iSite Review

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ISITE

Program Code: ISITE180006A

00:06 Hello and welcome to iSITE Review
00:08 program number six,
00:10 and we're here outside in beautiful Phoenix
00:12 where every day
00:13 seems to start out with sunshine.
00:15 Every day is fabulous.
00:17 That's right, and it's actually warming up.
00:18 If you remember when we started out,
00:19 it seemed like we're a little bit colder.
00:21 But we started out
00:22 this beautiful day here earlier in the morning,
00:24 it's not too bad outside.
00:26 But anyway,
00:27 what a blessing to be coming to you from Phoenix,
00:28 Arizona, and we're in again, Papago Park?
00:31 Papago. Papago?
00:32 We don't know how to pronounce it
00:34 but you can give us a shout out on Facebook
00:36 or email us and let us know,
00:37 but it's a beautiful incredible park.
00:39 Oh, it is. Yeah.
00:40 And you can see over our shoulder,
00:42 we're going to try and climb up here
00:43 as we make our progress in iSITE.
00:45 There's a little hole up there
00:46 and that's called Hole in the Rock.
00:47 And from this vantage point, it looks relatively steep,
00:51 and a little bit slippery.
00:52 But I see some people up there.
00:53 So I'm sure there's a safe way to get up there.
00:55 So we're going to make our journey up there.
00:57 We will.
00:58 In this park is the Desert Botanical Gardens
01:00 which is beautiful, especially in the springtime.
01:02 Yeah. It's right over there.
01:03 The desert begins to bloom,
01:05 and you actually see flowers on the cactus,
01:07 and stuff like that.
01:08 There's a zoo and other things as well here,
01:10 and they say back at World War II,
01:12 this was the site of the largest POW camp
01:17 in the United States.
01:18 They had some great escape,
01:20 and I think some prisoners escaped,
01:21 but then they couldn't survive in the desert
01:23 and they came back.
01:24 But praise the Lord.
01:26 You just think about the meetings that are going on.
01:28 Yeah, the Paradise Valley, Phoenix Central,
01:31 Phoenix Central Spanish, Desert Cove.
01:34 Desert Cove, Chandler. That's right.
01:35 And we have some other meetings that are involved as well.
01:37 Yeah, Elder Marin.
01:38 Elder Marin, Jose Marin, is it Apache Junction,
01:41 and there's also some other meetings going on,
01:43 so not only the five meetings but more.
01:45 And you think about
01:47 when those prisoners escaped from the camp,
01:49 they had no hope,
01:50 they didn't know how to survive,
01:52 and that's each one of us are lost and alone
01:55 without the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:57 and that's the purpose of these meetings, sweetheart.
01:59 You know that people would find Jesus
02:01 and find the truth in His Word.
02:03 Yeah, you know we really appreciate your contacting us
02:05 through Facebook, through YouTube,
02:08 through even our email, sending us some emails,
02:11 and we've heard from a few people,
02:12 we wanted to mention you by name, some of the comments.
02:14 These are some people from Facebook.
02:15 This is Genevieve, Linda, Devin, Memy, Gisela, Allen,
02:20 Suzie, Joey, Claudio.
02:22 We know Claudio.
02:24 He's from our church, Paradise Valley.
02:25 This is Quadro, Amanda, and others.
02:28 So we just thank you so much
02:30 and keep those comments coming in.
02:31 You know, we also want to thank the crew,
02:33 the 3ABN production crew.
02:34 We have some crew that are with us.
02:35 We have some crew that are back at the hotel
02:37 now editing some of the programs,
02:39 so not all of them are able to be here.
02:41 But we thought you might like to see
02:43 what our view is
02:44 because it's not just Jill and myself,
02:46 it takes a whole group of people.
02:47 So I'm gonna pull my cell phone out here
02:49 and take a couple of photos that you can see,
02:52 maybe even some video here
02:53 of who is on the other side of these cameras.
