It Is Written Canada

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201637A

01:33 The
02:02 ship was just over 300 metres long and about 50 metres wide.
02:07 The ship could carry almost one-and-a-half million barrels of oil.
02:13 This monstrosity of a ship was designed to carry maximum payloads across the seas of
02:19 the world.
02:21 On March the 23rd, 1989, this marvel of mankind departed the port of Valdez in Alaska, just
02:31 after 9PM, carrying over 50 million gallons of oil.
02:36 Joseph Hazelwood was in command of the ship and sailed with after 9PM, carrying over the final destination of Long 50 million gallons of oil.
02:38 Joseph Hazelwood was in command of the ship and sailed with the final destination of Long
02:43 Beach, California, most certainly on his mind.
02:47 They operated the ship under the caution of icebergs floating about and performed several
02:52 manoeuvers to stay clear of that ice.
02:56 Sometime around 11PM, Captain Hazelwood left the command and retired to his stateroom.
03:03 He left the ship in the hands of Gregory Cousins and Robert Kagan.
03:08 Now, there are a number of things that happened next in what would be described by many as
03:14 possibly one of the greatest environmental disasters in history.
03:19 It seems that a combination of an overworked crew, a captain possibly impaired by alcohol,
03:26 and insufficient warning systems all played a role in this disaster.
03:33 Yet one of the biggest and most major issues was a radar that was not turned on and non-functional.
03:43 The absence of this key navigational tool allowed for a mistake in routing, and that
03:50 early morning of March the 24th, 1989, at 12:04AM, the Exxon Valdez ran aground on the
03:59 Bligh Reef and spilled somewhere between 11 and 20 million gallons - over quarter million
04:08 barrels - of oil into Prince William Sound.
04:17 In light of this huge environmental disaster, a great deal has been written, and there have
04:21 been a great many lawsuits.
04:24 However, the Exxon Shipping Company was held liable for this tragic occurrence.
04:31 To date, it is estimated that Exxon has spent at least 2 billion dollars in cleanup efforts,
04:39 and over 1 billion dollars in restitution.
04:43 They'd committed a wrong act.
04:45 There was no doubt of their guilt and their responsibility.
04:49 They had to pay the penalty and make the situation right.
04:58 As I ponder this environmental disaster caused by the crash of the Exxon Valdez, it makes
05:03 me wonder, what about each of us?
05:06 Is it possible that this tragic story has in it a lesson?
05:12 Possibly even hope for our spiritual lives, our walk with God?Now, in our previous program,
05:22 Israel asked for a king, and Israel received her king.
05:28 After Saul lost the kingdom, the kingdom was given to David.
05:32 The story of David is summed up beautifully in the words, "And David was a man after
05:38 God's own heart."
05:41 David submitted himself to God, was open to the will of God, and followed Him.
05:46 Now, while his life had turmoil David submitted himself to and times of disobedience and God, was open to the will where he made wrong choices, of God, and followed Him.
05:47 Now, while his life had turmoil and times of disobedience and where he made wrong choices,
05:54 he continually desired to do that which is right.
05:58 He was a man after God's own heart.
06:01 The kingdom thrived under his leadership.
06:04 The nation grew in strength and prosperity.
06:08 When David died, he passed the kingdom to his son Solomon.
06:12 Now, certainly, Solomon was a man that had some significant issues himself, with many
06:18 wives and concubines and false worship.
06:21 Yet, under his leadership, the temple was built in Jerusalem, the home, the permanent
06:28 home, where the presence of God would reside, rather than in a wilderness sanctuary.
06:34 Israel was becoming what God intended her to become, that she, as His chosen nation
06:39 Israel was becoming what God intended her to become, that and chosen people, would she, as His chosen nation be a light to the nations.
06:40 and chosen people, would be a light to the nations.
06:44 However, after Solomon's death, and his son Rehoboam's ascension to the throne,
06:50 the kingdom lost its focus.
06:53 Because of Rehoboam's pride, the kingdom was divided.
06:56 The northern kingdom separated itself from the south.
