In Search of the Truth

Message In A Bottle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd


Series Code: IST

Program Code: IST000002

00:01 Welcome back to another in search of the truth program.
00:04 I'm Karen Byrd.
00:05 While my family was living on the Island of Saipan
00:08 we so much enjoyed the coastline: the backside of the
00:11 the island with its rugged lava cliffs as well as the front side
00:14 its lagoon and sandy beach.
00:17 Once we even found a bottle with a message in it.
00:20 It had been washed up on a narrow beach near the piece of
00:23 lava called "Old Man by the Sea."
00:25 We weren't able to read the message because it was in Polish
00:29 but it was still exciting to think some sailor on a merchant
00:32 ship had thrown the bottle into the sea not knowing if
00:35 anyone would ever find it.
00:37 Suppose you had found and opened the bottle.
00:40 Would you be surprised if it was addressed to you?
00:43 What if the message had four predictions about your life?
00:47 Would you believe them?
00:48 You'd probably be a bit skeptical but very curious.
00:52 There are many skeptics in the world today who question whether
00:56 the Bible could possibly be true or accurate because we don't
01:00 have the original manuscripts written by say, Moses, Daniel,
01:04 Paul, or Matthew.
01:05 And even if we did, how could we be sure they were messages
01:09 from God?
01:10 If God looked into the future and saw that we would have these
01:13 perplexing questions He might have been wise to take some
01:17 of the old manuscripts, seal them in a bottle kind of like a
01:20 time capsule and then have them found say, 2,000 years later.
01:24 It would also be most convincing if He wrote in some prophecies
01:28 so that when the message in the bottle was found, we would know
01:32 for sure that He knew well in advance what was going
01:36 to happen.
01:37 Did you know that's exactly what God did?
01:40 It's true! God literally put His message in not one,
01:44 but many bottles.
01:46 Today, Charles is taking an important look at the Bible.
01:50 He'll even visit Qumran by the Dead Sea as he seeks to answer
01:54 the questions, "Is the Bible a trustworthy message from the
01:57 God of creation?
01:59 Does the Bible have anything relevant to say about our lives
02:03 in the 21st century?
02:04 Join us as our search for the truth investigates the message
02:08 in the bottle.
02:10 In Search of the Truth
02:27 Message in a Bottle
02:32 with Charles Byrd
02:49 Last time we were together we looked at the Genesis question.
02:53 We were wondering if the evidence, the facts, supported
02:56 belief in evolution as the means of our arrival on the stage of
02:59 life OR if our creation was at the hands of an intelligent
03:03 designer.
03:04 Now of course, none of us were there.
03:06 Either conclusion takes a certain degree of faith.
03:09 But I trust that we came to the conclusion together that our
03:12 faith can safely rest on the facts:
03:14 That scientific study proves that we did not and could not
03:18 have evolved.
03:20 We were looking for some reasonable anchor on which to
03:23 base our faith.
03:24 Not blind faith, but rational faith.
03:27 Let's review quickly what we discovered last time.
03:30 While there are left and right handed amino acids,
03:33 the basic building blocks for cells, we learned that
03:36 everything that is living is only made up of left handed
03:40 amino acids.
03:41 The chance of that happening by pure random selection is
03:44 one in 10 followed by 123 zeros!
03:48 But that's not enough.
03:50 All these left handed amino acids have to line up in just
03:55 the right order so they can make a protein.
03:58 What is the possibility of that happening by chance?
04:02 One in 10 followed by 240 zeros!
04:05 But that's not enough to have life.
04:09 The protein has to have DNA to reproduce itself.
04:13 What is the chance that this happened all by itself?
04:17 We stagger to understand that it is one in 10 followed by
04:20 147 zeros YEARS!
04:23 The estimated 20 billion years since the "big bang" is not even
04:27 close to enough time to have created ONE usable cell
04:31 let alone all the plant and animal life on earth.
04:35 Molecular biology's clear demonstration that a single cell
04:39 is vastly complex makes the accidental origin of life in
04:43 a single cell a mathematical absurdity.
