(upbeat theme music) 00:00:00.66\00:00:02.56 (music ends) 00:00:11.97\00:00:15.48 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School," 00:00:17.18\00:00:18.21 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:00:18.21\00:00:20.85 This week, we're looking at lesson number nine; 00:00:20.85\00:00:23.45 the subject is covetousness. 00:00:23.45\00:00:25.85 This quarter, we are looking at "Managing for the Master 00:00:25.85\00:00:28.96 Till He Comes." 00:00:28.96\00:00:31.03 A fascinating subject 00:00:31.03\00:00:32.36 where we are delving into faith and finances 00:00:32.36\00:00:35.33 and how they intersect one with another. 00:00:35.33\00:00:37.97 With us again this week is the author 00:00:37.97\00:00:39.70 of this quarter's Sabbath school lesson, Ed Reid. 00:00:39.70\00:00:42.07 He is a licensed attorney and an ordained minister. 00:00:42.07\00:00:45.71 We're delighted to have him back. 00:00:45.71\00:00:47.44 And in a moment, we are going to take a look 00:00:47.44\00:00:49.31 at the subject of covetousness, 00:00:49.31\00:00:51.05 but first, let's have prayer. 00:00:51.05\00:00:53.11 Father, we ask that You will bless us this week once again 00:00:53.11\00:00:55.88 as we continue looking at the subject 00:00:55.88\00:00:58.15 of finances and our faith. 00:00:58.15\00:01:00.26 And as we look at covetousness, 00:01:00.26\00:01:01.62 help us to understand the significance of this illness 00:01:01.62\00:01:05.96 and how we can avoid it 00:01:05.96\00:01:07.66 and head in the right direction. 00:01:07.66\00:01:09.23 We thank You, in Jesus' name, amen. 00:01:09.23\00:01:12.43 Ed, welcome back once again. 00:01:12.43\00:01:14.10 >>Well, thank you, it's great to be with you. 00:01:14.10\00:01:16.07 >>So this week, looking at covetousness, 00:01:16.07\00:01:18.34 the memory text is Luke 12, verse 15. 00:01:18.34\00:01:22.04 It says, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, 00:01:22.04\00:01:25.05 "for one's life does not consist 00:01:25.05\00:01:27.68 in the abundance of the things he possesses." 00:01:27.68\00:01:30.82 So an entire lesson on covetousness, 00:01:30.82\00:01:34.06 one might say, "Well, isn't it just enough 00:01:34.06\00:01:36.16 to say, 'Don't covet?'" 00:01:36.16\00:01:38.03 But apparently there's a little bit more to it than that. 00:01:38.03\00:01:40.76 >>There is actually, Eric, 00:01:40.76\00:01:41.90 and this is a first time 00:01:41.90\00:01:43.70 I've actually written on this topic, 00:01:43.70\00:01:45.23 but it was really eyeopening for me, 00:01:45.23\00:01:47.40 and I hope that it will be for the viewers 00:01:47.40\00:01:49.74 and those who study the lesson this week. 00:01:49.74\00:01:52.21 Covetousness has been defined 00:01:52.21\00:01:54.48 as the inordinate desire for the position 00:01:54.48\00:01:58.11 or the possessions of another. 00:01:58.11\00:02:00.35 So, "I'd like to have your job," 00:02:00.35\00:02:02.82 or, "I'd like to have your stuff," 00:02:02.82\00:02:04.39 that's what covetousness is about. 00:02:04.39\00:02:06.45 And it is so interesting 00:02:06.45\00:02:08.22 that it is actually one of the 10 Commandments. 00:02:08.22\00:02:11.39 Believe it or not, the 10th commandment, 00:02:11.39\00:02:12.89 "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife 00:02:12.89\00:02:14.30 or anything that belongs to your neighbor," and so on-- 00:02:14.30\00:02:16.70 covetousness is defined as one of those heinous sins 00:02:16.70\00:02:19.00 that will keep a person out of heaven. 00:02:19.00\00:02:21.07 So I just wanna read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 00:02:21.07\00:02:24.27 and you'll be able to see this topic listed 00:02:24.27\00:02:27.24 with a whole bunch of other real heinous sins. 00:02:27.24\00:02:29.51 "Know ye not that the unrighteous 00:02:29.51\00:02:30.81 "shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: 00:02:30.81\00:02:34.35 "neither fornicators, ...idolators, ...adulterers, 00:02:34.35\00:02:38.22 "[or] effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 00:02:38.22\00:02:41.62 "nor thieves, [or] covetous, 00:02:41.62\00:02:43.89 "...drunkards, [or] revilers, [or] extortionists, 00:02:43.89\00:02:46.06 shall inherit the kingdom of God." 00:02:46.06\00:02:48.03 So if it's this bad, we ought to talk about it, 00:02:48.03\00:02:50.43 seems to me. 00:02:50.43\00:02:51.70 >>Now, you mentioned it being this bad. 00:02:51.70\00:02:53.67 You know, when you list the grand scheme of terrible things 00:02:53.67\00:02:57.51 that people can do to themselves or to one another-- 00:02:57.51\00:03:00.94 you know, we think of murder 00:03:00.94\00:03:02.71 and we think of, you know, 100 other things; 00:03:02.71\00:03:05.45 covetous, it sounds, well, it doesn't sound good, 00:03:05.45\00:03:08.98 but it doesn't sound all that bad 00:03:08.98\00:03:11.89 if you just look at it on the surface. 00:03:11.89\00:03:13.89 But as you mentioned in Sunday's lesson, 00:03:13.89\00:03:16.49 the title is actually a question; 00:03:16.49\00:03:18.66 the question is, "The Ultimate Original Sin?" 00:03:18.66\00:03:21.50 question mark. 00:03:21.50\00:03:23.37 What is it about covetousness and its origins-- 00:03:23.37\00:03:26.87 I don't know if that's the-- 00:03:26.87\00:03:27.94 its history, maybe that's a better word-- 00:03:27.94\00:03:30.44 that got us to where we are today? 