(upbeat, inspirational theme music) 00:00:00.96\00:00:02.43 (music ends) 00:00:12.81\00:00:15.08 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School," 00:00:15.08\00:00:16.81 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:00:16.81\00:00:18.68 We're delighted that you could join us again this week 00:00:18.68\00:00:20.68 as we continue our journey through "Managing for the Master 00:00:20.68\00:00:24.69 Till He Comes," an exciting quarter. 00:00:24.69\00:00:27.42 We are now, well, 00:00:27.42\00:00:29.16 a third of the way through with this lesson. 00:00:29.16\00:00:31.06 This is lesson number four. 00:00:31.06\00:00:32.59 We're talking about "Offerings for Jesus." 00:00:32.59\00:00:35.63 Last week we took a look at tithe 00:00:35.63\00:00:37.67 and the importance and the significance of that. 00:00:37.67\00:00:39.87 This week we look at offerings: 00:00:39.87\00:00:41.74 How are they similar, how are they distinct, 00:00:41.74\00:00:44.34 and what's the purpose of them? 00:00:44.34\00:00:46.21 Our guest this week once again is Ed Reid, 00:00:46.21\00:00:48.08 he is the author of this quarter's Sabbath school lesson. 00:00:48.08\00:00:51.55 He's also an ordained minister and a licensed attorney, 00:00:51.55\00:00:55.15 and we're delighted to have him here with us again. 00:00:55.15\00:00:57.69 Before we dive in and start looking at this 00:00:57.69\00:00:59.59 very fascinating subject, let's pray. 00:00:59.59\00:01:02.66 Father, we thank You for bringing us together again today 00:01:02.66\00:01:05.36 to continue our study of Your Word and to better understand 00:01:05.36\00:01:09.23 finances and how they play a role in our spiritual lives. 00:01:09.23\00:01:13.13 We ask that You'll bless our time together, 00:01:13.13\00:01:14.90 and we thank You in advance for it, in Jesus' name, amen. 00:01:14.90\00:01:18.61 Ed, welcome, good to have you with us again. 00:01:18.61\00:01:20.74 >>Well, thank you, Eric, it's good to be here. 00:01:20.74\00:01:22.48 >>So, let's talk for a moment about, actually, 00:01:22.48\00:01:25.78 for about a half an hour, about offerings for Jesus. 00:01:25.78\00:01:29.08 I wanna read the memory text to get us started today. 00:01:29.08\00:01:32.79 It comes from Psalm 116, verses 12-14. 00:01:32.79\00:01:36.66 It says, "What shall I render to the Lord 00:01:36.66\00:01:38.76 "for all His benefits toward me? 00:01:38.76\00:01:41.46 "I will take up the cup of salvation, 00:01:41.46\00:01:43.43 "and call upon the name of the Lord. 00:01:43.43\00:01:45.90 "I will pay my vows to the Lord now 00:01:45.90\00:01:48.87 in the presence of all His people." 00:01:48.87\00:01:51.51 So what role do offerings play in the life of God's people? 00:01:51.51\00:01:55.81 What's the purpose of offerings? 00:01:55.81\00:01:58.51 >>Well, the purpose of offerings 00:01:58.51\00:01:59.78 is basically to show our thanks to God 00:01:59.78\00:02:01.22 for His blessings to us. And interestingly enough, 00:02:01.22\00:02:04.75 it's also very much a definite part 00:02:04.75\00:02:06.52 of our worship experience. 00:02:06.52\00:02:08.29 We'll look at some of the passages in the Bible 00:02:08.29\00:02:10.93 that talk about God says, 00:02:10.93\00:02:12.03 "Don't appear before me empty-handed." 00:02:12.03\00:02:13.46 In other words, bring a gift. 00:02:13.46\00:02:15.43 There's an experience when young Saul 00:02:15.43\00:02:17.10 was going to find his father's donkeys, you remember. 00:02:17.10\00:02:20.07 And they were way down at Dothan and they couldn't find 'em, 00:02:20.07\00:02:22.47 they heard that Samuel was there, 00:02:22.47\00:02:23.87 and they said, "Well, let's go ask Samuel." 00:02:23.87\00:02:25.44 And then--you know what they ask next. 00:02:25.44\00:02:27.94 And that is, "What shall we do? We can't go; 00:02:27.94\00:02:30.95 we have to get an offering together." 00:02:30.95\00:02:32.05 They wouldn't go even to see the minister 00:02:32.05\00:02:34.35 without an offering. 00:02:34.35\00:02:35.92 And the interesting part is 00:02:35.92\00:02:37.99 the Lord tells us not to appear before Him 00:02:37.99\00:02:39.75 empty-handed as well. So what we're wanting to do is to 00:02:39.75\00:02:42.36 follow the counsel of Scripture. 00:02:42.36\00:02:44.16 And there are many different offerings in the Old Testament. 00:02:44.16\00:02:46.56 There were, for example, 00:02:46.56\00:02:48.66 the sin offerings that people give in response 00:02:48.66\00:02:50.73 to their God's grace and forgiveness, 00:02:50.73\00:02:53.07 taking the guilt away from their lives. 00:02:53.07\00:02:55.64 There were thank offerings given in response to 00:02:55.64\00:02:58.47 God's blessings to them of health and prosperity 00:02:58.47\00:03:02.14 and sustaining power. 00:03:02.14\00:03:03.55 There were also offerings for the poor, 00:03:03.55\00:03:05.15 and we'll talk about that later in the quarter. 00:03:05.15\00:03:07.22 But then also to maintain the house of worship-- 00:03:07.22\00:03:10.49 these are all coming from our 90% that's left 00:03:10.49\00:03:13.19 after we've given our tithe. 00:03:13.19\00:03:14.86 These are discretionary offerings, 00:03:14.86\00:03:16.22 so it's up to the individual to decide how much it is. 00:03:16.22\00:03:19.43 >>So there's some choice in the matter. 00:03:19.43\00:03:21.03 Some people may give more; some people may give less. 00:03:21.03\00:03:23.57 Like you said, it's not the same thing as the tithe; 00:03:23.57\00:03:25.83 that's defined as a tenth. 