It Is Written Canada

The Trinity - 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201718A

00:08 ♪♪ >> Dear friend, I, in fact, hope
00:19 that we are still friends after we left you hanging last week on
00:22 this topic of the plurality and oneness of God. Now, I'm joined once again by
00:29 Dr. John Peckham. Dr. Peckham, thank you so much for being here today.
00:33 >> Thank you, Chris. >> Now, Dr. Peckham, before we get into our topic -- and we've
00:38 got a lot to cover -- you've written a number of books. Why don't you tell us about a
00:41 few of the books that you've written and how someone might be able to get those books if they
00:45 want to dive more deeply into some of these topics that you've written very extensively on?
00:51 >> Yeah. I've written a book called "The Love of God: A
00:53 Canonical Model," and that was published by IVP Academic, and
00:56 the easiest way to purchase that is through Amazon. >> Okay.
01:00 >> Another book I've written is "Canonical Theology: The Biblical Canon, Sola Scriptura,
01:04 and Theological Method," and that's showing that Scripture is God's word.
01:09 Why do we have the books in the Bible that we have? And how do we study the Bible to
01:13 do theology? And that book is also available on Amazon.
01:16 >> Well, Dr. Peckham, I know you are a professor at the Andrews University theological
01:21 seminary, so we're just glad that you've taken the time to spend with us.
01:24 Now, in the last program -- let's just take a moment to review -- we talked about the
01:30 oneness and the plurality of God. Now, as we jump into the topic
01:34 today, maybe you can summarize what we talked about the last time so we can get right into
01:40 the subject today. >> Yeah. We saw last time that God is love before there's any
01:44 world, and that involves a love relationship, which means there must be plurality in God, and we
01:50 saw that John 17:24 teaches us that there was a love relationship between the Father
01:55 and the Son before there was any world. >> Yes.
01:58 >> We saw basic text on the Trinity in Matthew 28, that we are to baptize disciples in the
02:03 name, singular, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We saw that basic Trinitarian
02:09 text. And then we also saw that the Bible teaches that there is one
02:13 and only one God in a number of texts, and yet the Old Testament also speaks of God in terms of
02:21 plurality. "Let Us make man in Our image," in Genesis 1.
02:24 "The man has become like one of Us," in Genesis 3. And today we're gonna see some
02:29 more texts that show us that even though there's one and only one God...
02:32 >> Yes. >> ...there is plurality in God already revealed in the
02:36 Old Testament. >> And so let's go right then to the Old Testament and talk more
02:42 about what does the Bible -- and, again, laying the foundation, and, you know, we've
02:49 talked about it a number of times on this show. Often, we want to just go into
02:53 the New Testament, but we have to understand the New Testament is written in the context and
02:58 upon the pillars and the foundation of the Old Testament. So, let's talk a little bit more
03:04 in the Old Testament about this plurality of God. Where is a place we can start
03:10 today? >> Staying in Genesis, we'll go to Genesis chapter 16.
03:13 >> All right. So, we're gonna go to Genesis 16.
03:15 We've covered Genesis 1, the very first part of the Bible, Genesis 3, and now we're going
03:20 to go to Genesis 16. And where are we gonna read? >> Beginning in verse 7.
03:25 >> Verse 7. >> And the next few verses we're going to read all use this
03:29 language of the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of Yahweh, which is a
03:33 very significant expression in the Old Testament. And we'll see also some texts
03:37 about the Angel of His Presence, which is the same as the Angel of Yahweh.
03:41 >> Okay. >> So, beginning in Genesis 16:7, this is in the
03:45 context of the story of Abraham and his wife not being able to bear children, and then Hagar
03:51 bears a child for Abraham, and Hagar is eventually sent away from the camp.
03:55 It's in that context that we read these verses, Genesis 16, beginning in verse 7.
03:59 "Now the Angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness."
04:05 That is, he found Hagar. "The Angel of the Lord found her by the spring on the way to
04:10 Shur." Verse 8 -- "And He said, 'Hagar, Sarai's maid, where have you
04:14 come from, and where are you going?' She said, 'I am fleeing from the
04:20 presence of my mistress Sarai.' The Angel of the Lord said to her, 'Return to your mistress,
04:26 and submit yourself under her hand.' Then the Angel of the Lord said
04:30 to her, 'I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for
04:34 multitude.' And the Angel of the Lord said to her: 'Behold, you are with
04:39 child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael,
04:43 because the Lord has heard your affliction.'" And we drop down to verse 13.
