¤¤ ¤¤ 00:00:00.80\00:00:12.04 >> It has stood the test of time. 00:00:12.04\00:00:15.41 God's Book, the Bible. Still relevant 00:00:15.41\00:00:20.38 in today's complex world. "It Is Written" -- 00:00:20.38\00:00:26.65 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 00:00:26.65\00:00:30.63 ¤¤ >> Welcome, and thank you 00:00:30.63\00:00:40.54 for joining us on "It Is Written Canada." 00:00:40.54\00:00:42.54 Today, we're going to be talking about a very important 00:00:42.54\00:00:45.11 subject -- how to hear God's voice. 00:00:45.11\00:00:47.48 And we're visiting a school here in beautiful British Columbia, Fountainview Academy. 00:00:47.51\00:00:51.45 It's a Christian high school, and we want to ask this 00:00:51.45\00:00:54.78 question. How do we hear God's voice? You know, God is invisible. We don't tend to hear 00:00:54.78\00:01:00.22 Him a lot. How can we hear Him? Does God really want to speak to 00:01:00.22\00:01:03.93 us? >> But before we talk to some Fountainview Academy students, let's listen to Jim's 00:01:03.93\00:01:09.10 story and how God spoke to him. 00:01:09.10\00:01:11.57 ¤¤ >> My wife and I have in prayer followed God 00:01:12.90\00:01:22.38 wherever He's wanted us to go. He's blessed me a huge amount by 00:01:22.38\00:01:26.92 taking away my addictions and leading me onto a path that 00:01:26.92\00:01:31.15 wasn't headed for destruction. I remember one story when we were living in Port Hardy. 00:01:31.15\00:01:38.43 And I was coming back from Campbell River, which is about a 00:01:38.43\00:01:41.96 3-hour drive. And there was this young girl hitchhiking on the 00:01:41.96\00:01:45.60 side of the road, and about half a mile up the road I get this little voice in my head saying, 00:01:45.60\00:01:50.31 "Turn around and go get her." I'm like, "No, no, I don't pick 00:01:50.31\00:01:54.41 up hitchhikers." So, I just kept going down the road. I'm a new 00:01:54.41\00:01:58.05 Christian, so I'm still struggling with when you really are talking to me. I said, "If 00:01:58.05\00:02:02.52 this is you, Lord, make a white truck come around the next corner." So, as I was driving, 00:02:02.52\00:02:06.65 the next corner comes a white truck. So, I'm like, "Oh, I guess I'm going to get her." 00:02:06.65\00:02:11.86 So, I turn around, and I go pick up this young lady. She gave me 00:02:11.86\00:02:15.66 her life story and all the things that were hurting her in her past and in her present. 00:02:15.66\00:02:19.43 And I was able to talk to her about my past and connect with 00:02:19.43\00:02:22.10 her. And it was a really touching moment, and in that blessing was not only for her. 00:02:22.10\00:02:25.54 That was for me. About a year later, I was passing that same 00:02:25.54\00:02:30.25 spot, and here's another hitchhiker. And I kept going, 00:02:30.25\00:02:34.38 because I don't pick up hitchhikers. But the Lord in His unique wisdom [Laughs] had other 00:02:34.38\00:02:39.69 plans for me. Another reason I wasn't even thinking of picking 00:02:39.69\00:02:42.99 this guy up was he was probably 6'4", wearing army fatigues, dreadlocks, and a giant beard. 00:02:42.99\00:02:47.30 And I'm like, "Those are the type of guys people tell you 00:02:47.30\00:02:51.20 don't pick up." But I kept going, and the Lord spoke to me yet again. "Turn around and go 00:02:51.20\00:02:56.37 get him." And I said, "Lord, like last time, if you can prove this is you talking to me, 00:02:56.37\00:02:59.84 because I'm having doubts, make a white truck come around the 00:02:59.84\00:03:03.68 corner again." And I was, like, struggling. "No, make it a blue 00:03:03.68\00:03:06.55 truck this time." Like, no, white truck, blue truck. I'm like, "White truck." 00:03:06.55\00:03:09.45 And around that next corner, a white truck comes around the 00:03:09.45\00:03:13.02 corner with a blue truck behind it. I guess the Lord is speaking to me, and I turn around, 00:03:13.02\00:03:17.73 and as I picked him up, I could hear a really strong French 00:03:17.73\00:03:22.30 accent. And the guy told me he had just finished his engineer degree for forestry engineering 00:03:22.30\00:03:27.37 in Three Rivers, Quebec, and he wanted to do an in-the-wild 00:03:27.37\00:03:31.71 experience across Canada and see Canada as a whole before he started his career. 