07:01 That nation, the northern kingdom, was called Israel, and they made their capital city Samaria.
07:07 They were led by their first king Jeroboam, and the sad testimony of the northern kingdom,
07:14 as recorded in the Bible, and as recorded about Jeroboam:
07:19 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord and walked in the as recorded in the Bible, and way of his father, and his sin, as recorded about Jeroboam:
07:20 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord and walked in the way of his father, and his sin,
07:26 by which he had made Israel sin.
07:31 Over and over again, the testimony of the leadership, by which he had made Israel sin. the testimony of the kings of
07:33 Over and over again, the testimony of the leadership, the testimony of the kings of
07:37 the northern tribes, was that they did evil in the sight of the Lord.
07:41 And as they grew further and further away from God, God allowed the nation of Assyria
07:46 to come and defeat the northern kingdom.
07:49 Israel and its ten tribes were dispersed in 722 B.C. when Assyria conquered Israel.
07:56 However, in the south, there was a different testimony.
08:01 The kingdom of Judah, although founded on the prideful principles of Rehoboam, the nation
08:07 changed.
08:09 Judah was established with the capital in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem served not only as
08:14 the nation's capital, but as the centre of worship for the true followers of God.
08:19 For many of the kings of Judah, the Bible's testimony is that they did what was right
08:24 in the eyes of God.
08:27 However, there were several kings that followed in the ways of the kings of Israel, yet through
08:32 God's grace and His mercy and the sending of prophets, He tried to revive His people
08:38 in Judah.
08:40 However, when Manasseh became king over Judah, known in Jewish history as the most evil king
08:46 ever to reign in Judah, the kingdom spiralled into uncontrolled apostasy.
08:53 And although the Bible testifies that Manasseh did in fact repent, it was seemingly was too
08:58 late for his son Amon, who the Bible says, did evil in the sight of the Lord.
09:05 There was a brief revival in Judah under Josiah's reign, but it seems that it was likely too
09:11 little too late.
09:13 Jehoahaz, Jehoikim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah, the final rulers of Judah, are described with
09:23 those fateful words, "He also did evil in the sight of the Lord."
09:31 God wanted to revive and renew His people, to bring His people back.
09:37 And so, in an act of mercy, God allowed invaders from the north to come.
09:43 Those invaders from the north were the kingdom of Babylon.
09:46 Babylon, under the leadership of Nebuchadnezzar, invaded Jerusalem in 605 B.C.
09:53 They fell into the hands of Babylon, and you know the story of Daniel well, may of the
10:04 princely types, the upper echelon, were taken away to serve in the courts of Babylon.
10:11 Jeremiah the prophet predicted this trouble coming from the north.
10:15 Other prophets predicted this trouble coming from the north.
10:18 Yet, the invasion of 605 B.C. seemingly was not enough of a lesson, because the people
10:24 continued to rebel.
10:26 And so in 586 B.C., the Babylonian armies came to Jerusalem and destroyed Jerusalem,
10:32 including the temple.
10:35 And God's people went into captivity.
10:37 But God, in fact, had a plan.
10:41 Judah was not to stay in captivity forever.
10:44 The prophet Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 25:12, promised with these words:
10:53 "Then it will come to pass, when 70 years are completed, that I will punish the king
10:59 of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity," says the
11:05 Lord, "and I will make it a perpetual desolation."God tried to convert Babylon, and through the
11:15 prophet Daniel was able to reach Nebuchadnezzar.
11:18 But we know that his son and grandson did not follow in the ways of their father and
11:23 grandfather Nebuchadnezzar.
11:26 They did not yield themselves to the Almighty God.
11:28 And so God would punish Babylon because they were not, as the chosen vessel to draw Judah
11:34 nearer to God, acting in accordance with His will.
11:39 Jeremiah further prophesied in Jeremiah 29:10-14 these words:
11:43 For thus says the Lord: "After 70 years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you
11:51 and perform My good Word toward you and cause you to return to this place, for I know the
11:57 thoughts that I think toward you," says the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not evil,
12:02 to give you a future and a hope.
