It Is Written Reformation 500 Series

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWR

Program Code: IIWR001476A

01:30 ♪[Music]♪
01:40 ♪[Music]♪
01:49 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
01:51 Thanks for joining me for 500.
01:54 Our special series on the Reformation,
01:56 which is 500 years old,
01:58 thanks to,
02:00 an extraordinary life and an extraordinary ministry.
02:03 Martin Luther is the subject of this program.
02:07 We're going to take you to Germany,
02:09 Luther's Germany and beyond for "Here I Stand,"
02:12 words made famous by Martin Luther.
02:16 And I'm honored that our special guest on this program
02:18 is Dr. Leslie Pollard, the President of Oakwood University
02:22 in Huntsville, Alabama.
02:23 Dr. Pollard, thanks for joining me.
02:25 >>Dr. Pollard: My pleasure, thank you.
02:26 I'm glad to be here.
02:27 >>John: Briefly, who was is this Martin Luther?
02:29 Tell me something about the man and his impact.
02:31 >>Dr. Pollard: Okay, I'll say it in three words:
02:32 lover, fighter, visionary.
02:34 Martin Luther.
02:35 >>John: That was Martin Luther.
02:37 Well you're going to hear more about Martin Luther
02:39 as this program goes by.
02:40 He was all of that.
02:42 Martin Luther was a man who successfully changed his world
02:45 and he changed ours.
02:48 We're going to travel together to Wittenberg in Germany.
02:51 It's a city of around 50,000 people these days
02:54 in a part of the world once known, a generation ago,
02:58 as East Germany.
03:00 It's interesting that during the communist East German times,
03:04 the Martin Luther sites in Wittenberg languished.
03:09 They were neglected and they fell into a state of disrepair.
03:13 In recent times,
03:15 there's been a lot of work done to bring Wittenberg
03:17 up to its current splendor,
03:20 the Luther premises have been refurbished.
03:22 The Lucas Cranach studio has been rebuilt
03:27 or sort of reenacted.
03:29 Melanchton's home is right there on the same street
03:32 as where Luther used to live,
03:33 and that's now a place for tourists to visit as well.
03:37 So the restoration of democracy in what was East Germany
03:42 has been good for the restoration
03:45 of the Protestant sites of historic value.
03:49 Wittenberg is a place in sort of place.
03:53 It's hard to know just how much
03:55 the average Wittenbergan knows or cares about Martin Luther.
04:00 But in the last few years there's been a lot of
04:03 caring as the entire town has been,
04:06 well, spruced up a little bit for what's taking place
04:09 late in 2017.
04:12 Huge celebrations,
04:13 huge commemorations will happen in Wittenberg,
04:17 October 31 being the 500th anniversary
04:22 to the day of what we call the founding of the Reformation.
04:26 At that time really the sites of the world
04:28 will be trained on Wittenberg in Germany.
04:33 Martin Luther was a revolutionary.
04:36 He was a radical but he did not set out to be any of that.
04:41 He simply wanted to reform his church.
04:43 He realized that there was certain things
04:45 being taught in his church that not only did not
04:48 measure with the Bible,
04:50 but he felt also robbed people of their joy.
04:52 If you examine the 95 Theses,
04:55 you see that one of the things that pops up again and again,
04:59 about 15 different times, is purgatory.
05:03 I'm certain I'll be speaking with Dr. Pollard
05:05 about purgatory a little later on.
05:08 Now, if you don't have a background
05:11 in what this is all about,
05:12 then perhaps it's not that easy for you to appreciate.
05:16 In Roman Catholic thinking,
05:17 if you're not good enough to get to heaven,
05:19 and pardon me for phrasing it that way,
05:21 if you deem it incorrect,
05:22 and not bad enough to go to hell,
05:24 there is a place you can go to be purged of your sins,
05:27 it's purg-a-tory,
05:29 purgatory, what we know it as today.
05:32 The place of purging so that you can be purified from your sins
05:37 and then go to heaven.
05:38 Of course, on the one hand,
05:39 it provides believers with an enormous amount of assurance.
05:44 I wasn't good enough the first time around,
05:47 God will cleanse me,
05:49 purge me in purgatory and ready me for everlasting life.
05:53 But imagine being as I was a kid,
05:55 I remember this just about as vividly as I remember
06:00 anything in my life,
06:02 being a young person considering purgatory.
06:04 Of course, I'd of preferred to gone to heaven,
06:07 but I didn't think I was good enough for that,
06:08 who thinks they're good enough for that.
06:10 And nobody wants to consider that
06:11 they're going to go to hell.
06:12 That's the worst alternative of all.
06:15 But as purgatory was explained to me,
06:17 it was a place where you would pay for your sins,
06:20 atone for your sins,
06:22 where you'd be punished for your sins.
06:24 And while I didn't have a good idea in my mind
06:27 exactly what that would be like,
06:29 I knew it wasn't gonna to be good.
06:31 And I knew I could be in a place of suffering
06:34 for thousands of years,
06:36 at least that's how it was explained to me
06:37 by the nuns who educated me.
06:40 And so there I was as a kid.
06:42 When you're a kid, a day is a long time,
06:45 you get a little bit older,
06:47 a year just flies by.
06:49 So imagine being south of 10 years old and thinking about
06:52 thousands of years in a place of suffering.
06:56 I'd do anything I could do to avoid that.
06:58 Anything at all.
07:01 So you can understand how in Luther's day
07:03 when the church dominated entirely where the pope was
07:08 as God in the minds of the people.
07:11 When they were confronted with purgatory
07:14 and they knew it's awful,
07:16 in fact, what they knew about it was what the priests
07:19 told them about it because they had no access
07:22 to reading material on the subject and of course,
07:25 purgatory is a mythical place anyway.
07:28 When you're a peasant and you're illiterate
07:31 and you're ignorant in your ways
07:33 and somebody says to you for a sum of money
07:36 that's all,
07:38 you can be freed from your future time in purgatory,
07:43 for a sum of money you can get time off your time in purgatory,
07:47 for a sum of money your wife or your children
07:50 or your parents can be spared much of the suffering
07:52 in purgatory.
07:54 You think that has an impact on you?
07:56 I know from experience it has an impact on you.
08:01 Martin Luther knew that people who are bound up
08:04 in this type of theology were essentially slaves
08:08 to these teachings that were not true and would demonstrably
08:12 and monstrously false.
08:15 And so he felt compelled to do something about it.
08:20 So Martin Luther Here I Stand words he spoke with conviction
08:26 at the Diet of Worms,
08:28 Worms, a city in Germany,
08:29 the diet was a council,
08:31 it was where he was brought to recant his positions,
08:36 to deny his Biblical faith,
08:39 to turn his back on,
08:40 to repudiate what he had written as a Protestant.
