Series Code: ISITE
Program Code: ISITE180015A
00:06 Hello and welcome to ISITE program number 15,
00:09 we're Greg & Jill Morikone and this is sadly 00:13 the last ISITE because we're at the end of 00:15 The Campaign Pathway To Life here in Phoenix, Arizona 00:18 and we're basically ending where we started which is 00:21 outside the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:24 It's hard to believe that our time here in Phoenix is almost 00:26 done. It is, it's been an incredible journey just to see 00:29 God work in people's lives, to see people make decisions for 00:32 Jesus. That's what evangelism is all about and we want to 00:36 give a quick shout out to those of you who shared last night's 00:39 ISITE program on Facebook because not only are we on 00:43 their traditional ways you can get 3ABN which is cable and 00:46 satellite and internet and all of that stuff but we are also 00:50 on Facebook for this series streaming. 00:52 So these are the ones from last night, 00:55 this is Timothy, David, Daniel, Shirley, Amy, Keith, Cora, 00:59 Devin, Edwina, Ariella, Gerlin, Penny, Thomas, 01:03 Deborah, Kawisi, Claudio, and Tweet Timothy and others, 01:07 so thank you so much for sharing these programs. 01:09 And we are here with Pastor C.A. Murray and you've been at 01:13 Desert Cove Church. 01:14 Desert Cove Church in El Mirage just north/northwest of Phoenix, 01:18 wonderful church right in the glide path of the 01:22 Luke Airforce Base, so we get to hear the jets take off and... 01:27 Oh yeah, that's right. Well you know they built the 01:28 church with that in mind, so there is double insulated 01:30 so unless you are really listening for it you really can 01:33 kind of ignore it, it's not that intrusive. 01:34 But what a wonderful group of people to pastor 01:37 is Pr. Steve Gibson, his wife Angela who has the best smile 01:42 in Phoenix we always say. She was at the door every night 01:44 or most nights and just a bright bubbly person. 01:47 My main contact, of course you know Elder Randy and Kathleen 01:52 Fields, wonderful people, she's been feeding us yeah to death. 01:56 She may be the best soup maker and makes her own bread. 02:00 That's wonderful. She is a wonderful person. 02:03 You're getting fresh bread every day aren't you? 02:04 Pretty much every day, yeah pretty much every day. 02:07 That's great. And we don't even mind if it's day old because 02:10 it tastes a little better on the second day we're told, 02:13 so we are having a wonderful time. Wonderful church. 02:15 Wonderful people, great experiences, many many lives 02:20 being changed. The church is comfortably full each night 02:24 and it's been a...we've had fun here, had some health 02:29 challenges and you can still hear my voice. 02:31 Yes we can hear it. I've passed this on to my wife, 02:33 I've shared it with Irma and so she's home. 02:36 Uh, I think I got it, got healed, gave it to her 02:38 and then she gave it back to me. Yes. 02:40 Because this seems to be the second time but it's been a 02:42 blessing Greg & Jill, we started this last September. 02:47 This one came together rather quickly on the heels of 02:50 the Pathway To Health meetings, it occurred to me that maybe 02:56 the town will be ready for a little something else, 02:58 a little more direct evangelism so I called Dr. Ludle who 03:03 you know is a bundle of energy. She is. Never heard an idea 03:05 for the Lord that she didn't like. 03:07 And this is her church here at Paradise. 03:08 Um hum, um hum, she, and it was late Friday evening when we were 03:13 talking and the next thing I know is she's got Jose Mayer, 03:16 the Conference Secretary of Ministerial Director on the phone 03:18 and it's late and he says you know we'll talk on Monday 03:22 it's kind of late but that began the wheels turning 03:25 and of course Danny approved of it and off we went 03:29 the conference approved of it, they liked the idea, 03:32 that they were very much for the idea and um, 03:35 things progressed very quickly once I made the initial contact 03:39 to pass it over to Pr. Lomacang who is the Director of World 03:41 Evangelism. He took it from there and then you came in 03:43 and did all of the logistics and all of the contacts 03:46 and just about everything else. 03:47 Just some coordination that's it. 03:49 But that's how it worked and before you know it, 03:52 we are here, the meetings began and the Devil began to oppose 03:56 and we've had a lot of colds and flu and respiratory stuff 04:00 going on and I don't know if it's from the cold to the warm 04:03 or the change or just the attack of the enemy but the crew 04:06 has been sick and as you well know. 04:07 Greg you have seem to be able to avoid... 