IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:00.96\00:00:05.70 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:05.97\00:00:09.70 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:09.94\00:00:14.21 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:14.48\00:00:18.85 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:19.08\00:00:23.95 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:24.22\00:00:28.52 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:28.76\00:00:33.46 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:33.73\00:00:38.10 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:38.33\00:00:42.04 IIW-2016-22 --- The House on the Rock #1 00:00:42.30\00:00:44.84 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:31.62\00:01:33.79 God's book, The Bible 00:01:34.56\00:01:37.06 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:01:38.06\00:01:41.56 It Is Written 00:01:43.80\00:01:45.07 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 00:01:45.67\00:01:50.14 CHRIS: You know, friends, foundations are everything. Without a foundation, buildings 00:01:58.71\00:02:04.02 will collapse under their own weight. In fact, Jesus Himself told a parable about two 00:02:04.12\00:02:10.26 builders: one who built his house upon the sand, the other who built his house upon the 00:02:10.36\00:02:15.86 rock. Now, when the floods came, only the house built upon the solid foundation of the rock 00:02:15.96\00:02:23.61 survived. It is in the same way that each of us, as we are building our spiritual house, we 00:02:23.71\00:02:31.45 need to build that house on a solid foundation. What is the foundation that we need to build 00:02:31.55\00:02:38.95 upon? How can we build it? And what happens if we choose not to build it on a solid foundation? 00:02:39.05\00:02:47.76 Now, over the course of the next several weeks, we will talk about building on solid, 00:02:47.86\00:02:53.50 spiritual foundations so our spiritual house is built to last. Now, here to help me along 00:02:53.60\00:03:01.34 in that discussion, I have a friend and colleague, Karl Tsatalbasidis. Karl, welcome to 00:03:01.44\00:03:08.95 It Is Written Canada. PASTOR KARL: Well, thanks, Chris, for having me. It's good to be back 00:03:09.05\00:03:13.15 home for me. CHRIS: Yeah, well, that's what I was going to first ask. Tell us a little bit about 00:03:13.25\00:03:17.16 yourself, Karl. PASTOR KARL: Sure. I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Greater Toronto 00:03:17.26\00:03:21.26 Area, and I basically lived here until I was in my early 20s, and then, as fate would have it, I 00:03:21.36\00:03:29.07 went to school and have found myself in the States now for a little over 25 years. CHRIS: 00:03:29.17\00:03:33.64 Okay, wow, so we want to welcome you back home. Now, you went down to the States and you 00:03:33.74\00:03:37.98 actually have experience in pastoral ministry. You pastored for about 18 years. And then you 00:03:38.08\00:03:44.15 had kind of a new calling in life. Where did life lead? And not that you ever stopped 00:03:44.25\00:03:50.99 pastoring. You're kind of always a pastor. But where did life take you after pastoral 00:03:51.09\00:03:55.23 ministry? PASTOR KARL: Yes, when I was finishing up, like, the master's program at Andrews 00:03:55.33\00:04:00.07 University, and I had begun pastoring for a few years, I really wanted to study a little 00:04:00.17\00:04:05.74 bit more indepthly [sic] into the issues of worship, music, the sanctuary, things like that. 00:04:05.84\00:04:10.48 And so as I began to do that, I began to develop seminar materials, and that kind of took 00:04:10.58\00:04:16.69 me to various places. And I thought to myself, "Wow, I'd really like to do this a little 00:04:16.79\00:04:21.52 more. I'd like to be able to share some of the things that I've been learning and go to 00:04:21.62\00:04:25.23 different places." And I thought, you know, I'd want to go back to school, and so I did 00:04:25.33\00:04:28.93 end up going back to school. And then I ended up teaching. As I think about my own conversion 00:04:29.03\00:04:34.50 experience, I was converted while I was in my early 20s at York University, not too far 00:04:34.60\00:04:39.81 from here. And so, I really thought to myself, "You know, young people are really where 00:04:39.91\00:04:45.18 it's at, all the energy, the