08:45 Luther arrived at that Diet with fire in his bones,
08:50 recant, he could not.
08:53 "Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God."
08:58 In just a moment,
08:59 Here I Stand, the Martin Luther story.
09:02 It's part of 500,
09:04 our look at The Reformation,
09:07 brought to you by It Is Written.
09:09 I'll be back in just a moment.
09:11 ♪[Music]♪
09:17 The prophesies of The Book of Revelation
09:19 announce startingly that Babylon is fallen.
09:24 What does that mean?
09:25 How do we understand the fall of Babylon?
09:28 I'd like to send to you today's free offer,
09:29 it's entitled "The Fall of Babylon."
09:33 Call us on 800-253-3000
09:36 or visit us online at
09:40 or you can write to the address on your screen.
09:42 I'd like you to receive our free offer
09:44 The Fall of Babylon.
09:47 Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
09:49 exists due to the gracious support of the people like you.
09:53 It's your support that makes it possible for It Is Written
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10:18 >>John: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
10:20 Thanks for joining me.
10:23 What makes a reformer?
10:26 Consider with me Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
10:28 ♪[Music]♪
10:31 The son of a minister, raised in Atlanta, Georgia,
10:35 not raised in privilege,
10:38 but raised in society that was designed to disadvantage him.
10:42 Yet he then went on to become a revolutionary,
10:44 an agent of change.
10:47 He boldly confronted a powerful system.
10:50 You might ask why?
10:52 What drives a man to do that?
10:55 But Martin Luther King Jr.
10:56 was driven to act,
10:58 to write,
10:59 to speak,
10:59 to organize,
11:00 to protest by a system that was broken,
11:05 by a society that gloried in its brokenness
11:08 and was determined to preserve its dysfunction.
11:11 "I still have a dream," he said,
11:14 one last summer's day in 1963 on the mall in Washington, DC.
11:20 It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
11:23 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up
11:26 and live out the true meaning of its creed:
11:29 We hold these truths to be self-evident,
11:32 that all men are created equal.
11:35 By the time Dr. King was murdered outside room 306
11:38 of the Lorraine Motel in 1968,
11:42 there would be no stopping the progress that he
11:44 and so many others along with him had made
11:47 in advancing the American civil rights movement.
11:51 Looking back on those days,
11:52 it's difficult to imagine that a country would choose
11:55 to live with the system it had created.
11:58 In the land of the free,
11:59 millions of people were not free.
12:03 Self-determination was the lot of some,
12:06 not all, intolerance was normal,
12:11 the struggle to right the wrongs of civil injustice
12:13 in the United States was long and hard.
12:17 It cannot be suggested the revolution,
12:20 if you'll let me call it that, should not have been waged.
12:25 So what is it that creates a revolutionary?
12:29 You might say it's the times,
12:31 an individual sees a need that must be met.
12:34 Hears a call he or she cannot ignore.
12:37 People like Gandhi,
12:38 Susan B. Anthony,
12:40 Harriet Tubman,
12:42 William Wilberforce.
12:44 I suspect many reformers, social or religious,
12:48 will tell you they ultimately didn't choose
12:50 the role they assumed, the role chose them.
12:56 Martin Luther King Jr. was not named Martin when he was born.
13:01 He was named Michael after his father,
13:04 but when little Michael was just five years old,
13:06 Michael Sr. made a trip to Germany
13:09 to attend a church congress in Berlin.
13:11 And while he was there he was so deeply impressed by the life
13:16 and ministry of a certain German gospel minister
13:20 that he made a decision to change his name
13:22 and that of his son from Michael to Martin.
13:26 Not only did Martin Luther impress Pastor Michael King,
13:30 Martin Luther changed the world.
13:33 On October the 31st, in the year 1517,
13:37 Martin Luther defied the system that was essentially
13:40 governing Western civilization.
13:43 His contribution to history is so immense
13:47 that Time Magazine ranked him fourth on the list of
13:50 the greatest men of the millennium.
13:53 It all happened here, in Wittenberg, Germany,
13:56 in the part of Germany that for more than 40 years
13:58 was known as East Germany.
14:02 In the 1500s Wittenberg was part of the kingdom of Saxony,
14:06 and while the town now officially known
14:09 Lutherstadt Wittenberg is a popular tourist destination.
14:13 In Luther's day it was anything but.
14:18 Wittenberg is a pleasant town today
14:19 with a population that hovers around 50,000.
14:23 It's 60 miles southeast of Berlin
14:25 and just a two-hour drive to the border with Poland.
14:28 It sits on the Elbe River, which starts in the Czech Republic
14:31 and flows through Germany right past Hamburg,
14:35 Germany's second largest city and to the North Sea.
14:39 During communism,
14:41 Wittenberg's sites of religious significance were neglected.
14:44 In preparation for the 500th anniversary of the starting
14:47 of The Reformation, October 31, 1517,
14:52 the town is being revitalized,
14:54 the Castle Church is being renovated
14:57 and there's a lot of pride in Wittenberg's favorite son.
15:01 Wittenberg, in Luther's day had a population of around 3,000
15:05 and it was hardly the sort of place that you would have
15:08 thought would launch a revolution.
15:11 Luther called it miserable.
15:13 His right-hand man in reform; Philipp Melanchthon
15:15 referred to Wittenberg as a hamlet comprised
15:19 not of regular houses but only of little ones.
15:22 Bad huts built of clay and covered with hay and straw.
15:26 Duke George of Saxony called Wittenberg a hole.
15:31 And one theologian wrote to a friend about the poor,
15:33 miserable, filthy, little town of Wittenberg.
15:38 Now that theologian couldn't stand Martin Luther.
15:41 That might have colored his view,
15:42 but you get the idea nevertheless.
15:44 That this place was hardly the garden of Eden.
15:47 Martin Luther was born here in Eisleben
15:50 about 60 miles from Wittenberg on November 10th, 1483.
15:56 This whole area was part of what was known for centuries
15:59 as the Holy Roman Empire.
16:02 He grew up in poverty.
16:04 His parents were peasants.
16:07 His father worked as a miner.
16:09 Hardship shaped his upbringing.
16:12 Luther's father, Hans,
16:14 wanted him to become a lawyer and he was appalled
16:18 when Martin instead shows to enter a cloister
16:22 to trying to become an Augustinian monk.
16:24 However, it was in that cloister that Martin Luther
16:28 found a Bible chained to the monastery wall.
16:31 It was the first time she'd ever seen a whole Bible.
16:34 You can imagine how he felt as he read the gospels
16:37 and the epistles of Paul, he was moved.
16:41 At the same time,
16:42 he was overcome by the sense of his own sinfulness.
16:45 He wanted to find peace with God and so he did
16:47 what they told him to do at the monastery.
16:49 He fasted, he prayed for hours,
16:52 he even resorted to the flagellation.