04:46 FOOLISHNESS to believe we came about by random selection
04:50 or arbitrary chance.
04:52 But just knowing this - that there is a pattern-
04:55 that someone very intelligent put us here causes me to ask,
04:59 who is he? Where is he? What is he?
05:03 Does he care about me?
05:05 Does he, she or it know that I even exist?
05:09 Where can we go to find the answer?
05:12 Do we go to the book of Islam, the Koran?
05:14 Will we find the answer in the writings of Confucius or
05:17 Buddha?
05:19 Or do we go to the Bible?
05:22 THE BIBLE!
05:23 I hear the critics saying you want me to believe the fairy
05:25 tales of the bible?
05:27 You want me to believe that the earth was actually created in
05:30 just six days?
05:31 That there was enough rain to cover the whole earth with a
05:34 flood, that a person is swallowed by a fish and burped
05:36 up on land? Aren't these stories a little
05:39 bit unbelievable? That snakes can talk?
05:42 That the ground opens up to swallow just Moses enemies?
05:45 Or that the ocean opens up wide enough for several million
05:48 people go through on dry land, and then they get out the other
05:51 side and the people drink water out of the rocks and
05:54 groceries fall from skies?
05:55 And fiery windy chariot takes people to heaven?
05:58 Why should we believe the bigoted claim that
06:01 only the Christian's Bible is the truth?
06:04 That's a great question, and a valid question.
06:08 And I believe I have the answer to that question, "Why believe
06:12 in the Bible of the Jews and the Christians?"
06:14 In a word...PROPHECY
06:20 I'm going to prophecy several things about you personally.
06:23 First...
06:24 Tomorrow at 9:31 a.m. there will be an earthquake registering
06:28 6.9 on the Richter scale.
06:30 The epicenter will be on Wall Street in New York City...
06:34 The only video footage of the event will be taken by a
06:37 relative of yours.
06:39 One week from now you will win the lottery...
06:43 One month from now all the kids you went to school with in first
06:47 grade with drop in to visit you on a Wed morning at 5 a.m. ...
06:52 One year from now you will be named as the next vice
06:56 president of the island nation of Tonga...
06:58 One decade from now you will be dead from choking on
07:04 a toothpick.
07:05 Suppose the first prediction came true. The very earthquake
07:09 with the all the details I predicted comes true.
07:12 What would you think of me then?
07:14 Suppose that in one week you win the lottery and you didn't even
07:18 buy a ticket, it was given to you for buying your gas.
07:21 Just for the sake of the story suppose that one month from now
07:25 all the kids you went to school with in first grade did drop in
07:29 to visit you on Wednesday morning at 5 a.m.
07:32 And since this story is only in our imagination, let's suppose
07:36 that by some twisted set of events in one year you did
07:40 become the new vice president of the nation of Tonga.
07:44 How seriously would you take what I say?
07:48 Would give credence to what I say?
07:51 Would you think I was trust worthy?
07:54 Even though the last of the 5 predictions is 9 years away,
07:59 would you ever use toothpicks again?
08:01 So you would believe in me just for making these simple
08:05 predictions that came true for you?
08:08 This is why I believe in the Bible. Prophecy!
08:13 Let me show you what I mean.
08:15 Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon, the first world empire
08:18 and he had a troubling dream.
08:20 But the next morning he couldn't remember the dream that had
08:23 troubled him so greatly.
08:25 He was certain that it held special significance for himself
08:28 and his kingdom.
08:29 He had a consuming passion to recall the dream or have it
08:32 revealed to him. You can read the whole account
08:35 of it for yourself in Daniel chapter 2.
08:38 Under a miraculous set of circumstances Daniel,
08:41 a Hebrew captive from Jerusalem is able to tell the king what he
08:45 his own bed chamber!!
08:47 "You, O King, were watching; and behold, a great image!
08:53 This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you;
08:58 and its form was awesome.
