い >> It has stood the test 00:00:05.57\00:00:13.14 of time, God's book, the Bible, 00:00:13.14\00:00:18.11 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:00:18.11\00:00:24.09 "It Is Written," sharing messages of hope 00:00:24.09\00:00:28.29 around the world. い 00:00:28.29\00:00:36.13 い >> Dear friend, thank you 00:00:36.13\00:00:42.30 for joining "It Is Written Canada." 00:00:42.30\00:00:45.07 We have been going through a series studying 00:00:45.07\00:00:47.84 the doctrine of the Trinity. Is the Trinity true? Is it a 00:00:47.84\00:00:54.75 biblical doctrine? To help me discuss this further, once again, I have joining me Dr. 00:00:54.75\00:00:59.72 John Peckham. Dr. Peckham, thank you for being here with "It Is Written Canada" once again. 00:00:59.72\00:01:03.19 >> Thank you, Chris. >> Now, Dr. Peckham, we're going to jump right into things here. 00:01:03.19\00:01:08.36 Let's maybe take... We've had a number of shows here where we've 00:01:08.36\00:01:13.00 talked about a variety of things. Maybe let's take a few minutes just to summarize, in 00:01:13.00\00:01:18.87 brief, everything we've talked about up and to this point. 00:01:18.87\00:01:22.18 And, to the viewer, if you've missed any of the programs 00:01:22.18\00:01:25.31 that we've been talking about, you can go to our archives at 00:01:25.31\00:01:29.08 www.youtube.com/iiwcanada. But, Dr. Peckham, 00:01:29.08\00:01:35.12 why don't we review a little bit to solidify 00:01:35.12\00:01:37.93 some of the principles that we've talked about, 00:01:37.93\00:01:40.16 to build on the foundation as we jump into 00:01:40.16\00:01:44.13 and delve into this further? >> Yeah. 00:01:44.13\00:01:47.04 We've seen so far that Scripture teaches that there is one 00:01:47.04\00:01:49.30 and only one God. >> Yes. 00:01:49.30\00:01:50.94 >> And yet, God is three distinct persons -- 00:01:50.94\00:01:53.34 the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And we have seen that 00:01:53.34\00:01:58.81 this plurality and unity is clear in the Old Testament. Then in the New Testament, 00:01:58.81\00:02:03.45 it's clear that God is Father, Son and Spirit. We saw on our 00:02:03.45\00:02:08.56 last programs that Jesus is fully divine, became human in the plan of redemption without 00:02:08.56\00:02:14.20 becoming any less than fully divine, and then is elevated again upon completion of the 00:02:14.20\00:02:19.40 plan of redemption and remains fully divine, and His Kingdom 00:02:19.40\00:02:23.81 has no end. >> And so we've seen all of this coming right out of 00:02:23.81\00:02:27.24 the Scripture. >> That's right. >> But where we're going to start today is, you know, 00:02:27.24\00:02:29.58 there is actually controversy. Individuals actually have 00:02:29.58\00:02:35.48 taught, are teaching, in addition to the fact that there have been some movies 00:02:35.48\00:02:39.02 produced that talk about the doctrine of the Trinity being 00:02:39.02\00:02:42.72 something that's really actually imposed upon the Scripture, and there are even some that 00:02:42.72\00:02:47.30 will go down the road of conspiracy theory and say that 00:02:47.30\00:02:52.57 Constantine put the Trinity doctrine together and put it to a vote, and then all of a sudden 00:02:52.57\00:02:58.27 we have the doctrine of the Trinity. >> Yes, yes, yes. >> What do you say about that? 00:02:58.27\00:03:01.98 >> Yeah, so there was a Council of Nicaea in AD 325, and the 00:03:01.98\00:03:07.48 main issue at that Council was Arianism that we've spoken about in a previous episode, 00:03:07.48\00:03:11.92 that claimed that Jesus was created by the Father, the Son 00:03:11.92\00:03:15.79 was created by the Father, at some distant time in the past. 00:03:15.79\00:03:19.33 And it's true that some Christians had adopted this 00:03:19.33\00:03:23.93 misunderstanding, and the Council was called to clarify this, but some of the 00:03:23.93\00:03:28.34 conspiracies that people might hear out there make claims like, "This was the result of a vote," 00:03:28.34\00:03:33.54 and it was not a result of a vote. They weren't voting upon 00:03:33.54\00:03:36.24 making Christ divine. It was already clear that He was divine 00:03:36.24\00:03:40.82 from earlier, in earlier writings of Christians, even outside of Scripture, 00:03:40.82\00:03:43.82 that they believed Christ was fully God before that, and as 00:03:43.82\00:03:47.79 we've seen, there's already sufficient evidence in