16:54 Later he would say,
16:55 if ever a monk could obtain heaven by his monkish works
16:59 then I should certainly have been entitled to it.
17:03 But Luther had a mentor during his training,
17:06 a man named Johann von Staupitz.
17:09 Luther would later say:
17:11 "if it had not been for Dr. Staupitz
17:13 I should surely have sunk in hell."
17:17 Staupitz encouraged Luther by telling him this.
17:19 Instead of torturing yourself on account of your sins
17:23 throw yourself into the Redeemer's arms,
17:26 trust in Him,
17:28 in the righteousness of His life,
17:30 in the atonement of His death.
17:33 Listen to the son of God,
17:35 he became man to give you the assurance of divine favor.
17:40 Love Him who first loved you.
17:46 Between 1501 and 1505,
17:48 Luther studied at the University of Erfurt,
17:50 a two-day walk from his home here in Eisleben.
17:53 He earned a master's degree, then he began studying law
17:56 but he dropped out of law school to enter the cloister.
18:00 But the fastings and the endless prayers
18:02 and all that came with it, left Luther desperate.
18:06 So in 1508 he accepted a call to teach theology
18:10 at the University of Wittenberg.
18:13 The university had been founded only a few years before
18:16 by Frederick III, the Elector of Saxony.
18:19 Frederick was a prince in the state of Saxony.
18:21 He was known as an Elector because he was one of the elite
18:25 who elected the king of the Romans.
18:28 He was a powerful man.
18:30 Not only was Luther born here in Eisleben,
18:32 but he died here as well.
18:34 In fact,
18:35 he died right here in this building behind me in the 1540.
18:38 It was from this humble little spot
18:42 virtually in the middle of the German nowhere
18:44 that Luther was thrust into the global spotlight.
18:48 Yet you come to town like this, busy towns.
18:50 This is Lutherstadt Eisleben it's called
18:53 or Lutherstadt Wittenberg, that's the city's official name.
18:57 If you come to places like this,
18:58 there's throngs of tourists, people visiting,
19:01 people coming and going
19:02 and you realize that the vast majority of those people
19:06 haven't got a clue why Martin did what he did.
19:08 The essence of Luther's protest has been lost.
19:14 So why did he do it?
19:15 Why he nailed his 95 Theses to the door
19:18 of biggest church in town?
19:20 Why did he pick a fight
19:21 with the most powerful people on the planet.
19:24 People he knew who didn't lose fights like those.
19:28 I'll tell you in just a moment.
19:30 ♪[Music]♪
19:36 >>John: I'm John Bradshaw from It Is Written
19:38 inviting you to join me for 500.
19:42 Nine programs produced by It Is Written
19:44 taking you deep into the Reformation.
19:47 This is the 500th Anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation
19:52 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses
19:54 to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
19:57 We'll take you to Wittenberg and to Belgium,
19:59 to England,
20:00 to Ireland,
20:02 to Rome,
20:02 to the Vatican City and introduce you to
20:05 the people who created the Reformation,
20:07 who pushed the Reformation forward.
20:09 We'll take you to sites all throughout Europe
20:11 where the Reformers lived and in some cases died.
20:13 We'll bring you back to the United States
20:15 and take you to a little farm in upstate New York
20:18 and show you how God spread the Reformation here.
20:21 Don't miss 500.
20:23 You can own the 500 series on DVD.
20:26 Call us on 888-664-5573
20:31 or visit us online at
20:36 ♪[Music]♪
20:41 >>John: Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
20:44 It was on October 31st, 1517 that Martin Luther
20:48 nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church
20:53 and he launched the movement that became known to history
20:56 as the Protestant Reformation.
20:58 But when Martin Luther did that he wasn't
21:01 a radical and he wasn't a revolutionary.
21:03 He wasn't even a reformer.
21:06 He was a loyal son of the Roman Catholic church.
21:10 But when he was around 27 years old
21:12 he traveled to the city of Rome.
21:15 What he found when he got there shook him to his core.
21:19 As a young monk,
21:21 Luther had been living a strict lifestyle of self-denial,
21:25 but when he arrived in Rome,
21:27 he found priests and monks and bishops
21:29 living in luxury and debauchery.
21:32 He found so much spiritual corruption that he stated:
21:35 "If there is a hell Rome is built over it.
21:40 "One event in particular profoundly affected him.
21:43 Pope Julius II had recently made a decree
21:46 that a special indulgence was available
21:49 to those who would walk on their knees
21:51 up what had become known as Pilate's staircase.
21:55 The staircase was believed to have been the very staircase
21:58 Jesus walked on during His trial before Pontius Pilate.
22:02 And the church claimed it had been miraculously transported
22:05 from Jerusalem to Rome.
22:07 Luther was determined to acquire this indulgence
22:11 and so one day he devoutly
22:12 climbed these stairs on his knees.
22:14 But suddenly a voice seemed to declare in his ears
22:18 like thunder the words of the apostle Paul
22:21 quoting the prophet Habakkuk in the Book of Romans,
22:24 "The just shall live by faith," Romans 1:17.
22:30 Luther sprang to his feet and left the place in shame.
22:34 He'd been practicing salvation by works.
22:38 The idea that a person's good deeds merit favor with God
22:42 as opposed to simply being a response
22:45 to the goodness and the love of God.
22:47 But he heard God say to his heart,
22:49 "The just shall live by faith."
22:52 And Martin Luther was a changed man.
22:54 ♪[Music]♪
22:58 Not long after he began teaching in Wittenberg,
23:01 the church embarked on a grand new project,
23:04 the building of the largest church in the world:
23:08 St. Peter's Basilica, in what is now Vatican City.
23:13 To help pay for the project,
23:15 the church offered its people the chance
23:16 to purchase indulgences for their sins.
23:20 An indulgence is a way to reduce the amount of punishment
23:23 you have to undergo for the sins you have committed.
23:25 So while it's not exactly the same as buying salvation,
23:29 you'd be buying pardon for sin which of course
23:32 flies in the face of the entire Bible.
23:35 Ephesians 2:8 tells us
23:36 "We are saved by grace through faith, which is a gift of God."
23:41 1 John 1:9 says that
23:44 "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just
23:49 to forgive us our sins."
23:51 Luther was appalled.
23:55 Commissioned by the Archibishop of Mainz,
23:58 a man named Johannes Tetzel began traveling around Germany
24:02 selling these indulgences.
24:04 Now that might have got passed Martin Luther once upon a time,
24:08 but not now.
24:09 Not now that he understood something
24:11 about the grace of God.
24:13 He found the selling of indulgences
24:15 to be completely sacrilegious.
24:17 How, he wondered, could anybody purchase salvation
24:20 or purchase lesser punishment for sin
24:23 or purchase lesser time spent in purgatory,
24:27 even if there was a purgatory?