enthusiasm, the ideas." And I thought, "You know, teaching 00:04:45.28\00:04:49.88 would really be something that I could appreciate and feel like I could make a contribution." So 00:04:49.98\00:04:54.82 after pastoring, it was kind of natural for me, then, to go into five years of teaching, and I've 00:04:54.92\00:04:59.73 been doing that ever since. CHRIS: That is really exciting. And I'll tell you, some probably 00:04:59.83\00:05:04.10 caught your story there, and they said, "Oh, he was converted. What's his conversion 00:05:04.20\00:05:09.17 story?" And so, to the viewer, I'm going to tell the viewer, and I want to hang on. You're 00:05:09.27\00:05:12.84 going to want to hang on, because we're going to come back to KARL's story about the midst 00:05:12.94\00:05:17.01 of this series and how God worked in a mighty way. But you know, KARL, you're a Ph.D. 00:05:17.11\00:05:21.92 candidate, you're actually in the homestretch of finishing up. And so instead of calling you 00:05:22.02\00:05:27.16 Pastor Karl, we're going to have to call you Dr. Karl here very soon. But you know, Karl, I've 00:05:27.26\00:05:32.89 invited you here because some time back, I did a series called "The Jerusalem Factor." Now, in 00:05:32.99\00:05:40.27 that series - and to our viewers, our listeners, if you haven't seen "The Jerusalem 00:05:40.37\00:05:43.74 Factor" or read it, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/IIWCanada, and 00:05:43.84\00:05:51.31 there, you can watch the archives. Now, Pastor Karl, as we were going through that, we 00:05:51.41\00:05:57.02 asked this fundamental question: "Is it possible that people are looking in the wrong direction?" 00:05:57.12\00:06:04.96 And here's what I meant by that. You know, much of the Christian world, and actually, a 00:06:05.06\00:06:10.17 significant portion of the secular world, have been looking toward the literal Jerusalem for 00:06:10.27\00:06:17.51 a literal temple to be rebuilt after what would be a massive middle east war, but would 00:06:17.61\00:06:25.65 culminate in this building of a literal temple. And we ended that series by saying, "You 00:06:25.75\00:06:31.89 know, I don't know if a temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. I just don't know; we can't 00:06:31.99\00:06:35.66 predict that." However, we simply asked the question, "Is it possible that everybody's 00:06:35.76\00:06:41.16 looking toward Jerusalem and a literal temple, but actually, our attention should be focused 00:06:41.26\00:06:47.67 elsewhere?" And the text that we looked at is that text in the book of Hebrews. And so why 00:06:47.77\00:06:52.31 don't we go to Hebrews? Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 1 and verse 00:06:52.41\00:06:59.71 2, that says this: CHRIS: And so, the question I want to ask you, as you have been exploring 00:07:19.47\00:07:24.41 in your Ph.D. studies, as you have explored through your teaching, you said one of your 00:07:24.51\00:07:31.28 areas - and it is an area of expertise - and that is, the sanctuary. So I'm going to ask 00:07:31.38\00:07:38.05 you a really broad question: What is the sanctuary? PASTOR KARL: Wow. Well, you know, 00:07:38.15\00:07:46.63 Chris, this subject is so vast, that according to some researchers, that if you were to 00:07:46.73\00:07:51.77 take all the aspects of the Bible and kind of compile them in chapter form under the 00:07:51.87\00:07:56.24 heading of the sanctuary, you'd probably have about 50 chapters that are devoted to this 00:07:56.34\00:08:00.88 subject. CHRIS: Wow. PASTOR KARL: And so this is an incredibly vast topic that we're 00:08:00.98\00:08:05.01 talking about here, and it's very comprehensive, and it involves just about everything. 00:08:05.11\00:08:09.98 The sanctuary is connected to just about everything you can imagine. The presence of God is 00:08:10.09\00:08:16.29 really the main component, so to speak, if you want to refer to God that way, in the sanctuary. 