iSite Review

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ISITE

Program Code: ISITE000011A

00:05 Hello friends, welcome to another iSITE REVIEW.
00:08 It's hard to believe, but our time in London, England is
00:11 coming to a close way too fast.
00:14 Jill and I are standing here by what they call the Tames.
00:17 I think I used to say the Thames.
00:19 I've heard that now it's called the Temes, the Temes River,
00:22 which is 250 miles long.
00:24 I believe it's the largest or longest river that's entirely
00:27 in the country of England.
00:30 But it's interesting.
00:31 I think there's actually some salt water mixed in this part
00:33 here that runs by, well we're right by Central London.
00:37 The Lambeth Bridge is right here.
00:38 You can see the London Eye over my shoulder here.
00:41 And, of course, we're earlier in the morning, and you can see
00:44 some of the boats that are on this river.
00:46 I've seen a few sea gulls bouncing along on top of the
00:49 boats enjoying their morning ride.
00:51 But what a blessing it's been to be here for the
00:54 campaign of London 2016.
00:56 I know it's been a blessing for you and I, and I know for all
00:59 the speakers and such that have been here.
01:01 Amen, it's hard to believe that the campaign is winding,
01:03 beginning to wind to a close.
01:05 And each night the speakers have been
01:07 presenting the word of God.
01:09 The musical artists have been singing, and preparing the
01:11 hearts for the messages.
01:13 And right now we want to give you some more reports from each
01:16 one of those churches.
01:18 We're going to Stoke Newington first.
01:19 They call it Stokie here.
01:21 A lot of the locals call it the Stokie church.
01:23 But we're going to that church first.
01:25 We're going to hear from Shelley Quinn and her driver.
01:27 Now we heard from them on an earlier iSITE,
01:30 and I don't know if you caught that.
01:31 But on this particular one we want to get an update on that.
01:34 So let's go to that at this time.
01:40 We just arrived at the church this evening with our very
01:44 special friend, and has been our driver the whole
01:47 time, Samuel Aaron.
01:49 Sammy, thank you so much for everything you've done for us
01:52 during this series.
01:53 Now what has the series meant to you personally?
01:56 Personally this series has meant to me, well it's brought
02:01 more of the Biblical things back to life here;
02:06 what I knew when I was growing up and it's re...
02:07 And it's's just re-emphasizing...
02:14 That's it, re-emphasized...
02:16 Reaffirmed, that's true.
02:17 Reaffirmed what I've known, and it's brought everything back
02:20 to life more in-depth at a personal level.
02:24 I can understand it more now.
02:26 Wonderful! Praise God!
02:27 And you also, you are a seed planter, because you talk about
02:31 the Lord wherever you go.
02:33 And you've got a friend from another denomination
02:34 who's been attending; even bringing her parents.
02:37 Yes, I've a friend, she's a Church of God, and she's been
02:42 coming from... The series started on Wednesday.
02:44 She's been coming every night, and she's been bringing
02:47 her parents as well.
02:48 And they are quite interested in coming to the service.
02:51 That's wonderful, because he's a pastor of the
02:54 Church of God, isn't he?
02:55 Yes, he is. He's a minister of the Church of God.
02:57 But he's learning new things that he even,
03:00 he says he didn't know.
03:02 Wonderful! Well, it's just... I can't tell you how much
03:05 you've meant to J. D. and I, and how much the people of
03:09 Stoke Newington have become our family.
03:12 And we just love London, and we love the people of London.
03:15 And we're so glad that God has given us the privilege,
03:18 and the honor to be here.
03:24 Yes, I've come to this service from Wednesday.
03:30 It's four nights actually.
03:31 And it's been quite an inspiration, you know.
03:34 I've learned a lot, you know.
03:35 I've taken some notes on how to be in Christ, you know.
03:40 I've been saved for nearly, well twenty-eight years now,
03:44 which, you know, the word of God, as they say, is ever new.
03:47 So as everything is always new, as time, as you read God reveals
03:54 something new and special, and it will make you
03:57 to look into things, and how things are today.
