Series Code: ISITE
Program Code: ISITE000008A
00:06 Well friends, welcome to another iSITE REVIEW.
00:09 Jill and I are here again in London. 00:12 And we're at the beautiful Saint James Park on what they 00:15 call the Blue Bridge. 00:18 Now right behind us you can see what they call Horse Guards. 00:22 And then right in front of us is Buckingham Palace. 00:25 A lot of beautiful sites here. 00:27 It's early in the morning and our travel here by the subway, 00:31 we would call it, they call the tube here in the underground. 00:34 We took the underground. 00:36 We took the underground, and it was packed. 00:37 Oh, very crowded, that's for sure. 00:39 And, again, the evangelistic series here in 00:43 London is going well. 00:44 We're more than halfway through already. 00:46 It's hard to believe, but God is blessing in a mighty way. 00:49 And it's just really neat to see how God is working in people's 00:53 personal lives, and they're listening to the Holy Spirit, 00:56 and heeding His call and His bidding. 00:59 Amen. That's right. 01:00 It's incredible to be standing here. 01:01 It's beautiful! You know, it's morning. 01:04 We can hear the birds and the airplanes overhead. 01:06 And just to be out in nature, and to be spending time with you 01:12 at home, and to be sharing these incredible testimonies. 01:15 We just had a mid campaign meeting, we called it. 01:19 Kind of half way through the campaign we wanted to bring 01:22 everyone together: all the speakers, the host pastors, 01:26 as well as the acting conference president, Elder Emmanuel Osei. 01:30 And we just got together for a time of prayer, 01:32 a time of fellowship. 01:34 And we took a little bit of footage of that time together, 01:36 and we want to go to that just now. 01:43 So our group meeting took place at the Advent Center, 01:46 which is the Central London Seventh-day Adventist Church. 01:48 And right there is Acting President Elder Emmanuel Osei 01:51 addressing each one. 01:52 Yeah, and it was a great time to get together, 01:54 because Pastor John also addressed everyone. 01:56 And they were able to... 01:57 You know, there's always some concerns or some issues 01:59 you're dealing with. 02:01 They also shared a lot of positive things that are 02:02 going on in each church. 02:03 That's Pastor John Dinzey and his wife Idalia. 02:05 They were at the Walthamstow church. 02:06 And that's their pastor there at the Walthamstow church. 02:09 That's Pastor Cory Jackson. 02:11 He's at London Ghana church. 02:12 Shelley and J. D. Quinn. 02:14 They're at Stoke Newington. 02:15 There's a blessing just to share what God's doing. 02:18 Pastor Kenny and Chris Shelton were at Hampstead. 02:20 They're sharing testimonies. 02:22 Pastor Kevin and his wife Tara Hart. 02:25 They're at Chiswick church. 02:27 And, of course, that's Pastor C. A. Murray, 02:29 and then his wife Irma. 02:30 They're at Tottenham. 02:32 And he had a great story, too, to share of what's 02:36 going on in his church. 02:38 Those two gentlemen in the front, 02:40 they're from the conference. 02:41 That person there is Dr. Chitty with Shelley Quinn. 02:43 He's doing all the health segments. 02:45 And he's doing a great job. Yes, he is. 02:47 They're a blessing, those health segments. 02:49 Pastor Gamal Alexander, he's at the Brixton church preaching. 02:52 And that's Pastor Phillip Wesley, 02:53 and he's at North Wimbley. 02:55 And each one got to share testimonies of what God is doing 02:59 in their lives, and the people, the decisions 03:01 being made for baptism. 03:03 That's right. And Elder Osei at the end called for a group 03:06 prayer, which was really special because you have not only the 03:09 3ABN team that's here, but also the conference team, 03:12 and several prayed. 03:14 And it was just a very positive, uplifting, not necessarily 03:18 midweek, but mideveangelistic campaign meeting. 03:21 It was. It was a time of encouragement, 03:22 and a time of prayer, a time of asking for the outpouring of the 03:25 Holy Spirit, and God to finish the work that He has begun. 03:31 This is Pastor John Lomacang with the president, 03:33 Emmanuel Osei standing in front of the Advent Center here 03:36 in London; a beautiful center for the Adventist church, 03:40 where much outreach and media and events are held. 03:44 And I'm privileged to be with the president of the 03:47 South England Conference, Elder Emmanuel Osei. 03:49 Thank you so much for spending this afternoon with us. 03:52 We've had a wonderful meeting this morning. 