(uplifting theme music) 00:00:00.66\00:00:03.47 (music ends) 00:00:14.38\00:00:15.91 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School," 00:00:15.91\00:00:17.35 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:00:17.35\00:00:19.45 We're delighted that you are able to join us again this week 00:00:19.45\00:00:22.12 as we continue our journey 00:00:22.12\00:00:23.65 through this quarter's Sabbath school lesson, 00:00:23.65\00:00:25.92 "Managing for the Master Till He Comes." 00:00:25.92\00:00:28.46 This, this is week number 10. 00:00:28.46\00:00:31.56 Lesson number 10, we're talking about giving back. 00:00:31.56\00:00:33.80 We have covered a lot of ground. 00:00:33.80\00:00:34.96 We've still got two weeks to go, 00:00:34.96\00:00:36.60 but this week we are taking a look at giving back 00:00:36.60\00:00:39.23 and what it means to give back. 00:00:39.23\00:00:42.44 This quarter, we have had Ed Reid with us each week. 00:00:42.44\00:00:45.87 We have him here again this week. 00:00:45.87\00:00:47.68 He, of course, is an ordained minister. 00:00:47.68\00:00:49.94 He is a licensed attorney and has a great deal of experience 00:00:49.94\00:00:54.32 in the area of stewardship. 00:00:54.32\00:00:56.79 So before we look at "Giving Back," 00:00:56.79\00:00:58.22 let's pray, as we usually do. 00:00:58.22\00:01:00.86 Father, thank You for blessing us with another opportunity 00:01:00.86\00:01:03.73 to learn more about Your plan for us and our lives, 00:01:03.73\00:01:07.40 especially as it relates to finances 00:01:07.40\00:01:09.83 and help us this week to understand some of the many ways 00:01:09.83\00:01:12.77 that we can give back for the many blessings 00:01:12.77\00:01:15.30 that You've given to us. 00:01:15.30\00:01:16.40 We thank You in Jesus' name, amen. 00:01:16.40\00:01:19.61 Ed, welcome back, we're glad to have you with us again. 00:01:19.61\00:01:21.71 >>Another good lesson, thank you. 00:01:21.71\00:01:23.45 >>So we're excited about this one, "Giving Back." 00:01:23.45\00:01:26.55 It takes a lot of years for many people 00:01:26.55\00:01:29.82 to gain enough to the point where they feel 00:01:29.82\00:01:33.05 that they can give back. 00:01:33.05\00:01:34.39 Of course, God--we've talked about tithe 00:01:34.39\00:01:36.36 and offerings and so forth, 00:01:36.36\00:01:38.16 but now we talk about giving back, and the memory text 00:01:38.16\00:01:41.03 is Revelation, chapter 14, verse number 13. 00:01:41.03\00:01:44.40 It says, "And I heard a voice 00:01:44.40\00:01:45.63 "from heaven saying unto me, 'Write, 00:01:45.63\00:01:47.37 "'"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 00:01:47.37\00:01:49.60 "'from henceforth"': 00:01:49.60\00:01:51.07 "'Yea,' saith the Spirit, 'that they may rest 00:01:51.07\00:01:53.11 from their labours; and their works do follow them.'" 00:01:53.11\00:01:57.25 So how does that verse relate with giving back? 00:01:57.25\00:02:01.22 What does it mean to give back in this context? 00:02:01.22\00:02:04.32 >>Well, giving back actually means that if God gave it to us 00:02:04.32\00:02:07.52 to begin with, when we're done with it, 00:02:07.52\00:02:09.36 what should we do with it? Well, give it back to Him. 00:02:09.36\00:02:11.99 So after your family's taken care of 00:02:11.99\00:02:13.33 and the needs of your family are taken care of, 00:02:13.33\00:02:15.43 we're not gonna take it with us, we know that, 00:02:15.43\00:02:17.43 so that we need to make arrangements 00:02:17.43\00:02:18.83 for it to go back to Him. And then, so, after we pass away, 00:02:18.83\00:02:22.44 the effect of that is that our assets 00:02:22.44\00:02:24.97 that we contribute, that we make to 00:02:24.97\00:02:25.84 It Is Written or other ministries 00:02:25.84\00:02:27.64 continue to work on God's behalf. 00:02:27.64\00:02:29.74 >>So even once a person has passed away, 00:02:29.74\00:02:31.91 the financial benefits that God has blessed them with, 00:02:31.91\00:02:35.65 in large part because of their faithfulness 00:02:35.65\00:02:37.29 during their life is going, to continue 00:02:37.29\00:02:39.69 doing the work of God afterwards. 00:02:39.69\00:02:42.69 In 1 Timothy, chapter 6, verse number 7, 00:02:42.69\00:02:45.79 last week we mentioned, says, 00:02:45.79\00:02:47.50 "We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain 00:02:47.50\00:02:49.76 [that] we can carry nothing out." 00:02:49.76\00:02:52.00 Somebody once said 00:02:52.00\00:02:53.47 that they've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer, 00:02:53.47\00:02:57.51 and I think that's very, very true. 00:02:57.51\00:02:59.17 You can't take anything with you. 00:02:59.17\00:03:00.71 So it's important to know what to do 00:03:00.71\00:03:03.24 with that, with those financial blessings during the time 00:03:03.24\00:03:06.72 that you are here. 00:03:06.72\00:03:08.02 Sunday's lesson is an interesting passage. 00:03:08.02\00:03:10.42 It talks about the rich fool. 00:03:10.42\00:03:12.25 We've often, you know, heard this story before. 00:03:12.25\00:03:14.46 I wanna read this, though, from Luke, chapter 12, 00:03:14.46\00:03:17.53 starting in verse number 16. Luke, chapter 12, verse 16, 00:03:17.53\00:03:21.63 and I'm going to read down through verse 21. 00:03:21.63\00:03:24.47 It says, "[And] He"--that is, Jesus-- 00:03:24.47\00:03:26.10 "spoke a parable to them, saying: 00:03:26.10\00:03:27.64 "'The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. 00:03:27.64\00:03:31.87 "'And he thought within himself, saying, "What shall I do, 00:03:31.87\00:03:34.14 "'since I have no room to store my crops?" 00:03:34.14\00:03:36.81 "'So he said, "I will do this: 00:03:36.81\00:03:37.91 "'"I will pull down my barns and build greater, 00:03:37.91\00:03:40.52 "'"and there I will store all my crops and my goods. 