04:01 You know, we need God.
04:02 Everybody needs God.
04:03 You know, you have to pray for those, you know, who exactly is
04:07 not even seeking God.
04:09 But you know that God loves them.
04:11 You know, am I aiming enough to touch people's hearts?
04:14 You know, do I have the goodness of what God has done in our?...
04:17 And over these four days I looked up prayer, you know,
04:20 as Shelley has brought in.
04:23 And also sanctification, the subjects that she brought up
04:30 right in-depth, so deep, you know?
04:32 She really blessed my soul, you know?
04:34 And thank God for Sammy inviting me.
04:37 You know, as he gave me a big leaflet he said, You must come!
04:39 You must come! So I came.
04:41 And I've been, you know, it's been wonderful, wonderful.
04:44 And those are not saved today, this is the day.
04:48 Because as the Scripture said, This is the day that
04:50 the Lord hath made.
04:51 I will rejoice and be glad in it.
04:54 And it's a wonderful step.
04:55 If you step in there, you know, God will do the rest.
04:58 Yeah, that's me, and thank God, you know, for everything.
05:03 Thank you so much Shelley and Stoke Newington church,
05:07 and a especial thanks to the driver.
05:08 That was an incredible testimony.
05:10 Just hearing how he is going out, and he invited that person,
05:14 and then they invited their family, and now they're coming.
05:17 And it reminds me of the ripple effect. Uh huh.
05:20 You know, each one reaches one person.
05:22 We have an influence on somebody in our life.
05:24 And then that person in turn influences somebody else.
05:28 And then it spreads.
05:29 Well, Greg and I are sitting here on the river walk,
05:33 I guess here... Yeah, we'll call it that.
05:35 ...of the Themes River, and it reminds me of that.
05:38 You can see the water out here and how if you were to throw
05:40 something in and how it would spread, and how the influence
05:43 of the gospel works the same way.
05:45 You're right, because as we're sitting here on this bench,
05:47 because it is rather a warm day, we saw...It's nice in the shade.
05:49 We saw... It's nice in the shade.
05:51 That's right. Where we're sitting here.
05:52 Thankful for the crew, too, because they're sweating just
05:54 as much as we probably are.
05:56 But a boat went by and you can hear, actually, the ripples
06:00 of the waves coming up here against this wall that
06:02 separates us from the river.
06:03 And you're right. It's a great analogy of when all of us have
06:07 an influence with those around us.
06:08 And I'm thinking here, too, of this driver that influenced
06:11 his friend to come.
06:12 And I know they're being blessed, because you heard
06:14 it in the testimony. That's for sure. Amen.
06:16 We're going now to Walthamstow, which is the Dinzey's:
06:20 Pastor John and Idalia Dinzey.
06:22 And to be honest, we've had a little bit of issue
06:24 with the connection.
06:25 Technology is wonderful, but sometimes it has it's hiccups.
06:28 And so they've had a hard time getting us some footage.
06:30 But we do have a couple of rolls that we want to go to right now
06:33 at the Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:39 The Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist Church delight in the
06:43 presence of many members through the area of London.
06:48 Here we are delighted to meet different members of different
06:52 churches who are supporting the series as
06:55 we continue One Life.
06:58 So we praise the Lord for the opportunity
07:00 to be with Sister Daley.
07:02 She is part of the prayer team, and she is a Bible worker,
07:08 and she is in love with the Lord, and she loves the Lord,
07:12 and she wants everyone, everywhere, to know of Jesus'
07:17 love, and the hope we have in Him.
07:20 I'd like to know how have these meetings been a
07:24 blessing to your life?
07:25 All the meetings were great.
07:28 I come from miles every evening just to be here.
07:34 A matter of fact, when Brother Shelton was here, and they were
07:40 promoting the meetings, I said to myself, I said, I have to be
07:46 a part of this mission to the city.
07:49 I have to be a part of this.
07:51 And here I am, and I'm so happy.