09:00 "This image's head was of fine gold, and its chest and
09:06 arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze,
09:10 "its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of
09:16 clay.
09:18 "You watched while a stone was cut out without hands,
09:22 which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay,
09:26 and broke them in pieces.
09:29 "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver
09:33 and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff
09:38 from the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away
09:43 so that no trace of them was found.
09:46 And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain
09:52 and filled the whole earth.
09:55 "That's it." "That's it."
09:57 I can hear Nebuchadnezzar saying,
09:58 "That's exactly what I dreamed in my own bed!
10:01 Now Daniel, what does it mean?
10:04 I know you can tell me.
10:06 Anyone who can tell me what I dreamed in my own bed in my
10:09 own palace can surely tell me what it means."
10:11 And so Daniel unfolds the dream and its interpretation.
10:16 In Daniel chapter 2:36 you read:
10:19 "This is the dream. Now we will tell the interpretation of it
10:24 the king."
10:25 "You, O king,... are this head of gold"
10:30 But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior
10:34 to yours [just as silver is inferior to gold]; then another,
10:39 a third kingdom of bronze, shall rule over the earth."
10:42 ...the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron,
10:46 in as much as iron breaks in pieces and shatters all things;
10:50 and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break
10:53 in pieces and crush all others."
10:56 Then something interesting happens.
10:58 Daniel doesn't predict another world empire.
11:01 "Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay
11:07 and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided;
11:10 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly
11:15 of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and
11:19 and partly fragile."
11:20 Amazing! This is exactly what History portrays!!!
11:25 Unlike my 5-point prophecy that covered a mere ten years,
11:29 this prophecy begins in 605 B.C. and outlines the future of the
11:35 world for 2,600 years.
11:37 If you take the metallic image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream
11:42 and you lay it on its side it becomes a prophetic timeline.
11:46 First Babylon, then Media-Persia represented by the silver
11:51 chest and arms.
11:52 A third kingdom, a kingdom of bronze Daniel named as Greece
11:56 in chapter 8 nearly 200 years before it happened.
11:59 Then history reveals that Rome came onto the scene in 168 B.C.
12:05 And last, the partly strong, partly weak, iron and clay
12:10 kingdom replaces the world powers.
12:12 The known world around the Mediterranean fragmented
12:16 apart and no one has ever been able to put it back together
12:19 again.
12:20 This is what Daniel prophesied!
12:23 "They shall not cleave one to another, even as iron
12:27 is not mixed with clay."
12:30 Among others, Charlemagne, King of the Franks and founder
12:34 of the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome
12:37 tried and he failed to reunite the Mediterranean world.
12:41 Napoleon, a French general, political leader, and emperor
12:44 of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries,
12:48 tried and failed.
12:50 Hitler in the 20th century tried and miserably failed.
12:55 Every year that goes by without Europe reuniting is another year
12:59 the Bible stands vindicated as a book worthy
13:02 of our attention and trust.
13:05 This is the book that tells us who the creator is.
13:09 This is the book that tells us who created all the amino acids
13:13 line them up in the correct order.
13:15 This is the book that tells us who created our DNA.
13:18 This is the book that tells us scientific facts long before
13:23 science had the tools to even prove it right.
13:26 In the Book of Job chapter 26:7 we read,
13:29 "He... hangeth the earth upon nothing."
13:32 It took us a while before we could confirm it,
13:35 but we now have pictures to prove that God did exactly
13:38 what he said.
13:39 We can trust this book.
13:41 "It is he that says Isaiah that sitteth upon the circle of
13:44 the earth."
13:46 The Bible said the earth was round centuries before
13:48 man found out.
13:50 This book was inspired by God who created all things.
13:54 It can be trusted.
13:55 In Job 19:20 says he "escaped with the skin of
14:00 [his] teeth." Just a figure of speech?
14:03 No, science has now discovered that there is
14:06 in fact a skin of our teeth.
14:09 All these truths are in the book that starts,
14:13 "In the Beginning God..."
