Participants: Pastor Charles Byrd
Series Code: IST
Program Code: IST000001
00:01 Once upon a time, the sweetly pungent smoke of tobacco
00:03 offered more than dreary old diseases like emphysema 00:06 and lung cancer. 00:08 It promised sophistication, sex appeal, even 00:11 longevity itself. 00:12 And best of all, it could even help you guard 00:15 against throat scratch! 00:18 This is a lie. 00:19 Most of us know this is a lie. 00:21 Our knowledge doesn't allow us to believe this. 00:23 We still may choose to smoke but we now know that we do it 00:27 at our peril. 00:28 But the tobacco industry wants us to smoke. 00:31 If we don't smoke they won't have any money. 00:34 So they still advertise. 00:35 They still promote their product as something good, 00:38 as something positive, something to be desired. 00:40 Who has the best motive for truth telling here, the doctors 00:45 or the cigarette advertisers? 00:47 Who do you trust will give you the knowledge you need 00:50 to make the right choices? 00:55 In Search of the Truth 01:10 The Genesis Question? 01:15 with Charles Byrd 01:30 Hello, I'm Karen Bryd. In 1859 Darwin Published his 01:35 book: "The Origin of Species" 01:37 During the 1960's this theory made it's way into our 01:41 public schools, universities and households across the country. 01:45 Though it was introduced as a theory, it has often been 01:48 presented as a scientifically proven fact. 01:51 Is it? 01:52 Like the smoker's of today, are we buying a lie? 01:56 Let's join Charles as he goes in search of the answer to 02:00 the genesis question. 02:02 I don't like being lied to, especially when the person who 02:06 is lying is doing it deliberately because of 02:08 ulterior motives. 02:10 And in regards to the genesis question, I don't want to be 02:13 lied to either because where I came from impacts who I am 02:17 and where I'm going. 02:18 By my estimation there really are only two possible answers 02:23 to the genesis question: 02:24 Someone or something planned me and put me here or I arrived on 02:29 the stage of life by pure chance. 02:31 "When it comes to the origin of life on this earth, 02:35 there are only two possibilities: 02:39 creation or spontaneous generation (evolution). 02:42 There is no third way." 02:45 According to the late George Wald, a Nobel Prize 02:48 winner, the genesis question boils down to just two 02:50 possibilities: Pattern or Chance. 02:53 Either the evidence indicates some genius designer who 02:57 had a pattern, a plan. 02:59 Or, we came about by random chance, through small, 03:02 gradual changes. 03:04 According to the American Heritage Dictionary of Cultural 03:08 Literacy, evolution occurred in three stages. 03:11 First came chemical evolution, in which organic molecules, 03:16 the molecules that make up living organisms, 03:18 were formed. 03:20 The second stage was the development of single cells 03:24 capable of reproducing themselves. 03:26 This led to the third stage in which organisms developed 03:31 that were capable of sexual reproduction. 03:34 This whole evolution thing is so simple. 03:37 The theory says it all happened in three steps. 03:40 Chemical Evolution, then single cells, and finally 03:42 sexual reproduction. 03:44 But what if there is no scientific evidence that step 03:47 one could have happened? What if there is a preponderance 03:50 of improbability that step one is even possible? 03:54 These are not just abstract questions. 03:56 Charles Darwin himself said... 03:58 "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed 04:04 which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, 04:08 successive, slight modifications, my theory would 04:13 absolutely breakdown." 04:15 According to the inventor of the theory, if chance could not 04:19 produce a single cell, then the whole theory breaks down. 04:23 But none of us were there. 04:25 The evolutionist wasn't there. 04:27 The creationist wasn't there. 04:28 To find the answer to this question all of us are reduced 04:32 to using the same methods a detective must use in 04:35 solving a crime. 04:36 We all must look at the evidence. 04:40 No one would look at a jet air plane and say, 04:42 "Well I declare, that earthquake really did something special 04:46 with that junk yard of Uncle Leroy's! 04:48 I wonder if that junk can fly!" 04:50 No one would look at the skeleton of a house, 04:53 all the two by fours and say, 04:55 "Wow, isn't it amazing what wind storms do these days, man!? 05:00 Dude in my day it just blew things to pieces!" 