In Search of the Truth

Our Final Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd


Series Code: IST

Program Code: IST000003

00:01 Hello again, I'm Karen Byrd.
00:03 A major psychological study was done to find out why some
00:06 factory workers left with a bounce in their step and
00:09 a smile on their face while others dragged themselves
00:12 home after a boring day of repetitious work.
00:16 "What caused the difference?", the investigators wondered.
00:19 They did the same monotonous mind-numbing work and yet
00:22 the investigators noticed that for some of the employees
00:24 the work shifts ended with a positive, upbeat,
00:27 bounce-in-the-step attitude.
00:29 After careful study they finally found the common denominator,
00:33 the one factor that was always present in those who left
00:36 work with a top-of-the-world mindset - versus those who
00:40 drug themselves home.
00:41 The researchers discovered that this positive outlook
00:44 was almost exclusively exhibited in those who had something
00:47 to look forward to after work.
00:49 Dining out with friends, shopping with a daughter,
00:51 game night at the gym, a date with that special someone.
00:55 All those who left work with something special planned
00:58 for that evening were living beyond their present
01:01 reality of work.
01:03 Today Charles is looking for the truth beyond our present reality
01:07 He'll be showing you a picture I'm pretty sure you've
01:10 never seen before.
01:11 For many this is the blessed hope that keeps them pressing
01:15 forward no matter their frustration or present pain.
01:18 Let's join Charles as he goes in search of the truth
01:22 about our final home.
02:02 In our previous program we looked at the reason
02:05 that we can believe this book.
02:07 That reason is prophecy.
02:09 Prophecy gives us testable evidence that a person with
02:12 foreknowledge inspired these writings.
02:15 Together we considered one of the prophecy stories.
02:18 Nebuchadnezzar had had a dream but he couldn't
02:21 remember what it was.
02:23 Daniel, a Hebrew captive from Babylon, after fasting
02:26 and praying for the answer was shown by God
02:29 what the king had dreamed and what the dream meant.
02:32 The king had dreamed of a great image of different
02:35 kinds of metal.
02:36 Each metal represented a world kingdom.
02:39 Babylon was represented by the head of gold.
02:42 But Babylon was not to stand forever.
02:45 In fact it only lasted about 70 years.
02:47 Babylon was then overthrown by the Medes and the
02:49 Persians represented by the chest and arms
02:51 of silver in 538 B.C.
02:54 The belly and thighs of bronze represented the kingdom
02:58 of Greece that began in 331 B.C. when Alexander the Great
03:02 conquered the Medes and the Persians in the battle of Arbela
03:06 The kingdom that followed Greece was the iron monarchy
03:09 of the Roman Empire, which ruled the world
03:12 from 168 B.C. to A.D. 476.
03:16 Daniel was a believer in the God who knows the future.
03:20 And Daniel had read from the prophecies of Isaiah.
03:23 Prophecies are used by God to bring us
03:26 special messages from Him.
03:28 This is what the creator God said,
03:31 "Remember the former things of old:
03:34 for I am God, and there is none else;
03:37 I am God, and there is none like me,
03:40 declaring the end from the beginning,
03:42 and from ancient times the things that are
03:45 not yet done, ..." Isaiah 46:9-10
03:48 It was this same prophet Isaiah that named the king
03:51 who would conquer the Babylon empire
03:53 and then commission the Jews to go back
03:55 and rebuild Jerusalem.
03:57 More than a century before this king was even born
04:00 the creator God knew the future.
04:02 He named Cyrus before his parents were even born!
04:07 Daniel met Cyrus whom Prophet Isaiah had predicted.
04:11 Daniel, inspired by the same Holy Spirit,
04:13 foretold world history with unerring accuracy.
04:17 In Daniel 8 he named the kingdom of Greece
04:20 as the third kingdom some two hundred years
04:22 before it even came into being.
04:25 He predicted that after the four world empires of Babylon,
04:28 Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome
04:30 there would be no other world kingdom.