03:53 But as the acting president here in the South England Conference, 03:57 just give us the overall feel of what you have experienced this 04:00 far in going to the different venues where the pastors have 04:03 been preaching for these last, for this last week. 04:06 It's been a joy, and a great experience as we have gone 04:11 from venue to venue, and just talked with the membership, 04:16 talked with the visitors, and with the pastors themselves 04:20 how the meetings are going. 04:22 I must say that as we have talked together there seems to 04:25 be an excitement. That's right. 04:27 Members actually watch 3ABN, and so they're excited to meet 04:32 the 3ABN speakers in person, and to hear as the 3ABN speakers 04:37 are preaching the word of God. 04:39 Among the membership there's an excitement because not only do 04:45 they get to hear the 3ABN speakers preaching live, 04:48 but because everything is streamed 04:51 they're able to say, You know, today I want to 04:54 listen to Pastor Murray. 04:56 They're in Tottenham, and they're able to log on and to tune 05:00 in to Pastor Murray. 05:01 They're able to listen to you just by going on their 05:05 computers or their laptops. 05:07 And it's just been a wonderful experience as 05:10 I've traveled around. 05:11 So it's been a multiple link. 05:13 There's a single link where people can go. 05:16 Maybe you might want to remind those who are watching this 05:19 expose where that link can be found. 05:21 Yeah, it's www. one life. all. UK 05:26 That's where you can log on to tuning to any one of these 05:31 evangelistic series. 05:33 And, as you know, we have nine different locations, 05:35 nine different speakers in communities. 05:38 And we've heard some very, very good news. 05:40 A lot of decisions have been made for people giving 05:43 their lives to Jesus. 05:45 Some people decided for baptism. 05:46 You were privileged to be with us on Friday evening 05:49 at the Croydon church. 05:50 Tell us about your experience there. 05:51 That experience was a beautiful experience. 05:54 As I walked into the Croydon church itself I was just so 05:58 overwhelmed to see the church packed to capacity. 06:02 I saw there a number of visitors as they had come to listen 06:06 to the word of God. 06:08 As I talked with them they said they have been coming 06:10 night after night, which is a good thing. 06:13 Because when a visitor comes something ought to be there 06:18 for them to return again. That's right. 06:20 And to think that they have continued to come tells me that 06:23 they are being fed spiritually. 06:26 The whole experience there on that Friday night was a lovely 06:29 one, because they spoke about the topic of prayer, 06:32 and how prayer has impacted their lives. 06:34 And it was just a blessing to be able to talk with some of the 06:37 members, and visitors after those meetings. 06:40 Wow! And along with also the Pastors here in the 06:42 South England Conference, what is your anticipated 06:45 end for this series? 06:46 You were planning a large meetingtogether. 06:48 Let's talk about that, that grand finale. 06:50 Yes, that's right, that's right. 06:52 Of course, God has blessed the preaching of the word in those 06:56 nine different venues. 06:58 And we're going to be having baptisms this coming 07:02 Sabbath in those venues. 07:04 However, the whole meetings, these two weeks meetings 07:08 is going to culminate on the 17th at the Ruach City church 07:13 there in North West Kilburn, where we are going to have 07:17 a day of fellowship. 07:18 It's at that time that all our 3ABN guest 07:23 speakers will be with us. 07:24 We're going to have those singers from 3ABN 07:28 going to be there also. 07:29 It's just going to be a time where we celebrate 07:32 what God has done for us. 07:34 We're going to experience those who have been baptized. 07:37 There will be testimonies interspersed with music. 07:41 It's just going to be a tremendous time. 07:43 And I just want to invite everyone to be with 07:46 us there on the 17th. 07:48 That's right. And Elder Osei, we're also looking for... 07:51 Danny Shelton will be arriving this week, 07:54 Melody Shelton Firestone. 07:56 We have some wonderful musicians: Tim Parton, 07:58 and right now Reggie and Ladye Love Smith are with us. 08:01 Also Yolanda Innocent Palmer has been here. Right. 08:05 And I understand that Charles Haugabrooks, 08:07 and also Neville Peters are going to be here for the end. 08:09 So we have had such a spiritual fellowship with music, 08:13 as well as with the message every night. 