I Want This City

Missionary Designer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Venn


Series Code: IWTC

Program Code: IWTC000002A

00:08 Over the past sixty years there's been a massive decline
00:11 in foreign missions.
00:15 I'm sharing the gospel through church planting.
00:19 In the 1930's if somebody gave $10.00 in tithe,
00:21 they'd give an additional $6.00 in foreign missions;
00:24 today just 28 cents.
00:27 We're doing the best we can with what we have,
00:29 but I'm still not satisfied.
00:35 God's crazy in love with the Thai people, and I sense His
00:39 spirit hovering over the city.
00:41 I've come to Bangkok, Thailand to discover the truth
00:43 about foreign missions.
00:45 Come with me as I follow my good friend, Pastor Doug Venn,
00:48 and his everyday life as a frontline missionary.
00:50 I prayed for God's biggest dream,
00:52 and He gave me this city of twelve million.
00:56 Welcome to my world.
01:11 Today we're heading downtown to go to the hospital.
01:13 Nicole and Andrew are student missionaries on Doug's team.
01:17 And the fastest way to get there is by river taxi. Yep, a boat.
01:24 Don't worry, nobody's sick.
01:26 We're going because the Thailand Adventist Mission is teaming up
01:29 with the Bangkok Adventist Hospital to put on a large
01:32 Health Expo in downtown Bangkok in just a few weeks.
01:35 Bangkok is built on a swamp and is sinking on a rate of
01:39 about two inches every year.
01:41 These canals were designed for drainage, defense,
01:44 and transportation.
01:45 There were so many canals at one time that Bangkok was known
01:49 as the Venice of the East.
01:51 They were much more popular back before all the blacktop
01:53 roads were put in, and they're still faster to some
01:56 parts of the city today.
01:57 I first rode a river taxi in 1969 with my parents,
02:02 who were returning missionaries from New Guinea.
02:04 I was five at the time, but I still remember the kids
02:07 swimming, laughing, and waving at us.
02:09 Back in '69 there were 3 million people living in Bangkok,
02:14 but today there's around four times that many.
02:16 And yet now there are fewer resources,
02:19 and fewer missionaries to reach all those extra people.
02:23 How in the world can we accomplish this task?
02:26 Pastor Doug thinks that the key may be through the Thai's rising
02:30 interest in healthy living.
02:36 Along with the newfound prosperity comes new health
02:39 problems like Diabetes and heart disease, which could be the open
02:42 door God uses to show His love to the precious Thai people.
02:46 Would you like to buy a pineapple? special price.
02:56 We're on our way to the hospital now to plan this upcoming Health
03:01 Expo, so we have to walk through this clothing market.
03:06 Now we're going through the fruit market, so you've got to
03:09 watch out here because it's kind of a place;
03:13 we'll call it a foreigner trap.
03:19 These are good!
04:04 Mangos are incredible here.
04:06 And you can see actually every variety here.
04:09 This is a mango shop and every variety here is delicious.
04:13 I don't know what they're called, but my wife and my
04:16 family they love these kinds.
04:26 Not only has Bangkok's population increased
04:28 dramatically, but the population of the whole world has nearly
04:31 doubled since my parents came home in 1969.
04:34 But while the world's population increases, we are seeing a rapid
04:37 decrease in the number of long term missionaries
04:40 and foreign mission giving.
04:41 And people that live over here feel the effect,
04:44 and the lack every day.
04:46 But they've also found the secret of true joy,
04:49 which is service, and giving of yourself
04:51 so that others may live.
04:57 Welcome to the hospital.
04:59 It's an island in the city, and like Nicole said, it's a jungle.
05:03 Bangkok Adventist Hospital was founded back in 1937,
05:06 and now has 200 beds and a full-time school of nursing.
05:10 Nicole is a graphic designer, and she's drawn up some really
05:14 great design ideas for the hospital
05:16 marketing team to look over.
05:17 We're here at the Marketing Department of the
05:20 Bangkok Adventist Hospital.
05:22 And we're here for a meeting with some ladies,
05:25 but as you can tell, they're not here. We're late.
05:29 That's not a lady. Yeah, I know.
05:35 So she's asked me today to help translate
05:38 for you as the designer.
05:39 Oh, great!
