It Is Written Canada

Sex and Mental Health - 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201727A

01:20 ♪♪ ♪♪
01:31 >> It has stood the test of time --
01:34 God's book, the Bible, still relevant
01:39 in today's complex world. "It Is Written" --
01:45 sharing messages of hope around the world.
01:50 ♪♪ ♪♪
02:02 >> Dear friend, thank you so much for watching
02:03 "It Is Written Canada." Today, I am joined by
02:07 special guest Dr. Neil Nedley. Dr. Nedley,
02:11 welcome to the program. >> Thank you.
02:13 It's good to be here, Chris. >> Dr. Nedley is no stranger to the "It Is Written Canada"
02:18 audience. Dr. Nedley has been featured on our program a number of times.
02:23 Dr. Nedley, we've talked about mental health. We've talked about depression.
02:27 We've talked about a number of different topics. Now, today, we're going to talk
02:32 about a kind of a provocative topic as we talk about sex and mental health.
02:38 Now, to our audience, we're going to be discussing a mature topic,
02:42 but we will be discussing it in an appropriate way. Dr. Nedley, before we get
02:48 into this topic, I want to talk to you a little bit about Weimar Institute.
02:52 >> Mm-hmm. >> You are the president of that institution,
02:54 which is both an educational institution but also an institution of healing.
02:59 >> Mm-hmm. >> Talk to me a little bit about the New Start Program
03:03 and some of the other lifestyle programs that you offer at Weimar
03:07 that may be able to help people that are having some type of chronic lifestyle issues.
03:12 >> Well, Weimar is known as an obesity treatment center.
03:15 It has one of, really, the best treatment for obesity
03:18 on planet Earth, and that's a problem
03:22 has dramatically risen in our world as of late. Also, for coronary artery
03:28 disease or vascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes. We treat a lot of advanced
03:35 diabetes at Weimar, and we're able to actually reverse that disease.
03:40 On top of it, we have programs for depression recovery, anxiety recovery, OCD,
03:47 obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder.
03:52 Those are things that will dramatically improve if not be completely eradicated
03:57 in the vast majority of cases at Weimar Institute. >> And how might an individual
04:02 learn about those programs and how they can get to those programs, the different
04:07 questions they may have? >> Yeah,
04:09 would be a good way to start, or
04:15 would also be a good way to start,
04:18 but you can also log on to the educational component
04:21 at >> Fantastic.
04:25 Now as we get into this topic of sex and mental health,
04:30 it doesn't take a lot of time on the Internet
04:33 or in the newspapers to see that sex
04:38 and that topic really just all over the headlines. So let's just talk from
04:46 a practical standpoint. Sexual problems -- are they increasing or decreasing
04:52 in the world today? >> They're increasing significantly.
04:56 There's more sexually transmitted diseases than ever before.
05:00 There is more rape than ever before. There are more problems
05:06 with sex crimes than ever before in human history, and we are living
05:14 in a sexualized, sexually provocative society, and the sexual revolution
05:21 has produced its sexual complications, and unfortunately, those sexual
05:28 complications of what we're hearing about in the news is just the tip of the iceberg.
05:34 Underneath it, it's even worse than what you even might imagine by listening to the news.
05:40 >> We're going to talk about this in relation to mental health,
05:45 and, you know, as you read and you hear different individuals talking,
05:52 let's just start with a very bottom-line question, and let's talk about sex itself.
05:58 Is it possible for an individual to have too much sex? >> Absolutely, it is, and,
06:04 in fact, first, we found this out in animal studies, and then have subsequently
06:10 found it out in human studies, but, you know, the interesting thing is, when you drop
06:17 a receptive female rat into a male rat's cage, first, you'll see a frenzy
06:24 of copulation, but eventually, that male rat tires of that particular female
06:29 even if she wants more. He has had enough, but then drop in a new female,
06:36 and then you see that frenzy of copulation. We call that the Coolidge
06:41 effect, and it's the automatic response to what we call novel mates,
06:47 and it is actually what sets up the pornography pathway, which reveals and results
06:56 in some very adverse brain changes. >> Let's talk about those
07:00 adverse brain changes, so too much sex and the pathway to the pornography
07:06 or the pathway of pornography opening up, what happens? What's happening in the brain?