00:03:30.44\00:03:32.74 >>Well, that's a good question, 00:03:32.74\00:03:33.84 and the reason I put a question there, 00:03:33.84\00:03:34.94 because we call it the mystery of iniquity; 00:03:34.94\00:03:37.68 why did Lucifer do this? 00:03:37.68\00:03:39.55 But one factor at least was covetousness, 00:03:39.55\00:03:42.05 because the Bible says in the book of Isaiah, chapter 14, 00:03:42.05\00:03:47.12 that in verse 14, Lucifer is saying-- 00:03:48.22\00:03:50.66 King of Tyre in this illustration--is saying, 00:03:50.66\00:03:53.66 "I will be like the Most High." 00:03:53.66\00:03:55.66 And the interesting thing to me is, the interesting part, 00:03:55.66\00:04:00.07 is that the Bible talks about, 00:04:00.07\00:04:01.27 "Godliness with contentment is great gain." 00:04:01.27\00:04:02.60 You read that earlier. Paul says in Colossians 3:5, 00:04:02.60\00:04:05.81 "covetousness, which is idolatry," 00:04:05.81\00:04:07.64 he calls it idolatry. 00:04:07.64\00:04:08.91 The interesting thing also is... 00:04:08.91\00:04:10.75 I just, I know I put this in the book, 00:04:11.85\00:04:13.62 it's not in the lesson, but I'll just tell it to you, 00:04:13.62\00:04:16.69 that I believe Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden 00:04:16.69\00:04:18.72 for some time before the sin problem came along, 00:04:18.72\00:04:21.46 because they had, they watched the seasons come and go, 00:04:21.46\00:04:24.06 and Eden was a school, et cetera. 00:04:24.06\00:04:27.00 And the devil was limited to one tree, 00:04:27.00\00:04:30.77 and he could only tempt 'em 00:04:30.77\00:04:32.73 in that Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, 00:04:32.73\00:04:33.84 and they'd had warning about it and so on. 00:04:33.84\00:04:36.00 He's thinking now, "How am I gonna get to them?" 00:04:36.00\00:04:38.57 And the basic thing, I think, has happened 00:04:38.57\00:04:41.44 is he said, "I'll do what took me down." 00:04:41.44\00:04:44.21 So when Eve came by the tree, 00:04:44.21\00:04:45.95 he used the serpent as a medium, of course, 00:04:45.95\00:04:47.92 but he said that, "If you eat this fruit, 00:04:47.92\00:04:50.72 you'll be like God to know good and evil." 00:04:50.72\00:04:54.42 So do you see the desire 00:04:54.42\00:04:56.42 to have more knowledge than you have, 00:04:56.42\00:04:58.06 or more than God has given you, 00:04:58.06\00:04:59.29 or lack of trust and so on? 00:04:59.29\00:05:00.83 So that's probably part of the problem as well. 00:05:00.83\00:05:03.57 >>So we've got a picture here of covetousness 00:05:03.57\00:05:06.13 originating with Lucifer, 00:05:07.17\00:05:09.27 who wanted God's position. 00:05:09.27\00:05:10.64 Then we see it make its way down here to Planet Earth 00:05:10.64\00:05:13.41 with the offer that he gives to Eve and she accepts, 00:05:13.41\00:05:16.61 and of course, Adam comes along as well. 00:05:16.61\00:05:20.08 We get to Monday's lesson 00:05:20.08\00:05:21.72 and that story or these stories that we've just looked at, 00:05:21.72\00:05:25.22 the story of Lucifer and his fall, 00:05:25.22\00:05:26.99 and Adam and Eve and their fall, 00:05:26.99\00:05:28.82 those aren't the only stories in the Bible 00:05:28.82\00:05:31.06 that deal with covetousness. 00:05:31.06\00:05:32.56 And on Monday, you delved into a story 00:05:32.56\00:05:36.67 that I think many of us are at least somewhat familiar with, 00:05:36.67\00:05:39.43 it may not be one of the most frequently quoted stories 00:05:39.43\00:05:41.90 in the Bible, 00:05:41.90\00:05:43.20 but it's entitled "An Accursed Thing in the Camp." 00:05:43.20\00:05:46.54 So give us a little background on the setting of this story 00:05:46.54\00:05:50.58 and why it's significant as we're talking about 00:05:50.58\00:05:52.88 the subject of covetousness. 00:05:52.88\00:05:54.85 >>Well, it's interesting that the devil 00:05:54.85\00:05:56.52 tries to use the miracles that God performs 00:05:56.52\00:05:58.65 to his own advantage. 00:05:58.65\00:06:00.29 And it's very interesting that two major miracles happened 00:06:00.29\00:06:04.83 when Israel finally crossed the Jordan River. 00:06:04.83\00:06:07.96 You remember that for 40 years 00:06:07.96\00:06:09.26 they'd been in the wilderness wandering, 00:06:09.26\00:06:10.67 and God fed them with manna and so on. 00:06:10.67\00:06:12.50 That was a big miracle in itself, 00:06:12.50\00:06:13.97 but they encountered the Jordan River 00:06:13.97\00:06:16.44 at springtime flood stage. 00:06:16.44\00:06:18.87 And it was so wide, just like some of the rivers 00:06:18.87\00:06:20.98 that we have in America and other places 00:06:20.98\00:06:22.91 are very big in flood stage. 00:06:22.91\00:06:25.55 God performed a miracle and dried that river up, 00:06:25.55\00:06:29.38 a path wide enough, dry ground, 00:06:29.38\00:06:31.85 for them to go through it. 00:06:31.85\00:06:32.89 It just piled up on one side 00:06:32.89\00:06:34.16 and ran away on the other side, 00:06:34.16\00:06:35.92 and they went across on dry ground; 00:06:35.92\00:06:37.79 more than a million people crossed on dry ground. 00:06:37.79\00:06:40.26 Now, that's a big miracle. 00:06:40.26\00:06:42.06 The next one was the conquest of Jericho. 00:06:42.06\00:06:44.67 This is incredible. Do you understand? 00:06:44.67\00:06:47.30 Joshua was leading them then, 00:06:47.30\00:06:49.10 didn't know what to do for sure, 00:06:49.10\00:06:50.44 and so he went out to pray 00:06:50.44\00:06:51.71 and encountered the captain of the Lord's host; 00:06:51.71\00:06:53.51 Christ was there to tell him, 00:06:53.51\00:06:55.04 "Here's what you're gonna do. 00:06:55.04\00:06:56.58 "You're gonna march around it once a day for six days. 00:06:56.58\00:06:59.68 "And on the seventh day, you march around seven. 00:06:59.68\00:07:01.35 "And by the way, everybody's gonna be absolutely quiet, 00:07:01.35\00:07:04.39 "no talking, no joking, no singing, 00:07:04.39\00:07:06.76 "nothing; you're absolutely quiet. 