04:09 Well by God's grace I'm still trying to stay well, 04:12 what a blessing. 04:14 That's the difference... But pastors think about 04:16 evangelism, you know, that's pretty quick to pull a campaign 04:18 together when you are thinking about it because that was 04:20 late last fall. Yep. 04:21 And then here we start in February and you can just 04:24 really see the Lord is blessing for all of the support 04:27 for how it fit in 3ABN's schedule, the conference, 04:30 the local churches, it's pretty amazing isn't it? 04:32 As you well know, you have so many logistical pieces 04:37 of the puzzle to fit. You got the evangelism which is why 04:39 we are here. You have five speakers and five churches 04:42 So churches must be prepared, sermons must be prepared, 04:45 graphics must be prepared, literature must be prepared, 04:48 people must be prepared, pre broadcast must be done, 04:50 and that's just the pure evangelism side. 04:53 Then put on top of that, production, a whole nother 04:58 layer, trucks have to come, things have to happen, 05:01 you know, a bunch of things have to happen to make 05:04 something like this go on and we got a good size crew here 05:07 and from what I can see, cause I'm at my church in... 05:10 You know we got the crew working, everybody's working 05:12 together well and one of the great things that you of course 05:16 well know about 3ABN is that this feeling of comradery is 05:19 everybody is pulling in the same direction. 05:20 And this stuff can be stressful because you've got deadlines 05:25 every night, you got, it's show time, you got to be there and be 05:27 ready to go. 05:29 And yet when you are focused on the work of the Lord, 05:31 there's a blessing that comes from the Lord. Amen. 05:32 Amen. So we felt that all along. Yeah. Amen. 05:35 Well Pastor, we thank you for your leadership, 05:37 for making those initial contacts starting this whole 05:40 ball rolling in this direction for Phoenix and I know that 05:43 God is blessing us and will continue to bless 05:45 because success is not always by numbers that we may see 05:48 right now but the churches are excited about continuing on 05:51 with more things following up so, yeah, thank you again, 05:54 thank you for your leadership. 05:55 My pleasure, it's just part of the team. 05:56 Amen! It's a joy. And we are going to the 05:59 Chandler Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kenny & Chris Shelton 06:01 are there and Chris had the opportunity to do a couple 06:04 interviews with some people there, let's listen to that now. 06:11 I have Brother Derwin with me and Brother Derwin came up 06:14 and he says that he has something that he wants to share 06:18 with those of you who are watching. 06:20 Well thanks and what a blessing it has been to be a part 06:26 of these evangelistic meetings and in these times we just 06:32 need them and I was grateful to be able to spend as much 06:35 time as I have throughout this series and I just have a 06:40 testimony today that just, really just expands upon how 06:47 great a God we serve. 06:50 In 2007 I was not actively involved in the church 06:55 and I prayed for the Lord for deliverance 06:59 and I didn't know how that deliverance was going to come. 07:02 But ultimately I had a severe asthma attack, 07:07 I almost died, I was in a coma for nine days 07:11 and they were going to give me a trachea on Sunday and 07:15 that's the day that the Lord revealed himself to wake me up 07:18 and give me a second chance. 