In Search of the Truth

The Rest Of The Story

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd


Series Code: IST

Program Code: IST000012

00:01 Welcome back to In Search of the Truth.
00:04 I'm Karen Byrd.
00:06 In our last program we learned that the God of creation
00:09 wrote His character - His law - in stone.
00:12 We also learned that this law is still our guide,
00:15 our moral compass today.
00:18 How comforting to discover that it is His plan
00:21 to write that law on our hearts.
00:24 Today Charles is back at Mt. Sinai to take a closer look
00:28 at the one commandment that is nearly universally ignored.
00:32 Join us as we go in search of the REST of the story.
01:15 If you jump on the World Wide Web
01:17 and go to a web site called
01:21 you will find some very interesting optical illusions.
01:24 You can even purchase some posters of them.
01:26 Here are two of them. What do you see here?
01:30 Most of us quickly see the face of an Indian.
01:33 Or is it an Indian?
01:35 If you look closer you can see
01:37 that it is the back of an Eskimo stepping into a cave.
01:41 OK, here is another optical illusion.
01:44 How many colors are on this picture?
01:46 Look carefully.
01:48 Some of us might think that there are four,
01:51 but actually there are only three.
01:53 White, Green, and Pink.
01:56 You see, things are not always what they appear to be.
01:59 Sometimes we're so sure of what we first see
02:01 that we don't consider what we might have missed.
02:04 Let's look at another illusion together.
02:07 Here is a top hat.
02:08 Which length is longer, the brim of the hat or the height?
02:14 Your eyes are probably telling you
02:15 that the hat is taller than the brim is wide
02:18 but since I've set you up,
02:19 showing you two other optical illusions,
02:21 you are probably willing to consider
02:23 that the brim may be wider.
02:25 To prove to ourselves which length is longer
02:28 we must use a ruler.
02:30 When we do,
02:31 we find that the brim of the hat is 13 inches wide
02:34 while the height is only 12 and a half.
02:37 See this check for $1,000?
02:40 This is not an illusion.
02:42 It is my guarantee
02:43 that my search for truth is an honest one.
02:46 I'm going to offer this money to the first person
02:49 who can give me the missing text.
02:51 It's a text that I've looked for
02:53 but have been unable to find.
02:55 I'll tell you more about it later in the broadcast.
02:58 In our last broadcast we talked about the Ten Commandments
03:02 that were written by the very finger of God
03:04 and given to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
03:07 Satan, the enemy of God,
03:09 has encouraged men to set this moral compass aside
03:12 and disregard His plans for happiness.
03:15 Satan has even gone so far now
03:17 that he has pastoral imposters in God's church
03:21 telling people that the law has been done away with.
03:25 Jesus disagrees with these false prophets.
03:29 He said in Luke 16:17,
03:32 "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass,
03:35 than one tittle of the law to fail."
03:38 Here is the same verse in the New International Version.
03:42 "It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear
03:46 than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law."
03:50 Heaven and earth are still here
03:52 and according to Jesus so is His law.
03:54 God tells us the same thing in Psalm 89.
03:58 "My covenant I will not break,
04:01 Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips."
04:04 God tells us that He will not change or break His covenant.
04:08 Notice here that the Ten Commandments came from His lips.
04:12 "And God spoke all these words..."
04:15 These commandments were a part of a covenant relationship.
04:18 Now folks, it is utterly impossible
04:21 for any of God's moral law to ever change.
04:24 It would appear that all Ten Commandments are binding today.
04:29 But right in the middle of that law
04:31 is a command that is virtually ignored
04:33 by every religion on planet earth.
04:36 This is what it says.
04:38 In the deserts of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula is a mountain
04:45 that tradition has told us
04:47 is the mountain that God met Moses at.
04:50 It was at this mountain that He wrote with His own finger,
04:53 the Ten Commandments including the Sabbath commandment
04:55 which says,
04:57 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
05:00 Some people have falsely assumed
05:02 that the Sabbath was given to the Jewish people.
05:06 But the Sabbath has always been there.