00:07:06.76\00:07:08.12 "Just march around one time a day, 00:07:08.12\00:07:10.43 "and then seven on the seventh day. 00:07:10.43\00:07:12.53 "When the priests blow seven trumpets, 00:07:12.53\00:07:15.80 then the walls are gonna come crashing down." 00:07:15.80\00:07:18.30 And the walls came crashing down. 00:07:18.30\00:07:20.24 This is amazing. 00:07:21.84\00:07:23.74 All they had to do was walk in like a cakewalk 00:07:23.74\00:07:25.77 to conquer the city. 00:07:25.77\00:07:27.61 The only thing that didn't fall down 00:07:27.61\00:07:29.48 was Rahab's house that was in the wall. 00:07:29.48\00:07:32.05 And the two spies that had been there said, 00:07:32.05\00:07:33.88 "If you're in your house and anybody you wanna save 00:07:33.88\00:07:36.75 in your house with you when you come, you'll be saved." 00:07:36.75\00:07:39.09 They were spared. 00:07:39.09\00:07:40.66 But this is interesting, now. 00:07:40.66\00:07:42.26 You have to feel sorry for bad guys sometimes. 00:07:43.56\00:07:46.06 Achan was one of the people that went there. 00:07:47.13\00:07:49.96 He saw a "goodly Babylonish garment," a new suit, 00:07:49.96\00:07:53.64 200 shekels of silver and 50 shekels of gold, 00:07:53.64\00:07:57.44 a golden web--a wedge of gold, and he took those things. 00:07:57.44\00:08:01.78 Now, this wasn't unusual 00:08:01.78\00:08:02.88 because God, through Joshua, told them, 00:08:02.88\00:08:05.85 "All the spoils, destroy everything inside, 00:08:05.85\00:08:08.75 "but all the spoils, the gold and the silver 00:08:08.75\00:08:11.15 "and precious things like that, 00:08:11.15\00:08:12.82 bring back to the temple to start the temple economy." 00:08:12.82\00:08:15.56 So everybody's hauling stuff back, 00:08:15.56\00:08:17.33 but Achan stopped by his tent and hid it in his tent. 00:08:17.33\00:08:20.63 Now, the "accursed thing" is interesting; 00:08:20.63\00:08:22.63 that happened so interesting that they decided 00:08:22.63\00:08:25.27 that they wouldn't send the whole group up to Ai; 00:08:25.27\00:08:27.80 they would just send 3,000 men. 00:08:27.80\00:08:29.60 When they sent 'em up there, 00:08:30.41\00:08:31.51 the men of Ai fought for them, their own lives, 00:08:31.51\00:08:34.38 and they actually killed 36 Israelites. 00:08:34.38\00:08:37.38 So when they came back 00:08:37.38\00:08:38.45 after being defeated like that, running away, 00:08:38.45\00:08:41.18 Joshua said, "What's going on?" 00:08:41.18\00:08:43.12 And he laid down on the ground and prayed all day, 00:08:43.12\00:08:46.39 and God said, "There's a cursed thing in your midst. 00:08:46.39\00:08:48.72 "There's no way you can go forward 00:08:48.72\00:08:50.13 until you take the cursed thing out of your midst." 00:08:50.13\00:08:52.39 So they cast lots, 00:08:52.39\00:08:53.46 and the lot fell on Achan, as you remember. 00:08:53.46\00:08:56.06 The amazing thing about this story is that... 00:08:56.06\00:08:59.63 Achan said, "I coveted this when I saw these things, 00:09:01.57\00:09:04.41 and I hid them in my tent." 00:09:04.41\00:09:05.91 So bad is covetousness-- 00:09:06.68\00:09:08.04 what was God's counsel to Joshua to do with Achan? 00:09:08.04\00:09:11.41 Believe it or not, he said, 00:09:12.51\00:09:13.85 "Stone him to death, along with his whole family, 00:09:13.85\00:09:16.62 "pile all their stuff upon them, 00:09:16.62\00:09:18.12 all their belongings, and burn them up." 00:09:18.12\00:09:20.12 Then they made a big heap of stones there. 00:09:20.12\00:09:22.89 The bottom line is, 00:09:22.89\00:09:24.76 trust God to take care of your family; 00:09:24.76\00:09:27.00 don't covet the possessions of someone else. 00:09:27.00\00:09:29.60 >>So this story of Achan 00:09:29.60\00:09:31.20 is one that is absolutely a cautionary tale, 00:09:31.20\00:09:34.70 an instructive tale, 00:09:34.70\00:09:36.77 but there are other stories in the Bible. 00:09:36.77\00:09:38.51 We've got just a few minutes before we take a break. 00:09:38.51\00:09:40.64 Let's talk a little bit about Tuesday's lesson, 00:09:40.64\00:09:43.78 "The Heart of Judas." 00:09:43.78\00:09:46.15 What was it about Judas that was covetous? 00:09:46.15\00:09:50.02 What was he after? What was he, what were his ambitions? 00:09:50.02\00:09:53.92 And what caused him to-- 00:09:53.92\00:09:55.49 if you think of the great evils in the Bible, 00:09:55.49\00:09:59.93 Judas is probably right up there. 00:09:59.93\00:10:02.53 What was it that motivated him 00:10:02.53\00:10:04.27 to make the decisions that he made? 00:10:04.27\00:10:08.00 >>Well, this is a very good question 00:10:08.00\00:10:10.34 because the story is an amazing story. 00:10:10.34\00:10:13.01 In the Bible, we read about the feast at Simon's house. 00:10:13.01\00:10:17.01 And this was the last week of Jesus' life, 00:10:17.01\00:10:18.55 and He was in Jerusalem for the last time. 00:10:18.55\00:10:20.48 And He's out at Bethany, and Simon invited Him to come. 00:10:20.48\00:10:23.69 He also invited Lazarus, 00:10:23.69\00:10:25.85 who Jesus had recently raised from the dead, 00:10:25.85\00:10:27.46 which was the greatest miracle Jesus did 00:10:27.46\00:10:28.92 in His whole 3 and 1/2 years of ministry. 00:10:28.92\00:10:31.29 But interestingly enough, 00:10:31.29\00:10:32.66 the Bible says that many people came to this feast 00:10:32.66\00:10:34.86 to see Lazarus more than Jesus 00:10:34.86\00:10:36.36 because here's a guy that'd been dead for four days, 00:10:36.36\00:10:37.97 and now he's eating supper. I mean, this is incredible. 