¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:19.97\00:01:31.02 >> It has stood the test of time -- God's Book, the Bible -- 00:01:31.02\00:01:38.06 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:38.06\00:01:42.30 ¤¤ "It Is Written," sharing 00:01:42.30\00:01:46.33 messages of hope around the world. 00:01:46.33\00:01:50.51 >> Léo Major was born January 23, 1921, to French-Canadian 00:02:01.72\00:02:08.62 parents who were living down in the States. At just a few months old, his family moved to 00:02:08.62\00:02:16.40 Montréal. Léo's childhood was fairly uneventful, yet he did not have a good relationship 00:02:16.40\00:02:21.94 with his father. So, at the age of 14, he moved in with his 00:02:21.94\00:02:27.18 aunt. Now, in an effort to still try to win the affections of his father, Léo Major joined the 00:02:27.18\00:02:34.68 Army in 1940. Eventually, he became part of the Régiment de 00:02:34.68\00:02:42.09 la Chaudière. His story is so amazing that it is almost unbelievable. Major took part in 00:02:42.09\00:02:49.93 the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II. He captured 00:02:49.93\00:02:54.70 a German vehicle with German communication equipment and some secret German army codes. 00:02:54.70\00:03:00.84 Now, adding to his military accomplishments, Léo Major valiantly fought an elite group 00:03:00.84\00:03:07.25 of the Nazi SS. And although he lost an eye in that battle, he 00:03:07.25\00:03:13.52 continued to serve in the Régiment de la Chaudière. As if that were not enough, 00:03:13.52\00:03:19.96 Major was responsible for the capture of 93 German soldiers. However, his most heroic feat 00:03:19.96\00:03:29.04 took place in April of 1945. Now, the Canadian troops were responsible for the freeing of 00:03:29.04\00:03:39.61 the city of Zwolle in the Netherlands. The plan was quite 00:03:39.61\00:03:44.25 simple. Bomb the city until the Germans surrendered their position. Léo and his friend 00:03:44.25\00:03:49.62 Willy were sent to the city on a reconnaissance mission. Now, as they explored the area, 00:03:49.62\00:03:55.10 they realize that the barrage of bombs would not only kill the German army but would also take 00:03:55.10\00:04:00.80 the lives of many innocent civilians. So, Léo and Willy 00:04:00.80\00:04:06.94 decided that they needed to liberate the city on their own. The odds were clearly against 00:04:06.94\00:04:12.55 them. Their chances of success went from bad to worse when 00:04:12.55\00:04:18.72 Léo's friend Willy was shot and killed by the Germans. And so, motivated by anger at 00:04:18.72\00:04:26.06 his friend's death, Léo audaciously pressed on, liberating the entire city by 00:04:26.06\00:04:33.13 himself. The way he was able to accomplish such an overwhelming 00:04:33.13\00:04:37.57 task can only be described as miraculous. He captured a German 00:04:37.57\00:04:45.15 driver, then confronted a German soldier and told him that the town was surrounded by a massive 00:04:45.15\00:04:53.05 Canadian force. Then, he disappeared into the darkness. 00:04:53.05\00:04:56.76 What took place the rest of the night involved perfect timing 00:04:56.76\00:05:02.46 and precision. The remainder of the night, he dashed around the town, creating the façade, 00:05:02.46\00:05:08.67 through various explosions and gunfire, that a Canadian force was actually surrounding the 00:05:08.67\00:05:15.44 city. Amazingly, the confused German soldiers surrendered, and Léo took them back to the Allied 00:05:15.44\00:05:22.88 camp. By 4:00 a.m., he had cleared Zwolle of all remaining 00:05:22.88\00:05:29.46 SS troops. The artillery attack was called off, and, as a 00:05:29.46\00:05:34.76 result, the civilian lives were spared. Léo Major was the only Canadian to receive the 00:05:34.76\00:05:42.37 Distinguished Conduct Medal twice in separate wars. Sadly, 00:05:42.37\00:05:49.18 Major died October 12, 2008. But his story continues to be told. 00:05:49.18\00:05:54.98 If the right people would not