00:03:40.52\00:03:43.59 "'"And I will say to my soul, 'Soul, 00:03:43.59\00:03:45.42 "'"'you have many goods laid up for many years; 00:03:45.42\00:03:47.79 "'take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.'" 00:03:47.79\00:03:51.09 "'But God said to him, "Fool! 00:03:51.09\00:03:53.26 "'"This night your soul will be required of you; 00:03:53.26\00:03:56.10 "'then whose will those things be which you have provided?" 00:03:56.10\00:03:59.83 "'So is he who lays up treasure for himself, 00:03:59.83\00:04:02.37 and is not rich toward God.'" 00:04:02.37\00:04:04.74 So Jesus calls this individual a fool. 00:04:04.74\00:04:08.28 I think there are many things that we would like 00:04:08.28\00:04:10.38 to have Jesus call us. 00:04:10.38\00:04:11.71 "Fool" is probably not near the top of the list. 00:04:11.71\00:04:14.35 Why does Jesus call this man a fool? 00:04:14.35\00:04:17.62 >>The real interesting part 00:04:17.62\00:04:18.75 is that he's living only for this life. 00:04:18.75\00:04:20.36 He's not thinking of the future life at all, 00:04:20.36\00:04:22.39 thinking only of himself and not of others, 00:04:22.39\00:04:24.09 not the cause of God. 00:04:24.09\00:04:25.56 So I said that this rich fool is the poster child 00:04:25.56\00:04:29.30 of what not to do with your accumulated assets. 00:04:29.30\00:04:33.07 So if a person is quitting work 00:04:33.07\00:04:34.47 to spend his accumulated assets on himself, 00:04:34.47\00:04:36.67 he should be aware and take this story to heart. 00:04:36.67\00:04:39.17 So we're really talking about estate planning here. 00:04:39.17\00:04:41.64 The interesting thing, Eric, 00:04:41.64\00:04:42.71 is none of us know the day of our deaths. 00:04:42.71\00:04:44.31 So what we wanna do is prepare for it 00:04:44.31\00:04:46.08 as if it could happen now; 00:04:46.08\00:04:47.18 our assets are in order, and we've taken stock 00:04:47.18\00:04:50.85 of what we have and what we plan to do with it. 00:04:50.85\00:04:53.15 So you'd have your will done 00:04:53.15\00:04:54.29 and your trust if you need a trust. 00:04:54.29\00:04:56.52 I'm gonna tell you now that you wanna be your own executor 00:04:56.52\00:04:59.03 and try to give it away yourself if you can. 00:04:59.03\00:05:01.00 Your testamentary documents are only for those that 00:05:01.00\00:05:03.97 you haven't thought about giving away or you needed 00:05:03.97\00:05:06.10 to keep until you died, 00:05:06.10\00:05:07.17 like your house or your car or whatever. 00:05:07.17\00:05:09.07 >>So what we're looking at, then, is where does all this go 00:05:09.07\00:05:12.51 and how does it benefit the work of God 00:05:12.51\00:05:17.08 after a person's death. 00:05:17.08\00:05:19.88 As we mentioned a moment ago, you can't take it with you, 00:05:19.88\00:05:22.58 and that really is Monday's lesson: 00:05:22.58\00:05:24.79 "You Can't Take It With You." 00:05:24.79\00:05:26.15 What happens to all of our possessions when we die? 00:05:26.15\00:05:29.66 How does that all work? 00:05:29.66\00:05:30.76 A lot of younger people maybe aren't thinking 00:05:30.76\00:05:33.56 toward that end. 00:05:33.56\00:05:34.83 It's usually as we get more advanced in years 00:05:34.83\00:05:36.90 and we get more toward the end of our life 00:05:36.90\00:05:39.63 than the beginning at least, as far as we can foretell. 00:05:39.63\00:05:43.61 What happens to all of our possessions when we die? 00:05:43.61\00:05:46.61 >>At the end of today's lesson, 00:05:46.61\00:05:47.64 I'll give you some actual questions to ask 00:05:47.64\00:05:51.21 to what you should do with it. 00:05:51.21\00:05:52.68 But the bottom line is what we do 00:05:52.68\00:05:54.22 with our accumulated assets is just as important 00:05:54.22\00:05:56.85 as what we do with our day-to-day expenses. 00:05:56.85\00:05:59.05 So if we haven't made a plan, 00:05:59.05\00:06:02.16 of course, the state has a plan for you. 00:06:02.16\00:06:03.89 So that's the real sad part. 00:06:03.89\00:06:06.09 And another interesting thing about 00:06:06.09\00:06:07.23 if you don't have an estate plan is that 00:06:07.23\00:06:10.03 the state assumes that you're an atheist, 00:06:10.03\00:06:11.57 and nothing of yours will ever go to a church or charity. 00:06:11.57\00:06:14.37 It all goes to any relatives you may have, 00:06:14.37\00:06:16.37 whether they need it or not, 00:06:16.37\00:06:17.17 whether they would use it wisely 00:06:17.17\00:06:18.54 or whether you would include them in your will or not. 00:06:18.54\00:06:20.61 So if you want to benefit individuals 00:06:20.61\00:06:22.94 who have been kind to you or the cause of God, 00:06:22.94\00:06:25.08 you need to do that yourself 00:06:25.08\00:06:26.05 with your own testamentary documents. 00:06:26.05\00:06:28.58 >>So I want to run that by again 00:06:28.58\00:06:30.72 'cause I---make sure I heard you correctly. 00:06:30.72\00:06:33.56 The state is not going to choose to give 00:06:33.56\00:06:37.19 any of your possessions, your money, your income, 00:06:37.19\00:06:40.80 anything that you have left, 00:06:40.80\00:06:42.36 it's not going to choose to give it to your church 00:06:42.36\00:06:44.47 or to a ministry or to someplace that you want it to go. 00:06:44.47\00:06:47.90 It's gonna make decisions--as you said, 00:06:47.90\00:06:50.47 they assume you're an atheist. 00:06:50.47\00:06:52.34 >>Exactly. The interesting thing, Eric, 00:06:52.34\00:06:54.58 that--you summarize that correctly. 00:06:54.58\00:06:57.45 Even though you were a regular tither 00:06:57.45\00:06:58.71 and you were a regular supporter of ministries and so on, 00:06:58.71\00:07:01.35 if you die without using your assets up, 00:07:01.35\00:07:03.92 the state will always only use it from a civil perspective 00:07:03.92\00:07:06.55 and give it to relatives. 