It Is Written Canada

The Lost Coin

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201630A

00:00 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:03 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:09 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:13 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:17 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:21 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:26 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:32 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:37 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:41 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
00:44 IIW-2016-30 --- THE LOST COIN
01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:35 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:58 The year was 1503 AD. The gon-fa-lo-nie-re, or local government official, of Florence
02:04 PieroSoderini commissioned the artist Leonardo da Vinci to paint the depiction of the
02:11 Battle of Anghiari in the Hall of the 500 in the Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall of
02:20 Florence. In 1440 the Battle of Anghiari was fought between the Republic of Florence and Milan.
02:27 The Republic of Florence emerged victorious and gained their place as the most important
02:34 power of central Italy. It is interesting to note, that at the same time that da Vinci was
02:42 commissioned for this piece, Michaelangelo was also commissioned to paint in the
02:48 Hall of the 500. He was commissioned to paint the Battle of CascinaThe two world renowned
02:57 painters were side by side in a battle of artists, so to speak. However Michaelangelo never got
03:06 past the drawing stage of work and abandoned the project However, da Vinci worked with
03:14 fervor on this scene from Anghiari and it was noted for its lifelike intensity. However,
03:26 just a few short years later, the city of Florence was overthrown and it was believed
03:32 that fire consumed a portion of the hall of the 500. Giorgio Vasari wascalled upon to
03:40 redecorate and refresh the Hall of the 500. It was at that time that he painted frescos over the
03:49 works of da Vinci and Michaelangelo. However, for many years, there were people who
03:57 believed that this lost work of da Vinci somehow survived Centuries later, in 2012, there
04:09 was finally a breakthrough. Maurizio Seracini a fellow of National Geographic,and others
04:18 before him, noted, that on Vasari's fresco were the words "cercatrova," translated to
04:28 English as "seek and ye shall find." What a number of scientists began to conclude is
04:35 that Vasari had not, in fact, painted over the works of da Vinci, but had preserved them by
04:43 painting his frescos on, what was actually, a false wall. Vasari's fresco was up for some
04:52 works of restoration, so scientists took this opportunity and drilled holes in the fresco
05:00 and inserted an endoscope in the wall. They found a significant air pocket and discovered forms
05:12 and figures of what appeared to be da Vinci's original work They took samples of the paint
05:21 from the wall and found that its pigments were similar to da Vinci's work, the Mona Lisa. It
05:31 was believed that the lost work of da Vinci had been found! Now, there has been some controversy
05:40 concerning the finding, but that which was lost had been found.
05:52 Original da Vinci paintings are very valuable and this story demonstrates to what lengths we
05:59 will go to find something important.Last week, we began studying Luke chapter 15 and its
06:06 three parables about three valuable things that got lost. They each teach us that Jesus
06:14 Himself is on a quest to seek and save something lost. And His greatest joy is when He finds
06:24 what He has been looking for. Last week we studied the first parable of the Lost Sheep and we
06:31 discovered that Jesus is ever concerned with finding you and bringing you into a joyous
06:38 relationship with Him. Today, we turn again to Luke 15 and this time, we are going to read about
06:48 a lost coin. Beginning in verse 8.
07:25 In this second of three parables, as we explore the symbolism, we see that Jesus
07:32 clearly outlinesthe defining characteristic of His mission - Seek and save the lost. Have you
07:43 ever lost something? Certainly you have and you know that maddening feeling of not being
07:50 able to find it. That is how this woman in this parable was feeling as she looked for her
07:57 coin. The passage says that it was a silver coin.In the original Greek, it is the word
08:03 "drachma." The drachma was a Greek coin that was the equivalent of the Roman
08:10 denarius, equal to one day's wage. It was definitely worth something. We see in the lost
08:24 coin a symbol of those people who are lost in their way of life, lost in their sins, but
08:35 who do not have any sense of their condition. They are far from God, but are seemingly
08:43 unconcerned or don't even know what kind of shape they are really in. However, this parable
08:50 reminds us that God even cares for those who are indifferent to Him. The Bible says that she lit
08:59 a lamp; she swept the room, and carefully made her search. Remember, in the previous
09:06 parable, the sheep was to blame for it's being somehow wandered away.but in this case,
09:13 no blame could be put on the coin. No one know how it got lost, maybe it was somehow
09:23 misplaced. This story continues to emphasize the infinite value that God places upon one soul.