04:48 >> Okay. >> "Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her,
04:51 You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, 'Have I also here seen Him who sees me?'"
04:58 So the Angel of the Lord speaks to her and comforts her and says that God is going to make a
05:02 nation out of her son Ishmael. Even though he wasn't the chosen son of the Messianic line and of
05:07 the Covenant of Redemption, he's still going to be with her and with her descendants.
05:13 And the Angel of the Lord declares this to her, and yet she says she has seen the one
05:19 who sees her -- the God of Heaven. So the Angel of the Lord in this
05:24 passage is Yahweh Himself. But this is not the only passage like this.
05:28 We can drop over to Genesis 22... >> Right.
05:31 >> ...and we can see the same thing, where the Angel of the Lord is actually
05:35 Yahweh Himself in some kind of physical form that can be seen. Genesis 22:11 -- and this is in
05:45 the context of Abraham being told to take his son, Isaac, up onto the mountain and to give
05:52 him over to the Lord. Genesis 22:11 -- "But the Angel of the Lord
05:57 called to him from heaven and said, 'Abraham, Abraham!' So he said, 'Here I am.'
06:03 And then verse 12. "And He said, 'Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything
06:08 to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only
06:13 son, from Me.'" >> Yes. >> So, the Angel of the Lord
06:19 calls, but then He says, "You've not withheld your son from Me." So the Angel of the Lord is God,
06:27 is Yahweh. We have other texts. Genesis 32 -- we won't go
06:34 through and read that whole passage, but in Genesis 32, you have this idea of where Jacob is
06:40 wrestling with who the text just calls "a man." But it's clear from the passage
06:46 that this is not just a man. In fact, the subtitle in my Bible just says, "Wrestling with
06:51 God," because this is not just a man. Now, we know that not just from
06:56 Genesis 32, although it's implied in Genesis 32, but in Hosea, if we go over to
07:01 Hosea 12... >> Yes. >> ...verses 3 through 5, it
07:05 tells us who this person that Jacob was wrestling with was explicitly so we don't have to
07:12 guess. >> So, this is Jacob wrestling with God over the issue of the
07:18 blessing, over the issue of his working as one of God's people, and, as you said, in the
07:26 Book of Genesis there, in Genesis 32, while the subtitle in the Bible says, "Wrestling
07:30 with God," the text itself calls him a man, but now Hosea's gonna lay this out to us.
07:34 >> And it's a man with -- It's someone with supernatural abilities, right?
07:38 Remember, he touches him and he's injured. >> Yes.
07:41 >> Hosea 12:3-5. >> Okay. >> This is talking about Jacob,
07:45 and it's talking about the same story that I encouraged the viewers to read in Genesis.
07:48 "He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and in his strength he struggled
07:54 with God. Yes, he struggled with the Angel and prevailed;
07:59 He wept, and sought favor from Him and found Him in Bethel," which means "House of God," "and
08:05 there He spoke to us -- that is, the Lord God of hosts. The Lord," Yahweh, "is His
08:11 memorable name." So, he struggled with God. He struggled with God.
08:15 He struggled with the angel. You see the same imagery of the Angel of Yahweh...
08:20 >> Yes. >> ...who is God Himself. We also see it in Exodus 3 in
08:25 the story of the burning bush, where the Angel of the Lord calls out to Moses and then
08:31 says, "I am that I am," and the Angel of the Lord is the great I Am.
08:35 Then if we go over to Exodus 23... >> Okay.
08:41 Turn back to the Pentateuch, those books of Moses. Exodus 23.
08:45 >> Exodus 23:20-23. >> Okay. >> And this is very significant
08:49 for where we're just about to go in what I think is the clearest text on the Trinity in the
08:54 Old Testament, which is in Isaiah 63. But Exodus 23:20 tells us about
08:59 this Angel of His Presence, which is the same as the Angel of the Lord we've been
09:03 seeing in other texts. Exodus 23, beginning in verse 20.
09:06 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place
09:10 which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
09:15 He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him."
