Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201717A
00:07 ♪♪ >> Dear friend, thank you so
00:17 much for joining "It Is Written Canada." 00:20 I will tell you today's show is going to be an exciting show, 00:24 and to help me in discussing our topic is an individual who's no 00:28 stranger to "It Is Written Canada." I want to welcome back to 00:32 "It Is Written Canada" Dr. John Peckham. Dr. Peckham, thank you so much 00:36 for being here. >> Thank you for having me, Chris. 00:40 >> Now, Dr. Peckham is a professor at the theological seminary at Andrews University. 00:46 He's written a number of books. And we're excited today to discuss a topic that deals with 00:53 the very character of God. Now, Dr. Peckham and I did an entire series on God's character 01:00 as love, and you can find more information about that -- all the archived programs -- 01:06 at our YouTube channel... 01:14 Now, Dr. Peckham, we spent eight programs discussing God is love. You've written an entire volume 01:23 on God's character as love. But maybe in brief, let's summarize, what does it mean 01:31 that God is love? >> Yeah. There's so much there. 01:35 I mean, I think God's love is the central feature of God's 01:38 character and of the entire Bible. And the Bible says, 01:42 in 1 John 4 -- In fact, let's go there -- 1 John 4:8 and 16. 01:52 1 John 4:8, the Bible just says -- The whole text says this -- 01:58 "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." And then again in verse 16, 02:05 "And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides 02:11 in love abides in God, and God in him." So, if God is love, the question 02:19 is, "What does that really mean?" And there's more than we could 02:23 possibly get into in just a few minutes here today, but God's love is a number of things in 02:29 the Bible. It is a matter of God's choice to love the world in the first 02:34 place. In fact, God created the world because of His love. 02:38 >> Okay. >> It didn't exist of its own accord. 02:41 The world is not eternal. God loved, and, therefore, He created the world as an object 02:46 of His love, of His own free volition. >> Okay. 02:50 >> And we saw in our series of programs last time that God loves freely, meaning not only 02:55 did He love the world in the sense that He created it out of His own volition, out of His own 03:00 free will, He also loves us even though we are fallen creatures. He continues to love us. 03:07 >> Mm-hmm. >> And so God's love is volitional. 03:10 We also saw that God's love includes things like joy and delight. 03:14 One of my favorite passages -- let's go to it again -- Zephaniah 3:17. 03:17 >> All right. >> Zephaniah 3:17. >> One of those minor prophets 03:23 there as you get before the Book of Matthew -- Zephaniah -- and what is the passage one more 03:28 time? >> Zephaniah 3:17. >> Very good. 03:33 >> Now, this is what it says. Verse 16 says, "In that day." It's looking forward to the 03:37 Second Coming, actually. And verse 17 says, "The Lord your God in your midst, 03:42 The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, 03:46 He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." 03:52 And this one little text has almost all of the Hebrew words for "joy" and "delight" packed 03:59 into this one verse to describe God's exuberant delight over His people. 04:03 And all of those terms are very closely connected with the terminology of God's love. 04:08 So, God loves freely. God loves in a way that is joyful and delighting over His 04:13 people, and the way that our lives go, what we do, actually matters to God. 04:18 It makes a difference to Him. And He Himself is looking forward to that day when we will 04:23 be reunited. We also saw that God's love is deeply emotional in a way that 04:29 isn't in contradiction with God's reason and God's will. It's not like our emotions, 04:36 where we sometimes overreact to things. God's emotion is always the 04:40 appropriate response to the situation. >> Yes. 04:44 >> And we saw that God loves us more deeply than we can possibly imagine. 04:48 So, one text on that we could go to is Hosea 11. >> Okay. Stay right there in 04:52 the minor prophets. >> Hosea chapter 11, beginning in verse 8. 05:00 >> Okay. >> Hosea 11, beginning in verse 8. 05:06 And this is actually God speaking in this verse. And it says, "How can I give you 05:10 up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I make you like Admah? 05:16 How can I set you like Zeboiim? My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred. 05:23 I will not execute the fierceness of My anger; I will not destroy Ephraim. 