い い >> It has stood 00:00:00.80\00:00:13.38 the test of time. God's book, the Bible. Still relevant 00:00:13.38\00:00:20.38 in today's complex world. 00:00:20.38\00:00:24.92 "It Is Written" -- Sharing messages of hope 00:00:24.95\00:00:29.09 around the world. い 00:00:29.09\00:00:40.24 >> Welcome again and thank you for joining us on 00:00:40.24\00:00:42.60 "It Is Written Canada." I'm holding this stool here 00:00:42.60\00:00:46.17 because we have been talking about the three legs of the 00:00:46.17\00:00:48.81 stool. What am I talking about? 00:00:48.81\00:00:50.08 I'm talking about the ingredients 00:00:50.08\00:00:52.51 or the building blocks for Christianity. 00:00:52.51\00:00:55.62 And that first leg of the stool that we've been talking about, and we are here with 00:00:55.65\00:00:59.79 Lee Venden. He's been teaching us that that first leg is 00:00:59.79\00:01:03.53 Bible study for the purpose of connecting with God and having a real relationship with Him. 00:01:03.53\00:01:08.23 And the second one we talked about last time, which was connecting with God 00:01:08.23\00:01:12.97 through prayer and not just a one-way communication but a two-way communication. 00:01:12.97\00:01:17.24 Now, this stool is not going to stand up on two legs. And so it 00:01:17.24\00:01:22.14 means -- >> Let's try. >> We can try it, sure. And it's going to 00:01:22.14\00:01:26.08 fall over. Don't want to make a big noise here. So that third 00:01:26.08\00:01:29.28 leg of the stool, which I'm going to put on there, and you can see. is sharing, so sharing 00:01:29.28\00:01:34.76 what God has given to us. And when we share that message that God has put into our hearts 00:01:34.76\00:01:41.73 through His word and through connecting with Him and talking 00:01:41.73\00:01:45.80 with Him, then we can stand and then we have a solid connection 00:01:45.80\00:01:50.27 with Him. Without that we do not experience joy. Actually, there 00:01:50.27\00:01:54.14 is joy in service. And so God does not expect us to keep that 00:01:54.14\00:01:58.18 to ourselves, does he, Lee? >> No, no. 00:01:58.18\00:02:00.38 In fact it puts me in mind of Matthew 25 00:02:00.42\00:02:03.39 where there is a story Jesus tells about these three 00:02:03.39\00:02:05.85 stewards that are given talents to work with. 00:02:05.85\00:02:08.42 And then the master goes off on a trip and when he comes back, one of the stewards 00:02:08.46\00:02:11.89 has just buried the talent did nothing with it. And he returns 00:02:11.89\00:02:15.73 it. The other two had doubled it and they gave it back to the master, and the line that 00:02:15.73\00:02:19.80 Jesus uses as each of those two faithful stewards return their talents doubled, the line 00:02:19.80\00:02:25.67 Jesus uses is, "Well done." And then He says, "I'm going to give 00:02:25.67\00:02:32.51 you another job to do. Enter into the joy of your Lord." 00:02:32.51\00:02:35.98 >> Yeah, yeah. >> And then he tells the other guy, "Out of 00:02:35.98\00:02:40.89 here," and the guy ends up losing out on the joy of the Lord. In fact, they take the 00:02:40.89\00:02:44.39 talent from him that he had done nothing with, and they give it to one of the other guys. 00:02:44.39\00:02:48.10 But the concept was he gives them more work to do and calls 00:02:48.10\00:02:54.00 it joy. >> Yeah, yeah. So either you use it or you lose it. 00:02:54.00\00:02:58.74 >> It fits perfectly. >> Yeah. So, I know you have had 00:02:58.74\00:03:03.75 experiences with people who you have had the opportunity to guide and lead them to the Lord. 00:03:03.75\00:03:10.05 Can you think of one that really speaks to this? You know, 00:03:10.05\00:03:15.62 someone who is -- who has had that connection with Jesus through His word, through prayer 00:03:15.62\00:03:19.76 and then his greatest joy was in service. >> The joy in the Lord 00:03:19.76\00:03:23.97 concept. That would have -- The first one that comes to my mind is my friend Steve Mackey. 00:03:23.97\00:03:28.04 Steve Mackey -- When I first met him, Steve Mackey had just taken 00:03:28.04\00:03:31.41 the world heavyweight title in kickboxing or shoot boxing. He'd taken in Tokyo, Japan, in 00:03:31.41\00:03:36.24 the Tokyo Dome on international satellite television. >> I 00:03:36.24\00:03:41.22 remember him. >> You do? >> I do. I saw him on the Internet. 00:03:41.22\00:03:44.69 A long time ago. >> Yeah, it was back in the '90s, yeah, when I 00:03:44.69\00:03:49.69 first met him. At the time, he was, like, the baddest of the 00:03:49.69\00:03:53.13 bad as they would say. I didn't know anything about kickboxing 00:03:53.13\00:03:55.73 or shoot boxing, but it's a form of martial arts. It's considered 00:03:55.73\00:03:59.70 the most dangerous, most lethal form of organized refereed sport 00:03:59.70\00:04:03.94 fighting. So it's not something I'd glorify, but I'm just 00:04:03.94\00:04:06.68 mentioning that that's what Steve came out of. And I happened to meet him in Kansas 00:04:06.68\00:04:10.65 City, which was his hometown, and I was pastoring there, and somebody introduced us, and he 00:04:10.65\00:04:15.52 said, "What do you do for a living?" And I said, "Well, I try to help people get to become 00:04:15.52\00:04:19.39 better friends with Jesus." And he said, "Get out of here. You can't be friends with Jesus. 