It Is Written Reformation 500 Series

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIWR

Program Code: IIWR000009A

01:30 ♪[Music]♪
01:40 ♪[Music]♪
01:49 >>John: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
01:52 Thanks for joining me for 500, our series on the Reformation.
01:58 The Reformation Finished.
02:00 That's what we'll be talking about tonight,
02:02 and I'm glad to be able to welcome to this program
02:05 the President of the World Church
02:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
02:08 Elder Ted Wilson.
02:09 Elder Wilson, thanks for joining me.
02:11 >>Ted: Thank you, John.
02:12 >>John: Let me ask you, we're talking about the Reformation.
02:14 How much work is left to be done
02:15 before we can say the Reformation is complete?
02:18 >>Ted: Well, I'll tell you.
02:19 There's plenty of work to be done,
02:21 not only outside of our own circle
02:24 but even in our own hearts.
02:26 The Reformation is really to start with us
02:28 and our relationship with Christ,
02:30 and then it is to go on till the end of time,
02:33 so there's plenty of work to do by God's grace.
02:36 >>John: We've covered a lot of ground during 500,
02:38 and I'd like to tell you a little bit about
02:40 what motivated me to do so.
02:43 You know, I wasn't raised with a Bible in my hand.
02:46 When you study the Reformation,
02:47 you come face to face with the central theme
02:50 of the Reformation which is the Word of God.
02:54 The Word of God set people free during Reformation times;
02:58 people who were in spiritual slavery, spiritual bondage.
03:02 The Word of God did exactly the same for me.
03:06 I've given my life to sharing the Word of God with others
03:09 knowing that the Word of God,
03:10 the Bible, the Holy Scriptures
03:12 can do for others what they did for me.
03:15 The Bible will open up your eyes.
03:17 As a matter of fact,
03:19 when I wore a younger man's clothes,
03:21 I was presented by the Holy Spirit with a choice.
03:24 And the choice for me was my church or the Bible
03:29 which boiled down to my church or Jesus.
03:34 I knew I couldn't have both, and it had to be one or the other.
03:39 What a question or what a choice to put towards
03:42 a young man in his early 20s.
03:43 What was I going to do?
03:45 You know, I wrestled with that, I did.
03:47 I knew which direction God was leading me,
03:49 I never thought at any time about going back.
03:52 But here's what spurred me on.
03:55 As a young man attending a parochial school,
03:57 the nuns, my teachers, taught me,
04:00 taught us a certain verse of the Bible.
04:02 It's not that we learned a lot,
04:04 and I don't know why they covered this one with us,
04:07 but here it is.
04:07 The Bible says,
04:09 "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world
04:14 and yet loses his own soul?"
04:17 I had a choice.
04:19 I couldn't have both because the church I was raised in
04:22 and the Bible absolutely were in conflict with each other.
04:26 You see, what I believe is that God
04:27 gives everybody a choice.
04:28 He wants everyone to have a choice.
04:30 And He certainly wants everybody
04:32 to choose Jesus as Lord and Savior.
04:35 So during 500, we've traced this, this conflict,
04:38 the conflict between tradition and the Bible,
04:40 a conflict between man and God.
04:43 Some of us refer to this as the Great Controversy.
04:47 So where have we been?
04:49 Our first program called 500 reviewed the Reformation.
04:54 We took a big picture look, nothing too terribly specific,
04:57 but we looked at the, the overall flow of the Reformation.
05:02 In that program, we speak to Dr. Gerard Damsteegt,
05:04 recently retired from Andrews University.
05:07 Second program, we looked at a pre-Reformation figure,
05:10 Patrick of England,
05:12 known better as Patrick of Ireland.
05:14 Patrick who taught the Word of God
05:17 and educated pagans to become Christians,
05:21 he spoke to druids and proclaimed the Bible to them,
05:24 and they converted to Christianity.
05:28 Patrick was a missionary.
05:29 His converts went to what we now call Scotland,
05:32 and from there,
05:34 took Christianity back to England
05:36 which had recently fallen into pagan hands
05:39 and had a colossal impact.
05:41 What they were doing was sharing the Word of God.
05:46 Our third program in 500 was a Lamp to My Feet.
05:48 We looked at the forgotten reformer,
05:50 the English Bible translator William Tyndale.
05:53 And you see what this did is it focused
05:55 on the key of the Reformation,
05:56 it was getting the Bible into the hands of the people.
05:59 In that program, I spoke to Dr. Dedrick Blue
06:02 from Oakwood University.
06:03 We looked at the power of the Word of God
06:05 and that's where the power is.
06:07 I realized that in my own experience it's not tradition,
06:10 it's truth that matters.
06:11 It's not man, it's God that matters.
06:13 The ability to understand the Bible and make life decisions
06:17 based on the Word of God.
06:19 Tyndale was persecuted relentlessly;
06:21 translating the Bible cost him his life.
06:25 We went together to Belgium where he died,
06:27 to England where he ministered.
06:29 And we were reminded that God's will for all of us is to accept
06:33 Jesus Christ the Living Word in the Word of God,
06:37 the Sacred Scriptures,
06:39 and it's a blessing to be able to do so.
06:41 Program number four in 500, Rome and the Reformation.
06:45 We took you to the Vatican City.
06:46 You know something?
06:48 If I'd gone to the Vatican City years ago,
06:51 I would have gone there as a, uh,
06:53 as a grandchild visiting his grandparents,
06:56 as a wanderer who'd returned home.
06:58 I would have been thrilled to be there and venerate statues
07:02 and kneel before idols.
07:03 I'd have been walking up Pilate's staircase on my knees.
07:08 But God introduced me to His Word,
07:12 to the liberating power of the gospel,
07:15 and the great Reformation truths of justification by faith
07:20 or sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus.
07:27 Christ alone.
07:28 That great Reformation truth.
07:30 Not penance,
07:32 not purgatory,
07:34 not confession,
07:35 Christ, salvation in Jesus and through Jesus.
07:40 So I visited Rome looking at Rome through interested eyes
07:47 as somebody who had been liberated by the great truths
07:51 of the Word of God.
07:53 Then the next program was Here I Stand.
07:55 Here I Stand, we focused on the life,
07:57 the ministry of Martin Luther.
07:59 Had the privilege of speaking to Dr. Leslie Pollard,
08:02 the President of Oakwood University.
08:03 Luther wasn't the only one,
08:06 he was one of many Reformers,
08:08 there were Reformers before Luther.
08:10 But Luther was the big one.