07:11 What are some of those brain changes that are going on? >> Yes, it's what we call
07:16 the supernormal stimuli, so, you know, an intimate sexual act as a part
07:21 of marriage on occasion is actually a healthy thing, but when it's not
07:26 part of intimacy and when it's a supernormal type of act where it's not
07:35 just a natural part but more stimulating than that or if it's too frequent,
07:40 it will produce three definite adverse brain changes. The first one is, more pleasure
07:47 actually leads to less pleasure, and so as this supernormal stimuli take hold,
07:54 the person is not able to experience the pleasure that he or she once was,
08:01 and this is one of the reasons why marriages after about 3 1/2 years
08:07 or 4 years go from the euphoric stage to the noneuphoric stage. If people understood this topic
08:15 of sex and mental health, they would be able to stay in the euphoria stage
08:19 throughout life in the vast majority of cases, but because of the tendency
08:24 of overdoing it, they actually drive themselves into less pleasure,
08:30 and then there is a supernormal, or I should say a super memory of the pleasurable events
08:40 driving down what we call D2 receptors or dopamine receptors, and the individual
08:47 actually has an increase in anxiety as a result. >> Mm-hmm.
08:52 >> The usual nuisances of life become far more irritable to the person in this stage,
08:58 and both anxiety levels and also occasionally depression levels can go up.
09:04 And then the third change... We call that desensitization, by the way.
09:07 The first one is called sensitization, and then there's desensitization.
09:12 >> Okay. >> And then the third change is what we call hypofrontality.
09:17 This is where your frontal lobe actually shrinks, and the gray matter
09:21 starts to shrink down in the frontal lobe of the brain, and that makes the brain
09:26 unable to foresee consequences as well so a marked, diminished ability to foresee consequences.
09:33 Empathy goes down in these individuals significantly, and then they're prone
09:39 to relapse into a previous addiction in response to stress, and these are very common
09:46 changes that take place in a large segment of humanity because of their
09:51 misunderstanding of this topic. >> So let's try to bring some understanding to the topic.
09:56 How then can an individual see... because that's actually
10:03 quite frightening to think about the fact that the frontal lobe can actually shrink
10:08 when we actually want to be having a larger frontal lobe and a more functioning
10:13 frontal lobe. >> Yes. >> And that is happening
10:15 as a direct result of someone's unhealthy approach to sex. >> Correct.
10:23 >> So what are some things that can make the approach more healthy
10:27 and to actually not see these three negative brain changes? >> Well, if the person has
10:33 already started to experience these three negative brain changes, we recommend
10:38 a reboot of the brain, and that is called a 90-day sex fast.
10:46 This is where the individual uses no pornography, no masturbation, no orgasm.
10:53 Even if they're married, they stay away from the intimate relations
10:58 for a total of 90 days. Of course, they would need to have an agreement
11:02 with their partner about this and inform them of the reasons and make sure
11:07 that they're buying in to this, but it's amazing what begins to happen after the 90-day reboot.
11:14 There's now been thousands of individuals who have undergone this reboot
11:18 as a result of this research, and they all talk about very positive brain changes
11:24 that happen and physical changes across the board. >> This is dramatic
11:32 because something so simple can help an individual reboot who is having an unhealthy or
11:41 unnatural relationship to sex, so let me ask you a question because we've been seeing in
11:48 the news quite a bit coming up about sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviors
11:57 toward individuals. >> Mm-hmm. >> Often, those individuals
11:59 are toward women. It does happen toward men as well.
12:03 >> Mm-hmm. >> But what are some of the causes that we're hearing
12:07 about all of this today? Why are we hearing about this? >> We're hearing about it
12:11 because these people have all been overdoing it. They're all in the adverse
12:16 brain changes, and when you actually have conversations with people
12:21 where there's sexual connotations that are either interpreted
12:26 or also, you know, meant to be in the conversation, it's a sign that they're already
12:33 in the desensitization mode. The desensitization mode, they will actually have and think...
12:42 There'll be associations that happen where, all of a sudden, they're thinking of sex,
12:47 and you'll be able to see this sometimes in every day, sometimes, office conversations
12:51 or things like that where something comes in that's not even sexually related,
12:55 but somebody takes it that way, and that's a sign that they're actually
12:59 in the desensitization mode, so that in and of itself, is a sign of a need of a reboot,
13:08 and what we will notice is, if the person goes through the reboot,
13:12 they'll be far more respectful in their conversations. They'll be much more engaged to
13:18 life that's not related to sex, and if they are in a marriage and in an intimate relationship,
13:25 their sex will then be far better. It's not just about
13:29 achieving orgasm. It's actually about the whole intimate act,
13:34 and then you see partners actually becoming far closer as a result.