00:04:19.39\00:04:22.76 He's keeping the universe running and He's invisible and 00:04:22.76\00:04:26.36 all that. He doesn't have time for that." I said, "Oh, no, He's dying to be friends." 00:04:26.36\00:04:29.76 He goes, "How do you get to be friends with Him?" So I told him 00:04:29.76\00:04:33.34 about the three legs of the stool. I said, "You know what? If you would open up a Bible 00:04:33.34\00:04:38.34 to one of the gospels, like the Gospel of John, say a prayer 00:04:38.34\00:04:41.94 that you want to meet Him there and you want your heart touched 00:04:41.94\00:04:45.55 and stirred, that you want Him to take you into a deep experience that's real and 00:04:45.55\00:04:48.72 tangible." I said, "He'll do it." And Steve Mackey said, "I'll go get a Bible. 00:04:48.72\00:04:52.92 I'll buy a Bible and I'll try that." And I said, "Go for it." 00:04:52.92\00:04:56.32 Well, that just became the beginning of interactions that I 00:04:56.32\00:05:00.06 had with Steve. And, you know, I just -- probably -- it's not meant to be name dropping but 00:05:00.06\00:05:04.03 it'll probably sound like it's name dropping. But Steve was a mover and a shaker at that time. 00:05:04.03\00:05:08.07 I mean, he was personal friends with Chuck Norris, Sylvester 00:05:08.07\00:05:12.34 Stallone, a guy named Mr. T. Chuck Norris actually -- and 00:05:12.34\00:05:16.78 Sylvester Stallone actually involves Steve in choreographing fight scenes in the movies, 00:05:16.78\00:05:21.55 the "Rocky" series that Sylvester Stallone put together. 00:05:21.55\00:05:26.45 So, you know, he had this reputation And then incidentally, just about three 00:05:26.45\00:05:29.76 years ago, Steve was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and Chuck Norris 00:05:29.76\00:05:33.19 was the one that gave him the honors and so on. So, you know, 00:05:33.19\00:05:36.87 he had that reputation. Well, he started reading the Gospel of 00:05:36.87\00:05:42.04 John, and Jesus said, "If I am lifted up, I'll draw you to myself," and oh, man, 00:05:42.04\00:05:45.91 amazing things began happening and Steve -- sort of long story 00:05:45.91\00:05:50.75 short there, Steve actually became a member of our congregation. He became the 00:05:50.75\00:05:54.52 leader of our youth department and they thought, "How cool is this to have Steve Mackey 00:05:54.52\00:05:57.75 be our youth director?" And if Steve needed their attention, 00:05:57.75\00:06:01.06 he'd tell them the Bible talks about the laying on of hands. [ 00:06:01.06\00:06:05.16 Laughter ] They would pay attention. But such cool things began happening in Steve's life 00:06:05.16\00:06:10.23 that he had story after story to tell about God transforming him. 00:06:10.23\00:06:14.34 In fact, I saw him interviewed on national sports -- nationally 00:06:14.34\00:06:18.44 syndicated sports television after the fight, and one of -- after he'd become a Christian -- 00:06:18.44\00:06:23.14 and one of the things that the interviewer said was, "So, Mr. 00:06:23.14\00:06:27.05 Mackey, when and where are you going to defend the world heavyweight title?" 00:06:27.05\00:06:29.48 Because obviously the title was meant to be challenged. And 00:06:29.48\00:06:33.25 Steve said, "I won't be defending it." He said, "I've become friends with the Lord 00:06:33.25\00:06:36.79 Jesus Christ, and He's taken the fight out of me." And then he said, "I work for my boss now." 00:06:36.79\00:06:40.86 And he went like that on nationally syndicated sport 00:06:40.86\00:06:43.57 television. I thought, "How cool is that?" >> That is cool. >> Well, there was a woman named 00:06:43.57\00:06:47.44 Jeanette Johnson. She was writing a book called "Paint the 00:06:47.44\00:06:50.91 World with Love," and she wanted to include some of the stories of what got him doing 00:06:50.91\00:06:54.04 the life of this kickboxer. So she asked Steve if she could, and Steve said, "If you think 00:06:54.04\00:06:58.38 it'd be of any value to anybody, you're welcome to use my story and what Jesus has done." 00:06:58.38\00:07:03.22 So she did the book, published it. People began reading the 00:07:03.22\00:07:06.42 story and thinking, "Wow, how cool, God's doing." And then Steve started getting 00:07:06.42\00:07:09.79 invitations to go places and tell people what God was doing 00:07:09.79\00:07:13.63 in his life. >> Yes. >> So, years go by, and we move off to 00:07:13.63\00:07:18.43 the West Coast. We're living near Seattle, Washington. And