02:56 We have Seth, and Arodie, and Tyler, and Ben.
03:00 And Jorge, our system production manager.
03:02 Doing a great job.
03:04 He's been producing the evening meetings.
03:05 Yes, he has.
03:07 And he brought Sebastian and Noel.
03:08 And I hope we get to talk to them later too on the hike.
03:09 Yeah.
03:11 So we're gonna go to a roll next
03:12 and start our journey up the mountain.
03:13 Thank you.
03:15 We're going to Paradise Valley, SDA Church.
03:17 And this is an incredible testimony,
03:20 actually, just last night at the meeting.
03:22 I met this couple, they're precious, Jim and Inge,
03:26 I think their names are,
03:27 and she was flipping the channel one day
03:29 watching a soap opera actually
03:31 and stumbled across 3ABN
03:34 and it changed their lives forever.
03:35 Let's listen to that interview now.
03:39 Today, we have two wonderful people.
03:43 Their names are Jim and Inge Macintosh,
03:46 and they are from Sun City, Arizona,
03:49 and they have an amazing testimony,
03:51 how they came into this
03:53 wonderful Seventh-day Adventist message, the truth.
03:57 And, Inge and Jim,
04:01 you both were part of New Assemblies of God
04:04 music minister...
04:06 Yes.
04:07 At one time, and you came in by watching 3ABN,
04:10 and it's so interesting how that came about.
04:13 Why don't you share with us, Inge or Jim?
04:15 It was kind of, I was watching TV
04:18 and back in the day
04:19 when I was still watching soap opera,
04:21 and there happened to be this one person that I saw on TV
04:26 and when I was flipping channels,
04:28 and I ran across 3ABN, and when I saw this person,
04:32 I stopped to take a second look,
04:34 and when I started listening to what he was saying
04:36 about the Sabbath, it caught my ear in attention,
04:40 I go, "I have to kind of listen to this," and so I did,
04:44 and it really sounded like
04:46 this is the way it's supposed to be
04:47 instead of worshiping on Sunday.
04:49 So when my husband came home,
04:51 I told him about what I saw on 3ABN.
04:54 So the next day, we went and watched it together,
04:58 and Jim said yes, it hit his spirit, his heart
05:03 that this is the message.
05:05 So we started looking
05:07 for a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
05:09 and I wrote to Pastor McMahon and he went and sent me
05:14 The Great Controversy and information
05:17 in regards to this Seventh-day Sabbath and all this,
05:21 and so we started going to a church, and Jim, you?
05:26 About eight years ago.
05:27 About eight years ago? Yes.
05:28 How do you feel now that you're in this message?
05:31 Is everything clear to you from the Bible?
05:33 I believe it is.
05:35 In fact, it's the most message of today
05:39 like we are the remnant church,
05:42 and the message is so true,
05:46 and it hits my heart, it pierces my heart
05:49 that the truth will always hit you in the heart,
05:53 and it's genuine,
05:55 and we have learned so much about the State of the Dead.
05:59 Oh, yeah.
06:01 And just about a lot of studies that we have never heard,
06:07 and it just changed our lives tremendously.
06:10 Yes, we haven't unfortunately convinced our children yet.
06:13 But they respect that we go to church on the Sabbath
06:16 on Saturday,
06:18 and so whenever there is family gathering,
06:20 they make sure it's on Sunday, and it does not interfere
06:23 with our going to church which we really appreciate,
06:27 and every time we get a chance,
06:29 we tried to share with them some
06:31 and we're praying that one day,
06:33 they will actually see the message also.
06:35 But at least, thank God, our children are saved.
06:37 Yes. Amen, amen.
06:40 And so thank you so much for being here
06:43 at the meetings tonight.
06:45 I know you're gonna be blessed, and I'm so glad
06:48 you've joined this wonderful movement,
06:50 this worldwide movement.
06:51 Yes, yes. Amen.
06:52 Thank you, Angie.