07:53 It is helping me, because I'm a lay preacher.
07:58 I'm just a, you know, a young lay preacher now coming up.
08:01 And I'm interested in winning souls for the Lord.
08:04 So what the pastor is preaching here tonight, every night,
08:09 is really driving home to me, and I'm learning a little more
08:14 of how to approach people, how to talk with people,
08:16 how to get all these Scriptures to people.
08:19 So that is what I'm taking home with me every night.
08:23 Amen! How did you feel about the event coming?
08:27 It was announced we're doing this massive evangelistic series
08:31 in fifteen locations now.
08:34 And had this ever happened before?
08:37 Have you been part of something like this before?
08:39 And what was your first impression when you
08:41 first heard about it?
08:43 Is it going to work, or not?
08:45 No, I've never been a part of something like this before.
08:48 That's why I was so eager.
08:50 And I know if at last we put our trust in God,
08:55 all things are possible. Amen.
08:56 And I knew that it would work, because all things work together
09:02 for good for those that love the Lord. Amen!
09:05 I never had no doubt that we would be successful.
09:09 As our friends at home, and supporters of 3ABN watching
09:14 these reports, what words of encouragement would you like
09:17 to share with them, or perhaps what requests might
09:21 you have for them to pray over?
09:24 First of all, we know right now the Seventh-day Adventist Church
09:30 has a lack of prayer, right?
09:35 And to me we don't have enough for a prayer
09:38 force in the church.
09:39 So I'm asking. My request is that, People get on your knees!
09:45 That's the only way we could be able to solve the
09:48 problems of the church.
09:49 Get on your knees and pray!
09:51 Right now in these meetings we should be having more
09:55 attendance from the outside.
09:57 But I think prayer.
09:59 We're not having enough prayer.
10:01 Then my request tonight that the entire world,
10:05 we get on our knees, all Adventists, and pray to God.
10:10 Amen! Thank you very much Sister Daley.
10:12 And friends, that is the challenge.
10:14 We invite you to also continue to pray.
10:17 We've already been praying for this series,
10:19 for all the speakers, all the presenters, all of the local
10:22 pastors, and directors, and administrators of the
10:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church here in London, England.
10:28 And we invite you to seek the Lord in prayer.
10:32 As you go about your day, please remember the Lord's work
10:37 in prayer and in action. God bless.
10:43 We are at the Walthamstow church, and we are praising
10:48 the Lord because our friends are coming.
10:51 We feel like family in this congregation.
10:53 The Lord is blessing as John Dinzey, my husband,
10:57 is presenting the topics every night.
10:59 And we see some familiar faces, because, you know,
11:02 we are on the second week.
11:04 And we praise the Lord for the familiar faces that we've seen
11:07 throughout the series.
11:08 I am going to present to you a new friend,
11:12 and part of our family in Christ.
11:14 I would like for you to say your name, and last name.
11:17 Okay, my name is Ronke Aborisade.
11:20 And what country are you originally from?
11:22 Oh, I'm from Nigeria.
11:24 From Nigeria? Wonderful!
11:27 So we have friends that watch online even from Nigeria,
11:30 from Ghana, from different areas of the world.
11:35 So we want a place to learn for their gift of technology.
11:39 I want to tell you, I noticed that you're here every day,
11:42 every night, and you're part of the prayer group.
11:45 And I am so blessed by your prayer ministry along with
11:48 all the other sisters. Amen.
11:50 Why do you see or consider that prayer is an important
11:55 element in your life?
11:57 It just worked for me.
11:59 It's been the awesome connection between God and I.
12:04 It's been so steady a factor for me so far.
12:07 Things have been rough.
12:09 Anybody could tell you.
12:10 But to the glory of God I'm alive and well.
12:14 Doing away because I have God backing you. Amen!
12:17 My visiting, or my coming to the church and this program,
12:21 is just by sheer miracle.
12:23 I'll share a little testimony.