13:42 Now, how frequent would it be to experience these adverse brain changes?
13:47 If you're having orgasmic activity more than once every 4 days,
13:51 you're definitely going to get into it, but ideally,
13:56 it's actually better for the brain to wait a week, so after the 90 days
14:00 is over with and you're in an intimate marriage, it's better to plan it
14:04 about every 7 days so the male can get a nice testosterone spike
14:08 that wouldn't occur otherwise and to prevent those three unhealthy brain changes.
14:14 >> So an individual who's got this inappropriate situation, this unhealthy relationship
14:22 to sex, it seems, as we've been talking, that it's a downward spiral.
14:27 >> Mm-hmm. >> An individual desires to have sex
14:30 on too frequent of a basis or too stimulating of a basis, then actually affects the brain
14:39 negatively and creates now this pathway where an individual is engaged in masturbation,
14:45 where an individual is engaged in pornography, which then spirals this further
14:51 and further out of control. >> Exactly. Exactly right, and, you know,
14:55 the masturbation and pornography tend to go hand in hand, and it's not just an issue
15:01 with males. It's become far more common in females than it used to be,
15:08 and a study was done in 2014 showing that half of the male population has masturbated
15:17 within the last 6 days, whether they're married, whether they're not married.
15:22 Masturbation universally produces adverse brain changes. It doesn't produce that
15:29 "I'm done" response, and so there's a much more greater drive to actually
15:37 do more and more over time, and we have people that come to our program that have been
15:41 trying to masturbate seven or 10 times a day. They're an emotional mess,
15:46 and they think this is their solving the problem because, you know,
15:51 after you masturbate, there's an increase in opioids that kind of make you feel
15:55 a little calmer, but they don't realize that their solution is the problem,
16:00 and what a difference it makes when they go through this sex fast.
16:06 >> And so an individual that is maybe viewing today or listening today
16:11 and sensing that they are in a hopeless situation, there is, in fact, hope.
16:16 >> Absolutely. >> And let's talk about some of those steps to hope,
16:19 some of those because, instead of those negative brain changes, we want to see some positive
16:24 brain changes. >> Mm-hmm. >> You talked about
16:26 the sex fast. >> Mm-hmm. >> Let's talk,
16:30 practically speaking, a little bit more about that. What can a person do during that
16:34 fast then to help them to actually reverse some of these other brain changes?
16:40 What are some other positive things they can do during that 90 days
16:44 to really help them with their mental health? >> Well, it's important for them
16:48 to be busy and important for them to be away from screens because it's normally
16:55 in front of screens that they have been doing their too frequent
17:00 or too stimulating of acts, and it might mean that they need to actually...
17:06 You know, if they're not in a marriage relationship or intimate relationship,
17:10 they may need to break off those relationships which are just related
17:15 to basically orgasmic activity or what we would call casual sex,
17:21 and the casual-sex thing really drives these three adverse brain changes as well.
17:27 And so, yes, because it's an addiction, you know, it's difficult,
17:33 and if you get onto sites that talk about this 90-day sex fast...
17:38 And by the way, Hollywood stars are doing it. There's a whole lot of people
17:41 that have had marital problems in their family or all sorts of relationship problems,
17:47 and it's amazing. You'll see the testimonies when they go through
17:50 the 90-day sex fast, and they'll talk about the struggles, you know?
17:54 Sometimes, they blow it after day 70, and then they have to start
17:57 over again, but they'll talk about the need for physical exercise,
18:03 the need for being busy so that they're not locked in a room by themselves,
18:09 and then it gets down to a two-word, you know, instruction --
18:13 hands off, you know? And that comprehensive approach can actually bring about
18:21 a tremendous victory and enhance the lives of marriages. One of the myths
18:26 that's out there, Chris, is that male libido is always going to be greater than female.
18:32 One of the signs that your relationship could be in this is if the male libido
18:39 is far greater than the female's because once you go through a sex fast
18:43 and once you're doing it less frequently, both male and female libido will be equal,
18:50 and the female will be looking forward to the intimate act just as much as the male is,
18:57 and so when women get into this mode where it's annoying to them,
19:02 they don't want to be approached, and they feel bad about turning it down,
19:06 that is normally a sign that there has been supernormal activity either
19:11 in regards to frequency or type, and so that's a sign. Sex fast coming your way
19:17 is going to produce tremendous benefit for both partners. >> And so it sounds like,
19:22 when we talk about it, that we have a solution to the world's sex problem
19:29 and the world's infatuation with sex, and that is this sex fast.