00:10:37.97\00:10:41.14 What happened at that feast is interesting 00:10:41.14\00:10:43.00 because Mary, who Jesus had healed and cleansed, 00:10:43.00\00:10:47.98 had an alabaster box of spikenard, 00:10:49.18\00:10:51.61 which is very costly and very expensive, 00:10:51.61\00:10:54.02 worth about 300 denari, which is like a year's wages. 00:10:54.02\00:10:57.92 And at this Simon's feast, she broke the box, sealed up, 00:10:57.92\00:11:01.72 and anointed Jesus' head with it 00:11:01.72\00:11:03.86 and washed His feet with it as well, 00:11:03.86\00:11:05.79 and the perfume went all through the building. 00:11:05.79\00:11:08.26 And it's interesting that Judas said, 00:11:08.26\00:11:09.83 "This could've been sold and given to the poor." 00:11:09.83\00:11:12.80 Now, interestingly enough, he wanted the money. 00:11:12.80\00:11:16.40 Here's why. I've written in the lesson there 00:11:16.40\00:11:20.24 he said this; this is verse 6 of John, the 12th chapter. 00:11:20.24\00:11:23.45 "Not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, 00:11:23.45\00:11:26.61 and [he] had the bag, and [he] bare what was put therein." 00:11:26.61\00:11:29.92 Since Matthew was a publican and a tax collector, 00:11:29.92\00:11:32.52 he knew, he was probably an accountant or an attorney, 00:11:32.52\00:11:34.39 he probably should've been the manager, 00:11:34.39\00:11:35.69 but somehow Judas got himself 00:11:35.69\00:11:37.29 as the treasurer, carried the bag. 00:11:37.29\00:11:39.19 And the Bible says right here 00:11:39.19\00:11:40.50 he was a thief and took stuff out of it. 00:11:40.50\00:11:42.00 So he wanted it; this was an act of covetousness. 00:11:42.00\00:11:45.10 So I'll just tell you this interesting thing. 00:11:45.10\00:11:48.00 Mary had this 300 denarii, a year's wages, 00:11:48.00\00:11:52.71 invested in this spikenard. 00:11:52.71\00:11:55.28 Judas went out from that feast 00:11:55.28\00:11:56.98 and bargained with the Jewish leaders 00:11:56.98\00:12:00.35 and sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, 00:12:00.35\00:12:03.52 which was much smaller than what that was worth. 00:12:03.52\00:12:05.92 So this is an interesting story 00:12:05.92\00:12:07.49 in the fact that his covetousness 00:12:07.49\00:12:09.42 led him to that point in his life. 00:12:09.42\00:12:13.19 >>So an amazing story of where Judas went, 00:12:13.19\00:12:16.73 the slippery slope that led him to betraying Jesus 00:12:16.73\00:12:20.47 and really to be listed among 00:12:20.47\00:12:22.84 the great wicked individuals in the Bible, 00:12:22.84\00:12:26.61 all because of, or largely because of, covetousness. 00:12:26.61\00:12:30.51 >>Yes. 00:12:30.51\00:12:31.88 >>So we're gonna continue looking at some stories 00:12:31.88\00:12:34.02 in the Bible about covetousness, 00:12:34.02\00:12:36.15 but if you have been enjoying this quarter's lessons 00:12:36.15\00:12:38.45 and you want to get more out of it, 00:12:38.45\00:12:40.72 I wanna encourage you to pick up the companion book 00:12:40.72\00:12:43.02 to this quarter's Sabbath school lesson. 00:12:43.02\00:12:45.03 It is called "Managing for the Master." 00:12:45.03\00:12:47.10 Of course, it's by Ed Reid, 00:12:47.10\00:12:48.33 our guest this quarter 00:12:48.33\00:12:49.63 as we are looking at these subjects. 00:12:49.63\00:12:51.60 You can pick this up 00:12:51.60\00:12:52.43 at itiswritten.shop. 00:12:52.43\00:12:54.64 Again, that's itiswritten.shop. 00:12:54.64\00:12:56.91 This particular book contains more insight, 00:12:56.91\00:12:59.91 more wisdom, more stories 00:12:59.91\00:13:01.94 than what you will find in the quarterly itself, 00:13:01.94\00:13:05.05 in the study guide itself. 00:13:05.05\00:13:06.58 You will be blessed if you pick that up. 00:13:06.58\00:13:08.38 We're going to be back in just a moment or two 00:13:08.38\00:13:10.72 as we continue looking at this fascinating subject, 00:13:10.72\00:13:13.22 the subject of covetousness. 00:13:13.22\00:13:15.09 We'll be right back. 00:13:15.09\00:13:16.16 (upbeat theme music swells and ends) 00:13:16.16\00:13:18.53 >>[John Bradshaw] You know that at It Is Written 00:13:20.50\00:13:22.30 we are serious about studying the Word of God, 00:13:22.30\00:13:24.70 and we encourage you to be serious as well. 00:13:24.70\00:13:27.44 Well, here's what you do 00:13:27.44\00:13:28.44 if you wanna dig deeper into God's Word. 00:13:28.44\00:13:30.54 Go to itiswritten.study 00:13:30.54\00:13:32.77 for the It Is Written Bible Study Guides online, 00:13:32.77\00:13:35.74 25 in-depth Bible studies 00:13:35.74\00:13:37.68 that will take you through the major teachings of the Bible. 00:13:37.68\00:13:40.65 You'll be blessed, 00:13:40.65\00:13:42.05 and it's something you'll want to tell others about as well: 00:13:42.05\00:13:44.22 itiswritten.study. 00:13:44.22\00:13:45.99 Go further: itiswritten.study. 00:13:45.99\00:13:48.62 There's something I wanna tell you about 00:13:50.89\00:13:52.69 that is so important. 00:13:52.69\00:13:54.66 It's My Place With Jesus, 00:13:54.66\00:13:57.23 It Is Written's ministry to children. 00:13:57.23\00:14:00.50 Take the children you care about to myplacewithjesus.com. 00:14:00.50\00:14:05.34 At My Place With Jesus, 00:14:05.34\00:14:06.91 you'll find so much that will bless your children 00:14:06.91\00:14:09.74 or grandchildren or great-grandchildren 00:14:09.74\00:14:12.41 or the children at church. 00:14:12.41\00:14:14.72 There are the My Place With Jesus Bible Guides, 00:14:14.72\00:14:18.45 21 studies that will take the children you care about 00:14:18.45\00:14:21.82 into the Word of God. 00:14:21.82\00:14:23.63 They'll learn the important things, 00:14:23.63\00:14:25.93 especially the love of God 00:14:25.93\00:14:28.30 and the sacrifice Jesus made for them. 00:14:28.30\00:14:31.17 As well, take your children to Journey Through the Bible; 00:14:31.17\00:14:34.44 it's there at myplacewithjesus.com. 00:14:34.44\00:14:36.91 It's a special Bible-reading program 00:14:36.91\00:14:39.94 that will get children into the habit 00:14:39.94\00:14:41.71 of reading their Bible daily 00:14:41.71\00:14:43.35 and connecting with God regularly. 