Series Code: ISITE
Program Code: ISITE180014A
00:06 Hello and welcome to iSITE program number 14.
00:08 We're Greg and Jill Morikone, and we've had another 00:11 wonderful day here in Phoenix, Arizona. 00:14 And for the evangelistic series Pathway to Life, 00:17 and it's a blessing to be a part of this series, 00:20 go to the different churches, 00:21 and you may see a background behind us 00:23 that you haven't recognized before. 00:25 We're at the Chandler Seventh-day Adventist Church 00:28 in a beautiful area here and a beautiful church 00:30 with beautiful people. 00:31 We have Pastor Kenny Shelton and Sister Chris, 00:34 your wonderful wife, with us. 00:36 And we're so glad to be here at your church. 00:38 And we want just to get a little report of how things 00:40 are going here at this church. 00:41 Oh, wow, it has been a blessing. 00:45 It's been a struggle at times, you know, we've had... 00:48 We always know that you're in a spiritual warfare 00:50 when you're working for the Lord, 00:52 but some of the most miraculous things 00:54 that we'll ever see in our lifetime 00:56 is that of a changed heart. 00:58 And we've seen many changed hearts, 01:01 people that are just coming up 01:03 and saying they want a closer walk with Jesus. 01:06 There's one man Doug, 01:09 hasn't he been coming on and off for 20 years now? 01:11 Twenty-two years. Twenty-two years. 01:13 Twenty-two years, 01:14 and we've just encouraged him that's a little bit long, 01:16 and he needs to make a decision, 01:18 and he's looking it over, 01:20 and tonight, he's going to tell us. 01:21 He finally did. So that's a blessing. 01:22 Praise the Lord. 01:24 Absolutely, so God is working, God is working. 01:26 Amen. 01:27 Oh, we have seen people, their hearts and lives changed. 01:30 You know, I heard Pastor CA, not long ago, he said, 01:35 "A lot of the people have stuff." 01:38 And, you know, that's what happens, 01:39 and a lot of times when the Holy Spirit is moving, 01:42 He impresses upon the heart 01:44 that we need to lay that stuff at His feet. 01:48 So we've seen that from night to night. 01:50 And so far, we have several 01:52 that have taken the stand wanting to be baptized. 01:55 We're looking forward to that this Sabbath. 01:56 Yes. 01:57 And as we mentioned though, it's not been an easy road. 02:01 Pastor Kenny, you can tell, 02:03 and any of you that have been watching by on the website, 02:07 you know that his voice has changed quite a bit. 02:09 Yes. 02:11 He has been so so sick this past week. 02:15 Anyway, but by God's grace, he is still going. 02:18 In fact, someone decided to call 02:21 all the elders together, so we took the Bible road, 02:25 and we did the path 02:26 and the Holy Spirit was so strong. 02:30 And when we were in there, they said, 02:33 "We want to anoint your wife too." 02:36 And when I got up, it was just... 02:37 You just wanted to shout hallelujah 02:39 'cause you could feel 02:41 the power of the Holy Spirit, and it was felt. 02:43 I think you did. I did. 02:44 Yeah. That's right. 02:46 I did a little bit. It was good. 02:47 It was. 02:48 You know, we thank the Lord for it, 02:51 and having a wife and also all of the 02:52 natural things, I mean, she has really been 02:55 putting the things down my throat till 02:57 I've actually begged mercy several times, 02:59 "Please, no more." 03:00 But I know that I need them 03:02 because these meetings had to be finished 03:03 and they need to be finished in the power 03:05 and in might of God. 03:06 And that's His plan for us, 03:08 and I know 3ABN is going to be a blessing. 03:11 She put all this stuff together, 03:12 and we're seeing it come to an end 03:14 that God's going bless mightily, He already has. 03:16 We've enjoyed ourselves, and I kind of felt like 03:19 maybe this is maybe more for me 03:21 that even the folks here sometime. 03:22 Oh, wow. 03:24 I don't know if you ever feel that way 03:25 when you're working for others, 03:26 I just feel that tug on my heart, 03:28 and I'm thankful for that. 03:29 You know, we have really bonded with some of the people here. 03:33 And last night, 03:34 when I was walking through the halls 03:36 and I heard one of the ladies talk about 03:38 working with the kids, and they said, 03:40 "Oh, boy, you know, three more nights, 03:42 you'll know why I quit my day-job after this." 03:45 So if we could just make it by three more nights, 03:47 and then after the anointing, 03:49 the Holy Spirit was so strong and I got up and I thought, 03:52 "Three more nights in the presence of the Lord 03:54 is just not long enough." 