い い 00:01:20.01\00:01:31.05 >> It has stood the test of time -- God's Book, the Bible -- 00:01:31.05\00:01:38.09 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:38.09\00:01:42.33 い "It Is Written," sharing 00:01:42.33\00:01:46.37 messages of hope around the world. 00:01:46.37\00:01:50.54 Hurricane Irma developed near Cape Verde Islands. It left a path of destruction 00:02:01.35\00:02:08.32 across the Caribbean that was unparalleled. It even left the 00:02:08.32\00:02:13.19 island of Barbuda uninhabited for the first time in its history. It was the strongest 00:02:13.19\00:02:19.67 hurricane to make landfall in Florida since 2005. Irma was 00:02:19.67\00:02:26.94 catastrophic. It was a Category 5 hurricane that left a wake of destruction. But I want us to 00:02:26.94\00:02:34.95 take note that through meteorological technology, warnings were given. They were 00:02:34.95\00:02:42.22 able to draw up an estimated path of the destruction. They were able to establish a 00:02:42.22\00:02:46.29 timeframe in which to prepare. So in Florida, those preparations were made. 00:02:46.29\00:02:52.30 Evacuation orders were dispensed. Hurricane warnings 00:02:52.30\00:02:55.97 were published. Homes and other areas were evacuated. 00:02:55.97\00:03:00.14 Sandbags were laid. Windows were boarded up. Shelters were 00:03:00.14\00:03:06.68 established. And, overwhelmingly, most people understood the danger, heeded 00:03:06.68\00:03:14.96 the warnings, and prepared for the impending doom. However, there were some who decided not 00:03:14.96\00:03:21.00 to heed the warnings, some who said, "We'll just ride out the storms." Others ignored the 00:03:21.00\00:03:27.87 warnings, and some seemed to just be carelessly oblivious to what was happening. 00:03:27.87\00:03:34.34 Now, we have continued to see unprecedented events happen in our weather, social and economic 00:03:34.34\00:03:42.42 conditions that are also unprecedented, and it has led many to ask the question, "What 00:03:42.42\00:03:49.22 in the world is going on?" Could it be in those warnings of Irma we can faintly hear another 00:03:49.22\00:03:58.73 warning... a warning with even more dire consequences if not 00:03:58.73\00:04:09.64 heeded? Now, last time, we ended with the promise of 2 Peter 3:9. 00:04:09.64\00:04:15.42 Now, what is the promise referred to in this verse, and what does it have to do with our 00:04:26.56\00:04:32.87 study in Daniel chapter 8? In our last program, we left off asking some very important 00:04:32.87\00:04:41.64 questions about Daniel 8:19. If you missed last week's program, 00:04:41.64\00:04:49.18 just go to... ...and there you can watch any of our previous programs. Now, at the beginning 00:04:51.72\00:04:57.36 of Daniel chapter 8, we find Daniel having a vision about a 00:04:57.36\00:05:03.16 ram and a goat. There were some things about the vision that he did not understand, and the 00:05:03.16\00:05:08.40 angel Gabriel was sent to help him understand. When Gabriel 00:05:08.40\00:05:13.21 gave him that explanation, it became clear that the vision was following the repeated pattern 00:05:13.21\00:05:19.21 and chain of events that Daniel saw in the vision of Daniel chapter 2 and in Daniel chapter 00:05:19.21\00:05:25.95 7. With each vision, he not only sees the same pattern, but also, new information is added. 