Series Code: ISITE
Program Code: ISITE180013A
00:05 Hello and welcome to iSITE program number 13.
00:08 We're Greg and Jill Morikone. 00:09 And we're coming to you 00:11 from the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:13 Here on the stage where Pastor John Lomacang 00:16 is bringing the evening meetings, 00:17 and what a blessing this series has been, 00:19 Pathway to Life. 00:20 Thank you again for joining us as you have been 00:23 for the entire series. That's right. 00:24 For iSITE, we're almost done. 00:26 It's hard to believe how time has flown by, 00:28 but God has blessed, 00:30 souls are being touched for eternity. 00:32 We're getting tremendous reports 00:34 from all the churches here in the area. 00:37 People accepting Jesus Christ, sometimes for the first time, 00:40 others, rededicating their lives to Jesus Christ. 00:42 So we want to thank you 00:44 for your prayers for the series, 00:46 for your financial support of the series, 00:48 and to 3ABN because this gospel is being proclaimed 00:51 around the world. 00:53 What a privilege it is? It is, indeed. It's exciting. 00:55 You know, just to see people come into the church, 00:57 to see people make decisions for Jesus. 01:00 I know when we had the meeting on baptism, 01:02 we already had a few people who had already been studying 01:06 and who were ready and who were baptized. 01:08 And then I know there is more 01:09 at the culmination of the series, 01:11 but just to see people making those decision, 01:14 you know, in that valley of decisions, 01:16 do I want to follow Jesus? 01:18 Do I want to follow the truths in His Word or not? 01:20 So it's very exciting to see that. 01:22 And we want to give a special shout out 01:24 to those of you, and I know nightly, 01:26 we give shout outs to those who watch on Facebook. 01:30 So what does that mean, a shout out? 01:32 You know, a lot of times, we hear shout out, 01:34 what does that mean actually? 01:35 It just means we're saying hi to you at home. 01:36 Exactly, we're not shouting at you. 01:38 And so, this though, I thought tonight, 01:41 we would talk to those of you who are watching on YouTube. 01:44 Here's a comment on YouTube. 01:46 It says, this is from Patrick, "I'm praying for this ministry. 01:50 It's so good to see something like this taking place." 01:53 Excellent. And I'll read one more. 01:55 This is from Alexi, and we know Alexi. 01:58 He is from Russia. 01:59 This says, "May the Lord bless you 02:00 in proclaiming these evangelistic meetings." 02:04 So we just... 02:05 A special thank you to each one of you. 02:07 Keep watching on Facebook, keep sending us comments 02:11 or sharing the feed, keep liking it on YouTube. 02:15 And, of course, you can always watch any of the other ways, 02:18 traditional ways, we would say, 02:19 that you can watch 3ABN as well. 02:21 But we have a special roll 02:23 that we're going to go to today, 02:24 don't we, sweetheart? 02:25 Yeah, we do, you know, a lot of flyers were passed out 02:27 in the local Phoenix area here in the city of Phoenix. 02:31 And one of these flyers got into the hands of the interview 02:34 we're getting ready to hear from Shelley and JD's church, 02:37 the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, 02:39 and his name is Johnnie Cook, 02:41 and what a tremendous testimony we're going to hear. 02:43 So let's go to that roll right now. 02:46 I'm Shelley Quinn. 02:48 I'm sitting here with my new friend, Johnnie Cook. 02:50 Johnnie, how did you find out about this series? 02:54 Well, I came home one day, and I hadn't been affiliated 02:57 with any Adventist church, and then I went to my mailbox, 03:00 and I found a flyer saying that there was going to be 03:02 a seminar, two-week seminar, and I was just so excited 03:06 because I've been praying to the Lord as to, 03:08 "Lord, where would You have me to affiliate?" 03:11 So when I got the flyer, I'm like, 03:13 "I'm willing to see where the church is at, 03:15 located, you know, 03:17 what kind of seminar it was going to be." 03:19 Well, praise God. 03:20 How are you enjoying this seminar? 03:22 What have you... 03:23 What has impacted you the most so far? 03:25 Well, first of all, when I walked in the door, 03:27 just to love the experience then, 03:29 I hadn't experienced that before. 03:31 So it really just kind of knocked me 03:33 off my feet and stuff. 03:35 And then coming here and just hearing 03:36 night after night the different messages 03:38 that the Lord would have us to hear, 03:40 and they just... The many people that were here, 03:43 they were just showing their love. 03:46 And that really took me by surprise. 