¤¤ 00:01:20.01\00:01:21.94 >> It has stood the test of time. 00:01:30.72\00:01:34.06 God's book, the Bible, still relevant in today's complex 00:01:34.06\00:01:40.90 world. "It Is Written" -- sharing 00:01:40.90\00:01:45.93 messages of hope around the world. 00:01:45.93\00:01:49.44 ¤¤ 00:01:49.44\00:01:51.31 >> You know, this world has seen many powerful leaders in its history -- Confucius, Socrates, 00:02:01.32\00:02:08.39 Plato. You go through history and then you find others, like 00:02:08.39\00:02:12.23 Mao Tse-tung and Joseph Stalin, leaders who may not have been righteous individuals, but 00:02:12.23\00:02:18.63 leaders who changed the landscape of the world. And then you have people like 00:02:18.63\00:02:24.04 Winston Churchill, whose leadership during World War II was fundamental in saving 00:02:24.04\00:02:29.08 Europe. Leaders like Abraham Lincoln, who, in the United 00:02:29.08\00:02:33.95 States, helped during its great Civil War. And then, of course, 00:02:33.95\00:02:37.82 John Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada, who helped shape the great nation of 00:02:37.82\00:02:44.06 Canada. But, today, I want to take you to the land of Israel 00:02:44.06\00:02:49.26 to look at a different leader, a leader who has transcended time. 00:02:49.26\00:02:55.30 Essayist James Allan Francis wrote about this leader in these 00:02:55.30\00:03:01.14 words. 00:03:01.14\00:03:02.81 Jesus has made an impact on the world since he came on the scene 00:04:33.10\00:04:37.74 that no one has ever matched that mark. As we celebrate the 00:04:37.74\00:04:46.41 Christmas holiday, we must understand Jesus is different. Jesus is different than any 00:04:46.41\00:04:51.42 other leader that has ever lived in history, because the Bible claims that not only was Jesus 00:04:51.42\00:04:57.39 born, but Jesus rose from the dead. And if Jesus rose from the 00:04:57.39\00:05:02.70 dead, he's more than just a mere human being in human history. He 00:05:02.70\00:05:09.57 is divine. That means that Jesus has the power over the grave. If Jesus rose from the dead and 00:05:09.57\00:05:14.88 if Jesus is divine, then his offer of eternal life is real. Throughout history, people have 00:05:14.88\00:05:22.78 died for the case of Christ. Even in modern times, people face persecution for the cause 00:05:22.78\00:05:28.12 of Christ. Jesus made a bold claim, which is ultimately the 00:05:28.12\00:05:33.80 claim that led to his crucifixion. In John 8:58, Jesus, in response to a 00:05:33.80\00:05:40.27 question, said this. Now, the first thing we must notice in this Christmas season is that 00:05:48.58\00:05:55.55 Jesus used the name that God used in the Old Testament. When Moses met God at the burning 00:05:55.55\00:06:01.29 bush, Moses asked, "Whom should I tell sent me?" And from that burning bush, a voice said, "I 00:06:01.29\00:06:09.50 am who I am." Literally, in the Hebrew, it says, "I am who I am and I will be who I will be." 00:06:09.50\00:06:16.14 And now Jesus used the very same language, which means he made a claim to being the very 00:06:16.14\00:06:24.28 divinity, the very divine son of God. But, beyond that, in the 00:06:24.28\00:06:29.98 Greek language, Jesus used what is called the emphatic "I." In Greek, the word for "I" is 00:06:29.98\00:06:36.76 the word "egó." And then the "to be" verb in Greek is "eimai." 00:06:36.76\00:06:42.80 So, if you read this in the Greek, what it would literally say, in that original Greek 00:06:42.80\00:06:47.47 New Testament -- it would say, "Before Abraham was." And then, in the Greek, it would 00:06:47.47\00:06:51.94 say, "Egó eimai." Literally translated, it would say, "I -- 00:06:51.94\00:07:00.25 I am." What Jesus was doing there was -- he was using the grammar. He was using that 00:07:00.25\00:07:07.49 grammar to define exactly who he was. When they asked him, "Who are you?", he was responding, "I 00:07:07.49\00:07:15.23 exist. I am the self-existent one. I had no beginning. 00:07:15.23\00:07:19.80 I had no ending, because I am that self-existent one." Jesus made a claim to be divine. 