In Search of the Truth

The Good News About Hell

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd


Series Code: IST

Program Code: IST000008

00:05 Hell. Absolute finality.
00:08 Hans Memling, a fifteenth century artist,
00:11 pictured hell in his painting entitled "The last judgment".
00:15 And where did I see this picture?
00:17 In a religious book?
00:18 On a church wall?
00:20 No.
00:21 In "Newsweek".
00:23 It says here and I quote:
00:25 "Thinking of the end of the world,"
00:27 "by contemplating ones own end,"
00:29 "is a painful process."
00:31 "Sinners have reason to fear a God"
00:34 "who having chosen to create the world"
00:35 "can also choose to destroy it."
00:37 Hello!
00:38 I am Karen Byrd.
00:40 Would you believe a book that could predict 4 world empires
00:43 and now a divided Europe thousands of years in advance?
00:47 If you answered "yes",
00:49 you need to know this book also predicts the complete
00:51 destruction of the Earth as we now know it,
00:54 with a cataclysmic fire.
00:57 "Hell" is the term applied to this event.
01:00 There is a great deal of misinformation
01:02 about this subject.
01:03 So today Charles is going in search of the truth about hell.
01:07 He'll even be showing us the place in the Middle East
01:09 where hell got its bad reputation.
01:12 Join us as we go in search for the good news about hell.
01:55 Last time we learned that the judgment ends in a bad way
01:59 for those who are lost.
02:00 We read from Revelation 20 verses 9 and 10:
02:13 Burning in a lake of fire.
02:15 This whole thing seems so gruesome.
02:17 But most Christians, Protestants and Catholics alike,
02:20 believe in hell.
02:21 And most believe that this punishment of the wicked
02:24 goes on and on for a billion millennia
02:27 and then hell is just beginning.
02:30 Can you see it?
02:31 Mothers who are lost burning in pain but never able to die,
02:35 listening to the screams of their small children
02:37 begging, pleading for mercy that will never come.
02:41 Young men writhing in agony
02:43 cursing their fathers and mothers for giving them life.
02:48 Someone like Adolph Hitler would deserve that much pain
02:51 for all the grief that he caused.
02:53 What about the construction worker who lived his whole life
02:55 minding his own business.
02:58 He never murdered anyone, he paid his taxes,
03:00 held a steady job provided for his family
03:03 but never quite got around to considering eternity, judgment
03:07 and God.
03:08 Never actually accepted Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
03:12 Never really knew God.
03:14 Would a God of love burn him for eternity?
03:17 Tormented and screaming in pain just like Hitler?
03:20 Always burning, burning but never able to burn up?
03:24 I believe that honest people can make honest mistakes.
03:27 And in my search for the truth I have gone through this book
03:30 from cover to cover multiple times.
03:33 Read casually, there are a few texts that can make you come
03:36 to the conclusion that there is a hell burning right now.
03:39 And those who are lost go there and burn forever.
03:43 Unfortunately less than honest clergy have used these passages
03:47 of Scripture to scare people into being good
03:49 so they will be able to go to Heaven.
03:52 Some even used these texts to encourage donations
03:54 to a particular church to ensure they will not end up in hell.
03:59 But wouldn't that be the righteousness by fear
04:02 instead of righteousness by faith?
04:05 Today we're going to take an honest look at hell.
04:08 And even visit the valley of Gahanna, outside Jerusalem.
04:10 And I believe that when we are done, your picture of God
04:14 and His love will be much clear.
04:16 I'm not going to give you my opinions or my preferences
04:19 but a plain "Thus saith the Lord".
04:22 Today as you listen you'll learn the good news about hell.
04:27 While we'll wont be able to look at every text on this subject
04:29 in the time we have together, we will make available to you
04:33 a study guide at the end of the program
04:36 that will be an excellent tool in considering this topic frame.
04:40 The first thing that may surprise you is that I know
04:42 exactly how many souls are in hell at this very moment.
04:46 No I don't get an early edition newspaper each day
04:49 but I do have the Scriptures.
04:51 Let's look at what it says together.
