will have this meeting to glorify your name,
04:44 to praise thee.
04:46 I wanted to start today's time together in 1 Samuel 14.
04:53 So if you open your Bibles.
04:54 "And between the passages by which Jonathan sought
04:57 to go over unto the Philistine garrison..."
05:00 We are like this Jonathan and his armor-bearer.
05:05 And we're facing a challenge right now
05:08 of how to reach this city for Christ.
05:10 This is a city of 12 million
05:12 and how many of us are here today?
05:14 Seven.
05:16 So it's like an impossible challenge
05:18 but God has put a dream and imagine,
05:21 He's given an imagination
05:22 for these two men to go and conquer,
05:25 just like He's given that same imagination,
05:28 that same dream in our hearts today.
05:30 But they are doing an impossible task
05:33 with very few
05:36 and there's personal sacrifice involved,
05:39 because what, they're going to have to climb
05:43 this thorny sharp rock.
05:46 And guess what?
05:47 Pastor CC Toren, do you ever feel
05:49 that you're sacrificing
05:51 to spread the gospel in the city?
05:53 Yeah.
05:55 Yeah, it's causing you your blood, sweat, and tears.
05:58 Yeah. Embarrassed.
06:01 And people laugh at us, insult us, something like that.
06:05 That's right.
06:07 And so whether they laugh or they insult us,
06:12 we still have been given a task to do.
06:17 And that is to still love them, respect,
06:20 but then also to point them to Jesus Christ.
06:24 Jesus has come to save the Thai people
06:27 and He loves them.
06:28 And so out of that love, we go not to conquer them,
06:32 not to kill them as we hear in the story,
06:35 but to win the battle against darkness, ignorance,
06:41 and against self.
06:42 And guess what?
06:44 That battle is also in here, in my heart today.
06:46 We can win this city for Jesus Christ.
06:49 We can make a difference.
06:51 The gospel can penetrate every part of this city
06:55 and make a difference.
06:56 Bring healing to the families to bring the gospel
07:00 and to prepare this city
07:01 for the soon return of Jesus Christ.
07:06 There's another group of beings who are stronger,
07:10 who are smarter than we are as humans,
07:13 who are equally planning, and that's the forces of evil.
07:18 Then here, he is quoting Satan.
07:20 "But," Satan said, "the sect," or that group,
07:23 "of Sabbathkeepers we hate,
07:24 they are always working against us,
07:26 and taking from us our subjects,
07:28 to keep the hated law of God.
07:30 Go and make the possessors of lands and money,
07:33 make them drunk with cares.
07:36 See if you can make them place their affections
07:39 upon these things, and we will have them yet.
07:42 They may profess what they please,
07:44 only make them care more for money
07:48 than for the success of the kingdom of God
07:52 or Christ's kingdom
07:53 or the spread of the truths we hate.
07:55 Present the world before them in the most attractive light,
07:58 that they may love and idolize it.
08:01 We must keep in our ranks
08:04 all the means that we can gain control.
08:07 The more means the followers of Christ
08:09 devote to His service,
08:10 the more they will injure our kingdom
08:12 by getting our subjects.
08:14 Discourage and dishearten their ministers,
08:16 for we hate them.
08:17 Present every plausible excuse to those who have means,
08:21 lest they hand it out.
08:23 Control the money matters if you can
08:25 and drive their ministers to want and distress.
08:27 This will weaken their courage and zeal.
08:30 Battle for every inch of ground.
08:33 Make covetousness and the love of earthly treasures
08:36 the ruling traits of their character.
08:38 As long as these traits rule, salvation and grace stand back.
08:45 Crowd every attention around them,
08:47 and they will be surely ours."
08:48 Remember, this is Satan
08:51 talking to their legions of angels,
08:56 the evil angels there.
08:57 "And when any shall attempt to give," funds,
09:01 "put within them a grudging disposition,
09:05 that they may just five sparingly."
09:08 This council here, I shared to you
09:11 to pull back the curtain
09:13 to look behind the scenes of the enemy.
09:18 We are nothing, we are no one,
09:21 but in Christ we are more than conquerors.
09:27 So I want us to see that contrast.
09:31 I need us to have the time of prayer.
09:34 We need to pray for our leaders within the church.
09:37 We need to pray for the leaders
09:38 who we will meet today.
09:40 But I also want to pray for one another
09:42 that we can be in one.
09:43 I also want to pray for those people God is working on,
09:49 because I know it's rainy season
09:50 and every time I see the rain fall
09:54 and flood the city,
09:57 I long for the Spirit of God to come and break the city,
10:02 to break the pride, to break the arrogance,
10:05 to break the blindness.