05:26 For I am God, and not man, The Holy One in your midst; And I will not come with 05:33 terror." So you have this description of God, and it clearly says His 05:36 emotions are not just like humans. It says, "I am God, and not 05:40 man." But in verse 8, you have this language of God's heart 05:43 churning, His sympathy being stirred. >> Yes. 05:47 >> And this language in the Hebrew is an idiom -- an idiomatic expression of one's 05:53 innards turning over. And we've all had that experience, probably, being so 05:58 upset or moved by an experience that it feels like our stomach is churning. 06:02 >> Yes. Yes. >> That's the imagery here. And it's the strongest possible 06:06 imagery for the deepest kind of emotional love and compassion, and that's consistently the way 06:11 God's love is described for us in Scripture. >> So, we have this God of love, 06:18 and, again, I would encourage the viewer to go to YouTube, look at the archive, because we 06:24 delve deep into this, but in the context of understanding God's love, there's something that 06:30 gets a little confusing, because when we speak of God, we sometimes talk about 06:35 God the Father. >> Mm-hmm. >> Other times, we talk about 06:38 God the Son. >> Yes. >> And still other times, we 06:41 talk about God the Holy Spirit, commonly referred to as "the Trinity." 06:45 So, how does God's love relate to this subject of the Trinity? >> God's love is very closely 06:54 associated with the Trinity because some people have wondered how it could be true 07:00 that God is love if the world is not eternal. Now, the Bible teaches the world 07:06 is not eternal. God created the world out of nothing. 07:08 The term theologians use is "ex nihilo." >> Yes. 07:11 >> And God is all-powerful, and He created the world out of nothing. 07:14 So, before there was a world, how could God be love? >> Yes. 07:20 >> Because love requires at least -- at least the kind of love in the Bible -- requires a 07:25 lover and a beloved, right? >> Yes. >> So, how could it be God's 07:29 very essence and His very character to be love if no one exists except God? 07:35 This itself implies that God -- there is a lover and a beloved within God, even before there is 07:43 a world. And this isn't just speculation. This is actually taught directly 07:47 by the Bible. >> Okay. >> So I want to go to John, 07:50 the Book of John, the Gospel of John. >> All right. 07:52 >> And we're going to go to John chapter 17. >> All right. 07:57 >> In fact, even before we go there, I might go to John 15 just before that. 08:01 >> Okay. >> John 15, and then we're gonna go to John 17. 08:04 >> Sounds good. >> John 15:9. Jesus is speaking in this long 08:08 discourse. In fact, it's a very important discourse for the topic of the 08:11 Trinity that we're gonna be discussing in this series. >> Yes. 08:14 >> John 14 through 16 -- I encourage all the viewers to just read through those chapters 08:19 and see the way Jesus himself teaches what I think is very difficult to understand apart 08:24 from an understanding of the Trinity in John 14 through 16. >> Okay. 08:28 >> But here we're gonna look at just some of the verses. John 15:9, Jesus is speaking. 08:32 He says, "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love." 08:39 So he connects the Father's love for Him to His love for His Father. 08:45 And we're told in 1 John and many other places that we're supposed to love just as God has 08:50 loved us. >> Yes. >> Now we turn over to John 17. 08:54 >> Okay. >> John 17:24. And this is, again, Jesus 09:00 himself speaking. And He says in John 17:24, "Father, I desire that they also 09:06 whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given 09:14 Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." >> Mm-hmm. 09:20 >> In other words, before the world is created -- in fact, before anything is created, as 09:26 we'll see explicitly in many texts -- there is a love relationship between the Father 09:31 and the Son, which tells us that there is a lover and a beloved even before God creates anything 09:39 else. So the fact that God is love itself implies that there is a 09:45 plurality within the Trinity, within God Himself -- the Father, the Son, 09:52 and the Holy Spirit. >> So, as we try to understand this, and we must admit, I 09:59 think, at the outset, that this subject can be very challenging to understand... 10:05 >> Yes. >> we talked about the plurality of God... 10:07 >> Yes. >> ...and we're going to talk about this because the Bible 10:12 talks about God being one. Now, we're gonna come back to that, but let's just 10:16 fundamentally talk about this, because... there have been, in recent 10:21 times, a number of individuals questioning the Biblical teaching of the Trinity, saying 10:27 that it was an invention, and we're going to talk about some of the conspiracy theories 10:33 surrounding that this is kind of an invented doctrine. But let's just start off by 10:38 asking the fundamental question, "Is the doctrine of the Trinity a Biblical doctrine?" 