09:32 No matter how you feel about your own worth.God places great value on you.
09:42 Think about the woman's challenge. As was common in those days, her home most likely
09:47 had a dirt floor and not a significant amount of natural light. A coin falling would have
09:55 stirred the loose dust of the floor and been easily would have required a diligent
10:02 search. Lighting a lamp and sweeping would have been absolutely necessary for any
10:08 chance of finding the coin. And when she finally did find the coin, there was so much
10:15 excitement that she called the neighbors to celebrate with her! Can you imagine, if she was that
10:20 excited about a coin, how much more heaven celebrates when one sinner is found?! Searching
10:28 takes work and diligent effort. But, Friend this is what God has done and what He wants to do for
10:36 you. And He wants us to treat others in that same way. Jesus lived and taught among the
10:43 common people, especially those who didn't know God and who were lost and confused. He was to be
10:52 an anchor that people could cling to. The very heart of God has a unquenchable desire to
11:02 reach out to people and help them find their way. In our culture today, it is easy to
11:09 dismiss,as insignificant or bothersome to our busy lives, those people who have the
11:16 greatest needs. The poor, the needy, people suffering from disease and terminal sickness,
11:23 people that just need someone to talk to. But remember, Jesus pursued those kinds of people.
11:35 Maybe you are one of them. He searches for them, He is intensely searching for you, to
11:46 pick you up from the dusty floor of life and show you there is an escape plan. Have you already
11:54 been found by Jesus? Then share the love and hope He has given you with others. What is the
12:03 value of a human life? For Jesus it is of infinite much He was willing to die for you
12:12 and for me. The promise of scripture is that,
12:25 1 John 3:16 states,
12:33 If God places that kind of value upon you, each of us must value others in the same light.
12:46 On May 28, 1708, the San Jose, a 1,066-ton ship built in 1696, equipped with 60 cannons set
12:56 sail for Europe from the Spanish colonies in the New world. Its plan was to stop first in
13:03 Cartagena en route to Havana and then on to Europe. It was an important ship holdinga stash of
13:10 gold and silver coins and emeralds from the mines of Peru. The San Jose was carrying a
13:17 particularly large treasure. This treasure would provide needed funding for the War of
13:25 Spanish Succession, a conflict that saw the Spanish and French against the English. Each year
13:33 the Spanish fleets would escort treasures back to Europe. However, in a recent expedition
13:40 the English fleet destroyed a portion of the Spanish fleet, so in turn small French warships
13:46 took over the responsibility of escorting the treasures. The San Jose was part of the first group
13:54 to make the long voyage in 6 years. Louis XIV,desperately needed the treasure to continue
14:01 funding the war. However, the French ships were delayed so the commander of the Spanish fleet,
14:10 Admiral Jose Fernandez de Santillan, Count of Casa Alegre, made the decision to go ahead
14:18 without them. With more than 500 men aboard the San Jose, they unfortunately encountered the
14:26 English fleet and a battle ensued off the coast of Cartagena. Cannons blasted back
14:34 and forth. And finally the San Jose was set ablaze and began to take on water. With structural
14:43 damage beyond repair, the San Jose sank to the depths of the Caribbean ocean. The treasure
14:52 sank with the ship and remained there for hundreds of years. In November of 2015, the Colombian
15:02 government claimed to have found and identified the lost San Jose. A US firm then claimed
15:13 that they found the shipwreck first in 1981. Then on top of it all, the Spanish government laid
15:20 their claim on the hundreds year old treasure. Why did everyone have an interest in this lost
15:27 ship? The value of the precious treasure on that ship was thought to be valued at 4-17
15:41 billion dollars. It was a sought after prize! Treasure hunters throughout modern history sought
15:52 it out, the Columbian government through their diligent searching finally found the treasure. And
16:00 while the treasure has yet to be recovered, it has been found.