00:14:43.35\00:14:45.41 So don't forget myplacewithjesus.com 00:14:45.41\00:14:48.52 from It Is Written. 00:14:48.52\00:14:49.92 (upbeat theme music) 00:14:50.89\00:14:53.52 >>[Eric] Welcome back to "Sabbath School," 00:14:55.79\00:14:57.36 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:14:57.36\00:14:59.26 We are looking this week at the subject of covetousness; 00:14:59.26\00:15:02.96 this is lesson number nine of 12. 00:15:02.96\00:15:05.73 We're getting close to the end and dealing with 00:15:05.73\00:15:07.97 some very significant subjects, covetousness. 00:15:07.97\00:15:11.21 Ed, why is covetousness so bad? 00:15:11.21\00:15:15.68 It doesn't sound real bad, but why is it listed up there 00:15:15.68\00:15:19.71 amongst some of these other terrible, terrible things? 00:15:19.71\00:15:23.42 >>Well, that's a good question 00:15:23.42\00:15:24.52 because the answer is quite simple, 00:15:24.52\00:15:27.76 but it's amazing as well. 00:15:27.76\00:15:29.42 Covetousness is a matter of character; 00:15:29.42\00:15:31.13 it's a matter of the heart. 00:15:31.13\00:15:32.83 And so you can't look at me and I can't look at you 00:15:32.83\00:15:35.13 and tell whether we're covetous; 00:15:35.13\00:15:36.50 that's something between you and God 00:15:36.50\00:15:37.83 and your relationship with God, and what you read earlier 00:15:37.83\00:15:40.97 and what we'll read again in this one: 00:15:40.97\00:15:42.54 "Godliness with contentment is great gain." 00:15:42.54\00:15:45.17 So if you want something, you wanna desire to be rich, 00:15:45.17\00:15:47.84 that can be a real problem for you. 00:15:47.84\00:15:49.78 So one of these stories, 00:15:49.78\00:15:51.38 all of these stories, deal with people who had a problem. 00:15:51.38\00:15:56.28 And I think what we're gonna find out 00:15:56.28\00:15:57.99 is that if we follow the council of Scripture, 00:15:57.99\00:16:00.12 we'll be able to overcome that 00:16:00.12\00:16:01.19 when we look at Thursday's section. 00:16:01.19\00:16:02.82 >>So before we get to Thursday, 00:16:02.82\00:16:03.96 which is coming up here very quickly, 00:16:03.96\00:16:06.80 let's look at one more story 00:16:06.80\00:16:09.30 that you make mention of here on Wednesday's lesson. 00:16:09.30\00:16:12.03 Wednesday's lesson is about Ananias and Sapphira. 00:16:12.03\00:16:15.20 Who were Ananias and Sapphira? 00:16:15.20\00:16:18.37 What was going on in this story? 00:16:18.37\00:16:21.28 Why were they dealt with so harshly? 00:16:21.28\00:16:23.61 Because it may seem to some people like, 00:16:23.61\00:16:26.35 "Wow, that's a pretty severe 00:16:26.35\00:16:29.38 "and fast punishment for these two 00:16:29.38\00:16:33.86 for something that doesn't sound so bad." 00:16:33.86\00:16:36.19 But my guess is there's something under the surface 00:16:36.19\00:16:39.36 that helps us to understand why 00:16:39.36\00:16:41.30 what they did, or didn't do, is so significant. 00:16:41.30\00:16:45.10 Talk with us about Ananias and Sapphira. 00:16:45.10\00:16:46.97 >>Well, the story's in Acts, the fourth chapter. 00:16:46.97\00:16:49.34 And this is an interesting chapter 00:16:49.34\00:16:50.71 because in Acts, the second chapter, 00:16:50.71\00:16:53.34 you have Pentecost 00:16:53.34\00:16:54.71 and the apostles speaking in different languages and so on, 00:16:54.71\00:16:58.38 because Pentecost was one of those times of the year 00:16:58.38\00:17:01.15 when people came bringing their offerings to Jerusalem-- 00:17:01.15\00:17:03.55 Pentecost, the Passover, and Feast of Tabernacles. 00:17:03.55\00:17:06.52 So the fourth chapter of Acts, 00:17:06.52\00:17:09.62 the disciples, two of the disciples had been put in 00:17:09.62\00:17:12.93 prison, and they had a miraculous deliverance from 00:17:12.93\00:17:16.60 prison, as you may remember. 00:17:16.60\00:17:17.73 But the interesting part is 00:17:18.53\00:17:20.54 the leaders had told them, 00:17:20.54\00:17:21.60 "Don't ever talk about Jesus again," 00:17:21.60\00:17:22.67 and they said, "Well, you be the judge. 00:17:22.67\00:17:25.71 Should we obey God or man?" 00:17:25.71\00:17:27.84 But they had a season of prayer, 00:17:27.84\00:17:30.11 and they asked God to give them boldness to speak. 00:17:30.11\00:17:33.18 And the interesting part about that 00:17:33.18\00:17:34.85 was God did give them boldness. 00:17:34.85\00:17:37.69 And during their prayer session, 00:17:37.69\00:17:39.39 a large group of people were there, 00:17:40.49\00:17:42.02 and apparently Ananias and Sapphira 00:17:42.02\00:17:43.39 were a part of that group. 00:17:43.39\00:17:44.89 And they all received the Holy Spirit again 00:17:44.89\00:17:47.76 and boldness to speak, 00:17:47.76\00:17:49.20 and they said, "Things are going great. 00:17:49.20\00:17:50.70 If we just had the funds, we could do this, this, and this." 00:17:50.70\00:17:52.70 So people were selling stuff and pledging money and so on. 00:17:52.70\00:17:56.37 So Ananias and Sapphira said to themselves, 00:17:56.37\00:17:58.67 probably bumped each other with their elbow and said, 00:18:00.14\00:18:01.54 "We could sell that piece of land we have." 00:18:01.54\00:18:04.11 So they said to the brethren, 00:18:04.11\00:18:05.91 "We've got a piece of land we'll sell, 00:18:05.91\00:18:07.22 and when we get the money, we'll turn it in." 00:18:07.22\00:18:09.78 So when they went back home, 00:18:09.78\00:18:12.19 they found this out that they needed to sell this property, 00:18:12.19\00:18:17.26 but when they got it, 00:18:17.93\00:18:19.03 maybe there's a time of inflation like now, 00:18:19.03\00:18:20.40 and they got a lot more for it than they thought. 