08:15 And all the pastors have said that they can see that the 08:19 Spirit of God is working in a tremendous way. 08:20 And what I also heard, and this is my own experience, 08:23 I personally said this has revived my love for evangelism. 08:27 And when I go back to my own home church there in 08:30 Thompsonville things won't be the same. 08:32 So on behalf of 3ABN and the South England Conference, 08:37 we know that evangelism, and winning souls to Christ 08:39 is alive and well today. 08:41 May the Lord inspire your heart to become a part of 08:45 this One Life movement. 08:47 Is that One Life it's called? 08:48 That's correct, One Life, One Life. 08:50 And the theme is Evangelism, Everyone, Everywhere. 08:54 God bless you. Amen, Amen. 08:56 Thank you so much Pastor Lomacang and 08:58 Elder Emmanuel Osei. 09:00 It's a blessing to come together. 09:02 You know, just to spend time in prayer, 09:04 to gain encouragement. 09:05 We shared testimonies, incredible testimonies from each 09:08 one of the sites of people making decisions for Jesus, 09:11 stepping forward in baptism. 09:13 And that is a wonderful blessing. 09:14 We've been privileged to partner the South England Conference 09:17 with 3ABN in this incredible evangelistic effort. 09:21 And it has been a blessing to work together. 09:22 It has, yeah, it sure has. 09:24 And we've just basically, if you saw the beginning of this 09:27 program, we're on the Blue Bridge in Saint James Park. 09:31 And we've just basically turned around on the bridge, 09:33 and now we have Buckingham Palace that's behind us. 09:36 Now this park was purchased by Henry VIII in 1532, 09:42 I believe is right, and it was marshlands at that point. 09:45 And it's turned into this beautiful Oasis in the 09:47 middle of Central London. 09:49 It's beautiful to see the nature. 09:50 We were earlier this morning, we were watching the little 09:52 ducks feeding here in this pond, or lake, 09:54 and to just enjoy nature. 09:56 It's nice to have a little getaway, isn't it from the 09:58 busyness of the city? 09:59 That's right. I would imagine there's a lot of people here in 10:01 London, and they have several royal parks, where I'm sure it's 10:04 nice for people to come and to be. 10:06 It's 57 acres, so it's a pretty good sized park. 10:08 Right now we want to go to another interview. 10:11 This actually took place outside the Advent Center as well 10:14 when we had our mid-campaign meeting. 10:17 We have not been hearing from the Walthamstow church 10:20 very much, if you've been following iSITE every night. 10:23 Because John and Idalia Dinzey are there at the Walthamstow 10:27 church, and they were having problems uploading these 10:30 cell phone interviews to us to share on iSITE. 10:33 So we took a chance to just sit down with them and to hear 10:36 what's going on at their church. 10:38 So let's go to John and Idalia Dinzey at this time. 10:44 Hello, this is John Dinzey along with my wife Idalia. 10:47 And we're here to tell you about what God is doing in the 10:50 Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10:53 We're working together with Pastor Mohan Abbadasari. 10:55 And it's been quite a blessing working with this church. 10:58 Idalia, as you know, we've had, the people are very caring, 11:03 and kind, and very enthusiastic. 11:06 And I think you've mentioned something about the prayer 11:08 group that impacted you. 11:09 Oh, most certainly. 11:11 Praise the Lord for the prayer groups that have gotten together 11:14 before we arrived at every location. 11:18 So these ladies and gentlemen just get together and pray 11:21 on behalf of all the visitors, all the members of the church 11:25 that are attending, and the speaker. 11:27 And it's impressive how Godly, and so consecrated that these 11:32 groups of people are. 11:33 They're so important. 11:34 They're behind the scenes. Yes. 11:36 They're people that you don't see, or you don't hear. Yes. 11:38 But once you get there they just kindly invite 11:42 you to the upper room. 11:44 So we have a season of prayer. 11:46 And it's a blessing to do it before and after 11:48 the meeting as well. 11:50 That's right. Amen. 11:51 I am blessed by the prayers. 11:52 And I praise the Lord because we have seen the beginning, 11:58 opening night, when many people. 12:00 And then it drops, but then it's picking up. 12:02 Every night it seems like more people are coming. 12:04 That's right, including new visitors. 