00:08:16.39\00:08:23.40 But you also have Christ, Who's really the main part of the godhead in the sanctuary. You 00:08:23.50\00:08:27.47 have all these ritual actions that are connected with the sanctuary. It's a structure, 00:08:27.57\00:08:31.44 it's a building, so it's connected to the things of the material universe. Again, it's 00:08:31.54\00:08:37.68 really the most intricately connected topic that there possibly is. But the question, 00:08:37.78\00:08:42.35 you know, "What is the sanctuary"? I mean, really plainly speaking, it is a 00:08:42.45\00:08:49.22 structure. It is a structure. We were just in Hebrews chapter 8. We could go over to Hebrews 00:08:49.32\00:08:54.46 chapter 9. And in Hebrews chapter 9, you get kind of a succinct view there that the 00:08:54.56\00:08:59.47 apostle gives us of the sanctuary. And so I'm going to begin here with verse 1. It 00:08:59.57\00:09:03.00 says: Now, in fact, the golden censor was part of the holy place, but the apostle here is 00:09:28.86\00:09:32.53 bringing out the fact that when the priest ministered in the sanctuary and they ministered 00:09:32.63\00:09:36.71 where the golden censor was that offered the incense, they were brought almost into the 00:09:36.81\00:09:41.08 immediate contact of the presence of God. And so it was so closely associated with the 00:09:41.18\00:09:46.05 presence of God and the Most Holy Place, that the apostle 00:09:46.15\00:09:49.12 here says PASTOR KARL: And so then it des cribes the activities of the high priest 00:10:09.87\00:10:12.81 going in there once a year into the Most Holy Place. So here we have the sanctuary really as a 00:10:12.91\00:10:21.08 structure. It was an earthly structure, and I think when most people think of the sanctuary, 00:10:21.18\00:10:25.12 they think of that earthly structure that the Jews had erected. But, I think what we 00:10:25.22\00:10:32.03 really need to underscore here is that the heavenly sanctuary was a reality, way before the 00:10:32.13\00:10:40.67 Jewish structure ever showed up. Now, you took us to Hebrews chapter 8 verses 1 and 2, and 00:10:40.77\00:10:46.84 that made it very clear there in verse 2 that Jesus is the... 00:10:46.94\00:10:49.68 Another very interesting text in Jeremiah chapter 17, Jeremiah chapter 17 and verse 12, the 00:10:57.82\00:11:07.86 ancient prophet brings this out as well. He says: 00:11:07.96\00:11:10.63 CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR KARL: So a glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our 00:11:18.57\00:11:22.71 sanctuary. CHRIS: Now, we're going to hit the pause button here, because we've covered a 00:11:22.81\00:11:26.95 lot of ground, and there might be somebody sitting there saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, this 00:11:27.05\00:11:28.98 is kind of a lot really fast." So let's go back to Hebrews 8:1, and then we're going to come 00:11:29.08\00:11:32.22 right back here. PASTOR KARL: Yes. CHRIS: Hebrews 8:1 begins with these words, written 00:11:32.32\00:11:36.52 by the apostle. Now, the book of Hebrews was written undoubtedly. it was authored by Paul. Whether 00:11:36.62\00:11:44.97 Paul actually wrote it with his hands or dictated it to a scribe, no doubt, Paul is 00:11:45.07\00:11:48.60 writing this. He's writing to a group of believers. And he uses this, and he says, "Now, this is 00:11:48.70\00:11:55.48 the main point." And the reason I want to come back to this, because we're talking about 00:11:55.58\00:11:59.78 foundations. We're talking about establishing our spiritual house. That word there, "main 00:11:59.88\00:12:04.59 point," it's this Greek word that means "the chief capstone, the chief cornerstone." Both of 00:12:04.69\00:12:13.29 them are used to describe this word. And of course, in ancient buildings, the cornerstone was 00:12:13.40\00:12:19.03 that which kept everything together. And then Paul says, and points us to the sanctuary 00:12:19.13\00:12:25.94 in heaven. Then you quoted from Hebrews 9, which talked about a sanctuary in the earth. I asked 00:12:26.04\00:12:31.65 you, "What's a sanctuary?" and you said it's a structure, and you started naming off all these 00:12:31.75\00:12:35.88 things. PASTOR KARL: Mmhmm. CHRIS: And then we went to Jeremiah, where we said the 00:12:35.98\00:12:40.42 sanctuary has existed from the very beginning of time. So we need to unpack all of that a 00:12:40.52\00:12:47.03 little bit. Heavenly sanctuary. How did we get an earthly sanctuary? Help us kind of 00:12:47.13\00:12:54.00 understand, and we're going to come back to this, because what we're going to see and what 00:12:54.10\00:12:58.27 we're going to be spending time on over the next several weeks is, you said something very 00:12:58.37\00:13:02.08 important: the sanctuary is connected to everything. PASTOR KARL: Yes. CHRIS: And because 00:13:02.18\00:13:09.15 it's connected to everything - and I don't want to take us too far along before we get there - 00:13:09.25\00:13:14.39 but because it's connected to everything, that means the sanctuary is actually connected 00:13:14.49\00:13:17.93 to me and my growth as a Christian. PASTOR KARL: Mmhmm. CHRIS: We're going to cover. 