05:07 The Sabbath was there in Eden.
05:09 Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath before there ever was any sin.
05:13 And the children of God
05:15 have always kept the Sabbath day holy.
05:17 It was for that purpose that when Moses went into Egypt
05:20 he commanded the people that they should keep the Sabbath.
05:23 You're about to be delivered by the God of creation,
05:25 he told them.
05:27 You need to keep the Sabbath day holy.
05:28 And so he encouraged them to do that.
05:31 The Bible records that that was the complaint of Pharaoh.
05:33 He says, 'You cause the people to Sabot', or to rest.
05:38 So it was that the people began to keep the Sabbath
05:41 even before they came to this mountain
05:43 and had that day written in stone.
05:46 It made Pharaoh angry,
05:48 'Well, if you've got time to rest
05:49 you can make your bricks without straw being supplied.'
05:53 So, he commanded
05:54 that his task masters make them make as many bricks as before
05:57 yet without straw.
05:59 Of course this caused a lot of trouble.
06:01 And finally the people arrived here
06:03 after a magnificent deliverance by God
06:06 and here He wrote with His finger,
06:08 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
06:11 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
06:15 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God:
06:18 in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
06:23 nor thy daughter, thy manservant,
06:25 nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
06:28 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
06:30 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth,
06:33 the sea, and all that in them is,
06:35 and rested the seventh day:
06:38 wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
06:43 Who made this law?
06:44 According to Exodus 20 it was the God of creation.
06:49 Now you may find it amazing
06:50 that God puts forth His creative power
06:53 as the reason for why we should remember the Sabbath day.
06:57 Not only is creation and the Sabbath linked in Exodus 20
07:01 but if we go back to the first book of the Bible,
07:04 the book of Genesis,
07:05 We discover that here also the Sabbath and creation
07:09 are linked together.
07:11 In Genesis 2 it tells us about the last thing God created.
07:16 Was it man? No it was the Sabbath!
07:20 "And on the seventh day
07:22 God ended his work which he had made;
07:24 and he rested on the seventh day from all his work...
07:27 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
07:30 because that in it he had rested from all his work
07:34 which God created and made."
07:37 Which day of the week is the Sabbath?
07:39 The commandment tells us that plainly.
07:42 "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God:
07:46 in it thou shalt not do any work."
07:49 Pick up your calendar.
07:51 The weekly cycle has seven days.
07:53 Count them.
07:54 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
08:01 The seventh day is the Sabbath.
08:03 This is not Sunday. The Sabbath is not Sunday.
08:08 It is the seventh day of the week.
08:10 How can we know?
08:11 We know because God performed 2080 miracles to say,
08:17 'This is the Sabbath.'
08:18 Something special happened in the valley below.
08:20 If you look down there you can see that it's desert,
08:23 nothing is growing, how are the people going to eat?
08:26 God began to rain down a food called manna.
08:29 When that manna came the people would go out
08:33 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
08:36 and gather manna.
08:38 They were to gather only enough for that day except on Friday.
08:44 On Friday they were supposed to gather twice as much
08:47 and God would perform a miracle.
08:49 On Monday if they collected any extra
08:51 it would spoil by the next day
08:53 and smell pretty bad from what I read in scriptures.
08:56 But if they collected enough on Friday
08:59 God kept it so that it was preserved over Sabbath
09:02 so they could eat it and no manna fell on Saturday.
09:07 2080 times God said, 'This is the Sabbath.'
09:10 Here it is again, here it is again,
09:13 watch out here it comes again.
09:15 The same Jews who had that miracle performed for them
09:18 have a calendar they have used continuously
09:21 without interruption to this very day.
09:24 Go to any Jewish calendar
09:26 and you'll find that their Saturday Sabbath
09:28 is the same as our Saturday Sabbath.
09:32 Doesn't the creator of all mankind
09:34 have the right to declare what day is His Sabbath?
09:37 Would man tell God His way is wrong?
09:41 Let me ask you an honest question.
09:43 Why do we have a seven-day week?
09:47 Look with me in the book of beginnings.