12:25 By the time we decided the meeting was going to happen
12:31 the 3rd of September, that was clashing with where my
12:35 husband was coming in, and I had to pray.
12:38 I said, Lord, you know when he comes around I may not be able
12:40 to attend the program.
12:42 So You decide what You want to do.
12:44 For him to call me to say, Oh, I'm sorry.
12:47 Then I always tried to say, What do you mean?
12:50 You're already supposed to be here.
12:52 I'm say... Praise the Lord, because He just did it.
12:55 And I told Him, I need to get here every night.
12:58 You provide what I need; transportation to get here.
13:01 He's been awesome. It's been... It's just awesome!
13:04 I just believe in the power of prayer.
13:06 It has been, it's been good.
13:08 Amen! So why are you taking them home with you every night
13:12 after you listen to the...
13:14 I know that many of those Bible verses may be familiar to you,
13:18 but what are you taking home?
13:20 Well, it's like the pastor is confirming what I already knew.
13:29 You know, the Spirit kind of affirms what he's saying,
13:34 from two or three witnesses. Amen.
13:36 And every night, most of the time, once of all we've prayed.
13:40 It's for the power.
13:42 The pastor comes to reaffirm and we don't have the prior
13:46 discussion with him.
13:47 Even this evening we spoke about Anna's prayer. Yes.
13:51 And the pastor was there saying, talking about
13:53 having silent prayer.
13:55 And I had to glue cut the orders that were not so gay.
13:58 God is doing this again. Amen!
14:00 He's an awesome God.
14:02 He just knows. He's got a sense of humor on line. Amen.
14:06 He just makes those happen.
14:07 A lot of things I take home with me, you know,
14:09 because I'm assured.
14:11 When you ask the Elders, I tell them every day I feel privileged
14:15 to be part of this campaign.
14:17 I do know why. I just felt that I needed to be here,
14:22 and I thank God I've been able to come so far.
14:25 It's been wonderful.
14:26 Amen. Well, we praise the Lord, and we thank
14:28 you for your ministry.
14:30 Thank you for your love.
14:31 Thank you, too.
14:32 Thank you for your support.
14:34 And thank you friends for all your prayers.
14:35 Remember all of our brothers and sisters here in
14:37 London in your prayers.
14:39 And as the gospel continues to be preached throughout
14:41 all the world, in every corner of this earth,
14:44 so Jesus can come back soon.
14:48 Thank you Pastor Johnny and Idalia Dinzey,
14:51 and the Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist Church.
14:53 Some great testimonies coming from this church, and of course,
14:55 all of the churches involved with this campaign.
14:58 And I'm really excited to see how this thing just continues,
15:01 as you mentioned earlier, the ripple effect.
15:03 How it's going to start from these small, well the small
15:05 group of churches, and just spread across London, England,
15:07 and I hope even the entire world.
15:09 Because Jesus Christ is coming very soon.
15:12 Amen. And we want to do everything we can to prepare
15:14 people for Jesus' soon return.
15:16 And at the Walthamstow church, I think it was the first
15:19 interview there Idalia did with that lady,
15:21 and she's part of the prayer team.
15:23 And prayer is a vital part of the campaign.
15:26 But I thought it was precious.
15:27 She said she heard Danny Shelton in person when he came before.
15:31 Because there's been a lot of planning leading up to this
15:35 campaign from the beginning.
15:36 Over a year ago it seems like.
15:38 Danny first came over and met with the Conference leadership,
15:41 and discussed things.
15:42 And he spoke at some of the churches here at that time.
15:45 And she heard him then.
15:47 And she made a covenant then.
15:48 This is something I want to be involved in.
15:52 Uh huh. Yeah, you're absolutely right.
15:54 And I think that as all of us participate in whatever event
15:58 that we have with our local church,
16:00 that's vitally important.
16:01 Because, again, we've mentioned this on other iSITE's,
16:04 but when you become involved, when we become involved
16:07 in our local church, it does take us outside of ourselves,
16:10 and thinking about ourselves, and thinking about others.