16:10 Friend, Jesus Christ wants to find you. You are His precious treasure. Jesus said these words
16:21 in John 10:11,
16:29 His seeking for you led to His death. He desires to find you so much that He was willing to give
16:36 up His life for you. 1 John 4 states,
17:08 There is no better news for you and me than that. Lost and is God's quest to bring
17:19 you back to Him fully. This is most clearly reveled in the often quoted passage of John
17:29 3:16-17,
17:54 Jesus loves you so much. Are you lonely? In His most desperate time of need, the disciples of
18:04 Jesus left Him alone. Have you felt abandoned by someone? Maybe even by God Himself? On the
18:12 cross of Calvary, Jesus agonizingly cried, My God, My God! Why have You forsaken me?
18:19 Do you want to be found today? Do you want to start over? Do you want a new life? Jesus'
18:28 resurrection from the dead paved the way for you, through baptism, to be symbolically
18:36 buried as Christ was buried and to be raised symbolically as He was raised. Then Jesus promises
18:45 that He will give you the ability to live a new life through the power of the Holy
18:51 Spirit. Jesus understands your every need. You will never be satisfied while you lay on the
19:03 dusty floor. Jesus earnestly and urgently seeks for you as a precious and valued treasure. He
19:16 knows your true worth and has paid the price for you. You are worth it to Him. What is He
19:33 worth to you? Dear friend, He's been searching for you. Why don't you respond to His call to
19:42 you today?
19:52 Dear heavenly Father, I want to pray for each and every individual that was listening
19:57 today. We want to be found by You. You died that we might live. So today, we choose to be
20:06 found and live in You. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
20:33 BEV MILLER: Hi, everyone. If you're like me, you've got great memories of growing up, you
20:38 know, as a child, having oatmeal for breakfast. My mom used to make oatmeal, and we just loved
20:44 it; so delicious. Raisins and nuts and other things, coconut inside. How do you make your
20:50 oatmeal? Today, I've got a really great recipe for you. This one is a baked oatmeal.
20:56 Now, oats are so fabulous. They're high in fibre, they're good for lowering your blood
21:02 cholesterol, and all kinds of other wonderful things that they do in your body. So how do you
21:08 do yours? Today, I'm going to be using some fruits, some nuts, some hemp seeds, and it's going
21:14 to be so delicious. So let's start. First of all, I've got one apple, and I've diced it
21:20 into nice, large chunks. I'm going to add it to this casserole dish that's already
21:25 greased. So we're just going to put it on the bottom there. And then I'm also going to use a
21:30 nice pear. I like to use Bosc pears because they're much sweeter, I find. I like the
21:36 fruit, the really sweet. So we're going to add that. We've got it on the bottom there. And
21:42 then we are going to use a banana as well. This is chock-full of fabulous fruits.
21:48 It's going to be more like dessert. Dessert for breakfast; now there's a really neat thing
21:53 that your kids will probably love. Okay, so we've got our fruit base. Then, look what I've
22:00 got here: some beautiful raisins, some dates, and some coconut. We're going to put
22:06 those in as well. Sprinkle all of that. And then the dates are going to just add the really
22:13 yummy sweetness. And there's a lot of fibre going on in dates as well. So this is going to be
22:19 a fibrous kind of breaky. And then, what I'm going to do, is I'm going to sprinkle in some of
22:29 the oats - not all of it yet because I'm going to layer it, kind of. So, got some there. And
22:36 then I'm going to add the coconut, sprinkle on that shredded coconut. We don't want
22:43 sweetened coconut, just the unsweetened one is good. And now look, hemp seeds. Fabulous
22:51 protein, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. There we go, we're going to sprinkle that in as well.