I 00:07:18.43\00:07:21.37 find out that a public high school in Bellingham, Washington, which is right at 00:07:21.37\00:07:25.44 the north end of the I-5 corridor out there on the West Coast, asked Steve to come 00:07:25.44\00:07:29.38 and talk in a public high school on a Saturday night, tell what 00:07:29.38\00:07:35.28 had been going on in his life. I thought, "Wow, that's 00:07:35.28\00:07:38.19 something." And I said, "Steve, that's just a couple-hour drive 00:07:38.19\00:07:41.32 from where I am. So I will come up, and Margie and I will take you to the airport on Sunday 00:07:41.32\00:07:44.73 because you got to fly home again. That will give us a 00:07:44.73\00:07:47.60 chance to spend some time together." So I drove up and got there in the evening on 00:07:47.60\00:07:52.20 Saturday. It was a Saturday thing, and the parking lot was jam-packed, and the auditorium 00:07:52.20\00:07:56.07 was completely filled because Steve was well-known. And so I went around looking for 00:07:56.07\00:08:00.81 him before it started to say hi. And he was crying over in a 00:08:00.81\00:08:06.41 corner by himself. I said, "Man, are you okay?" He said, "Oh, yeah, I'm okay." He said, "I was 00:08:06.41\00:08:11.15 just praying. I was asking that when this meeting is over and people go home, instead of 00:08:11.15\00:08:15.02 thinking about Steve Mackey the kickboxer, they're thinking only 00:08:15.02\00:08:18.66 about the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the best friend you could 00:08:18.66\00:08:21.90 ever have." He said, "I want that so badly. I'm just in tears 00:08:21.90\00:08:25.27 praying for it. I said, "I think that He's going to honor that request, Steve." Anyway, long 00:08:25.27\00:08:29.87 story shortened, God did honor that request. And when it was over, a bunch of people came 00:08:29.87\00:08:33.17 forward and wanted to shake his hand, talk with him, ask him questions. But there was a 00:08:33.17\00:08:36.31 little guy about 9 or 10 years old, and he came forward with a piece of paper in his hand, 00:08:36.31\00:08:40.52 and he said, "Mr. Mackey, could I have your autograph?" I was 00:08:40.52\00:08:43.59 off to one side because I'm going to give Steve a ride home. And Steve gets down. 00:08:43.59\00:08:46.79 He puts one hand on each of that little guy's shoulders and gets down, looks him in the eye. 00:08:46.79\00:08:50.36 He says, "Buddy, I'll sign that paper, but I'd like to ask you a 00:08:50.36\00:08:54.00 question first. If there was one thing I want you to remember 00:08:54.00\00:08:57.07 from tonight's meeting more than anything else, what do you think it is?" And the little guy said, 00:08:57.07\00:09:01.34 "That Jesus wants to be my friend and He'd be the best friend I could ever have." 00:09:01.34\00:09:06.21 Oh, Steve gave that kid a hug. "Give me a high-five, buddy. You 00:09:06.21\00:09:11.58 got it." And then he looked over at me and smiled. Anyway, we 00:09:11.58\00:09:16.05 finally got out to the car to go home. It was after 11:00 at night. For Steve, that'd be 00:09:16.05\00:09:20.99 after 1:00 because he was on Central time, and I said to him, "It's a couple hour drive." 00:09:20.99\00:09:25.49 So I said, "Tell you what. That seat reclines. I'll drive. 00:09:25.49\00:09:28.43 You can sleep, and tomorrow we'll get caught up on stuff and talk before we take you to the 00:09:28.43\00:09:32.80 airport." I'll never forget what he said next. 00:09:32.80\00:09:35.27 He looked at me and he said, "Sleep? Are you kidding me, man? 00:09:35.27\00:09:39.87 Sleep? There is no way I am going to sleep." 00:09:39.87\00:09:43.41 He said, "That was the greatest rush I've ever had." Now, think 00:09:43.41\00:09:48.15 about that. This guy was in the world heavyweight kickboxing 00:09:48.15\00:09:52.25 stadium in Tokyo. This is the greatest rush. "This is the greatest rush I have ever had." 00:09:52.25\00:09:57.06 He said, "I'm telling you what. Did you see that little guy?" He said, "Did you see that 00:09:57.06\00:09:59.93 little guy that came up afterwards?" I said, "Yeah." 00:09:59.93\00:10:01.96 He said, "Lee, he got it. He got it." He says, "When you tell 00:10:01.96\00:10:04.83 people what a friend you have in Jesus and that they can be friends with him too, ooh," 00:10:04.83\00:10:07.67 he said, "It doesn't get any better than that." He said, "You 00:10:07.67\00:10:12.41 get paid to do this as a pastor? Whoa!" And then he said these 00:10:12.41\00:10:16.04 words. He said, "This could be addicting." >> Wow. 00:10:16.04\00:10:19.08 >> That's what he said. This could be addicting. >> So he was 00:10:19.08\00:10:23.02 talking about serving, about sharing. >> Yeah, yeah. >> I 00:10:23.02\00:10:27.96 mean, why would anyone not do that, right? I mean, when you have that experience, you have 00:10:27.96\00:10:33.66 to tell someone. >> Right. >> You just got to get it out, 00:10:33.66\00:10:37.37 right? >> You remember the man that Jesus raised 00:10:37.37\00:10:40.00 his daughter from the dead? >> Right. >> And He says, "Now, 00:10:40.00\00:10:42.20 don't tell anybody about this." [ Laughter ] The guy goes, 00:10:42.20\00:10:47.68 "What?" >> Why? >> "Don't tell anybody? I got to tell 00:10:47.68\00:10:51.98 somebody." >> Yes. It's like taking, you know, your thumb and 00:10:51.98\00:10:55.92 putting it over the edge of a -- or the end of your Coke bottle or your root beer and you just 00:10:55.92\00:11:01.22 shake it up. >> Yeah, it's carbonated. >> It's gonna 00:11:01.22\00:11:04.73 explode. >> Yeah. >> And I guess that's the result of the first two legs of the stool. 