19:35 >> Correct. >> And as you have said, the pornography,
19:40 the masturbation, the other things that come along with this, the too-frequent,
19:46 too-intense sexual encounters really, as you've pointed out, is an addictive behavior.
19:53 What are some other aspects of overcoming addictions that can help an individual
19:59 who's saying, "This 90 days, Dr. Nedley, this is impossible"? >> [ Chuckles ]
20:04 Well, you know, getting rid of the associations that may lead to it.
20:11 You know, a lot of people, males in the sports world, there's the lovely lady
20:15 of the day who basically, is, you know, photographed with all sorts
20:21 of provocative poses, you know. There's the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
20:26 There's all of these popular magazines that are continually confronting you with sex
20:32 and putting it in front of your brain. It requires some planning,
20:36 you know, to get rid of those things, to, you know... And you might have to do
20:41 a sports fast along with it, and so you can put up the appropriate barriers
20:46 that are there. If you do have an intimate partner, it's good to inform
20:51 your intimate partner of this. Now we haven't gone into all the science,
20:54 but we have a DVD called Sex and Mental Health that will explain
20:58 all of the science behind it, what's happening with the brain chemistry.
21:02 We tell couples to look at that and to make a wise decision together.
21:07 You know, the interesting thing is, I've never had an individual or a couple go through this
21:14 that hasn't had a very positive experience on the other side, and so, you know,
21:22 we need to remind ourselves sex is a voluntary act. Sometimes, society gets
21:29 in this mode where they think sex is totally involuntary. No, it's voluntary,
21:35 and it does require a choice, usually on both partners, but at least one,
21:41 and it's important for us to be consciously competent and to go through the struggle
21:49 and the effort and the busyness of life and get more exercise and get,
21:54 you know, better diet. All of those things are going to help.
21:57 The reading of Scripture -- one of the things we found out is when people read
22:01 the Book of Proverbs or Scripture every day, they actually have more success
22:07 in this 90-day fast, and so that's frontal-lobe enhancement to be able to read
22:13 Scripture, and they're actually far less likely to have sexual relations outside of
22:18 a marriage relationship when they're reading Scripture, and you can actually
22:22 Google our name on that and look at abstract thought in Scripture and sex outside of marriage.
22:30 We've actually published on it and then presented it at a big sexual conference,
22:34 and so these are all tools that can help people to overcome this potent
22:41 addiction in their life that is actually unwittingly... They often don't realize
22:47 all the adverse brain changes until they stop it, and then they realize,
22:51 "Wow, I had no idea my brain could be so much better." You know, we've had guys say,
22:56 "I start overachieving at work now," and they're able to get
23:01 so much better work done and be more efficient in things, and they say it's noticed,
23:06 you know, by the rest of people in their, you know, in their work environment.
23:10 It does produce a little bit of problems because they'll say, "What has happened to you?
23:14 You are getting so much more done! You never used to work
23:17 like this, and you're so creative and things," and they can't smile and say, "I
23:21 quit masturbating 90 days ago," but it actually produces some very positive changes,
23:29 and that's just the beginning of the positive changes that take place.
23:33 >> And so, you know, one of the things that we've talked about before,
23:35 it sounds like this comes down to a very practical decision on deciphering what the difference
23:41 is between a need and a want. >> Okay, very good. >> And so why don't you
23:46 help us with that, Dr. Nedley? How do we decide what is the difference between
23:50 a need and a want? >> Well, you just ask yourself a simple question:
23:54 How long can I go without this before I die? If it doesn't affect that,
24:00 it is a want and not a need, and there's no reason for us to get all angry and upset
24:05 over not getting a want. I can understand in regards to a need,
24:09 but many people elevate this area of their life as some sort of absolute need,
24:15 and there's never been a death certificate signed that has, "Lack of sex,"
24:20 as a cause of death. You know, we always have to put, when we sign death certificates
24:25 as doctors, what was the disease that caused the death and then what caused that disease?