08:12 And it was Luther's ministry
08:13 that brought to life the Reformation,
08:16 and as we know now, it was October 31, 1517,
08:20 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door
08:24 of the famous Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany,
08:28 and history would be forever changed.
08:32 However, when you rattle the church's cage,
08:35 the church doesn't remain silent,
08:37 and following the Reformation or concurrent with the Reformation
08:40 for a time was something called the Counter-Reformation.
08:45 Together, we journeyed to northern Spain,
08:48 the birthplace of Ignatius Loyola.
08:51 We went to Rome and to the Vatican City
08:54 where the Counter-Reformation was launched,
08:57 and that impacted history in a significant way.
08:59 I had the privilege of talking with Dr. Gerard Damsteegt again,
09:03 this time about the Counter-Reformation.
09:06 Then, we discussed the pilgrim fathers,
09:11 A Wall of Separation.
09:13 I spoke with Pastor Lincoln Steed,
09:15 we looked at religious liberty, religious freedom.
09:18 We studied Roger Williams, that great man of faith
09:22 who named the city of Providence in Rhode Island
09:24 and founded the Rhode Island Colony,
09:26 and whether we realized it or not,
09:28 he changed our lives entirely.
09:31 Our second to last program
09:33 took us to another part of New England,
09:36 we particularly went to the farm of one,
09:38 William Miller, who in the middle part of the 19th century
09:44 caused a firestorm in Christianity with his belief
09:49 that Jesus Christ was coming back to this earth.
09:53 He was counter cultural,
09:54 particularly in terms of religious faith.
09:57 He shared a gospel that was rather different,
10:00 not so much the science of salvation
10:03 but a prophetic message that was different
10:05 to what had been proclaimed in the world.
10:07 You know, I believe what William Miller believed,
10:10 not that Jesus was coming back in the 1800s,
10:12 but that Jesus is coming back soon,
10:16 and that belief spurs me as a minister of the gospel
10:18 to share Jesus with others.
10:20 As you look around, you know that there are millions,
10:22 billions of people without faith in the God of Heaven,
10:26 and if we can reach just one more and let another one
10:29 know that there's hope in Jesus Christ,
10:30 that there's power in the Word of God,
10:33 then we've done something that's valuable
10:36 in the life of that person and undoubtedly many others besides.
10:40 Then, Finishing the Reformation.
10:43 What a blessing to be able to speak with Pastor Wilson,
10:46 and discuss the role of God's church in these last days
10:51 to get the job finished.
10:53 To finish the work
10:54 of proclaiming the everlasting gospel.
10:56 You would refer to them perhaps as the three angels'
10:59 messages to let people know that there is hope,
11:02 hope in Jesus that He is enough,
11:07 that we can lay hold on His promises by grace
11:10 through faith in His word.
11:13 So tonight, our subject, our program is
11:16 "Finishing the Reformation."
11:18 I hope you've been blessed by 500.
11:19 We're not done yet, almost, but not quite.
11:23 In just a moment,
11:24 back with this program filmed on location,
11:28 "Finishing the Reformation."
11:29 Don't go away.
11:30 ♪[Music]♪
11:38 Jesus said, "Upon this Rock, I will build My church."
11:41 He said He would have a church,
11:44 but what would this church look like?
11:46 How would it carry itself?
11:47 What would it teach?
11:49 Where can it be found?
11:51 I'd like you to receive In Search of the Church.
11:55 Call us on 800-253-3000
11:58 or visit us online at,
12:01 or you can write to the address on your screen.
12:04 In Search of the Church, it's yours completely free.
12:09 This is It Is Written.
12:10 I'm John Bradshaw, thanks for joining me.
12:12 Now, imagine it if you can.
12:15 You'd been reading your Bible,
12:17 and you're now convinced that Jesus is coming back soon,
12:22 really coming back, literally.
12:24 You believe that you're gonna see Jesus
12:26 and the angels on a certain day.
12:30 October days in Eastern New York state
12:32 near the Vermont border can be cool.
12:35 Life in the middle of the 19th century could be difficult,
12:38 and having peculiar religious views
12:40 doesn't ordinarily buy you popularity,
12:43 and when you're a Millerite,
12:44 a follower of the Baptist preacher William Miller,
12:47 you're out there on the fringes.
12:49 Now you're not alone,
12:51 Miller has tens of thousands of followers,
12:53 but still you, well, really,
12:56 none of that matters because you're gonna see Jesus.
12:58 He's coming back in just a few weeks,
13:01 He's coming back in just a few days.
13:03 He's coming back tomorrow.
13:05 You'll see Jesus in just a few hours.
13:09 Can you imagine?
13:12 So as October 22nd got closer,
13:14 the Millerites,
13:15 the Adventists, were more than excited.
13:18 These were regular hard working people,
13:20 faithful Christians,
13:21 and Jesus was returning?
13:24 Tomorrow?
13:26 William Miller had predicted that Jesus would return in 1843.
13:29 But that didn't happen.
13:31 But then he recalculated and said
13:33 the Second Coming would happen in the spring of 1844.
13:37 That didn't happen either.
13:38 The Millerites were perplexed until a man named
13:42 Samuel Snow calculated that Jesus would return
13:46 on October 22nd, 1844, of course.
13:52 William Miller was a rational man.
13:55 He was not a fanatic, he was a deep Bible student,
13:58 but he was wrong.
14:01 He was right about an awful lot,
14:03 but you don't have to be wrong about much
14:05 to botch a prediction about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
14:08 As he was studying the Bible,
14:11 he came to Daniel 8:14, which says,
14:15 "Unto two thousand three hundred days,
14:17 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
14:19 Miller was convinced he was looking at a prophesy
14:22 about the Second Coming of Jesus.
14:25 Based on the prevailing idea that the sanctuary
14:27 represented the earth.
14:29 He figured the earth would be cleansed
14:32 when Jesus returned the second time.
14:34 What else could that possibly mean?
14:37 Looking at the scriptures, he determined that a day represents
14:41 a year in Bible prophesy.
14:43 He was right about that.
14:45 That's a symbol just like a beast represents a nation
14:49 and a woman represents the church.
14:51 Miller figured that Jesus would return
14:53 at the end of 2,300 years.
14:56 If only he could know when that period began,
14:59 then he could know when it ended.
15:02 But then Miller found his starting point.
15:04 Daniel chapter nine spoke of a decree of the going forth
15:10 of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.
15:13 Miller found that decree in Ezra chapter seven.
15:17 It was issued in 457 B.C. by the Medo-Persian Emperor Artaxerxes,
15:23 so that was that then.
15:25 Start in 457 B.C., add 2,300 days or 2,300 years,
15:33 and you get to 1843.