03:48 Amen. 03:49 So tell us a little bit about your backyard. 03:51 Did you grow up in a Christian home? 03:54 Yes, I did. 03:55 As a matter of fact, I grew up as a Methodist. 03:57 Mom and dad were Methodist, and so that kind of like 04:00 trained me up in the way I should go, but, you know, 04:03 I really didn't get that much lesson study from them, 04:08 but I believe that God had it all in His by will in this time 04:13 that I'll learn about the truth. 04:15 And then, the gentleman when I was on my work, 04:18 on my job, he came by with a Great Controversy 04:20 and the Desire of Ages, of course, 04:22 I didn't know what they were. 04:24 I just thought they were just books. 04:25 But when I came home and started reading them, 04:28 it was like that just had such an impact on my life 04:31 was that's all I wanted to read and study. 04:34 And have you found the messages here, 04:36 it should be scripturally based? 04:39 You know, and that's why I come because every time I hear them, 04:42 it just builds up that resolve in my mind. 04:45 That is the truth because I studied this Word, 04:47 you know, and I pray myself when just knowing 04:50 what God is saying, not what man is saying, 04:53 but what God is saying, 04:54 so when I hear the message being preached, I'm like, 04:57 "That's right on it." 04:58 Amen. Amen. 04:59 And, you know, that's what we try to do always 05:02 and all the speakers at all five locations, 05:04 they're doing the same is that every message, 05:07 it doesn't matter what the speaker says. 05:09 It matters what the Bible says, so we teach the lesson 05:15 each night with much, much scripture. 05:18 Are you enjoying the handouts? 05:20 Oh, yes. Yes. 05:22 It's just wonderful, like just the whole atmosphere, 05:25 and that's why I've been so excited. 05:27 When I leave here, I go home and get into the Word, 05:30 and the material that's available at the desk, 05:33 you know, I've taken that home. 05:34 And Shelton, and I'm like, "Wow! 05:38 These vigilantes, Christian," it's like, "Whoa!" 05:42 You know, I just never thought about it like that. 05:44 I feel like we're in the stage now 05:46 that we really need to be preparing for the final crisis. 05:49 And since I've been here, 05:51 it's like, "Johnnie, it's time," 05:52 and I feel like, "God through the Holy Spirit let me know, 05:55 you need to make preparations 05:56 for the final crisis day by day." 05:59 And one more other thing that he showed me that, 06:02 you need to come up about 06:03 that Laodicean condition you're into. 06:05 So this has been quite an experience 06:07 for me to come here, night after night, 06:09 and like I said, I get so excited. 06:12 I'm like, "Oh, you know what I'm going to do 06:13 later in this evening," so I try to make sure 06:15 that I have enough time to study the Word 06:18 and prepare myself to come here 06:20 because I know it's going to be exciting what I've been taught, 06:23 you know, so give God the glory for all. 06:25 Amen. 06:26 We do give God all the glory, 06:27 and we just want to thank you Johnnie. 06:30 We're so glad that God brought you here 06:32 and that you're being faithful in attending, 06:34 and I know that God is teaching you... 06:37 The Holy Spirit's teaching all of us in this series. 06:41 So if you see this, 06:44 and we still have another week left, 06:47 come out and join us, 06:48 we are at the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church 06:53 or join one of the other locations, God bless. 06:57 Amen. Amen. 06:59 Wow! 07:00 What an incredible testimony that is, you know, just, I was, 07:03 as he was talking, I was thinking of the many ways 07:05 that the Holy Spirit speaks to our heart 07:08 and the many avenues that he uses to reach us, 07:11 not only did he receive the flyer in the mail, 07:14 but someone shared the Great Controversy with him, 07:16 and just to see him opening up his heart to the truth 07:20 from the Word of God 07:21 and being excited about the material, 07:23 he's even picking up at the booth. 07:25 That's true, and also another thing 07:26 that stuck out to me is that 07:28 he mentioned the church, right here, 07:29 he's at the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. 07:31 He said there's so much love here, 07:33 and I think that's a great lesson 07:34 for all of us to learn is that it's building relationships 07:36 obviously with Jesus Christ but then with each other 07:39 because there's people come into our churches, 07:41 our local churches, your church, 07:43 it's important that we actually reach out a hand of fellowship 07:46 to them and provide God's love to them. 07:48 I think that's so important. Amen. 07:50 What a blessing. 