06:54 What a great report coming from the Paradise
06:55 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:57 It's really encouraging to hear how people's lives
06:59 are being touched for eternity, isn't it?
07:00 Amen.
07:02 It is encouraging just to see what God is doing,
07:03 how they started watching 3ABN those years ago,
07:05 and what an incredible difference
07:07 it made in their lives
07:09 and how they discovered the truth and the Word of God.
07:11 So we have hiked up
07:12 this little trail to Hole in the Rock.
07:14 It wasn't as bad
07:15 as the Phoenix Mountain Preserve,
07:17 we saw that a few days ago.
07:18 That was a pretty intense hike. This wasn't too bad.
07:20 This was not intense at all. Yep.
07:22 We're obviously sitting
07:23 on the shady side of the Hole in the Rock,
07:24 but right through this hole, it's absolutely incredible.
07:27 It's pretty.
07:29 You know, in this desert, we're looking down on,
07:31 could we consider that an oasis?
07:32 I see some palm trees, some water down,
07:34 isn't that amazing?
07:35 You've got this dry cactus that I'm looking at here,
07:39 and you have this beautiful water and palm trees
07:40 right through this beautiful outlook,
07:43 and I think that's neat what God can do
07:44 in each one of our lives,
07:46 we can in the dry and dusty life experience,
07:50 and you say, "Man, there's nothing there,"
07:52 there's something there because God has it for you.
07:54 Amen. And He can provide that water.
07:55 God can bring waters of life, you know?
07:57 He is the source of water.
07:59 He is the source, you know, and he brings that.
08:01 He is the water of life
08:02 and he brings that to our lives,
08:04 and brings out of where there seems death
08:06 and bareness and desert.
08:08 God can make it alive again, and praise the Lord for that.
08:12 He makes us a new creation in Christ Jesus.
08:15 We want to go next to John Dinzey.
08:18 Oh, yeah, this is a great interview.
08:19 He's at the Central Valley Spanish
08:21 Seventh-day Adventist Church, and it's really incredible.
08:24 Every evening, each one of the speakers,
08:27 they come back with their programs,
08:29 they're on hard drives I guess from their different sites
08:31 and we upload to,
08:34 and there's like that command central there in the hotel room
08:37 that room we showed you on iSITE number two,
08:39 and you can see all the computers there,
08:41 and everyone working, ingesting
08:43 and as the speakers come in,
08:44 there's a real feeling of excitement.
08:45 There is.
08:47 I'm thinking last night, they were saying,
08:48 these people came forward to the altar call,
08:50 these people made a decision for Jesus,
08:52 these people were crying
08:54 and this is what God did in their life.
08:56 So that's so exciting.
08:58 So last night just after the meeting,
09:01 John Dinzey had the chance to talk with Stephanie Dawn,
09:03 and she's been singing some for the meetings.
09:05 She has.
09:06 You know, I just really appreciate her spirit
09:08 and her dedication to God.
09:09 You know, here she is with being blind,
09:11 not able to see, but yet, she's so joyful and so cheerful
09:14 and so willing to share her talent for Jesus Christ.
09:17 So there was a great interview that they did,
09:18 Pastor John Dinzey.
09:20 So let's go to that right now.
09:23 We are continuing the evangelistic campaigns
09:25 in Phoenix, Arizona,
09:27 and today, we had two very special people
09:30 joining me at the Spanish Central Valley Church,
09:33 Seventh-day Adventist church.
09:35 And Stephanie Dawn, most of you don't know
09:37 unless you watch 3ABN Latino, that she also sings in Spanish.
09:42 Is that right? Yes.
09:43 Mm-hmm. Yes.
09:45 And so I understand
09:46 that you also do concerts in Spanish.
09:48 We do. We do.
09:49 I studied Spanish in high school.
09:52 It's the language
09:53 that I truly, truly love to sing
09:57 in whenever I have the opportunity to do so.