04:53 In Mathew, chapter 13.
04:56 Jesus was telling a parable, a story to help people
05:00 understand His Kingdom.
05:01 He told of a man who had a field planted with wheat
05:04 and one night an enemy of his came into the field
05:07 and planted tares or weeds.
05:10 The weeds were most likely the bearded darnel.
05:14 This common Palestinian plant grows about 2 feet tall
05:18 and in its earlier stages it's indistinguishable from weed.
05:22 Only when the plant matures
05:24 and the seeds of the darnel turn black
05:26 is easy to tell the difference.
05:27 These seeds are poisonous.
05:29 And if eaten produce a violent nausea, diarrhea, convulsions
05:33 and sometimes death.
05:36 The growing season begins and the servants are positive about
05:39 a good crop growing in the field.
05:41 But as the weeds turns of golden brown
05:43 and the bearded darnel turns black
05:46 they realize they have a problem.
05:48 The master of the field tells his workers that he'll let them
05:51 alone until the harvest.
05:53 And at that time they will separate the weed and the tares.
05:57 The tares will be burnt with fire.
06:00 Listen carefully as Jesus interprets this parable
06:03 for his disciples.
06:06 The enemy that sowed them is the devil.
06:09 The harvest is the end of the world.
06:13 Notice this: when is the harvest?
06:14 The end of the world.
06:17 And the reapers?
06:18 They are the angels.
06:20 As there for the tares are gathered and burnt in the fire
06:24 so shall it be in the end of this world.
06:28 It is clear that we cannot have come to the end of this world
06:31 because we're still here.
06:33 So the burning cannot have started yet.
06:35 And our last problem we learned that the judgment has 3 phases
06:39 It is the third, the last phase, the penalty phase that Jesus
06:43 is talking about in John chapter 12 verse 48 when He says
06:53 The last day judgment is when sinners will be cast
06:56 in the hell fire at the end of the world
06:59 not when they die.
07:01 God would not punish that person in fire until his case was tried
07:05 and decided in court.
07:07 This is the very reason for the first 2 phases of the judgment.
07:12 So how many lost souls are being punished in hell today?
07:16 None.
07:18 There is not one single soul in hell fire today.
07:21 It's true
07:22 Look what Peter says:
07:34 Yes, there is a day when punishment will happen.
07:37 Indeed there is a day when the tares, the wicked will be
07:40 burned up.
07:42 But is not going on right now, not yet.
07:45 Not until the end of the world in the final phase of judgment.
07:50 So where are sinner who have already died?
07:54 Where is Genghis Khan or Adolph Hitler?
07:58 They where bad people.
07:59 And undoubtedly they will not be in Heaven.
08:02 So, didn't they already go to hell?
08:04 No.
08:06 Jesus is absolutely clear on this point.
08:26 Jesus said that there would be a resurrection
08:28 and that will be for the purpose of damnation.
08:31 If you look up the word "damnation"
08:33 in the American Heritage Dictionary
08:35 it gives you the following definition:
08:45 That's the same definition found in Mathew 25,46.
08:49 But notice the word doesn't say "punishing" it says "punishment"
08:55 What is that everlasting punishment?
08:58 The Bible clearly teach us what that punishment is.
09:01 Romans chapter 6 verse 23 says:
09:07 But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
09:11 James 1, 15 says:
09:17 John 3, 16 says:
09:26 Death is the termination of life,
09:28 the extinction of something.
09:31 The Bible is clear on this.
09:32 The wages or punishment for sin is death not everlasting life
09:38 in hell fire.
09:40 The wicked perish says Jesus in John 3, 16; in contrast to those
09:45 who are saved and who receive everlasting life.
09:49 And some might honestly ask: "But doesn't Jesus in His
09:53 parable of the sheep and the goat say to those who are lost
10:03 "Doesn't everlasting fire means it burns forever?"
10:06 At first glance I would say "Yes".
10:09 But we must let the Bible explain itself.
10:13 I'd like you to consider another passage with the very same
10:16 Greek word only this time it's translated "eternal".