12:06 New visitors, and we praise the Lord that the people are 12:08 inviting other people. 12:10 And the pastor said that he's seen more visitors than he's 12:11 seen in past events, evangelistic campaigns. 12:14 So we're praising the Lord, but we also need your prayers. 12:17 We're at the mid part of the evangelistic campaign, 12:19 and we really need God's people to pray for a blessing. 12:23 And we encourage you to pray for every evangelist that's here 12:27 from 3ABN, and there are some evangelists local that are 12:31 preaching in other churches. 12:32 So we ask for your prayers, and we are asking for the Lord 12:36 to pour out a great blessing. 12:37 I see the people, Idalia, looking intently, 12:40 and some taking notes, and it's such a blessing. 12:41 That's right. I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge 12:44 the influence and the commitment of the music department leaders. 12:51 They have been so amazing. 12:54 They're anointed. Yes. 12:55 And different praise groups have come from different 12:58 churches with our theme song, Sharing Love With Everyone 13:04 Everywhere, Everywhere. 13:06 We need to share the hope and love of Jesus. 13:08 So praise the Lord for their praise groups, and musicians who 13:11 have contributed to this campaign series. 13:14 Yes. And I'm just reminded by a thought that came to my mind 13:17 that we need to pray for the people that are there, 13:19 but we've been told by the people streaming 13:22 that there are people online also watching, 13:25 and even from other countries. 13:26 So we praise the Lord. 13:28 Please continue to pray for this evangelistic campaign. Amen. 13:31 Thank you to the Dinzey's, and the wonderful report from the 13:34 Walthamstow Seventh-day Adventist Church, 13:36 and how the campaign is going there. 13:37 Again we're at another angle on the Blue Bridge, 13:40 and it's amazing. We hear so many different languages, 13:42 because there's a number of tour groups going by 13:44 from all over the world. 13:45 And this is definitely a well visited spot. 13:48 Now just behind us you can see what they call the Eye, 13:52 which is the London Eye. 13:54 The London Eye, thank you. 13:55 It's a huge Ferris wheel. 13:57 I think it's over four hundred feet, and it's huge. 14:00 Now on one of our... Well, we've had one day off, and during the 14:05 evening some of the crew actually had a chance to go up 14:07 in the Eye and to get some of the shots of the city at night, 14:11 which is absolutely phenomenal, very, very beautiful. 14:14 They have a lot of nice lights, and the Ferris 14:16 wheel moves very slowly. 14:18 We were trying to look at it now it goes so slowly. 14:20 But I don't think it's running yet. 14:22 It must start later in the day, and then go through the 14:24 evening so people can see shots of the city at night. 14:26 And it just reminds us, Greg was talking about just the 14:29 metropolis, the people, and the different languages, 14:31 and cultures, and how God wants us to spread the gospel to every 14:35 nation, kindred, tongue, and people. 14:37 Right now we're going back to the Advent Center there. 14:40 This is our meeting we had yesterday; 14:41 our big campaign meeting. 14:43 And I had a chance just to catch up with Mike Johnson 14:46 for just a moment, so let's go to that now. 14:51 I'm standing here right outside the Central London Seventh-day 14:54 Adventist Church with Brother Mike Johnson, and he has been 14:58 critical, or crucial you could say, to the success of the 15:01 campaign here with the South England Conference. 15:04 What is your role and position here at the 15:06 South England Conference? 15:07 Well, it's really to link with you. 15:08 So I'm not sure what we're going to do now when this is finished. 15:12 It's really I own the relationship between 3ABN 15:14 and the South England Conference. 15:16 So all the logistical things. 15:18 That's where I come into play: making sure the materials 15:22 are in place, pastors are picked up and transferred, 15:25 musicians are looked after, and so on and so forth. 15:27 Well, you've done an incredible job. 15:29 I know we've worked with Brother Mike for several months 15:32 leading up to the campaign. 15:33 You've done a wonderful job organizing. 15:36 And how has been... Have you been to any of the churches, 15:38 or received any feedback? 15:40 How has been the response from this site here. 15:42 I've been to two churches. 