00:18:20.40\00:18:21.76 And they said, "Well, the brethren will never know; 00:18:21.76\00:18:22.90 we'll keep part of it for ourselves." 00:18:22.90\00:18:24.67 >>And so they kept that part for themselves. 00:18:25.73\00:18:27.80 In essence, who were they stealing from? 00:18:27.80\00:18:31.51 >>Well, they had received the Holy Spirit, 00:18:31.51\00:18:33.11 you see, that's the point, 00:18:33.11\00:18:34.44 and they were stealing from God. 00:18:34.44\00:18:36.68 And when Ananias came back-- 00:18:36.68\00:18:39.25 this, to me, is an interesting topic-- 00:18:39.25\00:18:41.32 when Ananias came back, 00:18:41.32\00:18:43.62 the...he laid the money at the disciples' feet. 00:18:43.62\00:18:48.02 I should also say that they decided together 00:18:48.02\00:18:50.06 that they wouldn't turn the whole amount in. 00:18:50.06\00:18:52.66 So from a legal perspective, 00:18:52.66\00:18:54.20 I can tell you that they were co-conspirators to this, 00:18:54.20\00:18:56.26 so they're both guilty. 00:18:56.26\00:18:58.50 He came back with his check, and they said, 00:18:58.50\00:19:00.27 "Thank you so much, 00:19:00.27\00:19:01.40 "this is gonna be a real blessing to the church. 00:19:01.40\00:19:03.87 By the way, is this all you got for the property?" 00:19:03.87\00:19:06.34 And he said, "Yes," and he dropped dead right in church. 00:19:06.34\00:19:10.11 Now, this is incredible, 00:19:10.11\00:19:11.25 because he had lied to the Holy Spirit. 00:19:11.25\00:19:13.11 This is the sin that will not be forgiven, 00:19:13.11\00:19:14.82 you see; this is amazing, blasphemy against the Holy 00:19:14.82\00:19:18.19 Spirit. And the interesting thing is 00:19:18.19\00:19:19.59 the young men, they didn't even wait for the funeral; 00:19:19.59\00:19:22.02 they buried him that day. 00:19:22.02\00:19:23.69 So men came in and dug a grave and buried him in it. 00:19:23.69\00:19:26.53 And the story's interesting to me 00:19:26.53\00:19:28.40 because the Bible says several hours passed, 00:19:28.40\00:19:31.20 and Sapphira thought, "Well, 00:19:31.20\00:19:33.10 "I should've taken the money myself. 00:19:33.10\00:19:34.44 "He goes down there and gets talking to the brethren, 00:19:34.44\00:19:35.80 and we were going out to Olive Garden or someplace to eat." 00:19:35.80\00:19:39.41 This is a big story in her mind, 00:19:39.41\00:19:41.51 so she said, "I'll go down and see myself." 00:19:41.51\00:19:43.45 She goes down there and said, 00:19:43.45\00:19:44.25 "Has anybody seen my husband?" 00:19:44.25\00:19:45.28 And they said, "Yeah, he's been here, 00:19:45.28\00:19:46.08 "but he brought us this check. 00:19:46.08\00:19:47.88 "Oh, and by the way, is this how much 00:19:47.88\00:19:49.12 you got for the property?" 00:19:49.12\00:19:50.42 What did she say? "Of course that's what we got." 00:19:50.42\00:19:53.36 And she said, "Well, the men that have buried your husband 00:19:53.36\00:19:55.86 are coming to bury you," 00:19:55.86\00:19:56.93 and she dropped dead right in church. 00:19:56.93\00:19:58.59 The real interesting part about that, 00:19:58.59\00:19:59.93 they had had the privilege of being 00:19:59.93\00:20:01.16 where the Holy Spirit was poured out, 00:20:01.16\00:20:02.86 they made a covenant with God, 00:20:02.86\00:20:04.50 and then they didn't fill it. 00:20:04.50\00:20:06.67 The big question is people should say, 00:20:06.67\00:20:08.20 "Well, maybe we shouldn't make promises to God." 00:20:08.20\00:20:10.97 If the Holy Spirit impresses you to do something, 00:20:10.97\00:20:12.94 you should do it. 00:20:12.94\00:20:14.01 We're doing that right now in our lives, 00:20:14.01\00:20:16.24 doing what God's asked us to do, what we can do. 00:20:16.24\00:20:19.31 So the whole point of this is 00:20:19.31\00:20:21.82 God sees our hearts, and He'd like us to be faithful, 00:20:21.82\00:20:25.25 but if we're covetous for more money 00:20:25.25\00:20:26.69 and keeping stuff back for ourselves, 00:20:26.69\00:20:28.02 that's selfishness as well; bad things can turn out. 00:20:28.02\00:20:30.89 The story didn't turn out too well, as you can understand. 00:20:30.89\00:20:34.10 >>So they started out with the best of intentions, 00:20:34.10\00:20:36.40 wanting to do a good thing, 00:20:36.40\00:20:38.47 and then somewhere along the line, 00:20:38.47\00:20:40.50 covetous worked itself in there 00:20:40.50\00:20:42.94 and they were looking for a way 00:20:42.94\00:20:44.47 that they could benefit themselves afterward. 00:20:44.47\00:20:46.47 And like you said, it didn't turn out very well for them. 00:20:46.47\00:20:49.74 So all of these that we've looked at are cautionary tales. 00:20:49.74\00:20:53.28 God gives us these in the Bible 00:20:53.28\00:20:54.92 so that we can learn from them 00:20:54.92\00:20:56.38 so that we don't follow in the footsteps, 00:20:56.38\00:20:58.15 follow in the path of individuals 00:20:58.15\00:20:59.59 who have gone this way before us 00:20:59.59\00:21:02.39 and had unpleasant endings, 00:21:02.39\00:21:05.56 I guess is a good way of saying that. So what about us? 00:21:05.56\00:21:08.73 Thursday's lesson talks about overcoming covetousness. 