10:20 "Eternal", "forever" it's the same thing.
10:23 It's found in Jude verse 7:
10:35 Sodom and Gomorrah were such wicked cities that we still use
10:38 the word "sodomy" in our legal system today to describe
10:41 heinous immorality.
10:43 The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were so corrupt that God
10:47 destroyed them with fire.
10:49 And not just any fire according to Jude:
10:57 While in the Middle East, I took these pictures very near where
11:00 Sodom and Gomorrah would have been.
11:02 There is no fire burning there.
11:05 I can assure you if it was it would be a tourist site.
11:08 So why do the writers of the Bible use the word "forever"
11:12 if they don't mean "forever"?
11:14 The answer is actually simpler than you might think.
11:17 They use the word in just the same way we use it today.
11:22 Sometimes when we use "forever" we mean "forever without end"
11:26 and we say things like "no one can live forever, we all have"
11:29 "to die sometime."
11:31 But sometimes we use "forever" to mean a certain amount of time
11:35 we say things like "Bob was forever complaining about"
11:37 "the job" or "you kept me waiting forever".
11:42 In fact, did you know that the term "forever" is used 56 times
11:46 in the Bible in connection with things that have already ended?
11:51 Jonah, for example, was in the belly of a fish for 3 days
11:54 and nights.
11:55 And he said in Jonah 2:6 that he was imprisoned there forever.
12:01 Here "forever" equals 3 days.
12:03 In Deuteronomy 23,3 the word "forever" means 10 generations.
12:09 This is what we've learned from an exhaustive study of the term.
12:13 "Forever" means: As long as the nature of that thing is.
12:19 For example:
12:20 Hannah, the mother of Samuel, gave her son to the service
12:23 of the tabernacle to there abide forever.
12:26 We're told in 1Samuel 1,22.
12:30 What is the nature of man?
12:31 To live so long and then die.
12:34 So in this case "forever" was the lifetime of Samuel.
12:39 What is the nature of fire?
12:41 Well the nature of fire is to burn for as long as it has fuel
12:43 and oxygen.
12:45 Could God give hell enough fuel and oxygen so that it would burn
12:49 forever?
12:50 Of course He could.
12:51 But will He? No.
12:54 How do I know?
12:55 How is it that I can be so confident?
12:58 Again we go to Scripture for the answer.
13:01 Revelation tells us:
13:07 "Devour" means to "consume".
13:09 Once you've devoured your piece of German chocolate cake
13:12 it is consumed, it is gone.
13:15 Perhaps one of the clearest descriptions of the finality
13:17 of hell is found in Malachi:
13:44 Notice the verse does not say the wicked will burn like
13:47 asbestos as many today believe.
13:49 But rather like stubble which will be burned up.
13:52 Nothing but ashes will be left when the fire goes out.
13:57 David tells us the same thing in Psalm 37, 10:
14:22 I'm glad that God destroys all the wicked people that makes
14:25 this life so painful and this world a terrible place.
14:29 But I'm also glad He is not a hideous tyrant.
14:32 Some sadistic monster who allows people to burn and burn forever.
14:39 The teaching of eternal torment has done more to drive people
14:42 to atheism and insanity than any other invention of the devil.
14:47 It is slander upon the loving character of the tender gracious
14:50 Heavenly Father.
14:51 And is an untold harm to the Christian cause.
14:55 Where is hell?
14:57 Is it under the earth?
14:59 Or is it some distant planet?
15:01 The disciple Peter gives us this insight:
15:19 Hell is going to be right here.
15:21 Hell fire just as big as this Earth.
15:24 Because it will be this Earth on fire.
15:27 This fire will be so hot as to melt the Earth and burn up
15:31 all the works that are there in.
15:34 This is important because God is going to recreate the Earth.
15:38 The righteous are going to live there.
15:40 I was privileged to live on the Island of Saipan.
15:43 Did you know that when people dig in their gardens
15:45 they are still finding bombs and bullets and grenades
15:49 left over World War II?
15:51 God has to destroy all that junk.
15:54 All the aluminum cans and the plastic litter
15:56 will be burned up.