00:05:25.95\00:05:32.69 More details are filled in. Now, after Gabriel gives an overview, then Gabriel explained 00:05:32.69\00:05:39.47 to Daniel that this vision referred to the time of the end. However, tucked away in 00:05:39.47\00:05:47.18 chapter 8 and verse 19 is something that I had not noticed until I recently restudied this 00:05:47.18\00:05:53.28 passage. The angel visitor says something that is absolutely 00:05:53.28\00:05:58.25 critical to our understanding of the appointed time of Jesus's 00:05:58.25\00:06:03.89 return. This is going to be absolutely essential to our understanding of Daniel chapter 00:06:03.89\00:06:09.43 8. There are some Bible teachers and preachers who try to place Daniel 8:19 squarely in the 00:06:09.43\00:06:14.84 past, but when God gave this to Daniel, he placed it squarely in 00:06:14.84\00:06:20.54 the future. So let's take a look at this text and find out what it can tell us about the 00:06:20.54\00:06:25.75 appointed time. Daniel 8:19. This is what the Bible says. 00:06:25.75\00:06:30.82 Now, here are the key questions. What is this latter time of 00:06:43.73\00:06:48.30 indignation? When is the end? Now, when we study the Bible, we should compare Scripture with 00:06:48.30\00:06:54.14 Scripture and not rely on our own thoughts and ideas. So to help us understand what 00:06:54.14\00:06:59.75 the "latter time of indignation" means, let us look at a few other Scriptures that will help 00:06:59.75\00:07:06.55 shed light on this cryptic phrase. In Jeremiah 29:11, the 00:07:06.55\00:07:14.83 Bible says the following. 00:07:14.83\00:07:17.70 Now, the word there, "future," in that text is the identical Hebrew word for "latter times." 00:07:29.54\00:07:36.89 What is the future that Jeremiah was speaking of? What is the 00:07:36.89\00:07:42.06 hope that Jeremiah referenced? The only true hope, the only latter time talked about in the 00:07:42.06\00:07:47.50 Bible that gives us hope, is the day when Jesus will break forth through the clouds in glory. 00:07:47.50\00:07:55.24 In fact, Paul encouraged us, in Titus 2:13 with these words. 00:07:55.24\00:08:04.41 Day after day, thinking people everywhere are coming to the realization that there is 00:08:14.82\00:08:21.20 nothing we can do, nothing any government can do, nothing that society can develop that will 00:08:21.20\00:08:27.30 bring us lasting hope and peace. Jesus promises to bring all that and more when he comes in the 00:08:27.30\00:08:35.34 glory of his Father and with his angels. Even the best things on 00:08:35.34\00:08:41.55 this Earth are temporal. God is trying to focus our attention on 00:08:41.55\00:08:48.22 the eternal and understand that the only real hope that exists in our lives is the future that 00:08:48.22\00:08:55.36 he has for us at the appointed time of Jesus' return. In Isaiah 46:9-10, God makes a 00:08:55.36\00:09:05.57 bold statement about Himself. He says this. 00:09:05.57\00:09:10.11 God demonstrates that He is God and there is no other by declaring the end from the 00:09:24.16\00:09:30.10 beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done. Now, the same Hebrew word is 00:09:30.10\00:09:37.01 used for the word "end" in this passage as is also used for the word "latter times" in 00:09:37.01\00:09:44.38 Daniel 8:19. 00:09:44.38\00:09:46.88 Now, as we're seeing, Daniel 8:19 is speaking of something in 00:09:49.02\00:09:54.76 the future. God was pointing Daniel to the cataclysmic end of this Earth, when Jesus will come 00:09:54.76\00:10:01.40 again in glory. But remember, it's not just any later time. 00:10:01.40\00:10:05.37 The Bible says the latter time of indignation. Now, that word 00:10:05.37\00:10:11.81 "indignation" is a reference to God's outrage against sin. Now let's look at the difference 00:10:11.81\00:10:16.81 between God's indignation and His wrath. Indignation is how 00:10:16.81\00:10:22.75 God feels about sin. So, how does God feel about sin? God 00:10:22.75\00:10:28.06 hates sin. He's outraged by sin. What is he going to do about it? At the end of sin, sin will be 00:10:28.06\00:10:35.56 destroyed, and those who cling to sin will be destroyed with 00:10:35.56\00:10:39.80 it. You see, God is outraged by sin. He was outraged by the fall 00:10:39.80\00:10:44.67 of Lucifer. His heart was broken over the fall of Lucifer. But He is outraged by what sin 00:10:44.67\00:10:49.84 has done. You know, I've wondered for a very