Series Code: INFO
Program Code: INFO181114A
00:01 The Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14
00:04 have been set to Music, 00:05 "Give Him Glory" features some of Christian Music's 00:07 top composers, arrangers and singers 00:10 worshiping our Savior and King. 00:13 For a suggested donation of just $15, 00:15 you'll receive your choice of double CD or double DVD 00:19 with free shipping in the United States. 00:22 Order online at: 3ABNstore. com 00:25 or call 618-627-4651. 00:30 One of the highlights of my musical career 00:32 is the release of this Project, "Give Him Glory" 00:36 3ABN Music has just released the Project, 00:39 we're excited... so excited, 00:40 it is not only a highlight for me musically 00:44 but because of the message of the songs... in the songs... 00:48 I am delighted to be a part of this Project 00:51 and today we're here to talk about 00:53 some behind-the-scenes of the songs 00:55 and the meaning of the songs 00:57 so I hope that you will enjoy what you hear today. 01:00 I'm joined by President of 3ABN, Danny Shelton, 01:04 and his wife, Yvonne Shelton. 01:07 Thank you so much for joining me. 01:08 You had an instrumental part... pun intended... 01:12 actually as well as "unintended" of this project, 01:16 you, in fact, wrote the title of the song... 01:19 title song... "Give Him Glory. " 01:20 Danny: Yeah, I did... this project is all about 01:24 what we call "Present Truth" 01:25 and been in music for probably... 01:28 before you were born even, 01:29 I was doing some music back then, I think, 01:32 I'm with you Tim, this is probably, to me, 01:34 the greatest project I've ever been involved with 01:38 because as you already said, it's not just the music, Yvonne, 01:41 but it's the message 01:43 and we here at 3ABN... we believe in Present Truth... 01:46 the three angels' messages of Revelation 14th chapter 01:49 this present truth but... I... 01:51 this is the first time I've seen that put to music 01:54 and I wasn't capable of doing that 01:57 so I brought in people like Tim Parton here, of course, 02:01 and then Lanny Wolfe... 02:03 song writer known around the world 02:05 and David Huntsinger who wrote a lot of the songs 02:09 in the Pillars Project 02:10 that our folks at home watching will know. 02:14 Yvonne: And ET Everett... she's our Producing Assistant... 02:17 Production Assistant and Editing 02:19 and she just kind of brought everything together... 02:22 coordinating and getting in touch with everybody, 02:25 keeping in touch and just... I mean, she's just... 02:28 she's an incredible musician, so... all around. 02:30 Danny: Absolutely, great blessing. 02:32 Yvonne: Yes, for sure. 02:33 Danny: Together it took several months 02:36 to get this project and to get the new songs. 02:39 God has blessed tremendously 02:41 and I don't know about you Yvonne, 02:43 of course you come from a secular background in music 02:46 but I know you're still excited about this one too. 02:48 Ah, tremendously excited because for me, 02:51 being able to hear the three angels' messages put to music... 02:56 it's incredible 02:57 because music speaks to your soul, 03:00 I mean, it can get into places where just... 03:02 the spoken word alone can't 03:04 so to know that we have a project 03:06 that has all of this music and all of this message in it 03:10 is... to me it's just phenomenal 03:12 and the music is incredible. 03:14 Danny: It is, we'll talk about 03:16 arrangers and all in a little bit 03:17 but right now maybe we should go to the first song, 03:20 "Give Him Glory" 03:22 I actually wrote the chorus, Tim, 03:23 many, many years ago 03:24 but I talked to Lanny Wolfe and said, 03:26 "Can you fix this song for me?" 03:28 And, of course, he wrote some beautiful verses to this 03:32 and we just titled this project, "Give Him Glory. " 03:35 And give Him glory... 03:41 Give Him glory 03:46 Humbly bow before His Majesty 03:52 Worship Christ the Lord 03:58 For He is worthy 04:03 He alone is worthy... 04:08 Give Him Glory... that is taken from the... Chapter 14 verse 6 04:13 where it says, "Fear God and give Him glory. " 04:15 so, I love that it is right out of Scripture, right. 04:19 Yvonne: Yes. Tim: It's wonderful 04:20 and I also love the fact that you sing the first verse, 04:23 Yvonne sings the second 04:25 and then your daughter, Melody, joins on the third... 04:28 on the chorus so it makes it a family... 