15:58 All the toxic waste dumps, all the nuclear garbage,
16:01 all the buried trash heaps will be cleaned up.
16:06 All the thoughts don't die easily, do they?
16:09 I can hear somebody say: "Will the fire really go out?"
16:13 Let's look at what the prophet Isaiah says:
16:30 Yes, indeed the Bible specifically teaches
16:33 that hell fire will go out and that there will not be left
16:36 a coal to warm at nor a fire to sit before it.
16:41 The fire must go out for another wonderful reason.
17:06 The Bible also teach us that in God's new kingdom all former
17:10 things will be past away.
17:12 Hell, being one of those former things, is included.
17:15 We have God's promise that it will be abolished.
17:18 But what about the wicked?
17:19 Will they enter into hell in bodily form to be destroyed
17:23 both body and soul?
17:25 According to the teachings of Jesus in Mathew 5, 30 the whole
17:29 body will be cast into hell.
17:31 In chapter 10, verse 28
17:33 we are reminded by Jesus to fear Him.
17:37 Which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
17:41 Notice that both the soul and the body are destroyed
17:45 not perpetually tormented.
17:48 The fire from Heaven will blot people out of existence.
17:53 If God tortured His enemies in a fiery horror chamber
17:56 throughout all eternity, He would be more vicious and
17:59 heartless than men have ever been
18:01 in the worst war atrocities.
18:04 An eternal hell or a continual torment would be a living hell
18:08 for God also.
18:09 Who loves even the violous sinner.
18:12 Here is one important question that I would like
18:14 to see straightened up.
18:16 Will the devil be in charge of hell?
18:19 You don't have to question this one at all.
18:21 Here are the words of Jesus:
18:33 How long is this "forever"?
18:35 What is the nature of the thing?
18:37 He too will burn until he burns up and out.
18:42 Look at this passage in Ezekiel:
18:59 The devil will be cast into the lake of fire which will be
19:02 on this Earth and it will burn him to ashes and he will be
19:06 no more.
19:08 That is clear.
19:11 Let me show you something that I think that you'll find
19:13 very interesting.
19:15 The word "hell" is in the Bible only 54 times
19:18 translated from several different Hebrew
19:20 and Greek words.
19:21 Of the 54 times, 41 of them come from the words that simply
19:26 mean "grave".
19:28 One of them comes from the word which means a place of darkness
19:32 which is what a grave is.
19:33 That leaves only 12 times left.
19:37 And they come from the Greek word "Gehenna"
19:40 which means "place of burning".
19:42 The Greek word "Gehanna" is a transliteration of the Hebrew
19:46 "Ge-Hinnom", which means "the Valley of Hinnom".
19:49 Here are some pictures that I took of Gehenna for you to see.
19:52 This valley, which lies immediately south and west
19:56 of Jerusalem, was a place where dead animals, garbage and other
20:00 refuse were dumped.
20:02 Fire burned constantly as it does it some sanitation
20:06 dump sites today.
20:07 The Bible uses "Gehenna", or "the Valley of Hinnom",
20:11 as a symbol of the fire that will destroy the lost
20:13 at the end of time.
20:15 The fire of Gehanna was not unending,
20:18 otherwise it would still be burning south-west
20:20 of Jerusalem today.
20:22 We have time to look at just one more truth about this
20:25 most sad and destructive conclusion to the many lives
20:29 God intended to live forever.
20:31 What kind of a God is it that would destroy so many lives?
20:36 What kind of a God would create life and then destroy it?
20:40 what kind of a God would kill men and women and children?
20:44 The Bible tells us that He is a God that created us
20:47 in His image.
20:48 He gave us the power to think and to choose
20:51 and to rule the Earth.
20:52 And even though mankind has chosen to use that power
20:56 to run away from God, to choose their own way, God chose to pay
21:00 the penalty for their disobedience.
21:03 He loved us enough not to change the commandments
21:06 but to live by the rule of His law of love.
21:10 This running away from God has cost humanity dearly.
21:14 Now we die from cancer, we experience drive-by shootings.