14:15 Dr. Arthur Compton, Nobel prize-winning, physicist,
14:20 commenting on Genesis 1:1 wrote, in the Chicago Daily News:
14:23 "For myself, faith begins with a realization that a supreme
14:27 intelligence brought the universe into being and
14:30 created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith,
14:34 for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan,
14:39 there is an intelligence- an orderly unfolding universe
14:43 testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement,
14:47 "In the Beginning God."
14:50 Since the first five predictions of Daniels end time prophecy
14:54 have come true, do you think we can trust the sixth and final
14:59 of the prophecy? Let's consider it for ourselves
15:03 and in Daniel 2:34
15:05 ...a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on
15:09 its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces."
15:14 "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold
15:19 were crushed together, and became like chaff from the
15:22 summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away
15:26 so that no trace of them was found.
15:28 And the stone that struck the image became a great
15:31 mountain and filled the whole earth."
15:34 What was the stone that Daniel saw?
15:37 He gives us the interpretation in Daniel ch 2:44.
15:41 "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven
15:45 will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;
15:48 and the kingdom shall not be left to other people;
15:51 it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
15:55 and it shall stand forever."
15:58 All of this has come true. All of this is history for us.
16:02 But for Daniel, who was way back here, what the creator
16:06 God showed him was history in advance.
16:09 Do you realize what this means?
16:12 We are right here.
16:14 The only thing left to happen in this prophecy is for the creator
16:18 God of the universe to set up his kingdom here on earth.
16:22 We'll talk more about that in our next program together.
16:26 This book, the Bible, written over a period of nearly
16:31 1,600 years by 40 different authors on three continents
16:35 and one island appears to have been managed by one person.
16:40 Though the penmen, the scribes include kings, shepherds,
16:44 scientists, attorneys, an army general, fishermen,
16:47 priests, and a physician, yet in theme and purpose,
16:50 the Bible is a single book.
16:52 The Bible makes this exaggerated claim about itself.
16:57 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
17:01 profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
17:05 for instruction in righteousness;"
17:08 All scripture had the God of creation directing the penmen,
17:14 the authors in what to say.
17:16 That makes sense and gives a reasonable explanation as to why
17:20 this book has one central message in both the New
17:23 and Old Testaments.
17:25 That also explains why it speaks of one God, why it reveals
17:29 one Savior, why it uplifts one standard of righteousness.
17:34 It also explains how and why the prophecies can be so accurate.
17:39 "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man:
17:44 but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the
17:48 Holy Ghost."
17:50 The prophecies in this book are not made up by crafty men
17:53 with a 50% or even 80% accuracy rating.
17:56 They are given to us by an intelligence that knows the
18:00 future with pinpoint accuracy before it happens,
18:04 even thousands of years before it happens!
18:07 But the skeptic says, how the Bible you hold in your hand
18:11 has gone through some many revisions, so many translations,
18:14 so many human hands that it can't even be the same
18:18 book that was originally written.
18:20 "Not so!" says archeology!
18:22 In the summer of 1947 a Bedouin shepherd boy was keeping his
18:27 his flocks near the Dead Sea south of Jericho.
18:30 Having lost one of his wayward goats went looking for him
18:34 in what we now call cave number one, wondering if his wayward
18:39 beast had climbed in to the cave, he threw in a rock
18:43 to shoo him out.
18:46 He waited to see if the goat would come out he didn't hear
18:49 a goat but what he did hear was surprising, it was the sound
18:53 of a clay jar breaking.
18:54 Upon investigation he discovered what we now know
19:00 as The Dead Sea Scrolls.
19:02 While in Bethlehem I was privileged to visit the Kando's
19:05 Inticquity shop.
19:07 There I spoke with some of the sons and grandsons of the man
19:10 who purchased most of the scrolls from the Bedawin
19:13 Shepard's.
19:15 My name is Edmund K my Father is the man which he bought
19:21 all the Dead Sea Scrolls which have been discovered since
19:25 1948 up to the last minute.