22:58 This breakfast is totally, totally nutritious. Then I'm going to sprinkle on some more
23:07 of the oats, just get it into all of the nooks and crannies. Perfect. Alright. And now, I'm
23:17 going to add some milk. I like to use an almond milk. And to the milk, I'm going to add some
23:23 vanilla, a little bit of salt, and a little bit of cinnamon. So I'm going to put that all in
23:30 there. There you go. A little bit of salt, just to bring out the flavours. That's why we're
23:38 doing the salt. And then cinnamon is so medicinally good for us. So you just put big
23:44 splashes of cinnamon there. Then we're just going to mix that around a little bit, and then
23:50 we're going to pour it directly on top of the oats. Okay, here we go. Now, I need two cups of
23:57 this, so I'll do it again. But I like to just do it nice and carefully so that I'm getting
24:03 the top of the oats that are just soaking everything beautifully. So when it's
24:08 finished, when it's finished baking, we've got a nice, soft, wonderful oatmeal. Alright. And
24:19 then I'll do that just one more time. And a little milk, add some more of the cinnamon, some
24:30 more of the vanilla, and a little dash of the salt again. Perk up those flavours, mix it
24:38 all together. And again, you can add more exotic things like a nice cardamom, and that will
24:45 just add a really unique kind of flavour to the whole thing. Okay, so pouring it on to soak
24:53 that all up there. And then we're going to put it in the oven, we're going to bake this
25:00 at 350 for about 40 minutes. And it's going to bubble, it's going to get golden, and it's just
25:07 going to scent your kitchen so deliciously. Alright. So, I'm going to put this aside for now,
25:15 because now what we're going to do, is we are going to make a cashew cream to go on top of
25:21 this. So it's already decadent with all the fruits, but the cashew cream is just going to
25:27 kick it up a notch. So what I've got here are some dates that are soaked, about six dates. I've
25:34 got about a three-quarter cup of cashews that have been softened, they've been soaked for a while,
25:41 just to soften them up. And then I'm going to add about a cup of water.
25:51 Alright. And then we are going to whiz that all together in our wonderful Vitamix machine. Now,
25:59 I like to talk about Vitamix machines not because I'm selling anything, but because I really
26:04 swear by them. They're going to get your product nice and creamy, very smooth, so
26:09 luscious. And that's what you want in this cashew cream. So here we go, I'm going to just
26:14 turn that on. Turn it up.
26:36 There you go. And so, what we're going to do now, this is the one you just saw me make. Beautiful.
26:46 And this is one that's been baked already. And it's got the nice golden colour at the top,
26:56 it's ready to go. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to push this out so you can see how
27:03 wonderful this is going to look. Let me just clear off some of these things first. Okay, here
27:10 we go. And it just comes out like a nice casserole there. Oh, and look at the beautiful fruits
27:18 that are there. And then, what we want to do with this, is to just pour some of that cashew
27:28 cream on top. It's a beautiful consistency. Look at this. Creamy. Oh, isn't that awesome?
27:39 Look at that. And it's going to be nice and sweet from the dates, and it's going to be
27:44 totally nutritious, not like your regular creams. Cashews, you've got the wonderful fats in
27:49 there, the healthy fats. You've got the dates that are sweet and that have the fibre. So this is
27:55 a totally nutritious, nutritious dish for you. Here you go. Isn't that excellent? You can go to
28:05 our website,, for this recipe and so many others and
28:10 for health tips and so much more. Enjoy your breakfast, and I'll see you next time.
28:25 My dear friend, when we have been found by Jesus, Jesus then wants to become our teacher,
28:32 that we would then become His disciple, a learner of Jesus. And so today, I'd like to offer
28:39 you the book Christ's Object Lessons. In that book, you'll find an array of the teachings
28:46 of Jesus and help you in your relationship with Him. Here's the information you need to
28:51 receive today's offer.
29:25 My dear friend, just like that lost coin sitting on the dusty ground,
29:31 many of us find challenges in life that have us feeling low, that have us feeling dirty.
29:39 Jesus wants to find you, to clean you, and to make you whole. I hope you've found
29:44 wholeness in Him today. Please join us again next week. Until then, remember, it is written:
29:52 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."


Revised 2017-05-16