03:57 And there were many that agreed with me. 04:01 In fact, several have asked that we stay 04:03 and he's been offered a job here. 04:06 But we're coming home, we're coming home. 04:08 We need them home, it's very important. 04:11 We need you all back at home. 04:12 But praise the Lord what He's doing, 04:14 how He's standing you up, and how He's empowering you 04:18 to speak for Him night by night. 04:20 That's incredible. 04:21 You know, we're in a spiritual battle, 04:23 we don't wrestle against flesh and blood 04:25 but against, you know, 04:27 those principalities and wickedness in high places, 04:28 but praise the Lord, He has won, 04:31 and He is victorious 04:33 and just seeing that and seeing you two, 04:35 I mean, we've been praying for them. 04:37 Thank you. 04:38 But we haven't made it down to Chandler, 04:39 so to be able to come here and to see you 04:41 and to see what God is doing, that's an incredible blessing. 04:45 And it is nice to not have been forgotten. 04:47 Thank you. 04:49 No, you're not forgotten, not at all. 04:50 And we so appreciate their prayers of God saints. 04:54 In fact, somebody in New York, 04:56 they were gonna pass it around one of the large churches there 04:59 and their prayer, and it's just been a blessing 05:02 that people love and care so much. 05:04 The local TV station here today... 05:07 Good News TV? Good News TV, Yes. 05:10 Brother Skilton, he said, 05:11 he was going to put it on their prayer list 05:14 and so it's just a blessing, 05:15 you know, because we experience the power of prayer, 05:19 and we're so grateful for praying saints. 05:21 Amen. 05:23 Prayer moves the arms of God, right? 05:25 It does, absolutely. 05:26 What a privilege to be here with you all 05:28 and we get the privilege of going 05:29 to their church tonight too. 05:31 Right now, we're going to go 05:32 to an interview Pastor CA Murray. 05:34 He's at Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church, 05:37 and he sat down with a precious woman 05:39 with a wonderful testimony of how she came to know Jesus 05:43 and became a Seventh-day Adventist. 05:45 Let's listen to that now. 05:49 We're at the Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church, 05:52 and I'm here with Dixie Bartos. 05:54 She's got a very interesting testimony 05:56 that we're asking her to tell us at this time. 05:59 My mother was very ill, and it was hard for the family. 06:04 But the doctor thought that she had cancer. 06:07 But when she had her surgery 06:09 we found out that it was benign. 06:11 And she was just praising God in the hospital. 06:15 And two women come in 06:16 that were giving out literature, 06:18 and nurses said, "Go see that woman." 06:23 And they did and she read the literature, 06:26 and she was impressed. 06:29 And when she got to go home, 06:30 she looked up a scientology church 06:34 and, before long, we were attending it. 06:38 And one Sabbath, we drove into the parking lot. 06:42 My mother and I got out 06:44 the passenger side of the seat... 06:46 The car. And a man walked up to us. 06:49 He didn't looked like he was dressed for church, 06:51 and he's in a church parking lot. 06:53 And he said to my mother, 06:56 "I'd like to introduce you to someone." 06:58 And she said, 07:01 "You don't have anybody with you. 07:03 Who do you want to introduce me to?" 07:05 So her and I, we kind of turned away from him 07:08 and we were both thinking the same thing, 07:10 "We're going to church, we know Jesus." 07:13 But he didn't look like he was going to church, 07:15 he wasn't dressed for it. 07:17 And so I was gonna just turn around 07:21 and face him and tell what we were thinking. 07:24 And when I did he'd vanished. 07:27 We looked up and down and all over. 07:29 No, he was gone. We went on into church. 