07:20 So with that second chance there is no turning back 07:24 and there is a fire to share this message with people 07:28 that we come in contact with on a daily and God has even 07:33 remembered a commitment that we had for when I was a youth 07:38 to do Country Living Ministries here in Show Low, AZ 07:42 and He is blessing with that, so I just ask for prayers for 07:46 myself and everyone and that we truly don't want to miss out 07:50 on this opportunity that God has for us. 07:54 I came up for prayer and I must say in the last two, three days 07:59 it has been such a relief to have the Lord answer prayers 08:04 to see them and to feel them. Amen. Amen. 08:09 But when I was younger, I was born with an illness 08:12 and they told mother I would only live till 21 or younger. 08:17 Uh hum. And my grandmother was an Adventist, 08:21 a new Adventist, she helped found the Nasana SDA Church 08:27 in New Jersey. Ok. In Trenton and she just wrapped her arms 08:33 around me, the family got around me and prayed and 08:36 just prayed and prayed and prayed. 08:38 I am 54. Amen! We had, can you hear me now. 08:44 We had an evening of prayer, you knew about prayer didn't you 08:48 because you wouldn't be here without prayer. 08:50 We love our grandma's, we love our mamma's, I'm one, 08:54 I'm praying for my kids and grandkids every day. 08:56 Every day I have two beautiful daughters, they suggested I do 09:00 not have kids, I had them late in life, 36 and 38 and God 09:05 has been there the whole entire time. 09:07 I have come from a praying family, I pray every day 09:10 about everything and it's just a wonderful 09:13 um, relationship that we have. 09:15 So when you have opportunities like we did here to come out 09:20 for evangelistic series, what would you tell the folks 09:24 at home? Should they stay at home and just watch on TV 09:27 or should they come out maybe? 09:29 I suggest that everyone come out it's an experience, 09:32 it's totally different than watching on TV. 09:36 You get the feel the Holy Spirit walking through, you get to feel 09:39 the people talking to you, you get to feel His anointing 09:43 grace everywhere when you come out 09:46 instead of sitting down, you know, you are kind of just 09:49 a one way, here it's like a cross, it's both ways, 09:53 up and down, side to side. 09:55 Amen! Most people are rejoicing with you. 09:58 Yes, yes and I've often said even during these meetings, 10:01 there's no better place than where God wants us to be. 10:07 Thank you sister Chris, what a great report coming from the 10:10 Chandler Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10:12 It's always neat to hear what is going on at the churches 10:14 and the different stories and testimonies and how God is 10:17 working in each of their lives there and I want to say 10:20 that we have a very special guest with us and you are not 10:23 a guest Brad Walker. He is actually part of our 3ABN 10:27 production crew and Brad you have been here for many 10:29 years and this man, it's hard to get him in front of the 10:32 camera, works long long hours. 10:35 Basically everything that you have seen with these ISITES 10:38 he's been a part of whether... If he's not behind the camera, 10:41 he's behind the camera in the fact giving directions. 10:42 He's like a producer carrying equipment up mountains 10:45 around churches, all the creativity and the stuff 10:48 that you see on these programs is thanks to Brad and of course 10:51 the crew as well. 10:53 But we appreciate you Brad, you've been at 3ABN 10:55 how many years? All my adult life I guess, 10:58 right out of High School. 10:59 He started as a teenager. That's it. 11:01 And Brad Walker for those of you that have followed 3ABN 11:05 and the ISITE we did from London, Brad and his daughter 11:08 Tierra went to London. That's right. 11:10 And now it's nice to have who else with you on this trip? 11:12 My son Tyler is with me. And where is he at right now? 11:15 He's running all three of these cameras behind us here. 11:18 So I should probably get back there and help him out. 11:21 No Brad you stay right here. No, you are good here. 11:23 But we appreciate you Brad. Thank you. 11:25 And what you bring to 3ABN and all the skills and talents 11:29 that you are using for the Lord and I think the full impact Brad 11:32 will be realized in heaven for all the tireless hours 11:34 and this man came from Florida just before this trip. 11:38 The interview that you saw with that tragedy down there Brad 11:42 with the shooting, you went and covered that story. 