00:03:31.71\00:03:36.04 And here I'd put the label on him, and he was something other 00:03:36.04\00:03:39.78 than that. It was a really great conversation. I found out 00:03:39.78\00:03:42.42 he was a Christian, so I asked him, "Would you like to come to 00:03:42.42\00:03:45.35 church tomorrow?" He said, "Sure." So, I was going to bring him home that night, but I 00:03:45.35\00:03:47.76 wasn't sure how my wife would feel about it. So, I gave him 00:03:47.76\00:03:51.59 some money, dropped him off at the hostel, picked him up the next morning, and he came to 00:03:51.59\00:03:56.93 church with us, and he had a great experience. And I brought him to my youth group that 00:03:56.93\00:03:59.77 night. We played basketball. We came back to my place. He stayed 00:03:59.77\00:04:04.27 with us that night, and we washed all of his laundry for him. And we had a fire on the 00:04:04.27\00:04:10.55 beach. He said, "This was just wonderful meeting you and having 00:04:10.55\00:04:14.95 this experience." He said, "Most people don't even stop to pick you up, much less let me stay at 00:04:14.95\00:04:18.55 their home and feed me." So, the next morning, he said, "I'm 00:04:18.55\00:04:22.92 ready to go back." So, I took him into town, and before I left the home, I grabbed my first 00:04:22.92\00:04:27.23 Bible that I picked up at camp when I was baptized. It was just 00:04:27.23\00:04:30.10 a little pocket Bible. And when I dropped him off, I said, 00:04:30.10\00:04:33.64 "I have something to give you if you would like it." I said, "I have a little Bible." 00:04:33.64\00:04:37.01 And he said, "Well, thanks. Yeah, I'd love it." And so I gave him the Bible. 00:04:37.01\00:04:40.74 He put it in his pocket. And he looked at me, and he said, "You 00:04:40.74\00:04:42.78 know what? Nobody has ever done that for me before. Thank you." 00:04:42.78\00:04:46.75 And we said goodbyes, and I never heard or seen from him 00:04:46.75\00:04:50.62 again. I mean, there's many times we all want to see, you 00:04:50.62\00:04:54.62 know, the effects of our ministry. And sometimes we don't 00:04:54.62\00:04:58.26 need to see it. We need to see it up there, not here on Earth. I think God has us planting 00:04:58.26\00:05:01.73 seeds constantly that we aren't going to see until we're in 00:05:01.73\00:05:05.77 heaven. My past gives me a unique perspective on how I see the Gospel, and the trauma 00:05:05.77\00:05:11.87 that I've gone through, like I say, helps me to speak to 00:05:11.87\00:05:17.45 others. God can use that in me. He can use that brokenness to help others and help them 00:05:17.45\00:05:22.45 find God. Don't just sit in the pew and wait to be fed. 00:05:22.45\00:05:28.39 Don't hide your light. Help others to see that light and reach out to your community. 00:05:28.39\00:05:35.63 There are so many people that are out there hurting. They need 00:05:35.63\00:05:40.17 Jesus' love. And we can show them that love. We can't hold it back. >> So, there's Jim's 00:05:40.17\00:05:48.18 story. You know, white truck, blue truck, white truck, blue truck. Then he decides, "Ah, 00:05:48.18\00:05:51.81 it's a white truck." And then comes round the corner a white 00:05:51.81\00:05:55.32 truck followed by a blue truck. What's the chances? Kind of reminds me of the story 00:05:55.32\00:05:59.92 of Gideon in the Bible, where he's asking God to give him a 00:05:59.92\00:06:03.69 sign, you know, put out a fleece, and that fleece is gonna be wet, and the ground is gonna 00:06:03.69\00:06:09.76 be dry. And the next day he's like, "Ah, no, I want the fleece to be dry and the ground is 00:06:09.76\00:06:14.60 wet." And it's just like God is speaking to him clearly, just as 00:06:14.60\00:06:19.84 he spoke to Jim in Jim's story. So, Jim learned that really God loves each one of us, 00:06:19.84\00:06:26.35 and we have that love. We can't hold it back. We have to show 00:06:26.35\00:06:29.25 that love to others. And when we listen to His voice, He speaks 00:06:29.25\00:06:33.89 to us. So, we have these Fountainview Academy students 00:06:33.89\00:06:36.32 with us. We've got Darrell and McClain and Nick. And can any of 00:06:36.32\00:06:40.06 you relate to that, to Jim's story, like, asking for a sign? 00:06:40.06\00:06:44.77 >> So, actually, I have a similar story. I could relate to Jim's story. Well, during 00:06:44.77\00:06:50.07 Christmas break, I was talking to my mom. She just came out of the blue, asked me, 00:06:50.07\00:06:53.54 "Hey, Darrell, where are you going to college at?" >> Yeah. 00:06:53.54\00:06:55.91 >> Well, that's an important question, right? Because 00:06:55.91\00:06:59.35 everyone wants to know where they're gonna go for future, where they're gonna study in the 00:06:59.35\00:07:03.79 future. >> And if God can speak to you or give you a sign, as He did with Gideon and with Jim, 00:07:03.79\00:07:08.89 then you know where you're going, and you can have 00:07:08.89\00:07:12.56 assurance. Yeah. >> Well, I told her that I'm going to Weimar, but I said it sarcastically. 