In Search of the Truth

The Spirit Of Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd


Series Code: IST

Program Code: IST000009

00:01 Today we are on our way up Mt. Carmel in the country
00:03 of Israel.
00:04 This mountain was the scene of an intense political and moral
00:07 debate between Elijah, King Ahab, and the prophets
00:11 of Baal.
00:12 The question was, "Who is God?"
00:15 Hello, I'm Karen Byrd.
00:17 Today people are still asking the same question
00:20 and are still coming to different conclusions.
00:22 Jews, Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Hindus, Astrologers
00:26 and many others... they can't all be right.
00:30 If only there was someone who had divine insight
00:33 and could be trusted to guide us without any self-bias.
00:38 In Bible times they had such people
00:40 and they were called prophets.
00:42 Are there still prophets who speak for God today?
00:45 If there are prophets,
00:47 how can we tell which ones are inspired by the Creator?
00:50 Join us as we go in search of the truth
00:53 concerning the Spirit of Prophecy.
01:35 I believe in this book.
01:37 It's not just a book of fairytales.
01:39 I believe for reasons that would convince me
01:42 if I were a juror.
01:44 Now, why do I believe in the Bible?
01:47 In a word, Prophecy.
01:49 In our second program of this In Search of the Truth series
01:53 we learned a little about prophecy
01:55 from the story of Daniel
01:56 who was taken captive by the Babylonians in 606 B.C.
02:01 After just a few short years
02:02 Daniel became the Prime Minister of this world empire
02:06 through an extraordinary chain of events.
02:09 King Nebuchadnezzar had had a troubling dream
02:12 that he could not remember and on the king's behalf,
02:14 Daniel seeks the God of heaven, the God of creation,
02:17 for the answer to the un-remembered dream.
02:20 God revealed to Daniel what the King had dreamed
02:23 in his own bed and even what the King was thinking
02:26 before he went to sleep.
02:28 Reminding the king of his own thoughts
02:31 and revealing to him the forgotten dream
02:33 was enough to cause Nebuchadnezzar to believe
02:36 the interpretation of the dream was also accurate.
02:39 But since the dream was prophetic,
02:41 since it revealed future events,
02:43 only time would prove if Daniel
02:45 had divined the future correctly.
02:48 Listen to what Daniel told the King...
02:57 "You, O king, were watching and behold a great image.
03:02 This great image who's splendor was excellent
03:05 stood before you and its form was awesome.
03:10 This image's head was of fine gold.
03:13 You, O king, are a king of kings,
03:17 for the God of Heaven has given you a kingdom,
03:20 power, strength, and glory.
03:23 You, O king, are this head of gold.
03:29 Its chest and arms were of silver.
03:32 And after you there shall arise another kingdom
03:35 inferior to yours just as silver is inferior to gold.
03:42 Its belly and thighs were made of bronze.
03:45 This third kingdom of bronze shall rule over the earth.
03:50 Its legs were of iron.
03:52 This fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron
03:56 in as much as iron breaks in pieces and shatters all things.
04:00 And like iron that crushes,
04:02 that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all others."
04:08 Then something interesting happens.
04:10 Daniel doesn't predict another world empire
04:13 to follow the kingdom of iron, but a divided kingdom.
04:18 "The images feet were made partly of iron
04:22 and partly of clay.
04:24 Whereas you saw the feet and toes,
04:27 partly of potter's clay and partly of iron,
04:29 the kingdom shall be divided.
04:31 And as the toes of the feet were
04:34 partly of iron and partly of clay,
04:36 so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile."
04:42 Amazing!
04:43 This is exactly what history confirms!
04:46 Babylon followed by Medo-Persia followed by Greece
04:50 followed by Rome,
04:51 and then, just as predicted,
04:53 Europe and the Middle East never again united
04:56 as one Great Nation, just as the prophetic dream foretold.
05:01 This is why I believe in the Bible.
05:04 No one has ever been able to predict
05:06 2,600 years of history in advance,
05:10 showing four world empires
05:12 and then their divided state with such pinpoint accuracy.
05:16 How is it that we can know these things?
05:18 How is it that Daniel, a mere human being,
05:21 and a very young man was able to foretell the future?
05:26 Amos 3:7 tells us the answer,
05:29 "Surely the Lord God does nothing,
05:32 unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
05:37 I find this amazing.