09:49 "Then God said,
09:51 "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens
09:53 to divide the day from the night;
09:55 and let them be for signs and seasons,
09:58 and for days and years;
10:00 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens
10:03 to give light on the earth";
10:05 and it was so."
10:07 What makes a year a year?
10:09 One earth orbit around the sun.
10:11 This is just how God created it.
10:14 He said the lights in the firmament would be for years.
10:17 What makes a day a day?
10:20 One rotation of the earth on its axis.
10:22 This is just how God made it.
10:24 He said the lights in the firmament of the sky
10:27 would be for days.
10:29 What makes a month and month?
10:31 One cycle of the moon waxing and waning.
10:34 What makes the four seasons,
10:35 what makes the day and what makes the night?
10:38 Nobody argues the answers to these questions.
10:40 Nobody even questions.
10:42 It is all dictated by the planets and the stars
10:45 just as God created it to be.
10:48 Why do we have a seven-day week?
10:51 It does not fit neatly into the yearly calendar.
10:54 Why not a ten day week? Why not a 5 day week?
10:58 Why is it that for the last 6,000 years
11:00 cultures have been following a seven-day week?
11:03 There is only one reason. Only one.
11:06 Because God made the earth in six days
11:10 and rested on the seventh day
11:12 and blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
11:14 From that day to the present
11:16 there have always been some people who believed
11:19 and obeyed and worshiped and rested on the seventh day.
11:24 It started that way in Eden.
11:27 Adam and Eve were perfect. There was no sin.
11:30 And from that day to this
11:32 we have only two tastes of paradise.
11:34 Only two glimpses of the perfect world
11:36 fresh from the creator's hand.
11:38 One is marriage.
11:41 And when we obey all His laws about marriage from this book,
11:44 when we die to self and live for others,
11:47 our marriages are a little taste of heaven on earth.
11:50 The other institution that comes to us from the perfect world
11:54 is the Sabbath.
11:58 drops what He is busy doing,
11:59 and there is a lot to be busy with...
12:01 and He spends intimate time with His children.
12:05 Did you know that Jesus was the creator?
12:08 That's what the man who wrote the book of Revelation says.
12:11 "All things were made by Him;
12:13 and without him was not any thing made that was made."
12:16 This God, who created the world in six days and nights
12:20 stepped down off His eternal throne
12:22 and took upon himself the form of a servant.
12:25 He didn't just become a man like Adam
12:33 And what do we find the creator God doing on the Sabbath
12:37 as a man here on Earth?
12:39 He was doing just what He did in Eden with Adam and Eve
12:43 when He was fully God.
12:45 He was having fellowship with man.
12:47 "So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.
12:50 And as His custom was,
12:52 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
12:55 and stood up to read."
12:57 Some might falsely argue,
12:59 "Well of course He would do that He was a Jew."
13:02 But careful investigation shows Jesus never did anything
13:06 without having a deliberate reason.
13:08 He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath
13:10 because He created the Sabbath.
13:12 As a burden? As a chore? As a duty? No, no, and no.
13:18 In His own words,
13:19 "The Sabbath was made for man." REMEMBER!
13:24 That's how the 4th commandment starts.
13:26 Remember!
13:28 The Sabbath has been there since the dawn of creation.
13:31 It was the crowning act of His creative week.
13:34 Then God rested.
13:36 Because He was tired? NO.
13:38 He stopped to enjoy what He had made,
13:41 to fellowship with His newest creation.
13:44 But He made the Sabbath for man.
13:47 Adam and Eve, our first parents,
13:50 were created on the 6th day of the week,
13:51 our Friday.
13:53 And within a few hours they were being invited to rest.
13:57 REST! Rest from what?
14:00 They weren't even tired!
14:02 No, not rest from what. Wrong question.
14:06 They were invited to rest IN.
14:08 They rested in God's creative power,
14:11 they rested in God's creative genius,
14:13 they rested in His finished work,
14:15 and they rested and reveled in God's personal presence.
14:21 Now, about the $1,000 for the missing text.