00:07:12.56\00:07:17.30 >> Why did you say it sarcastically? >> Yeah, I'm 00:07:17.30\00:07:21.57 going to Weimar. >> Because the thing is about this college is that they are not accredited. 00:07:21.57\00:07:25.87 >> Oh, okay. >> So, it's kind of like, "I care about my future, 00:07:25.87\00:07:29.51 so I need to go to college that is accredited." >> So, at that 00:07:29.51\00:07:33.52 time it wasn't accredited. >> No, it wasn't. >> Okay. 00:07:33.52\00:07:36.28 >> Anyway, so I told my mom. My mom asked me, "So, do you think 00:07:36.28\00:07:40.42 this is God's plan? You know? Do you think this is God's 00:07:40.42\00:07:42.82 plan?" And I told her, "If this is God's plan, 00:07:42.82\00:07:46.86 in the next six months, before graduation, that place is gonna 00:07:46.86\00:07:52.27 get accredited." And my mom was kind of like smirking. 00:07:52.27\00:07:55.97 She just told me like, "Okay, let it be. If it's God's plan, 00:07:55.97\00:07:59.57 then go ahead." So, like, later on during the year, 00:07:59.57\00:08:03.98 my friend Nathan Holt came to my room. He's studying at Weimar. 00:08:03.98\00:08:07.72 >> Yeah. >> He's studying at Weimar. And he came to my room, 00:08:07.72\00:08:12.42 and he got an e-mail from his president that is saying 00:08:12.42\00:08:16.29 "Hey, Weimar is accredited." So, he just -- look. At this point, 00:08:16.29\00:08:20.80 he doesn't know that I'm waiting for this, okay? So, he just told me, "Hey, guess what? 00:08:20.80\00:08:24.90 Weimar is accredited." >> [ Laughs ] >> If you dared see my 00:08:24.90\00:08:29.77 face, I was surprised. My face was white pale. And I was like, 00:08:29.77\00:08:33.54 "Oh, no way. This is a miracle. This is the Lord 00:08:33.54\00:08:37.38 telling me what to do." So, I guess that's what -- >> It was 00:08:37.38\00:08:42.52 pretty great. I remember that night because my brother Nathan, 00:08:42.52\00:08:47.46 he told me first. It was really amazing. I was surprised because they'd been waiting for that for 00:08:47.46\00:08:53.16 years. >> Years. >> And then it just happened like just over a 00:08:53.16\00:08:57.03 couple months after you asked. So, that's really amazing. >> 00:08:57.03\00:09:03.10 Because I also -- I didn't really think that it's gonna get accredited because the Christmas 00:09:03.10\00:09:06.78 before, when we went on our -- remember California tour, the 00:09:06.78\00:09:11.15 one before, right? They were also saying that it's gonna get accredited, but the same thing 00:09:11.15\00:09:14.28 happened. It's not gonna get accredited. >> Yeah, I think that God, too, when He speaks, 00:09:14.28\00:09:18.99 and another thing is, you know, what I love about hearing God's voice is God always wants 00:09:18.99\00:09:25.39 to lead us to action. His words are not empty, right? And they 00:09:25.39\00:09:30.00 lead us to do something. I think that's one of the most important 00:09:30.00\00:09:32.37 things about hearing God's voice is we have to respond to it. We have to do something 00:09:32.37\00:09:37.31 about it. Otherwise you know, we -- for me I wonder, "Why 00:09:37.31\00:09:40.84 am I not hearing God's voice?" But if I'm not doing what He's 00:09:40.84\00:09:43.98 already told me, then it's meaningless. It's kind of like -- it reminds me of texting. 