24:29 In the Bible when Simon Magus
24:31 tried to purchase from Peter the power to work miracles,
24:35 Peter replied,
24:37 "Your money perish with you
24:38 because you thought that the gift of God
24:41 could be purchased with money." That's Acts 8:20.
24:45 Luther was strong in his opposition to the practice.
24:49 He contacted this bishop and voiced his concerns
24:52 and then he took those concerns public
24:55 when he nailed them to the door of the Castle Church.
24:58 Those concerns became known as Luther's 95 Theses
25:02 and they launched the Protestant Reformation.
25:05 The church, western civilization,
25:09 the world would never be the same again.
25:12 So what are the 95 Theses?
25:16 The first one lays the foundation
25:18 not only for those that follow,
25:21 but also for the most basic message
25:23 of the Reformation as far as human salvation is concerned.
25:27 "When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said,
25:30 'Repent,'
25:31 He willed the entire life of believers
25:35 to be one of repentance."
25:36 The second follows right on,
25:38 "This word cannot be understood as referring
25:41 to the sacrament of penance,
25:43 that is, confession and satisfaction,
25:46 as administered by the clergy."
25:48 Later he writes in number 20,
25:51 "Therefore the pope, when he uses the words
25:54 'plenary remission of all penalties,'
25:57 does not actually mean 'all penalties,'
26:01 but only those imposed by himself."
26:04 Number 21,
26:06 "Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say
26:10 that a man is absolved from every penalty
26:13 and saved by papal indulgences,
26:15 sacraments of the church,
26:18 or the purchase of indulgence."
26:20 Number 27,
26:21 "They preach only human doctrines who say that
26:25 as soon as the money clinks into the money chest,
26:28 the soul flies out of purgatory."
26:30 Number 86,
26:32 "Why does not the pope,
26:34 whose wealth today is greater
26:37 than the wealth of the richest Crassus,
26:40 build this one basilica of St. Peter with his own money
26:45 rather than with the money of poor believers?"
26:50 You can understand why Luther became so unpopular
26:54 with the leaders of the church.
26:56 His teachings spread throughout Germany
26:58 and soon they made it to Rome.
27:01 The pope demanded that Luther travel to Rome
27:04 and stand trial for his teachings.
27:06 German leaders refused.
27:08 They said that Luther's trial must be heard in Germany,
27:11 and so that's what took place.
27:13 During that trial,
27:14 Luther was told that he had to retract his teachings
27:17 and submit to the authority of the church
27:19 or he'd be sent to Rome for punishment.
27:22 But he managed to get away from Augsburg
27:24 where his case was heard by slipping through a gate
27:27 in the wall of the city.
27:28 And he made it back to Wittenberg and to safety.
27:31 Frederick, the Elector of Saxony protected Luther.
27:35 He refused to hand him over to the authorities of Rome,
27:38 saving Luther from certain death.
27:40 ♪[Music]♪
27:47 >>Announcer: Every Word is a one-minute Bible-based
27:50 daily devotional presented by Pastor John Bradshaw
27:53 and designed especially for busy people like you.
27:55 Look for Every Word on selected networks
27:58 or watch it online everyday on our website
28:04 ♪[Cricketts chirping]♪
28:06 [Wolves howling]
28:09 ♪[Music]♪
28:16 [Camera equipment rattling]
28:19 [Rustling in bushes]
28:22 [People talking]
28:24 [Wind blowing]
28:29 ♪[Music]♪
28:39 ♪[Music]♪
28:48 [Cheering]
28:57 ♪[Music]♪
29:12 >>John: Luther was excommunicated
29:14 from the Roman Church.
29:16 It's said that this tree here in Wittenberg
29:20 marks the spot where he publicly burned the papal edict
29:24 announcing his excommunication.
29:27 Luther's writings began to spread throughout Europe
29:30 when he was summoned to appeal before a council
29:33 in the city of Worms.
29:35 Huge crowd greeted him when he arrived there.
29:38 It was found to be a heretic,
29:40 that was almost a given,
29:42 he'd be sentenced to death,
29:44 and the cause of the Reformation might just die along with him,
29:47 but if by some miracle
29:48 he escaped the sentence of death,
29:51 then the cause of the Bible would advance.
29:54 When he was asked to recant,
29:56 to retract his views and submit to the authority
30:00 of the Church of Rome,
30:01 Luther replied in words that would live forever.
30:05 "I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to the councils,
30:09 because it is clear as the day that they
30:11 have frequently erred and contradicted each other.
30:14 Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of Scripture,
30:18 or by the clearest reasoning,
30:21 unless I am persuaded by means of the passages I have quoted,
30:25 and unless they thus render my conscience
30:27 bound by the Word of God,
30:29 I cannot and I will not retract,
30:33 for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience.
30:37 Here I stand; I can do no other; may God help me.
30:43 Amen."
30:44 The council refused to deliver Luther up to the church,
30:47 but as on his way back here to Wittenberg,
30:50 Luther was captured.
30:52 He was captured by the man who protected him,
30:54 Frederick,
30:55 because Frederick knew it was not safe
30:57 to leave Luther in circulation.
30:59 So he took him to the Wartburg Castle to keep him safe.
31:03 and while he was there,
31:04 Luther translated the New Testament into German.
31:08 Meanwhile, back here in Wittenberg,
31:10 reform within the church continued.
31:13 Priests began to marry, the worship service was altered,
31:16 things that had been strictly forboden by the church.
31:21 Luther didn't do it all on his own.
31:24 His right-hand man was Philipp Melanchthon,
31:26 a religion professor who taught with Luther,
31:29 apart from Luther and John Calvin,
31:31 it's likely no figure stands higher in the development
31:34 and history of the Protestant Reformation.
31:37 Melanchthon is kind of the forgotten one,
31:39 but he was absolutely essential to the work of Reform.
31:42 The establishment of the Lutherian church
31:44 and the crafting of the public witness
31:46 would largely be accomplished through his work.
31:50 Luther married Katharina von Bora,
31:53 a former nun,
31:54 a woman that he had helped escaped from a convent.
31:58 With the Bible being the ultimate guide in his life,
32:00 he came to view enforced or mandated celibacy
32:03 as being completely unbiblical.
32:05 And he realized that his church taught that Peter,
32:09 said to be the first pope, had himself been married.
32:13 Now unfortunately, not all of Martin Luther's legacy
32:17 has been positive for Christianity.
32:19 There are many of Luther's admirers today
32:22 who are embarrassed by the very antisemitic views
32:26 that he often espoused.
32:29 How in the world do you reconcile this idea of Luther
32:31 on the one hand proclaiming the righteousness of Christ
32:35 then on the other hand being a hatemonger?