07:33 And after church, 07:34 on the way home, my mother said to me, 07:37 "We are in the wrong church." And I said, "What do you mean?" 07:42 And she said, "The pastor always says, 07:47 'Jesus is the rose of sharing, he's the one altogether lovely' 07:51 but not calling him the son of God, 07:54 I know He's the Son of God", my mother said. 07:58 And I fell she was right. 08:00 So when we got home and ate lunch, 08:03 the first thing she did 08:04 was look in the newspaper to see 08:07 if she could find another church 08:09 for us to attend. 08:11 And she was so excited, she said, 08:15 "Really, they're starting meetings tonight, 08:19 I don't know what church it is, but it's wonderful. 08:23 This is a starting night and we can go to all of them." 08:26 And we went, and God has been so good. 08:30 He answered all of our questions 08:32 through the church. 08:34 And after all these years, 08:38 we are still praising Him every day 08:41 that He led us, perhaps, with an angel. 08:47 Thank you, Lord. Amen and amen. 08:52 What a wonderful testimony. 08:55 What an introduction 08:56 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 08:57 And come back, Dixie, come back, come back. 09:02 How many years ago was that? 09:08 It was like '64. 09:12 My husband I were just dating, and he was Catholic. 09:16 And he went to part of the meetings, 09:19 but after a while, he said, "You know, I'm a Catholic 09:22 and my Bible's Douay 09:24 and it's probably different than that one, so I won't go." 09:28 And so I said, "Well, you know, it's up to you." 09:31 But when they gave the mark of the beast 09:33 I told him, it was on Saturday night, 09:34 I said, "I've got to go, we got to go 09:36 because we got to know what it is." 09:38 I said, "We don't have to join the church 09:40 but we just have to know what it is so we won't get it." 09:43 And so he went with me, and he was mad. 09:48 I heard you talk about being mad. 09:50 He was so upset, 09:52 and we went to have a hamburger and talk about it. 09:57 And he said, 10:00 "I just don't know what to think. 10:03 If I..." 10:04 He was in the air force and he said, 10:05 "If I can go to the library 10:10 and find out, 10:13 you know, what's really going on, 10:18 will you be a catholic if I can convince 10:20 that they didn't change the Sabbath?" 10:23 And I said, "Well, I guess, we want what's right." 10:26 And so he went down to the library 10:28 at the base at Luke Air Force Base, 10:31 and he comes back and a few days, 10:35 and said, "Well, I read it for myself. 10:38 So, I guess, we'll be Adventists." 10:42 Amen and amen. 10:44 That's another Adventist family. 10:46 We thank you so much. Thank you, Dixie. 10:49 Thank you, Dixie and Pastor CA Murray. 10:51 A great report coming 10:53 from the Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10:55 We have moved inside of the Chandler 10:58 Seventh-day Adventist Church here in Chandler, Arizona. 11:00 Beautiful Sanctuary. 11:02 And we're with a really special lady 11:03 that has an important part here in this church. 11:07 And for the series, we're here with Rosaline. 11:08 And how long have 11:09 you been a member of the church here, Rosaline? 11:11 Fifty-three years 11:12 I've been a member of this church. 11:14 And you're involved in prayer ministry here, 11:17 so tell me about that. 11:19 Okay, prayer ministry, well, at prayer ministry, 11:22 we get a lot of requests. 11:25 We get people texting us requests, 11:29 and we get others emailing the requests 11:33 and also people call on the phone 11:35 and also on prayer line as well. 11:38 Oh, wow. 11:40 So you have like a prayer chain here at the church? 11:42 Oh, yes. That's wonderful. 11:44 And also before the meetings here 11:46 with Pastor Kenny 'cause we just snuck in 11:48 and saw you were all involved in praying for them. 11:51 Oh, yes, every night, 11:53 we spend time in the prayer room 11:55 praying for Pastor Kenny. 11:58 We pray three times during the meetings. 12:03 Amen. Yes. 12:04 So while the evening meeting is going on, 12:06 you're praying during the ceremony. 12:07 Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Praise the Lord. 12:09 We're constantly praying for him 12:10 and for the meetings and for also those 12:14 that are coming to the meeting or are on their way. 12:16 And those that are even in the sanctuary. 