00:09:43.98\00:09:47.32 You know, if you text someone, they text you back, and you have 00:09:47.32\00:09:51.85 a conversation. But, like, if someone texts you and then you don't respond, you might get a 00:09:51.85\00:09:55.49 couple more, but then it's probably going to end. >> Yes. >> And you might ask yourself, 00:09:55.49\00:09:59.39 "Oh, why aren't they talking to me?" But, I mean, 00:09:59.39\00:10:02.60 you didn't respond to anything. They're just waiting for you to 00:10:02.60\00:10:05.20 respond back. And I think it's the same way with God. >> Yes. 00:10:05.20\00:10:07.77 I think that God's words should lead us to action and, for me, 00:10:07.77\00:10:11.97 hearing God's voice, it's... It always makes me want to do something and makes me 00:10:11.97\00:10:19.08 want to hear more of Him and put myself in situations where I can 00:10:19.08\00:10:22.68 hear Him. >> Humbleness. >> Yeah, because I feel like, 00:10:22.68\00:10:27.06 especially with humility and stuff like that, we get so prideful in our world today 00:10:27.06\00:10:30.99 because we feel so self-sufficient, and we have all this stuff around us that makes 00:10:30.99\00:10:36.53 us feel like we can do things on our own. >> Yes. >> And kind of 00:10:36.53\00:10:40.40 crowd out His voice. >> Right. >> And so for me, getting 00:10:40.40\00:10:42.70 into nature is so important for me or into situations that I'm not comfortable with 00:10:42.70\00:10:47.34 because God can lead me there so much more because I am totally 00:10:47.34\00:10:53.52 reliant on Him. And it really, when I get out into a real world 00:10:53.52\00:10:57.85 and not just this fake one that we've all built for ourselves in modern society, but when I get 00:10:57.85\00:11:03.83 out into the real world, it really shows me kind of my place and how much I really need God 00:11:03.83\00:11:08.63 when I have nothing else. >> So, you're out there in nature, and I just think of the 00:11:08.63\00:11:14.27 verse in Psalm 46:10, where it says, "Be still and know that I 00:11:14.27\00:11:18.84 am God." >> Mm-hmm. >> The things that I worry about, God's 00:11:18.84\00:11:22.24 like, "I don't worry about that. I've got it handled," right? Like, what does really God say 00:11:22.24\00:11:28.62 to me? He says, "I just want to talk to you. 00:11:28.62\00:11:30.59 I just want to" -- yeah. >> Right, right. >> And He talks to 00:11:30.59\00:11:33.59 you when it's quiet like that. >> Yeah, and I think a lot of the times that He does that 00:11:33.59\00:11:37.23 is through, you know, kind of we call them "wilderness 00:11:37.23\00:11:40.56 experiences," when you have people like Moses going out into the wilderness, or Jesus 00:11:40.56\00:11:44.23 went out into the wilderness. But it doesn't always have to be 00:11:44.23\00:11:47.27 like that because sometimes you just are in situations that you're not comfortable with, 00:11:47.27\00:11:51.61 like Daniel. He went to Babylon, and for him he still felt alone and he had to depend on God 00:11:51.61\00:11:55.68 because it was just something he wasn't used to. >> Right. 00:11:55.68\00:11:58.45 No, I can relate with that, what Nick's saying. It's different 00:11:58.45\00:12:02.78 situations. I know for me this past Christmas break I went to Mexico on a mission trip. 00:12:02.78\00:12:07.36 And Nick actually went on it, too, but he came later than I 00:12:07.36\00:12:10.93 did. We had just come off of a music tour. So, I was exhausted 00:12:10.93\00:12:13.70 already from the tour and went straight into this mission trip 00:12:13.70\00:12:16.26 unlike Nick. He went home for a little bit. So, you got a break. 00:12:16.26\00:12:18.83 >> Awesome. >> But I was straight into it, and getting there I was tired. It was really 00:12:18.83\00:12:23.91 hot, and we got there late at night, and I was just looking around. I'm like, "What am I 00:12:23.91\00:12:27.68 doing here?" I had no idea. I was just confused. 00:12:27.68\00:12:30.38 I'm like, "I could be at home with my family really enjoying 00:12:30.38\00:12:33.52 Christmas." >> Because it felt nothing like Christmas there. Sunshine and burritos was not -- 00:12:33.52\00:12:38.72 yeah. >> And so I'm there, and I'm like, "What am I doing?" 00:12:38.72\00:12:42.19 And there's very few people I knew there, and like I said Nick wasn't there at that time. 00:12:42.19\00:12:46.06 And so, I was just kind of by myself. I'm like, "I'm not even 00:12:46.06\00:12:49.86 with family. It's near Christmas." And we were there 00:12:49.86\00:12:52.03 to build churches, right? So, I got to know people there. I was 00:12:52.03\00:12:56.54 talking to them. And at that point in my life, I was in a place where it was hard. 00:12:56.54\00:13:00.28 I felt like I wasn't really hearing God, and being around 00:13:00.28\00:13:04.48 these people is interesting because they were all very unique, different people. 