32:38 It has been said by commentators and critics
32:41 that Luther fueled the fires of antisemitism
32:44 which Adolf Hitler picked up on centuries later.
32:48 Well you probably don't reconcile it,
32:49 but there are a couple of things that,
32:51 I think a person, really ought to keep in mind,
32:53 Luther came to Christianity out of the abject darkness.
32:57 He came to the Bible from no Biblical frame of reference,
33:01 so to expect complete spiritual maturity from Martin Luther
33:05 is maybe a little bit too much.
33:06 Luther was wrong in his antisemitic views.
33:10 Nevertheless, there have been a lot of people
33:12 down through the years who had been wrong particularly
33:14 about matters of faith.
33:15 David, wrong about a lot,
33:17 Solomon, his lifestyle,
33:19 his practices were in many cases wrong,
33:22 James and John wanted to call fire down from heaven
33:25 and incinerate people simply because
33:28 they weren't on the same team.
33:29 That was wrong,
33:30 there were church men in the United States who
33:32 defended slavery and used the Bible
33:35 to justify their aberrant positions.
33:39 Wrong.
33:40 So on the one hand, Luther was a revolutionary,
33:43 Luther was a radical,
33:44 Luther was a reformer,
33:45 he saw so much in the church and in the world
33:48 that he called to people's attention and pointed out
33:51 as being outside of God's will.
33:53 On this one though for the most part, he missed it.
33:56 You wonder why that can happen.
33:58 A bit of a mystery really.
34:01 Luther's final sermon would be delivered here in his hometown
34:05 of Eisleben on February 15, 1546,
34:10 three days before his death.
34:12 He didn't set out to form a new church, to be a troublemaker,
34:17 he simply wanted the church to look to the Bible
34:20 and embrace the teachings of Jesus
34:23 and allow people to read the Bible for themselves
34:26 and be guided by the Holy Spirit.
34:28 In fact, Luther coined the phrase
34:31 "sola scriptura," the Bible alone.
34:35 Luther wasn't guided by tradition
34:38 and would be faithful to God's word.
34:41 And this form the basis of the most profoundly impactful
34:44 religious movement in almost 2,000 years.
34:49 The supremacy of the Bible and the teaching of
34:51 justification by grace alone through faith alone,
34:55 in Christ alone were Luther's passions and they lit a fire for
35:00 the gospel that illuminated the world
35:02 and has led millions and millions of people
35:05 to faith in Jesus Christ.
35:07 Now do you think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
35:09 would say the work he started has really been completed?
35:13 Or do you think that he might think
35:15 there's a little more work that needs to be done?
35:18 The same is likely true of Martin Luther.
35:21 There's still work that needs to be done.
35:24 There are still people the world over
35:26 who must hear the great truths of the Bible
35:28 and be led to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
35:33 So how is it with you, friend?
35:34 How's that working out in your life?
35:37 How is it with you?
35:38 ♪[Music]♪
35:45 The prophesies of the Book of Revelation
35:47 announce startingly that Babylon is fallen.
35:51 What does that mean?
35:52 How do we understand the Fall of Babylon.
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36:46 >>John: Welcome back to 500.
36:47 I'm John Bradshaw from It Is Written.
36:49 My special guest is Dr. Leslie Pollard.
36:52 He's the president of Oakwood University
36:54 in Huntsville, Alabama.
36:56 Dr. Pollard, thanks so much for joining me.
36:57 >>Dr. Leslie Pollard: Thank you. It is my pleasure to be here.
36:59 >>John: I really appreciate this.
37:00 And we got a great subject to talk about,
37:03 Martin Luther,
37:04 whose fingerprints are all over history.
37:06 >>Dr. Pollard: Yes.
37:07 >>John: You can't really discuss theology
37:08 without talking about Martin Luther.
37:10 You're certainly going talk about the Reformation.
37:12 So who was this man?
37:13 Where did he spring from?
37:15 And what kind of a person was he?
37:16 >>Dr. Pollard: Well, Martin Luther was far more ordinary
37:19 than we have gone back and reconstructed him to be.
37:22 He was born in 1483 to working class parents,
37:27 although the dad did have some ownerships,
37:29 some leasing and some mines and things like that, but, uh,
37:33 his mother Margarethe was a working class lady
37:37 and their family was very well-structured.
37:40 He had other brothers and sisters.
37:42 One brother that we think he was pretty close to
37:45 because he mentioned him,
37:46 he didn't mention the others as much.
37:48 Um, but he was an ordinary person who was called
37:52 to do something extraordinary,
37:54 out of his love and passion for God.
37:57 So, just a wonderful personality,
37:59 a confusing personality in history.
38:02 Um, we think about him as, um, as a zealot,
38:07 as a reformer,
38:09 as a protestor,
38:10 but he was also a musician,
38:12 he loved music, he loved poetry.
38:14 >>John: He, he composed "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."
38:17 >>Dr. Pollard: That's an eternal song,
38:19 "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."
38:21 So, so there was something, and as one scholar said,
38:26 he, we never think of him as a lover,
38:27 we, as somebody who fell radically,
38:31 desperately, deeply in love with God.
38:34 We, we don't tend to think of him that way,
38:37 but, but he did do that.
38:38 >>John: 1517, 500 years ago,
38:42 Luther's not the first reformer to have come along.
38:44 >>Dr. Pollard: No.
38:45 >>John: So, what do you think it was?
38:47 Maybe we're trying to get inside the mind of God here,
38:49 but perhaps we're trying to get in the mind of history as well,
38:52 why then, why Luther?
38:55 Perhaps it had something to do with Luther being,
38:57 uh, uniquely suited to a good fight.
39:02 What was it about that time that made that date,
39:06 October 31, 1517 the right time to launch a revolution.
39:13 >>Dr. Pollard: When I think about that time, John,
39:14 I think about the text in Galatians
39:16 "when the fullness of time had come,"
39:18 and when Christ appeared in history,
39:20 there was a confluence of events that made it the perfect time
39:25 for God to launch the personal plan of salvation
39:28 embodied in Jesus Christ.
39:30 Similarly, with Martin Luther, right at that time,
39:33 we were at a crossroads in history.
39:35 The, um, the papal church then,
39:38 the historic papal church had achieved its ascendancy
39:41 in the Holy Roman empire,
39:43 the feudal system had reduced,
39:46 had created a, a,
39:47 class stratification that was almost unbreakable.
39:51 There were the wealthy have's,
39:53 the landowners,
39:54 and the unwealthy have-not's,
39:56 the, the poor and the outcast.
39:58 There, there was a sense of psychological and theological
40:02 dominance in the landscape of that era.
40:05 And something needed to happen in order to,
40:09 I believe, to correct the image of God as an exacting
40:14 transactional entity who wanted blood for blood and,
40:20 and good work for good work, and in the scales of salvation,
40:25 if you committed, if you have a demerit,
40:28 then you're in a bad position, but a merit brings you back.