00:07:19.80\00:07:30.05 And, so, Jesus invites us to investigate, to test, to see -- is he really the promised 00:07:31.71\00:07:39.45 self-existent, divine son of God? Now, today, we are going to 00:07:39.45\00:07:44.39 look at prophecies. And, remember, prophecy is all-existing to help us see that 00:07:44.39\00:07:50.17 God is who he says he was and is. And, in the same way, 00:07:50.17\00:07:55.00 prophecies about Jesus help us to understand that he is who he 00:07:55.00\00:07:59.21 says he was. Jesus' life was a life written beforehand. The Bible predicts where he was 00:07:59.21\00:08:06.01 born, how he would be born, the manner of his death, and also how he would be betrayed. 00:08:06.01\00:08:14.92 So, let's investigate some of these claims. In the Old 00:08:14.92\00:08:20.06 Testament, in Micah 5:2, the Bible says this about the birth 00:08:20.06\00:08:30.74 of the Messiah. Jesus' parents were not living in Bethlehem. They were living in the town of 00:08:37.01\00:08:42.05 Nazareth. But, you see, the Bible predicted that the Messiah 00:08:42.05\00:08:45.55 would come out of or be born in Bethlehem. Now, Nazareth was 90 00:08:45.55\00:08:50.19 miles, or about 150 kilometers, from Bethlehem. It was a hilly 00:08:50.19\00:08:55.13 and mountainous terrain to go from Nazareth to Bethlehem. So, when Jesus was about to be 00:08:55.13\00:09:00.30 born, in a miracle of miracles, Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, because 00:09:00.30\00:09:07.68 the Roman Empire called for a census to be done. When they went to Bethlehem for 00:09:07.68\00:09:13.25 the census, Mary was likely somewhere around 8 to 8 1/2 00:09:13.25\00:09:18.42 months pregnant. Now, for any of our women listeners or viewers, how many of you, at 8 to 8 1/2 00:09:18.42\00:09:23.79 months pregnant, would like to travel on the back of a horse or a donkey for that 90-mile 00:09:23.79\00:09:31.63 journey? But God knew beforehand. The Roman emperor called for a census at the right 00:09:31.63\00:09:38.01 time, the appointed time for Joseph and Mary to go to the appointed place so she could 00:09:38.01\00:09:43.85 give birth to the Messiah, the divine son of God. In addition 00:09:43.85\00:09:47.88 to that, when they went to Bethlehem, there was no room in the inn for them to stay. 00:09:47.88\00:09:51.52 Yet, they still stayed in Bethlehem, in fulfillment of prophecy, and they stayed there 00:09:51.52\00:09:56.59 at that stable. The Bible also predicted, though, that Jesus, 00:09:56.59\00:10:01.86 the Messiah, would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14 says... 00:10:01.86\00:10:06.17 See, not only would Jesus be born in Bethlehem, but the Bible says he would be born of a 00:10:17.48\00:10:22.08 virgin. The testimony of the scripture is that Joseph and 00:10:22.08\00:10:26.49 Mary had not come to know one another. They had not had any relations with one another. 00:10:26.49\00:10:33.13 Yet, Mary was found to be with a child. Luke 1:30-31 tell us the 00:10:33.13\00:10:40.77 story of how this came about. 00:10:40.77\00:10:44.17 The Bible predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, and, against all odds, Joseph and 00:10:52.05\00:10:57.92 Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, over 90 miles, that 00:10:57.92\00:11:03.22 150 kilometers. In addition to that, the Bible said that Jesus would be born -- As the divine 00:11:03.22\00:11:10.90 son of God, he would be born to a virgin. Numbers 24:7, though, 00:11:10.90\00:11:19.57 also says... There would be a star that would lead the way and be cast over where Jesus was to 00:11:19.57\00:11:26.05 be born. Now, many of us know the story well. The Wise Men 00:11:26.05\00:11:30.12 were led to Jesus by a star. And if you're reading in the King James, it says "The Magi." 00:11:30.12\00:11:36.19 You remember that old hymn, "We Three Kings of Orient are." But the Magi, the Three Kings, 00:11:36.19\00:11:43.77 the three Wise Men -- they came to Jesus. It's important to 00:11:43.77\00:11:48.20 note, in the original Greek language, this word Magi is the Greek word "magus." 00:11:48.20\00:11:55.91 Now, when we study this Greek word, we find that this Greek word is taken from an old 00:11:55.91\00:12:00.45 Arcadian word. This old Arcadian word was used to describe 00:12:00.45\00:12:06.59 Persian and Babylonian wise men. Now, how is it possible that a Babylonian or Persian wise man 00:12:06.59\00:12:13.26 or a descendant of one of them would come to know of this star to follow to find the Messiah? 