00:13:04.48\00:13:07.12 They were from different places all around the world and just different backgrounds, 00:13:07.12\00:13:11.35 different cultures. But yet, even though they all had a different experience with 00:13:11.35\00:13:15.56 God, and you could tell, they all got to -- like, they got 00:13:15.56\00:13:21.00 along very well, and it's because they all had that same goal in mind of "We are gonna 00:13:21.00\00:13:24.83 build these churches for the people down here." And because of that goal, they had that same 00:13:24.83\00:13:28.14 aim. Just because they heard God differently, they still got along because of that, 00:13:28.14\00:13:32.67 and they were able to work together. And really seeing 00:13:32.67\00:13:34.94 that, it showed me that God really does speak to us uniquely, and it ended up being 00:13:34.94\00:13:40.68 an amazing mission trip. And I learned a lot about how God 00:13:40.68\00:13:43.72 speaks to us. And I really saw him through all the different people there in unique, 00:13:43.72\00:13:47.96 different ways, just kind of like in the Bible how to each person God spoke to them really 00:13:47.96\00:13:52.39 differently. He didn't use just one way to speak to, like, a person exactly the same every 00:13:52.39\00:13:56.33 time, but it was in unique ways. Like Balaam was through a donkey and other people angels, other 00:13:56.33\00:14:00.77 people's dreams, right? And so He really is someone that speaks 00:14:00.77\00:14:04.74 to you the way you really need to hear it. >> Yeah, yeah, it's 00:14:04.74\00:14:08.68 amazing. You know, when you talk to someone, you have different 00:14:08.68\00:14:12.21 conversations. So, I talk to Darrell, and the way he talks to me is probably quite different 00:14:12.21\00:14:15.85 than the way he talks to Nick, than the way he talks to McClain and the way he talks to Rene. 00:14:15.85\00:14:22.12 And so we talk to each other differently. Why wouldn't God 00:14:22.12\00:14:25.73 talk to us differently? He has different relationships, and 00:14:25.73\00:14:28.30 we're all unique individuals. I think of this guy from Bermuda. 00:14:28.30\00:14:32.80 He's a famous guy. He's famous there. He wasn't famous at the 00:14:32.80\00:14:37.67 time. His name is Johnny Barnes. And so, Johnny Barnes was a bus 00:14:37.67\00:14:42.81 driver. He was actually trained as an electrician, and he was a 00:14:42.81\00:14:47.55 very social guy. And so, he liked to talk to people, and he would share his faith. 00:14:47.55\00:14:50.69 And so, he got to the stage in his life where he was ready to 00:14:50.69\00:14:55.06 retire. And so, he didn't really want to sit and do nothing. And so, he was praying, reading 00:14:55.06\00:15:01.50 his Bible one morning. And he said, "God, what should I do?" 00:15:01.50\00:15:06.00 And he distinctly heard God say to him, "Go to Crow Lane and tell all the people 00:15:06.00\00:15:12.41 driving by that I love them." So, that's what he did. 00:15:12.41\00:15:17.18 He got up 4:00 in the morning, and he went down to Crow Lane, and he just, "I love you. 00:15:17.18\00:15:22.12 I love you. God loves you. God loves you." True. 00:15:22.12\00:15:25.82 And everybody on the island knows this guy. He became so 00:15:25.82\00:15:29.96 famous that even Queen Elizabeth gave him an honor, you know. He 00:15:29.96\00:15:34.46 was honored. They even made a statue, which cost them $70,000. And so this statue of him 00:15:34.46\00:15:39.90 standing there. Why? Because he got up every morning, 00:15:39.90\00:15:44.14 and he was there on that street corner from 4:00 in the morning until 10:00 in the morning. 00:15:44.14\00:15:49.64 And it's the busiest roundabout in the whole island of Bermuda. And so, as the people 00:15:49.64\00:15:55.35 were going by, they got to know this man. And they were so 00:15:55.35\00:15:59.89 cheered by him. So, one day he got sick. And he was in the hospital. And people are phoning 00:15:59.89\00:16:04.23 into the radio station. They're like, "Where is Johnny Barnes?" 00:16:04.23\00:16:07.73 And he was in the hospital. And so, can you imagine if something 00:16:07.73\00:16:12.33 happened to me and people are phoning to the radio station saying, "Where is Mike Lemon?" 00:16:12.33\00:16:16.54 And they're just like, "I don't know. Is that important?" 