04:32 Instead there would be a divided kingdom, of iron
04:35 and clay, partly strong, partly weak
04:38 that would never be united.
04:40 And True to Daniel's prophecy the world kingdom of Rome
04:44 splintered into a fractured Europe that to this day
04:47 has never been put back together,
04:50 though much money and blood has been spent trying.
04:53 This twenty six hundred years of prophecy has come true
04:57 with startling exactness.
04:59 Today we are going to take a look at the final act of this
05:03 prophecy that sweeps away earths past history and starts over.
05:06 This prophecy doesn't take much faith to believe either because
05:10 83% of this prophecy is already history.
05:15 Daniel 2:310-35
05:16 "You, O King, were watching; and behold, a great image!
05:21 This great image, whose splendor was excellent,
05:25 stood before you; and its form was awesome.
05:28 "This image's head was of fine gold, and its chest and
05:34 arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs
05:39 of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
05:44 "You watched while a stone was cut out without hands,
05:49 which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay,
05:53 and broke them in pieces.
05:56 "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver
06:01 and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff
06:05 from the summer threshing floors;
06:08 and the wind carried them away so that no trace
06:12 of them was found.
06:14 And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain
06:19 and filled the whole earth.
06:22 So what is that stone kingdom, cut out without
06:25 hands that fills the whole earth?
06:27 Daniel explains, "And in the days of these kings
06:31 shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom,
06:33 which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom
06:36 shall not be left to other people, but it shall break
06:39 in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall
06:43 stand for ever.
06:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out
06:48 of the mountain without hands, and that it brake
06:51 in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay,
06:54 the silver, and the gold;
06:56 the great God hath made known to the king
06:59 what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream
07:02 is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. "
07:06 Dan 2:44-45
07:07 Many are convinced that we are at the tips of the toes
07:09 of this prophetic image and that the stone kingdom
07:11 is about to be set up.
07:13 But first you have a choice to make.
07:15 You actually are invited by the One who made this prophecy
07:19 to live forever in His kingdom.
07:21 He has left us a great deal of information about heaven
07:25 and its capital city, the New Jerusalem.
07:27 Would you like to learn of this colossal city
07:30 in space that someday will be on earth?
07:32 I hope you stay tuned because today you will see pictures
07:35 that you have never seen before.
07:38 A painting inspired by the very words of this book.
07:41 I'm also going to show you pictures
07:43 of the very place it will be on earth.
07:46 This book prophesied that God would live
07:49 on earth and be one of us.
07:50 The one who fulfilled these prophecies said this
07:53 about the city in space.
07:55 "In my Father's house are many mansions...
07:59 I go [there to] prepare a place for you, [and] I will come again
08:03 and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
08:06 there ye may be also. " John 14:2-3.
08:08 If you wonder what He is preparing, just look around.
08:12 It will be much like living here only a great deal better.
08:16 This is the God who made planet earth
08:19 with all of its beauty that we enjoy.
08:21 He knows how to do a job right.
08:24 Some people think of heaven in childish or even silly terms.
08:28 But you can be sure heaven is a real place,
08:31 and a wonderful place.
08:32 Let's gather together some of the pictures of heaven
08:35 that are left here for us.
08:37 John was a follower of Jesus he was privileged
08:40 to see this city in vision.
08:42 And you can read about what he saw in Revelation 21 & 22.
08:46 First, he tells us it is a very large city
08:50 both in width and height.
08:52 "The city is laid out as a square, and its length is
08:56 as great as its breadth.
08:57 And he measured the city with a reed: twelve thousand furlongs.
09:02 Its length, breadth, and height are equal. " Rev 21:16 NKJ
09:06 We don't measure in furlongs today but a furlong
09:08 is about 1/8th of a mile.
09:10 That means each side of the city is 375 miles long.
09:16 To walk around the city would be a little jaunt of 1,500 miles.
09:20 But there is another interestin point to these measurements
09:24 John gives under inspiration.
09:25 "Its length, breadth, and height are equal. "
09:31 Rev 21:16.