11:45 Me and my son went with Pr. Lomacang and what a powerful 11:50 testimony that Samantha is going to tell the world about. 11:54 Yeah. And then from there, came to here. 11:57 So tell us how your experience been? 12:00 It's been amazing that the crew here at 3ABN is just 12:04 by far the best, I think we are looking at 100 hours 12:08 of finished product that this crew has put together. 12:12 That's incredible. Yep. 12:13 And a we worked long hours but it's been well worth it, 12:16 we are seeing people come to the Lord that it's priceless 12:20 to see what has happened here. I mean when we didn't have 12:23 strength to continue on, the crew is just going down and 12:26 speakers are going down, God gave us all strength to 12:29 pull this through. All glory goes to God, 12:32 not to any crew member but God's given us a great 12:36 team to work with for sure. 12:38 Amen. I agree because you are right, there are long hours. 12:40 Sometimes two to three in the morning to pull some of these 12:42 programs off and edit it. 12:44 Some people worked all night. Yeah that's true. 12:45 But then they got some rest the next night 12:47 but some people have worked really hard. 12:48 Well thank you Brad, you are just an integral part 12:50 of the team as Director and he is so great, even gifted. 12:54 It's a joy to work with you. Right now you were speaking 12:56 about the joy of watching people come to know Jesus 12:59 and that's what it's really all about. 13:00 And right now we are going to the Phoenix Central SDA Church 13:04 and there was a woman who was praying two weeks ago, 13:07 she was praying God, I want to find Jesus and she got home 13:11 and there was a flyer in her mailbox inviting her to the 13:15 meetings. So let's listen to her testimony. 13:22 Angela and I are here at Phoenix Central Church and Angela 13:26 loves Jesus. Angela have you been here nearly every night, 13:29 have you not? I have, yes. 13:31 Why are you coming? Well, about a week and a half 13:36 two weeks ago I was driving home from work, praying to the Lord. 13:39 Well, I wanted to find somewhere and just find Jesus really 13:44 and I looked into my mailbox for the first time 13:46 into my new apartment and there was a flier and it had 13:50 all the days and so I came. 13:53 Here I am, I have been here ever since. 13:55 Amen. Yes. 13:56 And it's eager cause I always sat oh I don't four or five rows 13:59 behind Angela and it's so fun just to watch as she's 14:02 connecting with what is coming directly out of the Bible. 14:05 I mean this is...I know that Jesus is touching your heart, 14:10 the Holy Spirit is working in your life but also 14:14 just kind of being a people watcher as well as 14:17 listen to the word, it's inspiring me. 14:20 And I guess everything in your life has been perfect. 14:24 No sir. Ok. So in other words you might have gone left 14:30 and you should have gone right maybe a time or two 14:32 like all of us. 14:33 Sometimes. And you are sick and tired of being sick 14:36 and tired, yeah. 14:37 And so consequently we're trying to find the true meaning 14:40 of life and obviously if you are sitting here and as you said 14:44 earlier that I want to know who Jesus is. 14:49 Someplace in your past there was a seed that was sown 14:53 and now we are trying to find our way back and find out 14:56 what is life all about and where do I start. 15:00 Correct, so yeah, it's been about 26 years. 15:05 I grew up with my mom and she still teaches a two year old 15:09 but she has been going to church pretty much all her life so 15:12 that seed was planted, but by the age 13 I kind of veered off 15:16 and I have been kinda lost since then and here I am 15:20 and it's my time and it is so my time. 15:22 Amen. Amen. Yeah and amen too. Well I know that you are going 15:26 to make a positive difference in many people's lives 15:28 you just got that intelligence, that understanding, 15:32 and you are going to allow Jesus to lead you. 15:35 In other words the Bible is very clear, He will be a lamp 15:38 unto your feet. So as we keep our eyes focused on that lamp, 15:42 well then we are no longer in that dark. So anyway. 15:45 Well, how do you like this particular church? 