15:43 I was at the Brixton church yesterday with Pastor Alexander, 15:47 and thoroughly blessed by his message and the response, 15:50 and the fact that several people, about 8 or 9 people 15:53 gave their lives to Christ as well, 15:55 as a result of that message. 15:57 I've been also to the Lewisham church. 15:58 So during this next week, now that most of the logistic work 16:01 is out of the way, I can actually get a chance to go 16:04 and see what's going on in the churches as well. 16:07 So you'll be seeing me more and more in the local 16:10 churches this coming week. 16:11 That's wonderful. Well, I know you've got to run, Brother Mike, 16:13 but thank you so much for your work, and your dedication, 16:15 and coordinating, and putting all this together. 16:18 My pleasure. Alright, I look forward to this again. 16:20 Alright. Take care. 16:22 Thank you so much Brother Mike Johnson. 16:24 He's done an incredible job. 16:26 He's been our liaison here with the South England Conference; 16:29 organizing, coordinating. 16:31 We've done a lot of emails back and forth, 16:33 and he's done a great job. 16:34 So a special thanks to Mike and the team with the 16:37 South England Conference for helping to 16:38 coordinate the campaign. 16:40 Oh yeah, he's done a great job. 16:41 He has. We just came off the bridge, and we're kind of 16:44 heading north toward the Mall. 16:45 And behind us they have some really neat signs up here. 16:48 Yeah, they do. You know, it tells different directions, 16:50 like it says: Horse Guards Parade, 16:53 the Household Cavalry Museum. 16:55 Buckingham Palace is that way. 16:56 You know, you think about the direction in life. 16:59 You know, sometimes there can be confusion as, 17:01 Well, which direction do we go? 17:02 But God's word will lead us in the right direction. 17:06 And that's what's exciting about this campaign, London 2016, 17:09 is that the word of God is being broken down, and that souls are 17:13 being won for God's kingdom. 17:15 And it's neat. All these evangelists, and the hosts, 17:18 pastors, they're all very strong in the word of God. 17:21 And they're leading people in the right direction actually. 17:23 You know like this sign is giving us different directions; 17:25 how long, how far it is to each point, we know by following 17:28 God's word that it will never lead us astray. 17:31 So continue to pray for these people that have stepped out 17:34 in faith in accepting Jesus Christ. 17:36 And we know that they won't go wrong, because you can't. 17:40 Because God's word will never fail. 17:42 Amen. That's right. 17:43 We have time for a couple of testimonies. We do. 17:44 We're going to go to Shelley and J. D. Quinn's church; 17:47 this is Stoke Newington. 17:48 And after that we want to hear from the Hampstead church. 17:51 And Chris Shelton has an interview for us there. 17:57 I have the privilege of attending the Stoke Newington 18:01 Seventh-day Adventist Church, and also attending this One Life 18:07 series throughout the past week. 18:10 It's been a great privilege to come out each night. 18:15 I've only missed one night. 18:17 But I've learned a lot. 18:18 And so for each and every one of us this series, 18:22 with Shelley Quinn, giving us the power, empowering us how to 18:29 be effective witnesses for God. 18:31 It's very interesting. 18:34 It also teaches us the power of prayer. 18:37 And I'm just overwhelmed with what I've learned 18:42 throughout this series. 18:43 And that is my desire, to be an effective witness, 18:47 not only to the people at work, but also to my 18:51 family and friends. 18:53 And so I hope that even after this series I'm more empowered 18:57 to even get my prayers answered, from even this mornings 19:03 program that was on prayer. 19:06 So I do enjoy it, and I'm even going to study my Bible even 19:11 more from what I've learned throughout this program. 19:15 I've really enjoyed it and I look forward to having them 19:19 come back again with us. 19:20 They're lovely and warm, the couple, wife and husband. 19:24 And I just love how humble and how down to earth and, you know, 19:31 that you could tell she's a woman of God. 19:34 She studies her word, and she knows her word, 19:36 and she has the passion. 19:38 And I want to have that passion when I'm telling 19:40 someone about Jesus. 19:42 I'm a member of the Stoke Newington Seventh-day Adventist 19:46 Church. I've been here from birth until now. 19:49 I'm so glad to be here and part of the One Life 3ABN network 19:57 production that's taking place here in London. 