10:00 And it was marvelous because her father Dann
10:03 accompanied her on piano at the church tonight,
10:07 and it was an evangelistic campaign that,
10:10 you know, you ask yourself, "Should I do an appeal?
10:12 But the Lord blessed tonight, and it was a great experience.
10:17 Stephanie Dawn sang
10:18 what I would like to call the musical offering,
10:21 the first song,
10:22 and what song did you sing in Spanish, the first one?
10:24 The first one is called
10:28 or the English translation of that would be,
10:31 "He had me on his mind."
10:32 It was translated from English to Spanish.
10:34 And the song we did for the appeal at the end was,
10:37 in English, "Embrace the cross,"
10:39 in Spanish, "Toma La Cruz."
10:41 Amen, and she does pronounce very clearly in Spanish.
10:45 And I'm sure many of the Spanish people thought
10:47 she speaks Spanish.
10:49 Her father Dann accompanied her on piano.
10:51 What was your impression
10:52 of the evangelistic campaign tonight and the people?
10:54 People were enjoying it.
10:56 I don't speak Spanish, I don't understand Spanish.
10:59 But you can see there were tears
11:00 in people's eyes, and they were very moved.
11:04 Amen. Praise the Lord.
11:06 And so Stephanie Dawn is joining the different
11:11 evangelistic campaigns.
11:12 How many of the evangelistic campaigns
11:14 have you been to?
11:15 We have been to John Lomacang's once,
11:20 and we will be there two more times,
11:22 and we will also be at two more of your meetings as well.
11:26 That's right.
11:27 So we praise the Lord for the blessing
11:29 to be able to have Stephanie Dawn
11:32 come and join us to preach the gospel in song.
11:35 And I believe this is a key
11:38 because the songs really touch people's hearts,
11:41 and we just thank you for joining us here
11:43 in Phoenix, Arizona.
11:45 We pray that the Lord will continue
11:46 to bless your ministry, and this is a ministry
11:48 that the whole family has embraced.
11:50 Tell me how many members of the family
11:52 have embraced the ministry?
11:53 It's my wife Karen, and our daughter Stephanie,
11:55 and our son Jayme.
11:57 We travel full time
11:58 around the United States mostly, all year-round.
12:01 Praise the Lord.
12:03 So we ask for your continued prayers
12:04 for the evangelistic campaigns
12:06 and for the Stephanie Dawn and her family
12:08 as they travel across the US and even other countries
12:12 to preach the everlasting gospel.
12:14 God bless.
12:15 Yes, we are here
12:17 in the Central Valley Spanish Church in Phoenix,
12:21 and we have the General Manager for Good News TV Latino
12:25 that's with us.
12:26 Carlos Gervasio,
12:28 and tell us a little bit about Good News TV Latino
12:31 and what the programming
12:33 and the impact it has had on the community?
12:36 Okay, thank you.
12:38 God really work through your programs
12:43 that we put in one antenna, many antennas around Arizona.
12:48 And then every people in Arizona can see
12:52 with just one antenna over this TV.
12:55 And this is good because many people
12:57 who can check and can see and watch our channels,
13:02 and they call, call and say,
13:04 "I want to go to this church," they don't know
13:07 what church we are, they say what church is that
13:10 "I want to go. I want to believe.
13:12 I believe in that."
13:14 We have this beautiful experience, pastor.
13:17 People who came to the church to be baptized to say,
13:20 "I want to be baptized," and we'll say, "Really?"
13:24 "Yes."
13:25 "And how do you know?"
13:27 "Through the channel that is."
13:29 And they told,
13:32 "I know that Pastor Bullon,
13:35 this pastor name," all the pastors and you too.
13:39 They say, "Really, I know, I learned, I know everything,"
13:43 and this is beautiful
13:44 because these signals are arising
13:48 in the interior of the homes.
13:51 Amen. Yeah.
13:52 This is that we are doing together.
13:54 Amen.