15:36 You correct that because you forgot
15:37 that there's no year zero, and you get to 1844.
15:43 Miller's opponents couldn't argue with his logic.
15:46 Now, of course,
15:47 the Bible does say that no one knows the day or the hour
15:50 of Jesus' appearing,
15:51 but Miller never set a date.
15:54 It was Samuel Snow who set the date.
15:56 He did that in August of 1844.
15:59 Miller never accepted that interpretation
16:02 until October 6th.
16:05 He spent October 22nd in this very room.
16:08 Looking out this window,
16:10 waiting for Jesus to come in the eastern sky.
16:17 So imagine how it felt on October 23rd, 1844.
16:23 You weren't even expecting to be here,
16:25 but now you have to face people.
16:26 You have to go back to your occupation.
16:28 You have to admit that the movement was wrong,
16:31 that you've made a big mistake.
16:35 Where was God in all of this?
16:37 And what about the Bible?
16:39 How do you relate to the Bible now?
16:42 Well, some people simply chose not to,
16:43 and they gave up on their hope in God altogether.
16:46 Most people simply went back to the churches
16:49 from which they'd come,
16:50 but that wasn't an option for everyone.
16:53 William and Lucy Miller and their children were
16:55 kicked out of the Baptist church that they'd been
16:57 attending because they continued to hang
16:59 on to the belief that Jesus was still coming back soon.
17:05 And then there were others who tried to figure out
17:07 how God was leading now.
17:10 But what became known as the Great Disappointment of 1844
17:14 became to the heirs of the Millerite movement what the
17:18 Great Disappointment of Calvary
17:19 became to the followers of Jesus.
17:23 Jesus' disciples were sure that their master would set up an
17:26 earthly kingdom and drive the heathen Romans
17:29 from the covenant land.
17:31 On the road to Emmaus, two disciples poured out
17:33 their despondency to Jesus himself saying,
17:37 "But we were hoping that it was
17:38 He who was going to redeem Israel."
17:41 Luke 24:21.
17:43 But the disciples' hopes had been based on a false view
17:46 of the Messiah's mission.
17:49 They weren't wrong in recognizing
17:50 Jesus as the promised Savior,
17:52 but they were wrong in their understanding of his work.
17:57 The same was true with the disappointed followers
17:59 of William Miller in 1844.
18:02 They were correct in their timing,
18:04 but they were wrong about the event.
18:07 But God wouldn't leave His faithful followers
18:09 in the dark for long.
18:10 After an all night vigil weary and heartbroken,
18:14 two men decided to visit some of their fellow believers
18:17 who'd been through the same disappointment.
18:19 One of them was Hiram Edson.
18:22 Here's how he explained the events that followed.
18:25 "We started, and while passing through a large field,
18:29 I was stopped about midway of the field.
18:32 Heaven seemed open to my view,
18:35 and I saw distinctly and clearly that instead of our High Priest
18:39 coming out of the Most Holy of the heavenly sanctuary,
18:42 to come to this earth on the tenth day of the seventh month,
18:45 at the end of the 2,300 days,
18:47 He for the first time entered on that day the second apartment
18:52 of that sanctuary;
18:54 and that He had a work to perform in the Most Holy
18:58 before coming to this earth."
19:00 With this dramatic insight,
19:01 the movement birthed by William Miller
19:03 gave rise to yet another movement,
19:06 the one predicted by the angel spoken of by John
19:09 in the 10th of the chapter of the book of Revelation.
19:12 "Thou must prophesy again before many peoples
19:15 and nations and tongues and kings."
19:19 Revelation 10:11.
19:21 A movement was born, and with this new movement,
19:24 God set in place a global initiative
19:27 to complete the Protestant Reformation.
19:30 I'll have more in just a moment.
19:31 ♪[Music]♪
19:39 I'm John Bradshaw from It Is Written,
19:41 inviting you to join me for 500.
19:45 Nine programs produced by It Is Written,
19:47 taking you deep into the Reformation.
19:50 This is the 500th anniversary of the beginning
19:53 of the Reformation when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses
19:57 to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
20:00 We'll take you to Wittenberg and to Belgium,
20:02 to England,
20:03 to Ireland,
20:04 to Rome,
20:05 to the Vatican City,
20:06 and introduce you to the people who created the Reformation,
20:09 who pushed the Reformation forward.
20:11 We'll take you to sites all throughout Europe
20:13 where the Reformers lived and in some cases died.
20:16 We'll bring you back to the United States
20:18 and take you to a little farm in Upstate New York
20:21 and show you how God spread the Reformation here.
20:24 Don't miss 500.
20:26 You can own the 500 series on DVD.
20:29 Call us on 888-664-5573
20:33 or visit us online at
20:41 This is It Is Written, I'm John Bradshaw.
20:43 Thanks for joining me.
20:45 William Miller became the figurehead for a movement
20:47 after studying his Bible and then sharing what he found.
20:51 He and others believed that Jesus was coming back
20:54 to the earth in the year 1844.
20:57 And they believed this based on a prophesy which said that
21:00 the sanctuary would be cleansed.
21:03 But Jesus didn't come back in 1844. So where was the error?
21:09 Miller believed like virtually everybody else,
21:11 that the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 was the earth.
21:14 But look into the Bible and you see that that sanctuary
21:18 could really only be the portable sanctuary
21:21 that went with Israel throughout the wilderness
21:24 or the temple or the great sanctuary of God in Heaven.
21:29 In Old Testament times,
21:30 the cleansing of the sanctuary took place once a year
21:34 on the Day of Atonement.
21:36 It was a day of judgment.
21:39 So some of these Millerite believers went to the Bible
21:41 and studied, and their eyes were opened.
21:47 Hebrews 8:1 and 2 says,
21:49 "We have such a high priest, who is seated at the
21:53 right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.
21:56 A minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle,
22:00 which the Lord erected and not man."
22:04 The book of Hebrews describes this sanctuary again
22:06 in the following chapter.
22:07 "But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come,
22:12 with the greater and more perfect tabernacle
22:15 not made with hands, that is, not of this creation."
22:19 That's Hebrews 9:11.
22:22 These believers found that on the day of atonement,
22:24 a new sacrifice was offered by which the record of sin
22:28 in the sanctuary was taken away or cleansed.
22:31 On that day, God's people would afflict their souls
22:35 and search their hearts to be sure that no unconfessed
22:39 or unforsaken sin remained in their lives.
22:44 Once the record of sin was expunged from the sanctuary,
22:48 the sins were transferred again to a scapegoat.