09:32 That means to go from the bottom of the city
09:35 al the way to the top is 375 miles straight up!
09:39 The city appears to be in the shape of a cube.
09:42 An artist was given all the details from
09:45 the Bible of this city.
09:46 Based on what he was told this is what he painted.
09:52 John tells us that this city is called the New Jerusalem
09:55 and it has remarkable walls.
09:58 Now in Jerusalem today you can see some of the walls
10:00 that Jesus saw when he would come to the temple.
10:03 But unlike the imposing walls in the city of Jerusalem today
10:07 the New Jerusalem's walls are even more impressive.
10:12 Here is what John said....
10:13 "...its wall [is] one hundred and forty-four cubits,
10:16 according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. "
10:20 Rev 21:17.
10:21 A cubit is an ancient unit of linear measure, originally
10:23 equal to the length of the forearm from the tip
10:26 of the middle finger to the elbow,
10:29 or about 17 to 22 inches.
10:30 That would make a wall 204 to 264 feet high.
10:36 But the text said that the wall though measured in cubits
10:40 the way a man does, was actually measured by an angel.
10:44 And the angel might well have been bigger than John perhaps
10:48 even twice his size which could make the wall
10:50 as much as 528 feet high.
10:53 Needless to say it was impressive for John to see.
10:56 What was the wall made of?
10:58 John tells us that "the construction of its wall
11:01 was of jasper..." Rev 21:18.
11:03 Think of it.
11:04 A wall 20 to 40 stories high with radiance and beauty
11:08 beyond description.
11:10 Because this city is 375 miles high the artist envisioned
11:15 the city with 12 stories each over 30 miles above the other.
11:21 Today 30 miles up would put us in space so God is going
11:25 to have to do something a little different with our atmosphere
11:28 when He brings His city to earth.
11:30 The Bible tells us that there are 12 gates for the city.
11:33 "And the twelve gates were twelve pearls:
11:36 each individual gate was one pearl. " Rev 21:21 NKJ
11:40 Since the Bible seems to indicate that we will have wings
11:43 the artist saw one gate for each story or floor of heaven
11:47 that the inhabitants of that level can fly into.
11:50 Each gate imagine large enough to accommodate
11:54 all those people and angels.
11:56 Can you imagine the size of the pearl!
11:59 John was able to see into the city and he noticed
12:03 that the street was paved with gold!
12:05 "The street of the city was pure gold,
12:08 like transparent glass. " Rev 21:21
12:10 Imagine how smooth that must feel to walk on.
12:13 Imagine how much glory of heaven that street would reflect.
12:17 Then John's gaze sees a tree unlike anything
12:20 he has seen before.
12:22 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side
12:25 of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare
12:28 twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month:
12:32 and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
12:35 Rev 22:2.
12:36 Can you put on your divine imaginations caps and see it?
12:39 There is the tree of life. It's huge!
12:42 Similar to the great redwood that we used to drive
12:45 through in our national park but many times larger.
12:47 This tree straddles the street of gold and the river of life.
12:51 It grows 12 different kinds of fruit and every month
12:55 you can pick from this tree and eat.
12:57 I hope one of the fruits of the tree will be a peach.
13:00 There is nothing like the taste of a tree-ripened peach
13:04 full of succulent flavor.
13:06 This is the tree of life,
13:08 from which, if we eat, we will live forever.
13:11 By the way, this is one of the reasons I want to go to heaven.
13:15 There we get to eat forever!
13:18 "Is it true, " I hear some asking, "
13:21 that this New Jerusalem city will someday be here on earth?"
13:25 Apparently so.
13:27 In the Old Testament is a story about Abraham who was asked
13:30 by God to leave his home in Er, or modern-day Iraq,
13:34 and go to what is now Palestine.
13:37 In faith Abraham obeyed.
13:39 God told him all this land would be given to him someday.
13:43 But it still has not happened as it was prophesied.
13:47 Paul spoke of this experience in his letter to the Hebrews.