10:08 And that's just within us as Christians
10:13 as well as then to break the hearts,
10:15 to melt the hearts of the Thai people
10:18 of the city with the love of Jesus Christ
10:20 that they can be prepared for Christ's soon coming.
10:28 Who will accept those invitations...
10:30 And guide us and lead us as we go out
10:33 and share the good news...
10:38 We are here because of your calling...
10:46 After worship, the team set about
10:48 folding a few thousand invitations
10:50 and then headed out into the community.
10:52 I followed Brother Edwin from the Philippines
10:55 around for awhile but became aware of the fact
10:57 that my presence could raise some suspicions,
11:00 although I kind of tried to be discreet.
11:03 I was amazed at how fast they got these flyers
11:05 into the hands of the people
11:07 and that the people actually read them.
11:10 The team was really on fire.
11:12 That day, they distributed around 2,000 flyers.
11:17 If they could do this everyday five days a week,
11:20 it would only take 23 years to put a flier
11:23 into the hands of the each of the 12 million people
11:25 in Bangkok.
11:29 I'm going to the other side of the road
11:31 because in here,
11:33 some of our companions are here.
11:35 Okay.
11:41 I've met people who have come to Christ
11:43 from the witness of only a flier
11:45 that spelled out the gospel in simplified terms.
11:48 These flyers however are designed to invite people
11:51 to a series of meetings beginning the next day.
11:54 Would they come?
11:56 I was encouraged by how many accepted them
11:58 and begin reading them right away,
12:00 but we would have to wait and see.
12:06 You can see how the young man in the lower right corner
12:09 is watching me.
12:10 What's he thinking, is he getting suspicious?
12:13 This might be his first chance
12:15 to hear about Jesus his entire life.
12:17 And I don't want to mess it up for him.
12:21 So I decided to act like a wandering tourist
12:23 out seeing the sites.
12:24 I began looking around a bit.
12:27 I promptly got lost.
12:34 One, two, three.
12:40 Very good.
12:49 Many people are afraid of the unknown.
12:51 I too began feeling a little nervous.
12:55 But I forced myself to stay out there
12:57 and not go running back to the church.
13:00 Turned out to be actually quite good memories.
13:08 Okay, go that way to get back to the main road?
13:10 Yes.
13:11 Walk to this corner, then turn left,
13:15 walk, you meet the main road.
13:18 Okay. Yeah.
13:20 Thank you.
13:27 Hello, may I take your picture?
13:30 Okay.
13:33 One, two, three.
13:50 Okay, kitty.
13:53 Oh, yeah.
14:24 Lead out pastor, correct.
14:25 Today, we went to give the flyers
14:28 for the ministry in Chinese church.
14:32 Some they did reject
14:34 but most of them accepted the flyers.
14:39 And we were inspired.
14:41 Almost 70% of the flyers were distributed
14:47 by our friends.
14:48 As a group we went.
14:50 For me, personally I work with,
14:53 you know, I'm happy.
14:55 And I'm very inspired
14:58 giving those flyers to the people
15:01 and especially by God's grace, God will work in their hearts,
15:05 and God will soften their heart,
15:09 and maybe they will come,
15:12 and they will listen to the topic,
15:17 to the speakers,
15:19 and maybe sooner or later
15:21 they will accept Christ as their personal savior.
15:24 Very good. Okay.
15:26 You got your Bible, just show me.
15:32 Had a great meal,
15:34 met a new friend the Lord let us to,
15:36 and now it's time to head back to the church.
15:39 So come on.
15:47 We're finding sudden traffic.
15:49 Yeah.
15:51 Is this a parking lot or a road?
15:56 Hello!
15:58 We could stop by and get a squid
16:01 if you want it?
16:02 Yeah, let's eat.
16:03 And finally he's getting a squid.
16:05 I want a yoghurt or a mango smoothie.
16:07 Squid or yoghurt?
16:10 I was looking for a mango smoothie.
16:15 You're not gonna be happy with this.
16:18 No, I'll let her enjoy that, the squid.
16:23 Did she know Jesus? I don't know.
16:27 She has a little amulet on.
17:00 Somebody has to eat that. You ever tasted one?
17:04 I haven't had a chance to taste.
17:06 Did you smelled it? Yeah, I smelled it.
17:09 Does it smell good?
17:13 It's not for me. It must be an acquired taste.
17:17 I haven't acquired yet.
17:18 And it's definitely acquired smell.
17:20 There's some tastes where it's so strong
17:23 that it just takes my breath away.