00:03:25.83\00:03:27.77 But I wanna read a statement here now 00:03:27.77\00:03:30.04 from a book called "Counsels on Stewardship," 00:03:30.04\00:03:32.44 page number 18, and then give you an opportunity 00:03:32.44\00:03:35.68 to make some comments on this. 00:03:35.68\00:03:37.45 Here's what it says: "The Lord does not need our offerings. 00:03:37.45\00:03:42.08 "We cannot enrich Him by our gifts. 00:03:42.08\00:03:44.85 "Says the psalmist: 'All things come of Thee, 00:03:44.85\00:03:47.59 "and of Thine own have we given Thee.' 00:03:47.59\00:03:49.72 "Yet God permits us to show our appreciation of His mercies 00:03:49.72\00:03:53.26 "by self-sacrificing efforts to extend the same to others. 00:03:53.26\00:03:58.07 "This is the only way in which it is possible 00:03:58.07\00:04:00.44 "for us to manifest our gratitude and love to God. 00:04:00.44\00:04:04.51 He has provided no other." 00:04:04.51\00:04:07.31 So how is it that our offerings can show our thanks to God? 00:04:07.31\00:04:12.31 >>Well, one thing here is that 00:04:12.31\00:04:13.72 there's not a percentage given in the Bible. 00:04:13.72\00:04:15.35 It's up to us to demonstrate 00:04:15.35\00:04:16.95 what we're really thinking in our hearts 00:04:16.95\00:04:18.92 and whether or not we've been transformed 00:04:18.92\00:04:20.32 from selfishness to loving. 00:04:20.32\00:04:22.06 So the idea is if we wanna show God we're thankful, 00:04:22.06\00:04:25.03 then we should be part of this team. 00:04:25.03\00:04:26.83 You remember, for example, that 00:04:26.83\00:04:29.50 the story of the prodigal son in the book of Luke, 00:04:29.50\00:04:31.83 went in and came back, the father forgave him 00:04:31.83\00:04:34.20 and gave him the ring--the son--the checks again. 00:04:34.20\00:04:37.71 And it's really interesting that we're part of God's family; 00:04:37.71\00:04:40.51 that's what the whole lesson is about, that, 00:04:40.51\00:04:42.84 how do we respond to the Master? 00:04:42.84\00:04:44.91 And so we respond by managing His affairs, 00:04:44.91\00:04:48.08 Christianly, biblically, 00:04:48.08\00:04:50.19 and showing, demonstrating this with our offerings. 00:04:50.19\00:04:54.89 >>So you might say, to a greater or lesser extent, 00:04:54.89\00:04:58.13 our offerings or lack thereof are an indicator 00:04:58.13\00:05:02.20 of our spiritual position or condition. 00:05:02.20\00:05:05.43 >>That's true, and the matter of fact, it's interesting that 00:05:05.43\00:05:08.44 the Bible talks a lot about money, 00:05:08.44\00:05:10.24 and especially in the New Testament, Jesus, 00:05:10.24\00:05:12.17 about one out of every six verses 00:05:12.17\00:05:14.28 in the New Testament talk about money management 00:05:14.28\00:05:16.41 and our attitude toward money. And the bottom line is 00:05:16.41\00:05:20.08 the Lord wants us to prosper and be in health, 00:05:20.08\00:05:22.18 but He doesn't want us to become selfish. 00:05:22.18\00:05:24.35 In fact, we're told in some places 00:05:24.35\00:05:25.92 that the Lord would've blessed people more, 00:05:25.92\00:05:28.02 but they, it would've hurt them. So, in other words, 00:05:28.02\00:05:31.36 they would've caused 'em to be selfish and to hoard things. 00:05:31.36\00:05:34.66 And I actually believe that God has given us 00:05:34.66\00:05:37.67 the opportunity to demonstrate how we feel 00:05:37.67\00:05:39.93 about His gifts to us, 00:05:39.93\00:05:41.30 and that's the way we do so, with our offerings. 00:05:41.30\00:05:44.51 >>I've heard it said--and this was a few years ago-- 00:05:44.51\00:05:46.98 that if you wanna know where someone's priorities are, 00:05:46.98\00:05:49.84 take a look at their checkbook. 00:05:49.84\00:05:51.41 Now, we don't so much have checkbooks today. 00:05:51.41\00:05:53.25 Well, of course they still exist, 00:05:53.25\00:05:54.72 but they're not used quite as much. 00:05:54.72\00:05:56.22 But if you look at someone's bank account 00:05:56.22\00:05:57.55 and where money goes, that's a pretty good indicator 00:05:57.55\00:06:01.06 of where their priorities are. 00:06:01.06\00:06:02.62 >>That's checking their credit card statement, for example. 00:06:02.62\00:06:05.29 Yes. 00:06:05.29\00:06:06.66 >>Yep, so that credit card statement will give you 00:06:06.66\00:06:07.96 a pretty good idea of where you are spiritually 00:06:07.96\00:06:11.53 with some things. 00:06:11.53\00:06:12.80 Now, the next question comes, and we know for tithe, 00:06:12.80\00:06:15.80 that tithe is 10%; that's defined as 10%. 00:06:15.80\00:06:20.14 But the offerings, as you mentioned a moment ago, 00:06:20.14\00:06:22.81 there's a discretionary element 00:06:22.81\00:06:26.38 woven into these offerings. 00:06:26.38\00:06:28.52 Are there any guidelines that we might have 00:06:28.52\00:06:30.92 to give us at least some idea of how much, 00:06:30.92\00:06:35.59 or where it should go? 00:06:35.59\00:06:36.99 What kind of guidelines do we have for that? 00:06:36.99\00:06:39.36 >>Well, as you mentioned, the tithe is basic, 00:06:39.36\00:06:41.10 and God has told us that is a tenth of our increase 00:06:41.10\00:06:43.26 and so on. But for the offerings, that's discretionary, 00:06:43.26\00:06:45.97 and it's based on several things. 00:06:45.97\00:06:48.10 One is--we just read in the memory verse, Psalm 116, 00:06:48.10\00:06:50.97 "What shall I render to the Lord 00:06:50.97\00:06:52.24 for all of His benefits toward me?" 00:06:52.24\00:06:53.94 In other words, how thankful are you 00:06:53.94\00:06:55.54 that you don't have the guilt of sin anymore 00:06:55.54\00:06:57.38 and you have the hope of eternal life? 00:06:57.38\00:06:59.15 Another one is from Deuteronomy 16, verse 17: 00:06:59.15\00:07:03.99 "Every man shall give as he is able, 00:07:03.99\00:07:06.72 according to the blessing of the Lord your God 00:07:06.72\00:07:08.56 which He has given you." 00:07:08.56\00:07:09.36 So it's based on the ability. 