13:50 You can read about it in Heb 11 verse 9.
13:53 Heb 11:9-10
13:55 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise,as in a strange
13:58 country, dwelling in tabernacles [or tents] with Isaac and Jacob,
14:03 the heirs with him of the same promise:
14:06 For he looked for a city which hath foundations,
14:09 whose builder and maker is God.
14:13 Abraham was looking for a city that God was to build.
14:16 He expected to live there with all those who love God.
14:20 John was given a most precious privilege of seeing that city
14:24 in vision coming to earth.
14:25 Not in symbol of stone at the end of a bad dream but
14:30 as it would be in reality.
14:32 This is what he saw.
14:34 Rev 21:2
14:35 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem,
14:37 coming down from God out of heaven,
14:39 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
14:42 There is nothing in our experience to match
14:45 the radiance of a bride.
14:48 Jesus leads the way as the great city comes towards earth.
14:51 And then the prophet Zechariah sees His foot
14:54 land on the Mt. of Olives facing Jerusalem.
14:57 Listen to what he saw in
15:00 vision... Zec 14:4
15:01 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives,
15:05 which is before Jerusalem on the east,
15:07 and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof
15:11 toward the east and toward the west,
15:13 and there shall be a great valley;
15:15 and half the mountain shall remove toward the north,
15:18 and half toward the south.
15:20 This city will need a large landing pad
15:24 there in the Middle East.
15:25 It'll take up all of Lebanon, the West Bank, Jordon,
15:30 Israel along with parts of Syria, Saudi Arabia
15:35 and most of Egypt's Sinai peninsula.
15:38 How extraordinary!
15:40 When this glorious city, 1500 miles in circumference
15:45 sets down it will take up a lot of real estate.
15:49 If you go to Jerusalem today, as wonderful as it is
15:53 to be where Jesus was, it still is just a city.
15:57 There are people being killed in and around Jerusalem.
16:00 It's not a city of peace.
16:03 There are people here dying of cancer.
16:05 There are water mains that break making a mess.
16:09 There is dirt and noise in the streets.
16:11 And in the countryside people are fighting and shooting
16:14 at each other just like in so many other places on the earth.
16:18 Why would God bring His heavenly city to planet earth?
16:23 Because He's going to do something special
16:26 here on this rebellious planet.
16:28 First He's going to burn up all the landfills, the plastic
16:31 and aluminum, the toxic dumps and polluted riverbeds.
16:35 He will be destroying all the people who have chosen to
16:39 live selfish and hurtful lives.
16:41 You can read about it in Rev 20 verses 9 and 10.
16:45 "...and fire came down from God out of
16:47 heaven, and devoured them.
16:49 And the devil that deceived them was
16:51 cast into the lake of fire..." Rev 20:9-10
16:53 Peter tells us:
16:55 "...the heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
16:57 and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth
17:00 also and the works that are therein
17:03 shall be burned up. " 2 Pet 3:10
17:05 And now the good news.
17:07 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:"
17:11 Said John in Revelation 21:verse 1,
17:14 "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;
17:17 and there was no more sea. " Rev 21:1
17:20 This promise gave Peter hope!
17:23 "...we, according to this promise, look for new heavens
17:26 and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. " 2
17:30 Peter 3:13. Now hold me back folks cause this is where
17:33 I start getting excited!
17:34 When the New Jerusalem lands here and God destroys
17:37 the earth as it now is with fire and recreates
17:40 recreates the earth fresh and new as it was in the beginning
17:43 everything will be wonderful.
17:46 "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold,
17:49 I make all things new.
17:52 And he said unto me, "Write: for these words are true
17:57 and faithful. " Rev 21:5
17:59 This is the truth of the holy city that will be here.
18:02 The creator will live here in person.
18:05 And those who choose to live here with
18:07 Him will never become bored.
18:09 There will be pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16;11
18:11 There will be no more death, no pain, tears, sorrow, sickness,
18:15 no hospitals, operations, tragedy, or disappointment,
18:19 no trouble, hunger, or thirst Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 33:24;
18:21 Revelation 22:3; Isaiah 65:23; Revelation 7:16.