09:19 >> Mm-hmm. >> "But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak,
09:23 then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
09:29 For My Angel will go before you and bring you in to the Amorites and the Hittites and the
09:34 Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them
09:39 off. You shall not bow down to their gods."
09:41 So you have this angel who elsewhere in Exodus is referred to as the Angel of His Presence.
09:46 >> Yes. >> And here Yahweh says, "My name is in Him."
09:50 >> Yes. >> This is the Angel of the Lord.
09:52 One more Angel of the Lord text before we come back to that imagery in Isaiah.
09:57 We're gonna go to the Book of Judges. Book of Judges, chapter 13.
10:03 Judges chapter 13. >> You know, and I find it interesting, Dr. Peckham, while
10:09 we're turning to Judges 13, that that passage talks about the angel and being obedient to that
10:14 angel 'cause that comes in the context of "do not bow down to the idols of the Perizzites, the
10:21 Jebusites, and the Canaanites," and so this angel is clearly not just an angelic being but, as
10:28 you have pointed out, this is God Himself. >> That's right. That's right.
10:33 And the same thing happens in Judges 13. Now, the narrative that one
10:36 could look through begins in verse 13. I'm just going to read verse 22.
10:40 >> Okay. >> But before we read verse 22, we need to understand that the
10:43 Angel of the Lord, that same expression -- the Angel of the Lord comes and speaks to
10:48 Samson's father and tells him about Samson and who Samson will be.
10:54 So, Samson's father and his wife are met by this Angel of the Lord, and then,
10:59 after this encounter in verse "Manoah," Samson's father, "said to his wife, 'We shall surely
11:05 die, because we have seen God!'" So they know that the Angel of the Lord, in fact, is
11:14 God. Now, with that in the background -- and this is
11:17 understood by Christian scholars across the board that this Angel of the Lord is actually Yahweh.
11:23 In fact, many scholars believe, and I think this is true, that the Angel of the Lord just is
11:30 the preincarnate second person of the Trinity. That is the one whom we call
11:34 Christ, Jesus of Nazareth. >> Okay. >> Now, why do they think that?
11:37 Let's go to Isaiah 63. >> Sounds good. >> Isaiah 63.
11:41 >> And while we go to Isaiah 63, just for a bit of clarification for a viewer who may --
11:46 You've used this term "Yahweh" a number of times. For the viewer that may not be
11:51 familiar with that, what is that word? And I know there are volumes
11:54 written on Yahweh, but what is that word "Yahweh" and that name "Yahweh" that you continue to
11:59 refer to? >> Yahweh is the personal name of God in the Old Testament.
12:04 It is the name that many scholars believe is just a form of the phrase that God says to
12:10 Moses in Exodus 3, "I am who I am," or "I am that I am."
12:15 "I am who I am." The "I Am" -- that's the name "Yahweh."
12:18 And in many versions of the Bible, when you see the word "LORD" in all capital letters,
12:23 that is to show you that the Hebrew word behind it is "Yahweh."
12:27 That is the personal name of God, which is thought to be so holy that in Judaism, it's not
12:32 even pronounced. They will just say, "Adonai," which is another word for
12:35 "Lord," because the name is too holy to pronounce. So the Angel of Yahweh is this
12:40 Angel of the Lord, who is actually Yahweh Himself in the stories.
12:44 >> Okay. Thank you. >> So, Isaiah 63, and we can begin in verse 7.
12:51 We're actually gonna see in this passage all three persons of the Trinity that are even more
12:56 clearly revealed in the New Testament are referred to in this passage in Isaiah 63.
13:00 >> Okay. >> So, Isaiah 63:7. "I will mention the
13:03 lovingkindnesses of the Lord" -- again, that's Yahweh -- "and the praises of the Lord, according
13:09 to all that the Lord has bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of
13:13 Israel, which He has bestowed on them according to His mercies, according to the multitude of
13:17 His lovingkindnesses. For He said, 'Surely they are My people,
13:22 Children who will not lie.' So He became their Savior." Now, that's very familiar
13:28 language to a Christian, but it gets even more familiar. "In all their affliction" --
13:32 verse 9. "In all their affliction, He was afflicted,
13:36 and the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and in His pity He
13:43 redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them all the days of old."