05:39 That the God of creation,
05:40 the God of the universe wants us to know in advance
05:43 what He is planning to do.
05:45 This book is worthy of our trust.
05:47 Prophecy is such a solid anchor for our faith.
05:50 Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:9 that Prophecy is more sure,
05:54 more accurate, than an eye witness account.
05:57 You see, God knows the future even before it happens.
06:02 God tells us through His prophet Isaiah,
06:05 "Remember the former things of old, for I am God,
06:09 and there is none other;
06:10 I am God, and there is none like Me,
06:15 Declaring the end from the beginning,
06:17 and from ancient times things that are not yet done..."
06:21 Daniel, Isaiah and many other prophets
06:24 did predict the future,
06:26 but did you know that predicting future events
06:28 is not the primary work of a prophet?
06:31 In fact many of the prophets in the Bible
06:33 never predicted the future.
06:35 Would you like to know from the Bible
06:38 what the primary work of a prophet is?
06:41 According to Paul who also had the prophetic gift
06:44 "...he who prophesies speaks edification
06:47 and exhortation and comfort..."
06:50 The life of a prophet most often was spent
06:52 in edification or building up,
06:54 exhorting, urging people to live righteous lives
06:58 and comforting those who are wounded and down-trodden,
07:01 strengthening them to endure as faithful followers of God.
07:07 This was also the work of Elijah.
07:12 We're standing, today, on the top of Mt. Carmel
07:14 where the Carmelites have set up a church,
07:18 a monastery in memory of Prophet Elijah.
07:21 What is a prophet, you say.
07:23 The primary role of a prophet
07:24 is not just to tell what's going to happen off in the future.
07:27 The primary role of a prophet is to bring people to God,
07:31 to tell them of His will,
07:32 to warn people about God's wrath to come if they're disobedient,
07:36 and about the beauties and the blessings
07:38 that will come if they're obedient.
07:41 Elijah was one of those prophets
07:42 and Elijah called all the children of Israel
07:46 right here to Mt. Carmel.
07:48 This is where he was going to have the final showdown
07:51 to tell the people that God was the true God.
07:54 For three years it hadn't rained at all
07:56 because he had told them by God's order
07:59 that it wasn't going to rain until the people repented,
08:01 changed their ways, turned around.
08:04 So, he called them all together here for the final showdown.
08:07 If you look down here on the top of Mt. Carmel
08:09 you can see how a lot of people could come up on the mountain
08:11 and yet thousands of people could still be together
08:14 and see and hear what was going on.
08:17 The children of Israel had been in rebellion;
08:19 they had been serving Baal, they had been worshipping him.
08:23 God said,
08:24 'Okay, you think Baal takes care of you?
08:26 Think Baal looks after you?
08:27 I'll tell you what.
08:28 There will be no rain until I tell you."
08:31 God used the prophet Elijah to warn the people
08:34 that this famine was going to come,
08:36 that there would be this sever drought.
08:38 And true to His word,
08:39 that's exactly what happened.
08:40 At the end of three and a half years
08:41 he called all Israel,
08:43 King Ahab, and the prophets of Baal to this very mountain;
08:46 Mt. Carmel.
08:48 He said, 'Now we're going to see who is the true God,
08:50 who is the real God.'
08:52 Here is the prophet,
08:53 striking the most common pose,
08:55 exhorting the people to choose between Baal or Jehovah,
08:59 an idol of stone representing the forces of Satan
09:02 or the God of creation.
09:04 Do you know how God most commonly speaks to a prophet?
09:08 We are told in the book of Numbers,
09:10 "If there be a prophet among you,
09:12 I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision,
09:15 and will speak unto him in a dream."
09:18 It's important to notice here that a true prophet
09:21 is not some maverick,
09:22 some person who wants to have power or glory for himself.
09:26 In all my Biblical research
09:28 I've never found a true prophet
09:30 getting rich off his gift.
09:32 Jesus said,
09:33 "Freely you have received freely give."
09:37 You can see this in the experience
09:39 of the Prophet Elisha.
09:41 After healing Naaman of leprosy,
09:43 this great general of the Syrian army
09:45 wanted to richly reward the prophet.
09:48 But the prophet refused
09:50 and Naaman was compelled to see a God better than his own.