have been in the right place at the right times, he could not 00:05:54.98\00:06:01.56 have liberated that entire city the way he did. What an incredible risk he took, 00:06:01.56\00:06:08.46 defying unbelievable odds. But the risk paid off, and many people owed their lives to him. 00:06:08.46\00:06:18.54 Now, as we've been studying the appointed time over the last several weeks, we have seen the 00:06:18.54\00:06:26.68 Bible demonstrate that God is also on a rescue mission, with a timing more calculated 00:06:26.68\00:06:34.92 and more precise than Léo Major's. God prepares to 00:06:34.92\00:06:40.10 liberate his people from a world destined for destruction. God's appointed times throughout 00:06:40.10\00:06:46.23 history have been in preparation for the ultimate, final appointed time -- the 00:06:46.23\00:06:51.77 Second Coming of Jesus. Friends, I believe that Jesus is coming for His people very soon. 00:06:51.77\00:06:58.95 He has had appointed times, not only throughout history but also throughout each of our own 00:06:58.95\00:07:05.12 personal lives. He has been intervening in your life and 00:07:05.12\00:07:10.56 mine in an all-out-ditch effort to prepare us for that day. The question remains for us -- 00:07:10.56\00:07:18.03 will we accept all that He has done, all that He is doing, and all that He will do? 00:07:18.03\00:07:24.11 Or will we reject the warnings, ignore the warnings, or just be carelessly oblivious and go on 00:07:24.11\00:07:32.38 living life as usual? Now, as we consider this sobering question, 00:07:32.38\00:07:39.89 let's review what we have studied regarding some of the appointed times we find 00:07:39.89\00:07:45.66 mentioned in the Bible. The phrase "the appointed time" is used over 35 times in the New 00:07:45.66\00:07:51.10 King James version of the Bible. When found in the Old Testament, this key phrase is based on the 00:07:51.10\00:07:56.44 Hebrew word "moed." In the New Testament, it is the Greek word 00:07:56.44\00:08:02.91 "kairos." It is literally translated a set time or a determined time, a fixed time, 00:08:02.91\00:08:10.92 an appointed sign, or a decisive moment -- all under the auspices of an appointed time in the 00:08:10.92\00:08:18.39 purpose of God or in the meeting of God. Throughout the Bible, we read about God's appointed 00:08:18.39\00:08:26.30 times, His decisive moments in history, when He determined to bring about His purpose -- the 00:08:26.30\00:08:33.24 appointed time when the angels would return to Sarah, and she would be with child, 00:08:33.24\00:08:38.01 the appointed time in which the children of Israel would leave Egypt, the appointed time in 00:08:38.01\00:08:43.95 which God called upon the children of Israel to wait upon the Lord, the appointed time for 00:08:43.95\00:08:51.23 the exile out of Babylon, the appointed time for the birth of Christ, the appointed time for 00:08:51.23\00:08:57.30 the baptism of Jesus, the appointed time for the death of Jesus, and the appointed time 00:08:57.30\00:09:04.41 of Jesus' return. Throughout the Scriptures, God has appointed 00:09:04.41\00:09:11.55 times to bring about His ultimate purpose, and I don't want you to miss this. The more 00:09:11.55\00:09:18.85 fully the end is in sight, the more important it is for us to understand the imminent nature 00:09:18.85\00:09:27.83 of the appointed time of Jesus' return and to respond to those appointed moments in our life. 00:09:27.83\00:09:34.94 Too often, mankind puts off God's appointed times. This is seen most classically in 00:09:34.94\00:09:41.81 Acts 24:25. In this verse, Paul is giving the good news of the 00:09:41.81\00:09:47.82 Gospel to Felix. Felix responded to the appeal of the Gospel by 00:09:47.82\00:09:53.76 telling Paul, "Go away for now. When I have a convenient time, I 00:09:53.76\00:09:59.63 will call you." You see, God's appointed time does not necessarily work at our time of 00:09:59.63\00:10:06.07 convenience. God is more concerned about our eternal salvation than our current, 00:10:06.07\00:10:15.71 temporary convenience. Think back over the course of your experience in life. It is 00:10:15.71\00:10:21.68 overwhelming, frankly, as I consider my own story. There were appointed times where had I 00:10:21.68\00:10:27.36 not been open to God and His leading, I'm quite certain that I wouldn't be here today. 