14:24 If God gave us His Decalogue as a moral guide,
14:27 a written view of His character,
14:29 then there must be a place where He changed it.
14:32 There must be a place
14:33 because most of the people who claim that Jesus is their Savior
14:37 don't keep the Sabbath holy according to the commandment.
14:40 Most of them, if they keep any day as a holy day, keep Sunday.
14:45 And even when they keep Sunday
14:46 they don't obey the direct command
14:48 "In it you shall do no work."
14:52 I've read my Bible through multiple times
14:55 but I have not been able to find the text
14:57 where He made that change.
14:59 I found the one where He said
15:01 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
15:03 I found the one that said,
15:05 "The LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
15:08 If He changed His mind surely He would have told us.
15:11 Find me the missing text,
15:13 the one that changed God's day from Sabbath to Sunday
15:16 and the $1,000 is yours.
15:19 But lest you spend a great deal of time looking,
15:22 let me help your search.
15:23 The word Sunday is not in the Bible.
15:26 That is a pagan name in honor of the Sun.
15:29 Look in your Strong's Exhaustive Concordance under "first."
15:33 You will find that there are 47 scripture references
15:36 with the phrase "first day."
15:39 Of those 47 passages only 8 are talking about the "first day"
15:44 as referring to Sunday, the first day of the week.
15:47 Seven of them are in the New Testament.
15:49 Here on the screen I've listed the first four references.
15:53 Each of them refers to Jesus being raised from the dead
15:56 on the first day of the week.
15:57 I'm so thankful that He rose from the dead
16:00 and I duly note
16:02 that each of the texts states the historical truth
16:05 that Jesus rose on the first day of the week.
16:08 This is, of course,
16:09 the number one reason given by those who keep Sunday
16:12 as their day of worship.
16:14 But as I look carefully over all these passages
16:17 not one gives any indication that God has changed His mind
16:21 about the Sabbath being His holy day, set apart for mankind.
16:26 The Bible does give us a memorial of the death,
16:29 burial and resurrection of the Christ and that is Baptism.
16:33 You can read it for yourself in Romans chapter 6 verses 3-6.
16:38 God never gave people authority to institute another memorial
16:42 which would destroy the Sabbath memorial
16:44 that He Himself instituted at creation.
16:48 Let's look at the next first day text.
16:50 It's found in John 20 verse 19.
16:54 "Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week,
16:58 when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled,
17:00 for fear of the Jews,
17:02 Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them,
17:05 "Peace be with you."
17:07 Notice here that the disciples
17:09 were not holding a meeting to honor the resurrection.
17:12 They did not even believe in the resurrection at this point.
17:15 They were meeting behind locked doors "for fear of the Jews".
17:20 They were afraid
17:22 that they might soon meet the same fate as Jesus.
17:24 OK, we've looked at 5 of the 7 first day texts.
17:28 Let's look at the 6th.
17:30 1Corinthians chapter 16 verse 2,
17:33 "On the first day of the week
17:35 let each one of you lay something aside,
17:38 storing up as he may prosper,
17:40 that there be no collections when I come."
17:42 This text does not say anything about keeping this day
17:46 as a holy day of worship in honor of the resurrection.
17:49 Paul was requesting money for the Jerusalem Christians
17:52 who were suffering from famine
17:53 according to Acts 11 and Romans 15.
17:56 He was instructing the Corinthian Christians
17:59 to prepare for this offering
18:00 laying aside at home a certain amount of money each week
18:04 for this special offering.
18:06 Please note that this was an individual laying aside,
18:10 and not a collective laying aside at a church meeting.
18:13 They were putting money aside for this offering
18:16 that would be collected later, when Paul arrived.
18:18 There certainly is no evidence in this passage
18:21 for Sunday keeping.
18:23 OK, The last of the first day texts from Acts chapter 20.
18:28 "Now on the first day of the week,
18:30 when the disciples came together to break bread,
18:33 Paul, ready to depart the next day,
18:35 spoke to them and continued his message until midnight."
18:39 There were many lamps in the upper room
18:41 where they were gathered together.