07:51 What a testimony to the church to say, 07:53 you can walk in and there'd be so much love in that church. 07:56 And speaking of love, there is someone 07:58 that Greg and I love very much. 08:00 We call her grandma because we've... 08:03 You could say, adopted her or maybe she adopted us, 08:05 I'm not sure, but we want to Skype in with her right now. 08:09 She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 08:11 This is Tena Baehm, 08:13 and she is really a part of the 3ABN family. 08:16 And, Grandma Tena, are you there right now? 08:19 Yes, I'm here. 08:21 Yay! It's good to see you. 08:23 How are you? Oh, I'm wonderful. 08:26 I have been so glad watching Pathways to Life. 08:31 Amen. You've been... Can you hear me? 08:32 Yes, we sure can. 08:33 So you've been tuning in and being able to watch, 08:36 I think the iSITE's and actual Pastor John sermons? 08:40 Yeah, actually... Oh, it's been... 08:42 Oh, last night was such a blessing 08:43 to hear about the resurrection and the state of the dead. 08:47 It just made me so clear, it's just wonderful to know 08:51 that Jesus gonna come and resurrect us to full life, 08:56 and we're going to have new bodies. 08:57 Amen. 08:59 Why did that message in particular 09:01 really speak to your heart? 09:02 Why did that minister to you in a special way? 09:04 I lost my sweetheart almost a year ago, 09:08 and I'm just looking forward to see being united with him. 09:12 But mainly both of us, we want to see Jesus. 09:16 And so much that He's done for us, 09:18 to see Him and to live with Him for eternity. 09:22 Amen. 09:23 I know that you're a true ambassador 09:25 for the gospel message, you and, we call him, 09:28 Grandpa George, your husband who passed away here recently, 09:32 but you were just always, I believe, 09:35 evangelistically minded to help spread God's Word, 09:39 and we at 3ABN, of course, we appreciate you, 09:42 and, of course, Grandpa George as well. 09:43 We're glad that he's resting now, 09:45 but we're sad about the loss, but at the same time, 09:49 we're looking forward to the resurrection, 09:50 but thank you, we just want to say thank you 09:51 for your evangelism 09:53 and for being willing to share God's Word around the world. 09:57 And that's what I want to do. 09:58 And as long as I'm here, I wake up every morning, 10:01 and I say, "Lord, send me somebody, 10:03 what's Your plan for my life today?" 10:05 And just watching all that wonderful testimonies 10:09 that are going there in Pathways to Life, 10:12 and to think that we were there few months 10:14 doing Pathways to Health. 10:17 And so it was just very exciting just to know 10:21 that you're back there again, and reaching more souls, 10:24 then I just pray for each one of those 10:26 that are in the different circles that are there. 10:30 And it was so wonderful to see John 10:32 and John singing together with Lela, 10:36 Dr. Lela Lewis, and it's just so many... 10:41 I'm just really filled with the Holy Spirit. 10:44 Amen. 10:45 And I still want to support evangelism 100%. 10:49 I know you do. 10:51 And I was thinking that, grandma, 10:52 that's really precious actually because she was involved 10:55 in Pathway to Health. 10:57 She came a couple months ago, and so really you had a part 11:00 in laying the groundwork 11:02 as it were for this evangelistic campaign. 11:04 That's wonderful. Thank you. 11:08 And I was so glad that they could follow up 11:10 on something like that because there were 11:12 so many precious souls there that I got a chance to meet. 11:15 You know, it was just wonderful, 11:18 and I feel so proud and so thankful 11:21 that you're both carrying on this, 11:23 and I just hope that many souls will be accepting 11:26 this wonderful message that we have, the truth. 11:29 Bye. Amen. 11:32 Yeah, amen, grandma. 11:33 I think, it is a blessing to be part of this Path to Health 11:36 that you were involved with earlier, 11:38 and now you're seeing the follow up here, 11:40 and there are actually people 11:41 coming to this church still pick up 11:43 like their eyeglasses and such here so. 11:46 Yeah, it's just really neat to see the churches here 11:49 locally still following up. 11:51 Amen. 11:52 Yeah, and I think it's so wonderful 11:53 that you're having a little part of a health, 11:56 going along with your series of meetings as well. 11:59 That's right. 