04:30 I love... I just love all of that. 04:33 Danny: You throw in the Aeolians in it... 04:35 doesn't hurt you a bit, right? 04:36 Tim: Yeah... they're good backup. 04:38 Danny: Yeah, absolutely. 04:39 Tim: So, let's talk now about... 04:41 back at the beginning of chapter 14, 04:44 where it talks about singing a new song... 04:47 Danny: That's right. 04:48 Tim: And so, that in fact is going to... 04:50 Danny: Behold the Lamb... beheld the Lamb... 04:52 when you look at that, you know, David Huntsinger 04:56 for the folks at home... 04:58 we already had several songs written for the 14th chapter 05:02 starting with verse 6 05:04 so I said, "David... what can you...? 05:06 So he called me back and he said, "I read... 05:08 started Revelation 14 verse 1 and it's just poetic, 05:12 there has to be a song written about it, can I write on that?" 05:15 I said, "Absolutely... " and did he ever, I mean... 05:19 Tim: It paints a beautiful picture the song... 05:22 it's very well done musically... you can... you can... 05:26 you can see it and sense it even in your mind 05:29 just as you listen to the music, so it's nice... nice production 05:32 I love this song. 05:34 Danny: And it didn't hurt to have Ryan Day 05:36 who we're introducing here to sing 05:38 and what an incredible voice, 05:40 we call it "incredible find" for 3ABN now, 05:44 and... beautiful... and the song is an incredible song 05:48 because as you said, it paints a picture of... of... 05:52 literally, like the second coming... 05:54 I can see Jesus... it's like you're looking heavenward. 05:57 Tim: Right... right. 05:58 Yvonne: Yes, it just... it just kind of flows into... 06:03 it starts out softly and it builds to a real climax 06:07 as though... it... it paints the picture... as you said, 06:11 it just paints a beautiful picture of the saints in heaven. 06:14 I started saying, I was in heaven... 06:16 I'm seeing us there. 06:17 Well, Revelation paints a picture... 06:19 sometimes people are scared of it... 06:22 that... you know... scary or traumatic... or dramatic... 06:25 but this, all of a sudden, 06:27 opens us this whole beauty of Revelation, 06:30 "I looked and beheld a Lamb" 06:32 that Lamb, of course, is Jesus Christ. 06:34 Yvonne: Amen. 06:35 Tim: Well, let's... let's give it a listen... 06:37 let's hear it. 06:38 Yvonne: Sounds great. 06:39 Sang... they sang a new song 06:43 worthy the lamb 06:48 He who was slain the righteous Savior 06:52 reigns as the great I am 06:56 born of His mercy 07:01 His bride to claim... 07:14 Worthy His Name... 07:20 Worthy the Lamb of God that was slain, I love that... 07:24 They sang a new song... worthy the Lamb... 07:26 Danny: Can't wait. Tim: Powerful right? 07:28 I can... I can just... 07:30 I'm practicing to be a part of that choir for sure. 07:33 Yvonne: Absolutely... absolutely. 07:35 Now, in Revelation 22 07:38 we hear the words of Jesus saying, "Behold I come quickly" 07:42 and I love that section of the Scripture 07:46 and Lanny Wolfe came up with a... 07:48 a kind of a nice little twist stylistically... 07:51 I have kind of a Quartet... Southern gospel background 07:54 and so this song reminds me of something that we would 07:58 do in Southern Gospel Music 08:00 and so, in fact, we used a Quartet of John Lomacang, 08:05 Ryan Day, myself, and Gene McDonald 08:07 and then the choir backed us up on this great little song, 08:11 "Behold I come Quickly" 08:13 powerful, powerful message. 08:14 Danny: A little... the little behind-the-scenes was... 08:17 I told Lanny... we were going to co-write this song, 08:20 "Behold I Come Quickly" 08:22 so Lanny Wolfe was here at 3ABN 08:24 staying in one of the apartments and so, I said to him, 08:26 "Hey Lanny, I'm... I've got something. " 08:29 During the night before, I'd come up with a little tune 08:32 and kind of... the chorus, 08:33 I said, "I'm coming over to the apartment 08:35 let's work on this song. " 08:36 He said, "Sure. " 08:37 Ten minutes later, I walk in and I pull out my little... 08:40 on my phone I have an App that's going to play it. 08:42 He said, "Before you do that, 08:43 I was just working on something this morning... 08:46 let me let you hear this. " 08:48 As soon as I heard it, I put my phone back up 08:50 and I said, "Oh oh... this is way out of my league... 08:53 absolutely beautiful, but "Behold I Come Quickly" 08:56 you know, Jesus said, "My reward is with me" 08:59 and so, we have that hope and that promise, Yvonne, 09:03 that Jesus is coming... and we can go home with Him forever. 