00:10:27.36\00:10:33.83 Sometimes, these appointed times are uncomfortable. It was predicted that at an appointed 00:10:33.83\00:10:39.40 time, because of the enormity of Israel's sins, the Babylonians were going to come and take the 00:10:39.40\00:10:45.57 children of Israel captive. If we could ask the ancient children of Israel, I'm sure 00:10:45.57\00:10:49.88 they would tell us that it wasn't comfortable to be taken captive to Babylon. 00:10:49.88\00:10:55.12 But what we must understand is that event, in the most uncomfortable of moments, God 00:10:55.12\00:11:02.76 was for them. And in our uncomfortable moments, God is 00:11:02.76\00:11:10.27 for us. While in the peace and security of Jerusalem, God's people kept rejecting him. 00:11:10.27\00:11:16.44 God's ultimate purpose in taking them to Babylon was to save 00:11:16.44\00:11:21.48 them. Unfortunately, some people think that God is doing all He can do to keep people out of 00:11:21.48\00:11:29.58 Heaven. However, the Bible, this book, is clear that God has done and is doing and will do 00:11:29.58\00:11:37.59 everything He can to reach your heart and save you for eternity. So, how can we be certain that 00:11:37.59\00:11:48.84 Jesus is coming back soon? Does God reveal to us when that appointed time will take place? 00:11:48.84\00:11:55.51 Let's go to a book and even a chapter that we have studied before -- Daniel chapter 8. 00:11:55.51\00:12:04.62 In Daniel chapter 8, we find an amazing fulfillment of prophecy that is against all odds. 00:12:04.62\00:12:11.46 Yet it promises certain salvation. The beginning of 00:12:11.46\00:12:16.30 Daniel chapter 8 finds Daniel in a vision. This vision took place 00:12:16.30\00:12:20.84 near the end of the reign of King Belshazzar, which was also the end of the Babylonian 00:12:20.84\00:12:26.24 empire. Now, Daniel 8:3 begins to describe this very vision. 00:12:26.24\00:12:36.38 Again, Daniel chapter 8, beginning at verse 3. 00:12:36.38\00:12:41.66 By now, Daniel had been a captive in Babylon for most of his life, and he was not 00:14:16.28\00:14:23.46 unfamiliar with visions. When Daniel saw this vision of the ram and the goat, he would 00:14:23.46\00:14:29.20 have recalled an earlier vision he saw. Now, if we turn back a 00:14:29.20\00:14:33.23 few chapters, we are reminded that Daniel was shown a vision in Daniel chapter 2 that was 00:14:33.23\00:14:39.94 originally shown to King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, let's take 00:14:39.94\00:14:46.75 a minute to review that vision. What is it that Daniel saw in the vision of Daniel 2? 00:14:46.75\00:14:52.09 He saw an image made of metals, with the highest-valued metal at the top and the lowest-valued 00:14:52.09\00:14:58.36 metal at the bottom. The weakest metal was at the top, while the 00:14:58.36\00:15:04.83 strongest metal was at the bottom. Daniel was shown the future of world empires. 00:15:04.83\00:15:10.14 We look back on history and are able to see how incredibly accurate this vision was. 00:15:10.14\00:15:17.88 The head of gold represented Babylon. The chest and arms of 00:15:17.88\00:15:21.45 silver represented Medo-Persia. The midsection of brass or bronze symbolized Greece. 00:15:21.45\00:15:26.25 And the legs of iron were a symbol of Rome, while the feet of iron mixed with clay 00:15:26.25\00:15:32.49 represented divided Rome. And what we see in Daniel chapter 2 00:15:32.49\00:15:38.30 is a pattern that establishes a pattern to interpret all end-time prophecies. 