00:11:04.73\00:11:08.13 >> Yes. >> As you keep hanging out with Jesus and He keeps 00:11:08.13\00:11:10.77 interacting in your life, you begin to just really like this 00:11:10.77\00:11:15.34 guy, you know? And you can't keep quiet about it. And then here's the cool part. 00:11:15.34\00:11:18.51 As you tell other people how cool He is and you see them start to catch on that maybe 00:11:18.51\00:11:22.88 He'd be cool for them too, then you get excited because you see they're getting it. 00:11:22.88\00:11:27.12 >> Exactly. >> And so then, the enthusiasm grows for you. 00:11:27.12\00:11:30.45 It gets even better, which is why I think that God gave the -- 00:11:30.45\00:11:34.49 at the end of every gospel, there's a commission to go to work. But Jesus doesn't need our 00:11:34.49\00:11:40.20 help because He can finish it with angels. He can finish it 00:11:40.20\00:11:42.73 with dreams. He could finish it with -- rocks could cry out. You remember all that stuff? 00:11:42.73\00:11:45.83 So He doesn't need our help. So why would He give us four gospel 00:11:45.83\00:11:49.70 commissions -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- go to work, go to work, go to work, go to work. 00:11:49.70\00:11:52.77 And it's because He wants us to have the joy of our Lord. >> 00:11:52.77\00:11:57.35 Yeah. >> He says, "Why should we hoard it, angels? Let's let them 00:11:57.35\00:12:00.98 in on this thing. Let's let them taste it." >> So, this morning we were here, here in Nova 00:12:00.98\00:12:06.15 Scotia, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, and a man came up to me. His name is Bob, and he 00:12:06.15\00:12:11.73 introduced himself to me. And I asked him, "What do you do, 00:12:11.73\00:12:15.13 Bob?" And he said, "Well, all my life I've been a fisherman." And 00:12:15.13\00:12:21.60 he said, "And that brought me great joy." He's got two daughters and a wonderful wife. 00:12:21.60\00:12:26.21 And he says he's found joy in that. But the greatest joy he 00:12:26.21\00:12:29.48 said, "that I've ever experienced is sharing my faith with others." He says, "I just 00:12:29.48\00:12:35.15 can't get enough of it. I share it." He says, "It's greater than 00:12:35.15\00:12:38.32 anything. So, yes, I was a fisherman all my life. 00:12:38.32\00:12:41.46 But God has now made me a fisher of men." And he says 00:12:41.46\00:12:44.33 he enjoys doing that. He really enjoys it so much so that he 00:12:44.33\00:12:47.96 says this coming weekend, he has an opportunity to actually go 00:12:47.96\00:12:51.87 into the tank and baptize someone. And he says this is so 00:12:51.87\00:12:56.00 exciting for him. He doesn't want to mess it up. So he's looking forward to it. So the 00:12:56.00\00:13:01.21 joy that God gives to us in the very act of blessing others, it reacts in blessing upon 00:13:01.21\00:13:08.98 ourselves. >> Exactly. >> So who is really getting blessed by 00:13:08.98\00:13:12.45 this? And why would you rob yourself of that opportunity?" 00:13:12.45\00:13:16.49 >> Yeah, yeah. You're making me think of Luke 6. 00:13:16.49\00:13:18.93 "Give and you will receive." This is verse 38. 00:13:18.96\00:13:21.30 >> Yeah, uh-huh. >> "Your gift will return to you 00:13:21.30\00:13:23.37 in full -- pressed down, shaken together to make room 00:13:23.37\00:13:26.20 for more, running over, and poured into your lap. 00:13:26.20\00:13:29.04 The amount you give will determine 00:13:29.04\00:13:30.41 the amount you get back." >> Yeah, yeah. 00:13:30.41\00:13:32.67 So, when we witness of our faith to others, I mean, this is a tremendous blessing for us. 00:13:32.71\00:13:37.75 And God wants us to experience that. >> I guess the most 00:13:37.75\00:13:42.02 exciting thing for me is those first two legs of the stool, you know, the prayer and the Bible 00:13:42.02\00:13:48.19 study, and when you really do that and really seek that close connection with God 00:13:48.19\00:13:54.83 and spend time with Him and make Him your best friend, then those 00:13:54.83\00:14:00.70 two things, well, you'll be so excited and so full that the 00:14:00.70\00:14:05.37 product will be that you just have to share. You have to get out there. You just can't wait 00:14:05.37\00:14:10.68 to tell people about Jesus. >> Yeah. >> So those two, like the 00:14:10.68\00:14:15.62 third one is dependent on those two. If we could grow on those 00:14:15.62\00:14:20.69 first two, and then we just can't wait to tell people about Jesus and what He's done for us, 00:14:20.69\00:14:25.59 right? >> It would be a tragedy to try and get people to witness 00:14:25.59\00:14:29.63 who don't have the first two going on. >> Absolutely. 