the New 00:03:47.79\00:03:50.76 Testament itself, which is the primary witness, but it wasn't the result of a close vote at 00:03:50.76\00:03:55.80 all. It was a landslide. There's only a handful of dissenting 00:03:55.80\00:04:00.40 voices out of the leaders of the Church that were called together at the Council of Nicaea 00:04:00.40\00:04:03.41 in AD 325. So the theory that that was when Christ became 00:04:03.41\00:04:09.08 divine or that it was some result of political machinations 00:04:09.08\00:04:13.21 is just false. Now, we can prove that historically. Even if the 00:04:13.21\00:04:16.25 biblical evidence... Even beyond the biblical evidence that Jesus 00:04:16.25\00:04:19.42 is God according to the Bible... >> Yes. >> ...we have quotations 00:04:19.42\00:04:22.22 from early Christian writers, often called the early Church 00:04:22.22\00:04:26.56 fathers, that testify that they believed that Jesus was God and 00:04:26.56\00:04:32.57 fully God. Now, I don't mention these quotations in a way that 00:04:32.57\00:04:36.14 is going to vest authority in them as if they are Scripture or inspired, but this is a 00:04:36.14\00:04:40.48 historical testimony that Christians already believed 00:04:40.48\00:04:43.51 this. >> Sure. >> It wasn't the result of some later vote or later council. So one of these 00:04:43.51\00:04:49.42 is from Ignatius of Antioch, writing around 105 AD. That's very, very early... 00:04:49.42\00:04:54.26 >> Yes. >> ...and he writes, "God himself was manifested 00:04:54.26\00:04:58.16 in human form," and he's writing about Jesus. I mean, that's a 00:04:58.16\00:05:01.16 clear statement, extremely early. >> And so we have this historian, Irenaeus, 00:05:01.16\00:05:06.60 writing...I'm sorry, Ignatius. >> This is Ignatius, yes. >> 00:05:06.60\00:05:09.47 This is Ignatius, and this is Ignatius of Antioch, writing clearly, and so... and you said 00:05:09.47\00:05:14.78 something that I really want our viewer to understand because 00:05:14.78\00:05:18.61 this has been popularized, and I'm not going to mention the book, very popularized 00:05:18.61\00:05:22.65 in a best-selling novel... >> Yes. >> ...but a novel 00:05:22.65\00:05:26.32 that included in it historical facts, but one of the twistings 00:05:26.32\00:05:31.49 of that novel is that somehow, at the Council of Nicaea, they 00:05:31.49\00:05:36.87 voted the divinity of Christ. >> Right. >> First of all, let's be 00:05:36.87\00:05:39.70 clear. You can't vote something that is already true. >> Right. 00:05:39.70\00:05:42.84 >> Jesus is, Jesus was, Jesus always has been divine long 00:05:42.84\00:05:49.28 before any vote was taken place. >> Yes. That's right. >> The vote was actually a vote 00:05:49.28\00:05:54.25 to settle a dispute that was happening in the Church. >> Yes. 00:05:54.25\00:05:59.42 Yes. >> But what we see, though, is that long before that, 00:05:59.42\00:06:03.19 Ignatius, writing in 105, says, "Hey, Jesus became human. God 00:06:03.19\00:06:09.00 became human." Are there any other historical references to help us see that this is 00:06:09.00\00:06:13.10 not some later development imposed upon the Bible? >> Yes. 00:06:13.10\00:06:18.34 There are many others, and I'm just going to mention a handful. 00:06:18.34\00:06:20.48 Many come long before 325, which is when the Council of Nicaea 00:06:20.48\00:06:24.15 took place. >> Okay. >> So that first one was already 105. 00:06:24.15\00:06:26.01 These conspiracy theories and novels and other things, they 00:06:26.01\00:06:28.92 have some historical details, but many other claims are just completely unhistorical 00:06:28.92\00:06:33.66 and are falsified very easily. So Justin Martyr is another early Christian writing 00:06:33.66\00:06:39.53 around AD 160, and he says, "The Father of the universe has a 00:06:39.53\00:06:44.73 Son, and he is even God." And this is an expression by which they meant fully God. 00:06:44.73\00:06:49.44 >> Yes. >> You know, sometimes they used the expression very 00:06:49.44\00:06:51.71 God... >> Yes. >> ...but they don't mean God in an extreme 00:06:51.71\00:06:55.74 sense. They mean fully, right? >> Yes. >> He's not any less 00:06:55.74\00:06:59.58 than God. Another is Irenaeus writing around AD 180. He says, 00:06:59.58\00:07:05.82 "He is God, for the name Emmanuel indicates this," and he's right. The name Emmanuel, 00:07:05.82\00:07:10.13 in the New Testament, just means, "God with us." >> Yeah. 