40:32 And Luther as a, as a figure was passionate
40:36 in his love for God,
40:38 but the checklist morality of the time did not satisfy him,
40:45 he, he, something was missing.
40:47 Something was missing.
40:49 And, and it's, it's in that window that God speaks to this,
40:53 this monk who, with all of his soul wants to please
40:58 this transactional God and keeps failing.
41:01 >>John: Take us back to the time.
41:05 Today, if you wanna believe in God,
41:06 you'll knock yourself out.
41:07 If you don't, you know, don't,
41:09 If you wanna have pink hair or blue hair or no hair,
41:12 it doesn't really matter, tattoo or not. Anyway,
41:15 people are free to do what they wanna do.
41:17 Uh, maybe that's good and maybe some isn't,
41:21 but it is what it is.
41:23 So let's go back to Luther's time,
41:26 what was that day like?
41:28 What was it like to live in Luther's society?
41:31 >>Dr. Pollard: Okay.
41:32 October 31st, 1517 when he nails his 95 Theses
41:36 to the church's door in Wittenberg.
41:38 Okay, so, it's an oppressive time,
41:41 psychologically and theologically,
41:43 because the dominance of the papal church is everything.
41:48 What we often don't process is that it's economic dominance
41:51 as well because the church is very wealthy
41:53 and it has access to privilege and opportunity.
41:56 It is a time when there is severe class stratification
42:01 where peasants have almost no hope.
42:04 It is a time of wide spread illiteracy,
42:07 only very few,
42:08 the public education as we know it did not exist,
42:11 only, only very few people get to go to school
42:14 and to learn to read and to become literate human beings.
42:17 So, right at that time, God chooses,
42:21 I believe, because I think we have to see
42:23 the overarching hand of God in some of this history,
42:26 God chooses in that time to speak to this people
42:30 and to set them free through the,
42:33 through the ministry of Martin Luther,
42:36 a ministry that he grew into, never planned,
42:40 simply wanted to reform,
42:41 never planned to launch a whole new movement called
42:45 Protestantism.
42:46 That wasn't his plan.
42:47 His plan was to reform his church.
42:50 >>John: So, Luther came out of the dark.
42:53 >>Dr. Pollard: Yeah.
42:54 >>John: He wasn't ra-, he didn't go to Sunday school.
42:57 >>Dr. Pollard: No.
42:58 >>John: He, he wasn't going to Bible study with his friends.
43:00 >>Dr. Pollard: He was one monk among many.
43:02 >>John: Yeah.
43:02 >>Dr. Pollard: One among many.
43:03 >>John: And they weren't guided by the, the, the,
43:04 they didn't have the Word of God burning in their bellies,
43:08 it wasn't anything like that.
43:10 In a certain sense, that'll help us understand some of the,
43:12 maybe his theological, uh, inconsistencies.
43:16 But this was a man who was a champion for the Bible.
43:20 >>Dr. Pollard: He was. He was.
43:21 >>John: How did he get to that place?
43:22 Keeping in mind, he wasn't born into a world,
43:25 there wasn't a Bible on, on the table in the living room
43:27 where he was raised,
43:28 but this man became a champion for the Bible.
43:31 How did he get from abject darkness to that concept
43:35 of being a champion for the, the light of lights?
43:37 >>Dr. Pollard: Yeah, yeah he,
43:38 he, certainly embraced the vulgate,
43:40 because that's what he used, the Latin vulgate and,
43:41 of course, he was very fluent in Latin.
43:44 But I think as Luther walked his journey
43:47 and began to interact directly with the Word of God
43:49 and to reflect upon it's teachings,
43:51 particularly the Book of Romans and,
43:53 and the notion that the just shall live by faith,
43:56 I think, again, this is where how we think about Luther
43:59 becomes important, Luther fell in love with God
44:03 and that love he wanted everybody to experience,
44:07 every peasant,
44:09 every surf, he wanted every citizen to experience it.
44:14 And he came to believe that if the church
44:16 stands between the Scripture,
44:19 the unfettered communication of Scripture,
44:23 and the believer, if the church came to stand between that,
44:26 they would never get to that place of love and freedom
44:29 that he had come to, and thus he was,
44:33 after his excommunication,
44:34 he said what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tra-
44:36 in that 10 month period,
44:37 he translated the Bible into the German language
44:41 so that commoners who could read could read it.
44:45 What a gift!
44:47 I think that's one of his biggest contributions.
44:49 That translation of the Bible into the common parlance,
44:54 which by the way,
44:55 is the parlance in which it was written originally anyway.
44:58 It was always intended for the common people.
45:01 It was never to be the possession
45:04 of the religious hierarchy.
45:05 The Bible was never intended, that's why,
45:07 I'm in New Testament,
45:09 that's why coyney Greek which is common Greek issue.
45:12 It's not classical Greek that the average Greek
45:15 citizen could not read.
45:17 It's coyney Greek because it was always intended
45:20 to be in the hands of the simple believer.
45:22 >>John: He was interesting amalgamations really, wasn't he?
45:24 Because this was a man with a giant intellect.
45:26 >>Dr. Pollard: He was.
45:27 >>John: Which says boys and girls
45:28 something about the importance of doing your homework
45:30 and going to school because-
45:31 >>Dr. Pollard: Amen.
45:32 >>John: -who drove the Reformation forward
45:33 were academic giants.
45:35 >>Dr. Pollard: Amen.
45:36 >>John: However, this was a man who didn't have his head
45:38 in the clouds.
45:39 He had, he, he was a giant academically,
45:43 but he was committed to making the Bible
45:45 as accessible to everyday people as he possibly could.
45:50 >>Dr. Pollard: Yes.
45:51 >>John: Which, which speaks, I think, to, uh,
45:54 he had this level headedness about him.
45:55 >>Dr. Pollard: He did.
45:57 >>John: Maybe, as you said right at the beginning,
45:57 you said that he was a common guy
45:59 and never really forgot where he came from.
46:01 >>Dr. Pollard: It was important that his mother and his father
46:03 would understand the gospel too.
46:04 That was important.
46:05 And again, the best use, I, I work in academia,
46:08 the best use of intellect, I say to my friends in theology,
46:12 I have proven nothing if I can confuse a 19 year old
46:16 with my theological discourse.
46:18 I, I've proven nothing.
46:19 But where I have proven something though is if
46:22 I can take the lingua franca of the theology
46:25 and translate it into the coinage of the common listener.
46:29 If I can do that,
46:31 then my theology will be most effective.
46:33 It will have legs that will run.
46:34 It will have hands that will work.
46:36 And it will have a heart that feels.
46:38 And that's really what Luther was able to do.