00:12:13.26\00:12:20.60 Now, if you get out a map of Jerusalem and you get out a map of Israel, to the east of Israel 00:12:20.60\00:12:26.21 is Persia, and to the east of Israel is also where Babylon 00:12:26.21\00:12:32.25 existed. How would the wise men from Babylon know that a star would lead them to the way of 00:12:32.25\00:12:38.52 the Messiah? How is that possible? 00:12:38.52\00:12:43.69 Well, you remember, from our studies, there was a Babylonian wise man who we've studied 00:12:45.59\00:12:51.17 about. His name was Daniel. And Daniel would have been 00:12:51.17\00:12:54.64 well-acquainted with the scriptures and especially those scriptures concerning the 00:12:54.64\00:12:59.44 Messiah. How would Babylonian wise men -- And, by the way, 00:12:59.44\00:13:04.95 "magi" is where we get the English word "magic." How would these Babylonian wise men, these 00:13:04.95\00:13:10.29 Babylonian astrologers, these Babylonian watchers of the stars -- how would they figure out 00:13:10.29\00:13:15.32 that they should follow a star to be led to the Messiah? My dear friends, it's because 00:13:15.32\00:13:21.36 600 years before the birth of Christ, a Babylonian wise man by the name of Daniel trained up a 00:13:21.36\00:13:26.50 generation of wise men and said, "Listen, this needs to be passed on amongst the wise men. 00:13:26.50\00:13:31.94 A star will come up out of Jacob. When you see that star, 00:13:31.94\00:13:36.14 go to that star, because this is the promised Messiah." And generation to generation had 00:13:36.14\00:13:43.69 passed on, and when the world was totally unprepared for the first coming of Christ, there 00:13:43.69\00:13:51.09 was a group of people who was ready for Jesus when he came. The lowly shepherds came to 00:13:51.09\00:13:57.30 Jesus. The religious leaders were not ready. 00:13:57.30\00:14:00.50 The religious scholars were not ready. But the lowly shepherds 00:14:00.50\00:14:05.27 were ready and these wise men. These wise men came from the east, followed the star, and 00:14:05.27\00:14:13.62 they brought gifts to Joseph and Mary. They brought gifts 00:14:13.62\00:14:19.32 specifically for the Messiah, the divine son of God. But then 00:14:19.32\00:14:24.99 the Bible actually predicts about the life of the Messiah. What would happen during his 00:14:24.99\00:14:30.33 life? Isaiah 61 tells us about the mission of Jesus. 00:14:30.33\00:14:35.44 When we read about the life of Jesus recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 00:14:54.86\00:15:00.30 we find that Jesus went throughout the cities, towns, and villages, and, there, he 00:15:00.30\00:15:06.57 healed people. He touched the sick. He touched people that 00:15:06.57\00:15:12.77 society had called untouchable. Jesus forgave people, those people that society had thrown 00:15:12.77\00:15:18.01 to the side and said were unforgivable. Jesus even raised 00:15:18.01\00:15:22.25 people from the dead. He went to the tomb of his friend Lazarus 00:15:22.25\00:15:26.76 and he demonstrated what will happen for God's people at the end of time, where Jesus will 00:15:26.76\00:15:32.79 break the bonds of the grave and raise people to life everlasting. The Bible is clear 00:15:32.79\00:15:41.60 about the life of Jesus. The life of Jesus is like a puzzle 00:15:41.60\00:15:45.74 that has been put together -- perfect pieces everywhere. The Bible predicted where Jesus 00:15:45.74\00:15:51.31 would be born. The Bible predicted how Jesus would be 00:15:51.31\00:15:55.02 born. The Bible predicted how Jesus would live his life and 00:15:55.02\00:15:58.89 his ministry. But then there are those prophecies that speak about the end of the life of 00:15:58.89\00:16:05.09 Jesus. Psalm 41:9 predicted... 00:16:05.09\00:16:11.30 Jesus had a Passover supper, and there, at that Passover supper, Judas the Betrayer was there. 