00:07:10.13\00:07:13.43 >> It's just a Hebrew term. Emmanuel means, "God with us," 00:07:13.43\00:07:18.87 literally. >> Yes. >> Another is Tertullian, who writes around AD 00:07:18.87\00:07:23.37 200, and he just says, "Christ, our God." >> Hmm. 00:07:23.37\00:07:26.81 >> This is explicit testimony. Origen, in AD 225, he says, "No one should be offended 00:07:26.81\00:07:31.35 that the savior is also God." In AD 304, still over 2 decades for the Council of Nicaea, 00:07:31.35\00:07:37.95 Cyprian writes, "Jesus Christ, our Lord and God." 00:07:37.95\00:07:43.59 And Lactantius, in the same year, 304 AD, writes, "We believe him to be God." 00:07:43.59\00:07:50.20 So long before the Council of Nicaea and leading up to it, there is testimony among 00:07:50.20\00:07:54.34 Christians, leading Christians, that they already knew that Christ was and is God, 00:07:54.34\00:07:59.47 and they knew that from the testimony of the apostles, which is in the New Testament. 00:07:59.47\00:08:04.81 >> So here's where we have arrived. No argument, the Father 00:08:04.81\00:08:12.09 is God. >> Mm-hmm. >> The Bible is abundantly clear, the Son, 00:08:12.09\00:08:18.09 the second person, is God. >> Mm-hmm. >> And so, while, let's 00:08:18.09\00:08:23.26 tackle what I shall maybe say is a little bit of the elephant in 00:08:23.26\00:08:29.00 the room, and that is the Holy Spirit. What about the Holy Spirit? What's the deal 00:08:29.00\00:08:35.94 with the Holy Spirit? So many people, so many teachers, 00:08:35.94\00:08:40.32 speaking of the Holy Spirit as a divine essence, a feeling, the 00:08:40.32\00:08:49.09 conscience. What is the Holy Spirit? >> Yeah. Well, for that 00:08:49.09\00:08:52.39 answer, let's go directly to the Gospel of John. >> Okay. >> Because Jesus introduces 00:08:52.39\00:08:55.40 the Holy Spirit to his apostles. It's not...The Spirit is spoken 00:08:55.40\00:08:58.50 of in the Bible before that, as we will see, and it's not as if the Spirit came into existence 00:08:58.50\00:09:02.64 at that time or received some new status at that particular time, but he introduces the 00:09:02.64\00:09:08.24 Spirit in the book of John, beginning in chapter 14. >> 00:09:08.24\00:09:11.45 Okay. >> And, in fact, if you read John 14-16, I have to say, 00:09:11.45\00:09:15.45 it's hard for me to know how I could read those chapters without understanding 00:09:15.45\00:09:19.09 at least the basic concept of the Trinity... >> Yes. 00:09:19.09\00:09:21.49 >> ...because it's just all the way through these chapters. 00:09:21.49\00:09:24.66 But John 14, beginning in verse 16, and Jesus says, 00:09:24.66\00:09:31.97 "And I will pray the Father, that He will give you another 00:09:31.97\00:09:35.94 helper, that He may abide with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot 00:09:35.94\00:09:40.74 receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him, but you know Him, for He dwells with you 00:09:40.74\00:09:45.51 and will be in you." And then verse 18, "I will not leave you 00:09:45.51\00:09:49.45 orphans. I will come to you." In other words, Jesus says, He's going to go away, right? 00:09:49.45\00:09:53.62 He's going to be crucified. He's going to resurrect. He's going to ascend to Heaven, 00:09:53.62\00:09:57.66 and He says, "The Father is going to send you a 00:09:57.66\00:09:59.83 comforter"... >> Yes. >> ..."another one like myself." It 00:09:59.83\00:10:03.37 says helper in this translation. Many say comforter. "One like myself that is going 00:10:03.37\00:10:07.07 to take my place among you." >> Yes. >> No one could do that, 00:10:07.07\00:10:10.81 except one that was God, right? >> Yes. >> If I said, 00:10:10.81\00:10:13.94 "Okay, well, Jesus is leaving, but I'm going to send you John or Chris or anyone else"... 00:10:13.94\00:10:18.95 >> Right. >> ...this is not going to do the job. 00:10:18.95\00:10:20.68 >> Yes. >> But He gives them the Holy Spirit 00:10:20.68\00:10:22.52 who can continue with divine power as they go out to fulfill the Great Commission. 00:10:22.52\00:10:27.79 >> Now, it's very interesting because in that context, Jesus himself actually tells 00:10:27.79\00:10:33.33 His disciples, "It's to your advantage that I go." >> That's 00:10:33.33\00:10:38.23 right. That's right. >> Now, how could that be advantageous? 