05:41 Yeah, Oh great is right. Yeah, Oh great.
05:43 This will be fun.
05:45 This is the kind of the idea.
05:55 Okay, so, alright. She's giving me... This is...
05:58 Trying to get her to speak English.
05:59 Right. This is what the Thai's call...
06:02 She's kind of, she's being modest with her ability.
06:06 Right? What they're asking for some support with is what is
06:11 going to be on those panels.
06:14 Okay, these are just rough sketches of ideas you could try.
06:19 So this one is using street signs maybe, and you could point
06:23 that with arrows where it's healthy living.
06:25 And then another one is using maybe science, and like the
06:30 ...elements, so discover your elemental health here.
06:35 Do you understand? Yeah.
06:36 Okay, just making sure.
06:39 Okay, just so you know; talk too fast.
06:42 Slowly. Very slowly.
06:44 Okay, and, Oh, and this one we're trying travel as a theme.
06:51 We have your ticket to a healthier future.
06:53 I was thinking maybe sort of a globe, and each booth is like
06:59 a different destination.
07:00 So people can maybe get stamps in their passport, like a check.
07:06 This one is sort of just basic colors, so we're trying health
07:09 is colorful; color your life.
07:11 So each letter, New Start, would be a different color.
07:16 And then you could try that.
07:17 That's a very simple one.
07:19 Yeah, very simple. Yeah!
07:20 Thai's love to have fun.
07:22 And so if you have, you know, if you choose that as a theme,
07:27 then that way we are helping to play,
07:30 so that way it's interactive.
07:45 I think you landed on a winner. They liked it.
07:47 That's good.
07:54 Behind that door over there is an American frontline
07:57 missionary, and the only physician that I that I know of
08:01 who's passed his Thai boards, and he prays with his patients,
08:06 and he's making a soul winning difference here in the city.
08:10 And where are they who spread Your love to the
08:19 lonely ones everywhere?
08:27 And where are they who will give their lives to search
08:36 for the sheep that are lost?
08:55 Today we're heading to the MBK shopping center.
08:58 And instead of going by boat, Pastor Doug has chosen to go by
09:01 motorbike taxi and then the sky train.
09:05 As of 2008 more than half the people in the world live in
09:09 cities, and so we must go and spend time in the cities
09:12 in order to reach them.
09:13 Yeah, the cities aren't the easiest places to feel
09:16 spiritual, but God is here.
09:18 He's moving in people's lives, and many are developing a hunger
09:22 for something they don't know how to fill.
09:24 And I've come to believe that the most effective way to
09:26 witness for Christ is to just live around people that have
09:30 never met a Christian before.
09:31 There are thousands of communities right here in
09:34 Bangkok just like that, waiting.
09:37 We're going to a Health Fair that's coming up at one of
09:42 Bangkok's largest and most heavily populated places.
09:47 So come with us. This is Bernard, and he's one of our friends.
09:51 I was introducing him to the team, and I wanted him to say,
09:55 you know, find out what he's doing here.
09:57 And I introduced you as a missionary.
10:00 So you're correcting me? Well...
10:02 So what's the definition of a missionary?
10:04 Oh, well actually it's true I'm, a missionary, but it's not the
10:08 reason why I came to Bangkok, alright?
10:10 It's not my profession, put it that way.
10:13 Oh. So your profession doesn't let you be a missionary?
10:20 It's nice to be a missionary also.
10:30 See, Bernard here, who is from Germany, and he's a church
10:36 member, very active at the English church, has a great
10:41 heart to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ
10:43 among the Thai people.
10:45 And he's pushing to, you know, Pastor Venn, how are we
10:48 doing with our media?
10:49 How are we doing with our websites?
10:51 And so our laymen... he's one of our supportive laymen.
10:54 But when I interviewed him at the BTS station,
10:58 and I introduced you to him as a missionary, because I know
11:04 that he has this burden to proclaim the gospel.
11:06 He says, No, I'm not a missionary.
11:08 Because I find that this attitude that unless I'm paid
11:14 by the church, unless I have the official, you know, card,
11:18 and there's a vote in action, people don't see themselves,
11:22 our church members don't see themselves as the ones who are,
11:26 you know, their role of proclaiming the gospel.