46:40 He was able through his movement
46:43 to set people free with his assurance,
46:46 with the assurance of salvation.
46:48 And, and again, we cannot under estimate that in the time,
46:53 this is a radical notion,
46:55 this is a radical notion that,
46:58 that the treasure house of the saints,
47:00 that all their treasured good works,
47:02 which are accessed through indulgences,
47:05 mean nothing because "the just shall live by faith."
47:10 It freed up a whole world.
47:12 >>John: Now we're gonna come back to that,
47:13 we'll do that in just a moment.
47:14 >>Dr. Pollard: Okay.
47:15 >>John: Justification by faith,
47:15 purgatory,
47:16 indulgences,
47:17 these are the things that that lit a fire under Luther
47:21 because it did,
47:22 Luther set the world on fire.
47:23 Back with more in just a moment.
47:25 ♪[Music]♪
47:32 >>John: I'm John Bradshaw from It Is Written
47:34 inviting you to join me for 500,
47:38 nine programs produced by It Is Written
47:40 taking you deep into the Reformation.
47:43 This is the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation
47:47 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses
47:50 to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
47:53 We'll take you to Wittenberg and to Belgium,
47:55 to England,
47:56 to Ireland,
47:57 to Rome,
47:58 to the Vatican City,
47:59 and introduce you to the people who created the Reformation,
48:02 who pushed the Reformation forward.
48:04 We'll take you to the sites all throughout Europe
48:06 where the reformers lived and in some cases died.
48:09 We'll bring you back to the United States
48:11 and take you to a little farm in upstate New York
48:14 and show you how God spread the Reformation here.
48:17 Don't miss 500.
48:19 You can own the 500 series on DVD.
48:22 Call us on 888-664-5573
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48:33 >>John: Welcome back to 500.
48:34 I'm John Bradshaw.
48:36 Here I Stand, the life and ministry of Martin Luther.
48:39 I have the privilege of speaking to my guest Dr. Leslie Pollard
48:42 who is the president of Oakwood University.
48:45 Dr. Pollard, back to Martin Luther,
48:47 there were some certain theological things
48:51 that he fought against.
48:53 Let's check them off.
48:54 Purgatory.
48:56 >>Dr. Pollard: Yes.
48:57 >>John: If you read the 95 Theses,
49:00 many of them, 15 or so of them,
49:01 deal specifically with purgatory,
49:03 mention purgatory, it was really significant to Martin Luther.
49:07 Why was that so significant to Luther in Luther's time?
49:10 >>Dr. Pollard: Well, I, I think, I think,
49:12 John, that, that purgatory represented a kind of
49:16 unique theological aberration, may I say,
49:19 even heresy that the soul could be purged
49:23 through the fires.
49:24 I mean, for an indefinite period that the soul
49:27 could be purged through the fires of Hades.
49:30 And I, I like to liken it to taking a child
49:34 and putting bamboo shoots under their fingernails for hundreds
49:38 and thousands and even millions of years.
49:41 So, so there was this theological heresy
49:44 that just did not seem to square with Scripture.
49:47 But I think another effect, and some writers had pointed out,
49:51 it also represented the severest psychological bondage
49:55 that the, the ancient believer would have been held under.
49:59 >>John: Explain that to me.
50:00 >>Dr. Pollard: Well, by that I mean,
50:01 psychologically if my relatives are in this space
50:06 where they are being tortured because that's effectively
50:09 what they are doing,
50:10 there're held in this nether world of torture
50:13 and that it's up to me to be able to free them
50:16 through, through the corollary to purgatory is indulgences.
50:20 So, if it's up to me,
50:22 then even if I don't have the money,
50:25 I will work to get the money and thus I enrich
50:28 what is the institutional church of the time.
50:31 So one of the things I like to do is to look at the economic,
50:36 I'm an MBA,
50:37 so I also look at the economic ties to some of these doctrines.
50:41 And there is,
50:42 there is a profound economic benefit to the ancient church
50:47 at this time.
50:48 Under this doctrine of purgatory and indulgence,
50:51 there's a benefit that also comes along with the control.
50:54 >>John: Well, Tetzel came into Wittenburg-
50:58 >>Dr. Pollard: Yeah.
50:59 >>John: Carrying that box, or coffer or some kind.
51:03 >>Dr. Pollard: Yes.
51:04 >>John: And ultimately, indulgences paid
51:06 for the building of St. Peter's basilica.
51:08 >>Dr. Pollard: Absolutely so look at the economic benefit.
51:11 Yeah, there is.
51:12 >>John: You can imagine, can't you,
51:14 having a dollar in your pocket and knowing that this is gonna
51:17 get mom reduction in her time in purgatory-
51:19 >>Dr. Pollard: Yes. That's right.
51:20 >>John: What does that make you-
51:22 >>Dr. Pollard: Oh, my goodness.
51:23 That makes me, that, that makes me feel free.
51:25 It makes me feel worthwhile.
51:27 It makes me feel benefited.
51:28 Psychologically I have been a helper.
51:30 I have done something praiseworthy.
51:33 Let's say I was not even respectful to mom
51:35 or dad or whatever.
51:37 Or let's say I left home and I was a, a prodigal and,
51:41 and they died with me in the far country.
51:43 Now I can say I'm sorry.
51:45 >>John: You can make it up to them?
51:47 >>Dr. Pollard: I can make it up to them.
51:48 I mean, Tetzel, Tetzel was,
51:50 Johann Tetzel was notorious promoter of indulgences.
51:55 And one of the little sayings around him was,
51:59 um, that he had perfected was as soon as the coin,
52:05 um, as soon as the coin on the bottom of the coffer rings,
52:09 the soul from purgatory springs.
52:12 >>John: Yeah, that's a great sales pitch.
52:14 >>Dr. Pollard: Tremendous power.
52:15 >>John: Yeah.
52:16 And so Luther saw this fellow coming into his own,
52:18 into his own perish, fleecing essentially-
52:21 >>Dr. Pollard: He did.
52:22 >>John: And that, that really made a boom
52:24 with the righteous indignation, didn't it?
52:26 >>Dr. Pollard: It did. It did.
52:27 And he, and he thought this can't be true.
52:28 This can't be true.
52:30 So in the 95 Theses, he challenges it and says,
52:33 "Okay. If it is true,
52:34 let's look at Scripture history tradition and find out
52:38 when and where this became true?"
52:39 Because it wasn't always a practice.
52:42 It became a very convenient practice in Luther's day.
52:44 And there was at least one village in which,
52:47 one area which it had been banned.
52:49 But, but the people then would go beyond the borders
52:52 of that province in order to buy indulgences.
52:56 >>John: Luther equals justification by faith.
53:00 >>Dr. Pollard: All the way.
53:01 >>John: So, what was he up against
53:03 and how did he get to that place?