13:48 And then verse 10. "But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit."
13:56 >> Mm-hmm. >> So you have a reference to Yahweh, you have a reference to
14:00 the Angel of His Presence who saved them, who redeemed them, who was afflicted in their
14:05 afflictions and bore and carried them. Who does that sound like?
14:09 >> It's Jesus. >> This is just the imagery of Jesus, the Messiah.
14:12 And we've already seen that the Angel of the Lord is Yahweh, the Angel of His Presence, so this
14:16 is a divine person who is the Savior, and then you have an explicit reference to
14:21 His Holy Spirit being grieved. And in the New Testament, in Ephesians 4:30, we're instructed
14:27 not to grieve the Holy Spirit. You can't grieve a force. >> That's right.
14:31 >> You can't grieve the wind. >> That's right. >> Right?
14:33 You can only grieve a person. We'll talk much more about the personality of the Holy Spirit
14:36 later. But all three are there explicitly in the text.
14:40 >> Absolutely. >> Now, that's not to say that everyone who read Isaiah 63 at
14:43 the time would have understood all of that when they first read it, but in the light of further
14:48 revelation, it's there explicitly. >> And so you've got this now,
14:53 and so this is actually phenomenal. In the context of the
14:57 Old Testament, we are seeing the oneness of God, clear. God is one.
15:04 >> Yes. >> Yet, in His oneness, there is a plurality of three persons --
15:12 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, we see this coming out, yes, in some places, being hinted to.
15:22 Here in Isaiah 63, about as explicit as you can be. >> Yes.
15:27 >> But with that, Dr. Peckham, we've seen these Old Testament texts.
15:31 What about the New Testament? Does the New Testament -- Do the writers of the
15:35 New Testament take up this foundation and really explore it even further?
15:40 >> Absolutely. There's a number of different passages.
15:43 We're gonna start with the passages that are sometimes referred to as the Trinitarian
15:46 formulas. So, the first one we'll go to is in 1 Corinthians 12.
15:49 >> Okay. >> 1 Corinthians 12, beginning in verse 4.
15:54 >> One of the amazing things is we go to 1 Corinthians, and, obviously, written by the
15:58 apostle Paul. You know, the Bible is 66 books written by 40 authors over the
16:04 course of 1,500 years. And it is amazing that we've just read from Moses, we've just
16:10 read from Isaiah, we've just read from Hosea, all different generations of time, and we're
16:16 seeing clear, distinct oneness and unity in their teaching. Now we're gonna come to the
16:23 apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. What is Paul gonna say about the
16:27 Trinity? >> 1 Corinthians 12, beginning with verse 4.
16:30 "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of
16:36 ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same
16:42 God who works all in all." Then it goes on to talk about the manifestation of the Spirit
16:49 and unity and diversity in the body and spiritual gifts. But you have there the same
16:54 spirit, right? You have the one God. You have the one Lord.
16:58 You have three of them there. Even more explicitly, in the second Book of Corinthians,
17:04 2 Corinthians... chapter 13. >> Okay.
17:09 >> 2 Corinthians chapter 13. Chapter 13, verse -- Chapter 13, verse, uh...
17:20 >> Are we gonna go to verse 14, as Paul is signing off? >> Yes, verse 14.
17:24 I was in 1 Corinthians. >> Okay. >> [ Laughs ]
17:28 >> That often happens as we are turning our Bibles and the pages stick together.
17:32 >> 2 Corinthians 13:14. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love
17:37 of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."
17:42 So you have the Lord Jesus Christ, you have the love of God, you have the
17:46 communion of the Holy Spirit. Very explicit Trinitarian formula.
17:49 >> And what's interesting to me about this is -- and all Biblical writers, obviously,
17:57 equally inspire, but it's very interesting. Paul, who we kind of often refer
18:01 to as the greatest Christian to ever live -- Before he was the greatest
18:05 Christian that ever lived, Paul was a devout Pharisee of Pharisees, teacher of the law.
18:12 He was a Jew of Jews. >> Yes. >> And he's clearly and
18:17 explicitly teaching the Trinity, the oneness, yet the three distinct personalities of God.
18:25 >> Yeah. The arch persecutor of Christians, who has the most amazing conversion...