00:14:29.63\00:14:32.67 >> Because they don't have that joy to spill over. And then that 00:14:32.67\00:14:36.64 kind of witness is not really contagious. >> No, it isn't. >> But the kind you're talking 00:14:36.64\00:14:40.34 about, Rene, that's contagious. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I want 00:14:40.34\00:14:44.95 to go further with this discussion. It's just so exciting. But before we do, 00:14:44.95\00:14:48.75 we're just gonna take a little break, and then we'll be right back. Friends, we are so 00:14:48.75\00:14:55.12 thankful that you joined us today. If you would like to enhance your relationship with 00:14:55.12\00:14:59.19 God, we have an offer for you today that will help you to understand the Bible better. 00:14:59.19\00:15:03.83 >> Friends, our offer for you today is the Discover Bible 00:15:03.83\00:15:08.44 study guide. >> In these lessons, you will find the key to help you to understand 00:15:08.44\00:15:13.07 the Bible, God's holy word, much better. 00:15:13.07\00:15:16.04 >> Here is the information that you need in order to receive 00:15:16.08\00:15:19.21 these free Bible study guides. >> To request today's offer, 00:15:19.21\00:15:23.75 just log on to www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:15:23.75\00:15:28.36 That's www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca and select the TV Program tab. 00:15:28.36\00:15:34.86 If you prefer, you may call toll free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. 00:15:34.86\00:15:40.30 That's 1-888-CALL-IIW. And thank you for your prayer 00:15:40.30\00:15:45.37 requests and your generous financial support. 00:15:45.37\00:15:49.44 >> Welcome back. And we've been looking at the three legs of the 00:15:49.48\00:15:54.95 stool -- Bible study for the purpose of connecting with Jesus, and prayer for the 00:15:54.95\00:15:59.42 purpose of communication with Him, and then sharing, and these are all tangible things 00:15:59.42\00:16:03.09 that we can do to have a practical Christian experience, making Christianity real. 00:16:03.09\00:16:10.00 And Lee's been sharing those with us. So, we've been talking 00:16:10.00\00:16:13.20 about sharing our faith, about witnessing for our faith, and you've given a good example 00:16:13.20\00:16:18.14 with Steve Mackey and his experience and how he just felt 00:16:18.14\00:16:23.24 great joy when he shared his faith. Now, let's be more tangible. What was he sharing? 00:16:23.24\00:16:28.85 What was the content of what we are to share when we share as 00:16:28.85\00:16:35.22 Christians? >> Well, I think that Rene was kind of alluding to that a few moments ago when 00:16:35.22\00:16:43.16 she talked about bubbling over with your own personal testimony and how that's a byproduct 00:16:43.16\00:16:50.01 of the first two, and it puts me in mind of Mark 5:19. 00:16:50.01\00:17:00.85 Maybe you could read it for us. Jesus is talking, right, to 00:17:00.85\00:17:06.82 those demoniacs? >> Mm-hmm. >> Remember that He cast the demons 00:17:06.82\00:17:10.13 out, and the pigs go into the water and so on, then they want to keep hanging out with Jesus 00:17:10.13\00:17:15.70 and He says no. >> It says, "However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, 00:17:15.73\00:17:21.47 'Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things 00:17:21.47\00:17:26.01 the Lord has done for you, and how He has had 00:17:26.01\00:17:31.11 compassion on you.'" 00:17:31.11\00:17:33.48 So I guess all of us have our own story. >> Yeah. 00:17:33.52\00:17:37.12 >> Right? And so, that's the content. That's important 00:17:37.12\00:17:43.46 because I can't share what Mark has experienced nor what you've 00:17:43.46\00:17:48.93 experienced, Lee, but I can only share what God has given to me, right? And share that -- I can't 00:17:48.93\00:17:55.80 even because that's my story. That is my story. >> Have you 00:17:55.80\00:18:00.54 ever noticed that sometimes people, their idea of a Bible study, is giving somebody a 00:18:00.54\00:18:04.75 convincing argument about some theological truth in scripture? 00:18:04.75\00:18:08.02 >> I've done that. >> Have you noticed that? >> Absolutely. >> And how do people generally 00:18:08.02\00:18:11.32 respond to that kind of thing? >> It turns into a nice intellectual discussion. 