11:31 And so here he is a missionary because he is one who is sent.
11:36 God has called him, 1. to be a Christian, 2. God has called him
11:41 to have grace, and to have mercy, and He's given him all
11:46 these showers of blessings.
11:52 and an ambassador for Christ, and to go and send that out
11:55 to his business colleagues, and the other people that he
11:58 has influence and contact with, who've never heard the
12:01 name of Jesus Christ.
12:03 So who is a missionary?
12:13 I think that Matthew 28:17-20 is the one that is where I would
12:20 like to point people to.
12:22 Because here, and the reason why I include 17 through 20,
12:25 and a lot of people don't like to use that is because Jesus
12:28 gathers the twelve disciples to the mountain, and then they all
12:32 fall down and worship Him.
12:33 But then the next phrase is very key.
12:37 It says, and some doubted.
12:39 We always like to blame Doubting Thomas as, Well, he's the one.
12:43 He's the skeptic among us.
12:44 He's the cynical one.
12:46 He wants to see things, evidence, and he wants things
12:49 in black and white.
12:51 But the Greek there is very clear that was more than Thomas
12:55 as well as, and this is where I plateau in our lives today,
13:00 and to my life, that Jesus then goes into the call, to go to the
13:04 world, to go to the globe, and then to proclaim His message.
13:09 Who does He give this message and great commission to?
13:12 He gives it to everyone, even those of us who say,
13:15 like Bernard did here, is like Well, really, I'm not called.
13:20 But I have doubts about myself.
13:22 I have doubts, and I have questions.
13:27 I don't have everything all figured out.
13:29 But even to those people, Jesus Christ calls us...
13:37 to then proclaim the message that Jesus Christ loves them,
13:43 He's coming back, and to prepare this planet for His soon return.
13:57 That's... It's true that that disease is global.
14:02 That there's this attitude...
14:13 Like Bernard here, like you, that we are then to,
14:18 based on your skills, and interests, and how God has wired
14:22 you, and has given you interest, and skills, and abilities,
14:26 experiences, even dreams and imagination that we are then
14:31 to unleash, and to have and support you in going out
14:36 to spread the gospel.
14:38 Not that I have to do everything as the paid employee.
14:47 You know, I keep hearing you say that, but I just want to
14:51 sometimes it just makes me want to hit you
14:53 because you actually have.
14:55 You've been trained, but you may not have known it.
14:58 Because how many Sabbath School classes have you been to?
15:01 Okay, and how many times did you see your teacher open the
15:05 Bible and then address, and how many,
15:09 and how many, and address real questions or things like that?
15:15 How many evangelistic meetings have you attended?
15:19 Okay, and so this is where you have had a chance to open God's
15:23 word and see how the truths for today then can be applied to
15:28 real life people and their real life questions.
15:31 Then, and then how many times, how many sermons
15:35 have you listed to?
15:39 Alright, and so this is where, this is where that training
15:43 has in some ways has been informal.
15:46 You know, you haven't set down in a formal class,
15:49 paid your tuition, gotten grades, given a test.
15:52 And maybe we should do it that way.
15:53 You know, there are some of those times where that formal
15:58 education, people will then feel I'm now a certified missionary.
16:02 You know, I have my little diploma and my,
16:05 and I got an A from missionary school.
16:08 But the reality of it is that we, our
16:15 And so this is where, it's been my experience that whether
16:20 you're a businessman, a housewife, a college student,
16:24 God is working in your heart to use you in these last days
16:29 to then proclaim His message. And...
16:34 Because it's like a puzzle.
16:39 And God in His sovereignty, God in His plan, gives us the
16:44 privilege of partnering with Him to proclaim
16:47 the message, and to live it.
16:49 But if we don't, then there's going to be a gap there,
16:53 and God's going to have to try to work things out.
17:04 Yeah, well, I mean they're... many are called,
17:07 but many are lazy. Okay, let's rephrase that.
17:15 And why? And maybe that's instead of blaming you, John,
17:21 maybe what we should do is that we need to be the ones who
17:27 commission people like you, people like Bernard,
17:30 you know, my son, my kids, our community,
17:37 our church members.
17:53 And this is where whatever it takes.