22:52 That goat would then be led into the wilderness to carry
22:55 the sins of the people into oblivion and to die there.
23:00 But the ultimate purpose of the service was not only
23:02 to remove the record of sin,
23:03 but to remove sin itself from the hearts and lives
23:07 of the worshipers.
23:08 Leviticus, 16:30 says,
23:10 "For on that day the priest shall make atonement for you,
23:14 to cleanse you,
23:15 that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord."
23:19 And like the sanctuary on earth,
23:21 the book of Hebrews is clear that the sanctuary
23:24 in heaven must also be cleansed.
23:27 "Therefore, it was necessary that the copies of the things
23:30 in the heavens should be purified with these,
23:34 but the heavenly things themselves
23:36 with better sacrifices than these."
23:39 The judgment hour message hadn't ever been proclaimed.
23:42 It was a message that would lead people to the Bible.
23:45 Bibles people now had thanks to the Reformers.
23:49 These were people who were free to think for themselves
23:52 thanks to Roger Williams, and it was a message that
23:55 would prepare people for the Second Coming of Jesus,
23:58 a teaching now known, thanks to the ministry of William Miller.
24:03 It's interesting that Martin Luther said this.
24:05 "I persuade myself verily,
24:08 that the day of judgment will not be absent full 300 years.
24:13 God will not, cannot, suffer this wicked world much longer!"
24:17 In the 1500s, Martin Luther said that the judgment
24:22 would take place 300 years into the future
24:25 in the middle of the 1800s.
24:26 So what would God do?
24:29 2,000 years before John wrote in the book of Revelation
24:33 that the judgment hour message would go to the world,
24:36 but there was much more which by the time of William Miller
24:40 still had not been proclaimed.
24:43 This is Revelation 14:6 and 7.
24:45 John wrote, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven
24:50 having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them
24:52 that dwell on the earth,
24:54 and to every nation,
24:55 and kindred,
24:56 and tongue,
24:57 and people,
24:58 saying with a loud voice,
24:59 Fear God, and give glory to him,
25:02 for the hour of his judgement is come.
25:04 And worship him that made heaven and earth
25:07 and the sea and the fountains of waters."
25:10 John wrote that there would come a time when God's people
25:14 would be called to live lives of complete surrender
25:17 to Jesus in the time of earth's final judgement.
25:20 And there's something else in that passage.
25:24 "Worship him that made heaven and earth
25:26 and the sea and the fountains of waters."
25:29 That's a direct quote from the fourth commandment,
25:33 the Sabbath commandment.
25:35 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
25:37 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work,
25:40 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
25:44 It goes onto say,
25:45 "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
25:49 the sea, and all that in them is and rested the seventh day.
25:54 Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
25:58 It's about as clear as it could be.
26:01 In earth's last days,
26:03 God would call His people to surrender,
26:06 to obedience to His word rather than obedience
26:10 to the teachings of men or of churches.
26:11 Up until this time, very few people
26:14 were keeping the seventh-day Sabbath.
26:16 Sunday was the day acknowledged to be the holy day.
26:20 It just stands to reason that Jesus
26:22 would want the people He's going to return
26:24 for to be surrendered,
26:26 to be living in obedience because as He has said,
26:30 surrender demonstrates love.
26:33 John 14:15 says,
26:35 "If you love me, keep my commandments."
26:39 So who are these people who'd been keeping
26:41 the commandments of God?
26:44 I'll tell you in just a moment.
26:45 ♪[Music]♪
26:53 >>Announcer: In Matthew 4:4, the Word of God says,
26:56 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
26:59 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
27:03 "Every Word"
27:04 is a one-minute Bible based daily devotional
27:06 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw
27:08 and designed especially for busy people like you.
27:11 Look for Every Word on selected networks
27:14 or watch it online every day on our website,
27:19 Receive a daily spiritual boost,
27:21 watch Every Word,
27:22 you'll be glad you did.
27:24 Here's a sample.
27:32 >>John: As you look back at the Reformation
27:34 which began 500 years ago on October 31st, 1517,
27:38 there are several major events that are pretty well forgotten.
27:41 In August of 1572, King Charles IX of France
27:44 ordered the killing of a group of French Huguenots,
27:46 Protestants.
27:47 By the time the St. Bartholomew's Day
27:49 massacre was over, as many as 30,000 people had been killed.
27:53 Protestants were ruthlessly persecuted,
27:55 and it was not until the French Revolution
27:56 that they gained equal right in France.
27:59 What kind of person or people perpetrate
28:01 that kind of utter wickedness?
28:03 Jeremiah 17:9 says,
28:05 "The heart is deceitful above all things,
28:07 and desperately wicked, who can know it?"
28:09 What kind of person?
28:11 Anyone at all.
28:12 The heart can be extremely wicked
28:14 when God's fear and love have been removed.
28:16 Human nature follows just one selfish direction,
28:19 but Christ in your heart creates a new you,
28:21 gives you a new heart.
28:23 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
28:24 Let's live today by Every Word.
28:28 ♪[Music]♪
28:31 Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
28:34 Rachel Oakes lived here in Washington,
28:36 New Hampshire in 1844.
28:39 Her daughter, Delight, was a local school teacher.
28:42 This was almost 70 years after this town became the first
28:46 to be named after George Washington.
28:49 Then as now, Washington, New Hampshire
28:52 was just a tiny little slice of the New England landscape.
28:55 But what happened here in Washington in 1844
28:59 went on to make a major impact in the entire world.
29:06 She attended this church pastored by a man
29:09 named Frederick Wheeler.
29:11 Wheeler had accepted the teachings of William Miller
29:14 and was active in preaching the doctrine of the second advent.
29:17 While preaching during a communion service
29:21 in this church building,
29:23 Wheeler made the comment that only those who keep
29:26 all of the Ten Commandments should participate.
29:29 Well, Sister Oaks,
29:30 a Seventh-Day Baptist, challenged him.
29:32 And she told him after the service that he wasn't keeping
29:36 all of the Ten Commandments
29:37 because he did not keep the seventh-day Sabbath.
29:41 Wheeler went to his Bible and he studied the matter for himself,
29:43 and he came to the conclusion that Rachel Oaks was right.
29:47 And he became the first Sabbath keeping Adventist minister.
29:51 And this church building became the first Sabbath keeping
29:55 Adventist church in the world.
29:58 In March of 1844, he preached his first sermon
30:02 on the subject of the Sabbath.
30:05 A number of families here in Washington
30:06 became Sabbath keepers.
30:09 A man named Thomas Motherwell Preble learned of the Sabbath
30:12 from Wheeler, and he wrote a tract on the subject called
30:16 Tract showing that the seventh day should be observed
30:19 as the Sabbath.