05:04 A pattern, a complex structure demands that we reason that 05:09 someone put things together. 05:11 Organized supplies, pulled together materials, the right 05:14 amount of each item, put together in just the right way. 05:18 This same complex pattern with variable materials, systems, 05:21 and quantities can be clearly seen in the systems of 05:25 the human body. 05:26 We have many systems in our body. 05:28 First, there's the digestive system. 05:31 That's the system that processes all our food we eat. 05:34 Then, there's the Urinary System. 05:36 This is really important but I don't want to talk about this. 05:40 There's the Cardiovascular System. 05:43 Most of us probably know more about our heart and blood 05:46 than any other system. 05:47 There's the Nervous System. 05:50 We all know we have one of these because some people 05:53 get on our nerves. 05:55 There's the male and female Reproductive System. 05:58 We'll come back to that in a minute! 06:00 There's the Endocrine System. 06:02 The Endocrine glands secret fluids that help digestion, 06:06 and metabolism, or how your body uses the nutrients in 06:10 food, air and water, etc. 06:12 We also have a Lymphatic System. 06:15 Not optional. 06:17 Lymph is a courier for the body that transports material that 06:23 has been liquefied in the bowels or small intestines. 06:27 There's the Skeletal System. 06:29 Not important to anyone who is a jellyfish, but vital to us. 06:33 Not only does it hold us up and give us shape but it helps 06:37 make our blood. 06:38 There's the Muscular System. 06:40 This is what uses our bones as levers to move us about. 06:44 The thing that any biologist knows is that all these systems 06:48 are absolutely dependent on each other. 06:50 Take away any one of these systems and the whole person 06:53 ceases to be. 06:54 These systems cry, PATTERN, PLAN, PURPOSE, creative genius! 07:00 I have a question. 07:02 How many people partially evolved over the supposed 07:05 billions of years till one person got it right? 07:09 You know, I'd like to go back to the male/female reproduction 07:14 systems. Evolutionists want us to believe that the male 07:17 reproductive system evolved at just the right time to work with 07:21 all the 8 other systems in the man, but also at the same time, 07:25 somewhere in the universe another person, a female, 07:28 evolved with the same 9 systems except her reproductive system 07:32 was exactly complimentary to the males. 07:35 And that's how we reproduce the human race. 07:38 Really!? 07:39 Evolutionists want us to believe that without any outside help 07:44 you and I, the the flowers and bees, whales, 07:49 in short every living thing all happened by random selection 07:53 or chance. 07:55 If we didn't get here by design then we got here by chance. 07:59 These are the two options. 08:01 In our search for the truth we are going to take a closer look 08:04 at the most basic building blocks of life called 08:06 amino acids. 08:09 Every cell of our body is made of numerous Proteins. 08:12 These proteins are in turn made up of amino acids 08:15 linked together in long chains. 08:18 Let's make this simple. Let's say that you are a book. 08:21 A book with 10 million stories. 08:24 Each story is one cell of your body. 08:26 Each cell or story is made up of complete sentences called 08:31 Proteins. Each sentence, each protein is 08:34 made up of letters called amino acids. 08:38 You may not know this but amino acids, or letters, 08:41 have been created by scientists in a lab. 08:44 In 1952 a young graduate student at the University of Chicago 08:49 named Stanley Miller, performed one of the most famous 08:52 experiments in modern science. 08:54 He wanted to know what chemical reactions might have produced 08:58 billions of years ago. 08:59 He constructed an apparatus that contained all the elements that 09:04 should have been on earth, a pool of water, and several 09:06 sparking electrodes to simulate lightning. 09:09 After a week of boiling water and sparking electrodes, 09:12 Miller discovered several different amino acids had been 09:15 created. 09:16 According to my experiment, the basic materials needed for 09:21 living organisms could have been available to kick start 09:25 biological evolution as proposed by Darwin. 09:28 Newspapers declared that Stanley Miller had almost... 09:37 created "life in a test tube". 09:39 Other scientists conducted similar experiments with 09:42 increased modifications to the environment and in the next 09:46 thirty years created all but three of the twenty naturally 09:49 occurring amino acids. 