00:21:08.73\00:21:12.37 If it is such a terrible thing, 00:21:12.37\00:21:15.80 if it has taken so many people in its wake 00:21:15.80\00:21:20.14 and we have these lessons 00:21:20.14\00:21:21.84 that we've learned from the Bible 00:21:21.84\00:21:22.94 or these stories that we've read in the Bible, 00:21:22.94\00:21:25.81 we should realize it's a significant problem 00:21:25.81\00:21:28.12 for us, too, to recognize. 00:21:28.12\00:21:30.72 So what is it that we can do 00:21:30.72\00:21:32.39 to overcome this thing, covetousness, 00:21:32.39\00:21:36.96 that has taken down so many other people? 00:21:36.96\00:21:39.13 What hope can we have that it's not gonna take us down to? 00:21:39.13\00:21:43.13 >>Well, Eric, this should be a matter 00:21:43.13\00:21:44.67 of our personal prayer life, I think, as a matter of-- 00:21:44.67\00:21:46.50 I'll just tell you that to begin with, 00:21:46.50\00:21:47.77 but I will just tell you 00:21:47.77\00:21:49.04 that since it's a matter of the heart, 00:21:49.04\00:21:50.67 that's between us and God to take care of it. 00:21:50.67\00:21:52.67 And there are many references; 00:21:52.67\00:21:54.18 I'll share some with you here; 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, 00:21:54.18\00:21:57.31 "There hath no temptation taken you 00:21:57.31\00:21:59.21 "but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, 00:21:59.21\00:22:02.65 "who will not suffer you 00:22:02.65\00:22:03.75 "to be tempted above that ye are able, 00:22:03.75\00:22:04.55 "but will with the temptation 00:22:04.55\00:22:06.12 "make also a way [of] escape 00:22:06.12\00:22:07.59 that [you] may be able to bear it." 00:22:07.59\00:22:08.86 So if we're tempted to be covetous, 00:22:08.86\00:22:11.03 ask God to take it away from us. 00:22:11.03\00:22:13.36 There are many things that people do in their lives 00:22:13.36\00:22:15.20 that the devil's got them trapped. 00:22:15.20\00:22:17.73 People get involved with bad habits and so on 00:22:17.73\00:22:19.47 and say, "Man, I like to do this; 00:22:19.47\00:22:20.84 there's no way I'm gonna give this up," 00:22:20.84\00:22:21.97 but the bottom line is it's true, you can't, 00:22:21.97\00:22:25.67 but if you surrender to the Lord 00:22:25.67\00:22:27.04 and ask Him to take care of it for you, He will do it, 00:22:27.04\00:22:29.21 and that's the point there. 00:22:29.21\00:22:32.01 Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do"--how much?-- 00:22:32.01\00:22:35.95 "all things through Christ who strengthens me." 00:22:35.95\00:22:38.02 God gives us the power. That's Philippians 4:13. 00:22:38.02\00:22:40.62 God's power can protect us 00:22:40.62\00:22:42.49 against these very dangerous, deceptive sins 00:22:42.49\00:22:45.06 like covetousness. 00:22:45.06\00:22:46.36 I have, I put down three things here that I suggested, 00:22:47.66\00:22:50.43 that I thought would be valuable to people, 00:22:50.43\00:22:52.93 and I'd like to share them with you. 00:22:52.93\00:22:55.34 One of them is make a decision to serve and depend on God 00:22:55.34\00:22:58.87 and to be part of his family. 00:22:58.87\00:23:00.18 "Choose you this day whom [you] will serve." 00:23:00.18\00:23:02.04 Are you gonna serve God or mammon? 00:23:02.04\00:23:04.05 You just have to decide. 00:23:04.05\00:23:05.45 And talk about the rewards of faithfulness at the last week, 00:23:05.45\00:23:10.19 and you can read it in the book as soon as you want to, 00:23:10.19\00:23:11.82 but the bottom line is 00:23:11.82\00:23:13.12 it's incredible when you think about it. 00:23:13.12\00:23:15.52 So make a decision: "I'm gonna follow God no matter what." 00:23:15.52\00:23:19.63 The second one, be daily in your prayer 00:23:19.63\00:23:21.50 and include Matthew 6:13--"Lead us not into temptation"-- 00:23:21.50\00:23:25.20 in other words, lead us away from temptation-- 00:23:25.20\00:23:27.24 "but deliver us from evil: 00:23:27.24\00:23:28.90 for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, 00:23:28.90\00:23:31.04 and the glory, for ever." 00:23:31.04\00:23:32.57 This is the prayer Jesus taught us to say-- 00:23:32.57\00:23:34.84 help us to get away from these temptations. 00:23:34.84\00:23:37.08 The third one is be regular in Bible study. 00:23:38.31\00:23:41.05 "Your word I have hidden in my heart, 00:23:41.05\00:23:42.92 that I might not sin against You." 00:23:42.92\00:23:44.59 I tell people, "If you regularly read the Bible, 00:23:44.59\00:23:48.39 "whether you're a scholar 00:23:48.39\00:23:49.82 "or understand biblical languages or not, doesn't 00:23:49.82\00:23:52.39 matter. "If you read the Bible, 00:23:52.39\00:23:53.73 God has pledged Himself to transform you." 00:23:53.73\00:23:56.40 And I can just tell you when you spend time in the Bible, 00:23:56.40\00:23:58.50 your heart is changed. 00:23:58.50\00:24:00.10 People will just come away from the Bible reading, 00:24:00.10\00:24:01.47 and they'll say, "I no longer have a desire 00:24:01.47\00:24:03.51 for doing these kinds of things," 00:24:03.51\00:24:05.21 because the Holy Spirit that inspired the Bible 00:24:05.21\00:24:07.08 will inspire you as well 00:24:07.08\00:24:08.14 and give you the power to be victorious. 00:24:08.14\00:24:10.21 So those are things that I would just recommend to people 00:24:10.21\00:24:13.62 to think about. 00:24:13.62\00:24:14.75 Another one is Isaiah 55 in verses 6 and 7: 00:24:14.75\00:24:18.82 "Seek the Lord while He may be found." 00:24:18.82\00:24:21.52 Now, this is incredible 00:24:21.52\00:24:22.86 because He's not always gonna be whispering in your ear. 00:24:22.86\00:24:25.03 "Seek the Lord while He may be found, 00:24:25.03\00:24:26.66 "call upon Him while He is near. 00:24:26.66\00:24:28.33 "Let the wicked forsake his way, 00:24:28.33\00:24:29.63 "and the unrighteous man his thoughts; 00:24:29.63\00:24:31.47 "let him return to the Lord, 00:24:31.47\00:24:32.90 "and He will have mercy on him, 00:24:32.90\00:24:34.00 and...our God, and He will abundantly pardon." 