12:00 Well, thank you so much, grandma, 12:02 know that Greg and I love you, but the whole 3ABN team 12:05 considers you part of the family 12:06 and thank you for taking time to Skype in 12:09 with us this morning. 12:11 Thank you. I love doing it. 12:13 God bless you. Okay. 12:14 All right, we love you, all right. 12:16 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. 12:18 Well, we thank Grandma Tena. 12:19 That's for sure for all of her years of service 12:23 and then, of course, Grandpa George, 12:25 before he passed was, of course, 12:26 very involved with 3ABN and other ministries as well. 12:30 And praise the Lord for the hope, you know, 12:31 I was thinking about that message Pastor John 12:33 preached on the state of the dead 12:36 and that the dead do not go to heaven, 12:38 but they're resting in Jesus, and how that brings her comfort 12:42 knowing that she has the hope of seeing him again 12:44 and he will be resurrected. 12:46 Right now, we want to go to, I think, 12:48 a picture of some of the people who have been cooking for us. 12:53 We've had incredible meals here every single evening. 12:56 Now this is not just Pastor John and Angie 12:59 eating here at the Paradise Valley Church 13:01 or Greg and I, the entire crew, our whole team, 13:04 there's probably 20 of us 13:07 that they feed every single night. 13:11 And they've done a great job. And the food's been wonderful. 13:13 Oh, yeah, it's not just been like something simple. 13:16 These have been, to me, complicated meals. 13:18 I'm not a cook, but they're complicated to me. 13:20 I mean, we're getting like full meals, 13:23 and here's a picture of the team. 13:25 They've been... I guess splitting it up 13:27 through the different evenings to feed us, 13:29 and we just want to say a big thank you 13:31 to the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church 13:33 cooking team. 13:35 Can we say that? 13:36 And what they're doing for us... 13:38 We're being fed spiritually, but to be fed physically 13:40 is a tremendous blessing, 13:41 and we would thank each of them, 13:43 but I know there's cooks at other churches as well 13:45 feeding the speakers and stuff there, 13:47 so we do thank them a lot. 13:48 Amen. 13:49 It's a blessing because we need to be 13:51 fed physically in order to do the work, 13:53 you know, that God's called us to do. 13:55 So that is truly the ministry of Jesus. 13:58 We want to go to another roll right now I think. 14:00 This is at the Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church 14:04 with Pastor CA Murray, and he had the opportunity 14:07 to talk with the woman 14:09 who has an interesting testimony. 14:12 I think her sister or brother-in-law 14:15 heard Pastor CA on 3ABN with His Harvest is Ready, 14:19 so let's look at that interview here. 14:22 We're here in the Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church, 14:25 and I'm visiting with Maria Dugger, 14:27 who is a snowbird, which means you spend some time 14:30 in the warm when it's cold and sometimes in the cold 14:32 when it's warm, how does that go? 14:34 We come down here about the 1st of November, 14:37 and we go back to Idaho. 14:40 We live in a little town called Homedale, Idaho. 14:43 We go about the April 1st. 14:46 Now what is it about the Desert Cove Church 14:48 that attracts you so very much of all the churches 14:50 here in the Phoenix area? 14:52 You know, we just moved this year over to this area, 14:55 so we live about 30 miles west and... 14:59 So I was looking for a new church, 15:01 or a church closer to home, and I came here looking for you 15:08 because my brother-in-law had said that 3ABN 15:11 and CA Murray was going to be in Phoenix. 15:14 So I googled it, 15:16 and you were going to be at this church, 15:18 so I came that day, which was a month early 15:21 'cause I was mixed up on the dates so. 15:24 But I've loved it. I loved the people here. 15:26 They're so genuine. They're so friendly. 15:30 I've just felt at home ever since I came. 15:32 Praise the Lord. 15:34 Now you're originally from Spain, I understand? 15:36 My parents were from the Basque Countries in Spain. 