00:07:06.55\00:07:08.32 If you have no relatives living-- 00:07:08.32\00:07:10.29 once in a while that happens-- 00:07:10.29\00:07:11.73 the term is (indistinct) to the state, 00:07:11.73\00:07:14.66 and you get bridge-building out of it 00:07:14.66\00:07:16.33 and that kind of thing, 00:07:16.33\00:07:17.37 but no church or charity ever benefits 00:07:17.37\00:07:19.50 unless you have a will. 00:07:19.50\00:07:21.24 >>So you can't just tell somebody who's a friend of yours 00:07:21.24\00:07:24.84 or a family member that you want it to go to church, 00:07:24.84\00:07:26.88 and you can't scribble it down on a post-it note, 00:07:26.88\00:07:28.71 but there are some actual legal documents 00:07:28.71\00:07:30.25 that you need to have, yes? 00:07:30.25\00:07:31.58 >>Very simple documents, yes, 00:07:31.58\00:07:32.95 and that you should hire an attorney. 00:07:32.95\00:07:34.88 The reason I'm telling that is that 00:07:34.88\00:07:37.09 they have the proper documentation for the state 00:07:37.09\00:07:39.45 that you live in and they can make sure 00:07:39.45\00:07:41.42 the proper witnesses and notarization is signed and so 00:07:41.42\00:07:46.13 on. Because if you try to do it yourself, believe it or not, 00:07:46.13\00:07:49.10 when some people die with money, 00:07:49.10\00:07:51.50 relatives come outta the woodwork. 00:07:51.50\00:07:52.63 They're all wanting some of your assets, 00:07:52.63\00:07:53.97 but if you've made it, a will, theoretically and ideally, 00:07:53.97\00:07:57.41 you should give most of it away, if you can, 00:07:57.41\00:07:58.81 but what's left there should be very specific, 00:07:58.81\00:08:02.38 where you want it to go and what should happen to it. 00:08:02.38\00:08:04.65 >>All right, so we'll come back and look, as you mentioned, 00:08:04.65\00:08:06.21 a little bit later at some of the finer points of this, 00:08:06.21\00:08:09.48 but Tuesday's lesson talks 00:08:09.48\00:08:12.22 about beginning with personal needs. 00:08:12.22\00:08:14.76 I wanna read 1 Timothy, chapter 5 00:08:14.76\00:08:16.73 in verse number 8 and then give you an opportunity 00:08:16.73\00:08:20.10 to comment on that. 00:08:20.10\00:08:22.13 It says, "But if any provide not for his own, 00:08:22.13\00:08:24.77 "and specially for those of his own house, 00:08:24.77\00:08:26.90 he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 00:08:26.90\00:08:30.41 Again there, we don't wanna be considered 00:08:30.41\00:08:33.44 worse than an infidel, but why is this important, 00:08:33.44\00:08:36.18 and why do we want to take care of this first? 00:08:36.18\00:08:38.81 >>Believe it or not, weird things happen in money 00:08:38.81\00:08:40.92 management in families that aren't trained properly. 00:08:40.92\00:08:42.88 For example, sometimes I've had people talk to me-- 00:08:42.88\00:08:46.02 a lady told me one time, "Well, 00:08:46.02\00:08:47.89 "my husband passed away, and I have no idea what to do 00:08:47.89\00:08:49.72 "with the money because he always managed everything, 00:08:49.72\00:08:51.49 "and I think we owned some property in Florida, 00:08:51.49\00:08:52.93 but I'm not sure where it was." 00:08:52.93\00:08:53.90 And she didn't know what to do. 00:08:53.90\00:08:55.53 So, my personal feeling is that family should have 00:08:55.53\00:08:58.73 a family council, at least annually, 00:08:58.73\00:09:00.50 and decide what their assets are 00:09:00.50\00:09:01.84 and what they're doing with it and where it's going 00:09:01.84\00:09:03.74 and what income they have and what expenses they have 00:09:03.74\00:09:06.04 and so on. 00:09:06.04\00:09:07.14 The big bottom line is our first responsibility 00:09:07.14\00:09:10.55 is to our family. And we need to make sure that our children 00:09:10.55\00:09:13.38 are educated properly. 00:09:13.38\00:09:14.98 The goal of Christian parents, of course, 00:09:14.98\00:09:16.65 is to train their children to become independent adults. 00:09:16.65\00:09:19.09 The best way to do that is to help them with their education 00:09:19.09\00:09:21.69 so they can have a secure position in life 00:09:21.69\00:09:24.83 and provide a service for humanity and also be able 00:09:24.83\00:09:27.96 to support the cause of God. 00:09:27.96\00:09:29.60 >>So putting the children first, 00:09:29.60\00:09:31.13 of course, tithe and offering, those, 00:09:31.13\00:09:34.40 that's part of our daily regular giving-- 00:09:34.40\00:09:37.74 systematic giving or systematic benevolence, 00:09:37.74\00:09:40.41 sometimes it's referred to--but then caring 00:09:40.41\00:09:42.78 for our children at the top of the list. 00:09:42.78\00:09:46.38 But then after that, 00:09:47.48\00:09:49.18 there's--we want to continue giving--Wednesday talks 00:09:49.18\00:09:52.59 about deathbed charity, and we're gonna dive into that 00:09:52.59\00:09:57.39 in a little more detail in just a moment. 00:09:57.39\00:10:00.40 What are--give us some other reasons to make sure 00:10:00.40\00:10:04.60 that our immediate family is taken care of beforehand. 00:10:04.60\00:10:08.90 You already gave some, but some other additional reasons 00:10:08.90\00:10:11.91 why that might be so important. 00:10:11.91\00:10:13.58 >>One thing is very interesting, Eric, 00:10:13.58\00:10:15.04 and that is to make sure that your family's debt free, 00:10:15.04\00:10:17.68 that they're not burdened with a lot of debts 00:10:17.68\00:10:19.05 when you pass away. Make sure that that can happen. 00:10:19.05\00:10:21.55 That's very, very important. 00:10:21.55\00:10:23.12 Make sure that their needs are taken care of, 00:10:23.12\00:10:24.99 as far as their food, clothing, and shelter, 00:10:24.99\00:10:27.02 those kinds of things. 