10:45 >> Yes. Absolutely, it is a Biblical doctrine. Now, of course, whenever you ask 10:49 if a doctrine is Biblical, you have to ask what that means. >> Yes. 10:53 >> Right? And that's what we're going to talk about together, and so a 10:57 basic definition of the Trinity is that God is one and only one, or, put in reverse, there is one 11:07 and only one God, who is three distinct persons. >> Mm-hmm. 11:13 >> Now, the question is whether the Bible teaches both of those things -- that there is one and 11:19 only one God, and we're gonna see that it does, and that God is three persons, namely 11:27 the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit if the Bible teaches those things and the 11:32 Bible teaches the Trinity doctrine defined as such. Now, there's much more 11:38 complexity to the doctrine than just that, and we're gonna get into that. 11:42 But before we do, I want to make clear that everything I believe theologically, I try to believe 11:49 because the Bible teaches it. >> Yes. >> And there are many doctrines 11:54 that the Bible teaches that I don't claim to fully be able to wrap my mind around. 11:58 >> Yes. >> I don't understand how God is omnipotent, meaning 12:03 all-powerful. >> Yes. >> The Bible teaches that God is 12:05 all-powerful. How He is, I don't know, and I don't need to know in order to 12:10 believe that it's true. So, even if one says, "I can't make sense of how God is one God 12:16 in three persons" -- and we're gonna talk more about how that makes more sense than people 12:22 think, right? >> Yes. Yes. >> We're not just gonna leave it 12:24 at this level. >> That's right. >> But even if one thinks, "I 12:27 cannot make sense how God can be one God and three persons," if the Bible teaches that God is 12:33 one God and three persons, I'm going to say that both of those things are true, and they must 12:38 be true in some way that I don't yet understand. I'm gonna keep seeking for how 12:43 those things fit together." >> And I think one of the things that we -- 12:48 As you have said, we're gonna be taking several programs to probe this very deeply, asking the 12:54 questions and the ramifications that if we depart from this idea that God is one... 13:01 >> Yes. >> ...yet three distinct persons, the ramifications of 13:04 that. But one of the things I've done in my teaching, and I know it's 13:07 an analogy that you have used, as well -- is when we're having a difficult time understanding 13:12 this, one of the things I like to talk about is Genesis 2:24, the first marriage. 13:17 You know, in Genesis 2:24 -- I'm gonna briefly read it -- it says, "Therefore a man shall 13:21 leave his father and his mother, be joined to his wife, and they shall become," the Bible says, 13:26 "one flesh." >> Mm-hmm. >> And I especially utilize this 13:29 when I'm teaching young children because I say, "So, are your mom and dad one, or are they two?" 13:36 And I'll get a variety of answers. Some will say one, and some will 13:40 say two. And I'll say, "You know what? You're all right. 13:42 See, there is a oneness in marriage, yet in that oneness, there is a plurality of two 13:50 distinct individuals." And so we're gonna get into that. 13:55 Let's maybe lay a foundational text. Is there a foundational text 14:00 that teaches that this -- in the Bible, that teaches that this is a Biblical doctrine? 14:04 >> There are many texts, but the one we can go to first is in Matthew 28. 14:08 >> Okay. That sounds good. >> Matthew chapter 28... >> And as we go to Matthew -- 14:13 >> ...verse 19. >> Matthew 28 and go to verse 19, giving a little bit of 14:17 context, these are really the last words of Jesus before He leaves this Earth to return and 14:23 ascend back to Heaven. So, Dr. Peckham, why don't you read to us Matthew 28:19? 14:29 >> Yeah, and this is what is commonly called the Great Commission. 