13:55 Yes, and you mentioned Pastor Alejandro BullA n,
13:57 one of the evangelist at our 3ABN Latino
13:59 and I'm sure they mentioned some of the others.
14:01 Yes.
14:02 And as people see Pastor Stephen Bohr
14:04 speaking in Spanish.
14:05 For sure.
14:07 For those of you that don't know
14:08 Pastor Stephen Bohr speak in Spanish.
14:09 And tell us Dann about the Good News TV,
14:12 how is it funded?
14:14 Oh, it's funded from the people,
14:16 donors, just donors, only donors
14:19 who called the channel and say I want to help you.
14:22 Only we received money from the donors.
14:25 We go to the churches, my job is go to the churches
14:28 and encourage the people
14:29 to continue supporting the channel.
14:32 And we have the system of ambassadors in each church
14:36 that they are helping us all the time to make,
14:41 they are like bridges
14:43 between the church and the channel,
14:45 and we try to work together with the churches too.
14:49 Wonderful.
14:51 So we're here in an evangelistic campaign.
14:52 3ABN has five evangelistic campaigns
14:56 simultaneously.
14:57 This one is in Spanish where I am,
14:59 and tell us about your experience here,
15:02 you've been here for several days,
15:03 and how do you see the people are receiving the messages?
15:06 Oh, I really recommend everybody
15:08 to encourage the people to make this kind of campaigns
15:13 and use the television to share with
15:16 because we see that people here, three days,
15:19 we have campaign three days, and many people say,
15:22 "I want to give my life to Jesus,"
15:25 as it's really impressive how these people came,
15:29 and be impressed not only for the TV,
15:33 they came from the TV
15:35 but then they really received the message here.
15:38 I mean, we're really impressed. I'm so happy to be here.
15:46 Thank you so much, Brother John Dinzey.
15:48 What a blessing, not only Stephanie's interview
15:51 but we also got to hear, he interviewed Carlos,
15:53 I won't begin to pronounce his last name,
15:55 but he's the General Manager of Good News TV
15:58 for the Latino Channel,
16:00 and what a blessing it's been to partner with Good News TV
16:02 and the nightly broadcast
16:04 is because that they've been working with that.
16:06 Yeah, we appreciate Luke Skelton,
16:07 and his wife Susan and all that they do
16:10 to help spread the gospel here in the Phoenix area
16:12 and other parts actually of the country.
16:15 You know, from our vantage point here,
16:17 you saw the Hole in the Rock and in the Papago,
16:20 did I say that right?
16:22 Sounds good. Okay.
16:24 Park here and from our vantage point,
16:27 we can see a path that we didn't come up,
16:30 and do you know what I think we did?
16:31 I think we came up another path or someone,
16:34 I don't think we came up the official path.
16:36 We came up the back way. I think we did.
16:38 You know what's interesting to me?
16:39 I'm thinking spiritually.
16:41 You know, there seems a way that seems right to a man,
16:42 right?
16:44 But the end thereof, what?
16:45 Is the way of death. That's right.
16:47 Obviously, it wasn't the way of death for us today.
16:49 We just came up a different way.
16:50 But we have to be careful in life in the path
16:52 that we see and the path that we choose
16:54 because there's a right way to heaven,
16:56 and we want to make sure by following God's Word
16:59 and the Bible, that we're falling the way
17:00 God wants us to go
17:02 and here for this evangelistic series,
17:03 Pathway to Life,
17:05 we appreciate all of the evangelists
17:06 that are here, like you're mentioning earlier,
17:09 there's such a heart for souls.
17:11 There is.
17:12 And such a passion for spreading God's Word
17:14 here in the Phoenix area but around the world.
17:16 So we appreciate your support of the ministry of 3ABN
17:19 all these years, and for this special event.
17:21 What a blessing it has been already?
17:22 Amen.
17:23 I'm just thinking as I sit here,
17:25 it's so beautiful and we looked,
17:26 the last segment, that Hole in the Rock,
17:28 you look through at the palm tree.