18:29 >> Yes. >> ...perhaps in history, yeah, testifies to the Trinity.
18:34 >> What other texts can we explore on understanding the Trinity?
18:38 >> Ephesians 4 has another one of these Trinitarian formulas. >> Okay.
18:42 >> Ephesians 4:4-6. >> Okay. >> "There is one body and one
18:49 Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
18:56 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."
19:03 So, one Spirit, one Lord, one Father. Lord, in these texts, is
19:09 referring to the Son. In fact, it's one of the favorite terms for the Son
19:14 throughout the New Testament. This term "Lord," "Kyrios," is often referring to Jesus.
19:20 You have the one Spirit, the one Lord, and the one Father, and this is recognized across the
19:25 board as another Trinitarian formula. Then if we turn over to 1 Peter,
19:30 we find another of these Trinitarian formulas. >> Okay.
19:35 >> 1 Peter chapter 1. >> All right. >> 1 Peter 1:2.
19:42 And it refers to the pilgrims who "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father,
19:46 in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ."
19:53 So, again, you have Father, Christ, and Spirit. All three are there.
19:59 Now, lest one thinks these are only in the epistles of the New Testament, perhaps the
20:04 greatest Trinitarian formula that we saw in the last program is in Matthew 28:19,
20:09 the great commission... >> Yes. >> ...where Jesus commands us to
20:12 baptize and make disciples in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
20:18 So that there is a Father, Son, and Spirit is explicit throughout Scripture.
20:23 >> And this is very important. You have Jesus. So, let's go back to the
20:27 beginning. You have Moses writing down Trinity and hinting at the
20:33 Trinity. You have Isaiah. You have Hosea. Jesus comes on the scene,
20:40 the incarnate Christ -- the incarnate Son, rather, the Christ.
20:45 He teaches. >> Yes. >> Peter, a disciple that was
20:50 very close to Jesus, teaches this. Paul, converted from Judaism to
20:55 Christianity, teaches this. >> Yes. >> And, you know, it's kind of
21:00 interesting, Dr. Peckham. We see this, and we go to the Book of Revelation, and in the
21:06 Book of Revelation, we actually see what would seem to be a counterfeit Trinity, which would
21:15 allude to the reality because, really, the whole goal of Satan is to counterfeit the realities
21:24 of Heaven. And so let's -- We don't have a lot of time to
21:28 get really into this, but let's talk about that counterfeit Trinity in the Book of
21:33 Revelation. What do we see there that Satan seems to be trying to imitate?
21:37 >> Yes. In Revelation 13, you have exactly what you refer to -- a counterfeit Trinity.
21:42 You have the dragon, you have a beast from the sea, and you have a beast from the earth.
21:48 So, you have this dragon, and Satan is behind this dragon. Then a beast from the sea comes
21:54 and makes an image to the dragon, which is similar language of Christ being the
21:59 image of God that we'll see in a future program. >> Yes.
22:02 >> You have this beast from the sea. If you were to read in
22:05 Revelation 13, it receives a fatal wound... and appears to be resurrected.
22:10 This is just a counterfeit of the Resurrection. >> That's right.
22:12 >> And then you have the beast from the earth that brings everyone to worship the beast
22:17 from the sea and, ultimately, the dragon. So, the counterfeit of the
22:20 Trinity makes little sense if there's no Trinity. >> Yes, and it is very
22:23 interesting because when you see the dragon, the dragon is trying to achieve worship, and so it
22:28 has these essential characters of the Father, as you've pointed out.
22:33 The sea, the sea beast, the beast out of the sea being wounded, then the land beast --
22:38 interesting -- brings fire down from Heaven. >> Yes. Yes.
22:42 >> And we have the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit from Acts, the Book of Acts.
22:46 So, why would Satan attempt to counterfeit something that wasn't a divine reality?
22:53 >> That's right. >> Now, in the last few minutes that we have together here for
22:57 this show, and it's hard to believe that we've gone through so quickly, but how do we really
23:02 know? And we're gonna spend a lot of time talking about this,
23:05 breaking this down further, but how do we really know the Father, the Son, and the Spirit
23:10 are all divine and not the same person? >> Right, and this is the key
23:16 question that we need to look at a number of texts to see that both things are taught --
23:21 that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet the Father is not
23:29 the Son and the Son is not the Spirit and the Spirit is not the Father or the Son.