24:30 There's causes underneath it. Lack of sex is not a cause of death,
24:34 and it's not a cause of disease. Although we have men that say, you know, "I need to do this
24:39 because I need to empty my prostate gland," no. One of the signs
24:42 that you're rebooting is when you have what's called a nocturnal emission,
24:47 and the body has a way of taking care of that. We actually don't need to have
24:51 sex frequently in order for our prostates to be healthy. Our prostates can be perfectly
24:55 healthy even in an abstinent environment. If we're single or not
25:02 in a married relationship, when we go through that nocturnal emission,
25:07 it's actually a sign that the brain is rebooting, and it's actually
25:11 a healthy thing, and so, yeah, sex is a want, and, of course, it's in
25:15 the brain there for good reason. It was implanted there, but it was also implanted in a brain
25:22 that had a frontal lobe in regards to, you know, if they're going to do it
25:26 or when they're going to do it or who they're going to do it with and those sorts of things,
25:31 and so God anticipated the frontal lobe to be fully in charge of that desire so that,
25:36 even though we have a libido, we don't have to do it, and by not doing it,
25:43 what a significant benefit can happen if you've had those three adverse brain changes.
25:48 >> And so while you say there's never been a death certificate that said someone has died
25:52 from a lack of sex, what you seem to allude to though is that, in fact,
25:58 someone as a result of decreased brain function and mental function could,
26:05 although the cause may not be too much sex, an individual could die
26:09 or put themself on the pathway to a very unhealthy life by continuing to have
26:15 a mental function that is not moving along properly through
26:19 acting upon this desire, this want, in an unhealthy way. >> Exactly, and, you know,
26:25 death can occur. You know, sexually transmitted diseases are in top 10 causes
26:29 of death in our country, and sexually transmitted diseases, vast majority of time,
26:35 are occurring as a result of this felt need where they have to get it,
26:41 and they're not utilizing their frontal lobe in regards to who they're doing it with
26:45 or how they're doing it or any of those types of things, so, yes, it can involve
26:49 premature death, but it also can involve a decrease in vitality,
26:54 a suppression of the immune system, and so it does open ourself up
26:58 for more disease and death when we are overdoing it. >> And so what we come
27:05 as we wind up with our last minute here, Dr. Nedley,
27:09 to the individual that may be struggling with this issue, what's a word of hope
27:14 in addition to the counsel we've given? >> A word of hope is,
27:18 your brain can change, and you can actually gain self-control
27:22 in this area of your life. What we have found is that people who go through
27:27 the reboot, even if they're in an intimate relationship, if they have self-control
27:31 with their partner, they're going to have self-control
27:34 over everybody else as well. In other words, they're not going to be so tempted by,
27:40 you know, a provocative person who presents themself for that possibility
27:45 because they're going to think, "I'd much rather do it with my intimate partner,
27:49 and it's not time yet, and so why in the world would I do it with you
27:53 and start to have all those adverse brain changes?" So you have self-control
27:56 in this area of your life. You can have self-control in a lot of areas
28:00 of your life as well, and that is only going to produce
28:04 the psychological good life. >> And with that, Dr. Nedley, we'll bring this program
28:08 to a close. Would you pray for us today? >> Yes.
28:12 Father in heaven, we thank You that, although You are the inventor of sex,
28:16 You are also the inventor of the front part of our brain, the thinking part of our brain,
28:22 and we pray that each person who has viewed this today will be able to apply
28:28 this knowledge in their own life so that they can experience life and it more abundantly.
28:35 In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. >> Amen.
28:41 Dear friend, sex and mental health is a sensitive issue that we don't often talk about,
28:46 but there is hope. There is hope for a future in Jesus.
28:51 There is hope for a future free from this addiction. I want to offer you the DVD
28:57 of the program. This two-part series will give you information,
29:02 will give you insight and help you realize there can be victory.
29:07 Here is the information you need to receive today's offer.
29:11 >> To request today's offer, just log on
29:13 to If you prefer, you may call
29:19 toll-free at 1-888-CALLIIW. >> Dr. Nedley, thank you so much for joining us today.
29:26 >> Thanks. It's been great being here. >> Dear friend, Jesus desires
29:32 that we would have an abundant life in Him. There is hope for the future.
29:37 I invite you to go to the "It Is Written Canada" website,
29:41 There, you can find resources on how to grow spiritually. Thank you for watching.
29:48 I encourage you to join us again next week. Until then, remember,
29:52 it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
29:55 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
30:00 ♪♪ ♪♪


Revised 2018-08-06