09:51 BUT there are some problems. 09:53 First, his experiment and the following experiments by other 09:56 scientists CREATED or PRODUCED amino acids. 10:00 They didn't occur naturally. 10:02 Miller created an amino acid making machine, showing that 10:06 intelligent beings can make amino acids. 10:08 He did not show that amino acids were made naturally on earth 10:12 billions of years ago. 10:13 In his book "Darwin's Black Box" Michael Behe, a professor of 10:18 biochemistry at Lehigh University, compares these 10:21 experiments with a chef who claims that random, 10:23 natural processes can produce a chocolate cake. 10:26 The cook then proceeds to use refined flour and processed 10:30 chocolate, measures all the ingredients carefully, 10:33 mixes them in a bowl, and cooks the cake in an oven because 10:37 he needs to "speed things up". 10:39 The results end up having nothing to do with the original 10:43 idea that natural processes could produce a cake." 10:46 The second problem is that Miller created only some 10:50 amino acids that are essential for building proteins. 10:54 To my knowledge no scientist has ever "Accidentally" 10:57 created a complete list of amino acids or letters needed to 11:01 create a complete alphabet. 11:02 I'm sure we can all see that there is an enormous difference 11:06 between making a few letters of an alphabet and a whole story, 11:09 or making a few amino acids and making a living organism 11:13 that can replicate itself. 11:15 There are a lot of things required to make even a 11:17 single protein. 11:19 The first difficulty is as simple as it is profound. 11:23 All amino acids are either left-handed or right-handed. 11:27 Start evolution off with a 50/50 mix of left handed 11:31 and right handed amino acids and you would expect that humans 11:35 would have both left and right handed amino acids, but 11:39 all living things contain only left-handed amino acids. 11:43 Did you hear that? 11:44 ALL LIVING THINGS ARE MADE UP OF PROTEINS WITH ONLY 11:48 LEFT HANDED AMINO ACIDS! 11:50 You and I, flowers and birds are only made up of 11:53 LEFT handed amino acids. 11:55 This brings us back to the point of evolution and chance. 11:59 Let's put some real numbers to this and see if this wonderful 12:02 wonderful parade called life could of just have happened. 12:05 Based on studies of Dr. Harold Morowitz, 12:08 Professor of bio-Physics at Yale who did extensive research for 12:12 NASA the smallest possible living thing would have about 12:15 400 amino acids. 12:17 What if we use the probability theory to find out how likely 12:21 it is that the smallest possible living thing with 400 12:25 amino acids, would just happen to have only left-handed 12:29 amino acids? 12:30 Well, there's one chance in 10 followed by 123 zeros. 12:36 "It's estimated that all the number of protein molecules 12:42 to have ever existed is only ten followed by 52 zeros." 12:47 If Stanley Miller's experiment created both left and right 12:51 handed amino acids it would be logical to expect that chance 12:54 would have created beings with both left and right handed 12:58 amino acids. 12:59 But the facts are living beings are only made up of left handed 13:04 amino acids and ten followed by 123 zeros is no chance, at all. 13:09 This one realization should be enough to prove that step one, 13:14 chemical evolution, could not have just happened. 13:18 But it gets even more complicated than this. 13:21 The average protein in the smallest living creature also 13:25 has 400 amino acid links and each link must be in the right 13:29 order. Each link is kind of like a letter of the alphabet. 13:33 To get a meaningful word each letter must be in the right 13:37 order. If the letters in the word "letter" are out of order 13:41 (for example "teertl") then you wouldn't get a meaningful word. 13:45 What is the probability that a chain of 400 amino acid links, 13:49 by random selection, could align themselves in just the right 13:53 order? 13:54 One in ten followed by 240 zeros. 13:59 If chemicals combined 150 thousand trillion times faster 14:05 than they do in living things, and used all the chemical atoms 14:08 on earth, there would be only one chance in ten followed by 14:12 161 zeros that a single usable protein could have been produced 14:16 by chance in the history of earth! 14:19 Once you understand these numbers, ten followed by 14:23 123 zeros that amino acids could all be left-handed. 