16:13 Well, we're sitting here again on the, we're calling it the
16:16 river walk, because the river Thames is right in front of us.
16:20 But... Right behind us is the Lambeth Palace.
16:24 Absolutely it is, and it's the home of the
16:27 Archbishop of Canterbury.
16:29 We're trying to keep all these facts straight.
16:32 So we're hoping we're not messing it up.
16:34 But there's just a lot of beautiful sights
16:35 here in London, England.
16:37 A lot of old architecture, beautiful buildings,
16:39 and the stone work, and the brick work,
16:41 and just the way they design them.
16:43 In the United States our buildings only date back to
16:46 what? 1700's if we're lucky, or 1800's.
16:49 But the buildings here go back centuries.
16:51 And you can see that in the design. That's beautiful.
16:53 We're going to the Croydon church next.
16:57 Pastor John Lomacang's there.
16:59 And since we've been hearing from him every night,
17:00 we haven't gotten as many iSITE's from him.
17:03 But we have a couple here that we want to share with you.
17:06 These are great testimonies.
17:07 One is Marie, and she's part of the camera team, isn't she?
17:10 Yeah, she is. She and her husband Clive have been helping
17:13 us behind the camera.
17:14 So you're going to get to see her in front of the camera
17:17 as Pastor John Lomacang interviews her at this time.
17:24 Okay. This is Pastor John Lomacang at the
17:27 Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church where we've been meeting
17:29 from night to night, and enjoying the blessings of God's
17:33 message in music, and in messages.
17:36 I don't say they're blessed because of my involvement,
17:39 but I've experienced the Lord blessing me in ways that have
17:43 have just been refreshing.
17:45 And I've had a chance to meet Sheri.
17:46 And just kind of give me your overview of what you've
17:48 experienced since you've been here.
17:50 It has, you know, it's actually taught me.
17:53 Today I was rather tearful.
17:54 I try to come here every night, and I try to invite somebody
18:00 to come every night.
18:02 And then, you know, last minute they may or may not come.
18:04 But every time I've come here I felt blessed.
18:08 This is my home church.
18:10 But to come every night after you do, you know, a ten hour
18:14 shift, and you feel like, no, I'll come another time.
18:17 And there's something that impresses me, Now come and get
18:20 your blessing tonight.
18:21 I felt really blessed.
18:23 I just finished today doing Adventist Muslim relations
18:27 training, and I should have gone home when we finished at five.
18:31 And yet I found myself making sure I was here,
18:34 to make sure I got my blessing.
18:36 I say whatever you're doing, it doesn't matter what,
18:39 and the other ministries you're involved in.
18:41 You need to get your top up so that you can then give out.
18:45 Without your top up how can you give?
18:48 And I've been blessed with this ministry here today.
18:50 How when you say your top up do you mean get filled so that you
18:53 can flow into other people's lives?
18:55 That's exactly it! That's exactly it!
18:57 You're, as you do ministry your spiritual element gets depleted
19:02 and you need to have that filled with somebody that is
19:06 also on fire for Jesus.
19:08 And when you get that top up and you overflow,
19:10 you can freely give.
19:12 But if you keep depleting with the business of church,
19:15 when you get your top up you're not going to work
19:18 unless you get that.
19:19 Wow, Wow! Have you heard about 3ABN? Yes.
19:22 Okay. Have you watched 3ABN? Yes.
19:24 Well, tell us about 3ABN.
19:26 How has it impacted your life?
19:27 There's particular, the channels that have, I can't remember,
19:31 but it's up in my head, because I was so shattered.
19:33 Well, the channels that deal with sermons are
19:35 particularly my favorite.
19:37 Oh, Proclaim! Yes, that's it.
19:38 And I like to listen to those, because I also use them to help
19:43 me with my understanding of the Bible, and of how to
19:46 reach out in ministry.
19:47 The ministry I'm involved in is Prison Ministry,
19:50 it's also going to be religious ministry.
19:53 I'm also involved in community ministry and the specialty
19:56 I do is Muslim ministry.