00:13:18.03\00:13:23.70 because some people are saying, "I've never heard this before," we're going to actually spend a 00:13:23.80\00:13:27.34 lot of time talking about why we don't hear about this anymore. But let's talk about this. We 00:13:27.44\00:13:31.74 have a heavenly sanctuary, which the book of Jeremiah says existed since the beginning, but 00:13:31.84\00:13:37.88 then somehow, we got an earthly sanctuary. Let's unpack that a little bit, KARL. How are these 00:13:37.98\00:13:43.02 existing and what does that mean for us? PASTOR KARL: Okay. You brought up that word, "this is 00:13:43.12\00:13:50.73 the main point." You know, out of all the apostle talks about in the book of Hebrews - which 00:13:50.83\00:13:55.86 is an amazing book, 13 chapters, and it covers so much - there's contrast between the first 00:13:55.96\00:14:03.67 covenant and then the second covenant, between the Levitical priesthood and then Christ's 00:14:03.77\00:14:07.88 priesthood, between an earthy sanctuary and a heavenly sanctuary. And here, he's 00:14:07.98\00:14:12.15 saying, "Out of all that I'm saying, this is the main point, that there actually exists a 00:14:12.25\00:14:15.75 reality up there that is called the heavenly sanctuary." And I think the context here is 00:14:15.85\00:14:24.79 important, the historical context here. You know, Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 that 00:14:24.89\00:14:30.10 not one stone would be left upon another that shall not be thrown down. As the disciples were 00:14:30.20\00:14:34.80 looking at the temple and showing Him the buildings of the temple, this is what Jesus said. 00:14:34.90\00:14:39.17 CHRIS: Yes. PASTOR KARL: And so all of their hopes and dreams were connected with the services 00:14:39.27\00:14:43.75 that were involved in that sanctuary, and they couldn't think of life without that. And 00:14:43.85\00:14:48.78 so, here the apostle is kind of preparing them, as the earthly sanctuary was about to be 00:14:48.88\00:14:53.46 destroyed - and we'll get to how the earthly is a copy in just a minute - but he's preparing them 00:14:53.56\00:14:58.53 in saying, "Look, Christ has entered into the heavenly sanctuary, and we're to base our 00:14:58.63\00:15:04.10 hopes and our aspirations and our anchor in Him up there." And so, this is so central, and as 00:15:04.20\00:15:12.24 we're going to continue on, that even in the Old Testament times, as there was an earthly 00:15:12.34\00:15:16.44 sanctuary, it was. everything they did was oriented around the heavenly. So getting back to the 00:15:16.54\00:15:22.05 earthly concept, how did this originate? And I think we need to go back to the book of Exodus 00:15:22.15\00:15:26.79 for a moment there. CHRIS: And one of the things I want to point out, as we're turning to 00:15:26.89\00:15:32.13 the book of Exodus, Pastor Karl, you and I are going to use two words probably interchangeably 00:15:32.23\00:15:37.40 for the next several weeks that we're together. We're going to use the word "temple" and the 00:15:37.50\00:15:42.10 word "sanctuary" and we're going to use those interchangeably. PASTOR KARL: Correct. 00:15:42.20\00:15:45.24 CHRIS: Maybe help us just a little bit as we turn to Exodus, help us a little bit to 00:15:45.34\00:15:48.68 understand why those words are interchangeable words. PASTOR KARL: Yes, very good. In Exodus 00:15:48.78\00:15:54.25 chapter 25:8-9, this is Moses, and it says: 00:15:54.35\00:16:01.36 PASTOR KARL: And so there was an earthly tent, and that sanctuary had existed for several 00:16:15.47\00:16:18.81 centuries. But if you remember, David wanted to build a sanctuary for God as well. He 00:16:18.91\00:16:24.65 wanted to actually build the temple, and God told him that because he was a man of war, 00:16:24.75\00:16:29.55 that he would not be able to build that temple, but his son Solomon would build that temple. 