14:32 Matthew 28:19. "Go therefore," Jesus says -- Go therefore and make disciples 14:38 of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son 14:45 and of the Holy Spirit." >> Mm-hmm. >> So there in that single text, 14:49 you have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and disciples are to be baptized in 14:55 the name -- not the names, not plural -- the name, singular... >> Yes. 15:00 >> ...of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, you have three persons 15:07 mentioned -- the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit... >> Yes. 15:10 >> name... >> Yes. >> ...that they are to be 15:13 baptized into. This is one of the many texts that teach the minimal doctrine 15:19 of the Trinity -- that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and yet God is one. 15:24 There are many others, as we'll see in this series. >> Absolutely, and I think one 15:27 of the things that's really fundamental is we're talking about baptism, and when we 15:31 understand baptism in the context of Romans chapter 6, baptism signifies the public 15:36 expression of the inward decision that you have made to become a follower of 15:41 Jesus Christ. >> That's right. >> And so Jesus teaches that 15:45 that baptism is done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 15:50 >> Right. >> And so if we understand that, we need to understand this 15:54 oneness in the context of the plurality of three individual persons. 16:00 >> That's right. >> So let's talk about that oneness of God, because there 16:04 are many texts, and so why don't we go to some texts? What does the Bible teach about 16:10 God being one? >> Yeah. One of the most important texts is in 16:15 Deuteronomy. >> Okay. >> Deuteronomy. Let's go there. 16:17 Deuteronomy chapter 6. Deuteronomy is the last book of what is often called the 16:26 Pentateuch, those first five books of the Bible. >> Books all written by Moses. 16:30 >> Yes. Deuteronomy 6, beginning in verse 4. 16:34 >> Yes. >> "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!" 16:42 And then we see another connection to love in the very next verse, because this is what 16:46 Jesus calls the greatest commandment in Matthew. "You shall love the Lord your 16:50 God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." 16:54 >> Mm-hmm. >> But for our purposes right now, it explicitly says, 16:57 "The Lord is one." Now, this very text is actually quoted by Jesus in the 17:05 Book of Mark. >> Okay. >> We can go over there -- 17:07 Mark chapter 12. >> And as we turn to Mark, Mark is obviously the second Gospel. 17:15 Mark chapter... >> Chapter 12... >> ...12... 17:19 >> ...verse 29. >> ...and in verse 29. >> And this in the context of 17:25 one of the Gospels where Jesus is asked this question, "What is the greatest commandment?" 17:29 >> Yes. >> And before he goes to quoting verse 5, "Love the Lord, 17:34 your God," he starts with Deuteronomy 6:4. In Mark 12:29, after he's just 17:38 asked, "What is the first commandment or what is the greatest commandment of all?" 17:42 Mark 12:29, "Jesus answered him, 'The first of all the commandments is: "Hear, O 17:47 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one."'" Then He goes on to quote, 17:51 "And you shall love the Lord." So this is fundamental to Biblical theology. 17:57 It was fundamental to the religion of Israel. In fact, we can quote text after 18:02 text in the Old Testament that describes that there is one and only one God, and, in fact, many 18:07 Old Testament scholars have noted that one of the two greatest sins described in the 18:13 Old Testament is the sin of idolatry. To worship anyone who is not God 18:17 is the greatest sin, and that's why the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with 18:22 all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. There's only one God. 18:26 There cannot be more than one God. That would be blasphemy. 18:30 That would be a heresy, a very serious error. Now, it's not only taught in 18:34 this verse that Jesus quotes, it's also taught in the New Testament elsewhere that God 18:39 is one. So let's go to the Book of Galatians. 18:41 >> Okay. >> Book of Galatians. >> And, obviously, we're getting 18:46 now a variety of -- >> I'm sorry. I want to go to the 18:47 Book of James first. >> Book of James? Okay. So we'll go to the 18:49 Book of James. Right after the Book of Hebrews, James, and what chapter are we 18:56 going to, Dr. Peckham? >> Going to go to James chapter 2. 18:59 >> Okay. And James chapter 2, and what verse? 19:06 >> Beginning in verse 19. >> Okay. >> We'll just read verse 19. 19:09 >> Sounds good. >> So, James writes, "You believe that there is one God. 19:14 You do well. Even the demons believe -- and tremble!" 19:19 Now, here, in context, he's talking about how merely believing that there is one God 19:23 isn't enough. There's more to Christianity than that. 19:25 >> Yes. >> Even the demons know that. >> That's right. 