09:54 Afterwards he became a follower of Jehovah.
09:58 "OK, OK," I hear some saying,
10:00 "that was Bible times.
10:02 But were there prophets beyond Bible times
10:04 and are there prophets today?"
10:07 Let's go to the Bible for our answers.
10:10 Jesus gave us a very clear answer when he said,
10:13 "Beware of false prophets,
10:14 who come to you in sheep's clothing,
10:17 but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
10:20 You will know them by their fruits."
10:23 If there were not going to be any genuine prophets,
10:26 Jesus would have warned against all prophets.
10:29 The fact that he warned against false prophets
10:31 indicates the presence of the genuine.
10:34 I have listened to some of the radio pastors
10:37 teaching that when the Amen was placed
10:39 at the end of Revelation
10:40 there was no more need for the prophetic gift.
10:44 They want us to believe that God has no intention
10:47 of ever revealing anything by dreams or visions
10:50 to His chosen human agents again.
10:53 Well, I hope that each of us will choose to prayerfully read
10:57 this book for ourselves because then we'll know
11:00 that this cannot be the case.
11:02 But, lest I seem as one who believes without reason,
11:05 let's go back to the Bible
11:07 and see what it teaches on this point.
11:10 Joel was probably a contemporary
11:12 of the prophet Elijah and Elisha.
11:14 In Joel 2 he was talking about the "Day of the Lord"
11:17 which is code language for the day
11:20 that Jesus will come again in the clouds of glory.
11:23 He foresees a great revival of the prophetic gift.
11:27 "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
11:30 your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
11:32 your old men shall dream dreams,
11:35 your young men shall see visions."
11:38 The Lord has not come back yet
11:40 so according to this prophecy we can fully expect to see
11:43 a marked manifestation of the prophetic gift.
11:46 If our sons and daughters are receiving the gift of prophecy,
11:50 who are we to tell God that he can't do that?
11:53 The fact is we need it!
11:55 Paul clearly tells us in Ephesians 4
11:57 that the gift of prophecy was given to the church.
12:00 "He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets;
12:02 and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12:05 For the perfecting of the saints,
12:08 for the work of the ministry,
12:09 for the edifying of the body of Christ..."
12:12 How long are we to have this gift working in the church?
12:16 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
12:19 of the knowledge of the Son of God,
12:21 unto a perfect man,
12:22 unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
12:27 I don't believe we can say that the Christian church
12:30 measures up to the word "perfect"
12:32 and today God continues to bless the church
12:34 with the gift of evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
12:38 If God prophesied that He was planning to pour out
12:41 the prophetic gift on our sons and daughters,
12:43 and that it would be in the church,
12:45 and that it would be there till we all come to perfection
12:49 we can certainly be assured that the Book of Revelation
12:52 was not the last prophetic word to mankind.
12:55 In fact, the Prophet Joel predicted
12:58 that the "remnant" church would have the gift of prophecy.
13:01 What is the "remnant" church?
13:03 One of the identifying marks of the "remnant" church,
13:06 according to Revelation 12:17,
13:08 is that they not only keep the commandments of God,
13:11 but they also have "the testimony of Jesus."
13:14 And what is the testimony of Jesus?
13:17 We turn to the book of Revelation for the answer.
13:20 In chapter 19 and verse 10 we learn that
13:23 "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."
13:28 It was Jesus Himself who spoke through Elijah the prophet,
13:31 for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
13:36 King Ahab and his heathen wife, Jezebel,
13:39 had introduced the worship of false gods,
13:41 Baal and the Zidonian goddess Ashtoreth.
13:45 Through Jezebel's influence the people were taught
13:47 that these idol gods were deities,
13:49 ruling the elements of earth, fire, and water
13:53 by their mystic power.
13:55 But the testimony of Jesus,
13:56 the Spirit of Prophecy, came to Elijah.
14:00 He told the wicked King that it would neither rain nor dew
14:03 until the Spirit of Prophecy
14:05 spoke through him to end the drought.
14:08 After three and a half years of absolutely no rain
14:12 it was time to make a decision.
14:14 Who is God, and will we worship and serve Him?
14:19 All the children of Israel
14:20 gathered here on Mt. Carmel at Elijah's command.