00:15:38.30\00:15:44.44 Nations -- Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the division of Rome -- and then the 00:15:44.44\00:15:50.18 Second Coming. Now, at a later time, Daniel received a second 00:15:50.18\00:15:56.42 vision, which is recorded in Daniel chapter 7, where he's now 00:15:56.42\00:16:02.56 shown four beasts. These beasts were strange-looking beasts, with wings and multiple heads. 00:16:02.56\00:16:07.40 But, once again, Daniel was shown the same outline of history -- Babylon, Medo-Persia, 00:16:07.40\00:16:13.40 Greece, Rome, the division of Rome, and the Second Coming. However, in this vision, there 00:16:13.40\00:16:20.48 is a scene that is added. A court was seated, and there was a judgment that took place 00:16:20.48\00:16:26.08 in between the fourth beast and the Son of Man coming in the 00:16:26.08\00:16:34.86 clouds of Heaven. So, seeing a repeated pattern with more details added is a literary 00:16:34.86\00:16:42.33 technique used in Hebrew to repeat and enlarge on an idea or a concept. An excellent example 00:16:42.33\00:16:49.60 of this is found in the Book of Psalms, Psalm 51. David wrote 00:16:49.60\00:16:55.91 these words... You see, David is actually saying the same thing twice and expanding on its 00:17:03.08\00:17:08.69 meaning. "Create in me a clean heart." Well, what does that look like? By renewing a "right 00:17:08.69\00:17:15.46 spirit within me." And so, the repeating and enlarging of 00:17:15.46\00:17:19.83 Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 is where God gives the outline and then, in the second vision, fills in 00:17:19.83\00:17:26.91 some of the details. And now, here in Daniel chapter 8, as we 00:17:26.91\00:17:31.85 will see momentarily, he fills in further details. So, let's continue reading the 00:17:31.85\00:17:38.49 vision of Daniel chapter 8, beginning in verse 13. 00:17:38.49\00:17:44.53 Now, this prophecy follows a very simple outline. Two beasts, 00:18:12.59\00:18:18.96 the ram and the goat, a large horn, four horns that come up out of the goat, a little horn 00:18:18.96\00:18:26.70 that comes up out of one of the four winds, that horn growing up and taking on a manlike 00:18:26.70\00:18:32.91 characteristic that seems to be religious in connotation, and then the 2,300-day prophecy. 00:18:32.91\00:18:42.25 So, what does this all mean? We don't need to guess. Daniel had 00:18:42.25\00:18:48.66 been earlier shown the same general outline in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 -- nations, judgment, 00:18:48.66\00:18:55.26 then the Second Coming. We would then expect the same here in Daniel chapter 8, but 00:18:55.26\00:19:01.00 Daniel did wonder what it meant, and the angel Gabriel was sent to him to help him understand 00:19:01.00\00:19:07.34 the vision. In verse 17 and onward, we read the explanation 00:19:07.34\00:19:12.08 that Gabriel gave to Daniel. 00:19:12.08\00:19:15.65 Now, friends, we've studied this prophecy before in a previous 00:20:13.74\00:20:19.05 episode. You can go to our YouTube channel... 00:20:19.05\00:20:21.88 And there, you can look at the series 00:20:26.69\00:20:29.16 "Philosophy's Achilles Heel." That will help you walk through 00:20:29.16\00:20:32.86 the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in greater detail. 00:20:32.86\00:20:36.93 If you don't have access to the Internet, just call one of our 00:20:36.93\00:20:40.34 operators and order that DVD set. Daniel chapter 8 follows 00:20:40.34\00:20:47.11 the same pattern of the earlier prophecies of Daniel. However, 00:20:47.11\00:20:52.98 Babylon is not mentioned in this prophecy. That is because Babylon was fading off the 00:20:52.98\00:20:58.19 scene. It was being weakened and being attacked by Medo-Persia and really was no longer 00:20:58.19\00:21:03.29 pertinent to the history of the world. So, this prophecy starts 00:21:03.29\00:21:08.66 with Medo-Persia. The ram, as the prophecy indicates, is Medo-Persia, while the goat is 00:21:08.66\00:21:14.67 Greece. The notable horn was the first king of Greece, and who 00:21:14.67\00:21:18.67 was that? Of course, that