12:05 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me and I will listen to you.
12:09 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me And you will seek and I will listen to you. Me and find Me.
12:10 And you will seek Me and find Me.
12:13 When you search for Me with all your heart, I will be found by you," says the Lord,
12:17 "and I will bring you back from your captivity.
12:20 I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,"
12:25 says the Lord, "and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried
12:31 away captive."
12:34 God promised His people that they would return.
12:37 They would not remain in captivity forever.
12:40 However, I want you to notice that there is more than just a physical returning to Jerusalem.
12:46 There would also be a spiritual return to God.
12:50 God said, "You will call upon Me and go and pray to Me.
12:54 I will listen to you.
12:56 You will seek Me and find Me.
12:58 I will be found by you.
13:00 I will bring you back from your captivity.
13:03 I will gather you from all nations.
13:05 I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive."
13:09 You see, God did not just only want to restore His people to the land which He had led them
13:16 to so many years ago, but He wanted to restore His people spiritually, that they would call
13:23 upon Him, that He would listen to them, that He would answer their prayers.
13:29 God desired to restore His people fully.
13:36 In 539 B.C., Babylon was conquered by the Medo-Persian empire.
13:42 This conquering happened against all odds.
13:45 But just as God predicted in Isaiah chapter 45, Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia under
13:51 the leadership of the general Cyrus.
13:54 It was then under that Persian rule that the Jews were in fact allowed to return to Judah.
14:01 History records that there were actually three decrees where the Jews were allowed to return
14:06 home.
14:07 In 537, under Cyrus, Jews were allowed to return.
14:11 In 520, under Darius' rule, Jews were allowed to return.
14:16 But then in 457, under Artaxerxes, a decree was given that gave permission for the restoration
14:23 of a civil state and the fulfilling of the decree of Daniel 9:25.
14:29 The first two decrees did not allow for that restoration of a civil state; it only allowed
14:35 for a physical return.
14:37 But in 457, the fulfilment of the promise of Daniel 9:25 was answered with Artaxerxes'
14:45 decree to restore the civil and religious state.
14:48 God's people needed spiritual restoration in addition to civil restoration.
14:56 Nehemiah chapter 10 verses 32-34 of Nehemiah chapter 10, the Bible says this:
15:05 Also, we made ordinances for ourselves to exact from ourselves yearly one-third of a
15:12 shekel for the service of the house of our God:, for the showbread, for the regular grain
15:16 offering, for the regular burnt offering of the Sabbaths, the new moons, and the set feasts,
15:21 offering, for the regular burnt for the holy things, for the offering of the Sabbaths, the sin offerings to make atonement new moons, and the set feasts, for Israel, and all the
15:23 for the holy things, for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and all the
15:26 work of the house of God.
15:28 We cast lots among the priests, the Levites and the people, for bringing the wood offering
15:34 into the house of our God according to our fathers' houses at the appointed times year
15:40 by year to burn on the altar of the Lord our God, as it is written in the law.
15:48 Verse 34 makes mention of something that is rather interesting.
15:53 It makes mention of the wood offering and the bringing of wood for the offering at appointed
16:01 times.
16:02 It leads us to ask the question, "What is the wood offering?"
16:08 Now, according to Leviticus 6:12-13, God outlined very specific laws for the fire upon the altar
16:19 of burnt offering: And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning
16:24 on it.
16:25 It shall not be put out.
16:27 And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in order
16:31 on it, and he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings.
16:35 A fire shall always be burning on the altar.
16:40 It shall never go out.
16:43 And so for there to be a continual fire, there must be a continual supply of wood.
16:50 The wood provided fuel for the fire.
16:55 The wood provided Now, why is this important? fuel for the fire.
16:56 Now, why is this important?
16:58 Well, when we think about the fire for the altar of burnt offering, we must understand
17:04 that even the wood used in the sanctuary service was carefully examined.
17:09 Wood that had been infested with bugs wouldn't be allowed.
17:12 The wood was to be on the altar of burnt offering, and it was a representation of the sacrifice
17:18 of Christ.