00:07:09.36\00:07:11.56 It's hard for some people to believe, but I actually think, 00:07:11.56\00:07:16.46 and I practice this in many ways, 00:07:16.46\00:07:19.03 that our offerings should be bigger than our tithe. 00:07:19.03\00:07:22.40 Especially when you get to be my age, 00:07:22.40\00:07:24.01 and you're debt free and so on, 00:07:24.01\00:07:25.24 and your income is sufficient, 00:07:25.24\00:07:26.88 that you can make larger contributions than your tithe. 00:07:26.88\00:07:29.58 In other words, tithe is only the beginning point, Eric, 00:07:29.58\00:07:32.75 and our offerings come after that, 00:07:32.75\00:07:34.12 and that's how we demonstrate our love 00:07:34.12\00:07:35.52 and our concern for others. 00:07:35.52\00:07:37.12 >>So, tithe is a starting point; 00:07:37.12\00:07:39.79 tithe is a minimum, if you will. 00:07:39.79\00:07:42.29 And God says if we don't return that tithe to Him, 00:07:42.29\00:07:44.93 we're actually robbing Him, 00:07:44.93\00:07:46.26 which, of course none of us wanna be guilty of robbing God. 00:07:46.26\00:07:48.80 So we start with that, and we do that in faith. 00:07:48.80\00:07:50.90 And from there we build the offerings 00:07:50.90\00:07:54.44 or we give the offerings. 00:07:54.44\00:07:56.40 Sometimes I've heard people say that they give 00:07:56.40\00:07:58.54 another tithe in offerings, 00:07:58.54\00:08:01.01 or another tenth of their income in offerings. 00:08:01.01\00:08:03.35 Some people can do that; some people are able to do less. 00:08:03.35\00:08:06.31 And as you mentioned, some are able to do more, 00:08:06.31\00:08:08.15 depending on where they happen to be. 00:08:08.15\00:08:10.52 When we talk about offerings, a lot of times we think about, 00:08:10.52\00:08:14.56 well, that's part of church. 00:08:14.56\00:08:16.96 You know, they send the plate around, 00:08:16.96\00:08:18.56 or we put the envelope in the box, 00:08:18.56\00:08:20.46 or some churches have a little kiosk in the entryway, 00:08:20.46\00:08:24.50 where you swipe a debit card or a credit card, 00:08:24.50\00:08:27.04 or something like that, or tap these days. 00:08:27.04\00:08:30.34 Is offerings, the giving of offerings, 00:08:31.44\00:08:35.28 is that really a part of worship? 00:08:35.28\00:08:38.55 >>Well, that's a good question, 00:08:38.55\00:08:39.68 and I wanna do two more short verses 00:08:39.68\00:08:41.75 before I get to that one. 00:08:41.75\00:08:43.82 In Luke, when Jesus sent--Luke, the 12th chapter-- 00:08:43.82\00:08:46.09 Jesus sent out the disciples to be missionaries for Him. 00:08:46.09\00:08:49.36 He said, "Freely you have received, freely give." 00:08:49.36\00:08:52.09 In other words, be as generous as God is for you. 00:08:52.09\00:08:54.83 And then also it's interesting 00:08:54.83\00:08:57.30 that we're told, "To whom much is given, 00:08:57.30\00:08:59.83 ...much [shall] be required." 00:08:59.83\00:09:01.74 So, if you don't have much, you're not gonna give much. 00:09:01.74\00:09:04.37 But what if God has blessed you sufficiently 00:09:04.37\00:09:06.81 to give large offerings, then that's certainly appropriate. 00:09:06.81\00:09:09.81 So if you ask about worship--and I'll just tell you this; 00:09:09.81\00:09:12.35 it's kind of interesting. 00:09:12.35\00:09:13.75 The Bible does not give what we call an order of service, 00:09:13.75\00:09:16.05 like, you have the scripture reading, and prayer, 00:09:16.05\00:09:17.42 and special music and the sermon 00:09:17.42\00:09:18.69 and closing prayer and all of that. 00:09:18.69\00:09:20.22 We've come up with that just to be orderly. 00:09:20.22\00:09:22.66 But when you read the Bible 00:09:22.66\00:09:23.93 and you look at worship services, 00:09:23.93\00:09:25.89 several things are always present in a worship service. 00:09:25.89\00:09:29.60 And we're talking about at least four things. 00:09:29.60\00:09:33.10 And that is study or preaching, 00:09:33.10\00:09:35.77 like we do with our Sabbath school lessons, for example. 00:09:35.77\00:09:39.94 Prayer is always part of it. 00:09:39.94\00:09:42.31 There's someone--there's a place in worship 00:09:42.31\00:09:44.31 for private prayer, individuals praying, 00:09:44.31\00:09:47.02 study groups, for example, 00:09:47.02\00:09:48.88 corporate prayer where somebody will 00:09:48.88\00:09:50.92 have the congregational prayer, 00:09:50.92\00:09:52.52 and the others will pray in their hearts. 00:09:52.52\00:09:54.46 And then, of course, music has always been a part of it. 00:09:54.46\00:09:57.69 In fact, the Levites were responsible for the music, 00:09:57.69\00:10:00.10 you know, there was a Levitical choir, 00:10:00.10\00:10:01.73 and it's interesting that music, 00:10:01.73\00:10:03.26 good music, is always part of worship--to me. 00:10:03.26\00:10:06.97 And then the fourth one-- 00:10:06.97\00:10:09.24 and I only mention it as fourth position because 00:10:09.24\00:10:11.34 that's what we're moving toward-- 00:10:11.34\00:10:14.41 is our tithes and offerings. 00:10:14.41\00:10:16.11 And that's why Moses reminded the children of Israel 00:10:16.11\00:10:18.31 not to come before the Lord empty-handed. 00:10:18.31\00:10:19.91 In other words, you bring your offerings 00:10:19.91\00:10:21.28 as part of your worship experience. 