14:27 Ten followed by 240 zeros that they would line up in just 14:31 the right order. 14:32 Once you understand these numbers the evidence forces you 14:36 to come to the conclusion that small gradual changes, natural 14:40 laws, chance didn't make the proteins essential to life. 14:44 Using the probability theory, mathematicians have come to 14:48 understand that anything beyond 50 zeros is impossible. 14:52 For chemical evolution to have worked, you need at least 14:56 400 all left handed amino acids, all in the right order. 15:00 But for evolution to succeed we're still short one step. 15:04 One huge step. 15:06 Living cells have more than just protein. 15:09 They also need DNA, which allows them to replicate. 15:13 Simply put, a living protein, the basis of life, 15:17 cannot replicate itself without an encyclopedia of instructions. 15:21 A detailed blueprint which specifies: time, quantity, 15:25 components, and position. 15:27 Let's say we take all the atom in the universe and turn them 15:30 into only the kind of atoms found in DNA. 15:33 Then we make them combine together into chains 15:36 again and again at eight trillion chains a second. 15:40 Would it be possible for a single DNA gene to 15:43 happen by chance? 15:45 Only if we have ten followed by 147 zeros years! 15:49 How long is that? 15:53 In Dr. Lawrence Richard's book, "It Couldn't Just Happen" 15:57 he uses this illustration to help us understand 15:59 how long 147 zeros years is. 16:03 Imagine a snail moving so slowly that it takes 3 quintillion 16:07 years, that's three followed by 18 zeros years, to travel just 16:12 one inch. 16:13 If the snail carried one atom across the estimated 16:16 thirty billion light years of the universe, it would take him 16:19 about forty-followed by 125 zeros-years!" 16:24 At this leisurely pace, the little space crawler 16:27 would have time to carry 20 followed by twenty-one zeros 16:32 universes one atom at a time across the assumed diameter 16:36 of the universe, during the same time chance would be 16:39 expected to arrange one gene in any usable order. 16:43 Most of us don't understand a word I just said. 16:46 We have no concept of what a 147 zeros years looks like. 16:50 Most people don't even understand the difference 16:52 between million, billion, and trillion. 16:55 A young wife comes to her husband and she says honey, 17:00 honey, I need some money to go shopping. 17:02 A husband holds up his hand, signally that he's busy. 17:05 The young wife persists, please! 17:08 The husband says just a minute George. 17:10 As he sets down the phone and he writes her 17:12 a one million dollar check. 17:14 Spend one thousand dollars a day and don't come back 17:17 till you've spent it all! He says- what a deal! 17:21 How long will it take until the wife returns for more money? 17:25 Thirty-three months. 17:28 Here she comes again! 17:31 The wife comes back, honey darling, 17:33 I need a little more money to go shopping! 17:35 The young husband doesn't want to have his wife come back quite 17:37 so soon so this time he writes her a billion dollar check, 17:40 same rules, one thousand dollars a day, 17:43 don't come back till it's gone. 17:44 How long till his wife comes back this time? 17:48 It took a little less than three years to spend one million 17:51 dollars at a thousand dollars a day. 17:54 It took 2,740 years to spend one billion dollars. 17:58 Oh, here she comes again! 18:00 I need some more money to go shopping dear, 18:06 I want to go shopping! 18:09 The old husband doesn't want to see her back this time so he 18:13 writes her out a trillion dollar check. 18:15 You know the rules: a thousand dollars a day and 18:18 don't come back till it's gone! 18:19 How long will it be until his wife returns for more money? 18:23 2,740,000+ years. 18:27 That's how long it will take to spend a trillion dollars 18:31 at a thousand dollars a day. 18:33 Do the Math. 18:34 Ten followed by 123 zeros. 18:38 Another ten followed by 240 zeros. 18:41 Another ten followed 147 zeros years. 18:45 By their own numbers evolutionist don't allow us 18:48 enough time to even allow for one single cell that can 18:52 self-replicate to evolve. 18:55 According to research conducted by NASA using the 18:58 the Hubble telescope, astronomers now assume, 19:01 the big bang occurred about 12 billion years ago. 19:04 According to the American Heritage Dictionary of 19:08 Cultural Literacy the big bang occurred 20 billion years ago. 19:12 Most evolutionary biologists estimate that life started by 19:17 chance about 3 billion years ago. 19:19 Whether 3 or 20 billion years, there still isn't enough time. 19:23 Let's say that at the big bang all the material needed for life 19:28 was in one place and that single explosion created every 19:31 amino acid needed. 