00:16:29.65\00:16:34.26 And then there you have a more permanent structure. In the time of Moses, that earthly tent was 00:16:34.36\00:16:40.00 built in such a way that the Levites could go ahead and disassemble and carry it from 00:16:40.10\00:16:44.97 place to place as they sojourned. But then eventually, as they began to settle in 00:16:45.07\00:16:49.14 Jerusalem, you have a massive temple then that was built. And so the temple kind of more 00:16:49.24\00:16:56.08 reminds us of the temple that Solomon built, and then the tent. You have the earthly 00:16:56.18\00:17:00.28 structure that Moses built. CHRIS: Okay. So let's go and dwell here a moment with Exodus 00:17:00.38\00:17:07.52 25. So Hebrews 8 describes a heavenly reality. We're going to come to this in just a moment, 00:17:07.62\00:17:16.80 because some people will say, "Ah, this is symbolic." But it would appear that it is a 00:17:16.90\00:17:21.60 reality. How did we get the earthly? You just read Exodus 25. PASTOR KARL: Mmhmm. 00:17:21.70\00:17:26.17 CHRIS: That says it was a copy. Well, what was it a copy of? PASTOR KARL: The only thing that 00:17:26.27\00:17:32.08 it could be a copy of was the heavenly. If you go to verse 40 of Exodus chapter 25 as well, it 00:17:32.18\00:17:39.95 says: 00:17:40.06\00:17:40.82 PASTOR KARL: And even Hebrews 8 talks about the fact that the heavenly is the true, and that 00:17:48.30\00:17:52.63 the earthly is a copy of the heavenly. And so, the original pattern, the original structure, 00:17:52.73\00:17:58.64 the original design, is something that came to the Bible writers through the inspiration 00:17:58.74\00:18:04.81 of the Holy Spirit. Actually, I'm thinking about a text here in First Chronicles, just to 00:18:04.91\00:18:11.32 alert us to the fact that the Bible claims that this was inspired by the Holy Spirit. And 00:18:11.42\00:18:20.43 so, this is First Chronicles chapter 28:12. Just a bit of context here, this is David 00:18:20.53\00:18:33.74 assembling all the people of Jerusalem together and giving Solomon a charge in building it. 00:18:33.84\00:18:40.02 And if you look at verse 12, it says: 00:18:40.12\00:18:42.75 PASTOR KARL: And so this pattern here was revealed by the Holy Spirit. And verse 19 also of 00:18:56.06\00:19:01.97 First Chronicles 28, it says: 00:19:02.07\00:19:04.04 PASTOR KARL: And so whether it was the tent structure that God revealed to Moses, or the 00:19:12.11\00:19:18.85 temple, it was something that was revealed by God, because the reality already pre-existed 00:19:18.95\00:19:24.66 that, which is why we went to the Jeremiah text, when Jeremiah reminded us that hey, from the 00:19:24.76\00:19:28.96 very beginning, there has been a glorious sanctuary where God met with His people there. And it's 00:19:29.06\00:19:36.47 interesting in Jeremiah's text, it says, "This is the place of our sanctuary." Now, the earthly 00:19:36.57\00:19:42.84 temple existed in Jeremiah's day, and so I think it's significant that he would say 00:19:42.94\00:19:46.85 that even as they're assembling around the earthly, it's almost like the earthly was a 00:19:46.95\00:19:51.65 projection of the heavenly, and as they were worshipping toward the earthly, it was actually a 00:19:51.75\00:19:56.73 worship toward the heavenly as well, which we'll get into in just a minute. And so the 00:19:56.83\00:20:02.60 patterns are definitely there. As a matter of fact, let's look at some of the dynamic 00:20:02.70\00:20:09.30 interaction that happens. CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR KARL: Even in the Old Testament. Because 00:20:09.40\00:20:13.01 people think, "You know, in the Old Testament, yes, there was the sanctuary, the temple 00:20:13.11\00:20:17.48 provided the place where everything revolved around, and that was it, and there was kind 00:20:17.58\00:20:22.85 of no connection between the heavenly and the earthly. And so let's go to First Kings chapter 00:20:22.95\00:20:27.22 8. And this is referring to the dedication of the temple, and Solomon is about to. and Solomon 00:20:27.32\00:20:36.00 is actually praying here. And I just want to draw our attention to the fact that when he prays, 00:20:36.10\00:20:40.84 he's actually directing his prayer towards God in heaven and actually asking God to hear from 00:20:40.94\00:20:45.87 that perspective. And so we'll pick it up at verse 29. CHRIS: 00:20:45.97\00:20:53.75 Okay, sure. PASTOR KARL: First Kings 8:29. It states: 00:20:53.85\00:20:57.69 