00:10:21.28\00:10:23.79 So, it's not like, "Let's take the offering; 00:10:23.79\00:10:26.92 then we'll get down to church." Offering is part of church. 00:10:26.92\00:10:30.29 >>Okay, so offering is a part of church, 00:10:30.29\00:10:32.03 which brings me to another question: 00:10:32.03\00:10:33.83 How frequently should a person give offering? 00:10:33.83\00:10:37.80 Again, we're kind of getting down to practical things here. 00:10:37.80\00:10:41.54 If a person is paid twice a month or biweekly, 00:10:41.54\00:10:46.17 how frequently should they give an offering or tithe? 00:10:47.68\00:10:51.15 Should it coincide with their paychecks? 00:10:51.15\00:10:54.28 Or should it be once a month? 00:10:54.28\00:10:56.55 Or--what's any guidance on that? 00:10:56.55\00:11:00.06 >>Well, it's interesting you asked that question because 00:11:00.06\00:11:02.02 the Apostle Paul was collecting money to go to Jerusalem 00:11:02.02\00:11:04.36 to help the poor, you know. 00:11:04.36\00:11:05.46 And he says, "On the first day of the week, 00:11:05.46\00:11:07.13 "set aside what you can do for this 00:11:07.13\00:11:08.50 so that when I come, we don't have to collect the offering." 00:11:08.50\00:11:11.00 So that might be some kind of a model. 00:11:11.00\00:11:12.90 I would suggest that when people look at their income, 00:11:12.90\00:11:15.44 that they try to do something on a regular basis. 00:11:15.44\00:11:18.47 Now, we get our income monthly in retirement. 00:11:18.47\00:11:21.91 And this is interesting--so we actually have, 00:11:21.91\00:11:24.08 our largest offering is at the last Sabbath of the month. 00:11:24.08\00:11:27.22 Every month it's that way; the treasurer can count on it; 00:11:27.22\00:11:29.65 God can count on it. 00:11:29.65\00:11:31.15 But I think, I like to believe that I'm giving an example 00:11:31.15\00:11:34.12 to others, young people and others. 00:11:34.12\00:11:35.66 So we try to have some kind of an offering every Sabbath, 00:11:35.66\00:11:39.16 it's not nearly the size of the one we give 00:11:39.16\00:11:40.73 on the last of the month, but special projects-- 00:11:40.73\00:11:43.26 our church has a little thing 00:11:43.26\00:11:46.67 where they have the children go around 00:11:46.67\00:11:48.24 after the deacons collect a regular offering and collect 00:11:48.24\00:11:50.11 the lamb's offering, if you please, 00:11:50.11\00:11:52.01 and the little kids enjoy this, 00:11:52.01\00:11:53.48 and the people enjoy it, watching them do it and so on. 00:11:53.48\00:11:56.11 And their eyes light up when you hold out a dollar 00:11:56.11\00:11:58.31 to put in their gift. 00:11:58.31\00:11:59.58 So I always wanna make sure that I collect, 00:11:59.58\00:12:01.48 have some dollars to give out. 00:12:01.48\00:12:02.85 Some people give more than that, 00:12:02.85\00:12:04.15 but it's important that we set an example, 00:12:04.15\00:12:06.82 that we don't just say, "I don't have anything today." 00:12:06.82\00:12:09.46 >>So make sure that you've got something in your pocket, 00:12:09.46\00:12:11.99 something in your purse, something in your wallet 00:12:11.99\00:12:14.56 every time to set that good example. 00:12:14.56\00:12:17.57 But depending on when you actually receive paychecks, 00:12:17.57\00:12:20.14 whether they're regular paychecks 00:12:20.14\00:12:21.40 or if you sell homes for a living, 00:12:21.40\00:12:24.41 it comes when you get a sale, or you sell cars, 00:12:24.41\00:12:26.84 but return that tithe and give that offering 00:12:26.84\00:12:31.51 on a very regular basis 00:12:31.51\00:12:33.25 in conjunction with when you get the income. 00:12:33.25\00:12:37.02 'Cause I imagine sometimes 00:12:37.02\00:12:38.52 if you just take care of yourself first and you plan to 00:12:38.52\00:12:41.89 do, give the offerings and so forth at the end of the month, 00:12:41.89\00:12:44.06 you may find at the end of the month you don't have 00:12:44.06\00:12:46.59 what you had expected to have. Very good advice, Ed. 00:12:46.59\00:12:50.23 If you're enjoying this quarter 00:12:50.23\00:12:51.67 and you wanna get more out of it, 00:12:51.67\00:12:53.20 I wanna encourage you to pick up the companion book 00:12:53.20\00:12:54.97 to this quarter's Sabbath school lesson. 00:12:54.97\00:12:56.94 It is "Managing for the Master." 00:12:56.94\00:12:59.04 You can find this book at itiswritten.shop. 00:12:59.04\00:13:02.34 Again, that's itiswritten.shop. 00:13:02.34\00:13:04.88 It's the companion book 00:13:04.88\00:13:05.95 to this quarter's Sabbath School lesson 00:13:05.95\00:13:06.98 and gives you additional insight, 00:13:06.98\00:13:09.02 some incredible stories, 00:13:09.02\00:13:10.72 some wonderful guidance on how to get 00:13:10.72\00:13:13.76 more out of this subject so that you can be blessed by it 00:13:13.76\00:13:16.99 and others can be blessed by it as well. 00:13:16.99\00:13:20.10 In just a moment, we're going to come back 00:13:20.10\00:13:21.80 with part two of our look at offerings. 00:13:21.80\00:13:24.97 We'll be right back. 00:13:24.97\00:13:26.27 (upbeat, inspirational theme music swells and ends) 00:13:26.27\00:13:30.44 >>[John Bradshaw] Thank you for remembering 00:13:30.44\00:13:31.91 that It Is Written exists because of the kindness of 00:13:31.91\00:13:34.64 people just like you. 00:13:34.64\00:13:35.94 To support this international life-changing ministry, 00:13:35.94\00:13:38.95 please call us now at 800-253-3000. 