23:34 If both of those things are true -- if it's true that the Father is God, the Son is God,
23:39 and the Holy Spirit is God and yet the persons of the Trinity are not the same person, then
23:44 you have the basic Trinity doctrine. So, we will see many texts that
23:48 teach that that's true -- that all three persons are divine and they're not the same person.
23:54 Now, one text that we can go to for now which avoids one of the misunderstandings of the Trinity
24:00 is in Matthew chapter 3 -- Matthew 3:16. And this is a verse that tells
24:07 us about the baptism of Jesus. Matthew 3:16. Matthew 3:16.
24:18 And it says, "When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and
24:25 behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a
24:29 dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, 'This is My
24:36 beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'" So, what do we have again?
24:41 We have a spirit that descends on him like a dove. >> Yes.
24:44 >> You have the Son, who is being baptized. That is Jesus Christ.
24:47 And you have the Father's voice, saying, "This is My beloved Son."
24:51 So you have not only the Trinity there, you have the three different persons of the
24:55 Trinity acting differently... >> Yes. >> ...which suggests that they
24:59 cannot be boiled down into a one God who's not a distinct three persons but actually the three
25:06 persons that are distinct that are one God. >> And that's interesting, and
25:11 now let me ask you, as we've kind of laid this foundation, and we're gonna pick up more,
25:16 but as we conclude in our last minute, is there a text that -- This is the beginning of Jesus'
25:22 ministry. Is there a text at the end of Jesus' ministry -- in fact, at
25:25 the end of his life -- that may demonstrate that there is more than just -- that this plurality
25:31 is existing, in, like, Matthew 26? >> Yes, Matthew 26:39, you have
25:37 this again that there's a plurality because in the Garden of Gethsemane,
25:41 in Matthew 26:39, this is what it says. "He went a little farther and
25:47 fell on His face, and prayed, saying, 'O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from
25:54 Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.'" So you have the person of the
25:59 Son speaking to the person of the Father. >> Yes.
26:02 >> Right? So there's two distinct persons. >> That's correct.
26:05 >> And yet the Bible teaches that God is one. So if the Son is really God --
26:09 Nobody questions whether the Father is really God. If the Son is really God and
26:13 there's only one God, the Trinity doctrine must be true. Right?
26:19 And also that the Spirit is God that we also see, and there's only one God.
26:22 But here you have the Father and the Son. The Son is speaking to the
26:25 Father. So you can't conflate them into a one God who just kind of
26:29 manifests Himself in three modes. That's called "modalism."
26:33 We can talk about that a little bit in the next program. >> Yes.
26:36 >> There is one God who is three distinct persons, so much so that the persons can speak to
26:43 one another. >> And with that, we're going to end this program, but we're
26:47 gonna pick it up in our next program. Dr. Peckham, can you pray for
26:51 us? >> Yes, let's pray. Dear Father in Heaven, we praise
26:54 Your name. We thank You so much that You have revealed so much about
26:58 Yourself in Your Word. Some of it is hard to understand, but we thank You
27:02 that You also lead us by Your Spirit and give us wisdom. We ask that you will continue to
27:06 be with us as we try to understand You better and follow you better, and we pray these
27:10 things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
27:13 >> Amen. Dear friend, the Biblical teaching of the Trinity is often
27:21 a difficult subject to understand, yet when we read the Bible, when we study the Bible,
27:27 and we see the oneness of God in his three distinct persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we
27:34 truly will understand His love. To help you understand this topic more fully, I want to
27:41 offer to you the book "The Trinity," written by a friend of mine, Doug Batchelor.
27:46 Here's the information you need to receive today's offer.
27:50 >> To request today's offer, just log on to
27:53 If you prefer, you may call
27:58 toll-free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. And thank you for your prayer
28:04 requests and your generous financial support. >> Dr. Peckham, thank you so
28:09 much for joining us today on "It Is Written Canada." >> Thank you for having me,
28:12 Chris. >> Dear friend, I invite you to join us again next week as we
28:17 delve further into understanding the oneness and plurality of God.
28:23 Until then, remember -- "It is written: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
28:29 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
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Revised 2018-06-05