00:10:38.23\00:10:43.81 They're walking and talking with Jesus. He's right there 00:10:43.81\00:10:47.04 in their very presence... >> Yes, yes. >> ...and so, Dr. 00:10:47.04\00:10:50.11 Peckham, we're talking about this. The Comforter is going to 00:10:50.11\00:10:53.72 be sent. How is it advantageous to the disciples who are in the 00:10:53.72\00:10:57.92 personal presence of Jesus? >> Yes. >> How is it possible 00:10:57.92\00:11:01.06 that Jesus would say, "It's to your advantage that I go"? >> And this goes right back 00:11:01.06\00:11:04.83 to the Great Commission, which, by the way, we've also seen as one of the evidences 00:11:04.83\00:11:08.10 of the Trinity itself. >> Yes. >> They're there to make 00:11:08.10\00:11:10.53 disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 00:11:10.53\00:11:13.77 Jesus, in his incarnate state, could not go with each one of them where they were going 00:11:13.77\00:11:17.97 at the same time, limited by human physicality. >> Yes. 00:11:17.97\00:11:21.81 >> But the Holy Spirit, who can be everywhere at once, could go 00:11:21.81\00:11:24.85 wherever they go with them as they spread the gospel to the entire world. >> And let's kind 00:11:24.85\00:11:29.42 of dwell there for just a moment in case somebody missed that because you can slide over that 00:11:29.42\00:11:32.65 and not understand what we just said. The technical term for 00:11:32.65\00:11:36.39 that, I believe, is omnipresence. >> That's right. >> So is omnipresence, then, 00:11:36.39\00:11:41.90 a divine characteristic of the Holy Spirit? >> Yes, it is. 00:11:41.90\00:11:45.47 If the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, this itself will 00:11:45.47\00:11:48.90 actually manifest His divinity, and there are many other places that also manifest that the 00:11:48.90\00:11:52.91 Holy Spirit is divine, right? And these are our two questions, 00:11:52.91\00:11:56.68 let's remember. "Is the Holy Spirit fully God?" and that's the question we're going to 00:11:56.68\00:11:59.78 answer with a few texts now, and also, "Is the Holy Spirit a 00:11:59.78\00:12:03.08 person?" right? So some people say, "Well, the Holy Spirit is God, but just not really a 00:12:03.08\00:12:06.39 person, just a force of God or something else." >> Yes. 00:12:06.39\00:12:08.46 >> We'll come to that in a moment, but first, is the Holy 00:12:08.46\00:12:10.46 Spirit actually divine? And the Bible does teach this. Let's go to the book of Acts. 00:12:10.46\00:12:15.23 >> Okay. >> We're going to start in Acts, chapter 1, 00:12:15.23\00:12:18.23 where we see Jesus Himself again testifying about this Spirit 00:12:18.23\00:12:22.17 who was to come upon them in power that is on the apostles. 00:12:22.17\00:12:26.34 Acts chapter 1, beginning in verse 4. >> Okay. 00:12:26.34\00:12:30.25 >> And it says, "And being assembled together with them, he 00:12:30.25\00:12:34.02 commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem." >> Mm-hmm. >> This is Jesus commanding, 00:12:34.02\00:12:37.72 "'but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, you have heard from me. 00:12:37.72\00:12:42.02 For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized 00:12:42.02\00:12:45.69 with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.' Therefore, 00:12:45.69\00:12:50.37 when they had come together, they asked him, saying, Lord, will you at this time 00:12:50.37\00:12:53.10 restore the kingdom of Israel? And he said to them, it is not for you to know times 00:12:53.10\00:12:56.81 or seasons which the Father has put in his own authority, but you shall receive power 00:12:56.81\00:13:01.91 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be 00:13:01.91\00:13:05.61 witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." 00:13:05.61\00:13:09.15 So here, again, you have the Spirit who is to come 00:13:09.15\00:13:11.35 to give them power for the sake of evangelizing the world... >> 00:13:11.35\00:13:14.59 Yes. >> ...which is what the Holy Spirit could do, being able 00:13:14.59\00:13:17.43 to be with them everywhere in a way that Jesus, in His incarnate state, was not. >> And I think 00:13:17.43\00:13:24.27 it's important. We're going to talk about the Holy Spirit as a person, and while it may not be 00:13:24.27\00:13:29.04 explicit here, it is implicit. There is a conversation about 00:13:29.04\00:13:33.34 the Father and the things in His authority, "but you shall receive power when the Holy 00:13:33.34\00:13:38.88 Spirit has come." >> Yes. Yes. That's right. >> And so it is being talked about by Jesus, 00:13:38.88\00:13:44.95 another person of the Godhead... >> Yes, that's right. 