00:10:27.02\00:10:28.92 A lot of times people don't think about that 00:10:28.92\00:10:30.56 because they just get by from paycheck to paycheck. 00:10:30.56\00:10:33.66 But if you have plans and you follow the counsel of the God 00:10:33.66\00:10:36.10 and you've been diligent to know the state of your affairs, 00:10:36.10\00:10:39.17 that's what we're talking about in Proverbs 27:23 and 24: 00:10:39.17\00:10:43.51 "Be...diligent to know the state of [your] flocks, 00:10:43.51\00:10:45.41 and look well to [your] herds." 00:10:45.41\00:10:47.31 I've already mentioned earlier that the Bible 00:10:47.31\00:10:48.91 was written to an agricultural people with agrarian society, 00:10:48.91\00:10:53.52 but we can just make sure you know what your assets are, 00:10:53.52\00:10:56.05 where they are, and how safe they are and so on. 00:10:56.05\00:10:58.55 "For riches are not for ever: 00:10:58.55\00:11:00.16 and doth the crown endure [for] every generation?" 00:11:00.16\00:11:02.62 So I can just tell you that we need to make, 00:11:02.62\00:11:05.53 I would say, a balance sheet, 00:11:05.53\00:11:06.63 at least annually, to know what your income is 00:11:06.63\00:11:09.56 and what your expenses are and what your assets are. 00:11:09.56\00:11:12.30 I remember the first time I did a balance sheet 00:11:12.30\00:11:13.97 right after school, it was a negative net worth. 00:11:13.97\00:11:16.91 I mean, I owed more than I owned. 00:11:16.91\00:11:18.71 Fortunately that's changed a lot, 00:11:18.71\00:11:20.04 but the bottom line is if you don't do a balance sheet, 00:11:20.04\00:11:22.14 you never know where you are in these kinds of things. 00:11:22.14\00:11:25.51 >>So that's just your basic starting point 00:11:25.51\00:11:27.92 is a balance sheet to figure out what your assets are 00:11:27.92\00:11:30.89 and what your liabilities are 00:11:30.89\00:11:32.92 and find out whether you end up, 00:11:32.92\00:11:35.32 as they say, in the black or in the red. 00:11:35.32\00:11:37.96 And you want to try to end up with a positive balance 00:11:37.96\00:11:40.73 rather than a negative balance. 00:11:40.73\00:11:42.73 But a lot of people start in the negative balance. 00:11:42.73\00:11:45.63 It doesn't mean that they have to stay there. 00:11:45.63\00:11:47.34 In fact, they shouldn't stay there. 00:11:47.34\00:11:48.60 They should end up going from red to black. 00:11:48.60\00:11:51.21 For some people it's gonna take a little bit longer, 00:11:51.21\00:11:53.07 but by the grace of God, that scale can tip 00:11:53.07\00:11:56.71 and people can end up in the black enough 00:11:56.71\00:11:58.68 to take care of their needs, their family's needs. 00:11:58.68\00:12:01.18 And what we're talking about right now also 00:12:01.18\00:12:02.98 is the needs of the kingdom, 00:12:02.98\00:12:04.92 the needs of a spreading of the gospel around the world. 00:12:04.92\00:12:08.59 And so this quarter, that's what we've been looking at. 00:12:08.59\00:12:10.73 We've been looking at how to manage those finances 00:12:10.73\00:12:13.93 that God entrusts to us. 00:12:13.93\00:12:16.43 We're getting toward the end of the quarter. 00:12:16.43\00:12:18.50 Some of you have been with us through this entire journey. 00:12:18.50\00:12:20.74 Some of you are just joining us this week, 00:12:20.74\00:12:22.60 and for those of you 00:12:22.60\00:12:23.71 who are just joining us this week, welcome. 00:12:23.71\00:12:25.07 We're glad that you've caught us on week number 10 of 12. 00:12:25.07\00:12:27.54 You still have a couple of weeks to join us, 00:12:27.54\00:12:29.58 but if you want to catch up 00:12:29.58\00:12:30.95 and if you want to get more out of this quarter's lesson, 00:12:30.95\00:12:33.28 make sure that you pick up the companion book 00:12:33.28\00:12:35.22 to this quarter's Adult Bible Study Guide, 00:12:35.22\00:12:37.29 and that is "Managing for the Master" by G. Edward Reid. 00:12:37.29\00:12:40.56 You can pick that up at itiswritten.shop. 00:12:40.56\00:12:43.79 Again, that's itiswritten.shop. 00:12:43.79\00:12:46.29 And this book goes into greater detail in the subjects 00:12:46.29\00:12:48.90 that we are looking at week by week. 00:12:48.90\00:12:51.77 It'll give you a fantastic opportunity to catch up 00:12:51.77\00:12:54.87 and it'll give you an opportunity even to get ahead, 00:12:54.87\00:12:57.44 so you can stop at itiswritten.shop 00:12:57.44\00:13:00.04 and pick up the book "Managing for the Master." 00:13:00.04\00:13:03.48 Gives additional insights and will bless you abundantly. 00:13:03.48\00:13:06.18 We're going to come back in just a moment 00:13:06.18\00:13:07.58 as we continue with lesson number 10, "Giving Back." 00:13:07.58\00:13:11.65 We'll see you back in just a moment. 00:13:11.65\00:13:13.72 (uplifting theme music swells and ends) 00:13:13.72\00:13:16.96 (upbeat music) 00:13:18.43\00:13:20.70 >>[Announcer 1] Planning for your financial future 00:13:20.70\00:13:22.30 is a vital aspect of Christian stewardship. 00:13:22.30\00:13:25.13 For this reason, It Is Written is pleased 00:13:26.23\00:13:28.40 to offer free planned giving and estate services. 00:13:28.40\00:13:31.61 For information on how we can help you, 00:13:31.61\00:13:34.11 please call 800-992-2219. 00:13:34.11\00:13:38.88 Call today or visit our website, hislegacy.com. 00:13:38.88\00:13:43.28 Call 800-992-2219. 00:13:43.28\00:13:47.02 (inspirational music) 00:13:48.66\00:13:49.96 >>[Announcer 2] This season on "Conversations": 00:13:49.96\00:13:52.49 >>Many times I think I know what God wants 00:13:52.49\00:13:56.23 or doesn't want me to do, and many times it's the opposite. 00:13:56.23\00:14:00.30 >>I was looking next to the car, 00:14:00.30\00:14:02.94 there's this family with a little ugly car 00:14:02.94\00:14:05.87 I would never have, but I saw the family, 00:14:05.87\00:14:08.38 they're so happy; they're laughing and giggling. 