19:28 In front of us is one of the original jars, which one of
19:34 the scrolls have been wrapped with with Linen and hidden in?
19:38 In the book, "Great People of the Bible and How They Lived"
19:42 we learn that the contents of the scrolls include fragments
19:45 of all the books of the Old Testament except Esther.
19:49 The careful transcriptions were done on animal skins marked with
19:53 horizontal lines for writing and verticals for margins.
19:57 These Bible texts predate the oldest scriptures by
20:00 a thousand years.
20:02 Written mostly during the three centuries before the fall of
20:05 Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
20:07 They had been hidden in these caves just before the Romans
20:11 destroyed their community at nearby Qumran.
20:15 When the scrolls were first found Edmund told us,
20:18 some scholars regarded them as forgeries but after the
20:22 carbon 14 dating set their age at 2000 years, these scrolls
20:27 from Qumran were recognized as documents of great historical
20:30 value. Some have now come to believe they are
20:34 the archeological find of the century.
20:37 The Qumran community just west of the Dead Sea
20:42 was a place where they gather together to preserve scripture.
20:46 After taking their ceremonial baths the men of the community
20:50 would walk through this room to the author's room and here
20:53 in the author's room they would copy scripture word for word
20:57 as dictated by the reader.
21:00 We are told that this is how the copies were made in
21:03 the Scriptorium...
21:04 As the reader would stand up to read he would read something
21:08 like "in the Beginning God."
21:10 All the scribes would then repeat out loud
21:13 "in the Beginning God".
21:15 Then the writers would take their pens and begin to write.
21:20 In, and as they wrote it would say, "In the Beginning God."
21:25 Then the copyist would pick up their parchments and read
21:29 "In the Beginning God," as the reader would compare
21:32 what was said with what was on the original.
21:35 This is why these manuscripts show remarkably few
21:38 few discrepancies with what we read in our bibles today.
21:41 Now, some people are going to keep on believing in evolution
21:45 even though chance is stacked against them.
21:47 They will believe that a single cell evolved even though the
21:51 the chance of that happening is one in 10 followed by 123 zeros,
21:56 and another 10 followed by 240 zeros,
21:59 and then another 10 followed 147 zeros years!
22:03 Some of those same people will make fun of the person who
22:07 believes in the Bible because of some seemingly impossible
22:11 stories found there.
22:13 But let me show you how much less faith it takes to believe
22:16 in the prophecies of the Bible.
22:18 In the back of my bible, the New King James version,
22:22 the open bible, is a chart with 44 prophecies about the
22:26 coming of the creator of all our amino acids and DNA,
22:30 to dwell with us, to be with us, to bring us back into a
22:34 relationship with Himself.
22:36 I've been told that there are more than
22:38 125 of these prophecies.
22:41 For the sake of time can we quickly look at just
22:44 eight of them? Real fast...
22:45 Daniel predicted the very time of His birth in Daniel ch 9
22:49 and Luke ch 2 says He came right on time.
22:53 Micah ch 5 says He would be born in Bethlehem and
22:58 Dr. Luke says in Luke 2 that's exactly where He was born
23:02 in a stable.
23:03 Isaiah ch 7 says He would be born of a virgin
23:07 Luke 1 says He was born of Mary who was a virgin.
23:10 Malachi 3 says He would be preceded by a forerunner
23:14 and Luke ch 7 says that forerunner was John the Baptist
23:18 Zachariah 9 says He would make a triumphal entry
23:21 into Jerusalem riding on a donkey and Mark 11 says
23:24 that's exactly what happened.
23:27 Is 53 said He would be silent before His accusers and at
23:31 His trial that's exactly what He was according to Mark 15.
23:36 Isaiah 53 says He would be rejected by His own people
23:41 and John and Luke both record that He was.
23:45 Psalm 16 says He would be resurrected.
23:48 Mark 16 and Acts 2 tell us that we serve a risen Lord.