00:18:11.32\00:18:15.52 >> Or a debate. >> Or a debate, yeah. >> But like you're talking 00:18:15.52\00:18:18.86 what you just described, Rene, when you share something that's going on in your life 00:18:18.86\00:18:23.50 that Jesus has done in your life, do you ever have people try to argue with that? 00:18:23.50\00:18:27.27 >> No. >> No, not at all. >> So it's a huge difference in 00:18:27.27\00:18:30.27 the way you're received. >> Yes, absolutely. >> Yeah. 00:18:30.27\00:18:33.14 >> Yeah. And I think it's much more attractive. 00:18:33.14\00:18:35.71 I mean, I can see this man. He was demon possessed. >> Yeah. 00:18:35.71\00:18:39.65 >> And, you know, and he's -- he wants to be with Jesus naturally because He just healed him. 00:18:39.65\00:18:45.09 And he says, "Please, let me get in the boat with you. Let me go 00:18:45.09\00:18:47.96 with you." And Jesus says, "No, I want you to go and tell your family what I did for you." 00:18:47.96\00:18:53.86 >> And your friends. Go and tell people. >> And your friends, 00:18:53.86\00:18:59.30 yeah, yeah, yeah. So, that puts me in mind of a story of a guy. 00:18:59.30\00:19:02.87 I pastored a church. When I first came to that church, there 00:19:02.87\00:19:06.94 was this guy named Larry Claridge. And he came to me. At the time, he was in his mid 00:19:06.94\00:19:11.18 to late 70s. Almost 80 or so. And he said, 00:19:11.18\00:19:13.42 "Pastor, I want to tell you about a prayer I've started 00:19:13.42\00:19:16.58 praying." He said, "Every morning, because I don't know how many more, you know, weeks 00:19:16.58\00:19:19.82 or months I have left to live at this age. So every morning I 00:19:19.82\00:19:24.19 pray, 'Lord Jesus, when it comes my time to go, could you just orchestrate it so that I'm in 00:19:24.19\00:19:28.10 the middle of doing one more thing for you when I die?'" Oh, I think that's such a cool 00:19:28.10\00:19:32.97 thing, you know? And he meant it. >> Yeah. 00:19:32.97\00:19:36.57 >> It wasn't just words. Larry was, like, nonstop working for 00:19:36.57\00:19:42.88 Jesus. And another thing about Larry is that Larry was not what you call an upfront guy. 00:19:42.88\00:19:47.02 He was not a charismatic guy. He wasn't a speaker. He wasn't a 00:19:47.02\00:19:50.39 presenter. He was a behind-the-scenes guy. Kind of shy, but he had major skills 00:19:50.39\00:19:55.29 in terms of handyman skills and stuff. He could make anything 00:19:55.29\00:19:58.69 out a coat hanger and duct tape. I mean, he is an incredible guy. And he would use those gifts 00:19:58.69\00:20:05.40 to make differences for people just because he loved Jesus and he wanted to make a difference 00:20:05.40\00:20:09.67 for somebody else. So, one day, Larry's driving in our little 00:20:09.67\00:20:13.07 town, Walla Walla, Washington, and he sees a man on a hot summer day in the ditch -- 00:20:13.07\00:20:19.45 I mean, in the gutter trying to climb up onto the sidewalk, 00:20:19.45\00:20:22.85 and Larry thinks the guy's tripped and fallen, he's hurt. So Larry parks his car, runs up 00:20:22.85\00:20:26.65 to see if he can help the guy, and the guy is stone drunk. That's why he can't get up. 00:20:26.65\00:20:30.03 He's fallen down. He's drunk. So Larry says, "Man, there's no 00:20:30.03\00:20:32.79 place for you in this hot sun. If you tell me where you live, I'll take you home." 00:20:32.79\00:20:37.17 Well, the guy happens to be able to be coherent enough to give 00:20:37.17\00:20:40.80 Larry instructions to get to where he needs to get. It turns out the guy doesn't live in a 00:20:40.80\00:20:44.67 home. You know, these campers that they put in the back of pickup trucks that have, like, a 00:20:44.67\00:20:48.01 little hangover thing, and then, you know, the rest in the back. This guy's living in a cab 00:20:48.01\00:20:51.25 over a camper without a truck. It's just sitting in the dirt in 00:20:51.25\00:20:55.65 a vacant lot. Has no hookups, nothing. And he's, like, basically homeless. 00:20:55.65\00:21:01.09 And Larry gets the guy there, helps him up under the overhead 00:21:01.09\00:21:06.09 bed thing, and then he writes on a piece of paper, "Here's my name -- Larry Claridge. 00:21:06.09\00:21:08.70 Here's my phone number. If I can ever be of any kind of help to 00:21:08.70\00:21:12.20 you anytime, anywhere, don't hesitate to call. Doesn't matter 00:21:12.20\00:21:15.87 what time." Then Larry tells me that's the beginning of phone calls. "I started getting calls, 00:21:15.87\00:21:20.48 and they almost always come late at night after I'd been in bed for hours, and they're always a 00:21:20.48\00:21:25.61 bartender at the other end, and he'd say, 'I got a guy here who is so drunk, he can't walk 00:21:25.61\00:21:29.58 out of the bar on his own, but he said if I call, you'll come 00:21:29.58\00:21:32.52 and get him.'" And Larry, who is a longstanding member of our congregation, wouldn't 00:21:32.52\00:21:36.62 think twice about people seeing him coming out of a bar late at 00:21:36.62\00:21:40.16 night. He would get up. This is 80-year-old-something Larry, gets up, goes down, 00:21:40.16\00:21:45.03 and gets that guy. Takes him to his camper. And Larry told me, 00:21:45.03\00:21:48.90 "There were times I took him to his camper. He was so drunk that I was worried if I left him 00:21:48.90\00:21:53.38 unattended he might throw up and then aspirate his own vomit and die." And Larry said, "I 00:21:53.38\00:21:57.65 couldn't -- I couldn't bear to think of the guy dying or choking on his own vomit." 