00:14:08.38\00:14:10.81 I said, "Lord, this is--that's what I want." 00:14:10.81\00:14:13.62 >>Jesus just had this warm, loving feeling 00:14:13.62\00:14:17.02 that I just couldn't describe, and I wanted it 00:14:17.02\00:14:19.15 more than anything in this world, 00:14:19.15\00:14:20.89 and I knew He was the answer. 00:14:20.89\00:14:22.76 I don't know how I knew. I just knew He was the answer. 00:14:22.76\00:14:26.93 >>[John Bradshaw] Amen, amen. She is Gayle Haberkam. 00:14:26.93\00:14:29.53 His name is Dr. George Guthrie. 00:14:29.53\00:14:31.77 She once was a practitioner of Santerķa. 00:14:31.77\00:14:35.87 I'm John Bradshaw, and this is our conversation. 00:14:35.87\00:14:39.27 >>[Announcer 2] Now available on itiswritten.tv. 00:14:40.68\00:14:44.25 (inspirational music fades) 00:14:45.45\00:14:47.88 (uplifting theme music) 00:14:49.88\00:14:52.19 >>[Eric] Welcome back to "Sabbath School," 00:14:53.69\00:14:55.56 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:14:55.56\00:14:58.23 Today we're continuing with lesson number 10, "Giving Back." 00:14:58.23\00:15:02.30 So, once God has blessed us during the course of our lives, 00:15:02.30\00:15:06.17 it's time to give back--give back to our family, 00:15:06.17\00:15:09.07 give back to the spread of the gospel, 00:15:09.07\00:15:11.21 give back to the work of God. 00:15:11.21\00:15:13.17 And we're getting here to Wednesday's lesson. 00:15:13.17\00:15:16.14 Wednesday's lesson is entitled "Deathbed Charity." 00:15:16.14\00:15:19.58 Ed, is that when we should give back to God? 00:15:19.58\00:15:22.42 Is that the first time we should give back to God, 00:15:22.42\00:15:24.62 when we're on our deathbed? 00:15:24.62\00:15:26.05 Maybe there's some times beforehand 00:15:26.05\00:15:27.52 that we should be thinking about that 00:15:27.52\00:15:29.26 and taking some practical steps to do that. 00:15:29.26\00:15:32.19 Lead us through this idea. 00:15:32.19\00:15:33.83 >>Well, when we talk about deathbed charity, 00:15:33.83\00:15:35.40 we can also talk about deathbed conversions. 00:15:35.40\00:15:37.93 Like the thief on the cross, 00:15:37.93\00:15:39.23 it's always possible the last moment to accept Christ, 00:15:39.23\00:15:41.00 but you wouldn't wanna risk 00:15:41.00\00:15:42.70 not knowing, when you're gonna die, for one thing. 00:15:42.70\00:15:45.01 Another one is if you're giving it only when you die, 00:15:45.01\00:15:48.18 then you're giving it to death rather than to God, really, 00:15:48.18\00:15:49.98 'cause if you lived another day, 00:15:49.98\00:15:51.55 you'd keep it another day longer. 00:15:51.55\00:15:53.62 So it's not the best way to do it. 00:15:53.62\00:15:56.02 I have this little statement that I talk to people about, 00:15:56.02\00:15:58.72 which is, "If you do your giving while you're living, 00:15:58.72\00:16:00.99 then you're knowing where it's going." 00:16:00.99\00:16:03.56 >>I like that. I like that. 00:16:03.56\00:16:05.23 >>Because a lot of people, even though they have wills, 00:16:05.23\00:16:07.36 they have relatives fight over it, 00:16:07.36\00:16:08.53 and things go to court, and it takes years 00:16:08.53\00:16:10.30 for things to happen. 00:16:10.30\00:16:11.67 So my suggestion is to try to do as much as you can 00:16:11.67\00:16:14.20 while you're still alive. 00:16:14.20\00:16:15.77 >>So you get to experience some of the blessings 00:16:15.77\00:16:18.67 of seeing where those funds went 00:16:18.67\00:16:21.58 and not just hoping that everything ends up 00:16:22.64\00:16:25.21 working out right in the end. 00:16:25.21\00:16:26.55 >>That's true. >>That's encouraging. 00:16:26.55\00:16:27.95 I wanna read 1 Timothy 6, verse number 17 here, Ed. 00:16:27.95\00:16:32.02 It says, "Charge them that are rich in this world, 00:16:32.02\00:16:34.59 "that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, 00:16:34.59\00:16:38.89 "but in the living God, who giveth us richly 00:16:38.89\00:16:41.16 all things to enjoy." 00:16:41.16\00:16:43.13 Share with us some thoughts about that. 00:16:43.13\00:16:45.67 >>Well, one thing interesting I can tell you, that 00:16:45.67\00:16:48.50 Kathy and I follow a plan of doing the best we can 00:16:48.50\00:16:50.57 while we're alive so we know 00:16:50.57\00:16:51.91 where it's going, the good it'll do, and so on. 00:16:51.91\00:16:53.78 So I'm gonna share with you advantages 00:16:53.78\00:16:56.18 of giving presently rather than just waiting till you die. 00:16:56.18\00:16:59.45 One of them is the donor 00:16:59.45\00:17:00.65 can actually see the results of the gift. 00:17:00.65\00:17:02.82 For example, if I gave a gift to It Is Written, 00:17:02.82\00:17:06.49 and I wanted to benefit SALT 00:17:06.49\00:17:07.99 for training young people and others, 00:17:07.99\00:17:09.66 scholarships for those kind of people going forward. 00:17:09.66\00:17:12.43 New church building, young person in college, 00:17:12.43\00:17:14.83 an evangelistic campaign that's funded, and so on-- 00:17:14.83\00:17:17.40 funds are always needed for evangelism. 00:17:17.40\00:17:19.50 People say, "Well, all they talk about is money." 00:17:19.50\00:17:21.90 If we didn't talk about money, 00:17:21.90\00:17:23.27 that means the work is over, and there's nothing going on. 00:17:23.27\00:17:25.41 The second one I would mention is the person 00:17:25.41\00:17:27.14 or the ministry can benefit now when the need is greatest, 00:17:27.14\00:17:29.31 not when I die. The third one is a very good one also, 00:17:29.31\00:17:33.15 there's no fighting among family or friends after your death 00:17:33.15\00:17:36.05 'cause if you give it away, nobody's gonna say you-- 00:17:36.05\00:17:38.39 maybe they'll try to maybe say you were incompetent 00:17:38.39\00:17:40.56 or something, but most of the time, if you give it away, 00:17:40.56\00:17:43.46 you can do it with a video recording or something, 00:17:43.46\00:17:45.53 and there's no question about it. 00:17:45.53\00:17:47.30 Another one is it sets a good example of family values 00:17:47.30\00:17:49.23 of generosity and love for others. 