17:29 But if you look up over our shoulder,
17:31 you can see a hole almost in the sky.
17:33 It's like a hole you look up
17:35 and you see the blue sky up there.
17:36 Yeah, that's beautiful. It is.
17:38 Just heaven's gonna be beautiful.
17:40 This is fabulous.
17:41 But I can't imagine what heaven's gonna be like.
17:42 Right now, we're gonna go
17:44 to the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church,
17:45 Shelley and JD Quinn are there, and let's have a listen.
17:48 I think there's a couple interviews from them.
17:51 Hi. My name is Albert Hayes.
17:53 I'm a member here
17:54 at the Central Seventh-day Adventist Church,
17:57 and it's really great having Shelley Quinn
17:59 and JD here this week,
18:01 actually for the next two weeks,
18:02 and a series of meetings,
18:04 the services have been excellent.
18:06 If anybody had a chance to come,
18:07 I would encourage you to come.
18:09 My connection here is through music.
18:11 God gifted me with gift of music
18:13 at an early age,
18:15 and I would just play that,
18:16 I would actually play the table as a little boy.
18:19 But God finally taught me to play the piano.
18:23 You are the reason
18:27 I live each day Jesus,
18:32 I love you I worship
18:36 And I love you I love you, forever
18:42 Jesus,
18:44 My Lord
18:49 We just want to take this opportunity
18:51 because we're here
18:52 at the Central Seventh-day Adventist Church
18:54 and I have Judy,
18:55 as you can tell, Judy is a very colorful lady.
18:58 She's got a great personality, a wonderful smile,
19:01 and she loves Jesus.
19:03 And we're doing this 3ABN
19:07 Arizona conference evangelistic series here.
19:11 And, Judy, what does this mean to you?
19:13 It means everything to me
19:15 because it's already helped me get closer to God
19:19 and not be afraid to share my faith,
19:21 and I love the evangelism.
19:23 I love it.
19:24 And I'm just happy to be here and be part of it.
19:28 You can tell that Judy's just beaming all over.
19:32 And it's fun to watch Judy as she mingles
19:34 with her brothers and sisters here at Central.
19:38 How long have you been coming here, Judy?
19:40 I transferred here, I was in Coolidge, Arizona,
19:43 but I transferred here about five months ago,
19:48 and I'm staying.
19:50 Amen.
19:51 What do you particularly like about this church?
19:54 Oh, everybody's just so friendly and so loving,
19:57 and the first time I walked in here,
20:00 the Holy Spirit met me at the door,
20:02 and has been with me ever since.
20:04 It doesn't get any better than that.
20:06 Whenever you have a relationship
20:07 with the Holy Spirit with Jesus,
20:09 you know, it's easy to be on fire for him.
20:13 What do you do to help further the kingdom of God?
20:16 What is your ministry?
20:18 Well, I'm just trying to be loving to all my neighbors,
20:21 and witness to my family that aren't Christians,
20:25 and just try to spread happiness
20:27 and love wherever I go,
20:29 and just tell them Jesus loves you.
20:32 Amen.
20:33 Well, like I said,
20:35 Judy just being from head to toe,
20:36 and you can tell that she loves Jesus,
20:38 that she wants to help further His kingdom,
20:41 and so here from Central,
20:42 we just want to let you know
20:44 how much we love and appreciate you,
20:46 and that during this evangelistic series,
20:48 Shelley Quinn,
20:50 she is the one that's leading out here,
20:51 and I know that Shelley is a great teacher of the Word.
20:55 So please come by and visit us.
20:57 We love you and thank you.
20:59 So from Judy and from JD, we appreciate you.
21:01 God bless.
21:03 Thank you, and if you come, I'll give you a nice big hug.
21:08 A big hug from Judy. God bless you.
21:10 Bye-bye.