00:24:34.00\00:24:36.20 God will pardon you if you seek pardon, 00:24:36.20\00:24:38.37 but the bottom line is we must do that 00:24:38.37\00:24:40.58 to be able to get the victory over covetousness. 00:24:40.58\00:24:43.68 It is a big deal, and it's not one that you can just say, 00:24:43.68\00:24:46.75 "Well, sometime in the future 00:24:46.75\00:24:47.72 I'm gonna give up covetousness." 00:24:47.72\00:24:48.82 That's not gonna happen that way. 00:24:48.82\00:24:50.52 This is part of our daily transformation, 00:24:50.52\00:24:52.85 part of our covenant relation with God. 00:24:52.85\00:24:55.12 Let me tell you one other interesting thing. 00:24:55.12\00:24:57.39 When we trust God with our finances, 00:24:57.39\00:24:59.46 we really trust Him, and we get to know Him. 00:24:59.46\00:25:03.16 God will take care of us; 00:25:03.16\00:25:04.60 He has fulfilled His promises to us. 00:25:04.60\00:25:06.84 You'll never hear the words 00:25:06.84\00:25:08.10 that are spoken to the unfaithful people at the end, 00:25:08.10\00:25:11.61 "Depart from me; I never knew you." 00:25:11.61\00:25:13.74 That's not gonna happen to people 00:25:13.74\00:25:14.81 who trust God with their finances 00:25:14.81\00:25:16.28 because they've learned to know Him, 00:25:16.28\00:25:17.95 they trusted Him and take care of Him. 00:25:17.95\00:25:20.28 >>Ed, I wanna conclude things for this week's study 00:25:20.28\00:25:23.32 by reading a passage from 1 Timothy, chapter 6; 00:25:23.32\00:25:26.35 it's found in verses 6-10. It says in 1 Timothy 6, verse 6, 00:25:26.35\00:25:30.69 "Now godliness with contentment is great gain. 00:25:30.69\00:25:34.10 "For we brought nothing into this world, 00:25:34.10\00:25:35.93 "and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 00:25:35.93\00:25:38.50 "And having food and clothing, 00:25:38.50\00:25:40.54 "with these we shall be content. 00:25:40.54\00:25:42.94 "But those who desire to be rich 00:25:42.94\00:25:45.04 "fall into temptation and a snare, 00:25:45.04\00:25:47.48 "and into many foolish and harmful lusts 00:25:47.48\00:25:49.84 "which drown men in destruction and perdition. 00:25:49.84\00:25:52.58 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, 00:25:52.58\00:25:55.42 "for which some have strayed from the faith 00:25:55.42\00:25:57.85 "in their greediness, 00:25:57.85\00:25:59.15 and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 00:25:59.15\00:26:02.62 It kinda brings things nicely to a head. 00:26:02.62\00:26:05.63 Any final comments on covetousness 00:26:05.63\00:26:08.63 as we tie up this week's lesson? 00:26:08.63\00:26:10.53 >>One interesting thing about covetousness, 00:26:10.53\00:26:12.17 we talked earlier about tithe and offerings. 00:26:12.17\00:26:15.00 If I'm faithful with God 00:26:15.00\00:26:16.10 and put Him first in my tithes and offerings, 00:26:16.10\00:26:18.67 then I'm not wanting to keep more for myself. 00:26:18.67\00:26:22.24 Generous contributions helps 00:26:23.04\00:26:24.78 to overcome covetousness as well. 00:26:24.78\00:26:27.42 And I think that's very valuable to people, 00:26:27.42\00:26:29.55 because we're not trying to look 00:26:29.55\00:26:30.65 and see how big of a bank account; 00:26:30.65\00:26:32.02 we wanna see how much we can help God's cause advance. 00:26:32.02\00:26:34.79 And that's very helpful to me to understand that. 00:26:34.79\00:26:37.73 I can also tell you that God is faithful; 00:26:37.73\00:26:41.46 we should be faithful as well. 00:26:41.46\00:26:43.33 And if we're faithful, He'll take care of us. 00:26:43.33\00:26:45.47 He told us that, you know, 00:26:45.47\00:26:46.84 "Call [on] me in the day of trouble." If you're faithful, 00:26:46.84\00:26:48.50 "[I'll] deliver you," and I'll take care of you. 00:26:48.50\00:26:50.24 That's Psalm, chapter 50. 00:26:50.24\00:26:52.17 >>Ed, I wanna thank you once again 00:26:53.48\00:26:54.78 for being with us this week. 00:26:54.78\00:26:56.08 We're still looking forward to several more weeks 00:26:56.08\00:26:58.05 of you sharing the wisdom that God has shared with you 00:26:58.05\00:27:01.02 over several decades of working in the area of stewardship 00:27:01.02\00:27:04.25 and in ministry and law and some valuable, valuable insights 00:27:04.25\00:27:08.52 that we've learned this week 00:27:08.52\00:27:09.96 about the subject of covetousness. 00:27:09.96\00:27:13.03 So we have several more weeks to go. 00:27:13.03\00:27:14.83 In the very near future, 00:27:14.83\00:27:16.20 we are going to be tying this particular quarter together, 00:27:16.20\00:27:19.60 but we're not there yet. 00:27:19.60\00:27:21.27 And you can expect that the coming lessons 00:27:21.27\00:27:23.81 are going to be just as valuable, 00:27:23.81\00:27:25.87 just as practical as the lessons 00:27:25.87\00:27:28.21 that we have had in the past. 00:27:28.21\00:27:30.65 So invite others to watch this with you. 00:27:30.65\00:27:32.61 If you know somebody who's going through 00:27:32.61\00:27:34.15 some financial challenges, 00:27:34.15\00:27:35.75 this is a fantastic program to share with them. 00:27:35.75\00:27:38.82 We're going to be back next week with more 00:27:38.82\00:27:40.96 on the subject of stewardship. 00:27:40.96\00:27:43.59 God's finances, your finances, and your future. 00:27:43.59\00:27:46.80 God bless you, have a wonderful week; 00:27:46.80\00:27:48.16 we'll see you back next time. 00:27:48.16\00:27:49.40 (upbeat theme music) 00:27:49.40\00:27:52.40 (music ends) 00:28:26.87\00:28:28.94