30:21 Somehow a retired sea captain named Joseph Bates
30:24 who lived in Fairhaven, Massachusetts
30:26 got hold of that tract.
30:28 And he was so moved by it that he traveled from his home
30:31 60 miles south of Boston to meet with Frederick Wheeler
30:35 here in Washington, New Hampshire.
30:37 A distance of at least 160 miles.
30:40 The men studied all night long,
30:43 and by the time they were finished,
30:45 Joseph Bates was a Sabbath keeping Adventist.
30:50 And he was committed.
30:51 While heading back from Washington, New Hampshire,
30:53 to his home in Fairhaven, Massachusettes,
30:56 Bates was crossing a bridge near his home when a man named
30:59 James Madison Monroe Hall called out to him.
31:02 He said, "What's the news, Captain Bates?"
31:05 Bates replied by saying,
31:06 "The news is the seventh day
31:08 is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
31:10 Hall began keeping the Sabbath, and so a movement began.
31:14 The truth began to spread,
31:15 and this was truth God wanted the world to know.
31:18 The messages of the Three Angels in Revelation 14
31:23 are called by God the everlasting gospel
31:26 or the final gospel message.
31:28 The final good news message to go to the world.
31:32 And that final message contains a call to worship the Creator
31:36 by keeping the seventh-day Sabbath,
31:38 a day set aside at creation so all of God's children
31:42 could rest,
31:43 worship,
31:44 and commune with Him in a special way.
31:48 The most basic principle of the Protestant Reformation
31:50 was the supreme authority of the Bible,
31:54 supreme over church councils and church tradition.
31:58 This new movement God raised up from the ashes of the
32:01 Great Disappointment of 1844
32:03 would focus in a special way on testing all Christian beliefs
32:08 and practices by the Holy Scriptures.
32:12 Even though, many Reformers taught things that didn't quite
32:14 measure up with the Bible,
32:16 they all appealed to the Bible as their ultimate authority.
32:20 Martin Luther had theological challenges,
32:22 John Calvin taught predestination in spite
32:25 of the fact that the best known verse in the Bible says that,
32:29 "God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son,
32:32 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish
32:37 but have everlasting life."
32:39 And down through the years,
32:40 the Reformers had a blind spot about the law of God.
32:45 Something so fundamental and yet,
32:47 they were missing something essential.
32:49 But rather than castigate them,
32:51 we remember that the likes of Calvin and Zwingli
32:54 and Luther came to the Bible from out of complete darkness.
32:58 Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest.
33:01 They came pre-programmed by tradition.
33:05 The fact that they were able to shake off so much
33:07 of that tradition is remarkable.
33:08 And it's important to remember that truth is progressive.
33:12 It grows down through time.
33:14 Knowledge of agriculture,
33:16 of science,
33:17 of mathematics,
33:18 of physical wellness, well, that grows.
33:20 The same is true of knowledge of the Bible.
33:24 But the sad truth is that many people simply don't grow.
33:29 They accept what they were taught as children,
33:31 and then spend the rest of their lives
33:32 defending that instead of asking God
33:35 if there is more that they could learn.
33:38 All the way to about the time of William Miller,
33:40 Christians, with some exceptions,
33:42 believed in not the Ten Commandments
33:45 but in the nine commandments.
33:46 And when those Adventists saw the truth of God's word
33:50 and understood that all of the Ten Commandments
33:52 should be kept,
33:53 it was the dawning of a new day.
33:55 Sunday had come into Christianity as a tradition
33:58 of the Roman Catholic church.
34:01 Rome had absorbed Sunday worship from paganism.
34:04 It didn't come from the Bible.
34:07 So you would think then that Christians who were
34:09 conscientious about separating from tradition
34:12 would be open to embracing the seventh-day Sabbath.
34:15 That's certainly what God was hoping.
34:17 And that's why the message of the Sabbath
34:19 was included into the final gospel message
34:22 to go to the world.
34:24 As the movement grew,
34:25 it eventually became the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
34:29 identified in the Bible as a
34:31 "Remnant which keep the commandments of God
34:34 and the testimony of Jesus."
34:36 That's Revelation 12:17.
34:38 This group would proclaim the everlasting gospel,
34:41 the judgment hour message.
34:43 A message of cleansing and preparation pointing
34:47 to Jesus as high priest and the believers' only hope.
34:51 The seventh-day Sabbath,
34:52 total surrender to the indwelling of Jesus,
34:55 resulting in willing obedience to God's law and not man's law.
35:01 The call out of Babylon,
35:02 out of false worship and into true worship.
35:06 A call to the world to worship not the beast but the lamb,
35:11 Jesus and to receive the seal of God
35:14 rather than the mark of the beast.
35:17 And the relationship with Jesus so strong,
35:19 a dependence on Jesus so complete
35:23 that they're characterized by Revelation 14:12, which says,
35:26 "Here is the patience of the saints.
35:30 Here are they that keep the commandments of God
35:34 and the faith of Jesus."
35:36 This final company of the faithful and the sacred story
35:40 will share one last message of mercy with the world.
35:43 Jesus was clear, he told Peter in Matthew 16:18
35:48 that he would build his church.
35:50 The early Christian church was led by people such as Peter
35:53 and James and John and Paul and others like them
35:57 who presented Jesus to the world as the sinner's only hope.
36:02 But that early church lost its way,
36:04 it became corrupted by traditions,
36:06 many of which came into the church from paganism.
36:10 And then the church was hijacked by a system
36:13 that neglected the Bible,
36:15 that departed from the Bible.
36:18 That obscured the Bible
36:20 and then kept the Bible from the people.
36:22 But Wycliffe and Tyndale and Luther
36:25 and others like them put the Bible back in the hands
36:28 of God's children.
36:30 Hearts were touched by the power of God's Word,
36:33 and the broken system was reformed.
36:36 But that reformation didn't go all the way,
36:38 so God raised up others across the ocean from Europe,
36:42 beyond the reach of a pope to go back to the Bible,
36:45 to discover neglected teachings,
36:48 and to deliver the final gospel message to the world.
36:52 Organized in 1863, and now numbering
36:56 in the tens of millions of members,
36:58 the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to complete
37:01 the work of the Reformers,
37:03 to take the message of justification by faith,
37:06 the message of salvation,
37:07 to reveal the character of God to the world.
37:11 And will that work be finished?
37:13 Yes, it will.
37:14 God has promised.
37:16 The everlasting gospel will go to every nation,
37:19 kindred,
37:20 tongue,
37:21 and people.