18:22 Those who live in the New Jerusalem will
18:24 never get tired. Isaiah 40:31.
18:25 Every saved person will be physically whole in every way.
18:28 The deaf will hear, the blind will see,
18:31 the dumb will sing, and the lame will be able to run.
18:34 Isaiah 35:5; Isaiah 35:6; Philippians 3:21.
18:35 Jealousy, fear, hatred, falsehood, envy, impurity,
18:38 cynicism, filth, worry, and all evil will be
18:41 forever shut out of God's kingdom.
18:44 Revelation 21:8; Rev. 21:27 Rev. 22:15.
18:46 People will no longer be burdened with the worries
18:48 and cares that drive them to distraction.
18:50 There will be no more nervous breakdowns.
18:53 Time will become eternity, and the pressures and deadlines
18:56 of earth will be gone forever.
18:59 The vast seas that cover three-fourths of the
19:01 earth's surface today will be gone. Revelation 21:1.
19:04 The deserts will become gardens. Isaiah 35:1-2.
19:06 The animals will all be tame. Isaiah 65:25.
19:08 Little children will lead the lions around. Isaiah 11:6-9.
19:10 There will be no more curse. Revelation 22:3.
19:13 There will be no more violence of any kind. Isaiah 60:18.
19:15 And for you hurting parents who lost a child to SIDS
19:18 or stillbirth the Bible tells us that "...the streets
19:22 of the city shall be full of boys and girls
19:24 playing in the streets. " Zechariah 8:5.
19:27 And for you guilt ridden parent who aborted
19:30 the life of your child, there is hope for you
19:33 because the Bible says there will be nursing babies
19:36 in heaven. Isaiah 11:8.
19:38 Jerusalem is not holy.
19:40 It is not at all a city of peace.
19:43 But the New Jerusalem will be.
19:46 The new city will be our home, if we are among the saved.
19:51 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
20:03 Music Video "Grant Them Peace"
25:02 " is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
25:07 neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
25:10 which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Cor 2:9.
25:15 Whatever you can imagine heaven will only be better.
25:18 Jesus tells us, "Let not your heart be troubled:
25:21 ye believe in God, believe also in me.
25:24 In my Father's house are many mansions:
25:27 if it were not so, I would have told you.
25:30 I go to prepare a place for you.
25:33 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again,
25:37 and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
25:41 there ye may be also. " John 14:1-3
25:46 Indeed, heaven will be a wonderful place,
25:49 and if you see a joy on my face, a bounce in my step it is
25:52 because I have embraced this blessed hope.
25:55 If you would like to learn more about heaven
25:57 and the New Jerusalem, then get your pencil and
25:59 paper ready for our free offer.
26:01 My hope is not in an earthly king, or a manmade government.
26:05 If we care to look at history and current events
26:09 then we all know that democracy is not the answer.
26:13 It is just as bankrupt as communism or socialism.
26:16 Our only hope is being in heaven with the God of creation.
26:21 Only then will we live in a world that has no pain
26:25 or suffering or sadness.
26:27 I hope each of you will call or write today
26:29 for our wonderful study guide, "a colossal city in space".
26:33 Now, here is the information you'll need
26:36 to get your free study guide.
26:40 A colossal city in space is now under construction.
26:44 To acces this powerful resource go to
26:51 and simply select the studies button.
26:53 From there, you can order the entire set of the study guides
26:57 or you can look and listen to this particular study guide.
27:01 You can even enroll to the free online bible study course
27:05 wich will answer many of your bible questions.
27:08 Again, this study guide is available to you anywhere
27:11 in the world at
27:17 We learned today that heaven is our final home.
27:21 But how do we get a ticket to heaven?
27:23 How can we be sure that we will be a resident of
27:25 that wonderful place?
27:27 I hope you'll join us next time as we go in
27:29 search for the ticket in.


Revised 2014-12-17