12:18 We are praying for everybody, you know. 12:20 Have you seen answers to prayer? 12:22 Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. 12:27 I pray for Pastor Shelton. 12:30 He's been in a little difficulty with the... 12:33 Yes. His health. 12:34 So I have been praying for him for the last few days, 12:38 and he looks fantastic today. 12:41 So God has answered that simple prayer. 12:43 Isn't that powerful? God is standing him up. 12:45 Thank you so much for your ministry here. 12:48 Amen. 12:49 So right now, we're going to go 12:50 to the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, 12:53 and Angela Lomacang had the opportunity 12:55 to speak with Eve 12:56 and she has an incredible testimony. 12:57 Her husband was recently baptized, 12:59 and let's listen to that now. 13:05 We are at Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church 13:07 where my husband Pastor John Lomacang 13:09 is giving the meetings every night, 13:11 and you know what, I'm his wife, okay? 13:14 And I am being so blessed by the meetings here tonight. 13:18 Now how have the meetings been for you? 13:20 This wonderful sister in the Lord, 13:22 she's been coming every night. 13:23 She's such a cheerful lady, she brings me grape fruits. 13:27 But how'd these been for you, Sister Townsend? 13:30 The meetings has been a true blessing for me, 13:33 as well as for my family, my husband especially 13:36 because he just got baptized last year 13:39 into the church, and so this has opened his eyes 13:42 to a lot of understanding 13:44 of what God desires for us and the requirements 13:48 that we had asked him to help us. 13:52 I have been so richly blessed. 13:55 I just want to jump up and down. 13:57 It gives me such a blessing to hear him speak 14:00 and how even some of them stepped on my toes, 14:04 and I praise God for the toe-stepper 14:06 'cause he's preparing me for the kingdom. 14:08 That's right. 14:09 I also have been sharing when he has been telling me 14:13 with others and passing out the flyers 14:17 and books and inviting people to come out 14:20 to hear his message. 14:21 I just praise God that one soul will reach, 14:25 maybe two, maybe even three, 14:27 may reach from the literature that I passed out. 14:31 I also look forward to the few lessons 14:34 that I learned and I'm sad that it is almost over. 14:38 I wish it could go on for another two or three weeks. 14:42 But most of all, I just praise God 14:44 because God is good 14:45 and He has blessed so much in His message, 14:49 and I pray for the souls that were baptized last night. 14:52 That was a blessing. 14:54 It all has been a blessing to me, 14:56 and I know everyone has been richly blessed. 15:00 Amen. 15:01 So I just praise God for his work, 15:04 and I praise God for this Sister 15:07 that she will continue to push her husband 15:10 to do His will. 15:11 Yeah. Amen. 15:13 Thank you, Sister Townsend. 15:14 Continue to walk 15:15 in the path of Lord has for you. 15:18 And as the song says, what, "Trust and Obey." 15:23 Welcome to Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, 15:26 and I'm with Yolanda Nichols, 15:28 and she's been a wonderful blessing 15:29 in the kitchen 15:31 and been such a help every evening. 15:34 Have you been attending the meetings? 15:35 I've been listening on the outside. 15:37 Yes. Yes, very... 15:39 I've enjoyed it very much so, yes. 15:41 She came to me and says, "I'm going to miss this." 15:43 And so I'm glad that 15:45 you've been listening to the programs and... 15:46 It's been great. It's been a very good blessing. 15:49 Amen. Amen. Yes. Yes. 15:51 And you've been a blessing to us. 15:53 And she's been in the kitchen with the crew of people. 15:56 We got a good crew. Yeah. 15:57 We have a good crew. 15:59 Been feeding our crew in the evening, 16:01 and we just thank God 16:02 for what you've been doing for 3ABN, the staff, 16:06 and thank you for working and doing all that 16:09 you have done for the cause of the Lord. 16:11 It's been a pleasure. Amen. 16:13 Yes. Yes. Thank you again. 16:15 Thank you so much. 16:18 What great reports 16:19 from the Paradise Valley SDA Church. 16:21 And Yolly and her team have been feeding us 16:23 and doing a wonderful job. 16:25 That's so true. It is. It's wonderful. 