00:16:19.81\00:16:27.48 Judas broke bread with Jesus. He ate bread with Jesus. The Bible 00:16:27.48\00:16:34.09 records that Jesus washed the feet of Judas. But Judas had sold him out. Judas had made a 00:16:34.09\00:16:41.10 deal with the religious leaders, who were threatened by Jesus. They were threatened by Jesus 00:16:41.10\00:16:46.13 because Jesus was turning religion on its end. Jesus came 00:16:46.13\00:16:51.77 to give a true interpretation of the scriptures that had been so distorted. But he had been sold 00:16:51.77\00:16:57.18 out by Judas for 30 pieces of silver. The Book of Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would 00:16:57.18\00:17:04.95 be sold out for that very amount. 00:17:04.95\00:17:07.46 How is it that Zechariah would have known the price of a slave hundreds of years in advance? 00:17:11.93\00:17:16.80 500 years before Christ, how is it possible that Zechariah could predict the purchase cost of a 00:17:16.80\00:17:23.77 slave being 30 pieces of silver? You know, friends, most of us couldn't envision paying the 00:17:23.77\00:17:30.31 prices we pay today for goods. But God knew. God knew well in 00:17:30.31\00:17:37.35 advance what a slave would cost. My dear friends, as we look at the life of Christ, we can only 00:17:37.35\00:17:41.99 come to one conclusion -- Christ is no common man. And this book, 00:17:41.99\00:17:50.33 the Bible, is no common book. Zechariah 11:13 says... 00:17:50.33\00:17:54.20 The Bible is very clear, and this prophecy is precise. It gives the amount, the result, 00:17:58.94\00:18:07.02 and the place, and what would happen in the fulfillment of 00:18:07.02\00:18:12.25 prophecy. Judas, after Jesus was arrested, took the pieces of silver, and, according to the 00:18:12.25\00:18:19.96 Bible, he threw them down in the temple and departed. 500 years in advance, Zechariah 00:18:19.96\00:18:24.93 wrote exactly what Judas would do. And they consulted together, 00:18:24.93\00:18:30.57 the Bible says, and what is it that they did? It should be no 00:18:30.57\00:18:34.84 surprise to us. Zechariah already told us what they would do. They bought the potter's 00:18:34.84\00:18:39.51 field to bury strangers in. In this prophecy that is in the last 24 hours of the life of 00:18:39.51\00:18:49.02 Jesus, every piece of it came true. And then Isaiah 50:6 says 00:18:49.02\00:18:57.30 this. Jesus, in that final journey to the cross, suffered the cruelest of punishment, as 00:19:03.41\00:19:08.64 they laid into his back, as they whipped him, as they pulled the very beard from his cheek. 00:19:08.64\00:19:16.69 Jesus fulfilling that scripture. "I did not hide my face from shame and spitting." 00:19:16.69\00:19:24.23 Jesus, being led to the cross, was beaten by the Roman soldiers, he was spat upon by 00:19:24.23\00:19:29.46 the people, in exact fulfillment of that prophecy of Isaiah, written hundreds of years in 00:19:29.46\00:19:36.71 advance. You see, even when the Roman government -- When the 00:19:36.71\00:19:41.68 Roman governor Pilate declared that Jesus was an innocent man, he was still sent to be killed. 00:19:41.68\00:19:48.58 Jesus was crucified. David wrote of his crucifixion in 1000 B.C., 00:19:48.58\00:19:55.66 where he wrote, in Psalm 22:16... 00:19:55.66\00:19:58.39 Now, some of us might say, "Oh, well, that's no big deal to predict crucifixion." 00:20:03.26\00:20:07.14 Here's the problem with that. Crucifixion was not an instrument of execution until 00:20:07.14\00:20:12.44 about 150 B.C. That is a full 850 years after David would 00:20:12.44\00:20:19.21 write a prophecy saying that Jesus would have his hands pierced, his feet pierced, his 00:20:19.21\00:20:24.49 side pierced, and be crucified. And let us also be clear when we talk of crucifixion. 00:20:24.49\00:20:30.33 What killed Jesus in the crucifixion was not physical pain, although, undoubtedly, 00:20:30.33\00:20:34.93 there was tremendous physical pain. Crucifixion was intended 00:20:34.93\00:20:39.23 to be a long, long death. The one being executed would be hung 00:20:39.23\00:20:45.94 on the cross. As they'd be hung on the cross, days would wear on, and as those days would wear 00:20:45.94\00:20:53.62 on, their fluids would begin to build up. An individual being crucified would then lean upon 00:20:53.62\00:20:58.82 the cross and try to slide themselves up so they could take a breath and breathe. 