17:25 It's just like...
17:27 You know, I'm trying to gasp for air and but,
17:32 you know, she liked it.
17:33 Yeah.
17:36 Some people may say the same thing about zucchini.
17:39 Yeah. A plant.
17:42 So why do you have
17:44 such a desire for yoghurt right now?
17:48 Our dinner was fiery hot
17:51 and I just need something
17:52 to kind of settle down the fire.
17:56 So why did you order that dinner?
17:58 I didn't order it, you did.
18:02 Oh, beautiful.
18:12 They're beautiful.
18:15 Beautiful.
18:16 My wife is here, I'd buy a bunch.
18:18 Care for some beer, guys? Oh, thank you.
18:23 We got an appointment. Where you come from?
18:25 We're from America.
18:27 How about you guys? Thailand.
18:29 Thailand. Are you guys students here?
18:31 Yeah. Yeah.
18:32 Okay, what are you guys studying?
18:33 Architecture. All of you?
18:35 Yeah! Come back for the camp.
18:40 Well, we'll see you guys.
18:42 Maybe we'll see you again tomorrow night.
18:52 All right, see you. Bye-bye.
18:56 What's the percentage of the Christians in Thailand?
18:59 For the whole country, not even 1%.
19:03 Including? Including the Catholics.
19:07 What's the reason for that, you know?
19:09 Most of the Thai will think
19:11 that Buddhism is the best for them.
19:14 It's the best? Yeah.
19:15 Even before I come to a Christian school,
19:18 I thought to myself,
19:20 "I would never become Christian."
19:22 Because in Buddhism, everything's there already.
19:27 Buddhism is the best for me at that time.
19:30 I was 15.
19:31 And our society is very helpful to each other,
19:38 can help each other.
19:39 We don't need Christianity I felt
19:43 when I went to Christian school:
19:46 "I just want education."
19:50 That's what most of the Thai people feel.
19:54 It's the night before the evangelistic meetings
19:57 and we're here at the Chinese church
20:00 and we're working with Pastor Terry Sue
20:04 and the members of the Chinese church
20:06 to get things set up.
20:08 So we've tried different setups,
20:11 and we're still trying to get the stuff worked out.
20:17 Little pressured.
20:42 I'm going crazy.
20:54 We now had audio. Good thing.
20:59 I'm tired, it's been a full day.
21:02 What time is it?
21:05 It's 11 o'clock,
21:06 so we've been here for 14 hours.
21:11 So you're not in charge here. You're just gonna help them.
21:15 Our role here is we're trying to support
21:18 the Chinese church and to support the Thais
21:21 as they are conducting the evangelistic meeting.
21:26 So our team was here today,
21:27 and you know, they'll be here tomorrow night,
21:30 the rest of the week for these meetings.
21:33 And we're trying to help every church across the city,
21:37 establish churches as well as our new church plants
21:40 to then find creative ways to then communicate God's love.
21:45 The fact of Jesus is coming again.
21:47 And that we can have a new identity in Him.
21:51 You get paid overtime?
21:56 I'd love to have
21:58 a $300,000
22:02 importable media system
22:06 where we can come to a place like the Chinese church
22:10 and actually be able to do something.
22:13 But right now we don't
22:18 because we're lacking the funds.
22:20 What's the total budget here in Thailand?
22:23 I can tell you at least for programs,
22:25 I don't know the salaries,
22:27 but the total budget for the Thailand mission
22:31 for 2011 is approximately 1.4 million Baht.
22:37 And so that's around...
22:39 exchange rate is 29 to 30 Baht per dollar
22:42 and so you figure that out.
22:44 That equals about $45,000.
22:48 Divide that by 12 months
22:50 and you have an operating budget
22:51 of less than $4,000 per month.
22:55 Okay.
22:57 Let's take one conference,
22:59 the conference you used to work for,
23:00 what's their yearly budget?
23:04 I think it was...
23:07 Okay, in 2005,
23:10 you know, since you've got me on camera,
23:12 and you're gonna share this with other few friends.
23:15 I'd love to have this conversation with...
23:18 With some research?
23:20 Yeah, with some wikipedia help.
23:23 I want a phono friend here. I need a helpline.
23:27 According to the official church website,
23:29 the tithe and offering in Doug's former conference
23:31 is around 250 times
23:34 that of the Thailand Adventist Mission.
23:36 Yet there are 36 times more people in Thailand.
23:40 Did you know in Thailand,
23:42 it's rude to pick your teeth in public?
23:45 But you can pick your nose. Okay.
23:50 Just for your information. Okay.
23:54 You had the habit or...