16:27 Well, we're here with Ingram London, 16:29 and you are the personal ministries director 16:32 of the church here. 16:33 And tell us the flavor of how... 16:35 I know we're coming toward the end of the series now, 16:37 and how has been the response here at the church? 16:39 You know, the response has been kind of surprising. 16:42 It's been amazing. 16:44 It's been amazing to see how God has been working 16:46 in the church not only have we been able to reach 16:48 some people in the community 16:50 but also it's been a revival for the church itself 16:52 and it's really creating a culture of evangelism for us. 16:55 So we're excited about the meetings, 16:57 we're also excited about 16:58 what happens next, the follow-up, 17:00 the Bible studies, 17:01 all the wonderful things that God is doing for us. 17:04 We appreciate your role in how you have helped 17:06 make this possible here at this church. 17:08 I know it's been a team effort. 17:09 We think of the head Elder Danny, Elder Danny, 17:12 we think of your AV person, 17:13 he's just standing right here off 17:14 to my left Jeffery, I know it's the team effort 17:16 to make something like this happen, 17:18 and of course the Lord Jesus Christ 17:19 is number one who we need to thank, 17:21 and we appreciate you and what you have done here 17:24 for the series. 17:25 Absolutely. Amen. 17:27 And right now, we're going 17:29 to the Phoenix Central SDA Church, 17:31 and J.D. had the opportunity here to sit down 17:33 with a husband and wife team. 17:35 Oh, it's a great team. 17:36 Debee and Allen, 17:38 and Allen even I think he's gonna play 17:40 a little Guitar. 17:41 So let's listen to their interview now. 17:46 Debee's got one of the best smiles 17:49 I've ever seen in the world. 17:50 And her responsibility here, 17:52 one of her responsibilities is now 17:54 I'm finding out she has many, but one of her responsibilities 17:57 is that she is the head greeter. 17:59 And so God has certainly graced this precious lady 18:03 that whenever you being a stranger 18:06 comes to this church, one of the first things 18:08 you see is this beautiful smile, 18:10 and there's nothing prideful about that, 18:12 this is just who this precious lady is. 18:15 How long have you been coming here, Debee? 18:17 Actually, at the end of this month, 18:18 it would be five years. 18:20 Five years. And what all do you do here? 18:23 Well, just whatever needs to be done. 18:24 It's one thing I love about this church, 18:26 everybody just pitches in and helps out. 18:29 And you find a need 18:30 and you just fill it, and it's like, 18:33 here, people care about each other. 18:35 You just, I don't know, you find out somebody's sick, 18:39 you want to pray for them. 18:40 If you find out, you know, where they are, 18:41 you want to go visit them and just you miss them 18:45 because everybody has 18:46 such a purpose here at our church. 18:50 It's just we are church family. 18:53 And what Debbe is saying here is exactly true, 18:56 and not only through Debee do you hear this, 18:58 but it seems like as you visit with the different members, 19:01 they all want to give you a hug, 19:03 they all want to ask you what can we do for you, 19:05 do you have a need, 19:07 well, we know someone to fill it. 19:08 And so this is just a wonderful wonderful gift 19:12 that the Lord has equipped this church with having. 19:17 What do you think about these meetings 19:18 that we are having now, Debee? 19:20 Oh, I love them, and Shelley is such a blessing, 19:22 both of you are. 19:23 But, I mean, you can tell, she is... 19:26 Her testimony to this church 19:27 that the Holy Spirit is working here 19:29 because there are so many times that she should have missed 19:32 this whole meeting. 19:34 You know, since the day she got here, 19:36 she'd already had this cold for two weeks. 19:39 And then she's had to go to the emergency room 19:41 and then emerging care, 19:43 had doctor to get bronchial test 19:45 and everything just to get her here, 19:47 and then she does the whole thing 19:49 without even coughing and just gets through it. 19:52 She's just such a blessing. 