09:07 And I... I love the way this arrangement is because 09:10 you know, it's... 09:11 it does have a different twist to it... 09:14 it is kind of upbeat and happy and... 09:17 but the message is profound again, 09:20 putting that message into music which makes all the difference 09:24 so... 09:25 Danny: You have to be happy when you hear it 09:26 and the thing for me... 09:28 in Revelation people say, 09:29 "I didn't know there was so much joy... 09:31 so much happiness but... " 09:32 it's a revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ 09:34 that's what Revelation says in the beginning 09:36 so it should happy... happy songs... happy music. 09:40 Tim: Right, the... the way that it's written 09:42 is in the tense of Jesus speaking these... every word... 09:45 in the beginning word and verses, 09:47 "I came on a mission from my heavenly home 09:49 to die on a cross for sins to atone 09:52 I went away but said, I'd come back some day 09:54 just keep looking up to the sky watch and pray. 09:57 Behold I come quickly. " 09:59 Let's hear it. 10:00 Danny: Like a thief in the night let's do it. 10:02 Yvonne: Yeah... 10:03 Choir: Ahh... ahh... ahh... ahh... 10:30 Oooh... Behold, I come quickly 10:34 Ahh... ahh... ahh... ahh... 10:54 Audience clapping. 10:59 Amen. 11:01 That part where Ryan takes over that chorus... 11:05 when we change keys going into that... 11:07 it's like, "Sign me up... " 11:09 "Behold I come quickly... " I'm ready. 11:11 I think... 11:12 I think you guys should go to the Quartet Convention. 11:14 That would be good. 11:16 Get a bus... set out singing... 11:18 sounds great to have big Gene McDonald... 11:20 a lot of folk have seen him sing in the Gaither's 11:23 oh... sing great bass voice and... 11:25 It's a good Quartet... 11:27 Especially never having sang together before. 11:29 Tim: Maybe that's why we had so much fun... 11:31 we hadn't sung together so we don't know right... 11:35 so... let's move along and talk about 11:38 a great song that you sing, 11:40 "Beautiful Lord, we praise your name" 11:43 this is a tune that a lot of people are familiar with 11:47 written by Beethoven, "Ode to Joy" 11:51 it's got a big, long number and an opus 11:54 and it's... but... but that doesn't matter 11:57 it's the lyrics now that Lanny has re-written 12:00 to make it appropriate for this song. 12:03 Danny: Absolutely, we kind of did it with you in mind. 12:06 Yvonne: Oh, that was so sweet, it's such a joy to sing it 12:08 because, again, it's Beethoven but with a whole different feel 12:13 and the Aeolians, of course, were singing as well 12:16 and so, they take it to another level 12:18 and just being able to sing with them was such a blessing 12:21 but I... 12:22 I loved singing the song, it's just beautiful. 12:25 Danny: The Aeolians, we should say, 12:27 they've actually been voted I think twice... 12:29 I just heard recently again, "Number One Choir in the World" 12:33 and I know they've gone on to Europe and... 12:35 Yvonne: The Oakwood University Aeolians. 12:36 Danny: Yeah, absolutely, 12:38 so to have them a part of this project is amazing too 12:41 but when it's all said and done 12:43 it really is just about praising the name of the Lord 12:45 so, you can do it in fast... Southern Gospel... 12:49 you can do it in blue grass... 12:51 you can do it in this... in more classical... like this 12:55 but it all says the same. 12:56 Tim: That's right, and this 12:57 this style is really down the Aeolians' alley 13:00 as far as them being collegiate and... 13:02 and I remember being in the Studio 13:04 and they were just very prim and proper 13:06 in the way they were singing this 13:08 and it comes out so well 13:09 but on some of the others 13:10 they were able to move right into the... the style 13:53 One of the difficult parts of understanding Revelation 14 13:59 is the references to Babylon 14:03 and the whole portion of... of Scripture that... 14:08 that is talking about... maybe not so much as 14:12 why it is difficult to understand in the Scripture 14:14 but putting it in words to write into a song 14:18 I can't imagine trying to undertake... 14:21 undertake that task. 14:47 A lot of times, people won't listen to preachers 14:52 on the three angels' messages or many things in the Bible 14:55 but with this set to music and then to bring in Wintley Phipps 14:59 who has this incredible voice and to have him sing this 15:04 but Lanny hit subject: The Image of Daniel 15:07 have you ever heard the song 15:08 talking about the image of Daniel? 