00:13:38.95\00:13:43.49 You can send your tax-deductible gift 00:13:43.49\00:13:44.65 to the address on your screen, 00:13:44.65\00:13:46.45 or you can visit us online at itiswritten.com. 00:13:46.45\00:13:50.33 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support. 00:13:50.33\00:13:53.16 Our number again is 800-253-3000. 00:13:53.16\00:13:57.87 Or you could visit us online at itiswritten.com. 00:13:57.87\00:14:00.50 (upbeat music) 00:14:01.74\00:14:03.94 >>[Announcer] Planning for your financial future 00:14:03.94\00:14:05.61 is a vital aspect of Christian stewardship. 00:14:05.61\00:14:08.24 For this reason, It Is Written is pleased 00:14:09.44\00:14:11.71 to offer free planned giving and estate services. 00:14:11.71\00:14:15.05 For information on how we can help you, 00:14:15.05\00:14:17.45 please call 800-992-2219. 00:14:17.45\00:14:22.16 Call today or visit our website: hislegacy.com. 00:14:22.16\00:14:26.63 Call 800-992-2219. 00:14:26.63\00:14:30.37 (upbeat, inspirational theme music) 00:14:32.37\00:14:35.77 >>[Eric] Welcome back to "Sabbath School," 00:14:36.87\00:14:38.27 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:14:38.27\00:14:40.31 We're taking a look today at "Offerings for Jesus." 00:14:40.31\00:14:43.75 What role do offerings play in our worship experience? 00:14:43.75\00:14:48.52 And on Wednesday's lesson, Wednesday is entitled, 00:14:48.52\00:14:50.95 "God Takes Note of our Offerings." 00:14:50.95\00:14:53.32 Now, somebody might be wondering, 00:14:53.32\00:14:55.16 you know, is God sitting up there with a legal pad, saying, 00:14:55.16\00:14:59.03 "Eric gave this much, but he had this much, and"-- 00:14:59.03\00:15:02.03 as if God is an accountant. 00:15:02.03\00:15:04.63 Is that what it means--God takes note of our offerings-- 00:15:06.13\00:15:09.27 does He really take note of our offerings, 00:15:09.27\00:15:11.04 and what does that look like? 00:15:11.04\00:15:12.57 >>The answer is yes. 00:15:12.57\00:15:14.31 And we know that from two stories in the Bible. 00:15:14.31\00:15:16.71 One of them is Jesus intentionally took His disciples 00:15:16.71\00:15:19.35 to the courtyard of the temple 00:15:19.35\00:15:20.72 where the treasure chests were, had them all sit down 00:15:20.72\00:15:22.75 and watch the people giving their offerings. 00:15:22.75\00:15:25.12 We learn that from the book of Mark, 00:15:25.12\00:15:26.99 chapter 12, verses 41-44. 00:15:26.99\00:15:30.03 And they saw these rich people coming 00:15:30.03\00:15:32.43 and dumping in large coins, a big commotion, 00:15:32.43\00:15:35.06 into the offering plate or offering container, 00:15:35.06\00:15:38.60 like--offering chest actually what they had out there. 00:15:38.60\00:15:41.34 And then this poor widow lady came, 00:15:41.34\00:15:43.04 and she just dropped in two copper coins. 00:15:43.04\00:15:45.64 Now, Jesus was close enough to her to observe that 00:15:45.64\00:15:47.78 there was two copper coins. 00:15:47.78\00:15:49.14 You know, this is--we hardly ever carry change anymore, 00:15:49.14\00:15:52.61 and I never have any pennies in my pocket, but she did. 00:15:52.61\00:15:55.38 Now, this is interesting because Jesus took note of that, 00:15:55.38\00:15:58.49 and He said that her offering would be commended 00:15:58.49\00:16:00.32 because she gave more than the others, 00:16:00.32\00:16:01.99 because she gave from her poverty, 00:16:01.99\00:16:03.59 and they gave from their riches. So she made a contribution; 00:16:03.59\00:16:06.59 she had given everything she had to do that. 00:16:06.59\00:16:09.00 And it's also interesting that this is the only offering 00:16:09.00\00:16:11.77 that Jesus ever commended, not because of its amount, 00:16:11.77\00:16:14.34 but because of the spirit that she gave it in. 00:16:14.34\00:16:16.57 And it's also interesting 00:16:16.57\00:16:18.34 I have people talk to me once in a while: 00:16:18.34\00:16:20.31 "Well, I don't know that I wanna support the church 00:16:20.31\00:16:21.94 'cause the conference was doing this," 00:16:21.94\00:16:23.21 or, "They spent money on the youth camp, 00:16:23.21\00:16:24.55 and I didn't think that was appropriate," or whatever it is. 00:16:24.55\00:16:27.38 But the only offering Jesus ever commended 00:16:27.38\00:16:29.42 was when the widow lady gave her last two cents 00:16:29.42\00:16:31.32 to the church that was so corrupt 00:16:31.32\00:16:32.72 that they were just about to kill Him. 00:16:32.72\00:16:34.76 So if you believe this is God's remnant church, 00:16:34.76\00:16:37.03 this is a place to support, 00:16:37.03\00:16:39.13 and let the others give account to God for their actions. 00:16:39.13\00:16:42.10 >>So it sounds like what you're saying is 00:16:42.10\00:16:43.40 we're either blessed or not blessed 00:16:43.40\00:16:45.27 based on the fact that we give, 00:16:45.27\00:16:47.10 not on what ends up happening with that money. 00:16:47.10\00:16:49.74 >>Exactly right, yes. 00:16:49.74\00:16:51.24 >>All right, very good. I wanna read a quote here from book 00:16:51.24\00:16:54.28 "Counsels on Stewardship." This one comes from page 175. 00:16:54.28\00:16:58.55 It says, "But Jesus understood her motive. 00:16:58.55\00:17:01.62 "She believed the service of the temple 00:17:01.62\00:17:03.55 "to be of God's appointment, 00:17:03.55\00:17:04.95 "and she was anxious to do her utmost to sustain it. 00:17:04.95\00:17:08.29 "She did what she could, and her act was to be a monument 00:17:08.29\00:17:12.23 "to her memory through all time, 00:17:12.23\00:17:14.40 "and her joy in eternity. 