21:12 Praise the Lord for those great reports
21:14 from the Phoenix Central Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:16 Well, we're still here, a kind of up on the hill here,
21:19 the Hole in the Rock with Noelia,
21:21 and Sebastian Jaque, and you both are
21:24 Jorge and Lynette's kids,
21:25 and you all encountered a little snow on your trip,
21:29 is that right?
21:30 We did.
21:32 We're on our way to our hotel, and it was totally unexpected.
21:34 Nobody knew because it was all good weather.
21:36 It started snowing and snowing really hard,
21:38 and they had to close the freeway.
21:40 Wow.
21:41 So we had to get off the exit early.
21:44 But we finally made our way through to find the hotel.
21:46 Ooh. Mm-hmm.
21:48 Praise the Lord.
21:49 I tell you, you know, that's the thing
21:50 because when you drove,
21:52 how many days were you on the road, Sebastian?
21:53 It was two and a half days till we made it from Phoenix,
21:56 to Phoenix from Illinois.
21:57 Oh, that's a long trip.
21:59 Do you like driving and riding in the car?
22:01 No.
22:02 Bless you. Thank you for making the trip.
22:05 We appreciate you and your sister
22:06 and your entire family.
22:08 And for coming to Phoenix, now this is school time,
22:10 so you all had to do some extra work
22:11 in order to kind of come on this trip, right?
22:13 Yeah, we did. We're given a lot of homework.
22:17 But unfortunately, not finished all of mine.
22:19 So I had to take it with me.
22:21 So you are still doing some school work here.
22:22 Yeah. Awe.
22:24 What about you, Sebastian?
22:25 Well, I finished on mine right as we made it halfway
22:30 on our trip.
22:31 I had to just do a couple of little assignments,
22:35 and then I was done for it with all my homework
22:38 for the three weeks.
22:39 Yay! Very good.
22:40 But that kind of makes it worth it,
22:42 getting all the schoolwork done,
22:43 and a long trip
22:44 because you get to spend time in Phoenix here.
22:46 Now, Sebastian,
22:48 there is something that's over our shoulder
22:49 that I think the camera men are able to get.
22:51 What is that funniest shaped mountain?
22:53 What's that called? That is Camelback Mountain.
22:57 Now why would we call that, why do you think
22:58 they call it Camelback Mountain?
23:00 Because with the top, it looks like one of the humps
23:03 and then the rest is like the head
23:06 like for a kneeling camel.
23:08 Absolutely. It's pretty neat.
23:10 So we're here at Hole in the Rock in Papago,
23:12 I'm just not getting that name right.
23:14 Park but behind us, you can see Camelback
23:16 which is one of the famous landmarks
23:18 here in Phoenix area,
23:19 and I think it's one of the highest mountains
23:21 in this area.
23:22 In this area, it is, 2700 feet I think.
23:24 And Noelia, before we start our hike back,
23:26 and we got to get ready for the meeting,
23:28 you're helping with your mom in the evening.
23:29 What do you do?
23:31 We're working at the booth handing out the literature
23:34 and everything from 3ABN.
23:36 Yeah, and they're doing a great job at the 3ABN booth
23:39 and also doing the mental arithmetic
23:41 and keeping track of the sales too.
23:43 So we're going, right now, we're going to Chandler Church.
23:46 We are.
23:47 So let's listen to the interview there.
23:52 Hi, we are back here
23:54 at the Chandler Seventh-day Adventist Church again,
23:57 and tonight, I have Sister Lily with us.
23:59 Sister Lily, it's, I don't know if she's putting glue
24:03 on her decision cards or what,
24:05 but has it been the last three nights
24:08 that you won?
24:09 Yeah, I know it's been three nights.
24:10 I don't know if they were three in a row,
24:12 but three nights.
24:13 Three, yeah,
24:14 I know at least two in the row, right?
24:16 Yes.
24:17 And she has won a free gift coming to these meetings.
24:20 And, Lily, I found out in talking with you,
24:22 you haven't been back at where, you were Adventist I guess
24:25 maybe years ago, when you were young?