15:10 I haven't... you know, all of these things 15:11 but he did it... and he said this 15:14 that I'll never forget, 15:16 Lanny said, "I've written over 700 songs... 15:18 this is the only song that I ever wrote 15:21 that I felt like God took the pen out of my hand 15:26 and wrote it Himself... the words... " 15:28 I mean, that's amazing isn't it? 15:30 Yvonne: That's amazing... that's amazing! 15:31 It would have to be God 15:33 because there's no way to put those kinds of lyrics to music 15:38 and make it flow 15:40 it just... it hasn't happened before 15:42 and we're really thankful that it happened this time. 15:46 because this... this... 15:47 I've never heard a song like this before 15:49 you know, showing Babylon is fallen is fallen 15:53 and to put it to music... it just blows me away. 15:57 Yeah, this to me literally is our mission at 3ABN 16:02 to get the get the three angels' messages to the world 16:05 and I didn't dream that somebody could put a song together 16:08 and thank you... you're humble about it 16:10 but you helped on it 16:12 and so you're a co-writer of this song, 16:14 I know Lanny did most of it but it's your ideas 16:16 and your helping and your support 16:18 but it is an absolutely incredible song. 16:21 This is a great production as well, 16:23 David Clydesdale did a wonderful job 16:25 in making... arranging it and producing the orchestra 16:29 and it's... it's got a bit of a... 16:31 almost a Broadway Production you know, 16:34 it's just such a... such a wonderful presentation. 16:37 Danny: It's something! 16:38 Tim: Right, just a great big presentation 16:40 so, let's watch. 17:16 Choir: In a little while, 17:19 in a little while... we shall cross the billow's foam... 17:22 Narrator: As we prepare for the second coming of Jesus, 17:24 the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 17:27 call us to worship our Creator. 17:29 Now those messages have been set to music... 17:32 Choir: Give Him glory... 17:37 Narrator: You'll be moved by Wintley Phipps 17:39 singing Glorious Church. 17:41 "in Spirit and truth and is faithful to the end... 17:48 I will sing and welcome... " 17:53 Narrator: Some of Christian music's best artistes 17:55 have come together to produce this project 17:57 and now, you can own it on a double CD or double DVD 18:01 for a suggested donation of just $15 18:04 with free shipping in the United States. 18:06 To order your copy of "Give Him Glory" 18:17 Welcome back, thank you for joining us 18:20 as we talk about the three angels' messages 18:23 as we have released this project "Give Him Glory" 18:25 excited just to be talking to you 18:28 because I thank you for bringing this message to my attention 18:32 you know, grew up... 18:34 kind of like Lanny 18:35 and maybe some of the other writers 18:37 that weren't steeped in this message 18:40 but what a tremendous blessing it's been 18:42 to be a part of this so thank you. 18:43 Danny: Praise the Lord for a great job 18:45 I want to say that Tim did, 18:46 he's the Producer actually, we called it a Co-Producer 18:49 but he was the main one, I just kind of sit back in awe 18:52 but the production and maybe we can take... 18:55 in a few moments at least we want to talk a little bit 18:58 about some of the arrangers. 18:59 Tim: Sure, absolutely, 19:00 in fact, let's just talk about that right now, 19:03 there were five Orchestrators and Arrangers 19:05 that were instrumental to... and then being a part of... 19:08 part of this... 19:10 we actually went to a long-time friend, Kris Wilkinson 19:14 and who... she has been working on our projects 19:17 for so many years... 19:18 Danny: 35 plus years. 19:19 Tim: Right, this time she was so busy, 19:21 God has blessed her with so many open doors 19:23 that she was so busy that she didn't have time 19:26 to accomplish everything and we were kind of... 19:28 a little taken aback... 19:30 scared as to how we were going to approach this project 19:32 but God opened the door for... 19:34 actually for this to work out much... almost even better 19:38 by introducing us to four new people including plus... 19:42 in addition to Kris, so we had David Clydesdale, 19:46 Jim Gray, Russel Mauldin, 19:49 and Chris McDonald who worked on all of the songs. 19:53 Danny: They complemented each other. 19:55 Tim: I was going to say, instead of competing... 