37:29 Jesus said, "Upon this Rock, I will build My church."
37:33 He said he would have a church,
37:35 but what would this church look like?
37:37 How would it carry itself?
37:38 What would it teach?
37:41 Where can it be found?
37:42 I'd like you to receive In Search of the Church.
37:46 Call us on 800-253-3000
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37:55 In Search of the Church,
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37:59 And thank you for remembering that It Is Written
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38:30 >>John: Welcome back to 500 brought to you by It Is Written.
38:32 My guest is Pastor Ted Wilson,
38:35 the President of the World Seventh-day Adventist Church.
38:38 Pastor Wilson, thanks very much for joining me.
38:40 >>Ted: Thank you so much.
38:41 Great to be here.
38:42 >>John: And, and we, I'll tell you what.
38:44 We're just thrilled to be able to talk with you,
38:46 I think, about an, an incredibly important subject.
38:49 We look back to the Reformation that began 500 years ago.
38:53 There's a little bit of work to be done.
38:54 Now, let's talk in the very positive.
38:57 What were the great victories or successes
38:59 of the Reformation do you think?
39:01 >>Ted: Well, first of all, the Bible itself
39:04 was so critical and crucial to the Protestant Reformation.
39:08 You know, so many people were not able to access the Bible,
39:13 and it was just a powerful thing that Martin Luther
39:18 took about, uh, 11 weeks or so,
39:21 translated the Bible into a recognizable German
39:27 that became really the lingua franca
39:29 of that region and for the future.
39:32 And the Bible became something so positive in people's lives
39:37 that it, it changed their whole perspective on life.
39:42 And, you know, the Protestant Reformation
39:43 had as its great pillars, uh, sola Scriptura, only the Bible.
39:49 Uh, then the aspect of sola fide,
39:52 only by faith can we have this relationship with the Lord.
39:57 And then sola gratia, only by grace are we saved.
40:01 >>John: I'm convinced, and I,
40:03 I'd like to think this is changing,
40:04 but I'm convinced that still not enough people understand
40:08 the concept of righteousness by faith
40:11 by allowing the power of God's word through the power
40:13 of the Holy Spirit to work in a person's life.
40:17 Speak to me about how that truth has impacted you when,
40:19 when, whenever it was your eyes were opened to the fact that,
40:23 that what we are called to do is yield
40:25 so God can work through us.
40:28 Explain that to me.
40:29 Let, let's hear that in terms
40:31 that are gonna make it real to us.
40:32 God at work in a person's life.
40:33 >>Ted: You know, it takes a while for everyone to
40:37 really make it your own.
40:39 I, I remember when I was in my early 20s,
40:43 uh, someone, you know, mentioned some questions to me and,
40:47 and posed these questions.
40:48 I, uh, what if Jesus were to come tonight,
40:51 would you be ready?
40:52 Well, you know, maybe, I think so,
40:54 I mean, I'm trying to be a good Chris-,
40:56 but to really understand this relationship,
40:59 you have to understand that this is a gift of God,
41:03 salvation is not something we purchase,
41:06 it's not by works,
41:07 it is a wonderful gift provided to you,
41:12 and you can either accept or reject a gift.
41:16 And this marvelous gift of salvation
41:19 has a number of parts to it.
41:22 Essentially two.
41:24 Uh, one is that you accept Christ,
41:26 and then, of course, you are accepting his righteousness.
41:30 Christ covers you with his robe of righteousness,
41:33 and it, it, it becomes your robe because He's covering
41:38 you and you are appearing as if you are perfect.
41:42 When in reality, it's his righteousness.
41:45 Well, that's being justified.
41:47 Sanctification, once you accept Christ,
41:51 sanctification is also a gift,
41:53 but it starts working in your life so you become
41:56 more and more like Christ
41:58 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
42:01 Righteousness by faith is a complete package,
42:04 it's God's great gift to us,
42:06 but we have to exercise faith in Him
42:09 and an acceptance of relying completely on the Lord.
42:14 It's not our own works,
42:16 it is the works and the beauty of Christ working in us.
42:21 The righteousness of Christ is the focus,
42:24 the center of the plan of salvation and certainly,
42:28 in the book of Revelation chapter 14,
42:31 it talks about the three angels' messages,
42:35 the very heart and core of those messages
42:38 is the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
42:41 >>John: It seems that God has given a special message
42:45 to be proclaimed in the end of time,
42:47 the everlasting gospel,
42:48 the eternal gospel,
42:50 the final gospel message to go to the world.
42:53 We find it in Revelation chapter 14 starting in verse six,
42:57 really wrapping up in about verse 12.
43:01 >>Ted: Mm-hmm.
43:02 >>John: Let's walk through this together.
43:03 These, these few verses of the Bible and identify what God
43:07 might be saying to His people down here in the end of time.
43:09 In Revelation 14:6, we read where the Bible says,
43:14 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven
43:18 having the everlasting gospel to preach to them
43:20 that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred
43:23 and tongue and people."
43:25 Luther certainly wasn't capable of proclaiming to the,
43:28 the world as we know it.
43:31 Now we're down here in the end of the time God
43:33 has given a global mission to His people.
43:38 Talk about that for me for a moment.
43:39 >>Ted: You know, in, uh, the, uh, interesting text of,
43:43 uh, Acts 1:8, it says that
43:46 "we would receive power when
43:48 the Holy Sprit was come upon you."
43:51 That's talking about the early apostles.
43:54 And then there are gonna be "witnesses in Jerusalem,
43:56 Judea, Samaria, and the end of the earth."
44:00 I mean, we're talking about now the gospel going to
44:04 every corner of this vast globe.
44:07 This is a phenomenal thing when,
44:10 uh, when the church perhaps began thinking about mission
44:14 and reaching out,
44:15 it was perhaps just across the street or to the next town
44:20 or maybe another part of the country.
44:23 But in reality, it is to every part of the entire world.
44:28 And Seventh-day Adventists are in about 215 countries
44:32 of the world using multiple languages,
44:36 uh, helping people who haven't even understood
44:39 the name of Christ before,
44:41 understanding that God wants to use His people
44:45 in a powerful way locally and globally.
44:49 But I want to tell you something.
44:50 It is impossible to do that
44:52 without the power of the Holy Spirit.
44:55 We can do all kinds of programs, all kinds of activities,
44:59 but if we don't have the power of the Holy Spirit,
45:02 everything will come to nothing.
45:05 Praise God for His spirit in our lives
45:08 as we tell people about Him.
45:10 >>John: There's gonna be a great work done.
45:13 >>Ted: Absolutely.