24:27 Young age.
24:29 Young age, and then you left the church,
24:30 and you came back, you've been re-baptized,
24:33 and now your husband's coming to church with you.
24:36 He hasn't been baptized.
24:37 But you guys have been coming to the meetings.
24:39 Tell us a little bit about your journey
24:41 with the Lord, Lily.
24:42 Oh, I just love Jesus.
24:45 I love getting to know him more.
24:48 Every time I find something new,
24:51 it's like goose bumps in my skin.
24:54 I just love it. Amen.
24:57 And you also shared with me
24:58 that you are a studier for truth,
25:00 that you read a lot of the Bible,
25:03 you read a lot of Spirit of Prophecy,
25:05 and you are coming,
25:06 you've been faithful,
25:08 I don't know if you've missed a night,
25:09 have you missed a night coming to these meetings?
25:10 Have not yet, no.
25:12 So have these meetings made anything to you?
25:14 Have they touched your heart in any way?
25:16 It touches my heart all the time.
25:17 Anything that has to do with God, with my Jesus,
25:21 it touches my heart.
25:23 I love how you said my Jesus because that's personal,
25:28 that shows you're developing that personal relationship
25:32 with Him.
25:33 So is there anything
25:35 that you'd like to encourage people,
25:36 maybe to come or maybe to study,
25:37 is there something you'd like to encourage them with?
25:40 Well, the only true you're gonna find it,
25:42 you're gonna find it in the Bible.
25:45 That's how I'm getting to know Him.
25:47 It's not by word of mouth.
25:49 But it's the Bible
25:50 that's where you get all the truth.
25:53 Amen. Amen.
25:55 Thank you so much for your support,
25:57 and we'll see you next time.
26:00 I was running down the trail here
26:01 to catch up with Jill and the crew
26:02 from the Hole in the Rock Park here,
26:05 and I came across this dry streambed.
26:07 And what's incredible to me here in the Phoenix area
26:09 is I understand they don't get much rain.
26:12 But when they do, something like this
26:14 turns into quite a raging torrent.
26:15 And it's amazing.
26:17 You see this little green leaf right here.
26:18 It's obviously, this bush, this little tree
26:21 has received some rain,
26:22 and it has done the best that it could
26:24 with that nourishment and with that moisture.
26:26 I'm thinking about us in our spiritual walk,
26:28 our spiritual life.
26:30 You know, when God gives us His Word,
26:33 we're getting this evangelistic series,
26:36 we need to do something with that.
26:37 We need to penetrate into our lives,
26:40 we need to put out those green leaves
26:42 like we just saw in that bush,
26:43 and let God do something special in our lives.
26:46 Ain't that right, sweetie? Absolutely.
26:49 We just heard a great testimony from the Chandler
26:52 Seventh-day Adventist Church and I tell you,
26:54 it's great to hear these reports
26:55 because God is doing something in all of our lives.
26:57 Amen.
26:58 It's exciting to see what God is doing.
26:59 It's exciting to see the message
27:01 as it penetrates the soil.
27:03 You know, we each are the soil and as it penetrates that,
27:06 the Word of God penetrates our hearts,
27:08 and we want it to fall on fertile soil.
27:10 So just pray for each person who comes to the meetings.
27:14 Pray that God would open up their hearts
27:16 to the Word of God,
27:17 and that they would make decisions for Jesus.
27:19 Yeah, I think that's the important thing
27:20 because the Holy Spirit speaks to us,
27:22 and we need to listen, all of us.
27:23 Amen. That's for sure.
27:25 We're getting ready to head back
27:26 to the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church.
27:29 I know Pastor John Lomacang
27:30 has an incredible message for us tonight
27:33 and just to pray for the people who are attending the series,
27:37 pray that their hearts will be open,
27:39 and we pray for you as you watch the meetings
27:42 that you will make decisions for Jesus.
27:44 We'll see you tomorrow.


Revised 2018-10-18