19:57 they did... they all brought their best game to the... 20:00 to the... to the game and... 20:02 Danny: And a huge orchestra, 20:04 you have your, of course, Rhythm Section first... 20:07 and then we went back and brought a huge orchestra 20:09 then we had what we call our Nashville singers, 20:12 friends like Reggie and Ladye Love Smith 20:14 and Roy Gardener, of course, my daughter Melody, 20:16 then Tammy Jensen... a lot of folk... 20:19 Yvonne: Judy Rymond... 20:21 Danny: Judy... we could go on... 20:22 brought that choir for a number of songs 20:24 and then on about four or five, I think, 20:26 we got the Aeolians to come in and sing 20:28 so... huge production but praise the Lord... 20:31 Tim: You really can't go wrong with all of that wonderful music 20:35 but then you piled some wonderful songs on there... 20:38 and with great messages... 20:39 so it's truly been, again, a highlight for me. 20:43 Let's talk about some of the other songs 20:45 that are on this project. 20:46 Tim: We started off with a couple of medleys... 20:49 one of newer songs and one of older hymns... 20:52 a lot of people will be more familiar with the hymns 20:54 but also with... 20:55 with the first medley that is, Lanny Wolfe, 20:58 "More than wonderful" medley, 20:59 you actually started off with 21:01 "Surely, the presence of the Lord" 21:02 which is a song you've been singing for many years. 21:04 I love it, at lot of the Camp Meetings, 21:06 we will start with that song 21:08 and I just enjoy hearing you sing it 21:11 and so it's a great way to start the project, I think, 21:13 and it's totally... it's giving Him glory... 21:15 it's giving... giving God glory... so... 21:18 and then we... in that... that medley with 21:20 "More than Wonderful" 21:22 which is such a powerful song 21:23 that Sandi Patty and Larnelle Harris made popular 21:28 several years ago, 21:29 but then, Yvonne and Ryan and you updated... 21:34 because you updated... because it's got a twist on the lyrics. 21:36 Yvonne: That's right, that's right 21:38 instead of "about God... we're talking to... " 21:41 so... "You are more... " 21:44 you know, "You are more wonderful 21:46 more wonderful than my mind can conceive" 21:50 and so, it... it's worship now... 21:52 it's... it's not just praise... it's worship. 21:55 And all of the other songs all complement the new songs... 22:00 five or six new songs written... 22:02 on specifically the three angels' messages 22:05 so we picked songs that literally complement 22:07 our part well. 22:09 Tim: Sure, in fact that second, 22:11 the second medley which is a hymn-based medley 22:13 has songs like, 22:15 "Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking. " 22:18 Yvonne: Yes, yes. 22:19 Danny: Oh yeah, yeah, that's an old one... 22:22 Tim: Yeah, I actually went through the hymnal 22:24 and just started looking for theme of "going home" 22:28 which is... it's... I know, we also did 22:31 "When we all get to Heaven" 22:33 and so, there's like, three or four songs from that 22:36 but then, we have a great friend 22:39 who's been in the song writing for many years 22:42 Aaron Wilburn... and he wrote many years ago, 22:46 "That sounds like home to me" 22:47 and your sister, Tammy Chance, sang on this song with Ryan, 22:53 I just love that. 22:56 Danny: You'd think about the way Aaron wrote it 22:58 and then I've heard all kinds of people sing it 23:01 and the Gaithers did it but to think about... 23:04 it sounds like, 23:06 when you talk about heaven and explain 23:08 and you see the beauty 23:09 in a while this sounds like home to me 23:12 so that's... really I say all of us 23:14 are created with... there's homing pigeons... 23:17 homing devices... while we're here, 23:19 the Bible says we're sojourners and strangers 23:22 but our home really is our heavenly home 23:25 so when we're in heaven, it should sound like home to us. 23:27 Nice... nice... 23:29 a couple of more songs... 23:30 your daughter sang, "Lord, I worship You" 23:33 and then Julie Goss sang, 23:35 "Jesus, we crown You with praise" 23:37 again, two songs... it's amazing how this project is... 23:40 it's so centered on worshipping Christ, 23:43 it's truly a worship experience, 23:46 I mean, I just love to put this CD on 23:49 and love to worship the Lord. 23:51 Danny: Yeah, I do too. 23:52 Yvonne: I'm glad you said that, it is an experience... 23:54 all the different textures that are in the songs 23:58 with the different arrangements and arrangers 24:01 and the orchestrations and the artists, 24:04 I mean it just has all of these layers 24:06 and it's all about worship 24:08 which is what the book of Revelation really is about, 24:11 it's about worship... 