00:16:16.54\00:16:20.01 Yeah, it's important because he's always there. You know, he's cheering us up. 00:16:20.01\00:16:23.75 And we love people who are happy, people who are telling us, "I love you. God loves you." 00:16:23.75\00:16:28.38 You know, some of the people, even the ladies would say, "You 00:16:28.38\00:16:31.75 know, how come" -- they would complain to their husbands -- "How come you never say I love 00:16:31.75\00:16:34.46 you, but Johnny Barnes tells me every single day that he loves me?" And so, this man, 00:16:34.46\00:16:40.20 he was an inspiration. He did that six hours a day. And then 00:16:40.20\00:16:44.67 afterwards he would go to the hospitals. He would go into town. He would pray with people. 00:16:44.67\00:16:49.74 I mean, he really shared his faith. From the time he retired 00:16:49.74\00:16:53.68 till 30 years afterwards, he did this. Stood on that street 00:16:53.68\00:16:58.95 corner. And so, what an amazing man that he did for 30 years from 6 hours a day. 00:16:58.95\00:17:05.89 That's an incredible story. >> Mm-hmm. >> So, we're going to 00:17:05.89\00:17:09.02 take a quick break right now, and then we will come back right after this brief message. 00:17:09.02\00:17:15.83 >> Canada. All across this vast and diverse nation, 00:17:15.83\00:17:19.73 people are searching for meaning, acceptance, and hope. But in an increasingly secular 00:17:19.73\00:17:25.24 nation, where nearly one in four Canadians have no religious 00:17:25.24\00:17:29.81 affiliation, many people simply don't know how to find happiness and peace for their lives. 00:17:29.81\00:17:34.85 That is why we are here. As the premier media ministry for the 00:17:34.85\00:17:38.62 Seventh-Day Adventist church in Canada, "It Is Written" seeks to offer people more than this 00:17:38.62\00:17:43.73 world can offer -- the good news of Jesus Christ. 00:17:43.73\00:17:47.50 Each week we invite countless people to enter into 00:17:47.56\00:17:50.47 a closer relationship with Jesus through our television program, 00:17:50.47\00:17:54.20 aired across the nation on CTV, 3ABN, Hope Channel, 00:17:54.20\00:17:57.97 and many more. 00:17:57.97\00:17:59.34 In this way we're able to reach into people's homes and meet them right where they 00:17:59.37\00:18:03.31 are. Buying this much airtime is no small thing, 00:18:03.31\00:18:06.88 but the continued commitment of donors just like you keeps the Gospel on the air in Canada. 00:18:06.88\00:18:13.02 Our commitment to spreading the Gospel means that we do 00:18:13.02\00:18:17.33 everything we can to maximize the impact of your financial gift. A gift of $5 is enough 00:18:17.33\00:18:22.60 to get an episode of our show into 50 households across the 00:18:22.60\00:18:26.80 nation. Ten dollars is enough to provide a personal heart-changing Bible lesson to 00:18:26.80\00:18:32.14 five individuals. Your generosity amplified by the Holy Spirit has the power to change 00:18:32.14\00:18:38.11 lives. Canadians everywhere are searching for something more. By 00:18:38.11\00:18:42.82 partnering with "It Is Written," together we can help them find 00:18:42.82\00:18:47.49 it. To support this life-changing ministry, 00:18:47.52\00:18:49.82 please send your financial contributions to 00:18:49.82\00:18:52.13 It Is Written, Box 2010, 00:18:52.13\00:18:54.10 Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7V4. Or you can call us at 00:18:54.10\00:18:58.17 1-888-225-5449. You can also visit us online 00:18:58.17\00:19:03.71 at www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca and click on the "donate" button. 00:19:03.71\00:19:09.78 >> So, I want to pick up on something that Nick said earlier 00:19:11.38\00:19:13.72 about hearing God's voice, and it's very true. 00:19:13.72\00:19:15.82 It's in the Scriptures, and Jesus talks about it 00:19:15.82\00:19:17.89 in Luke 8:18, where He says, "Be careful how you hear, 00:19:17.89\00:19:23.12 for the one who has, more will be given, and from the one 00:19:23.12\00:19:26.46 who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away." 00:19:26.46\00:19:30.20 So Jesus is really saying to us, "If you want more, listen to what you've already been told." 00:19:30.23\00:19:36.81 >> Right. >> So, what's clear to you. Don't worry 00:19:36.81\00:19:40.11 about what's unclear. So, sometimes we want to know the 00:19:40.11\00:19:43.65 future. Who is the person we're going to marry? Where are we 00:19:43.65\00:19:47.48 going to study? And we want to know this some distant future. And God is really saying, 00:19:47.48\00:19:51.22 "Don't worry about those things in the future. Just focus on the 00:19:51.22\00:19:54.79 things that I've told you already that are really clear." And so sometimes people want 00:19:54.79\00:19:58.36 to know the future, and I say, "Well, what is clear to you? Should you read your Bible?" 