19:32 It still wouldn't work. 19:34 Even 20 billion years would not be enough time for all the 19:38 left-handed amino acids that were needed for life to come 19:41 together. 19:42 Twenty billion years would not be enough time for them all 19:45 to line up in just the right order. 19:47 20 billion years would not be enough time to create one 19:51 DNA strand. 19:52 That would take a lot more than ten followed by 147 zeros years. 19:57 The only reason someone would deliberately promote a lie is if 20:03 there is something to gain. 20:04 The tobacco industry says, strong, mature, grown-up, 20:09 even sexy. 20:10 But cancer, emphysema, and lung disease are none of 20:14 these things. 20:16 The real reason the tobacco industry continues to promote 20:18 deadly lie is for ulterior motive's and that motive 20:23 is profit. 20:24 So what is the motive for evolution? 20:27 What would the patrons of this theory give as their reason for 20:30 believing and promoting the concept that we all are products 20:34 of chance, slight mutations that accured over billions of years? 20:38 The answer is as startling as it is revealing. 20:42 Here, in their own words, are the self-stated motives for the 20:47 promotion of the theory. 20:49 With this simple argument the mystery of the universe is 20:54 explained, the deity annulled, and a new era of infinite 20:59 knowledge ushered in. 21:00 "I suppose the reason we leaped at The Origin of Species is 21:05 because the idea of God interfered with our 21:08 sexual mores." 21:09 "I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; 21:13 consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any 21:17 difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption... 21:21 For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, 21:26 the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially 21:30 an instrument of liberation. 21:31 The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from 21:37 a certain political and economic system 21:39 and liberation from a certain system of morality. 21:43 Their motives in their own words are summarized simply. 21:48 We don't want to believe in God. 21:50 If we are created by a superior being, then we must be 21:54 responsible to His laws of morality. 21:57 We can't have sex with whomever we want, 22:00 whenever we want. 22:01 If there is a higher power then we must be accountable. 22:04 But if we can create a reason for our existence that makes us 22:08 a product of chance then we have no responsibility to be obedient 22:13 to society's rules or God's laws. 22:16 Many other famous Darwinists have been atheists. 22:19 Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the double helix, 22:22 was a signer of the Humanist Manifesto, which is a 22:25 foundational document of a major atheist organization. 22:28 Harvard's Richard Lewontin and Stephen Gould, both leading 22:32 biological evolutionists, proudly claimed Marxist, 22:35 or atheistic, inspiration for their biological theories. 22:39 In my search for truth I may not know who or what created me. 22:44 He, she, it may not even be a nice "person". 22:48 But from the evidence I know whoever the creator is, 22:52 the creator is incredibly brilliant beyond our human 22:56 capability of understanding. 22:57 Does it seem wise, is it reasonable to ignore the 23:02 glaring evidence? 23:03 Because we don't want to be moral, because we don't want 23:06 to be accountable, is that a good enough reason to dismiss 23:10 the notion of God? 23:11 The Judeo-Christian philosopher, Paul, said... 23:16 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain 23:20 the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a 23:23 depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 23:26 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, 23:31 greed and depravity. 23:32 They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. 23:37 They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, 23:40 arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; 23:44 they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, 23:48 heartless, and ruthless. 