long time if 00:10:49.84\00:10:55.65 one of the reasons that we are still on this Earth is that maybe we really don't completely 00:10:55.65\00:11:01.12 understand what sin is and how bad it is. Too often, we look 00:11:01.12\00:11:08.16 upon sin as an "Oops, I made a mistake." But our sin, dear friends, my sin, killed the very 00:11:08.16\00:11:17.21 Son of God. Our sin on this Earth transformed the course of 00:11:17.21\00:11:22.88 history. God is outraged by what sin has cursed. God is outraged 00:11:22.88\00:11:28.68 by the pain and suffering that Satan has unleashed on this 00:11:28.68\00:11:33.82 vulnerable planet. Is God indifferent to your cancer diagnosis? God is outraged by 00:11:33.82\00:11:39.03 Satan's attack on your life. Is God indifferent to the loss of 00:11:39.03\00:11:44.23 your loved one? Where is God in all of this? The reality is is that He is outraged at the 00:11:44.23\00:11:52.64 results of sin. And here is the mystery that we can have a difficult time understanding. 00:11:52.64\00:11:59.08 Wherever God's wrath exists, so does His justice and mercy. When we talk about God's outrage 00:11:59.08\00:12:09.62 against sin, it leads many to ask that difficult question, "If He's so outraged by it, why 00:12:09.62\00:12:16.43 doesn't He bring it all to an end? Why doesn't Jesus just come 00:12:16.43\00:12:21.00 right now and let's get this all over with?" The answer comes 00:12:21.00\00:12:26.94 from the text in 2 Peter that we began this program with. 2 Peter 00:12:26.94\00:12:32.45 3:9 says... Unfortunately, not everyone will come to repentance, and some will perish 00:12:44.89\00:12:53.17 because they choose to cling to their sin more than they cling to God. But God's heart -- God's 00:12:53.17\00:13:00.14 heart is so outraged by sin because His heart is so full of love, and it breaks at the 00:13:00.14\00:13:07.05 thought of not being able to spend eternity with you. He promised that He is preparing 00:13:07.05\00:13:13.39 a place for you. He wants you there. He wants your son, He 00:13:13.39\00:13:17.69 wants your daughter, your brother, your sister, your mom, your dad. He wants them all 00:13:17.69\00:13:22.66 there. He is longsuffering with us, and He waits just as long as 00:13:22.66\00:13:29.00 He can... that all can come to repentance. You see, in the midst of God's outrage, in the 00:13:29.00\00:13:37.51 midst of His indignation, is His justice and His mercy. But let's not miss the last part 00:13:37.51\00:13:44.32 of Daniel 8:19. 00:13:44.32\00:13:46.19 Did you catch that? Do you see how this all fits together? 00:13:50.73\00:13:55.16 It's at the appointed time. You see, God's indignation does have 00:13:55.16\00:14:00.87 an end. The latter time of indignation is when God's indignation will be worked out 00:14:00.87\00:14:08.71 through His wrath. And this happens at the end, and it is His wrath that finally brings 00:14:08.71\00:14:18.12 about an end to sin. The prophet Isaiah calls it God's strange act when a God of love must 00:14:18.12\00:14:25.16 bring an end to sin. It is strange because... it brings an end to sin, and in bringing an 00:14:25.16\00:14:33.40 end to sin, He must bring an end to the lives of those beings that He lovingly created to be 00:14:33.40\00:14:42.11 an eternal part of His family yet chose to cling to sin. Angels who chose to side with 00:14:42.11\00:14:48.85 Satan and human beings who have been unwilling to let their sin go will all be destroyed as a 00:14:48.85\00:14:57.96 result of this strange act. And in comparing Scripture with Scripture, we find that the same 00:14:57.96\00:15:07.47 word used here in Daniel 8 for "end" is the same word used in Genesis 6:13, where the Bible 00:15:07.47\00:15:15.78 says... 00:15:15.78\00:15:17.65 It's also used in Daniel 12:13. 00:15:26.42\00:15:31.63 And then in the New Testament, in Matthew 13:39... 