14:23 King Ahab brought the prophets of Baal as Elijah commanded.
14:26 And then they had a contest.
14:28 Whichever god could bring fire from Heaven
14:31 and burn up the sacrifice that would be the true God.
14:35 The Bible tells us that after a whole day of calling to Baal,
14:38 cutting themselves, jumping around,
14:39 looking for an opportunity to secretly light the fire,
14:42 they finally withdrew from the field of contest, defeated.
14:47 But just because they were defeated, could Elijah do it?
14:51 The people watched intently as Elijah took his sacrifice
14:55 and put it on the altar,
14:56 had them bring water, probably their drinking water,
15:00 pour it over the altar, fill up the trench around the altar,
15:03 and then he began to pray to the God of Heaven.
15:08 And suddenly fire came down right here,
15:12 consumed the altar, burned up the wood,
15:14 burned up the sacrifice, burned up the stones.
15:18 And the people began to shout, 'The Lord is God! He is God!'
15:23 The prophets of Baal had lost the contest.
15:25 They had been proved to be what they are.
15:27 Fakes and frauds.
15:30 I can see them trying to escape as they sneak off from the crowd
15:34 but Elijah orders that none be allowed to escape.
15:37 Then they were all taken down to the river Kishou and killed.
15:42 A prophet is someone who speaks for God.
15:46 God doesn't like people to talk in lies.
15:48 That's one of His ten commandments.
15:49 "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
15:51 And the prophets of Baal had been lying to people
15:53 saying that Baal had sent the rain,
15:55 that Baal was the one to bring them all the blessings.
15:57 Not true.
15:58 Only the God of Creation,
16:00 only the God who puts everything together is the true God.
16:04 And He has the right,
16:05 by right of Creation and by right of redemption,
16:08 to bring His truths to those who are willing to receive it.
16:11 And to exclude those who say they don't want any part
16:15 of creator God's kingdom.
16:17 A wonderful victory was won that day.
16:19 Elijah begins to pray asking God for relief from the drought
16:23 and before nightfall the rain is on its way.
16:27 What a wonderful story.
16:29 Would to God we all would long and pray
16:31 for a prophet such as Elijah today.
16:34 And why not?
16:35 Didn't Jesus promises us through the prophet Malachi?
16:38 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
16:41 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
16:45 According to Jesus,
16:46 John the Baptist was a prophet
16:48 and a fulfillment to this prophecy
16:50 But History confirms that it must be a partial fulfillment
16:54 since the "Great and dreadful day" has not yet come.
16:57 The Bible foretells that in the last days
16:59 before the coming of the Lord,
17:01 God will raise up a remnant,
17:03 a church that will keep the commandments of God,
17:05 and that will also have the gift of prophecy.
17:08 In order to qualify as the remnant church,
17:11 the church must have the gift of prophecy.
17:14 It is one of the special marks identifying the last-day church.
17:18 The same gift that inspired the prophet Daniel and Elijah
17:22 will be duplicated in the end time by the restoration
17:26 of the gift of prophecy to the church.
17:28 Has God's prediction been fulfilled?
17:31 Perhaps the answer is yes.
17:34 In December of 1844,
17:36 a 17-year-old Methodist girl named Ellen Harmon,
17:40 in frail health, and possessing only a third-grade education,
17:43 received her first vision while kneeling in prayer
17:45 with a group of women in Portland, Maine.
17:48 She shrank from the prospect of being called a prophet,
17:51 and yet she dared not be disobedient to the
17:54 heavenly vision, and so she related what God had shown her.
17:58 For 69 years she continued to receive visions
18:01 and dreams from the Lord,
18:02 none of which opposed Biblical truth.
18:05 She became one of the most prolific female writers
18:08 in history, with over 50 books still published today.
18:11 Was this a genuine or a counterfeit manifestation?
18:15 Was it a fulfillment of the Biblical promise
18:18 that the prophetic gift would be restored
18:19 to the church at the end time?
18:21 At first glance some would be tempted to discount the claim
18:25 especially in this day and age of sensationalism.
18:28 But the Apostle Paul counsels us,
18:30 "Despise not prophesying.
18:33 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."
18:36 Here Paul tells each of us not to neglect the prophets,
18:40 but to prove them, and if they proved true,
18:43 to hold fast to their teachings.