23:50 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who 23:55 do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do 23:59 these very things but also approve of those who 24:03 practice them. 24:04 So what are the results of teaching our young people that 24:07 they came from slime and that they'll return to slime 24:10 and that will be that. 24:11 What is the result of teaching our young people that they are 24:14 a product of random selection - chance, 24:17 instead of a wonderful creation, made by a God who wants to 24:20 have fellowship with us? 24:21 Current Statistics tell us that we have an epidemic on 24:25 on our hands. 24:26 Suicide is currently the third leading cause of death among 24:30 teenagers in the United States. 24:31 It is estimated that 300 to 400 teen suicides occur per year 24:35 in Los Angeles County alone; this is equivalent to one 24:38 one teenager lost every day. 24:41 Evidence indicates that for every suicide, there are 24:44 50 to 100 attempts at suicide and due to the stigma associated 24:48 with suicide, available statistics may well 24:51 underestimate the problem. 24:52 Nevertheless, these figures do underscore the urgent need 24:55 to seek a solution to the suicide epidemic among 24:58 our young people. 25:00 The first solution is to quit telling them they evolved. 25:03 When young people believe that they came from nothing 25:06 and are going to nothing it is logical for them to conclude 25:09 their life means nothing. 25:11 Quit telling them they are a freak chance of nature. 25:14 Show them the wonderful pattern. 25:16 Tell them what the Psalmist realized a long time ago when 25:20 he said: "I will praise You, for I am 25:23 fearfully and wonderfully made; 25:24 Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." 25:29 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together 25:33 in my mother's womb." 25:35 Newton's third law of motion states that, 25:38 "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." 25:41 So tell our young people that this life is just a passing 25:44 moment, a random chance of nature. 25:46 And for this action see if we don't have a negative reaction. 25:51 Over 1,350,000 abortions are performed every year in the 25:56 the United States. 25:57 That's 3,700 lives every day snuffed out, cut short, gone. 26:02 And why not, if we are only a freak of nature, 26:05 an accident of chance. 26:06 If Darwin was right, and it is the survival of the fittest 26:09 then who cares? 26:10 It doesn't matter. 26:12 If a mom can kill my sister, than why can't I kill myself? 26:15 If Dad and Mom can kill my brother than why should I 26:19 value human life? 26:20 But we didn't evolve. 26:22 The pattern tells us that there is a pattern maker. 26:26 I believe He sent us this message through His servant 26:30 Jeremiah. 26:31 "... I have loved you with an everlasting love; 26:35 therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you." 26:38 "For I know the plans I have for you," 26:41 declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and 26:45 not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 26:49 [so] call upon me and come and pray to me, 26:53 and I will listen to you." 26:56 This is the truth that changes people. 27:00 This is the truth that makes them different, kinder, better. 27:06 It is time for us Americans to be honest. 27:10 If we don't like God, if we don't want to serve Him, 27:14 then just say that. 27:15 But we shouldn't try to find some lame excuse that show our 27:19 ignorance, foolishness and perhaps, even, stupidity. 27:24 We did not evolve. 27:26 I'll freely admit that it takes faith to believe that 27:29 there is a Creator. 27:30 But it is a faith based on the reality of evidence. 27:33 It takes blind faith to believe in evolution. 27:38 We are in trouble as a nation. 27:41 Our morals are bankrupt, we are evolving, 27:44 but in a downward spiral of degeneration. 27:48 Is there any hope? 27:50 I believe there is. 27:52 A complex design causes each of us to come to the conclusion 27:57 that there was a master designer. 28:00 No reasonable person would suggest that the coliseum in 28:04 Rome did evolve or even could evolve no matter how much time 28:08 was given. 28:09 But who is the creator? 28:11 Can we know him, her or it? 28:13 Is the creator an intelligent being or merely a universal 28:17 force? 28:18 Next time in our Search for the Truth Charles will be taking us 28:21 to the Middle East where he will again look critically for the 28:25 to these questions. 28:26 Join our search for the truth next time as we find 28:30 the creator's message in a bottle. |
Revised 2014-12-17