00:17:14.40\00:17:16.90 "Her heart went with her gift; 00:17:16.90\00:17:18.80 "its value was estimated, not by the worth of the coin, 00:17:18.80\00:17:22.54 "but by the love to God and the interest in His work 00:17:22.54\00:17:27.04 that had prompted the deed." 00:17:27.04\00:17:29.44 So that's an insight into where she was giving from, 00:17:29.44\00:17:32.61 it sounds like. 00:17:32.61\00:17:33.72 >>Yes indeed, that's an amazing statement. 00:17:33.72\00:17:36.12 >>Now, there's another story that 00:17:36.12\00:17:39.05 I want you to comment on here. 00:17:39.05\00:17:41.52 This Cornelius, 00:17:43.22\00:17:45.53 talk to us about Cornelius and what happened there. 00:17:45.53\00:17:48.60 >>In the early church, 00:17:48.60\00:17:49.90 there were several things that were happening. 00:17:49.90\00:17:51.00 One is that God was wanting the gospel 00:17:51.00\00:17:53.20 to go to the whole world, and people need to recognize 00:17:53.20\00:17:57.31 that it wasn't just the Jewish people 00:17:57.31\00:17:58.54 that needed to hear the message. 00:17:58.54\00:18:00.31 So, but they weren't speaking to the Gentiles too much, 00:18:00.31\00:18:02.78 but the Gentiles were spontaneously helping the cause. 00:18:02.78\00:18:06.98 And one of those people was named Cornelius, 00:18:06.98\00:18:09.22 he was the centurion of the band of the Italian group, 00:18:09.22\00:18:11.79 and Acts, the 10th chapter, 00:18:11.79\00:18:14.36 the book of Acts, the 10th chapter, it talks about it 00:18:14.36\00:18:16.26 in the first four verses: 00:18:16.26\00:18:17.63 "[He was]...a devout man, and one that feared God 00:18:17.63\00:18:20.03 "with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, 00:18:20.03\00:18:23.50 and prayed to God always." 00:18:23.50\00:18:25.33 Now, that's the kind of guy he was. 00:18:25.33\00:18:26.84 He was giving offerings to help people, and he prayed a lot. 00:18:26.84\00:18:30.74 Now, we know that if we pray, God hears, right? 00:18:30.74\00:18:34.11 What if we give? Does God notice? 00:18:34.11\00:18:35.84 Apparently He does because God sent an angel 00:18:35.84\00:18:38.38 down to his house, incredible as it may seem, 00:18:38.38\00:18:41.62 in the vision he had about the ninth hour. You know, 00:18:41.62\00:18:45.59 I like this situation because in the Jewish calendar system 00:18:45.59\00:18:49.92 or the keeping of time they had, 00:18:49.92\00:18:52.23 they divided the daylight hours into 12 segments. 00:18:52.23\00:18:54.93 So six o'clock is halfway through; 00:18:54.93\00:18:57.00 that's always noon when the earth's--sun's up at its zenith. 00:18:57.00\00:19:02.00 So the ninth hour would be the mid-afternoon. 00:19:02.00\00:19:05.11 So he's praying then, mid-afternoon, 00:19:05.11\00:19:07.44 not just his morning devotions, 00:19:07.44\00:19:08.78 but he took, chose the middle afternoon to pray, 00:19:08.78\00:19:11.28 and an angel came to him. This, to me, is amazing, 00:19:11.28\00:19:15.58 because he said, "Cornelius." 00:19:15.58\00:19:17.15 "And when he looked up, ...he was afraid, and said, 00:19:17.15\00:19:18.85 "'What is it, Lord?' 00:19:18.85\00:19:20.16 "And he said unto him, '[Your] prayers and [your] alms 00:19:20.16\00:19:22.86 [have] come up [as] a memorial before God." 00:19:22.86\00:19:25.09 Heaven is taking notice of your prayers and your giving. 00:19:25.09\00:19:28.90 And as a result of that, he told him in that interview, 00:19:28.90\00:19:32.20 send men to Joppa to get one called Simon Peter, 00:19:32.20\00:19:34.70 and he'll come back and give you the gospel. 00:19:34.70\00:19:36.67 But this all started with his faithfulness in giving alms, 00:19:36.67\00:19:39.71 a big story, really, really. 00:19:39.71\00:19:41.64 >>You know, in Matthew 6, verse 21, 00:19:41.64\00:19:45.35 speaking of Cornelius, it says, 00:19:45.35\00:19:46.68 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 00:19:46.68\00:19:51.19 His heart was where his money was going, 00:19:51.19\00:19:54.72 and God took notice of that, you said. 00:19:54.72\00:19:56.93 >>That's amazing, isn't it? 00:19:56.93\00:19:58.99 You can almost say it the other way too: 00:19:58.99\00:20:01.53 Where your heart is, your treasure will be. 00:20:01.53\00:20:03.47 "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 00:20:03.47\00:20:06.10 So if you want a cause for the ministry, 00:20:06.10\00:20:08.44 contribute to the cause, and your heart will be there also. 00:20:08.44\00:20:11.47 >>Let's take a look at Thursday now. 00:20:11.47\00:20:13.51 Thursday is--some people may not quite be 00:20:13.51\00:20:18.18 at Thursday, but some people could be and should be, 00:20:18.18\00:20:21.58 and certainly some people are. Thursday is called 00:20:21.58\00:20:23.92 "Special Projects: [Or] 'Big Jar' Giving." 00:20:23.92\00:20:27.69 You mentioned a few moments ago about special projects 00:20:27.69\00:20:31.39 or special gifts that you can give. 00:20:31.39\00:20:33.63 Is there a place for large or special gifts and offering, 00:20:33.63\00:20:37.30 not just your average everyday giving that you regularly do 00:20:37.30\00:20:41.37 or that you do on a regular basis, 00:20:41.37\00:20:43.10 but some big project that maybe you're passionate about? 00:20:43.10\00:20:45.97 How does that fit into the grand scheme of things? 00:20:45.97\00:20:48.68 >>This is a good question. I have a practical illustration 00:20:48.68\00:20:51.15 to give you an answer for that. Assume for a moment that we 00:20:51.15\00:20:55.28 just check on how people give offerings. 