00:19:58.36\00:20:01.53 And they say, "Yes, I should read my Bible. That's clear to 00:20:01.53\00:20:03.70 me." "Are you reading your Bible?" They're like, "Oh..." 00:20:03.70\00:20:07.84 "Are you praying? Do you know that you should pray?" "Yes." 00:20:07.84\00:20:10.11 Okay? And so you know certain things God wants you to do, 00:20:10.11\00:20:13.38 and you're not doing them. So, God, why would He give you more when you're not doing what 00:20:13.38\00:20:17.01 He's already telling you to do and what's clear to you? So, I 00:20:17.01\00:20:20.12 want to tell you a little bit about a lady who, she grew up in Brazil, and when she became 00:20:20.12\00:20:25.75 a baptized Christian, she was so on fire. She shared 00:20:25.75\00:20:28.69 her faith with everyone. And there are many people coming to 00:20:28.69\00:20:31.93 the church. She was not a Bible worker. She wasn't a pastor or anything like that. 00:20:31.93\00:20:35.50 She was just sharing her faith as a church member. And she got 00:20:35.50\00:20:40.30 older, and eventually she was ready to retire, and she became a hazard on the road. 00:20:40.30\00:20:44.94 They took her driver's license away, and so they said, "Okay, 00:20:44.94\00:20:49.58 you can't drive, grandma." And so she sat at home, and she felt 00:20:49.58\00:20:54.18 so useless. And she was praying to God, "What can I do? I want 00:20:54.18\00:20:57.75 to help people." And then she noticed outside of her window they were setting up a circus 00:20:57.75\00:21:02.16 in this field outside. And so she prayed to God, "What can I do for those people 00:21:02.16\00:21:05.56 over there?" because she wanted to share her faith. And God said 00:21:05.56\00:21:09.76 to her, "Make lemonade." And she was used to hearing God's voice. 00:21:09.76\00:21:14.07 And so she's like, "Make lemonade? Okay." So, she went to 00:21:14.07\00:21:18.44 her friends and her neighbors. She said, "I need big containers, and I need some 00:21:18.44\00:21:21.64 powder." Help me. I have to make 00:21:21.64\00:21:24.21 some lemonade for these people and can you freeze some ice for 00:21:24.21\00:21:26.55 me?" And so she made gallons and gallons of lemonade, and every day she would go there, 00:21:26.55\00:21:29.42 and she'd give this lemonade to these guys. And there are over 00:21:29.42\00:21:32.25 300 workers who were working in this big circus. And so, she did 00:21:32.25\00:21:36.79 this day after day, and eventually they said to her, "Grandma, why are you doing this 00:21:36.79\00:21:39.93 for us?" And she said, "Well, God told me to do this for you." And they said, "We believe you, 00:21:39.93\00:21:45.00 because we go from town to town, and no one has ever done this 00:21:45.00\00:21:48.57 before." And so they said, "Tell us more about God. How can you 00:21:48.57\00:21:51.84 hear His voice?" And so she started sharing about the Bible, and as they learned, they 00:21:51.84\00:21:57.78 started to become very, very interested. And some of them became Christians, 10, 15, 20. 00:21:57.78\00:22:04.39 Eventually there was 120 of them who became Christians, and they decided, "Well, what can we 00:22:04.39\00:22:09.29 do? How do we share our faith?" And they said, "Well, we're 00:22:09.29\00:22:12.16 in the circus." So, they asked the church pastors, and they're 00:22:12.16\00:22:15.10 like, "Eh, you maybe should quit the circus because that's kind of not a Christian thing to do." 00:22:15.10\00:22:17.93 But others were like, "Maybe we should use this to serve God." 00:22:17.93\00:22:22.14 And so they started praying about it. And some of the clowns 00:22:22.14\00:22:24.97 got together, and they said, "What we're going to do, we're going to tell the people 00:22:24.97\00:22:29.28 about Jesus." And so, it came time. The circus came together. 