17:57 I've got calls right now that are unfilled through the
18:04 For graphic designers, for video people, for lawyers to teach
18:10 English at a law school.
18:12 Again, these are short term calls for missionaries,
18:18 but it could be long term, of course.
18:20 But this is where I think some,
18:27 And so they think, Well, I'm not a pastor, so what can I do?
18:32 And so it's like, Well, Doug, you're the pastor, and so we're
18:36 paying our tithes and offerings, and so
18:40 Where actually, I think God is calling each one of us to go
18:45 to where He wants us to go.
18:51 But does that mean we neglect the work back home?
18:55 And that's where my, how I resolve that question is like,
19:02 some people say, Well, we should focus at home,
19:04 or we should focus overseas.
19:06 And it like, Well, how about we focus on Christ, and then Christ
19:09 will work on people's hearts to then those who need to go
19:13 overseas will go, as long as they are obedient.
19:16 And then those who are called to serve in our homelands,
19:21 wherever those may be, then they're called by God, too.
19:24 And so instead of trying to make this dichotomy, you know,
19:28 separation, we need to be able to say
19:36 whether that's overseas or at home.
19:45 Yeah, Ellen White does talk about the reflex action where
19:49 when we invest our life, and energy, and our interests,
19:53 and imagination in the work overseas,
19:55 then we receive this reflex action.
19:59 Ah, the reflex action, yes. That is correct.
20:06 Well, how has that worked?
20:09 Yeah, and so that's where, you know, I know of men...
20:13 Well, and that's one reason why I've really, it's been my burden
20:19 is to mentoring to train the young adults, and to train the
20:23 young people to say, You can make a difference.
20:25 And whether it's my own kids, or the college students from
20:31 around the world who joined us here in Bangkok, or through our
20:35 other volunteer programs, even involving the Thai young adults,
20:40 and college students, or high school students to get them
20:44 engaged that, You mean I can do something now?
20:54 ...in a small way?
20:56 And so, or you can, as long as they're in a structured
21:03 environment where, you know, like what we did yesterday with
21:05 the rice give away, and the children's ministry program,
21:09 and the home visitation and prayer ministry.
21:13 I mean we had your daughter, and she's eight years old,
21:19 and my daughter, Hannah, she's eleven, and then we had Kia,
21:24 she's five or six. And so what did they do?
21:27 So they sang songs.
21:30 You should have seen the joy that these three girls...
21:32 they brought to the homes when we're going visiting in the
21:36 slum, that as you're visiting the grandma's and grandpa's who
21:41 couldn't make it out to the community program,
21:45 And one grandma, she just saw the girls there, and so she just
21:50 came and gave them hugs.
21:54 Yeah, and that kind of ministry that a kid can do that we stuffy
22:00 adults, we can't do that.
22:08 Yeah, well, and that's what it's going to take is that ground to
22:12 ground saturation, and so that's why
22:18 We've got to get on this train.
22:20 More than half a million people ride these
22:23 trains every single day.
22:24 That's more people than the entire population
22:28 of Sacramento, California.
22:33 So this is the poor missionary country?
22:37 We're told to go everywhere.
22:39 This place is the biggest, or one of the biggest malls
22:43 here in the country.
22:45 I don't think we're supposed to be filming here,
22:47 but we'll see what we can do.
22:58 So we're on the way to the eighth floor to meet with
23:00 the mall management.
23:03 I don't know where I'm going, so...
23:07 This place is like a massive department store with around
23:10 2,000 shops where you can find anything, from perfume to
23:14 t- shirts, to cell phones, and a 100,000 people
23:16 coming through every day.
23:18 This is the biggest mall in Thailand, and they're going
23:22 to see your design.
23:23 Ah, to see my design!
23:25 Welcome to the real world.
23:28 So you do your best.
23:29 The Lord's opened this door and so the Lord's giving you
23:33 insight, and so you just say, Here's some ideas.
23:40 Tell me about this Thai word I've been
23:43 hearing about; mi penri?
23:45 No problem. This word, mi penri, is...
24:01 Mi penri means never mind.
24:03 Never mind?
24:04 It's not so polite.
24:05 It's not so polite?
24:07 Yes. If you...
24:08 So how would you say it so it's more polite?
24:10 It's more polite, I think for me, mi penri capi sut.