19:59 And I'm glad that we have evangelist Shelley Quinn 20:02 and her husband J. D. traveling with her. 20:05 We've been having a good time here. 20:08 And the fact that she's here is good, because we know that 20:11 they're all over London and in various different places. 20:14 And where they've been spreading the gospel with various 20:16 ministers from 3ABN. 20:18 And I'm glad to know that the gospel is being proclaimed live 20:22 here, and live streamed, and also to the American's, 20:27 which is a lot of my good friends are in America. 20:30 Because I studied in Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama. 20:33 And I want to say Hi if anybody who's out there who knows me, 20:36 and see's my face, I'm saying Hi to you all because 20:39 you're family to me. 20:40 I'm glad to have been over there in your country, 20:43 and studied theology and leadership. 20:46 And I'm so glad to have graduated and 20:48 returned home to my people. 20:50 We're so glad that the gospel is being proclaimed, as I said. 20:53 And the reason why we're so glad, and I'm so glad in 20:55 particular myself, is because the gospel which we preach from 21:00 the Bible is the gospel for everyone. 21:02 It's not exclusive, it's inclusive, which means it's 21:06 for black and white, male and female, young and old, 21:09 every nation, kindred, and tongue. 21:12 And we know that the Bible teaches us that when the gospel 21:14 is preached to every nation, kindred, and tongue and people 21:17 then the end shall come. 21:18 And that end is very near. 21:20 Thank you. And I'll say Christian greetings to you all 21:24 once again, for we're just so happy to have you watching 21:29 and beaming in live. 21:30 Greetings from London, England to all, 21:32 everyone out there who sees it. 21:38 Okay, we are here at the Hampstead church once again. 21:41 And I have Brother Kendol with us. 21:43 Brother Kendol, what have you been doing from night to night 21:46 during these meetings? 21:47 I've been playing the music at a piano from night to night. 21:50 It has been a blessing. 21:52 God has given you a talent. 21:53 You've been playing for our praise team. 21:56 You've been playing for improtu music once in a while. 22:01 What have these meetings... Have they done anything 22:05 special in your heart? 22:06 What have you been sensing? 22:07 Alright, this is my fifth time in London doing this sort of 22:11 thing; playing for campaigns. 22:13 I don't actually live here. 22:14 And it's quite a tough place to get people in to meetings. 22:17 But I've been out there myself trying to get a few people in. 22:21 And I'm happy to say I've had a few visitors 22:24 come that I've invited. 22:25 And we've had a pretty good attendance I think. 22:29 Thinking about how London can be, we've had pretty good 22:32 attendance consistently nightly this past week. 22:35 So that's a real blessing. 22:36 It is a real blessing. 22:37 Plus I know that the Holy Spirit has been really calling, 22:41 really working on the hearts of the people 22:44 that have been coming. 22:45 We've had a lot of people come forward and take a stand. 22:48 Many are saying that they want to be baptized already, 22:51 and some are just recommitting to the Lord. 22:54 So have you had anyone speak to you? 22:56 Have you had that sense in your heart that God is saying, 22:59 You know, we need a closer walk with Him? 23:01 Anything that He has done through these meetings? 23:04 Sure, last Wednesday I was on a bus on the way here, 23:07 and I met a young lady. 23:09 And she and I got to talking, and I said, 23:13 I'm on my way to prayer meeting. 23:14 Actually it was at another church not far from here. 23:18 And I said, Are you free? 23:20 And I said, Why don't you come with me? 23:21 She actually came with me to prayer meeting, 23:23 and that was Wednesday night. 23:25 And that was my chance to invite her to 23:27 Hampstead to the meetings. 23:28 She has been here every night except one night, 23:31 and she spent last Sabbath with us as well. 23:34 She should be here tonight, and she should be coming tomorrow. 23:37 Praise the Lord! Was she one, possibly, 23:39 that took a stand for the Lord? 23:41 She has been responding to the appeals, I have to say that. 23:45 And she's been asking quite a few questions. 23:48 Last Sabbath after the morning meeting we had a mini 23:51 Bible study, and we discussed some things pertaining to the 23:54 Sabbath, and some other issues. 