00:22:29.28\00:22:35.08 The clowns were having fun. And the people were laughing. And 00:22:35.08\00:22:40.89 then finally one of the clowns came out and he said, "You know, it's fun to be at the circus, 00:22:40.89\00:22:43.89 and it's great, and we love making fun, but life is not 00:22:43.89\00:22:49.66 always fun. And I found that sometimes it's difficult. And I've learned something. 00:22:49.66\00:22:54.57 There is this old lady. Let me introduce you to her. She's a really nice, old lady." 00:22:54.57\00:22:58.37 And so, he brought her up to the front, and he said, "She taught 00:22:58.37\00:23:01.41 me about Jesus. She told me about the Bible. And if you're interested in learning about the 00:23:01.41\00:23:05.88 Bible and about how God can speak to you, then you can come forward and talk to us after the 00:23:05.88\00:23:12.29 show." And they continued sharing this for months and months, and eventually six 00:23:12.29\00:23:16.06 months later they had brought in over 300 people just because this one lady made lemonade, 00:23:16.06\00:23:23.77 because God had spoken to her. And so, being still and listening to God's voice, 00:23:23.77\00:23:28.50 and He will give you more and more and more, as you listen to 00:23:28.50\00:23:32.27 Him, as you're obedient to what He asks you to do. So, we can 00:23:32.27\00:23:36.71 hear God's voice. And when God speaks to us, we are to be obedient to what He has asked us 00:23:36.71\00:23:41.92 to do. So, I thank you all for sharing your stories today with 00:23:41.92\00:23:47.02 us. And I know that you know that God speaks to you through His Word. So, guys, I just want 00:23:47.02\00:23:52.36 to thank you for allowing us to ask you questions and thank you, Nick and McClain and Darrell, 00:23:52.36\00:23:57.47 for coming and joining us today. >> No problem. >> Before we 00:23:57.47\00:24:02.60 close let's listen to "This Is My Father's World." 00:24:02.60\00:24:05.07 ¤¤ ¤¤ >> ¤ This is my Father's world 00:24:07.51\00:24:35.67 ¤ And to my listening ears, all nature sings, and round me rings 00:24:35.67\00:24:47.05 the music of the spheres ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:24:47.05\00:25:05.60 ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ The birds, their carols raise the morning bright, 00:25:05.60\00:25:18.91 the lily white, declare their Maker's praise ¤ ¤ This is my 00:25:18.91\00:25:32.03 Father's world ¤ He shines in all that's fair ¤ In the rustling grass, I hear Him pass 00:25:32.03\00:25:43.54 ¤ ¤ He speaks to me everywhere ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:25:43.54\00:26:00.12 ¤¤ ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ Oh, let me ne'er forget 00:26:00.12\00:26:13.13 that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet 00:26:13.13\00:26:25.18 ¤ ¤ This is my Father's home ¤ Why should my heart be sad? ¤ 00:26:25.18\00:26:39.36 The Lord is King, let the heavens ring ¤ ¤ God reigns ¤ Let the earth be glad 00:26:39.36\00:26:49.37 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:26:49.37\00:27:06.92 ¤¤ 00:27:06.92\00:27:12.76 >> So, this is our Father's world, and He wants to speak to 00:27:22.97\00:27:27.44 us, and He does. He speaks to us everywhere. Let's talk to Him now as we close off. 00:27:27.44\00:27:31.95 Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven, we thank you that your 00:27:31.95\00:27:37.32 word tells us that you want us to know your voice. You tell us 00:27:37.32\00:27:42.32 in 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks 00:27:42.32\00:27:49.93 in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you, in Christ 00:27:49.93\00:27:54.67 Jesus." That's what we want to know, Lord. We want to know your 00:27:54.67\00:27:57.01 will, and we want to hear your voice. And we pray that you will speak to us, and we will listen. 00:27:57.01\00:28:02.14 In Jesus' name. Amen. >> Amen. 00:28:02.14\00:28:05.58 >> So, friends, thank you very much for joining us. And remember the words of Jesus 00:28:05.58\00:28:09.38 where He said, "It is written: 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that 00:28:09.38\00:28:14.56 proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 00:28:14.56\00:28:17.99 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:28:18.03\00:28:26.70 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:28:26.70\00:28:47.96 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:28:47.96\00:28:59.67