00:15:41.74\00:15:47.21 The latter days of indignation, which will bring about an end, also bring about a glorious 00:15:55.05\00:16:01.39 beginning -- the beginning of a kingdom that will have no end. It's one of the great ironies of 00:16:01.39\00:16:07.73 the Gospel. Daniel 12 describes that momentous day of the 00:16:07.73\00:16:13.84 appointed time in Daniel 12:1-3. At that time. What time? 00:16:13.84\00:16:25.88 Daniel 11:40 tells us, "At the time of the end," the appointed time, and in verse 44, it says 00:16:25.88\00:16:33.52 that at the time of the news that comes from the East -- What is the news from the East? 00:16:33.52\00:16:42.40 Well, Matthew 24:27 tells us what this news from the East, in 00:16:42.40\00:16:50.71 fact, is. You see, Jesus is coming again, and Daniel 12 00:16:59.48\00:17:03.28 continues. God has an appointed time where He will bring everything to an end so He can 00:17:47.46\00:17:54.84 take us to a place where there will be no end. And the question that we must ask ourselves is 00:17:54.84\00:18:00.61 this -- will we be ready for that day? Will we be ready for the appointed time? 00:18:00.61\00:18:06.61 If we are, it won't be because we have worked hard enough. It won't be because we have done 00:18:06.61\00:18:14.49 enough. It will be because we have been willing to let go of 00:18:14.49\00:18:20.20 our sins and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us that then He might work through us. 00:18:20.20\00:18:25.73 There is an end coming. There is an appointed time when the latter day of indignation 00:18:25.73\00:18:31.37 happens and God's outrage will be worked out through His wrath, and His outrage against sin will 00:18:31.37\00:18:40.22 be on display and eliminate sin forever. And when that day 00:18:40.22\00:18:47.09 happens, there will be throughout the entire universe one pulse of harmony. God's 00:18:47.09\00:18:55.30 appointed time brings an end to all things, but His appointed time of the end also marks the 00:18:55.30\00:19:02.90 beginning. It works the same way in our walk with Jesus. God has an appointed time for 00:19:02.90\00:19:11.21 the end of sin in your life, when we yield our heart to Christ, and as Romans 6 00:19:11.21\00:19:17.65 outlines, when we die with Christ, just as Christ died and was laid in the grave, but then 00:19:17.65\00:19:25.06 we are raised to the newness of life that we might truly live. God wants to bring an end to 00:19:25.06\00:19:33.20 those things in our life that keep us from our inheritance, our heavenly home, which Jesus 00:19:33.20\00:19:39.71 has prepared for us. God's plan in our lives is rather simple. 00:19:39.71\00:19:45.15 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says this. 00:19:45.15\00:19:50.15 Sanctification is God's cleansing process to prepare us 00:19:57.63\00:20:03.26 for Heaven. God's will, therefore, is that he would prepare you, that he would 00:20:03.26\00:20:09.10 prepare me, for Heaven. Any relationship, any activity, any association that takes us off 00:20:09.10\00:20:17.61 that path is outside of the will of God in our life. And this requires diligence on our part. 00:20:17.61\00:20:22.68 Mark 13:32-33 gives us both warning and instruction in 00:20:22.68\00:20:32.93 regards to this. Mark 13:32-33. 00:20:32.93\00:20:37.93 That word "time" is the Greek word "kairos." It's often 00:20:55.88\00:21:01.22 translated "the appointed time." So in light of the appointed time of Jesus' soon return, we 00:21:01.22\00:21:06.83 are to take heed, to watch, and to pray. So, what does it really 00:21:06.83\00:21:12.73 mean to take heed? It means to watch, observe, take notice, and 00:21:12.73\00:21:18.14 be alert. Friends, this is not for us to go about business as usual. We must take this time 00:21:18.14\00:21:24.31 seriously. We must take seriously the Lord's appointed 00:21:24.31\00:21:29.15 time and be aware of what's happening around us. And as we read the News and read 00:21:29.15\00:21:34.02 the Scripture, we should not be fearful and tremble but rather draw near to Jesus Christ. 