19:54 I just... 19:55 Oh, I know, she's just amazing to us too 19:57 but then again, there are so many times in our life 20:00 that we underestimate the power of Jesus Christ. 20:03 Oh, yes. 20:04 You know, we need to believe in God 20:07 and just allow him to be our leader. 20:11 Amen. Amen. 20:12 Well, I just want to thank you again, Debee, for... 20:15 Anything else you'd like to say in closing? 20:17 I'm just so glad you both are here. 20:18 Oh, well, you know, this is... 20:21 God has a way of working everything out. 20:24 But once again, from Phoenix Central, 20:26 we just want to thank you so much 20:28 for spending this time with us. 20:29 God bless. 20:31 Now I have with me a friend in the making, Allen King. 20:35 And Allen is just gifted with his guitar. 20:38 And I know that sometimes 20:40 we feel like we're more comfortable with music 20:42 than we are just in speaking itself. 20:45 But at first I want to ask Allen, 20:47 how long have you been coming to this church? 20:48 I've been coming here for about five years. 20:51 Five years, and what all do you did? 20:53 Well, I'm the head deacon. 20:55 I've been head deacon for last three years, 20:58 and that tells a lot 21:01 from getting the church ready to go on Sabbaths, 21:05 being here for these meetings to help out with these. 21:10 And I want to ask one more thing 21:11 before we're go into some music here. 21:14 What are these meetings mean to Phoenix Central? 21:17 Well, they mean a lot. 21:18 They have firm what we teach here 21:22 at Phoenix Central in our Revelation 21:24 and Daniel seminars 21:26 and in our Sabbath school lessons 21:29 and also in our sermons on Sabbath. 21:33 It's really a blessing to have 3ABN here and Shelley. 21:40 You really learn a lot 21:42 and I have in these past several meetings. 21:45 Amen. 21:46 Now I just want to take a few minutes, 21:48 I'm just gonna hold the microphone over the guitar 21:51 because I'd like for Allen to go out 21:53 and playing some beautiful music. 21:56 God has certainly blessed him. 22:45 Dwayne and I are here at Phoenix Central 22:47 and we're just taking a few minutes 22:48 just to kind of go over some of the things 22:51 he does here, some of his responsibilities. 22:53 I know that Dwayne, 22:55 he's responsible for getting people to church. 22:57 And what else do you do around here, Dwayne? 23:00 Sabbath school teacher, 23:03 and security when necessary, 23:07 parking lot attendant when necessary, 23:11 and whatever else needs to be done. 23:14 So you're one of these people that is a call duty person. 23:18 If there is something needs to be done, "Where's Dwayne?" 23:21 "Where's Dwayne?" Yes. That's it. 23:23 Well, first of all, 23:24 I would thank that it takes a very patient personality 23:28 to be able to be a Sabbath school teacher 23:30 for the youth. 23:31 I love the kids. They are a lot of fun. 23:34 And what people don't realize is that they have a brain 23:38 and make them think. 23:39 Just because they're young, don't mean they can't think. 23:43 And they will try you, so you just got to be patient. 23:47 Amen. Amen. 23:49 And of course, you know that we are having 23:50 the evangelistic series because you bring people here 23:53 whenever they can't find a way here 23:56 again we call Dwayne. 23:58 Yes. "We can trust Dwayne." 24:01 So the evangelistic series that we are having here 24:04 with Shelley Quinn with 3ABN, with the Arizona conference, 24:08 what do you think about the meetings? 24:11 Oh, they're great. 24:13 She surprised me 24:15 'cause she is a very good speaker 24:17 and very motivational, I love it, it's great. 24:22 I already asked her to come back. 24:25 So yeah, so whenever 24:27 you all can come back, just come back. 24:30 Well, wonderful reports 24:31 from the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church 24:33 where Shelly and J.D. Quinn are ministering there. 24:35 Absolutely. 24:37 It was a blessing to hear from Dwayne, 24:38 to hear his love for young people, 24:41 and he's active, 24:42 how he's active in the church and participating. 24:45 So praise the Lord for that. 24:46 Very involved for sure in the local church. 24:48 Absolutely. 24:49 It's hard to believe we're getting down 24:50 to the end of our iSITE program. 