00:13:44.95\00:13:47.26 >> ...as a separate person, not just a force or essence of God 00:13:47.26\00:13:55.16 when we discuss the Holy Spirit. >> Yes. It makes the most sense 00:13:55.16\00:13:58.33 to read all of these texts when you understand the Holy Spirit 00:13:58.33\00:14:01.37 as a person, but we see some explicit texts that show that the Holy Spirit has 00:14:01.37\00:14:05.51 characteristics that it would only make sense to attribute to a person. Before we go there, 00:14:05.51\00:14:10.08 let's see, explicitly, the divinity of the Spirit in Acts chapter 5. >> Very good. 00:14:10.08\00:14:14.92 >> Acts chapter 5 is this story that some may be familiar with, 00:14:14.92\00:14:19.85 as the story of Ananias and Sapphira. >> Yes. >> And in the 00:14:19.85\00:14:23.59 story, Ananias and Sapphira had made a pledge to give their 00:14:23.59\00:14:28.46 possessions over to the Church for the support of the ministry. 00:14:28.46\00:14:31.33 >> Mm-hmm. >> Later, they decide to only give some of what they 00:14:31.33\00:14:34.00 had pledged but pretend they were still giving what they originally had pledged. 00:14:34.00\00:14:37.04 >> Yes. Mm-hmm. >> And this is what happens, 00:14:37.04\00:14:38.94 in this context, in Acts 5:3. Peter says, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart 00:14:38.94\00:14:46.75 to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? 00:14:46.75\00:14:53.12 While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, 00:14:53.12\00:14:56.36 was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? 00:14:56.36\00:15:01.00 You have not lied to men, but to God." So in parallel, Ananias 00:15:01.00\00:15:08.04 lied to the Holy Spirit, and in verse 4, it says he lied to God, 00:15:08.04\00:15:12.81 which shows you that the Holy Spirit is... >> God. >> ...God. 00:15:12.81\00:15:15.21 By the way, again, you can't really lie to a force. >> That's 00:15:15.21\00:15:18.08 right. >> Right? I can't lie to the camera in the studio. 00:15:18.08\00:15:20.35 >> Right. That's right. That's right. 00:15:20.35\00:15:22.55 So once again, we are seeing these divine attributes of the 00:15:22.55\00:15:27.39 Holy Spirit. What are some of the other divine attributes that 00:15:27.39\00:15:30.76 we can find? >> Another one is in Hebrews, Hebrews chapter 9. 00:15:30.76\00:15:36.23 >> All right. We'll go to Hebrews chapter 9 to further understand some of these divine 00:15:36.23\00:15:43.94 attributes. >> Hebrews 9:14. >> Okay. >> And Hebrews 9:14 picks 00:15:43.94\00:15:50.85 up in the middle of a sentence, so I'll start with verse 13. "For if the blood of bulls 00:15:50.85\00:15:54.15 and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean 00:15:54.15\00:15:57.29 sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall 00:15:57.29\00:16:00.79 the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered 00:16:00.79\00:16:04.99 himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from 00:16:04.99\00:16:08.66 dead works to serve the living God?" So here it's talking about 00:16:08.66\00:16:11.93 Christ's sacrifice being the much better efficacious sacrifice than any other 00:16:11.93\00:16:15.00 sacrifice. >> Yes. >> But it's offered... In that context, it 00:16:15.00\00:16:19.17 refers to the eternal Spirit. "Through the eternal Spirit, he 00:16:19.17\00:16:23.61 offered himself," which tells us the Spirit is eternal. >> Yes. 00:16:23.61\00:16:26.85 >> But no one is eternal except for God because everything else 00:16:26.85\00:16:29.85 has been created by God, so this is a divine attribute. Another is the knowledge of God 00:16:29.85\00:16:37.16 that is expressed in places like 1 Corinthians 2. >> Okay. 00:16:37.16\00:16:41.03 >> Go to 1 Corinthians 2, beginning in chapter 10, 1 00:16:41.03\00:16:47.67 Corinthians 2, beginning in verse 10. >> All right. >> And 00:16:47.67\00:16:54.18 it says, "But God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit: for the Spirit searches 00:16:54.18\00:16:59.28 all things, yes, the deep things of God." So the Spirit has 00:16:59.28\00:17:04.49 divine knowledge. In fact, all things -- has omniscience. 