18:42 And in a window sat a certain young man named Eutychus,
18:46 who was sinking into a deep sleep.
18:49 He was overcome by sleep;
18:50 and as Paul continued speaking,
18:52 he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead.
18:56 But Paul went down, fell on him,
18:58 and embracing him said,
19:00 "Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him."
19:04 "Now when he had come up, had broken bread and eaten,
19:07 and talked a long while, even till daybreak, he departed."
19:11 By the way,
19:12 this is the best anecdotal text for worshiping on Sunday,
19:16 but those who use it that way
19:17 are ignoring some important points.
19:19 Notice when this meeting actually took place:
19:22 the evening of the first day of the week.
19:25 In Biblical times the day was reckoned from sunset to sunset,
19:28 "from even to even" were told in Genesis 1:5.
19:32 Thus the dark part of the first day of the week
19:34 in Biblical times would be what we would today call
19:37 Saturday night.
19:38 The New English Bible translates this verse:
19:41 "On the Saturday night,
19:43 in our assembly for the breaking of bread."
19:45 This breaking of bread was a term for eating a meal together.
19:49 What was actually taking place
19:51 was a Saturday night fellowship meal held in Paul's honor
19:54 because he was about to leave in the morning
19:56 and he might never see them again.
19:59 He was anxious to impart all the counsel of God that he could,
20:02 so the scripture says he spent the entire night,
20:05 from sundown to sunup, preaching to them.
20:08 According to verse 11,
20:10 on Sunday morning the apostle Paul and his company
20:13 departed on their journey.
20:15 Why didn't they stay for Sunday morning worship
20:17 if they were keeping Sunday?
20:19 Sunday was not set aside as a 24 hour Sabbath day of rest,
20:23 but a travel day.
20:25 Now, here we've looked at every first day of the week text
20:28 in the New Testament, all 7 of them,
20:30 and we have not found the slightest indication
20:33 of any change in the day of worship.
20:35 In fact the New Testament reveals just the opposite.
20:39 Would you like me to show you the 84 times
20:42 the Sabbath was kept in the New Testament?
20:44 This short program will not permit me to give them
20:47 the same amount of time I've given the first day texts
20:51 so you may want to jot these down.
20:53 Also at the end of this program
20:55 we'll offer you a study guide entitled "Don't be Fooled"
20:58 that will give you many other passages of scripture
21:01 to consider.
21:02 In Acts chapter 13 verse 14 Paul and his company
21:06 went to the synagogue at Antioch on the Sabbath. (ONE)
21:09 Acts 13 verses 42-43 says when the Jews left the synagogue,
21:15 the Gentiles asked Paul to come preach
21:17 those same words of Jesus to them the following Sabbath
21:21 and the next Sabbath the whole city came together
21:23 to hear the Word of God.
21:25 That's TWO times.
21:27 In Acts chapter 16 verse 13
21:29 apparently no synagogue was available at Philippi.
21:32 So, instead he met with the believers by the riverside.
21:36 Even though there was no Jewish place of worship,
21:38 Paul still met on Sabbath for Christian worship.
21:42 That's THREE times.
21:44 In Acts 17 verses 1-4
21:46 Paul preached three Sabbath days in a row
21:48 to the folks in Thessalonica.
21:50 Now we're at SIX.
21:52 And when Paul was in Corinth Acts 18:4 says
21:55 he met with the believers "every Sabbath".
21:58 How long was Paul at Corinth?
22:00 Acts 18:11 says he was there for a year and a half
22:04 or 78 Sabbaths in a row.
22:07 This brings us to a running total of 84 Sabbaths
22:11 Paul kept as a Christian!
22:14 Careful study reveals
22:16 that there is not one text in the New Testament
22:18 that abolishes the Ten Commandments.
22:20 There is one that appears to.
22:22 It is found in Colossians chapter 2.
22:25 It says, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances
22:28 that was against us,
22:29 which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way,
22:32 nailing it to his cross."
22:34 Once again we have to let scripture interpret scripture.