24:14 Oh, so cop, so add the indent, the male classifier at the end.
24:18 Yeah. So mi penri cop. Cop, yes.
24:20 Oh, so thank you. You have good English.
24:22 I thank you very much. Thank you.
24:34 Here's a photo of where we're... the Lord has provided this
24:38 health expo, and it's going to be right, where?
24:43 But they don't have the little shine there.
24:45 No! That one that invaded my design.
24:48 I, just as a curiosity, the time when I came here before,
24:52 I was able to then ask one of the people who
24:57 operate the bathrooms.
25:00 I said, How many people come here a day?
25:03 And she said, Um, in my bathroom alone about 10,000 a day.
25:10 10,000 a day used her bathroom.
25:13 That's a lot of people.
25:14 But when we look at Christ's ministry we see Him going
25:17 to where the masses of people were also, to the main
25:20 thorofares of travel; the big city centers where they gather
25:23 for business, or health, or pleasure.
25:25 He did this in order to bring salvation to them,
25:27 rather than waiting for them to come to Him.
25:31 Now this is the area where they're planning to set up
25:33 a large tent in just a few weeks time.
25:35 And Nicole's training in graphic design is really helpful
25:38 in arresting the attention of the people.
25:41 We spent the last three hours building relationships with the
25:45 mall administration and the leadership team.
25:47 When I first arrived it was, the Lord put a dream in my heart
25:51 to do something here downtown, where everyone is.
25:55 You can just look around us, and there's hundreds of, well,
25:58 there's thousands of people.
25:59 And it's exciting to see that four years later, after God put
26:03 this dream in my heart to do something in a public setting in
26:07 downtown Bangkok, to actually see it come to reality.
26:10 We were going to do it over there, but you can see there's
26:14 a little spirit shrine, or a big spirit shrine, so instead they
26:19 invited us to come to this side of the mall.
26:22 I think it's a little narrower than we were looking at before,
26:25 so it's a little less elbow room for people, but I think that
26:28 the sign situation is actually a lot better.
26:31 We don't have to pay for stands.
26:32 We can use, if we get permission, these built-in
26:36 stands that are kind of on one side of the walkway.
26:38 And I think those look a lot nicer than they would if we just
26:41 popped them up, and it's all built for you.
26:43 Nice. It's kind of a nice area.
26:45 You've been here for three weeks, and you are doing major
26:50 design; the biggest design project that Bangkok Adventist
26:55 Church has ever done.
26:57 No pressure, right? Ha!
27:01 I mean you, you had looked in the AVS call book,
27:04 the student missionary call book? Yeah.
27:07 And there was one call for a designer.
27:10 Yeah, this is the only one.
27:11 Do you know anything about that call?
27:14 Yeah, I was praying.
27:16 I was praying to the Lord to send a missionary designer.
27:19 I'd never heard that term before, missionary designer.
27:22 Well, we're told, I mean you just look around the city, and
27:30 And so this is something where it's through this art form,
27:33 or through this discipline, this skill, and I think actually it's
27:37 That how do you take
27:43 ...so then that way people, instead of selling handbags,
27:47 or stuff that's going to burn anyway; watches, and cars,
27:50 and stuff like that,
28:15 God can use every single one of you in reaching people within
28:20 your local area, but far beyond.
28:23 You don't need to be a pastor, or a teacher, or someone in a
28:27 traditional line of outreach to be part of this great mission
28:30 endeavor for the Lord.
28:32 I encourage all of you to find ways in which you can be
28:37 involved, not only by mission giving, but by practical total
28:42 member involvement; everyone working together.
28:44 Many people are responding.
28:46 You could be one of them. Look at:
28:51 to find out ways in which you can serve locally and globally.
28:55 I thank my God every time I remember you.
28:58 The Philippians supported the Apostle Paul when he was
29:02 doing his mission work.
29:03 And it was through today, through your sacrifice that
29:06 you're able to encourage and support the gospel workers
29:10 around the world as they share Jesus.
29:13 Next week on, I Want This City, we visit a poor community that's
29:17 requested us to be there full time,
29:19 but it's not all good news.
29:25 Watch, I Want This City, Wednesday,
29:27 9:30 Central, 10:30 Eastern.


Revised 2018-01-10