00:20:58.82\00:21:04.66 It is very likely that there are predator birds that were pecking away at the individual who was 00:21:04.66\00:21:10.27 dying on the cross. And the reason that Roman soldiers would 00:21:10.27\00:21:14.57 break the legs of these individuals, as they did with the two thieves, was then they 00:21:14.57\00:21:19.84 could no longer press up against the cross and slide up and get that breath. And then they would 00:21:19.84\00:21:25.08 suffocate on their own fluids. The Bible records, though, that Jesus died in what would be 00:21:25.08\00:21:29.58 deemed record time for someone being crucified. It's because Jesus didn't die of 00:21:29.58\00:21:34.66 the physical pain. Jesus died of a broken heart. He hung on that 00:21:34.66\00:21:41.73 cross willing to die for our sins. Prophecy tells us that Jesus, the divine son of God, 00:21:41.73\00:21:49.10 was born and that he died on our behalf. Even outside of the Bible, historians, like 00:21:49.10\00:21:56.14 Josephus, who was a Jewish historian that advised the eventual Roman emperor 00:21:56.14\00:22:02.85 Vespasian, wrote these words. 00:22:02.85\00:22:04.29 This is truly amazing, my dear friends. A Jewish historian 00:22:15.50\00:22:21.54 calling Jesus divine. He wrote these words. He appeared to them 00:22:21.54\00:22:27.08 alive the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and 10,000 other wonderful 00:22:27.08\00:22:32.88 things concerning him. Tacitus, the Roman historian who lived 00:22:32.88\00:22:38.05 through six Roman emperors, wrote these words. 00:22:38.05\00:22:40.76 You see, friends, prophecy points out to us that Jesus was the divine son of God. 00:22:55.14\00:23:00.24 Historians tell us that Jesus was real and he really walked on 00:23:00.24\00:23:04.58 this Earth. Archaeology demonstrates that Jesus was real. And the question today is 00:23:04.58\00:23:12.72 -- what are you gonna do with that information on this day and in this time, where we celebrate 00:23:12.72\00:23:19.73 Christmas? What are we going to do? If none of that satisfies 00:23:19.73\00:23:27.74 you, Dr. James Strange of the University of Southern Florida, took up a study where he took 00:23:27.74\00:23:33.01 all of the prophecies that pointed to the Messiah and assigned each one of them a 00:23:33.01\00:23:38.01 probability that one person could fulfill that prophecy. And then he combined all of the 00:23:38.01\00:23:44.92 well over 100 prophecies of Jesus being the Messiah, one man fulfilling all 100. 00:23:44.92\00:23:51.56 The probability that one person could fulfill all of them is 1 with 123 zeroes after it. 00:23:51.56\00:24:03.77 This huge number is more than the number of atoms that exist in the universe, yet one man 00:24:03.77\00:24:11.88 fulfilled all of them. Jesus defies the probabilities, and Jesus fulfilled every last 00:24:11.88\00:24:19.65 prophecy of the Bible. And he came at the appointed time and in the appointed way. 00:24:19.65\00:24:27.03 You see, the great political, religious, and social leaders throughout history -- they all 00:24:27.03\00:24:31.87 remain in their tombs, but the tomb of Jesus is empty. Jesus is 00:24:31.87\00:24:37.54 alive, and because Jesus is alive, he can transform your life through his Holy Spirit. 00:24:37.54\00:24:42.24 Because Jesus is alive, he can solve your problems. Because Jesus is alive, he can 00:24:42.24\00:24:47.68 forgive your sins. Because Jesus is alive, he can change your 00:24:47.68\00:24:52.32 life. Because Jesus is alive, he can work miracles in your life. Because Jesus is alive, he can 00:24:52.32\00:24:58.86 break the chains of sin and death. Because Jesus is alive, 00:24:58.86\00:25:04.17 he can solve the problems of the world today. He can deliver. 00:25:04.17\00:25:09.10 He can deliver people from addictions, like alcohol and 00:25:09.10\00:25:13.84 drugs. Jesus can deliver us from the chains of immorality. Jesus can deliver us from the 00:25:13.84\00:25:19.15 bonds of materialism. Because Jesus is alive, he can deliver us from our religious 00:25:19.15\00:25:25.12 complacency. The Bible is accurate, friends. Jesus is the 00:25:25.12\00:25:32.59 Messiah. Prophecies have been fulfilled that Jesus would come at the appointed time. 00:25:32.59\00:25:37.10 The question is no longer whether this book is true. The question is -- will we take 00:25:37.10\00:25:43.81 what it says as true? Today, Jesus is reaching out, saying to you, "I stand at the 00:25:43.81\00:25:49.51 door of your heart and I knock. I'm coming soon, at the appointed time, and when I come 00:25:49.51\00:25:54.78 again, I will make all things right. When I come again, I will 00:25:54.78\00:26:00.56 call people from their graves. I'll call them in my name to come forth and live forever. 