23:54 We used probability theory to determine that chance evolution
23:58 could not have taken place. Let's USE IT AGAIN.
24:01 How likely is it that a person could "just happen"
24:05 to fulfill all these predictions so perfectly?
24:07 In Science Speaks, Dr. Peter Stoner uses probability theory
24:12 to test how likely it is that just eight of the many
24:15 prophecies about Jesus could happen by chance.
24:18 His results, checked by the American Scientific Affiliation,
24:22 show that the chance of any man might have lived from when
24:25 the prophecy was made to the present time, and fulfilled
24:28 all eight is just one in 10 followed by 16 zeros.
24:33 The possibility of one DNA happing by chance is
24:37 considerably more 10 followed by 147 zeros years.
24:41 10 followed by 147 zeros or 10 followed by 16 zeros?
24:47 You tell me which takes more faith.
24:50 Since you have no concept of what 10 followed by 16 zeros
24:53 looks like let's let Dr. Stoner explain.
24:57 He illustrates by saying that if we took that number of silver
25:01 dollars, spread them over the state of Texas, they would cover
25:05 the whole state two feet deep!
25:08 Dr. Stoner then explains: Now mark one of these silver
25:11 dollars, stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state.
25:14 Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as
25:18 he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say
25:22 this is the marked one.
25:24 What chance would he have of getting the right one?
25:28 Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of
25:31 writing these eight prophecies and have them all come true
25:34 in any one man, from their day to the present time providing
25:38 they wrote in their own wisdom.
25:39 But they didn't write in their own wisdom.
25:42 They were inspired by the same intelligence that created
25:45 amino acids but only used left handed ones to make
25:49 living things.
25:50 The inspiration of this book is from the same being that created
25:55 DNA, the marvel of all
25:58 scientists. Hey, I am a rational
26:00 being. I don't want to believe with blind faith.
26:03 But when I run the numbers it makes a whole lot more sense
26:06 to believe in a pattern-making creator God who really cares
26:09 about me than to believe that I am a chance accident of
26:13 random forces.
26:15 This book tells me how I got here, it tells me of the one who
26:19 put me here and loves me enough to plan a fantastic kingdom,
26:23 and build me a home in His awesome city so that I can live
26:27 with Him someday very soon.
26:28 This book tells me that He loved me enough to die for me.
26:33 I'm special to the God of creation.
26:36 He knows my name, He knows where I live,
26:38 He knows the number of hairs on my head.
26:41 And that same God loves you too.
26:44 You are important to Him.
26:48 You don't have to wait to hear God's message of Love for you.
26:52 Besides, bottles can take along time to get there.
26:56 This book has proven itself to be His message.
27:00 In this book He says, I have loved you with an
27:05 everlasting love.
27:06 If you would like to learn more amazing facts about this book
27:09 then why don't you call, or email today for our FREE
27:13 Bible study guide, entitled "Is There Anything Left
27:17 You Can Trust."
27:18 It contains much more information than Charles could
27:21 cover today on this broadcast and answers questions like,
27:24 Are the historical statements of the Bible accurate?
27:27 And what great advantage does a person have who accepts
27:30 the Bible as God's inspired word?
27:32 Now, here is the contact information you'll need.
27:36 Is there anything left you can trust?
27:40 To access this powerful resource, go to
27:46 Simply select the Studies button and there you can order the
27:51 entire Study Guides or you can look and listen to this
27:55 particular Study Guide. You can even enroll in the
27:59 free online Bible study course which will answer many of your
28:03 Bible questions.
28:05 Again, this Study Guide is available to you anywhere in the
28:07 world at
28:12 In our Next broadcast Charles is going in search of Heaven,
28:17 and the New Jerusalem.
28:19 In His search he has discovered a painting made by an artist who
28:23 was given all the facts from the Bible on its size, and
28:26 structure.
28:27 You've never seen any picture of this colossal city before
28:30 that looks like this one.
28:31 Join us next time as we go in search for the truth
28:34 about "Our Final Home.


Revised 2014-12-17