17:20 And it was required to have perfection, even in this wood.
17:25 What was seemingly the And it was required to have smallest of matters was perfection, even in this wood. actually important to God.
17:26 What was seemingly the smallest of matters was actually important to God.
17:31 The wood would have been carefully placed upon the altar, and in order, and with absolute
17:36 The wood would have been carefully placed upon the altar, and in order, and with absolute care and reverence.
17:36 care and reverence.
17:39 All of the offerings of the sanctuary system represented Christ and have symbolic meaning
17:44 for us today.
17:45 The sanctuary system pointed forward to Christ.
17:50 And these offerings placed upon the altar of burnt offering were consumed fully and
17:56 demonstrate the reality that Jesus gave of Himself completely and fully.
18:03 And just as the burnt offering was a sweet savour to God, so the complete sacrifice of
18:09 Christ was a sweet savour to God, because it was reconciling man to God.
18:19 The wood offering represented the bringing of wood to the altar of burnt offering.
18:25 The wood itself was not an offering, but the wood itself was the supply and the fuel for
18:31 the burnt offerings.
18:34 You see, the Israelites were appointed times to keep the fire going and appointed times
18:40 to offer the offerings.
18:43 This is why Paul, in Romans 12:1 says this: I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the
18:48 mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
18:55 which is your reasonable service.
18:58 And just as the burnt offering was consumed completely, we too must give ourselves to
19:04 God fully.
19:07 Just as the sacrifice was to be perfect, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, slain before the
19:12 foundation of the world, and He was without spot and blemish.
19:17 The burnt offering pleased God foundation of the world, and He because it revealed the true was without spot and blemish. desire of the heart of the
19:19 The burnt offering pleased God because it revealed the true desire of the heart of the
19:24 individual.
19:26 At appointed times, these offerings affirmed the trust and faith of the believer.
19:32 And my dear friends, it is in the same way that we too must have appointed times to come
19:38 before God and confess our sins and by faith be restored and renewed in Him.
19:47 Now, in the original sanctuary, God Himself kindled the fire on the altar of burnt offering.
19:54 And that fire, according to Jewish history, burned continually until the Babylonian captivity.
20:02 Verse 39 of Nehemiah 10 summarizes the importance that these steps represented to the children
20:08 of Israel, when it says these words: We will not neglect the house of our God.
20:16 In the same way, as we look forward to the appointed time of Christ's return, we must
20:22 not neglect our relationship and time with God.
20:25 We must have appointed times to be renewed and revived by Him.
20:33 Nehemiah 13 gives further insight to the importance of this renewal when it says this, beginning
20:42 in verse 30: Thus I cleanse them of everything pagan.
20:47 I also assign duties to the priests and the Levites, each in verse 30: Thus I cleanse to his service, and to bringing them of everything pagan.
20:49 I also assign duties to the priests and the Levites, each to his service, and to bringing
20:54 the wood offering and the first-fruits at appointed times.
20:58 Remember me, O my God, for good.
21:02 The essence of the restoration of the spiritual life of the ancient Hebrew people was to be
21:09 cleansed and then renewed at those appointed times.
21:14 And that is the longing of God's heart.
21:18 That longing is emphasized in Jeremiah 33:8-9 when the Bible says this:
21:25 I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against me and I
21:31 will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed
21:36 against me.
21:38 Then it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise, and an honour before all nations of the earth
21:43 who shall hear all the good that I do to them.
21:48 They shall fear and tremble, for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for
21:54 it.
21:56 And here's the amazing thing.
21:58 That is not just God's desire for His ancient people, but that is the desire of God's heart
22:05 today.
22:07 First Corinthians 7:1 says: Therefore, having these promises.
22:17 Now, what promises, before we finish that verse; what promises?
22:25 Those promises that came just before in chapter 6 verses 16 and 17.
22:30 Those promises that came just before in chapter 6 verses 16 and 17. What are those promises?
22:30 What are those promises?
22:33 For you are the temple of the living God.
22:36 As God has said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them.
22:39 I will be their God and they shall be my people.