24:13 Danny: That's preaching. let's preach it... 24:14 Yvonne: Come on now, we're going to have church in here. 24:16 Tim: So, basically what you're saying is, 24:18 "We encourage you to buy this to practice worshiping 24:21 so that when we get to heaven, you'll be caught up 24:25 and we'll... that way we can all worship in one accord 24:29 but truly, this is a... such a huge blessing 24:32 and we're going to come back with a few more songs 24:35 that we have on the bonus CD 24:37 and we'll talk about that right after this message. 24:41 Choir singing: In a little while in a little while... 24:45 Narrator: As we prepare for the second coming of Jesus, 24:48 the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 24:51 call us to worship our Creator. 24:53 Now, those messages have been set to music. 24:57 Choir singing: "Give Him Glory. " 25:01 Narrator: You'll be moved by Wintley Phipps singing 25:04 "Glorious Church" 25:05 Wintley singing: In Spirit and truth 25:08 and is faithful to the end I will sing... 25:16 Narrator: Some of Christian music's best artistes 25:19 have come together to produce this project 25:21 and now you can own it on the double CD or double DVD 25:25 for a suggested donation of just $15 25:28 with free shipping in the United States. 25:31 To order your copy of "Give Him Glory" 25:41 Welcome back to behind-the-scenes 25:43 of the three angels' messages, "Give Him Glory" CD. 25:45 You had a wonderful idea to include a bonus CD 25:50 of songs from the other projects. 25:53 There are about four or five projects 25:55 that you had done prior to this 25:57 and so, I think that's a great idea 26:00 to explain some of those songs 26:01 and there are five songs from that project... 26:03 from those projects... 26:05 Yvonne, tell us what those are. 26:06 Yvonne: Well, the first one is, "I Have Fixed My Mind" 26:08 and Reggie Smith is singing that. 26:10 Danny: Oh, that's a great song. 26:12 Yvonne: That's from the "Pillars" Project 26:15 and then there is: "Holy, Holy, Holy" 26:19 oh, I love that... you arranged that song. 26:21 Tim: Right, in the Pillars Hymns Project. 26:22 Yvonne: That's right... and... 26:24 Danny: Reggie and Ladye and you sang that. 26:25 Yvonne: Yes, oh and there's such anointing on that song to me 26:28 from the time I first sang it, I loved it 26:31 and then that: "Hallelujah, We're Home At Last!" 26:33 and Danny and I wrote that song 26:35 and that's from the Project of the same name 26:40 and "Just In Time" is... is a song from the Calvary 26:47 was it from Calvary Project 26:48 and then the last one is: "Calvary Says Love To Me. " 26:51 Tim: I love that song. 26:53 Yvonne: Isn't that beautiful? Danny wrote that one too 26:55 and... and Ladye Love Smith sings it 26:57 and, of course, her voice sounds like silk. 26:59 Yeah. 27:00 Tim: I think this is a wonderful piece of work... 27:04 the "Give Him Glory" CD and the bonus CD... 27:07 it's just wonderful 27:08 and I encourage our Viewers to get your copy of this, 27:12 it's available also in DVD, the Concert... 27:16 you will enjoy this CD and DVD. 27:19 Danny: Amen. 27:20 Be sure and contact us here at 3ABN to get your copy 27:24 of: Give Him Glory. 27:26 Choir: In a little while in a little while... 27:31 We shall cross the billow's foam. 27:36 Narrator: You are sure to enjoy the beautiful 27:38 "Give Him Glory" Project 27:40 as you hear the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 27:44 put to music, 27:46 you will be ushered into the throne room of God. 27:48 Choir: Jesus, we crown you with praise. 27:56 Narrator: Some of the best Christian music composers 27:58 and arrangers 28:00 have joined together on this project 28:01 featuring Julie Goss, 28:03 Wintley Phipps, 28:05 Oakwood University's Aeolians 28:09 and 3ABN Artiste, Danny Shelton, 28:11 Ryan Day, 28:13 Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, 28:14 John Lomacang, 28:16 Melody Shelton-Firestone, 28:18 Tammy Chance, 28:20 C.A. Murray 28:21 and Tim Parton. 28:23 For a suggested donation of $15, 28:26 we will send you a double CD or double DVD 28:30 of: "Give Him Glory" 28:31 or for a suggested donation of just $25, 28:35 we will send you the CD and DVD combo 28:39 as well as a complimentary copy of John Lomacang's booklet, 28:41 "The Three Angels' Messages. " |
Revised 2018-11-14