19:27 >> But for our purposes, it's very clear that there is one and only one God. 19:31 And this is fundamental to Christianity in the Old Testament and in the 19:35 New Testament. And we won't go there, but something very similar is said 19:39 in Galatians chapter 3, and we can quote many, many other texts about the oneness of God. 19:44 So, this is non-negotiable of Biblical faith and of Christian faith, that God is one and 19:50 there's only one God. >> So, we've got this non-negotiable of Christian 19:54 faith -- God is one. So, how do we come to the conclusion if the Bible teaches 20:01 this plurality outside of Matthew 28? >> Yes. 20:04 Both in the New Testament and the Old Testament, the Bible speaks of God in terms of 20:10 plurality. Sometimes there's hints or implications, and we'll see some 20:15 of those in a moment, and then there's more explicit texts about the Trinity, building up 20:21 into the New Testament. But we'll start at the beginning, just so someone can 20:26 see this is not a doctrine that's read back into Scripture or even a late doctrine. 20:30 It's more clearly revealed when Jesus comes. For obvious reasons, once Jesus 20:34 comes and identifies Himself as the Son of God, the Trinity is going to be revealed in a way 20:39 that it never could have been revealed before and, in fact, in a way that it might have been 20:43 confusing to try to explain without the imparted Son of God, Jesus, on Earth during His 20:49 ministry. >> Okay. >> But long before that, there's 20:53 already something like a Trinity doctrine already in the Old Testament. 20:58 >> Okay. >> So if we go all the way back to the Book of Genesis... 21:01 >> That sounds good. We'll go back to the beginning. And so we're really gonna hone 21:04 in now here on that Old Testament. What is the Old Testament? 21:08 Because there are a number of people that will say that the doctrine of the Trinity is not 21:13 until after the New Testament, but let's really lay this foundation, Dr. Peckham, and 21:17 focus here on the Old Testament, and we're gonna start right at the beginning... 21:21 >> Right in the first chapter. >> ...Book of Genesis, and not only just the Book of Genesis, 21:24 we're gonna go right to the first chapter. What verse are we gonna go to? 21:28 >> We're gonna read verse 26. >> Okay. >> Before I do that, we need to 21:32 make a statement. Not everyone who reads the Bible -- not all scholars have 21:36 the same view of Scripture. >> Yes. >> And there's a theory that 21:39 some scholars have that the Biblical writers weren't really inspired by God. 21:43 Now, I don't believe in that theory. I believe that all Scripture is 21:47 given by inspiration... >> Yes. >> Paul teaches in 21:50 2 Timothy 3:16 and many other places. I believe that all of it is 21:54 inspired by God. The word there is literally "God breathed." 21:58 >> Yes. >> But some scholars have thought that it's not all 22:01 inspired by God and that human authors just wrote based on their own limited human 22:05 understanding. >> Mm-hmm. >> And so where the text doesn't 22:08 say an entire doctrine and all of its components in one place, they say, "Well, there's no way 22:13 they could have known that back then." Now, I think this falters on at 22:18 least two points. One of the points is if all of the Bible is God's book, if it's 22:25 all inspired by God... >> Right. >> ...even if a human author 22:28 didn't understand something, that doesn't tell us that God isn't inspiring that something 22:32 in the text. >> Absolutely. >> And when we read parts of 22:34 Scripture in light of all of the rest of Scripture in the way that Jesus taught us to, he 22:38 often quotes prophecies about Himself from the Old Testament, some of which you wouldn't have 22:43 even realized were prophecies about him until He came, right? But they're already there, 22:49 because God has inspired Scripture. So, number one, you have 22:52 Scripture as a canon, as an entire corpus inspired by God. >> Yes. 22:57 >> So even when it's only partially there, we cannot say, "Well, humans wouldn't have 23:03 known that then." We have a divine author inspiring the text. 23:08 Secondly, another mistake people make is when they say they wouldn't have known that then. 23:13 How could I possibly know what an inspired author would know? >> That's right. 23:19 >> Even if I could establish, and even that's very tricky, that the general person at that 23:24 time wouldn't have known this, that doesn't tell me anything about what God has revealed. 23:30 If we believe that the Bible is the product of special revelation -- that is, God 23:33 giving someone a revelation of something that not everyone knows -- and so there are some 23:38 who say, "Well, the Trinity isn't there because it couldn't have been there," but, actually, 23:41 if you take the Bible to be God's word and we just read, take the Bible as it reads 23:46 throughout Scripture, we'll see that it's already there. And then when it's fully 23:49 revealed in the New Testament, it's not something new. >> That's right. 