15:48 I love it, it's small, it's intimate, everybody, 15:50 it's like family, it's like home, you come in, 15:53 and everybody seems to know everybody, you hug and greet 15:55 each other, I love it. 15:56 Amen. Yeah. 15:57 And what do you think about Shelley's teaching? 16:01 I love it, she has a way of just putting things to where 16:06 I understand it, I get it, I go home so revived and a 16:09 I don't know, I don't want you guys to leave. 16:11 {Laughter} She's great. She's great. 16:13 It's amazing, she's a blessing. 16:16 What a gift this is because I've been talking to Felicia 16:20 for probably ten years at 3ABN and we never put a face to a 16:24 name and so when she came in and told me who she was, 16:27 it just put joy in my heart cause I love this lady. 16:32 And I love her even more now that I know who she is. 16:36 Felicia is out there on the front line in Phoenix, AZ 16:40 fighting daily battles, tell us kind of what you do Felicia. 16:44 Ok. Well I am a Bible worker for Phoenix South Mountain 16:48 Seventh-day Adventist Church. 16:49 I've been doing that for four years now and so basically 16:54 we're out on the mission field, knocking on doors and trying to 16:58 bring people closer to Christ, to let them know that Jesus 17:03 loves them and the good news about the Jesus Christ and 17:08 Him coming back soon. 17:10 Amen. And what I have learned, we all need to be fed 17:17 and there are many times when- ever we are out there on the 17:19 front line fighting the battles but yet we feel like we just 17:23 need to have a shot of adrenalin ourselves and I think that 17:27 that's whenever you call 3ABN so that you'll have someone 17:31 there that understands but more than anything, 17:35 has a relationship with God that you both share 17:37 and you can share that private time together in inviting 17:42 the Lord to give us that strength that we need. 17:44 So as these days you are out there battling, 17:47 what might be an ordinary experience that you might have? 17:51 For a lot of people would probably just throw their 17:54 hands up and say, I just can't do this. 17:56 But there is something about you Felicia, that you have this 17:59 determination that you are going to fight the good fight because 18:04 you know that one of these days God is coming back for 18:08 the remnant people. 18:10 Hmm. Yes. Definitely. Well I am the first Adventist 18:14 in my family and so how I became a Seventh-day Adventist 18:18 was through Bible work so you know I thought wow, 18:23 Lord, this was the best thing that ever happened to me. 18:25 And so, once I accepted Christ, there was just a fire in my 18:31 heart to just go and tell others because one of my models is, 18:36 one of my favorite hymns is When We All Get To Heaven, 18:39 you know and it's that "ALL" part that excites me. 18:43 You know, not just when I get to heaven, but when we all get 18:46 to heaven, you know, oh what a wonderful place that will be. 18:50 Amen. Right. 18:51 We all see Jesus and so my desire is just to go out and 18:57 just tell people about the love of Christ because um, 19:02 again, I didn't grow up in church at all. 19:05 When someone came to me and asked me 19:08 "do you know who God is", ok, I said God who, 19:14 I'd never seen Him. 19:15 You know but then they made me realize there is a God out there 19:19 so I just have a desire for the lost, just like Jesus did. 19:27 Let me ask, how does 3ABN fit into all this? 19:32 Well you know 3ABN, when you think about how it all started, 19:38 it's just so awesome, Danny Shelton and the vision that God 19:44 has given him and how far this whole ministry has come 19:49 it's amazing in how it is touching so many people 19:52 all over the world is amazing and just calling in on the 19:57 prayer line knowing that there are people there that can 20:01 get your prayer through. Amen. 20:04 That is awesome too, and then wanting to take time just to 20:08 pray, it's just such a blessing. 20:11 Amen. Well I think that we could go on and talk probably 20:15 for hours on this right here but to me it has really been 20:18 a blessing because you are such a child of God 20:22 and I just want you and the whole world to know 20:24 how much I love you as a sister in Christ. 