22:42 Therefore, come out from among them and be separate," says the Lord.
22:45 "Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.
22:48 I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters," says the Lord almighty.
22:58 The promise of God is that you are His temple, that He will dwell with you.
23:04 He will be your God.
23:06 You will be His people, that He will receive you, that He will be a father to you, and
23:12 you shall be His son or His daughter.
23:15 And so, in light of those promises, Paul writes in First Corinthians 7:1:
23:22 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness
23:29 of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
23:36 How can we be cleansed?
23:38 How is it that we can be cleansed?
23:41 Well, the Bible is clear that this cleansing comes in two related ways.
23:49 Ephesians 5:25-27 says this: Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also
23:56 loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her.
24:04 How is that we're cleansed?
24:06 And cleanse her with the washing of water by the Word, that He might present her to
24:11 And cleanse her with the Himself a glorious church, washing of water by the Word, not having spot or wrinkle or that He might present her to any such thing, but that she
24:12 Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she
24:17 should be holy and without blemish.
24:21 How is it?
24:22 How is it that the Bible says we are cleansed?
24:25 By being washed in the Word.
24:28 Whose Word?
24:30 But of course, my dear friends, being washed in God's Word.
24:35 But there is a second related way that the Bible says that we are cleansed.
24:40 First John 1:7-10 states: But if we walk in the light as He is in the
24:49 light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses
24:55 us from all sin.
24:57 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
25:01 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
25:06 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
25:07 us from all unrighteousness.
25:09 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us.
25:16 So how does this verse say we are cleansed?
25:18 We are cleansed by the blood of Christ: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made
25:24 white as snow."
25:25 How does that cleansing come?
25:27 Through confessing our sin.
25:30 And through that confession, the guaranteed and the promise of God is that we are forgiven
25:38 and cleansed.
25:42 And just to make sure that we don't miss it, let us be clear about this promise of
25:46 God.
25:48 Just as in the Old Testament, there were appointed times of cleansing and renewal, so God's people
25:52 today are to have appointed times also to be cleansed and renewed.
25:58 And once again, don't miss it.
26:01 How is it that we are cleansed?
26:03 First, we are cleansed through washing of God's Word, through the washing of God's Word.
26:10 Friend, do you have an appointed time to be awash in God's Word?
26:15 That word "wash" literally means "to be bathed."
26:19 It's related to the word "baptism," literally meaning to be immersed.
26:24 You know, near eastern religions, which are on the rise today, teach that you must empty
26:30 yourself to be renewed.
26:31 But the Bible doesn't teach that.
26:33 The Bible teaches that we must be filled.
26:36 We must be filled with the Word.
26:38 Do you have an appointed time with God to be in His Word?
26:41 Daily, are you being immersed in His Word?
26:46 And just as there was great care taken in the collection of wood and placing it upon
26:51 And just as there was great the altar, are you taking care taken in the collection great care to be in God's Word? of wood and placing it upon
26:52 the altar, are you taking great care to be in God's Word?
26:55 Every day, bathing yourself in it?
27:00 But number two.
27:01 Do you have appointed times to confess your sins?
27:04 Are we taking time, appointed times, to daily be with the Lord and confess before Him the
27:10 reality of who we are and by faith asking Him to cleanse us and renew us?
27:17 Do we have appointed times for personal reflection and accountability before the most Holy God?
27:23 My dear friends, Jesus is coming soon.
27:26 He is coming at His appointed time.
27:29 Will you be ready?
27:31 Do you have a daily appointed time with Him to experience cleansing and renewal?
27:38 Do you have daily appointed times to be bathed and immersed in His Word?
27:42 Do you have daily appointed times to confess your sins that you might experience true renewal
27:49 in being forgiven and cleansed by Him?
27:53 Jesus has an appointed time that He is coming again.
27:56 He desires to have daily appointed times with you to prepare you for that coming.
28:02 My dear friends, will you today carefully consider and commit yourself to daily having
28:09 appointed times with Him, that you would be ready for Him at the appointed time?


Revised 2017-12-18