00:21:57.65\00:22:00.72 So he said, "Many a night I would sit in the little dinette 00:22:00.72\00:22:05.12 beside the bed and I would watch him all night and turn his head if he started to throw up 00:22:05.12\00:22:08.49 so that he wouldn't choke on his vomit. And one morning, 00:22:08.49\00:22:12.06 I was still there and the guy wakes up. And he says to me, 00:22:12.06\00:22:15.50 'Why do you keep coming to my rescue?'" And Larry said, "I 00:22:15.50\00:22:19.73 said because somebody keeps coming to my rescue and I'm just trying to pass it forward." 00:22:19.73\00:22:24.31 And the guy says, "You need rescue?" And Larry said, "All 00:22:24.31\00:22:30.68 the time." And the guy says, "This fella who rescues you, 00:22:30.68\00:22:35.85 What's his name? Do I know him? Maybe I know him." Larry said, "His name is Jesus." 00:22:35.85\00:22:39.12 The guy says, "I don't know Him." Larry says, 00:22:39.12\00:22:41.52 "Would you like to know Him?" And the guy says, "If He's your friend, I'd love to know Him." 00:22:41.52\00:22:46.56 So then Larry says, "I meet Him every day in a Bible. Have you ever read a Bible?" 00:22:46.56\00:22:51.57 The guy says, "I've never even owned one." Larry says, "If I 00:22:51.57\00:22:54.77 bought you a Bible, would you like to meet my friend Jesus?" The guy says, "You bet." 00:22:54.77\00:22:58.51 So Larry goes and gets a Bible for this guy. And then Larry 00:22:58.51\00:23:04.18 tells me -- now, I'm the pastor -- Larry tells me, "I decided 00:23:04.18\00:23:08.58 I'm not going to give him a Bible study on theological truths or Bible doctrines. 00:23:08.58\00:23:14.26 He didn't ask for that. He asked how could I meet your friend. 00:23:14.26\00:23:18.13 I'm just going to open the Gospel of John with a prayer that the Lord Jesus will reveal 00:23:18.13\00:23:22.83 Himself to us and pull us to Himself as He promised He would if we lift Him up." 00:23:22.83\00:23:27.30 I thought, "That's a good way to witness." So, they're reading 00:23:27.30\00:23:32.37 the Gospel of John together. No hook in it. That's another thing 00:23:32.37\00:23:35.14 I think is cool -- no hook. Sometimes we say, "We'll give 00:23:35.14\00:23:38.21 you some soup if you listen to our sermon." You know? >> Right. 00:23:38.21\00:23:40.25 >> "We'll help you out with this if you do this. Here's some 00:23:40.25\00:23:42.88 literature we'd like you to read and then we do this for you." No, no, no, no, no. 00:23:42.88\00:23:46.76 No hook involved. And so time goes by. And Larry keeps 00:23:46.76\00:23:51.56 meeting this guy. >> And so he would meet with him and they 00:23:51.56\00:23:54.66 would read the Bible together? >> Yeah, yeah. Read the Gospel 00:23:54.66\00:23:58.17 of John together. Yeah. And time goes by. 00:23:58.17\00:24:00.50 And then one day the guy says to Larry, "Do you go to church 00:24:00.50\00:24:04.91 somewhere?" And Larry said, "Absolutely. I go to the village church just above Walmart." 00:24:04.91\00:24:09.24 And the guy says, "Could I go with you?" And Larry said, "It'd 00:24:09.24\00:24:12.85 be an honor to take you." So then the guy said, "Well, what 00:24:12.85\00:24:15.95 should I wear?" And Larry said, "Well, what do you have?" He goes, "Well, you know what I 00:24:15.95\00:24:19.22 have. All I have is blue jeans, a T-shirt, baseball cap, and 00:24:19.22\00:24:22.02 tennis shoes." And Larry said, "Perfect." Now, I just need 00:24:22.02\00:24:25.23 to interject right here that the village church that Larry was 00:24:25.23\00:24:28.70 referring to is a congregation of about 1,800 people who are very into looking good 00:24:28.70\00:24:33.57 because they're on television every weekend. The broadcast has 00:24:33.57\00:24:37.41 gone out, all around place. And they actually have people who 00:24:37.41\00:24:42.38 tell other people they're not dressed right, that they need to go change. Now, I'm not saying 00:24:42.38\00:24:45.95 that's a good thing. I'm saying when I was pastor of that 00:24:45.95\00:24:48.48 church, I tried to change that paradigm and get them to say, "Hey, anybody's welcome here." 00:24:48.48\00:24:52.12 But anyway, I just need to make sure you understand that at the 00:24:52.12\00:24:55.09 time that this guy said what he said, that wasn't the way it was, a village church. 