24:52 I know. I know. And we're here with... 24:53 Sister Chris and Pastor Kenny again, 24:55 getting ready for the meeting 24:56 to start here this evening at your church. 24:59 And what a blessing it has been. 25:01 Share with us, I know earlier in the program, 25:03 we saw some of the prayer room. 25:05 Does that go on every single evening? 25:06 Every night we meet together before the program 25:09 and we have prayer 25:11 with whoever is there, either the elders. 25:13 There is one lady that comes, 25:14 and she is such a prayer warrior. 25:17 In fact, she and some other women, 25:19 through the whole program, while he's preaching, 25:22 they continue to pray. 25:24 And I think that is so important 25:26 because you know that the enemy 25:29 is trying his very best to squeeze him 25:31 and we don't want him. 25:32 So we really appreciate their praying, don't we? 25:34 Oh, absolutely, and listening to her prayer 25:38 and not trying to elevate anyone 25:39 we know, but listen to her pray, 25:42 you know that she has contact with heavenly power 25:46 because you just hear it in the words 25:48 and then the heart that comes out. 25:50 So we got that, 25:51 and we get on our knees and pray along with her 25:53 that we need that kind of power, 25:55 that kind of connection as she has, 25:58 and many of them here in this church, 25:59 we've been blessed. 26:00 Oh, we most certainly have. 26:02 You know in the beginning, 26:03 this church didn't even know for sure that they were going 26:05 to be involved in this campaign. 26:08 And it was just at the beginning, 26:10 what, of February, that they really got motivated 26:13 but praise God that they were some motivators here. 26:17 And there were people to help 26:19 and they really blanketed the area with flyers 26:22 and send out there pathfinders. 26:24 Pathfinders have been helping me every night, 26:26 it's been awesome. 26:28 They have organized the children's program, 26:30 which is so very, very important. 26:32 Yes, it is. 26:33 So every night they have a program for the children? 26:35 Every night, which actually, it benefits the children, 26:38 but what a blessing for the parents 26:40 because of the parents are in the sanctuary 26:43 and their hearts are being touched many times, 26:45 their focus goes to the children 26:46 trying to keep them quite. 26:48 So it's always important to have some place 26:50 for those children that are learning, 26:52 and the adults can learn, 26:53 and adults can make their decisions for Jesus. 26:56 So it's been a real blessing to be here. 26:58 We've had so many people taking care of us. 27:01 God sent us. 27:03 He sent us a nurse practitioner, 27:05 who's been taking care of us. 27:07 And we have just been so blessed. 27:09 People just they bring what you need, 27:10 you know, the natural remedies and things. 27:12 Everybody's coming over with a little jar, 27:14 a little bottle of this and say, 27:16 "This is my home remedy will you take it?" 27:18 And one man, he did, bless his precious heart, 27:20 the head elder and brought a spoon 27:22 so I could take it right in and right there. 27:24 You got to start right away. 27:25 But I couldn't take anything or everything, 27:27 so it's all good but that just shows 27:28 the kind of love that they have. 27:30 Yeah, the care they have. Oh, it is. 27:31 He even said, "I took off work early 27:33 so I could go get this stuff to make it." 27:34 They're wonderful. 27:36 I mean they are such a caring group 27:38 and we look forward... 27:40 We know that the people 27:41 that are coming into this church, 27:42 they're going to be left in good hands. 27:44 Amen. Amen. 27:45 Well, iSITE is almost done for this evening. 27:47 And, Pastor Kenny, I know you need to head 27:49 to the platform, and you too, Sister Chris, 27:51 for this evening's meeting. 27:53 Thank you again for joining us. 27:54 Thank you for your support to the ministry of 3ABN 27:56 because of course, 27:57 the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ 27:58 is who we always thank, but we thank you 28:00 for your support of this ministry 28:02 and for this evangelistic series. 28:03 We have one more iSITE program, program number 15. 28:06 Tomorrow night we look forward to seeing you then. 28:08 Goodnight. |
Revised 2018-05-23