00:17:04.49\00:17:08.72 He knows all things. He knows all the things of God because He 00:17:08.72\00:17:13.83 is God. We already saw in John 14:16 that He is sent as another comforter, another helper, 00:17:13.83\00:17:18.53 to take Jesus' place among them. Only a divine person could do 00:17:18.53\00:17:23.27 that. >> And I think it's important, if we can just pause there for a minute, that word 00:17:23.27\00:17:26.68 there, for comforter or helper, is the New Testament Greek word 00:17:26.68\00:17:31.48 parakletos... >> Yes. >> ...which, later on, in 1 John 00:17:31.48\00:17:35.25 2:1, actually refers to when it speaks of Jesus as advocate... 00:17:35.25\00:17:39.35 >> Yes. >> ...it's that same exact word. 00:17:39.35\00:17:41.19 >> Yes. >> So we've already established it. 00:17:41.19\00:17:44.03 Jesus is divine, and now the Holy Spirit is demonstrating 00:17:44.03\00:17:50.20 some of those exact attributes... >> Right. >> ...to 00:17:50.20\00:17:54.20 demonstrate His divinity. >> That's right. >> What other 00:17:54.20\00:17:58.57 texts? I think you were going to go to the book of Luke? >> Luke 00:17:58.57\00:18:00.88 1. >> Okay, so we go back to the Gospels. We go to Luke 1:35. 00:18:00.88\00:18:07.02 >> Yes, and here we see about the power of the Spirit, which 00:18:07.02\00:18:11.62 we already saw a little bit in Acts 1. Luke 1:35, and this is 00:18:11.62\00:18:17.69 in the context of Mary and the birth being announced to her. Luke 1:35, "And the angel 00:18:17.69\00:18:22.03 answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, 00:18:22.03\00:18:25.30 and the power of the highest will overshadow you: therefore 00:18:25.30\00:18:28.60 also, that holy one who is to be born will be called the Son of God." So the Holy Spirit is 00:18:28.60\00:18:33.61 going to come, and the power of God will come upon her, right? 00:18:33.61\00:18:37.08 This Holy Spirit has the power of God. This is, again, a divine 00:18:37.08\00:18:41.92 attribute. We also know that He shares the name of God because, again, as we've already 00:18:41.92\00:18:46.79 mentioned, disciples are to be made and baptized in the name of 00:18:46.79\00:18:51.06 the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We also saw the Holy Spirit at the baptism of 00:18:51.06\00:18:57.67 Jesus... >> Yes. >> ...descending as a dove as Jesus 00:18:57.67\00:19:01.30 was baptized, and the Father says, "This is My beloved Son and whom I am well-pleased." 00:19:01.30\00:19:05.47 If that wasn't enough, though, there's a number of other 00:19:05.47\00:19:08.48 passages, and I'm just going to take you to Acts... >> Okay. 00:19:08.48\00:19:11.48 >> ...another book written by Luke. We're going to go to Acts 00:19:11.48\00:19:15.65 28. >> Okay, Acts chapter 28. >> Acts chapter 28. Now, in some 00:19:15.65\00:19:20.86 translations of the Bible, sometimes you see words that are 00:19:20.86\00:19:26.80 in all caps, like the New American Standard version does it. Some others do that as well. 00:19:26.80\00:19:29.36 When you see that in your Bible, that is typically to show you 00:19:29.36\00:19:34.67 that the quotation is from the Old Testament... >> Okay. >> ...and that's what is 00:19:34.67\00:19:37.44 happening here in verses 25-27. In verse 25 of Acts 28, it says, 00:19:37.44\00:19:44.75 "So when they did not agree among themselves, they departed after Paul had said one word. 00:19:44.75\00:19:49.82 The Holy Spirit spoke rightly through Isaiah the prophet to 00:19:49.82\00:19:55.06 our Father saying, Go to the people and say, Hearing you will hear and shall not understand," 00:19:55.06\00:19:59.09 and it goes on from there, but the key for us here is that they 00:19:59.09\00:20:03.83 quote... Paul says the Holy Spirit spoke through Isaiah. >> 00:20:03.83\00:20:07.94 Mm-hmm. >> But that quotation is from Isaiah 6, and if we were to 00:20:07.94\00:20:11.01 look up Isaiah 6, Isaiah 6 would say, the Lord or Yahweh said, 00:20:11.01\00:20:17.45 which means that the Holy Spirit is Yahweh, or, put differently, the words attributed to Yahweh 00:20:17.45\00:20:23.65 in the Old Testament are attributed to the Holy Spirit 00:20:23.65\00:20:26.52 in the New Testament. The same thing takes place in Hebrews 00:20:26.52\00:20:32.03 3:7-9, which is a quotation from Psalm 95. >> Okay. >> Once 00:20:32.03\00:20:35.20 again, they say the Holy Spirit spoke, and in the Old Testament reference, Psalm 95:7, 00:20:35.20\00:20:40.17 it says, "The Lord spoke," which is the technical term, the 00:20:40.17\00:20:44.57 personal name of God, Yahweh. So if Yahweh said something, and 00:20:44.57\00:20:48.54 later I say, "The Holy Spirit said," it's because they are the same. The Holy Spirit is Yahweh. 