53:05 I mean, it's a radical teaching, just what,
53:07 just the things that we're talking about,
53:09 speak of salvation by works.
53:10 >>Dr. Pollard: It does. It does.
53:12 >>John: But Luther turned this thing around completely,
53:15 did a 180 degrees.
53:17 So, so, let's talk about what justification by faith
53:21 meant in the mind and theology of Martin Luther.
53:25 >>Dr. Pollard: Okay.
53:26 So for Luther, justification was a free gift.
53:28 He, his favorite books Romans,
53:30 Galatians,
53:31 Ephesians,
53:32 especially Ephesians 2:8
53:33 By grace are you saved.
53:35 He, he quotes this, "I'm not ashamed of the gospel"
53:38 Romans 1:16: for it is the power of God into salvation.
53:42 In Galatians, you know, you're saved by grace, by faith.
53:45 That whole debate.
53:46 So for him, justification was the free gift of God
53:51 that bestowed salvation, had been purchased through
53:54 Jesus Christ act on calvary,
53:57 his sacrificial,
53:58 death, his resurrected life.
54:00 And when Luther saw that,
54:02 he then saw what he saw as the aberrations of,
54:05 of someone adding to this gift, other requirements,
54:12 and he reacted to it, but, but it wasn't because he didn't try
54:17 to fulfill those requirements.
54:19 So, I think it's important to recognize that a part of
54:22 Luther's theology is not controlled by his experience,
54:26 but it is definitely influenced by his own experience
54:30 with pursuing righteousness and never being able to obtain it.
54:34 >>John: He spurred to beginning of the Protestant Reformation,
54:37 so you can answer this in a thousand different ways.
54:40 >>Dr. Pollard: Yeah.
54:41 >>John: What does he bequeath to us today?
54:43 Where do we start to weigh that up?
54:46 >>Dr. Pollard: I think if you look at the stances
54:48 he took around the only's, you know,
54:51 sola is the Latin word for only.
54:54 So, sola scriptura is one of his great legacies.
54:57 The Bible and the Bible only.
54:59 Now it doesn't mean that Luther didn't respect tradition,
55:03 but he only respected traditional interpretation
55:05 of scripture as it conformed to Scripture.
55:08 So, so, so, so he's, so he's radical in that sense,
55:12 but he's not so radical that he will not allow that there
55:15 have been other positive and correct interpretation,
55:18 so sola scriptura.
55:20 Out of that sola scriptura,
55:22 sola gracia, that, that grace alone.
55:26 By grace alone are we saved.
55:28 And so this becomes one of the legacies
55:30 that is still operational in Protestantism today.
55:33 And then sola fide, the, the, the life of faith,
55:37 that faith is the access to that grace that saves us.
55:42 And then sola christus, the Christ alone.
55:46 So he loved Christ and Christ is enough.
55:49 He is enough.
55:51 I can't say that enough.
55:52 He is enough.
55:54 He doesn't need anything extra, He is enough.
55:57 And then, of course,
55:58 um, soli deo Gloria,
56:01 to the glory of God,
56:02 only to the glory of God that life is to be translated
56:06 out so that we live in the glory of God.
56:08 Those five things to me are lasting contributions.
56:12 Now you could underscore those, his protest ethic.
56:16 >>John: Sure.
56:17 >>Dr. Pollard: His sense of justice,
56:18 although there were times in his life,
56:19 where he did fail that test,
56:21 but, but all of the other things that make a protest a protest,
56:28 um, when the princes stood with him.
56:31 Um, all of that is grounded in those five only's.
56:36 If these five foundation stones are in place,
56:40 then out of that will come an allegiance to God
56:43 and not an allegiance to man.
56:45 I mean, that's the protest to the princes.
56:47 The princes say, we are to obey God rather than man,
56:51 the church and all the other things.
56:53 God only.
56:54 So, I, I think his legacy lives with us 500 years later.
56:59 It lives with us today.
57:01 Whenever, when I see young people today
57:04 in modern movements concerned about the ecology,
57:09 I think sometimes of Luther.
57:11 That when I see them concerned about injustice and,
57:15 and an equitable world I, I, I think sometimes
57:18 about the principles that Luther left us,
57:21 that every human being should have that dignity,
57:25 even though,
57:26 he may have failed at sometimes
57:27 in some of his antisemitic statements,
57:30 but the overarching principle is always true
57:32 and it's bigger than the purveyor of the principle.
57:35 The principle is always bigger than the purveyor
57:37 of the principle.
57:38 So none of us will live out our faith perfectly
57:40 or in complete maturity,
57:43 but we will live it to the best of our ability,
57:45 and when you do that God will say of us
57:48 as He can say of Martin Luther.
57:49 Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
57:51 >>John: Dr. Pollard, it's been fantastic.
57:53 Thanks for taking the time.
57:54 Appreciate it greatly.
57:55 >>Dr. Pollard: Thank you, my pleasure.
57:57 >>John: And thank you for taking the time for joining us.
57:59 Be sure to join us next time for our next program in 500,
58:04 you'll be as blessed then as I pray and hope
58:06 you've been today.
58:06 Let's pray together now, can we do that?
58:10 Our Father in Heaven,
58:11 we've been on a journey as we've traced this,
58:14 this outstanding life,
58:16 an ordinary person blessed by the great sovereign
58:20 of the universe to do extraordinary things.
58:23 And today we are the beneficiaries
58:25 of much of what Luther did.
58:27 He's left us so much that's positive.
58:29 We don't have to imitate the man
58:31 but his ethic his approach to you.
58:33 We thank you that you've given us the opportunity
58:37 to say Here I Stand.
58:40 Lord let the fire of faith burn in our hearts.
58:43 I pray that we'll have a life like Luther did,
58:45 what you did through him was miraculous.
58:46 It will take a miracle, but you can do it in us.
58:49 And I pray that you will some way there's a man,
58:52 a woman or young person looking at his or her life
58:55 and wondering what next,
58:57 I pray that you encourage that one,
58:59 that there is salvation by faith,
59:02 that there is salvation through the grace
59:05 of this great God of heaven.
59:07 Lord, we thank you.
59:08 We know that the Reformation must be finished.
59:09 It must be finished soon.
59:11 We are looking forward to going home.
59:12 Let it be so, we pray.
59:13 We thank you,
59:15 in Jesus name.
59:16 Amen.
59:17 >>Dr. Pollard: Amen.
59:18 >>John: Dr. Pollard, thanks again.
59:19 >>Dr. Pollard: Thank you.
59:19 >>John: And thank you again.
59:20 Looking forward to seeing you again next time.
59:22 Until then remember,
59:24 "It Is Written,
59:25 man shall not live by bread alone,
59:27 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
59:31 ♪[Music]♪


Revised 2017-10-20