15:39 I'm Basque, yes. Praise the Lord. 15:41 Good to hear you. Yes. Yes. 15:43 Now, you've got a interesting testimony 15:45 because part of your family became connected 15:48 with the Adventist church through 3ABN 15:50 and through a series that I'm kind of familiar with. 15:53 It's called His Harvest is Ready, 15:55 tell me about that? Yes. 15:58 My brother-in-law and sister, they are the ones that 16:03 led me to the Adventist church, but my brother-in-law 16:07 was listening to a talk radio show 16:10 on the radio driving home from work. 16:14 I believe that was Doug Batchelor, 16:16 but that led him to 3ABN. 16:19 And so he started watching it and watching CA Murray, 16:22 and he said he loved it. 16:24 And he just kept learning more and more truth 16:27 in the things he had learned out of the Bible. 16:29 It was all just making sense to him. 16:33 And at that exact same time, 16:34 my sister who is an aesthetician. 16:37 She does facials for people. 16:39 She had a little 90-year-old lady 16:41 come in to visit her for a facial, 16:43 which is a God thing because 90-year-old ladies 16:46 don't usually go out to get facials. 16:50 And she asked Francis, my sister, 16:53 if she would like to start doing Bible study with her. 16:57 So she said, "Yes." 16:59 She said she was just drawn to do that. 17:01 She started meeting with this little lady 17:03 named Eleanor on Mondays at 1 o'clock, 17:05 and that was where CA Murray was on TV. 17:08 And they would watch your show, and she said, 17:10 "It was the Harvest something." 17:12 So it was that show that you're talking about. 17:15 And they would listen to you, and listen to 3ABN, 17:19 and then they would read the Bible and talk. 17:21 She did that for four years until Eleanor passed away. 17:26 And that led both of them to the Adventist church, 17:29 to finding truth and peace in the Bible. 17:35 So they were so excited that I could come and see you, 17:37 and it's been a huge blessing. 17:39 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 17:40 Give me, before we're done, just your sense of the flavor 17:43 of these particular meetings that we've been having here? 17:46 The attendance has been good. 17:48 We've had a good time in Lord, 17:49 just your feeling about the meetings? 17:51 You know, my feeling is it you've made everything 17:57 so easy to understand. 18:01 The stories that you've told, it's just helped me 18:05 to just draw closer to the Lord, 18:08 and to just once again realize that it's not that hard, 18:12 we make it so hard. 18:14 And just to... 18:16 Everything, go back to scripture, 18:18 find it in there, and it's just so easy. 18:25 Wow! That's incredible. 18:27 Thank you, Pastor CA and Maria. 18:30 What a great testimony and it's neat to see 18:32 the impact again of 3ABN, 18:34 and that's thanks to you at home 18:36 for your support of the ministry here at 3ABN 18:38 because you're touching lives for eternity, 18:40 and it won't be until heaven till we know the full impact. 18:43 And that's neat too, you know, God can use us at any age. 18:47 And I think that was neat too as far as the impact of that 18:49 90-year-old lady. 18:50 You know, going in, you know, that's just the... 18:52 I think... Getting a facial. 18:53 Yeah, that's right. 18:55 But I think that none of us should ever feel useless 18:58 and that we can't do something for God, 19:01 even if you're home and are homebound, 19:04 there's something that God has for you to do, 19:06 maybe it's writing a card or a letter to someone, 19:09 I don't know. 19:11 Yeah, God will lay that on your heart, 19:12 but I think all of us have something 19:14 that we can do for Jesus Christ. 19:15 He's given us talents. 19:17 But anyway, great interview, 19:18 and we just, again, appreciate Pastor CA 19:20 and what's going on there at that church 19:23 along with the other churches here in Phoenix. 19:25 That's right, I was thinking as you were talking, 19:28 if people feel like, "Hey, I can't get out 19:30 or I can't do something." 19:32 I was thinking of one person who's a member 19:33 of the Blessing is on the Go evangelistic team 19:36 and part of that team, we mail out monthly tools, 19:40 monthly evangelism tools that people can use. 19:43 And I remember one person writing in, 19:44 and they said that... 19:46 The woman said her husband is in the bed, 19:49 he's not able to get out and really function. 19:53 He can't walk and stuff, 19:55 but yet people come to visit him, 19:57 and when people come to visit him, 19:59 he whips out his evangelistic tool, 20:01 which is not the phone, I'm just... 20:03 An example. 20:04 He whips out his DVD or the book 20:06 or whatever 3ABN sent him that month, 20:08 and he hands it to the person who came to visit and says, 20:12 "Here's something you should watch. 20:13 Here's something that will bless your life." 20:15 And the next time, that person comes to visit him, 20:18 they return it, and he passes it along to someone else. 20:22 So that's an example. 