20:26 And thank you for coming over here and taking the time 20:31 out of your daily activities cause you could choose to be 20:33 anywhere you wanted to be tonight, but you are here. 20:36 And so, from Felicia and I both, we just want to say 20:41 God bless each and every one of you. 20:43 Amen. God bless you all. 20:46 What great testimonies from the Phoenix Central Seventh-day 20:50 Adventist Church. 20:52 And to think that Felicia had been calling our prayer line 20:54 for ten years and then she got the chance to meet J.D. 20:58 to share some of her testimony. 20:59 Right now we are going to go to the church behind us 21:02 Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church. 21:04 A couple nights ago Pr. John and Angie Lomacang had the 21:08 opportunity to visit with this precious Romanian couple 21:12 who have been coming to the meetings and let's listen 21:14 to their story. 21:18 Here we are at the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist 21:20 Church, just finished a wonderful meeting and we have 21:23 Stefan & Ana who we met, they have been coming night to night. 21:27 Tell us, how did you hear about the meetings. 21:30 Well we have been here in the church before the start 21:34 but we missed the first night but then we come, 21:36 we see a lot of the television with you and we were impressed 21:42 every time we hear and then we have the opportunity to come 21:45 over here to listen to the Word of God and we been 21:48 impressed about the speech that you have and relation 21:54 with God and that was a very good example for me 21:58 and my family, my wife and my kids. 22:00 The way I see you live the Word of God, you and your wife, very 22:06 connected and very good example for us, we try to step the same 22:14 way you do. 22:15 We try to help each other me and my wife and it was amazing, 22:20 it was a very very good example and we hope every night 22:25 to watch your preach on Good News, we see that and we try to 22:34 be connected, we try to take more dates and whatever 22:40 we can have to see. It was a very very wonderful 22:44 example for us. 22:46 Yes. Tonight was about prayer wasn't it? 22:48 Yes. Did you learn anything about prayer? 22:50 I see I need to pray more, so after this night I will pray more 23:02 and I'll sit on my knees every time I prayer and I know God 23:08 is going to answer. We are blessed to meet you 23:11 and as I said earlier, you not just talk the talk, 23:17 you walk the walk, so we want to live like that. 23:23 What a great interview with Pr. John and Angie with 23:26 Stepan & Ana and something I really liked at the end of that 23:29 was Ana said that we met a pastor and his wife who 23:32 walk the walk, not just talk it, but walk it. 23:35 And we are standing here with Pr. John Lomacang and 23:38 that must be incredible PR John to hear people who see 23:41 that you and Angie are real genuine Christians. 23:43 You know these meeting have been such a blessing to get 23:46 not only the chance to share the Word of God each night 23:49 but we sense in a very real way God's Holy Spirit working 23:52 through the lives of people and it was amazing as Ana 23:55 so she said in my country they say, don't do what the pastor 23:59 does, do what he says. 24:01 And then she said but we have seen the relationship, 24:03 the connection between your wife and you which has been 24:06 an encouragement now to us as a husband and wife and 24:09 that's just been one of the small nuggets of meeting people 24:12 from night to night people that have walked in, 24:14 people that have come back after 30 years, we've seen that. 24:18 And what I've committed myself to and my wife also is every 24:21 day we pray, we have our own devotions still. 24:24 We begin in the morning with our devotions, 24:26 we end by reading the Bible in the day, we don't allow 24:29 even all this intense work and the word intense is an 24:31 understatement. {Laughter} Yeah. 24:33 To push out the Lord from our own lives because feeding people 24:37 the Word of God and not eating yourself... 24:39 If you could be the best cook in a gorgeous restaurant 24:42 but you're dying of hunger so we have our own personal 24:45 commitment to feeding ourselves. 24:48 We've spoken to people who have said the Lord is getting their 24:52 attention particularly. 