00:21:34.02\00:21:40.70 But not only are we to take heed, but we are to watch. Not surprisingly, that literally 00:21:40.70\00:21:46.53 means "to lie awake." And here's the interesting thing. 00:21:46.53\00:21:50.91 The Greek word "hypnos" means "to sleep." "Lie awake" is the 00:21:50.91\00:21:57.55 antonym, in Greek, to "hypnos." We derive, by the way, our English word "hypnotism" from 00:21:57.55\00:22:03.59 the Greek word "hypnos." God is calling for us to not walk around in some hypnotic 00:22:03.59\00:22:09.36 state but to lie awake, to figuratively and spiritually lie awake, be aware of the 00:22:09.36\00:22:15.63 times, and diligently study the Word of God. As we take heed and 00:22:15.63\00:22:23.14 watch, we are also to pray. In this way, we are to follow the 00:22:23.14\00:22:28.94 example of Jesus. Jesus was often found in prayer. Mark 1:35 describes the prayer life of 00:22:28.94\00:22:35.62 Jesus. Why do we need to pray? As we face life's greatest struggles and disappointments, 00:22:48.96\00:22:55.57 as God gives us warnings that we don't know if we have the strength to heed, we can trust 00:22:55.57\00:23:01.91 in the promise of Philippians 4:13. 00:23:01.91\00:23:05.11 Jesus stated the converse when, in John 15:5, he said... 00:23:08.68\00:23:12.75 As Jesus gives us warnings, he doesn't expect us to do it on 00:23:15.96\00:23:20.30 our own. He is there to give us the strength and the courage we need to do whatever it is that 00:23:20.30\00:23:26.53 He has asked us to do. You know, Revelation chapter 14 describes three angels who are 00:23:26.53\00:23:33.58 carrying a message that is supposed to go to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people at the 00:23:33.58\00:23:38.81 end of time. They are dire messages of warning. 00:23:38.81\00:23:43.92 But in Revelation 14:12, immediately after those angelic messages, we are told how we are 00:23:43.92\00:23:51.19 supposed to take heed of those warnings. The Bible says... 00:23:51.19\00:23:56.16 Other Bible translations use the word "perseverance" or 00:24:05.61\00:24:10.58 "endurance." Perseverance and endurance is not something that you can develop overnight. 00:24:10.58\00:24:15.42 By its very nature, it is something that is developed over 00:24:15.42\00:24:19.62 time. Endurance athletes take years to train. It takes 00:24:19.62\00:24:24.23 discipline. The apostle Paul even likens our Christian experience to a race that 00:24:24.23\00:24:31.43 requires endurance as we take heed and watch and pray. It is not a sprint. It's not something 00:24:31.43\00:24:37.17 we can rush through as fast as we can. When running a marathon, sometimes you have to tune 00:24:37.17\00:24:43.55 everything out, including your own thoughts of giving up, and 00:24:43.55\00:24:49.65 then persevere. You keep pushing forward to that finish line. As we run this marathon race of 00:24:49.65\00:24:55.26 life, pushing forward to the appointed time, we need to tune out all the voices that tell us 00:24:55.26\00:25:01.53 to give up. That's...not worth it. Listen instead to the voice 00:25:01.53\00:25:09.47 of Jesus as He continues to cheer you on and is eager to 00:25:09.47\00:25:18.71 welcome us home. This waiting for the appointed time is not for the faint of heart. 00:25:18.71\00:25:23.22 These warnings are strong. The stakes are high. This isn't just 00:25:23.22\00:25:28.69 a mere hurricane that God is warning us about. This is one storm that we can't simply ride 00:25:28.69\00:25:35.23 out in the hopes that we'll make it in the end. There isn't going to be anything left on this 00:25:35.23\00:25:42.84 Earth that's worth hanging on to. Don't get so bogged down with just trying to keep up with 00:25:42.84\00:25:48.78 life that you become carelessly oblivious and indifferent to what God is trying to tell you. 00:25:48.78\00:25:59.09 So, what will you do? I plead with you today to make a decision to give your life 00:25:59.09\00:26:05.59 fully to Jesus. Allow Jesus to set you free from sin... 00:26:05.59\00:26:11.57 to set you free from that which so easily entangles you. Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us 00:26:11.57\00:26:19.41 to... 00:26:19.41\00:26:21.21 Dear friend, please do not reject or ignore Him. Yield yourself to Him today. 00:26:30.35\00:26:36.69 Submit everything fully to Him and allow Him, who began a good work in you, to finish it so 00:26:36.69\00:26:45.30 that you will be ready for the appointed time. Let's pray. 00:26:45.30\00:26:52.87 Heavenly Father, we are looking forward to the appointed time of 00:26:52.87\00:27:00.45 your son's return. We know the day is coming soon. Yet for many of us, we feel helpless. 00:27:00.45\00:27:06.39 We feel like we're not strong enough. And so today we ask for 00:27:06.39\00:27:11.63 Your encouragement. We pray for Your strength, and we ask, Lord, 00:27:11.63\00:27:16.56 that You would work in our lives to make us ready for that day. Please help us to be ready that 00:27:16.56\00:27:23.00 when that day comes, our joy will burst forth as we prepare to spend an eternity with you. 00:27:23.00\00:27:33.95 We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. Dear friend, the appointed 00:27:33.95\00:27:42.59 time of Jesus' return is coming soon. The Bible is the road map to guide us, to help us navigate 00:27:42.59\00:27:52.53 through life's turmoils and troubles, that we would be prepared on that day. 00:27:52.53\00:27:58.51 Now, sometimes, as we're navigating through the Scripture, we need tools to help 00:27:58.51\00:28:02.41 us understand, and so today for our offer, I want to give you one of those tools. 00:28:02.41\00:28:07.52 The tool I want to offer to you today is Signs of the Times' 00:28:07.52\00:28:11.75 magazine The End of the World. This full-color magazine will give you the four sure signs of 00:28:11.75\00:28:17.29 the return of Jesus. It will also highlight how to be prepared in that day. 00:28:17.29\00:28:22.86 Here's the information you need to receive today's offer. 00:28:22.86\00:28:27.40 >> To request today's offer, just log on to 00:28:27.40\00:28:30.64 www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. If you prefer, you may call 00:28:30.64\00:28:36.01 toll-free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. >> Dear friends, the appointed time of Jesus' return is so 00:28:36.01\00:28:46.49 thrilling. Are you looking forward to that day? 00:28:46.49\00:28:49.36 Over the course of the last nine weeks, we have studied how God has intervened throughout 00:28:49.36\00:28:54.50 history to prepare His people for the appointed time. 00:28:54.50\00:28:59.33 If you missed any of the episodes of this series, 00:28:59.33\00:29:02.97 "The Appointed Time," you can go to our YouTube channel... 00:29:02.97\00:29:06.47 There you can find all the archived programs of not only 00:29:09.08\00:29:12.38 this series but any other programs we have done. 00:29:12.38\00:29:15.28 In addition, you can go to our website... 00:29:15.28\00:29:19.79 ...and there find resources to help you grow in your spiritual 00:29:19.79\00:29:24.03 life. Friends, I hope that you have 00:29:24.03\00:29:27.03 been blessed by the program and that you are preparing for the 00:29:27.03\00:29:30.93 appointed time. I invite you to join us again 00:29:30.93\00:29:33.77 next week. Until then, remember, it is 00:29:33.77\00:29:36.91 written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word 00:29:36.91\00:29:42.14 that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:29:42.14\00:29:46.15 い い 00:29:46.15\00:30:05.37 い い 00:30:05.37\00:30:19.11