19:58 So I use, as the Bible says, when you focus on the Lord,
20:03 when you... What's the wording on that to say?
20:06 I don't want to make something up. Okay.
20:07 But, you know, seek me first, yes, and everything else will
20:13 be added on to you. Matthew 6:33.
20:15 Exactly, so when I seek the Lord first,
20:18 I get my top of Him the word.
20:20 I can then go and do ministry to people that don't know Jesus.
20:23 And so Proclaim! is really good for that.
20:26 Wow! And finally, about these meetings here at Croydon,
20:30 you've seen people coming forward giving their hearts to
20:33 God, what are you anticipating as the meetings wind
20:36 down in about a week?
20:38 What are you thinking God will do here?
20:39 What God, well, what God needs to make sure happens is that
20:43 this momentum for nurturing those that have come to Christ,
20:48 or are wanting to give themselves to Christ continues.
20:53 And the church is empowered to make sure what is left on
20:56 in the pool, and done that symbol, that public symbol of
21:00 their salvation, their acceptance of Jesus.
21:04 That we nurture them to also be disciples of men.
21:07 So it's about... Because we know that people are going to
21:11 continue to come, and we know that people will continue to be
21:14 blessed, because we always have this in our church.
21:17 It's always overflowing. Amen.
21:19 But with this campaign we also know that it's about nurturing
21:23 people to then become the disciples to go out, and reach out
21:27 in the community as well.
21:28 Well, Sheri, thank you so much.
21:30 And, you know, as we've seen here at Croydon, the theme is
21:33 Evangelism, Everyone Everywhere.
21:35 Our encouragement to you is not just to pray for the series
21:39 alone, but to pray that God can use you to be an evangelist
21:42 to share His love, and to share the good news of what's
21:45 happening here in preparation for the coming of Jesus.
21:48 This is John Lomacang, and also Sheri Habib from
21:51 Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:56 This is Pastor John Lomacang here at the
21:58 Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church after a wonderful evening
22:02 of giving God the glory.
22:04 And I'm here privileged to be able to talk to Marie,
22:07 and she's going to share with you the things that she's
22:10 involved in here at Croydon, and what God has been doing
22:13 in her life through the ministry of 3ABN,
22:16 and even just through the series.
22:17 Marie, it's good to have a chance to talk to you.
22:20 We've seen from night to night. Yes.
22:21 Tell us how you are involved in the meetings here at Croydon.
22:25 We are on the cameras.
22:27 And we've been using the camera to witness to other people
22:34 for quite a long time in this church.
22:37 My husband started way back, years ago.
22:41 And we've carried on using this as a ministry so that others
22:47 can hear about Jesus.
22:49 So tell us what your experience has been here at the meetings
22:52 that have been going on for a little more than a week now.
22:55 It's been very good!
22:57 I've been on the cameras.
22:58 You get distracted sometimes, but you can always go back
23:03 to have a look on what's on the YouTube or Internet.
23:07 And the messages have been very inspiring.
23:10 Now Croydon is a very special church.
23:12 You know, this congregation has ministered so much to us. Yes.
23:16 Tell us, as you've seen the people come from night to night,
23:19 tell us what you sense happening here at Croydon.
23:21 I sense that there's a big change; that people are going
23:25 to give their life to God.
23:27 Every night I see them coming in; sometimes new people,
23:31 sometimes people that have come from night to night.
23:34 And when they leave there's a smile on their face.
23:38 The people are clapping their hands, in the audience,
23:41 and we, you know, get in the congregation, and we get all
23:45 this on the camera as people have been so happy by your
23:49 inspiring messages. Praise God!
23:51 And we pray that God will bless you.
23:53 That you will go from country to country witnessing,
23:57 and that the Lord will bless you, and your wife as well,
24:01 witnessing God's wonderful work.
24:04 And have you seen 3ABN before?
24:07 Oh yeah, we have seen a few programs of 3ABN.
24:10 But getting involved with them, it's another thing.