00:17:49.23\00:17:51.47 Sometimes people don't realize this, 00:17:52.53\00:17:53.94 but your family values are one of your best heritage 00:17:53.94\00:17:56.24 from your parents-- 00:17:56.24\00:17:57.37 honesty, punctuality, and things like that. 00:17:57.37\00:17:59.24 Generosity is another good one. 00:17:59.24\00:18:00.94 Another one, number five, minimizes estate tax 00:18:02.44\00:18:07.22 consequences. Number six, this may not be a big deal for some 00:18:07.22\00:18:10.39 people, but it might be for others. 00:18:10.39\00:18:11.69 So always recognize that there's no estate tax consequence 00:18:11.69\00:18:14.66 if you give it away first. 00:18:14.66\00:18:16.46 Another one is that guarantees that the gift 00:18:16.46\00:18:18.69 will be made to your desired entity, 00:18:18.69\00:18:20.70 no interference from courts or disgruntled relatives. 00:18:20.70\00:18:23.33 Those are important things to remember. 00:18:23.33\00:18:25.10 Also, it demonstrates that the heart of the donor 00:18:25.10\00:18:28.64 has been changed from selfishness to love. 00:18:28.64\00:18:30.51 If I'm giving my assets away, 00:18:30.51\00:18:31.84 I'm just recognizing that God's the owner of everything, 00:18:31.84\00:18:33.71 and I'm just giving it back to Him. 00:18:33.71\00:18:35.71 And then probably the greatest one of all these 00:18:35.71\00:18:38.05 is stores up treasures in heaven. 00:18:38.05\00:18:39.81 So if you know that you're going there soon, 00:18:39.81\00:18:40.92 would you rather have your treasures there 00:18:40.92\00:18:42.02 or on this earth to get burned up? 00:18:42.02\00:18:44.62 >>Yeah, I think those are all legitimate things to consider 00:18:44.62\00:18:47.86 as you're trying to figure out where your finances should go 00:18:47.86\00:18:51.36 as you're, well, probably getting toward the latter years 00:18:51.36\00:18:54.36 of your life, but not waiting till the very end. 00:18:54.36\00:18:56.67 Ed, I wanna share this interesting quote 00:18:56.67\00:18:58.30 from "Testimonies for the Church," volume five, page 154. 00:18:58.30\00:19:01.87 There's some interesting counsel here. 00:19:01.87\00:19:04.67 It says, "I saw that many withhold from the cause 00:19:04.67\00:19:07.51 "while they live, quieting their consciences 00:19:07.51\00:19:10.05 "that they will be charitable at death; 00:19:10.05\00:19:12.18 "they hardly dare exercise faith and trust in God 00:19:12.18\00:19:15.38 "to give anything while living. 00:19:15.38\00:19:17.35 "But this deathbed charity is not what Christ requires 00:19:17.35\00:19:20.09 "of His followers; 00:19:20.09\00:19:21.42 "it cannot excuse the selfishness of the living. 00:19:21.42\00:19:24.53 "Those who hold fast their property till the last moment 00:19:24.53\00:19:27.23 surrender it to death rather than to the cause." 00:19:27.23\00:19:29.80 And you made that statement a moment ago. 00:19:29.80\00:19:31.87 "Losses are [occurred] continually. 00:19:31.87\00:19:33.67 "Banks fail, and property is consumed in very many ways. 00:19:33.67\00:19:37.17 "Many purpose to do something, but they delay the matter, 00:19:37.17\00:19:40.51 "and Satan works to prevent the means 00:19:40.51\00:19:42.68 "from coming into the treasury at all. 00:19:42.68\00:19:44.68 "It is lost before it is returned to God, 00:19:44.68\00:19:46.92 and Satan exults that it is so." 00:19:46.92\00:19:50.45 You know, many different churches 00:19:50.45\00:19:52.39 and conferences and ministries and groups 00:19:52.39\00:19:54.92 have planned giving and trust services reps 00:19:54.92\00:19:57.23 who can help guide someone through this process 00:19:57.23\00:20:01.10 so that they can make sure that all their legal documents 00:20:01.10\00:20:04.30 are in order and everything is the way that it should go, 00:20:04.30\00:20:09.37 which kind of leads us to Thursday's lesson 00:20:10.47\00:20:12.87 about spiritual legacy. 00:20:12.87\00:20:15.24 Walk us through this idea of spiritual legacy, 00:20:15.24\00:20:18.35 its importance, its significance, 00:20:18.35\00:20:20.58 its applicability to us depending on where we happen to 00:20:20.58\00:20:25.65 be in our life toward the near end. 00:20:26.45\00:20:27.82 Of course, nobody knows. I don't know, you don't know, 00:20:27.82\00:20:30.49 nobody knows when our last breath is going to be. 00:20:30.49\00:20:34.56 When should we be considering our spiritual legacy, 00:20:34.56\00:20:36.90 and what does that look like in practical terms? 00:20:36.90\00:20:39.47 >>My wife and I have had our estate plan enforced 00:20:40.70\00:20:43.67 for many, many years. 00:20:43.67\00:20:45.17 We did it when in our 20s, when our children were young, 00:20:45.17\00:20:47.88 and we've changed it; 00:20:47.88\00:20:49.08 we've modified, updated it several times. 00:20:49.08\00:20:50.88 Our assets change and our interests change 00:20:50.88\00:20:53.78 and that kind of thing, 00:20:53.78\00:20:55.05 so I would suggest that people do that. 00:20:55.05\00:20:56.95 But what we did is we asked ourselves some questions. 00:20:56.95\00:20:59.39 So I'm gonna ask you guys some questions, 00:20:59.39\00:21:00.79 and you think of what you think about these. 00:21:00.79\00:21:02.96 First of all, has your family been blessed over the years? 00:21:02.96\00:21:05.19 How has they been blessed? What has benefited your family? 