23:52 >> So, Genesis 1:26. >> Okay. >> Genesis 1:26. 23:56 Now, here is one of those texts that's just a hint. >> Okay. 23:58 >> But read in light of all the Scripture, it's very significant. 24:01 >> Yes. >> Genesis 1:26 -- "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our 24:07 image, according to Our likeness.'" Now, there's only one God. 24:14 >> Mm-hmm. >> But why is God using a plural pronoun? 24:17 >> Yes. >> If I were to walk into the studio and I would say, "Let me 24:21 refer to our book"... >> Yes. >> ...that would be rather 24:24 confusing, right? >> Absolutely. >> If I'm the only one 24:27 who wrote it. >> That's correct. >> And so this plural language 24:30 implies that there is plurality in the Trinity. >> Okay. 24:34 >> Now, some scholars, because they thought there couldn't have been a hint of the Trinity this 24:38 early, they've tried to resort to some theories. Some have said, "Oh, this is 24:42 just a plural of majesty," like a king might refer to "our reign." 24:46 >> Yes. >> Unfortunately for that theory, more recent scholars 24:50 have recognized that there isn't any evidence that there was a plural of majesty in the 24:56 language of that time, so that's kind of a theory to try to explain away this plurality of 25:02 language. We don't want to explain it away. 25:05 We want to see, what does it mean in light of the revelation of all of Scripture and the 25:09 revelation of Christ?" If you turn over to Genesis 3, we see the same thing. 25:12 And we can see it, also, in Genesis 11, in the context of the story of the Tower of Babel. 25:18 Genesis 3:22 -- "Then the Lord God said" -- This is after the fall of Adam 25:23 and Eve in the Garden. "Then the Lord God said, 'Behold, the man has become like 25:27 one of Us, to know good and evil.'" So, again, you have this 25:33 plurality... >> Yes. >> ...this "us" that God is 25:37 saying about Himself. Very significant. >> And so, Dr. Peckham, it's 25:42 hard to believe we are -- we are out of time. So in the last minute here, 25:46 we're gonna leave people hanging, but they're gonna want to watch next week, 'cause we're 25:51 gonna really continue to unpack this, but in the last 30 seconds we have here, give a brief 25:57 summary of the oneness and plurality of God that we've talked about today. 26:01 >> Yeah. So, so far, we've seen that God is one and only one, or there is one and only one God. 26:07 We're going to see more about the fact that God is three distinct purposes -- persons, 26:15 rather, rather than purposes. >> Yes. >> And for now, we've seen that 26:18 there's one and only one God, and yet the Old Testament speaks of God in plural terms. 26:23 Next time we're gonna see even more about this plurality of God, that there is an angel of 26:28 the Lord that is actually God Himself, and that there's more than one person within God, even 26:35 in the Old Testament. >> And the beauty of all of that is the oneness of God and His 26:40 plurality is defined by that fundamental foundation that God is love and He's doing all He 26:48 can to love us and to save us and bring us into a love relationship with Him. 26:54 Dr. Peckham, thank you so much. Let's pray as we end today's program. 26:58 Heavenly Father, we are grateful that You are one, yet in Your oneness, there are the three 27:06 persons of yourself, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Please, Lord, help us to 27:12 understand this and, in that understanding... be drawn nearer to You and into 27:19 that love relationship with You. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Dear friend, God's love is 27:28 amazing. God is one, yet He is three -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 27:35 Today I want to offer you the little booklet "God's Love for Man." 27:40 In that booklet, you will find comfort, peace, and hope knowing that God, in His oneness, is 27:48 doing all He can to draw you near to Him. Here's the information you need 27:53 for today's offer. 27:55 >> To request today's offer, just log on to 27:58 If you prefer, you may call 28:04 toll-free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. And thank you for your prayer 28:10 requests and your generous financial support. >> Dr. John Peckham, thank you 28:15 so much for joining us today. >> Thank you, Chris. >> Dear friend, I invite you to 28:20 join us next week as we probe more deeply into the oneness and plurality of God. 28:27 Until then, remember -- "It is written: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by 28:34 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 28:40 ♪♪ ♪♪ |
Revised 2018-05-30