20:23 Every single one of us have a part in evangelism. 20:26 You may be at home and saying, "I'm watching these meetings 20:29 with Pastor John Lomacang, and I can't get up and preach." 20:32 But God can use you in your community 20:35 with the people within your sphere of influence. 20:39 God uses each one of us to be a witness for Him. 20:43 One of my favorite scriptures in Isaiah, it says, 20:46 "Therefore, you are My witnesses," 20:48 says the Lord, "That I am God." 20:50 And so, God calls us to be His witness, 20:52 to be His ambassador as it were. 20:55 And praise the Lord, what God did in Maria's life 20:57 and her sister and brother-in-law, 20:59 and now they can pass that along to someone else. 21:02 And I think it goes back too, we've been talking about 21:03 in some of the previous iSITE's about the ripple effect 21:06 whereby one of the oasis, 21:07 I think did the hole in the rock, 21:09 and if you throw something into water, you know, 21:11 there's a ripple that goes out, 21:12 it continues to effect more and more people. 21:15 So I think sometimes you can lay a track down somewhere, 21:18 and you don't know who's going to pick it up, 21:19 but someone reads it, and that person 21:21 has an influence with somebody else 21:22 and who knows how far that ripple goes, 21:24 I know, what a blessing. Amen. 21:25 We have another roll to go to before we close out here. 21:27 We do, we're going to the Phoenix Central 21:29 Seventh-day Adventist Church, Shelley and JD's church, 21:32 and I think JD sat down with this precious woman. 21:34 And she's a member of the church, 21:36 but somehow, in the meetings, she was led to a desire, 21:40 a closer walk with Jesus and made a decision 21:43 actually to be re-baptized. 21:46 And I think that's so exciting because people 21:49 who never heard the name of Jesus 21:51 or haven't accepted Jesus for themselves, 21:53 they're coming to Him for the first time. 21:55 But there's other people who are saying, 21:57 "I have walked with Jesus, and maybe I fell away 22:00 or maybe that relationship has grown a bit distant, 22:05 and I want to come back 22:06 and rekindle that relationship." 22:08 So let's look at that interview here. 22:11 We're coming from the Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, 22:14 and I'm here with my precious Sister Gene. 22:17 She spells it G-E-N-E which kind of surprised me 22:20 because that's a little bit different, 22:22 but she's always got this smile on her face, 22:24 at least, as long as I've known Gene. 22:26 She's got this pretty smile on her face 22:28 and a gleam in her eye, and as Gene and I 22:30 have a chance to visit, we find out 22:32 that she has a servant's heart. 22:34 She loves being able to... Be able to assist others. 22:38 Now I understand, Gene, that you've gone through 22:40 some different issues, health issues, 22:42 lately and because of that, 22:45 you had to kind of slow down a little bit, 22:47 but now we're getting back in the groove, is that right? 22:49 Yes. 22:50 Exactly, and it's been a wonderful experience. 22:53 And no matter how sick I got, I kept praising to God, 22:57 and I realized that, 23:00 everything that I was praying for, 23:01 God is answering it by having me to slowdown 23:05 through my illness, so I can pray more, study more, 23:09 and get my relationship with God right. 23:11 Wow! 23:13 I think that's something that we're all challenged with. 23:15 Sometimes we just need to slow down some 23:19 and let God be God. 23:21 We're going through this evangelistic series right now, 23:24 Shelley Quinn's leading out, 23:25 what are you gleaning from this? 23:28 Well, actually, I was baptized in 1991, 23:31 and I realized that even though I thought I was walking 23:36 the Christian walk, I'm realizing that 23:38 there's a lot of things I was missing. 23:40 There's a lot of things that I was doing 23:42 I was not supposed to be doing. 23:44 And what I'm getting out of this is that 23:46 I would like to be re-baptized again. 23:48 Amen. Yes. 23:50 Amen. 23:51 And there's a lot of people 23:52 I think that want to rededicate their life, 23:54 be re-baptized, perhaps the first time, 23:57 you might have given your heart to the Lord, 23:58 you might have been baptized 24:00 for a reason that's different today. 24:02 So this is just a challenge for a lot of people, Gene, 24:05 that just I want a closer walk with You. 24:08 Gene, I thank you for this time. 24:10 You're just a lovely, lovely person. 