00:21:05.19\00:21:07.96 Has it been church, school? Has it been a hospital situation 00:21:07.96\00:21:11.17 or a local church that you appreciate very much? 00:21:11.17\00:21:14.00 How did you come to know the Lord? 00:21:14.00\00:21:16.47 Well, in our case, we've got, I think, 10 ministries 00:21:16.47\00:21:19.41 that we're supporting with our estate plan. 00:21:19.41\00:21:21.11 We try to do it even now. 00:21:21.11\00:21:22.68 We've given most of them contributions this year, in 00:21:22.68\00:21:25.15 fact. The bottom line is it was one of these ministries 00:21:25.15\00:21:28.12 that most of people know very well 00:21:28.12\00:21:29.48 that brought our family into the Adventist church, 00:21:29.48\00:21:31.02 and if that hadn't happened, 00:21:31.02\00:21:32.09 I would have had no ministry for the church, 00:21:32.09\00:21:34.66 nor would any of my family be involved as they are today. 00:21:34.66\00:21:37.39 Another one, did you receive a blessing 00:21:37.39\00:21:38.83 through your educational experience 00:21:38.83\00:21:40.96 or during a stay at a medical institution? 00:21:40.96\00:21:43.40 This is always happening. Of course, your alumni association 00:21:43.40\00:21:46.80 always tries to keep in touch with you, 00:21:46.80\00:21:48.00 but if you had a good experience there 00:21:48.00\00:21:49.57 and you wanna help others to experience it, 00:21:49.57\00:21:51.74 that's a place to think about as well. 00:21:51.74\00:21:53.48 Here's another good one. 00:21:53.48\00:21:54.84 Do you appreciate having a church to worship in? 00:21:54.84\00:21:57.58 Would you like to help pay off the church's mortgage 00:21:57.58\00:21:59.45 and be debt free or fund some evangelistic outreach? 00:21:59.45\00:22:03.75 Another one, have you ever been blessed at a summer camp 00:22:03.75\00:22:05.92 or have children that have been blessed there? 00:22:05.92\00:22:08.66 Those are places you can think about for-- 00:22:08.66\00:22:11.09 let me just interject here, Eric. 00:22:11.09\00:22:13.43 The assumption is with all these questions 00:22:13.43\00:22:15.13 that I've been faithful with my tithe, 00:22:15.13\00:22:16.53 so these are my assets that I've already paid tithe on, 00:22:16.53\00:22:18.50 so this is all offerings that I'm doing. 00:22:18.50\00:22:20.87 So it's, what I'm telling you is that it's discretionary 00:22:20.87\00:22:24.51 how I want to use them. 00:22:24.51\00:22:25.91 Does that make sense? 00:22:25.91\00:22:27.51 >>It does. So the tithe just comes off the top and should be 00:22:27.51\00:22:30.48 for, you know, throughout our walk with the Lord. 00:22:30.48\00:22:33.62 >>[Ed] So this is-- >>[Eric] So that's-- 00:22:33.62\00:22:34.85 >>...our accumulated assets. >>...already done. 00:22:34.85\00:22:35.42 >>Yeah. >>Yep. 00:22:35.42\00:22:36.08 >>Okay, we'll go on. 00:22:36.08\00:22:38.39 Would you like to help others learn 00:22:38.39\00:22:39.39 about the soon coming of Christ? 00:22:39.39\00:22:40.96 This really encourages us when we see people 00:22:40.96\00:22:42.66 are doing evangelistic meetings 00:22:42.66\00:22:43.86 or on television ministries and so on. 00:22:43.86\00:22:46.13 Would you like to help build schools and churches 00:22:46.13\00:22:47.86 around the world? 00:22:47.86\00:22:49.16 Has your life been blessed 00:22:49.16\00:22:50.30 by attending evangelistic meetings? 00:22:50.30\00:22:52.00 Would you like to support these organizations 00:22:52.00\00:22:54.57 in the 10/40 window like Adventist World Radio, for 00:22:54.57\00:22:57.97 example? Were you helped by the church during the time of need? 00:22:57.97\00:22:59.81 Would you like to help others? 00:22:59.81\00:23:01.41 Have you gone on a short-term mission trip? 00:23:01.41\00:23:03.51 Kathy and I, we've been on short-term mission trips 00:23:03.51\00:23:05.75 and they've been high points of our life. 00:23:05.75\00:23:06.88 And would you like to see that happen 00:23:06.88\00:23:08.52 to some other person that might not be able to benefit, 00:23:08.52\00:23:10.89 like to help others be able to do so? 00:23:10.89\00:23:12.89 Would you like to help some orphanage or a clinic where HIV 00:23:12.89\00:23:15.89 and AIDS has brought much sorrow and pain? 00:23:15.89\00:23:18.19 There are many questions now that you could ask yourself. 00:23:18.19\00:23:20.63 You can think of more of it yourself. 00:23:20.63\00:23:22.26 How have you been blessed over your life? 00:23:22.26\00:23:24.20 What organizations do you believe are doing God's will? 00:23:24.20\00:23:26.90 So this is storing up treasures in heaven, 00:23:26.90\00:23:28.77 but most of all it's helping the ministry of God go forward. 00:23:28.77\00:23:32.47 These are the kind of things we read about earlier, Eric, 00:23:32.47\00:23:34.41 when it says when you're laid to rest, 00:23:34.41\00:23:36.18 your life continues to go on because you're blessing others. 00:23:36.18\00:23:39.91 >>So you've given us a lot of very practical suggestions, 00:23:39.91\00:23:43.15 of questions to ask, things to consider, 00:23:43.15\00:23:47.82 maybe people to contact or groups to contact 00:23:47.82\00:23:51.06 to help guide you through something. 00:23:51.06\00:23:53.40 What would you tell someone who is saying, "Yeah, 00:23:53.40\00:23:57.73 "those are good ideas. I'm gonna do those. 00:23:57.73\00:24:01.20 "I'll think about calling this person, 00:24:02.57\00:24:04.97 making this appointment, getting these documents in order." 00:24:04.97\00:24:07.71 What would you tell someone 00:24:07.71\00:24:08.81 who hasn't done it yet and intends to do it 00:24:08.81\00:24:13.38 but has other priorities at the moment? 00:24:13.38\00:24:17.15 >>Well, the bottom line is the sooner the better, really, 00:24:17.15\00:24:19.39 because you never know the day of your death. 