23:56 I was joined by Elder Sadler as well, and the Bible worker 24:00 here who is from Poland. 24:01 Well, praise God! 3ABN family, keep praying, because I know 24:06 that the enemy does not like what's happening here in London. 24:10 We realize that the Holy Spirit is really working on the hearts 24:14 of God's children here, so we encourage you to continue to 24:17 support, and continue to pray each and every evening. 24:20 Thank you, and God bless. 24:23 Wow! Praise the Lord! 24:25 Thank you Stoke Newingham and the Hampstead churches. 24:27 Again, powerful testimonies coming in from these different 24:30 sites that are participating with the London 2016 24:34 evangelistic campaign. 24:35 We appreciate, of course, the praise teams. 24:37 That was at the Hampstead church. 24:39 I'm thinking of the Croydon church. 24:41 Of course, we're kind of biased to this one because we're here 24:44 every night enjoying this praise team, 24:45 and the music that's going on. 24:47 What a ministry! It is, music is an incredible ministry. 24:49 And it touches people's lives, and in a special way prepares 24:52 the heart for the gospel message that is to follow. 24:55 And I know that Sister Chris Shelton there at the Hampstead 24:58 church interviewed the pianist, and he's not even the 25:00 pianist at their church. 25:02 He came in special to play for this campaign. 25:06 And not only is he a visitor, you could say, himself coming 25:09 in, he was inviting other people to come. 25:11 And so praise the Lord for that. 25:12 You know, one thing that struck me though is that he seemed 25:14 to be having a great time, didn't he? 25:16 And he was blessed. 25:17 And we're noticing that here, too. 25:18 You know, as the 3ABN crew, we're participating in this 25:21 sort of behind the scenes, but I know that we're also being 25:23 blessed by just having a behind the scenes 25:25 part in this campaign. 25:27 You know, all of us should never say that our job is not 25:30 important, because God can use any of us, including you, 25:33 and your prayers for this campaign. 25:35 So we were in what park earlier this morning? 25:37 Saint James' Park; one of the royal parks. 25:40 I like that. You know London has a lot of city, 25:42 and a lot of traffic... 25:44 I'm a country boy. 25:45 Yes, we're kind of country people, so being in St. James' 25:48 Park was kind of like going home; just beautiful, peaceful, 25:51 the birds and the nature. 25:52 It was wonderful. And we made it on the train back here 25:56 to the Croydon church. 25:58 And we're on the steps getting ready for the meeting tonight. 26:00 Yeah, we are. And we need to continue to pray because the 26:03 people here in a few moments will be coming up these steps 26:07 and, again, God's word will be opened here at this location 26:10 by Pastor John Lomacang. 26:12 Now there's a special family that tends to come every night. 26:15 They come every night, or almost every night. 26:17 Almost every night they have been here at the campaign. 26:20 And it's been just a special joy for me. 26:23 They have...The Mom has four kids. 26:25 So she has four little kids, and she brings them in. 26:28 And the other night they were downstairs in the 26:31 basement of the church hall. 26:34 We have the main sanctuary upstairs, and then downstairs 26:37 is like overflow seating. 26:38 And the Mom said, Well, I thought I'd bring 26:40 the kids down here. 26:41 They can color, they can talk a bit, walk around a bit, 26:44 and maybe not disrupt. 26:45 Although I didn't think they were disruptive. 26:47 But she said she wanted them downstairs. 26:49 And so I came up to the little girl and I said, 26:51 What are you coloring? 26:53 The church gave out these special bags, and one of them 26:56 was a special coloring book about Jesus. 26:59 And she looked at it and flipped to the very last picture. 27:02 And it was Jesus on the cross. 27:05 And she said, Why did He have to die? 27:08 Wow! That's the essence of the gospel right there. 27:13 That is why this campaign exists. 27:16 Because little girls, like the precious girl I talked to last 27:19 night, want to know about Jesus, want to know the way 27:23 of salvation, and how they can choose to accept Him as their 27:28 Savior, and know that His blood will cover them from all sins. 27:32 So thank you for your prayers for this campaign. 27:36 We ask that you continue to pray nightly for the decisions that 27:41 are made that many more people would choose to accept Jesus. 27:45 We will see you tomorrow night. |
Revised 2017-07-11