00:20:55.28\00:20:57.02 Most people give their offerings 00:20:57.02\00:20:58.62 with what is called discretionary income--liquid 00:20:58.62\00:21:00.89 assets, like cash or whatever they have in their wallet 00:21:00.89\00:21:03.09 or in their checking account 00:21:03.09\00:21:04.16 or their savings book or whatever it is, 00:21:04.16\00:21:06.73 money market accounts. 00:21:06.73\00:21:07.86 And studies show that's about 9% of our assets. 00:21:07.86\00:21:11.83 And the rest of it is 91%, 00:21:11.83\00:21:15.20 is in non-liquid assets, invested, for example, in your 00:21:15.20\00:21:19.71 home and in your assets like livestock or property, 00:21:19.71\00:21:23.51 in other ways. 00:21:23.51\00:21:24.81 So if we take each percentage and give it 10 pennies, 00:21:24.81\00:21:29.35 that would use up a thousand pennies. 00:21:29.35\00:21:31.15 So, 99% for the liquid asset gifts, 00:21:31.15\00:21:36.16 that's what most people give their offerings from, 00:21:36.16\00:21:38.33 their liquid assets. 00:21:38.33\00:21:39.86 That would be 90 pennies, and put that in a little jar. 00:21:39.86\00:21:42.96 Then if you take the 91% and give 10%, 00:21:42.96\00:21:46.17 10 pennies for each percent, 00:21:46.17\00:21:47.70 you have 910 pennies, and that'd have to fit in a quart jar. 00:21:47.70\00:21:50.84 So you have most people giving from the little jar, 00:21:50.84\00:21:53.34 and big gifts come from the big jar. 00:21:53.34\00:21:55.81 Does that make sense? >>It does. 00:21:55.81\00:21:57.28 Yep. >>Okay, here's what we do. 00:21:57.28\00:21:59.01 We look at this and see something very, very 00:21:59.01\00:22:02.15 interesting. In the story of the alabaster box that Mary broke 00:22:02.15\00:22:05.25 with the spikenard inside at Simon's feast, 00:22:05.25\00:22:08.46 you remember that story, which is very interesting one. 00:22:08.46\00:22:11.66 Something else interesting happened. 00:22:11.66\00:22:14.03 Mary's alabaster box with the spikenard in it 00:22:14.03\00:22:17.07 cost her 300 denarii, which is an entire year's wages. 00:22:17.07\00:22:22.07 So would that be a big gift or a little gift? 00:22:22.07\00:22:24.41 >>That's gonna be a big gift. 00:22:24.41\00:22:25.81 >>It's a "big jar" gift, for sure, no question about it, 00:22:25.81\00:22:27.34 wasn't just discretionary income, 00:22:27.34\00:22:28.71 whatever she may have had in her pocket or purse. 00:22:28.71\00:22:31.21 The interesting thing is that Mary's gift of denarii 00:22:31.21\00:22:33.88 was a big gift, but it also recognized something unusual, 00:22:33.88\00:22:38.55 that Judas, then, because of that, betrayed Jesus 00:22:38.55\00:22:41.32 for a small jar gift of only 30 pieces of silver, 00:22:41.32\00:22:44.59 which is incredible when you think about it. 00:22:44.59\00:22:47.03 I'll tell you another one 00:22:47.03\00:22:48.26 that's interesting, another story. 00:22:48.26\00:22:50.40 The story is about Barnabas. 00:22:50.40\00:22:52.90 This is kind of interesting because 00:22:52.90\00:22:55.14 Barnabas is mentioned 28 times in the New Testament. 00:22:55.14\00:22:58.81 The first time he is mentioned, though, 00:22:58.81\00:23:00.31 is something very interesting, 00:23:00.31\00:23:02.01 and that's Acts, the fourth chapter, verses 36 and 37. 00:23:02.01\00:23:05.31 We say that Barnabas-- 00:23:05.31\00:23:06.65 you know, we know him because he was a companion of Paul 00:23:06.65\00:23:09.15 in his missionary journeys. 00:23:09.15\00:23:10.79 But how he started out was, 00:23:10.79\00:23:13.15 well, it says in that passage I just quoted 00:23:13.15\00:23:16.29 that he decided that--he had, 00:23:16.29\00:23:18.03 he sold land and brought the money to the apostles. 00:23:18.03\00:23:21.13 So if you sell a big piece of your investments, 00:23:21.13\00:23:23.26 is that a "big jar" gift? >>That's big. 00:23:23.26\00:23:25.60 >>And what happened as a result of that, 00:23:25.60\00:23:27.70 his heart followed his treasure, 00:23:27.70\00:23:29.07 and he jumped in, all-in for good, to serve with Paul. 00:23:29.07\00:23:32.81 To me, this is amazing stuff. 00:23:32.81\00:23:34.81 And it demonstrates what Jesus said: 00:23:34.81\00:23:36.54 "Where your treasure is, ...your heart will be also." 00:23:36.54\00:23:38.95 If he hadn't done that big gift, 00:23:38.95\00:23:41.55 it's very likely that he probably would not have 00:23:41.55\00:23:43.82 been involved in the ministry as he was. 00:23:43.82\00:23:46.82 >>So his heart followed that gift, 00:23:46.82\00:23:49.26 or they were at least intertwined, 00:23:49.26\00:23:51.13 I think is very safe to say. 00:23:51.13\00:23:53.23 Incredible to see how a gift like that 00:23:53.23\00:23:56.10 then inspired or motivated him 00:23:56.10\00:23:58.27 to be more fully committed to it. 00:23:58.27\00:24:01.27 >>Another interesting point there, 00:24:01.27\00:24:02.37 if you don't mind me interrupting here, 00:24:02.37\00:24:04.24 this is amazing to me. 00:24:04.24\00:24:05.81 The fourth chapter of Acts 00:24:05.81\00:24:06.94 also contains the story of Ananias and Sapphira. 00:24:06.94\00:24:09.78 They were also at that second time 00:24:09.78\00:24:11.31 the Holy Spirit was poured out 00:24:11.31\00:24:12.41 and gave the apostles boldness and so on. 00:24:12.41\00:24:14.52 But their covetousness cost them their lives, 00:24:14.52\00:24:16.72 and Barnabas' generosity gave him eternal life. 00:24:16.72\00:24:20.36 It's just incredible. 00:24:20.36\00:24:21.72 >>Day-to-day normal giving, appropriate 00:24:21.72\00:24:24.56 and encouraged and so forth. 