22:37 In the Bible it uses the word LAW to mean different things.
22:41 It will say LAW when it is talking about civil commands
22:44 and rules of government.
22:46 It will say LAW when it is talking about health rules
22:49 and stipulations like clean and unclean meat.
22:52 It will say LAW when it is talking about ceremonial rules,
22:56 like bringing a sheep to the tabernacle
22:58 and having its blood taken into the sanctuary.
23:01 And it will say LAW
23:03 when it's talking about the Ten Commandments.
23:06 I have been to Israel, I have met with Jews,
23:09 both Orthodox and Messianic
23:11 and they are absolutely clear
23:12 about these different distinctions.
23:14 So which law was blotted out? Which law is gone?
23:20 To understand Colossians 2:14
23:22 you must compare it with what Moses said
23:25 in Deuteronomy 31:24-26.
23:27 Let's put them on the screen side by side.
23:30 Something was blotted out it but it wasn't the Ten Commandments.
23:34 What was blotted out
23:36 was the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.
23:41 Lets compare these three descriptions with Deuteronomy.
23:45 First notice Moses had done the "handwriting".
23:48 According to Exodus 31:18
23:51 the Ten Commandments were not handwritten
23:53 but placed on stone with the finger of God.
23:56 The laws of Moses were handwritten
23:58 and placed in a book, or a scroll.
24:01 These were not placed inside the ark
24:03 with the Ten Commandments
24:05 but "beside the ark."
24:07 And these handwritings of Moses
24:09 were to be a witness against the people.
24:12 Paul's message to the believers in Colosse
24:14 was the same message to the believers in Ephesus.
24:18 "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,
24:22 even the law of commandments contained in ordinances;
24:25 for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace."
24:30 Notice again what was done away with.
24:32 "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,
24:36 even the law of commandments contained in ordinances;"
24:40 What we now know and understand
24:42 is that the Laws contained in ordinances
24:45 or the ceremonial laws were done away with.
24:48 Why?
24:50 Because Jesus was the ceremonial lamb.
24:53 No longer must we offer a burnt offering
24:55 in faith of a coming savior.
24:57 Our Savior came and died for our sins.
25:00 He fulfilled the law containing types of what was to come.
25:05 But Jesus never gave the weekly Sabbath as a type,
25:08 a ceremony of something to come.
25:11 The Sabbath was a weekly reality,
25:13 a weekly time of personal communion with God.
25:17 And did you know
25:19 that we will be keeping the same Sabbath in heaven?
25:21 "For as the new heavens and the new earth,
25:24 which I will make,
25:25 shall remain before me, saith the LORD,
25:27 so shall your seed and your name remain.
25:29 And it shall come to pass,
25:31 that from one new moon to another,
25:33 and from one Sabbath to another,
25:35 shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD."
25:39 You know, I'm looking forward to being in heaven with Jesus
25:42 so I'm starting now to let Jesus be the Lord of my life.
25:46 And if He is asking me to spend the Sabbath with Him there,
25:49 then I certainly don't mind spending the Sabbath
25:53 with Him here.
25:54 The Ten Commandments,
25:55 including the Sabbath are the basis for a loving,
25:58 intimate relationship with the God of creation.
26:02 At the foundation of all quality relationships is time.
26:07 The Sabbath is that weekly time that God has set aside
26:10 for you to spend with Him.
26:13 Don't throw away that precious gift
26:15 and don't be fooled into thinking it doesn't matter.
26:18 To help you learn more about God's true Sabbath
26:21 call or email right now for your free study guide.
26:26 What you learn here will open your eyes.
26:29 Here's the contact information you'll need.
27:12 Fulfilled prophecy
27:14 is really the ultimate foundation for rational faith.
27:17 Did you know
27:19 that the United States of America is prominently portrayed
27:22 in Bible prophecy?
27:23 In our next program Charles is going in search of the truth
27:26 about the US in Bible prophecy.
27:29 You won't want to miss these startling predictions.
27:32 We'll see you next time
27:34 as we again go in Search of the Truth.


Revised 2014-12-17