24:12 And I know that it puts joy in God's heart 24:14 when He hears His children say, 24:16 "Lord, I want to be closer to You." 24:18 Well, life is so much easier and loving 24:22 when I have God in my life. 24:24 I mean, everything that used to be stress or upsetting, 24:28 it doesn't matter anymore. 24:29 It's just so wonderful having God truly in your life 24:33 and you truly be obedient 24:35 and walking to God's path, you really... 24:40 Life is so much easier, life is so much loving, 24:44 and there's so much pleasure into it, 24:46 and I feel so much less stressed, it's amazing. 24:50 It's so beautiful. 24:51 Life is beautiful. Amen. 24:53 And I think that that's what we've learned tonight 24:55 that the Garden of Eden was a garden of pleasure, so. 24:58 And that's a place that we all are searching 25:01 for is that being united with Christ, 25:04 spending eternity with Him. 25:06 Again, from Gene and JD, we thank you. 25:09 God bless you. 25:12 Amen. That's great. 25:13 You know, I liked what she said there, of course, 25:15 I appreciate the whole testimony, 25:16 but I liked what she said, "Life is so much less stressful 25:19 as we give our lives to Jesus Christ," 25:21 and that's a great testimony. 25:22 You know, 'cause even in the busyness of good things, 25:25 you can get kind of stressed out. 25:26 So it's just a great reminder to all of us about, again, 25:29 re-surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ. 25:31 Amen. 25:32 You know, the Psalm tells us, David tells us in Psalm, 25:35 "At thy right hand are pleasures for evermore 25:38 and your presence is fullness of joy." 25:40 And I just think when we enter into God's presence, 25:44 when we experience Him, for her, 25:46 it's experiencing Him anew, again. 25:48 When we experience Him anew, what happens to our lives, 25:51 we experience that joy, 25:53 that peace that only God can give. 25:56 The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, 25:59 long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, 26:01 and those fruit develop when we make a choice 26:04 to surrender our lives to the control 26:07 of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 26:08 So what an incredible testimony to see what God is doing 26:12 in Gene's life, and what He wants to do 26:14 in your life at home. 26:15 I just want to make an appeal to you at home, 26:18 maybe you've been watching the meetings 26:20 and you're trying to make a decision, 26:22 "Do I want to follow God? 26:23 Do I want to walk this way or not?" 26:27 Make a choice for Jesus, you will never regret it. 26:31 And the peace and the joy that comes 26:33 as a result of that is really out of this world. 26:36 Yeah, you're right. 26:38 And also every time I see the testimonies 26:40 coming from Elder JD 26:42 and Shelley Quinn's church, I think of Shelley, 26:44 and we just appreciate your prayers 26:45 because she's been a little under the weather. 26:47 I know in iSITE 12, you know, 26:50 she had a little report there from the hospital, 26:53 but I'm just thinking what God is doing in her life 26:55 and the other speakers here too, 26:57 there's a little bit of a cold going around, 26:58 but God is providing the strength. 27:01 And it's just every time I see Elder JD, 27:04 and I know Shelley Quinn's been preaching 27:05 that night is that, "What God is doing?" 27:08 And He's working miracles here. We're seeing it every day. 27:12 And it's a blessing to be a part 27:13 of this evangelistic series 27:15 and again, seeing lives change for eternity. 27:18 That's right, absolutely. 27:19 You know, I think it's a spiritual battle 27:21 that we're involved in. 27:22 We know wrestle against flesh and blood, 27:23 but again spiritual powers and high places and so, 27:26 as we preach the Word of God 27:29 and go forth against the kingdom of darkness, 27:31 Satan may not be so happy, but guess what? 27:34 We know the back of the book and God wins. 27:36 We know that He is stronger than Satan. 27:38 We see the miracles every night. 27:40 What God is doing with the speaker, 27:42 standing them up and for each one 27:45 who come to the meeting, so praise God 27:46 that He is much stronger, and He is winning. 27:49 Yeah. Amen. 27:50 Again, our time is almost gone here for this iSITE. 27:53 We want to encourage you to stay tuned 27:55 because Pastor John Lomacang 27:56 will be bringing this evening's message to you. 27:59 Again, we encourage you to open God's Word to study it 28:02 because in it are treasures that you cannot exhaust. 28:05 Thank you for joining us. 28:06 We'll see you again tomorrow evening. |
Revised 2018-05-23