00:20:48.54\00:20:53.98 The Holy Spirit is fully God. >> That is very clear. So now we 00:20:53.98\00:21:00.89 understand, and let's just summarize that there so we are 00:21:00.89\00:21:05.89 clear. >> Mm-hmm. >> The Holy Spirit is fully divine, and we 00:21:05.89\00:21:11.03 see that through the attributes that the Holy Spirit has. >> 00:21:11.03\00:21:15.84 Yes. >> We just saw that the Holy Spirit is referred to 00:21:15.84\00:21:19.94 in the New Testament in the same context that Yahweh is referred 00:21:19.94\00:21:24.85 to in the Old Testament. >> Yes. >> We see that people 00:21:24.85\00:21:28.45 are baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Father, Son and 00:21:28.45\00:21:35.26 Holy Spirit. What other items, just as we summarize and get that clear, and then 00:21:35.26\00:21:38.93 we're going to talk about "Is Holy Spirit a person?" What other items, again, 00:21:38.93\00:21:43.30 just to clarify, demonstrate the divinity of the Holy Spirit? 00:21:43.30\00:21:47.94 >> Yeah. Beyond those things attributed to him, 00:21:47.94\00:21:49.97 it's just the direct statement we saw in Acts 5:4, that Ananias 00:21:49.97\00:21:54.21 had lied to the Holy Spirit in verse 3, and in verse 4 it says 00:21:54.21\00:21:58.75 he's lied to God. So it's explicitly declared that the Holy Spirit is God by the 00:21:58.75\00:22:02.98 parallel of those two verses. So He is fully divine. >> Now, we 00:22:02.98\00:22:07.42 are going to... We only have 5 minutes left, Dr. Peckham, so what we're going to do is, 00:22:07.42\00:22:11.26 we're going to ask the question, "Is the Holy Spirit a person?" Now, we are already going to say 00:22:11.26\00:22:16.83 at the beginning of this, we're not going to fully answer that. 00:22:16.83\00:22:19.20 >> Sure. >> In our next show, we'll pick up... 00:22:19.20\00:22:20.97 >> Yes. >> ...but let's start in asking that question 00:22:20.97\00:22:24.01 and beginning to establish "Is, in fact, the Holy Spirit a 00:22:24.01\00:22:29.51 person?" >> Yes. The best way to answer that question is to ask 00:22:29.51\00:22:32.38 how the Holy Spirit is described in the New Testament, and we 00:22:32.38\00:22:35.95 will see a number of texts -- I'll show you at least one on 00:22:35.95\00:22:39.65 this program -- that shows that the Holy Spirit either does things or can have things done 00:22:39.65\00:22:44.59 to Him that only make sense if the Holy Spirit is a person, 00:22:44.59\00:22:49.60 okay? So maybe there's two texts for now. >> Sure. 00:22:49.60\00:22:52.20 >> If we go to Romans 8, Romans 8:26-27... >> Okay. 00:22:52.20\00:22:57.01 >> ...Romans 8:26-27, you have this, and it's in the context 00:22:57.01\00:23:03.51 of the Spirit helping us in our weaknesses. Actually, yeah, 00:23:03.51\00:23:08.28 start at 8:26. "Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses, for we do not know 00:23:08.28\00:23:13.05 what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself 00:23:13.05\00:23:17.29 makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be 00:23:17.29\00:23:20.93 uttered. Now, he who searches the hearts knows what the mind 00:23:20.93\00:23:23.83 of the Spirit is because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of 00:23:23.83\00:23:28.74 God." No one but a person could make intercession for us. >> 00:23:28.74\00:23:32.41 Yes. >> No one but a person could translate our prayers that 00:23:32.41\00:23:35.91 we don't even know how to say as we ought. >> That's right. >> 00:23:35.91\00:23:37.98 This is a personal characteristic. Another one is found in Ephesians 4, 00:23:37.98\00:23:42.62 Ephesians 4:30. Ephesians 4:30, and it says, "And do not grieve 00:23:42.62\00:24:01.00 the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of 00:24:01.00\00:24:07.24 redemption." Now, how could you grieve anyone but a person? Later, we'll see that in John 3 00:24:07.24\00:24:12.48 there's a metaphor used of the Spirit, the wind, because 00:24:12.48\00:24:15.95 there's actually a Greek term that underlies both the word spirit and wind, and Jesus uses 00:24:15.95\00:24:21.29 a play on words, and some people think, "Oh, well, the Spirit is 00:24:21.29\00:24:23.93 just a force," but you can't grieve a force. >> No. >> You can't grieve the wind. 00:24:23.93\00:24:27.23 >> No. >> You can only grieve a person. That's a personal 00:24:27.23\00:24:30.50 characteristic. There