24:13 It's a step ahead. Wow! Yes.
24:16 Well, thank you so much Marie, and we appreciate
24:18 your ministry to us.
24:20 We have appreciated yours, too.
24:22 And thank you very much for coming and blessing us
24:25 with so wonderful messages.
24:27 Well, as you know friends, we're continuing in God's strength,
24:30 and in God's grace to go forward.
24:31 And Marie is very much a part of making that happen, as she
24:35 and her husband and family are involved in the
24:37 media team here at Croydon.
24:38 And they are seeing people come and lives being changed,
24:41 so thank you for all that you have done
24:44 to make this a possibility.
24:46 And by your support and your prayers we know that the Lord
24:48 will make a difference in lives around the world,
24:51 as the theme that we have locked into is
24:53 Evangelism, Everyone, Everywhere.
24:57 This is Pastor John Lomacang.
24:58 Thank you so much for tuning in.
25:01 Thank you, Pastor John Lomacang, and the Croydon
25:04 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
25:05 And again, we really appreciate the crew from this church here
25:08 locally that has helped work with us at 3ABN.
25:11 And I want to thank our 3ABN crew.
25:13 There doesn't seem to be very many of us.
25:16 There are not very many of us that are here.
25:18 And what a wonderful time we've had here in London.
25:21 It's, our time here is wrapping up, that's for sure.
25:24 But we've been very blessed to participate with this campaign
25:27 to work with the Croydon church to go out and do these i-SITES.
25:30 We've had a lot of fun.
25:31 We're now back here on the Croydon Seventh-day
25:33 Adventist Church steps.
25:34 And again, here in a few moments people will come up these steps
25:37 as Pastor John Lomacang brings the word of life,
25:41 the bread of life to many hungry souls.
25:43 Amen, that's right.
25:44 And speaking of the crew, it's just a blessing.
25:46 You know, I don't get to work with the production crew
25:48 as much, because I'm kind of involved in different stuff.
25:51 So as we're here we get to spend time together.
25:54 And they're just dedicated men and women,
25:57 because Tiara is here, too.
25:59 So, and dedicated men and women who just focus their energies,
26:03 the gifts that God has given them on ministry,
26:06 on reaching the lost.
26:08 And it's just been a wonderful blessing.
26:10 There's a wonderful team spirit. That's for sure.
26:12 We have a great time together: early mornings, late nights.
26:15 And just enjoy the time together, working,
26:18 serving Jesus, spreading the gospel.
26:20 And the team here at the Croydon church has been
26:23 wonderful to work with, partnering hands in hand.
26:25 You know, 3ABN and the team here at the church working
26:29 together has been such a blessing to do that.
26:31 It has, you know. And as I'm thinking of the Croydon church,
26:33 a lot of the churches here, most of the churches that I've seen
26:36 have all of this stone work, brick work.
26:38 I'm looking at the brick work here on this wall that's
26:40 in front of us, the stone work of this church.
26:43 You know, all of these little pieces of stone all fit together
26:47 make up the church building. Yes.
26:50 But what makes up the actual church is the people.
26:52 And as we work together we form the church body that can move
26:57 forward with power, because one of these little stones,
26:59 I mean it's hard, it's powerful, it has its purpose.
27:02 But all put together what a beautiful structure this is.
27:05 As the church body you, us, everyone here, the new people
27:08 that are coming into the church, we form the body of Christ
27:11 that can go forth with power and continue to spread the gospel.
27:14 Because these church lights will go off here as the meetings end.
27:17 But they'll flip back on for more meetings,
27:19 church services, etc.
27:21 God wants our light to continue to shine always.
27:24 Don't hide it under the bushel, but let it
27:25 shine around the world.
27:27 Amen! So we're all part of the church building. We are.
27:30 Us here, the Croydon church, the South England Conference,
27:33 you at home are part of the church building.
27:36 You're each part, each form a different brick,
27:39 a different block, and together, working together, holding hands
27:43 together we can share this gospel message to the world.


Revised 2017-07-24