00:24:24.56\00:24:26.86 But from time to time some of these big gifts 00:24:26.86\00:24:29.00 can have an eternal consequence, 00:24:29.00\00:24:30.87 either for the good or not for the good, 00:24:30.87\00:24:33.70 depending on what we do with that. That's incredible. 00:24:33.70\00:24:36.84 Let me read a statement here as we kind of tie things up. 00:24:36.84\00:24:41.31 This is from "Testimonies for the Church," 00:24:41.31\00:24:43.68 volume 2, page 518. 00:24:43.68\00:24:46.72 It says, "The recording angel makes a faithful record 00:24:46.72\00:24:49.38 "of every offering dedicated to God 00:24:49.38\00:24:51.75 "and put into the treasury, 00:24:51.75\00:24:53.29 "and also of the final result of the means thus bestowed. 00:24:53.29\00:24:57.49 "The eye of God takes cognizance of every farthing 00:24:57.49\00:25:00.70 "devoted to His cause, and of the willingness 00:25:00.70\00:25:03.37 "or reluctance of the giver. 00:25:03.37\00:25:05.23 "The motive in giving is also chronicled. 00:25:05.23\00:25:08.07 "Those self-sacrificing, consecrated ones 00:25:08.07\00:25:11.21 "who render back to God the things that are His, 00:25:11.21\00:25:13.74 "as He requires of them, 00:25:13.74\00:25:15.28 "will be rewarded according to their works. 00:25:15.28\00:25:17.61 "Even though the means thus consecrated be misapplied, 00:25:17.61\00:25:21.15 "so that it does not accomplish the object 00:25:21.15\00:25:23.62 "which the donor had in view,-- 00:25:23.62\00:25:25.22 "the glory of God and the salvation of souls,-- 00:25:25.22\00:25:28.12 "those who made the sacrifice in sincerity of soul, 00:25:28.12\00:25:31.39 "with an eye single to the glory of God, 00:25:31.39\00:25:34.00 will not lose their reward." 00:25:34.00\00:25:36.80 So if the offering, if the gift is given in good faith, 00:25:36.80\00:25:40.20 and the heart is right, that makes that gift, 00:25:41.30\00:25:43.10 even if it doesn't end up going in the right direction, 00:25:43.10\00:25:45.41 they still receive a blessing from it. 00:25:45.41\00:25:47.18 >>That's an amazing, isn't it, amazing concept, really. 00:25:47.18\00:25:50.21 So that goes right along with the widow's mites. 00:25:50.21\00:25:53.65 She had a heart that was right to serve God, 00:25:53.65\00:25:56.25 thinking that this was God's church and so on. 00:25:56.25\00:25:58.85 But even if the leaders of the church 00:25:58.85\00:26:01.62 didn't do appropriate things with it, 00:26:01.62\00:26:03.89 they may have even used part of that money to pay Judas, 00:26:03.89\00:26:06.49 so, who knows? But she did the right thing 00:26:06.49\00:26:08.60 because her heart was in the right spot, 00:26:08.60\00:26:10.50 and the recording angel made note of it in heaven. 00:26:10.50\00:26:12.87 >>So we can hope and expect and anticipate 00:26:12.87\00:26:15.84 that ultimately if we do give gifts, 00:26:15.84\00:26:17.61 they are going to go in the right direction, 00:26:17.61\00:26:19.37 they are going to head to the right place, 00:26:19.37\00:26:22.81 and, of course, there are counting procedures 00:26:22.81\00:26:24.81 set up to make sure that that does indeed happen. 00:26:24.81\00:26:27.22 But even if it doesn't, 00:26:27.22\00:26:28.58 then we can still expect to receive a blessing from that. 00:26:28.58\00:26:32.09 Any final thoughts on offerings 00:26:32.09\00:26:34.32 as we tie this week's session up? 00:26:34.32\00:26:36.69 >>Yes, I would just second what you just said. 00:26:36.69\00:26:38.66 Most of the time, for sure, 00:26:38.66\00:26:40.13 the offering goes where we intended 00:26:40.13\00:26:41.83 because we do have auditors, 00:26:41.83\00:26:43.23 and if there's an offering taken for a certain thing, 00:26:43.23\00:26:44.80 that's where it goes and so on. 00:26:44.80\00:26:46.60 I can just tell you that 00:26:46.60\00:26:49.04 Kathy and I have experienced 00:26:49.04\00:26:50.57 that it's "more blessed to give than to receive." 00:26:50.57\00:26:52.87 We've made a number of gifts this year that are 00:26:52.87\00:26:54.91 what I would consider "big jar" gifts, 00:26:54.91\00:26:56.51 and it made us feel good 00:26:56.51\00:26:57.58 that we were able to make the work go forward 00:26:57.58\00:26:58.91 as we've made those gifts. 00:26:58.91\00:27:00.85 And I can tell you that throughout your life as you 00:27:00.85\00:27:03.99 give, God blesses you; there's no question about it. 00:27:03.99\00:27:06.15 You want Him to be--you wanna manage for the Master 00:27:06.15\00:27:08.72 in a way that can give Him glory and honor Him as well. 00:27:08.72\00:27:11.66 So we thank God that there is an offering appeal 00:27:11.66\00:27:14.00 from time to time 00:27:14.00\00:27:15.06 and that we know the work is going forward. 00:27:15.06\00:27:16.87 >>So, one more way that you could receive 00:27:16.87\00:27:19.27 a blessing from God: when you give, 00:27:19.27\00:27:21.97 you also do indeed receive. 00:27:21.97\00:27:24.17 This has been an exciting lesson this week 00:27:24.17\00:27:26.17 looking at offering; last week we looked at tithe. 00:27:26.17\00:27:28.78 We still have a little ways to go through this quarter 00:27:28.78\00:27:31.08 of 12 lessons, and we're encouraged to have you with us 00:27:31.08\00:27:34.55 as we make this journey. 00:27:34.55\00:27:35.92 Until next week, God bless you, have a wonderful week, 00:27:35.92\00:27:38.85 and we'll see you again next week on "Sabbath School," 00:27:38.85\00:27:41.12 brought to you by It Is Written. 00:27:41.12\00:27:43.39 (upbeat, inspirational theme music) 00:27:43.39\00:27:47.76 (music ends) 00:28:26.80\00:28:29.27