21:19 Now we die alone in nursing homes and suffer from abuse
21:22 of every kind.
21:24 And God is asking: "Would you join my kingdom?"
21:27 "I loved you enough to die for you."
21:30 "Satan only wants to destroy you."
21:33 "I'm working right now to win you back to my Father's"
21:36 "kingdom of love."
21:38 "Satan is working to make your life a living hell."
21:42 "And I want you to know that right now I am making plans
21:46 to destroy everything and everyone who chooses to continue
21:50 living lives that hurt others."
21:53 "Selfish lives."
22:28 Yes, the work of God has always has always been to save
22:30 rather than destroy.
22:32 The work of destroying the wicked in hell fire
22:34 is so foreign to God's nature.
22:36 The Bible calls it "His strange act".
22:39 God's great heart will ache at the destruction of the wicked.
22:43 Oh, how diligent He works to save every soul!
22:48 But if one ignores His love and clings to sin
22:51 God will have no choice but to destroy the sinner
22:53 with his sin.
22:55 When He rids the Universe of that horrible, malignant growth
23:00 called disobedience in the fires of the last day.
23:03 And there is another reason for God to destroy both sin and
23:06 sinners in hell.
23:08 He has some fantastic plans that sin is getting in the way of.
23:13 What are God's post-hell plans for the Earth
23:16 and His people?
23:47 After hell fire goes out God will create a new Earth
23:51 and restore it to His people with all the beauties and the
23:55 glories of Eden before sin entered.
23:58 The horrors of sin and the past will be forgotten.
24:02 Pain, death, tragedy, woe, tears, sickness, disappointment,
24:06 sorrow and all sin will be banished forever.
24:10 And this forever is the one that counts.
24:15 And God promises in Nahum 1,9:
24:24 There is so much more we could talk about
24:26 if time would permit.
24:27 But I hope that you'll request our free study guide
24:30 and take time to look deeper into this subject as you learn
24:33 for yourself of the good news about hell.
24:37 But for now let me just say that the good news about hell is:
24:40 the devil will not be in charge.
24:42 In fact he will also be destroyed
24:44 along with all the evil angels that joined him in rebellion
24:47 against God.
24:49 The good news about hell is it will purify planet Earth
24:52 with a cleansing fire that will consume all traces of sin
24:56 and evil.
24:58 And the good news about hell is:
25:04 it doesn't last forever.
25:10 There is an end to hell.
25:12 That's encouraging.
25:14 But the results of hell will be eternal.
25:16 It would be easy at this point to slip into the fear mode.
25:21 But that is completely unnecessary.
25:24 You can know for yourself when hell will happen,
25:27 how long it will last, and best of all,
25:30 how to avoid it all together.
25:32 Get your pen and paper ready
25:34 because we are offering a free study guide that will answer
25:37 most of your questions about hell.
25:40 Like how big is hell, how long will it burn and what is God's
25:44 real purpose in hell fire and much more.
25:47 Sneak preview?
25:49 The size of hell is 25000 miles in circumference.
25:53 All these answers come right from the Bible.
25:56 Here is the information you will need.
25:59 Is the devil in charge of hell?
26:02 Can he be trusted to be impartial?
26:05 To access this powerful resource go to
26:11 and simply select the studies button.
26:14 From there you can order the entire set of these study guides
26:18 or look and listen to this particular study guide.
26:22 You can even enroll in the free online Bible study course
26:26 which will answer many of your Bible questions.
26:29 Again, this study guide is available to you
26:31 anywhere in the world at
26:37 In our next program Charles is going in search of the truth
26:40 concerning the prophetic gift.
26:43 We will join him on Mount Carmel in Israel where he is footage
26:46 of the place where the prophets have failed and prophet Elijah
26:49 had a life and death duel.
26:51 He'll also look at the questions
26:53 "Are there still prophets today?"
26:55 "And if so, how can we tell the real from the frauds?"
26:59 I hope you'll join us as we go in search of the truth
27:02 concerning the spirit of prophecy.


Revised 2014-12-17