18:45 Clearly Paul believed prophets
18:47 would exist in the future.
18:49 But can a prophet be a woman?
18:52 Would God call a woman to be a prophet
18:54 or is this just for men?
18:56 In the Bible there are a number of female prophets.
18:59 Deborah, the wife of Lapidoth, was a prophetess
19:01 and led Israel to great victories.
19:03 Miriam, the sister of Moses was a prophetess.
19:07 In the days of good king Josiah,
19:09 Huldah was a prophetess living at the college in Jerusalem
19:12 and was a trusted counselor to kings and priests.
19:15 The prophet Isaiah was married to a prophetess.
19:18 And there was one Anna,
19:20 a prophetess also living in Jerusalem
19:22 at the very time Jesus was brought to the temple
19:25 for His dedication and she prophesied concerning Him.
19:29 Philip, one of the early Christians,
19:30 had four daughters, all of which did prophesy.
19:34 That's clear.
19:36 God sometimes uses women to be prophets
19:38 and many have come to believe that Ellen Harmon,
19:40 who later married James White, was used by God in this way.
19:45 But whether a man or woman,
19:47 how can we know for sure if a prophet is true or false?
19:51 What would be the test or the standard we would use to see
19:54 if a prophet passes muster?
19:56 Through my studies I have found at least four Biblical tests
20:01 that have been most helpful.
20:03 The first test is found in Isaiah.
20:06 "To the law and to the testimony:
20:08 if they speak not according to this word,
20:10 it is because there is no light in them."
20:14 The phrase "the law and the testimony"
20:16 was an Old Testament expression for the Bible.
20:18 "The law" referred to the first five books of Moses,
20:21 and "the testimony" referred to the testimony of the prophets
20:24 or the rest of the Old Testament.
20:26 What this text is simply saying is that the prophets must agree
20:30 with Scripture,
20:31 or they are not genuine.
20:32 God doesn't give one message to one prophet
20:34 and then tell another prophet that He has made a mistake.
20:38 For example, Moses was a prophet.
20:40 God wrote His Ten Commandment law on stone
20:42 and gave it to Moses.
20:44 But 200 years later God will not come to another prophet
20:47 and say, "Oops, I was wrong about that adultery thing.
20:50 As long as the adults are consenting that's OK."
20:54 Any prophet with such a message would not be according
20:57 to the Law and the Testimony.
21:00 This puts a great responsibility on each one of us
21:03 to be in the Word for ourselves so we'll know if someone
21:05 is a true prophet or not.
21:08 The second test of a prophet
21:10 is found in 1 John chapter 4 verse 2.
21:14 "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God:
21:16 Every spirit that confesseth
21:18 that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God."
21:22 The Bible clearly teaches that God,
21:24 in the person of Jesus Christ came to earth to die for us.
21:28 But it is equally important to understand and believe
21:31 that Jesus came in the flesh or was fully human.
21:35 In all points He was tempted like us.
21:38 He had to learn obedience
21:39 through the things that He suffered.
21:41 Even though he took upon Himself a fallen human nature
21:45 He never sinned and as such He is our example.
21:49 By living as He lived,
21:50 trusting in the Father
21:52 and asking for the Father's will to be our will,
21:55 we can have the same victorious experiences
21:58 Jesus did and we can become like Him.
22:02 The third test a would-be prophet must pass
22:05 is good fruit-bearing.
22:07 Jesus said in Matthew 7:20,
22:09 "By their fruits ye shall know them."
22:12 Bible prophets were not perfect,
22:14 nor is any prophet perfect; they were human.
22:17 But in general the tendency of the life must be in harmony
22:21 with the Word of God.
22:23 And the fourth Bible test is found in Jeremiah 28 verse 9.
22:28 "When the word of the prophet shall come to pass,
22:30 then shall the prophet be known,
22:32 that the Lord hath truly sent him."
22:34 If you are a regular listener
22:36 to the daily news by Paul Harvey,
22:38 then you have heard the name Ellen White
22:40 on more than one occasion.
22:41 Many great thinkers have been challenged by the keen insights
22:45 and prophetic guidance given by this simple unassuming lady.
22:49 A group of Christians from many denominations
22:52 in the middle 18 hundreds found her counsel,
22:55 timing, and wisdom to be inspired.