00:24:19.39\00:24:21.86 Kathy and I thank God that we made a safe trip down here 00:24:21.86\00:24:23.76 to Chattanooga area, 00:24:23.76\00:24:25.13 but who knows whether we'll get home or not. 00:24:25.13\00:24:27.73 We're all ready, 'cause we have our plans made already, 00:24:27.73\00:24:30.30 no need to worry about that. 00:24:30.30\00:24:32.30 But I can tell you something interesting also, 00:24:32.30\00:24:34.17 and that is that people think that if they make their will 00:24:34.17\00:24:36.97 and their trust, they're gonna die sooner. 00:24:36.97\00:24:38.34 They don't die any sooner; they just die prepared. 00:24:38.34\00:24:40.44 That's important to know. 00:24:40.44\00:24:42.34 >>So making sure you have your will set up, 00:24:42.34\00:24:44.18 making sure you have your trust set up, 00:24:44.18\00:24:46.45 making sure that you've had important conversations 00:24:46.45\00:24:50.25 with children, with other family members 00:24:50.25\00:24:54.66 so that others know what your intentions are 00:24:54.66\00:24:58.29 and there aren't any nasty surprises, 00:24:58.29\00:25:00.26 if those can be avoided. 00:25:00.26\00:25:02.80 Any other practical things that one might do 00:25:02.80\00:25:05.60 to make sure that their affairs are in order 00:25:05.60\00:25:07.80 as we look at giving back? 00:25:07.80\00:25:09.60 >>Well, I think it's important also-- 00:25:09.60\00:25:10.84 I mentioned this earlier--that the entire family-- 00:25:10.84\00:25:12.91 you mentioned the children and so on. 00:25:12.91\00:25:14.91 In America today, most children think that they're gonna get 00:25:14.91\00:25:18.71 their share of their parents' estate when they die. 00:25:18.71\00:25:22.82 But if they're contacted ahead of time-- 00:25:22.82\00:25:25.09 we thought, in our case, that most of the benefit 00:25:25.09\00:25:27.19 to our children was to help them through 00:25:27.19\00:25:28.42 with their education, which we did, 00:25:28.42\00:25:30.83 but we still have promises to them in our estate plan, 00:25:30.83\00:25:34.36 but they're token gifts compared to what we've done before. 00:25:34.36\00:25:37.10 What we wanna do is make sure 00:25:37.10\00:25:38.10 that our children are in heaven 00:25:38.10\00:25:39.07 and they're not depending on us. 00:25:39.07\00:25:41.07 People who have worked hard for them, for their living 00:25:41.07\00:25:43.54 need to make sure that they're the ones that benefit. 00:25:43.54\00:25:45.64 They don't hand it off to their relatives 00:25:45.64\00:25:48.01 to take care of it, but they do it themselves. 00:25:48.01\00:25:49.71 That's what I'm encouraging people to do 00:25:49.71\00:25:52.75 is do their own giving, if they can. 00:25:52.75\00:25:55.42 >>So, plan early; 00:25:55.42\00:25:57.25 make sure that all of your documents are in order. 00:25:57.25\00:25:59.59 Talk with family, close and extended family, 00:25:59.59\00:26:04.03 prioritize where you want things to go, 00:26:04.03\00:26:06.76 and ultimately make sure that everything 00:26:06.76\00:26:09.36 is set so that that day doesn't sneak up on you, 00:26:09.36\00:26:12.87 as it does, unfortunately, with a lot of people. 00:26:12.87\00:26:15.67 I think, Ed, you and I have both heard stories of people 00:26:15.67\00:26:17.94 who intended to do something with their money, 00:26:17.94\00:26:20.21 but--I won't call it time and chance-- 00:26:20.21\00:26:24.05 but a person's number was called. 00:26:24.05\00:26:27.15 >>Yes. >>And they never got a chance 00:26:27.15\00:26:28.32 to do that. 00:26:28.32\00:26:29.35 >>One thing I would add also, 00:26:29.35\00:26:30.49 I mentioned earlier, is that if you're married, 00:26:30.49\00:26:32.89 talk to your spouse about this on at least an annual basis. 00:26:32.89\00:26:35.06 Here's what our assets are; 00:26:35.06\00:26:36.16 here's what we're planning to do. 00:26:36.16\00:26:37.86 Not that you're telling them then, 00:26:37.86\00:26:39.23 but this is what we've done so far. 00:26:39.23\00:26:40.60 Do we wanna change anything, or is this still good for us? 00:26:40.60\00:26:43.60 >>All right, so have some of those important conversations. 00:26:43.60\00:26:46.90 Ed, thank you again for leading us 00:26:46.90\00:26:48.80 and guiding us through this week's study. 00:26:48.80\00:26:50.44 We've still got two weeks to go, so we're not finished yet. 00:26:50.44\00:26:53.71 Make sure that you join us again next week 00:26:53.71\00:26:55.68 as we continue our journey 00:26:55.68\00:26:57.05 through this incredible subject of blending faith 00:26:57.05\00:27:01.55 and finances, stewardship, God's plan for the funds 00:27:01.55\00:27:06.62 that He entrusts to us each and every day of our lives. 00:27:08.02\00:27:11.26 If God has blessed you, then you can bless others. 00:27:11.26\00:27:14.46 God has blessed you, whether it's financially or in health 00:27:14.46\00:27:17.00 or in a relationship with Him. 00:27:17.00\00:27:18.57 The question is how can you take that and turn it 00:27:18.57\00:27:21.17 into a blessing for someone else? 00:27:21.17\00:27:23.91 And as we continue through our lives, 00:27:23.91\00:27:25.41 we get to see some good examples in the Bible 00:27:25.41\00:27:27.91 and some bad examples in the Bible, 00:27:27.91\00:27:29.61 and we've looked a little bit of both of those 00:27:29.61\00:27:32.01 as we've studied this quarter together. 00:27:32.01\00:27:34.92 Be with us again next week as we continue our journey 00:27:34.92\00:27:37.35 in the last two weeks of this quarter's lesson, 00:27:37.35\00:27:40.89 looking at "Managing for the Master Till He Comes." 00:27:40.89\00:27:45.06 God bless you, have a wonderful week. 00:27:45.06\00:27:47.00 We'll see you next time. 00:27:47.00\00:27:48.56 (uplifting theme music) 00:27:48.56\00:27:51.50 (music ends) 00:28:26.90\00:28:28.97