00:26:00.56\00:26:06.90 When the appointed time of Jesus' return comes, my dear friends, the question 00:26:06.90\00:26:11.90 is -- will we have answered the call that he has made? Will we have answered the door, 00:26:11.90\00:26:18.77 the knocking at our heart's door? When the appointed time 00:26:18.77\00:26:23.11 happens and Jesus comes bursting through the clouds of glory to take us home, where there's no 00:26:23.11\00:26:29.02 dying, where there is no more pain, there's no more suffering, will we be able to say, as we 00:26:29.02\00:26:35.12 look to the clouds, "Lo, our redemption has drawn near. Take 00:26:35.12\00:26:42.70 me home, Jesus." Jesus has fulfilled prophecy at the appointed times and in the 00:26:42.70\00:26:49.24 appointed ways. And now he is utilizing appointed times in your life to help you be 00:26:49.24\00:26:55.21 prepared for that day, that day when he will come again. Will 00:26:55.21\00:26:59.31 you be ready? Why not reach out your hand to him today and embraced the renewed life that 00:26:59.31\00:27:10.09 Jesus offers? Heavenly Father, in this season where we celebrate the birth of your son, 00:27:10.09\00:27:16.03 Jesus, who came to this Earth to save us, today, we want to reach out our hands, accept the gift 00:27:16.03\00:27:22.90 that Jesus has offered, and live a life for him and be ready for the appointed time of his 00:27:22.90\00:27:32.85 return. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. My dear friends, in 00:27:32.85\00:27:40.32 this Christmas season, amidst the family, the friends, the trees, the celebrations, the 00:27:40.32\00:27:48.33 decorations, the gifts, the ultimate gift is the gift of salvation that Jesus has 00:27:48.33\00:27:56.34 offered. As we have studied the Bible today, we have seen that 00:27:56.34\00:28:00.54 Jesus came at the appointed time, he came in the appointed way to deliver us as a people. 00:28:00.54\00:28:09.75 Today, I want to offer you the DVD "The Ultimate Timeline." In that DVD, you'll have the 00:28:09.75\00:28:15.62 opportunity to see fulfilled prophecy after fulfilled prophecy after fulfilled 00:28:15.62\00:28:21.40 prophecy that Jesus is the Messiah. He is the son of God. 00:28:21.40\00:28:26.87 And if he is the son of God, we can trust his offer of eternal 00:28:26.87\00:28:34.08 life. Here's the information you need to receive today's offer. 00:28:34.08\00:28:38.55 >> To request today's offer, just log on to 00:28:38.55\00:28:41.22 www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. If you prefer, you may call 00:28:41.22\00:28:46.86 toll-free, at 1-888-CALL-IIW. >> You know, it's often said, 00:28:46.86\00:28:52.33 "It's better to give than to receive." Friends, in this 00:28:52.33\00:28:56.03 Christmas season, where we celebrate the birth of Christ and the ultimate gift he has 00:28:56.03\00:29:00.30 given, I want to encourage you. I want to encourage you to share with others this gift of 00:29:00.30\00:29:04.54 salvation. And one way you can do that is tell people about the 00:29:04.54\00:29:07.91 "It Is Written Canada" website, ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. There, you'll find resources to 00:29:07.91\00:29:13.55 help grow in your spiritual life, or you can point them to the "It Is Written Canada" 00:29:13.55\00:29:17.32 YouTube channel, youtube.com/iiwcanada. I'm so glad that you've joined 00:29:17.32\00:29:24.96 us today. I hope that you've found joy in Jesus. 00:29:24.96\00:29:28.70 I invite you to join us again next week. Until then, remember, 00:29:28.70\00:29:33.23 it is written. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by 00:29:33.23\00:29:39.17 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." ¤¤ 00:29:39.17\00:29:43.75