00:24:55.09\00:24:59.46 So Larry -- the guy says, "That's all I --" Larry says, 00:24:59.46\00:25:03.26 "Perfect. I'll come and get you next weekend." And Larry 00:25:03.26\00:25:07.50 Claridge went to pick that guy up wearing blue jeans, a T-shirt, a baseball cap, and 00:25:07.50\00:25:12.67 tennis shoes. They come in and sit on the third row from the 00:25:12.67\00:25:15.84 front. Keeps his hat on in church, the whole bit, you know? 00:25:15.84\00:25:19.05 >> Wow. >> And he didn't turn around and say to people, "I'm just leading this guy, the Lord, 00:25:19.05\00:25:23.32 so cut us some slack. Don't give us trouble about our clothes." 00:25:23.32\00:25:26.65 He didn't say that. He just sat there with that guy. 00:25:26.65\00:25:29.39 And then Larry started crying. He's telling me the story. He 00:25:29.39\00:25:33.29 starts crying. He goes, "Pastor, I got to stand at the top of the stairs of the baptistery 00:25:33.29\00:25:38.50 and watch this guy come out of the water when he gave his heart 00:25:38.50\00:25:42.40 to the Lord Jesus Christ in baptism." And then Larry said to me, "It doesn't get 00:25:42.40\00:25:46.54 any better than that." >> That's right. That's right. >> There it is again -- the joy 00:25:46.54\00:25:50.35 of your life. And what was he telling him? "About my friend 00:25:50.35\00:25:54.95 Jesus who rescues me." >> Wow. >> So God pours it in. 00:25:54.95\00:26:00.22 And we just drink it in, and He stirs it up. >> And then we 00:26:00.22\00:26:05.66 spill it over. >> And we spill it over. We just got to tell someone. And, you know, it's an 00:26:05.66\00:26:11.37 amazing story. And a relative of Larry Claridge -- 00:26:11.37\00:26:15.07 We actually taught him. He -- she was one of our students. 00:26:15.07\00:26:18.11 >> Her. >> Her, sorry. She was one of our students. 00:26:18.11\00:26:20.98 >> That's a small world. >> Yeah, it is a small world. She was on fire for the Lord 00:26:20.98\00:26:26.01 as well. She was just a wonderful student. 00:26:26.01\00:26:28.22 >> And she was also quiet. >> Yeah. >> Like her granddaddy. 00:26:28.22\00:26:32.32 She wasn't outgoing or anything. >> You know, when you said stir 00:26:32.32\00:26:37.76 just a moment ago, you said He pours it in and He stirs it up. He's not real careful 00:26:37.76\00:26:41.63 with his stirring. It slops over, you know? And then as it 00:26:41.63\00:26:45.57 slops over, the cool thing is it makes room for more of Him, more of the water of life. 00:26:45.57\00:26:51.04 And this is a key because it keeps us from growing stagnant. 00:26:51.04\00:26:54.88 >> That's right. That's right. >> Trying to live the Christian life without spilling over, we 00:26:54.88\00:26:58.15 grow stagnant, and then actually if you think about that original parable in Matthew 25 00:26:58.15\00:27:02.38 we were just talking about, we don't just grow stagnant. We die because he says take from 00:27:02.38\00:27:07.96 him what he did have. So you end up with nothing. So it's kind 00:27:07.96\00:27:12.19 like you said earlier -- use it or lose it. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, 00:27:12.19\00:27:15.20 it's for real. >> It's for real, yeah. So our job as Christians is to get involved, to dive in, 00:27:15.20\00:27:20.04 not wait for the pastor. Sometimes we're kind of like the 00:27:20.04\00:27:24.41 Greyhound bus. The pastor takes control. You know, "Leave the driving to us," right? 00:27:24.41\00:27:28.81 You just sit back. >> Shame on us, the pastors that do that. 00:27:28.81\00:27:32.18 >> Yeah, we need to really let everyone else -- >> In on the 00:27:32.18\00:27:36.35 joy. >> In on the joy and drive that bus yourself, and you'll get a lot of people 00:27:36.35\00:27:42.69 following along that path. So, thank you very much for sharing 00:27:42.69\00:27:48.26 that with us, Lee. Rene, can you close with a quick word of prayer for us? >> Yeah. 00:27:48.26\00:27:51.97 >> Okay. >> Dear God and Heavenly Father, thank you so 00:27:51.97\00:27:56.24 much that You fill us with Your love and the precious relationship that we have with 00:27:56.24\00:28:02.74 You as friends. A friend that loves us and cares about us. 00:28:02.74\00:28:07.08 And, Lord, when we communicate with You and we listen to You 00:28:07.08\00:28:12.65 and we talk to You and You talk back to us, we just can't help but share Your love 00:28:12.65\00:28:17.43 and Your joy with others, and that brings joy to us, and we 00:28:17.43\00:28:22.33 thank you so much that You are our savior and our friend. I pray this in your precious 00:28:22.33\00:28:27.00 name. Amen. >> Amen. 00:28:27.00\00:28:28.87 So, friends, thank you for joining us again on "It Is 00:28:28.87\00:28:33.41 Written Canada." And remember the words of Jesus when he said, "It is written: 'Man shall not 00:28:33.41\00:28:38.78 live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the 00:28:38.78\00:28:43.82 mouth of God.'" い い 00:28:43.85\00:28:59.17