24:53 I won't mention names but there are some people who 24:56 said...One lady one night said the Lord has been calling her 25:00 out all sermon long and not even knowing any of the details 25:03 of her private life, she disclosed how God had spoken 25:07 to her directly and it was a praise the Lord because 25:09 she says, maybe the Lord is giving me this final chance. 25:13 And we have communicated to the God of mercy as well as the 25:17 God of truth so it's been exciting. 25:18 Amen. So pastor as Director of World of Evangelism for 3ABN, 25:22 give us just a little flavor of the whole series here 25:25 cause we're now... Put a little cap on this 25:27 it's hard to believe we are actually down to the end, 25:28 isn't it tonight will be the last meeting here in this 25:31 Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church 25:32 but other series have been going on or other Pr. C.A, 25:35 Shelley Quinn, Pr. Kenny, Pr. John Dinzey. 25:37 That's right and Elder Marion too. 25:39 From the Apache Junction Church. 25:41 Yes so give us a little flavor of what you thought of this 25:43 whole event here. 25:44 It has been a battle, you know with the health issues 25:47 and the challenge of the colds and the flu, but each of these 25:51 soldiers have endured hardship as a good soldier 25:54 and what evangelism really is is not the ease because we are 25:58 in a battle. We are. 25:59 We're in a battle between light and dark, good and evil 26:01 but I've seen the dedication when we talked to Shelley and 26:05 J.D. and J.D. said but we're down but we are not out, 26:08 we're committed and we are going to go all the way 26:10 and that was encouraging, I said are you sure you can make it. 26:12 He said God gives me the strength when I step into that 26:15 pulpit. 26:16 And I've seen Pr. Kenny and Chris endure through the 26:19 difficulty and Pr. C.A. came through his challenge 26:21 and I said to Pr. John Dinzey, I said is there something about 26:24 having the name John for what- ever reason God has blessed us 26:29 both. The two John's have blessed us with good health 26:31 and we praise God for that, none of us has gotten ill but 26:34 Evangelism is the thing that re-energizes your batteries, 26:39 gives you hope and says that regardless of where we 26:42 come from, we all have one goal and evangelism propels us 26:46 to that goal and that is to live like Christ here 26:49 and look forward to the kingdom to come. 26:51 And I know we thank the conference, the local churches 26:53 for their support as well. 26:55 The conference has been amazing, I sat down with pastor, 26:57 well the conference president who is Elder Keys who's from 27:01 the tristate area, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, 27:03 and also Pr. Marin, we sat down and had a wonderful time 27:06 of talking together... 27:07 And they said, they were not sure how this was going to 27:09 work out, but they were so thankful that now they see 27:14 3ABN, and I like the way he says, "we are real people." 27:17 And we are spirit filled people and that was so encouraging. 27:21 Amen! Amen! Well thank you so much Pr. John 27:24 for your leadership here and for the meetings night to night. 27:28 I know you have been following at home and seeing what God 27:31 is doing in these meetings and we just to encourage you, 27:33 this is our final meeting, baptisms will be taking place 27:36 after this. 27:37 And there will be some people who will be followed up with. 27:39 Maybe several weeks later a few more baptisms taking place. 27:42 But what an incredible experience to be here. 27:45 We want to give a special thanks to the Arizona Conference 27:48 Elder Ed Keyes and the leadership. 27:49 A special thanks to the Paradise Valley church and 27:52 Pr. Jim Hakes and his team and each one of the 27:55 participating churches. 27:56 What God has done here is amazing and praise the Lord 27:59 that we had a small part and opportunity to bring that 28:02 to you at home. 28:03 And on behalf of Danny Shelton our founder and CEO of 3ABN 28:07 and the entire staff, we thank you for your prayers and 28:11 support for the ministry of 3ABN. 28:12 Continue to lift up the series because the work continues 28:16 forward. 28:17 Thank you again. God Bless you. 28:18 We will see you next time. |
Revised 2018-05-15