are many others. >> Absolutely, and we 00:24:30.50\00:24:34.80 are going to pick up with those others in our next program, and so, as we close off this 00:24:34.80\00:24:39.67 program, and in the last minute or so that we have, Dr. Peckham, maybe bring some summary, 00:24:39.67\00:24:45.05 bring this program to closure bringing some hope to the 00:24:45.05\00:24:48.88 viewer, to the listener, of the Holy Spirit. >> Yeah. 00:24:48.88\00:24:53.12 That text in Romans 8 is so near and dear to my heart because 00:24:53.12\00:24:56.86 many people think, "How can I be in communion with the living and 00:24:56.86\00:25:00.30 holy God?" Right? "I'm not worthy. I don't even know how to speak to Him," and the Bible 00:25:00.30\00:25:03.40 tells us God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, meets us where 00:25:03.40\00:25:06.97 we are, and we don't even know the right words to say, but He 00:25:06.97\00:25:11.47 intercedes for us, so that even when we don't say the right words, God understands because 00:25:11.47\00:25:16.08 we have an advocate with the Father, who is Jesus, and we have another like Him, our 00:25:16.08\00:25:20.08 Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who is putting us in connection with God. Wherever we go, wherever we 00:25:20.08\00:25:24.45 are, He is with us as the presence of God with us, and that is good news, indeed. 00:25:24.45\00:25:28.12 >> And that is good news. It reminds me of that text, one of 00:25:28.12\00:25:32.96 my favorite texts in the entirety of Scripture, Joshua 00:25:32.96\00:25:37.33 1:9. >> Mm-hmm. >> Joshua, seemingly facing the impossible task of now leading 00:25:37.33\00:25:42.94 the children of Israel after Moses had died. In Joshua 1:9, 00:25:42.94\00:25:49.48 we have this promise that is laid out before us. "Have I not 00:25:49.48\00:25:56.55 commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid 00:25:56.55\00:26:00.89 nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Let's pray as we end 00:26:00.89\00:26:07.23 today's program. Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for 00:26:07.23\00:26:11.93 the gift of the Holy Spirit, that no matter where we go, no matter where we are, 00:26:11.93\00:26:17.11 no matter what we do, You are there with us, and, Lord, I pray 00:26:17.11\00:26:24.31 that as we attempt to understand Your divine personage, Your 00:26:24.31\00:26:34.02 divine attributes, that we would be drawn nearer to You, come into relationship with You, 00:26:34.02\00:26:39.93 and that, Lord, we would make a decision to follow You all the 00:26:39.93\00:26:43.57 days of our life. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. >> Amen. 00:26:43.57\00:26:48.57 >> Dear friend, so often we talk about Jesus and His love for us 00:26:48.57\00:26:53.51 as the Messiah and as the Savior, but often we do not talk 00:26:53.51\00:26:59.01 about the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is fully divine. The Holy Spirit is a 00:26:59.01\00:27:06.65 person, and the Holy Spirit has been sent to be your helper, to 00:27:06.65\00:27:12.56 be your comforter, so He might draw you to the Savior, Jesus. Friend, I want to offer to you 00:27:12.56\00:27:18.13 today a little booklet called "The Holy Spirit." Here's the information you need 00:27:18.13\00:27:24.44 to receive today's offer. >> To request today's offer, 00:27:24.44\00:27:28.54 just log on to www.itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:27:28.54\00:27:33.48 If you prefer, you may call toll free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. 00:27:33.48\00:27:39.35 And thank you for your prayer requests and your generous 00:27:39.35\00:27:42.46 financial support. >> And, friend, do you want to know 00:27:42.46\00:27:47.10 Jesus more? Do you want to know the Holy Spirit more? Do you want to draw nearer 00:27:47.10\00:27:50.17 to the Father? You can go to our website, 00:27:50.17\00:27:52.60 www.itiswrittencanada.ca and find more resources 00:27:52.60\00:27:57.97 to help you grow in your spiritual life. Friends, thank 00:27:57.97\00:28:01.78 you for joining us today. I invite you to join us again next 00:28:01.78\00:28:05.18 week. Until then, remember, it is written. "Man shall not live 00:28:05.18\00:28:10.52 by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the 00:28:10.52\00:28:18.03 mouth of God." い い 00:28:18.03\00:28:34.54 い い 00:28:34.54\00:28:51.06 い 00:28:51.06\00:28:59.13