45:15 >>John: As you look at these populations and you know that,
45:17 that we can't get it done by ourselves,
45:19 what does this suggest to you about what God
45:21 is gonna do down here in the close of time?
45:23 >>Ted: Well, it's so exciting because in the book of Joel,
45:27 in the book of Acts,
45:28 it tells us something's going to happen at the end of time,
45:31 and that is the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit.
45:35 In fact, we're to pray for the Latter Rain,
45:36 we're to ask God to empower us with this incredible
45:41 outpouring of the Latter Rain.
45:42 Of course, that involves a right relationship with the Lord,
45:47 that revival and reformation,
45:49 all of us turning to the Lord and humbling ourselves in a,
45:53 in a very special way.
45:55 You see, as we look at the conditions of the world
45:58 and the natural disasters that are happening, the,
46:01 the violence that is taking place
46:03 and you can hardly escape, uh,
46:06 one day without hearing about some horrible thing
46:10 that's been happening,
46:11 all these things tell us that we are coming
46:13 to the very end of time.
46:15 I believe with all my heart that Jesus is coming very soon.
46:19 >>John: Amen.
46:20 >>Ted: And that gives me a real sense of urgency
46:23 to understand that the Lord is coming very soon,
46:26 and by the power of the Holy Spirit,
46:30 we will be able to proclaim this message through revival
46:34 and reformation,
46:35 our lives will be changed so that we can take part
46:39 in this amazing ability to tell people
46:42 about Christ's righteousness,
46:45 His plan of salvation and His soon coming.
46:48 I'm so glad to be a part of it.
46:50 >>John: I suggested to you that God is gonna do a,
46:53 a remarkable work.
46:54 Now, what I don't want to do is leave the wrong impression
46:57 as though we sit on our hands and watch God do His thing.
47:00 God has a plan to get people involved,
47:02 and we'll talk about that.
47:04 Perhaps, what you and I can do to share Christ
47:07 with a dying world in just a moment.
47:11 ♪[Music]♪
47:17 I'm John Bradshaw from It Is Written,
47:19 inviting you to join me for 500.
47:23 Nine programs produced by It Is Written,
47:25 taking you deep into the Reformation.
47:29 This is the 500th anniversary of the beginning
47:32 of the Reformation when Martin Luther nailed his
47:34 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church
47:36 in Wittenberg, Germany.
47:38 We'll take you to Wittenberg and to Belgium,
47:40 to England,
47:41 to Ireland,
47:43 to Rome,
47:43 to the Vatican City
47:45 and introduce you to the people who created the Reformation,
47:48 who pushed the Reformation forward.
47:50 We'll take you to sites all throughout Europe
47:52 where the Reformers lived and in some cases died.
47:55 We'll bring you back to the United States
47:56 and take you to a little farm in Upstate New York
47:59 and show you how God spread the Reformation here.
48:02 Don't miss 500.
48:04 You can own the 500 series on DVD.
48:07 Call us on 888-664-5573
48:12 or visit us online at
48:18 Welcome back, this is 500, brought to you by It Is Written.
48:22 I'm John Bradshaw, and my guest is Pastor Ted Wilson,
48:24 the President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
48:28 Pastor Wilson, a couple of moments ago,
48:29 I was talking with you about how God is going to do a great
48:32 work to see the everlasting gospel go to earth's remotest
48:35 bounds, and we believe,
48:37 both of us, that it's gonna take a mighty outpouring
48:40 of the Holy Spirit,
48:41 the Latter Rain is gonna take place.
48:43 Yet, it's possible then that we could say,
48:46 the work is just too big for us, God will get it done.
48:50 I don't see that in the Bible.
48:51 I see God commissioning His people,
48:53 and you referred us earlier to Acts 1.
48:57 What can we do?
48:59 We're church members,
49:00 we sit in our pews in our little churches or our big churches.
49:03 Our circle of influence is only so great.
49:06 Maybe it's tempting to leave it all to somebody else.
49:10 What would God have us as church members do or pray
49:15 for about the finishing of this work?
49:18 >>Ted: Wow, that's really a, an interesting question
49:21 because I think we have to look back at the pioneer days
49:23 of our church and understand that at the very beginning,
49:26 everybody was animated for mission.
49:29 They were full of the,
49:31 the spirit to share in a very simple way,
49:35 the marvelous aspects of their relationship with the Lord.
49:39 And in those pioneer days,
49:42 pastors were not necessarily settled pastors over churches,
49:48 they were itinerant preachers and evangelists.
49:51 And what happened was they would be there for a while,
49:53 they would train church members,
49:55 the church members then would say,
49:57 "Pastor, go.
49:58 Open up new fields.
49:59 Uh, teach these things to other people.
50:02 We'll take care of the church, it's okay."
50:04 Now, of course, many times people simply expect that
50:07 a pastor's going to be there every,
50:10 every week, gonna be preaching every week,
50:13 and there's this mentality that we can kind of sit
50:16 and watch but not necessarily be part of the incredible process.
50:21 >>John: Sure.
50:22 >>Ted: I believe that we're gonna see a return
50:24 to those pioneer days when pastors and church members are
50:30 gonna be so involved in the proclamation of,
50:33 of the message that you won't have time
50:36 to simply look at yourselves,
50:38 but you're gonna be outward focused.
50:40 There's a wonderful quotation in the Spirit of Prophesy
50:44 that indicates to us that
50:46 "The work will never be finished on this earth
50:49 until the men and women comprising our membership
50:53 rally to the work,
50:55 and cooperate and work in cooperation
50:57 with pastors and church leaders."
51:00 Everybody working together.
51:03 Total member involvement.
51:05 Everybody doing something for Jesus.
51:08 >>John: So there's work for everybody to do when,
51:10 when, when Christ fills our hearts,
51:13 He says you're the light of the world,
51:14 we become the light of the world,
51:16 and then we see God's church do great things.
51:18 >>Ted: Absolutely.
51:19 >>John: When you look at these three messages
51:22 and you boil 'em down,
51:23 you consider the scholarship of people of great wisdom.
51:27 What's our message through this to take to the world?
51:29 >>Ted: We have to understand that really we're trying to turn
51:32 people back to the true worship of God and understanding
51:36 that the, the Lord, uh, wants to have a personal relationship,
51:39 helping people to,
51:41 to understand that He has a very meaningful purpose
51:45 for their lives.
51:46 And, and you can place yourself in the hands of God,
51:50 that you align yourself with a God who,
51:53 who loves and cares for you and also One who's gonna save you.
51:58 I mean, the Lord is our all in all.