23:56 Yeah, in America, it's fine.
23:57 You can pick your teeth, you know, with the tooth pick,
24:00 right, but you got stay away from the mining.
24:04 So it sounds like you would like to use media
24:08 but there's just no funds.
24:11 It's just not an option. Yeah.
24:14 I've had some of my Thai leaders say,
24:17 you know, "Let's just focus on what we can do.
24:21 Let's just focus on what we can do what we have..."
24:24 And what can you do, you can just do Bible studies,
24:27 handing a little bit of literature?
24:29 Well, we can hand out literature
24:31 as long as we get it printed
24:33 and we get fund raised for it because otherwise,
24:37 you know, there's no literature.
24:39 No literature, no budget.
24:41 Right, no budget for it, and you know, it just...
24:45 So basically you...
24:47 We can't work.
24:50 I say, you know, God, why aren't there more?
24:55 Why aren't there more people
24:57 who give a care about sharing and living a message of hope?
25:02 If we had additional resources, if we had greater imagination,
25:07 if we had greater manpower, whether volunteers or trained,
25:13 you know, committed people, we could do more.
25:17 We could reach a city.
25:19 We could...
25:20 Do we need to? Do we need to?
25:23 Yeah.
25:25 Hello, yeah, we need to reach the city.
25:30 Why? Jesus is coming soon.
25:33 Yeah, and everyone is going to hell
25:35 because they've not had a chance
25:36 to make a decision on who Jesus Christ is,
25:41 and will they accept Him.
25:43 Well, that's their problem, isn't it?
25:46 That's the attitude that many people have.
25:49 It's that, you know, well, that's their problem,
25:51 you know, they're stupid,
25:53 they live in the city and you know,
25:55 well, they don't even speak English.
25:57 And so, yeah,
25:58 I mean, I face this stereotype all the time,
26:02 you know, when you go back to America.
26:05 They can watch English...
26:07 They can watch English Christian channels.
26:11 Yeah.
26:13 The problem...
26:15 Oh my goodness! Do they?
26:17 Will they? Will they?
26:19 Do they even know they exist?
26:21 You know, can you get it on free TV
26:24 or do you need a satellite dish?
26:26 You need a satellite.
26:27 You know, people I had one person come to Thailand
26:33 and they were flabbergasted, they just completely appalled,
26:37 and they said to me,
26:39 "Why is it that no one speaks English here?"
26:43 Are you serous?
26:44 And I just like, you know, "What are you saying?"
26:49 I said, "Yeah.
26:51 You know,
26:52 how am I gonna spread the gospel?
26:54 I've come here to be a missionary
26:55 but how am I gonna spread the gospel
26:57 when they don't speak English."
27:00 These are the things we battle, you know, these attitudes.
27:06 Can one person make a difference?
27:10 Well, I know that Jesus made a difference in my heart.
27:14 And if God would reach across heaven,
27:18 He would reach across
27:20 the galaxies to California.
27:26 And there, He touched my Mom and Dad,
27:30 and He drew them with His chords of love,
27:32 and as they moved throughout the Northwest,
27:35 then it was through the different people,
27:38 and the churches,
27:40 and the families that befriended our family,
27:43 and it was through that love tractor beamed,
27:47 you know, drawing my family to Him
27:51 that how God touched my heart, and touched my life,
27:57 and how His grace became real for me
27:59 not just an intellectual...
28:02 Concept. Yeah.
28:05 It's not just an idea,
28:07 it's not something that's just in your brain,
28:09 but to actually experience that,
28:11 and so that is constantly with me
28:15 that how if I have that experience,
28:19 how can I not share that with others?
28:26 Did you know that our mission offerings
28:28 have actually been dropping for the last 70 years?
28:32 It really pains my heart to tell you that but it's true,
28:35 but we can change that.
28:36 If every Adventist in North America
28:38 would simply give one dollar a week
28:41 for mission offerings,
28:43 it would double the amount that is now being given.
28:47 Will you join me in that commitment
28:50 to make a difference for Jesus Christ?
28:52 Check it out, adventistmission.org.
28:56 Every person matters to God,
28:57 and every dollar that you give
28:59 for mission helps us to reach one more person.
29:01 And I'm so grateful to everyone who sacrifice for mission.
29:05 One day soon,
29:07 you'll be able to meet the people
29:08 who found Jesus because you gave.
29:18 Next week on, I want this city,
29:20 people have waited for decades to hear the name of Jesus.
29:23 Join us for an event that makes history.
29:27 Watch, I want this city, Wednesday.


Revised 2017-12-18