22:58 After testing her with the same four tests in scripture
23:01 they concluded that this was wisdom from God
23:04 and that she did in fact exercise the prophetic gift.
23:08 This group of people eventually organized themselves
23:11 under the name 7th Day Adventists.
23:14 By following her inspired counsel on health
23:17 they have come to live 5 to 7 years longer
23:19 than the average population
23:21 and that with far less illness and disease.
23:24 By following her counsels on education
23:26 they have come to operate
23:28 the largest protestant parochial school system in the world.
23:32 Many have been profoundly moved to see and understand
23:35 their need for a deeper and more personal relationship
23:39 with the God of Creation.
23:41 For me personally,
23:42 I would never want to be without Ellen White's book
23:45 The Desire of Ages
23:46 which the Library of Congress said
23:48 was their best book on the life of Christ.
23:50 I was offering free copies of the Desire of Ages
23:53 on the Life Quest Talk show
23:54 and a lady called in asking for a copy.
23:57 She said that she had had a dream about this book
24:00 but because she had never heard of it
24:02 she didn't do anything about it,
24:04 but when she heard it mentioned on the radio
24:06 she called to say she must have a copy.
24:09 Ellen White's book Steps to Christ
24:12 has helped countless people
24:13 walk with Jesus in a deliberate way,
24:16 and I must confess this is the number one book,
24:19 next to the Bible,
24:20 that has made me the Christian I am today.
24:23 Virtually all true prophets of God have been persecuted
24:26 by the current religious and political leadership
24:29 because a true prophet calls sin by its right name
24:32 and does not play favorites,
24:34 doesn't go easy on anyone who is hurting others,
24:38 and never kowtows to the ruling elite.
24:41 Perhaps the most important point of Ellen White's ministry
24:44 is the fact that she consistently pointed
24:46 people to Scripture.
24:48 She always uplifted the Bible.
24:50 The Bible predicted this prophetic gift would come
24:53 in the last days to be a tremendous blessing
24:56 to the church.
24:57 The evidence points out that it has come.
25:02 Will there be another prophet like Elijah,
25:05 Daniel or like Ellen White?
25:08 No doubt.
25:09 If you look back over the History of civilization
25:12 there was never one great event
25:13 but God had a prophet on the scene;
25:16 the flood, the establishment of the Jews as a nation,
25:19 the coming of the Messiah, and the Pre-Advent Judgment
25:22 that started in October of 1844 just to name a few.
25:26 There really is only one more great event.
25:29 And that is the return, or the Second Advent of Christ.
25:33 God does nothing without first revealing it
25:36 to His servants the prophets.
25:38 With a track record of sending a prophet at the time
25:41 of each major event and with clear prophecies
25:44 declaring that He will send Elijah before His return;
25:47 I believe we can be confident
25:49 that God will not leave those who are honestly searching
25:51 in the dark but will send us the prophetic help we need.
25:56 Friend, when that prophet comes,
25:59 most of humanity will not see him or her for who they are,
26:03 God's mouthpiece.
26:04 Why?
26:06 Because they don't read this book packed full of prophecy.
26:09 They don't even take the time to consider truths sent to us
26:11 by more recent prophets like Ellen White.
26:14 Remember, the testimony of Jesus, said the Prophet John,
26:18 is the Spirit of Prophecy.
26:21 The God of the universe wants to communicate with you.
26:25 He wants you to hear His call of love and truth.
26:29 Are you listening?
26:31 I pray we are. I pray we all are.
26:35 One of God's appointed means in communicating with us
26:38 is through the services of a prophet.
26:41 If you would like to learn more from the Bible about this topic
26:44 then may I encourage you to request our Free Study Guide.
26:48 This guide is pregnant with vital information
26:50 I'm sure you'll find indispensable.
26:53 Here is the information you'll need.
27:35 Would you put water in your gas tank?
27:38 No of course you wouldn't.
27:40 And yet many people are doing far worse
27:42 than this everyday to machines that are much more valuable
27:45 than the most impressive luxury car.
27:48 In our next program Charles is going in search of the truth
27:51 about our Body Temples.
27:54 You'll meet a people that live 5 to 7 years longer
27:56 than the average population and that with far less diseases.
28:01 We'll see you next time as we go in Search of the Truth.


Revised 2014-12-17