was Alexander the Great. Then, that 00:21:18.67\00:21:23.91 horn broke, predicting the death of Alexander. The four horns 00:21:23.91\00:21:29.38 that came up represented the four divisions of Greece. This division occurred because 00:21:29.38\00:21:34.12 as Alexander laid on his deathbed and he was asked, "Who will be the next king? 00:21:34.12\00:21:39.93 Who shall inherit the kingdom?" Alexander answered, "He who is 00:21:39.93\00:21:47.27 strongest." The history of Greece is defined by those four divisions of Greece, led by 00:21:47.27\00:21:53.11 Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus, and Seleucus fighting one another, trying to figure out 00:21:53.11\00:22:00.68 who in fact was strongest. However, out of one of the four winds of Heaven, in the West, in 00:22:00.68\00:22:09.49 the western Greek empire, a new republic began to form. And in one of the most unlikely 00:22:09.49\00:22:16.26 moments of history, this little republic, which had been greatly influenced by Hellenistic 00:22:16.26\00:22:22.70 thinking, destroyed the Greek empire and developed into the strongest empire ever in the 00:22:22.70\00:22:29.58 history of the Earth. The pagan Roman empire further developed the known world and 00:22:29.58\00:22:35.75 transformed society. But, over time, pagan Rome took on a decidedly religious element 00:22:35.75\00:22:43.89 when the Roman emperors gave way to papal Roman rule. However, tucked away in verse 19 00:22:43.89\00:22:51.00 is something that I had not noticed until I recently restudied this passage. 00:22:51.00\00:22:57.04 The angel visitor says something that is absolutely critical to our understanding of the 00:22:57.04\00:23:03.75 appointed time of Jesus' return. In verse 19, this is what it 00:23:03.75\00:23:10.52 says... This is critical. My dear friends, we are going to look at something that is 00:23:24.30\00:23:29.74 absolutely essential in understanding Daniel chapter 8. There are some teachers of Bible 00:23:29.74\00:23:37.01 prophecy and preachers who try to place Daniel 8:19 squarely in 00:23:37.01\00:23:43.08 the past. But when God gave this to Daniel, he placed it squarely 00:23:43.08\00:23:48.72 in our future. The Scripture clearly says, "I'm making known to you what shall happen in the 00:23:48.72\00:23:56.00 latter time." But not just any latter time -- the latter time of indignation, for at the 00:23:56.00\00:24:02.70 appointed time, the end shall be. Now, some of the key questions that we need to 00:24:02.70\00:24:07.98 understand -- what is this latter time of indignation? And 00:24:07.98\00:24:17.15 when is the end? As the German troops were occupying their city, the citizens of Zwolle may 00:24:17.15\00:24:22.02 have wondered if they were going to get caught in the crosshairs and be destroyed in the Allied 00:24:22.02\00:24:28.13 attempt to save them from the Germans. Does life sometimes 00:24:28.13\00:24:34.24 feel like that to you? Is there turmoil or a never-ending rat 00:24:34.24\00:24:38.77 race taking over your life? Have you ever asked God to step in and do something, only to 00:24:38.77\00:24:44.41 find that things actually went from bad to worse? Does God see 00:24:44.41\00:24:49.92 the injustice of your world? Is he indifferent to your cares and 00:24:49.92\00:24:54.76 your burdens? While you may not see how liberation is possible, next week, we will learn why the 00:24:54.76\00:25:02.73 latter time of indignation and the appointed time of the end is your ticket to freedom and 00:25:02.73\00:25:10.44 joy. In God's own perfect timing, He risked everything to 00:25:10.44\00:25:18.01 save you. He is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness, but He is 00:25:18.01\00:25:25.39 long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to 00:25:25.39\00:25:32.49 repentance. God wants you to be ready for the appointed time. Why don't you today accept the 00:25:32.49\00:25:39.70 gift of salvation that He offers? Heavenly Father, we are 00:25:39.70\00:25:48.74 so thankful that as we consider, sometimes even wonder, whether You are intervening in our 00:25:48.74\00:25:57.32 lives, that we have the promise of Your word, which tells us clearly that You are for us. 00:25:57.32\00:26:03.49 And because You are for us, no one can be against us. Today, we entrust our lives to 00:26:03.49\00:26:09.16 You. We thank You, that the appointed time of Jesus' soon 00:26:09.16\00:26:14.84 return is coming. And we ask that You help us to prepare, that we would be ready 00:26:14.84\00:26:20.01 for that day. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:26:20.01\00:26:25.48 Friends, Léo Major conquered an entire German battalion on his 00:26:26.75\00:26:34.42 own. God is doing something far more. He is conquering the principalities and powers of the 00:26:34.42\00:26:42.86 air, the demonic forces. They were conquered at the cross. 00:26:42.86\00:26:48.37 And now God is conquering their attack on your life. The story 00:26:48.37\00:26:55.08 of the Bible, the story of the Book of Revelation, the story of Daniel is that God wins, Christ 00:26:55.08\00:27:03.15 wins, and Satan loses. In that great cosmic conflict, the great battle between good 00:27:03.15\00:27:08.42 and evil, God is calling upon you to place your trust and your 00:27:08.42\00:27:15.93 faith in Him. As we place our faith, as we place our trust in the Father, He will care for us. 00:27:15.93\00:27:23.04 He will watch over us. He will lead us. And he will guide us. 00:27:23.04\00:27:30.05 Now, in Daniel chapter 8 that we studied today, we see that there is a time of the end coming. 00:27:30.05\00:27:38.19 And at the appointed time, Jesus will come. The question is, how 00:27:38.19\00:27:44.56 can we prepare for that day? What can we look forward to? Today for the offer, I want to 00:27:44.56\00:27:50.60 offer you a book I wrote with all of that in mind. That book 00:27:50.60\00:27:54.90 is called "Hope for a Helpless Planet." In the pages, you will find signs of the return of 00:27:54.90\00:28:02.51 Jesus, how Jesus will return, and then, most importantly, chapters on how to prepare for 00:28:02.51\00:28:10.35 that day. You won't want to miss out on this book. Here's the information you need 00:28:10.35\00:28:14.79 to receive today's offer. >> To request today's offer, 00:28:14.79\00:28:19.86 just log on to www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:28:19.86\00:28:23.53 If you prefer, you may call toll-free at 1-888-CALL-IIW. >> Dear friend, the appointed 00:28:23.53\00:28:32.51 time is the topic for the ages. It is the hope we have of the soon return of Jesus, the only 00:28:32.51\00:28:40.58 event and the only person in history that will bring an end to all of the turmoil that's 00:28:40.58\00:28:48.36 happening on this Earth -- terrorism, school shootings, shootings at malls, bombings, 00:28:48.36\00:28:56.83 all of it frightening. But we have hope, and that hope is that Jesus is coming soon, 00:28:56.83\00:29:03.84 and He'll bring all of that to an end. 00:29:03.84\00:29:06.74 Friend, I want to encourage you to go to our website, 00:29:06.74\00:29:09.01 www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. There you'll find resources to 00:29:09.01\00:29:14.62 help you grow in your spiritual life. 00:29:14.62\00:29:18.79 I also want to encourage you to go to our Facebook. 00:29:18.79\00:29:21.72 You can follow us there at ItIsWrittenCanada. 00:29:21.72\00:29:25.06 You can follow me, Pastor Holland, and keep up with 00:29:25.06\00:29:28.00 me in my travels and my preaching schedule. Dear friend, I thank you so much 00:29:28.00\00:29:34.44 for watching. I want to ask you to join us again next week. 00:29:34.44\00:29:38.47 Until then, remember, it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word 00:29:38.47\00:29:45.91 that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:29:45.91\00:29:51.35 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:29:51.35\00:30:11.34 ¤¤ 00:30:11.34\00:30:18.91