52:01 Uh, there's a really distinct difference between salvation
52:08 by works and salvation by grace.
52:11 Uh, salvation by works makes you an unhappy person
52:14 because you simply can't do enough good things in order
52:17 to get into heaven or to bring your relationship with
52:20 the Lord up to the level that it should.
52:23 When you are saved by grace and you understand that,
52:26 you're filled with a power,
52:28 you're filled with an understanding that the Lord
52:31 will work in your life to make you a new creature
52:35 and that you can then give Him glory because
52:38 He's actively working in your life.
52:41 And this becomes a powerful message
52:44 that you can share with everyone.
52:46 >>John: So we're living down here in the end of time where,
52:48 we're at the very tips of the toes in Daniel 2,
52:51 we look back to the Reformation,
52:53 we've been doing
52:54 that over these past several programs.
52:57 What are the key lessons you'd like to see people
53:01 take from the Reformation as we go forward
53:06 into the final days of earth's history?
53:08 What's the lesson or what are the lessons for us
53:12 as we look back and now we go forward to take this gospel
53:16 to earth's remotest bounds?
53:17 >>Ted: A really important thing is that the gospel
53:20 is a personal message.
53:22 It is not to be interpreted by religious leaders
53:26 without you understanding what the word of God says yourself.
53:30 Uh, you're responsible for your own salvation,
53:33 you can't depend upon other people or groups,
53:38 uh, although, we are part of a church
53:40 and a wonderful advent movement.
53:43 Uh, this is a marvelous thing,
53:44 but we're not saved by groups or by connections
53:48 with other people,
53:49 we're saved by connection with Jesus Christ.
53:51 And so that's why it has to be a very personal wonderful
53:55 relationship with, with the Lord.
53:57 And this gives real meaning,
54:00 uh, to what it means to be part of the Protestant Reformation.
54:06 I mean, the Protestant Reformation
54:08 made things personal,
54:09 so it wasn't a detached kind of situation.
54:12 You were in connection with the God of heaven
54:16 who actually created you and now gives you life
54:20 and empowers you to tell somebody else about it.
54:23 So the simplicity of God's plan is an amazing thing.
54:27 It, it, it helps us to understand how
54:30 He wanted us to relate to Him,
54:32 and then to be able to relate to other people.
54:35 And when you think of those foundational aspects of,
54:39 of the, uh, the Protestant Reformation,
54:41 sola scriptura,
54:42 uh, sola fide,
54:45 sola gratia,
54:46 solus Christus,
54:48 only by Christ's mediation can we truly find salvation,
54:55 you understand that the,
54:56 that the Protestant Reformation was really helping people
55:00 to understand their personal relationship with Him,
55:04 and that He would not forsake them,
55:06 He would be with them to the very end of time.
55:09 I get so excited when I think about it.
55:12 >>John: It's true, isn't it that the church God
55:17 has raised up down here in the close of time
55:20 is a church with a specific mission.
55:23 Address that with me.
55:24 >>Ted: Well, you know, there's a lot of confusion
55:27 in the religious world.
55:28 Uh, people have misunderstandings
55:31 about biblical things,
55:32 about why they're here and how they're supposed
55:35 to involve themselves in,
55:37 in activities whether they are religious
55:39 or social or whatever it is.
55:41 But really, you're brought back to the question
55:44 why am I here and where am I going?
55:47 Where did I come from?
55:49 And really, the gospel answers those questions perfectly.
55:53 Uh, the gospel gives us a,
55:55 a full understanding of our purpose for life and why God
55:59 has intended for us to be part of the proclamation
56:02 at the very end of time.
56:04 Uh, you know, the mission of the church is,
56:07 is not only to just live a happy life
56:10 of relationship with the Lord,
56:12 it is an expression to other people as to what God
56:17 can really do in your life.
56:19 And you go back to the Bible because the Bible
56:22 is the Word of God.
56:24 It is that which gives you life and meaning and understanding.
56:27 It helps you to understand your place in history
56:31 and why God is working in your life right now.
56:34 And you go to every doctrine that we believe in.
56:37 Every doctrine must have at the core, and it does,
56:42 Jesus, the center of everything we do because
56:46 every good thing comes from the Lord.
56:50 And then the Lord asks us to share that with others,
56:54 not in some legalistic way,
56:56 beating people over the head with scripture but explaining
56:59 to people the powerful effect that a relationship with Christ
57:04 and accepting His righteousness can really have in our own lives
57:09 in the way we live and the way we treat people
57:12 and the invitation to have somebody else
57:16 be part of that incredible heaven ordained process
57:20 of leading someone to the foot of the cross.
57:23 >>John: Pastor Wilson, thanks very much
57:25 for taking this time,
57:27 I really appreciate you making time in your schedule
57:29 and sharing with us.
57:30 Thanks.
57:31 >>Ted: Great to be with you.
57:32 >>John: And thank you for joining us.
57:34 We customarily close with prayer at about this time.
57:38 Pastor Wilson, would you be willing to pray for us?
57:40 >>Ted: Let's pray.
57:42 Our father in heaven,
57:42 we thank You for this great privilege
57:45 of focusing upon the Word of God,
57:48 upon Christ the Living Word,
57:51 of understanding our place in history
57:54 and the incredible opportunity that You have given to us
57:59 to tell somebody else about our relationship with You.
58:03 Lord, thank you for salvation through Christ,
58:07 thank You for the faith that You can instill in our lives,
58:10 thank You for the grace that has been provided to us.
58:13 Thank You for Christ our mediator
58:16 and that You are the one to be worshiped.
58:18 Help us Lord as we walk through life to recognize
58:23 that You are leading us and that
58:25 You've given us a purpose in life,
58:28 and that is to share you with others.
58:31 Now, Lord in a special way,
58:32 bless every viewer,
58:34 each individual in their own respect
58:37 and all of their needs,
58:39 bless their families, and Lord,
58:41 help them to be in contact with You day by day
58:44 through the reading of Your Word,
58:46 through prayer,
58:47 and through telling somebody else
58:50 about their relationship with You.
58:52 We thank You for the promise of Your soon Second Coming,
58:55 and we ask all of this in the powerful
58:58 and wonderful name of our Creator,
59:01 our Redeemer,
59:02 our Lord,
59:03 our High Priest,
59:04 our coming King,
59:06 and our best friend,
59:07 Jesus Christ,
59:09 Amen.
59:09 >>John: Amen.
59:10 And thank you again.
59:11 And thank you.
59:13 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
59:16 Until then, remember,
59:17 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
59:21 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
59:25 ♪[Music]♪


Revised 2017-10-27