PASTOR KARL: And so you'll find this pattern in various places throughout this chapter. For 00:21:28.75\00:21:33.25 instance, you'll go to verse 33: 00:21:33.36\00:21:34.99 PASTOR KARL: Now, I won't read the rest of the text; I'll just mention the references. Verse 36 00:21:56.91\00:22:00.18 says "hear thou in heaven, thy dwelling place." Verse 39, the same thing. Verse 43, the exact 00:22:00.28\00:22:05.79 same thing. So here we have Solomon. They're all gathered around the earthly. He is 00:22:05.89\00:22:11.16 praying, but yet, he's asking God to hear from His dwelling place, from His sanctuary, from 00:22:11.26\00:22:17.77 His temple up in heaven. And so there's actually a dynamic interaction. Now, there's a 00:22:17.87\00:22:24.04 parallel passage to First Kings 8, and that's Second Chronicles chapter 5-7. CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR 00:22:24.14\00:22:30.35 KARL: At the end of Solomon's prayer in Second Chronicles 7:1-3, in order to show God's 00:22:30.45\00:22:37.55 approval of the way that they had built the sanctuary and everything else, well, you know, 00:22:37.65\00:22:43.16 He came down in a miraculous way and smoke filled the temple, the priests couldn't enter in. 00:22:43.26\00:22:47.60 CHRIS: Sure. PASTOR KARL: And so you have this dynamic interaction going on between 00:22:47.66\00:22:51.90 Solomon directing his prayer toward heaven, and then heaven, of course, acknowledging that 00:22:52.00\00:22:56.67 with a mighty outpouring of God's spirit there. So there's this dynamic interaction going 00:22:56.77\00:23:01.78 on. CHRIS: That's really exciting. So let's just cover a little bit of the ground, review 00:23:01.88\00:23:05.98 what we've talked about. The book of Hebrews makes very clear, as well as the book of 00:23:06.08\00:23:11.92 Jeremiah, that there is a literal sanctuary in heaven that has existed since the very 00:23:12.02\00:23:17.39 beginning of time. Then in the past, during the time of Moses, Moses was given instructions. 00:23:17.49\00:23:24.00 Moses built a wilderness sanctuary, a temporary structure that was able to be put up and 00:23:24.10\00:23:31.11 taken down as the children of Israel moved throughout the regions there. Later in the time 00:23:31.21\00:23:37.01 of the kings, with David and Solomon, they build a more permanent structure, which is 00:23:37.11\00:23:41.85 also a copy of the heavenly. This is now why - and we want to come back to this issue of 00:23:41.95\00:23:49.46 foundations - this is why the sanctuary is so vital, because if what you're saying is true 00:23:49.56\00:23:53.36 and what we are reading is true, is this: The interaction between the heavenly and the sanctuary 00:23:53.46\00:23:58.73 demonstrates to us that A) God has a plan; and B) God expects His children, His people, to 00:23:58.83\00:24:05.44 follow that plan, because worship - and we're going to spend a whole session talking 00:24:05.54\00:24:11.18 about worship - but our worship is a dynamic interaction with the heavenly sanctuary, because 00:24:11.28\00:24:19.05 the heavenly is. because sometimes we just disconnect heaven and earth. Heaven's up 00:24:19.15\00:24:23.12 there, earth's down here, and there's no interaction. But in reality, the two of those 00:24:23.22\00:24:29.20 actually are interacting in such a way that our worship on this earth is actually worship that 00:24:29.30\00:24:37.11 is happening in the very heavenly sanctuary itself. PASTOR KARL: Yeah, absolutely. 00:24:37.21\00:24:41.34 CHRIS: And so Karl, let's talk about this as we have just a few minutes left in this. And our 00:24:41.44\00:24:47.45 time has just flown by. But as we talk about this Old Testament dynamic interaction, are there a 00:24:47.55\00:24:53.52 couple of New Testament texts that might talk to us about that interaction between the heavenly 00:24:53.62\00:24:57.89 and the earthly sanctuary? PASTOR KARL: Yes, yes, there are. Actually, let's turn back 00:24:57.99\00:25:02.00 to Hebrews again. Hebrews is just such a pivotal book for our subject matter. Let's go to 00:25:02.10\00:25:06.94 Hebrews chapter 12, and we'll pick it up at verse 18. So we'll be in Hebrews 12:18 and roughly 00:25:07.04\00:25:17.85 to. well, as we make commentary, it actually ends at chapter 29. 00:25:17.95\00:25:22.78 It says: PASTOR KARL: Now, I'm going to stop there for a moment. What the apostle is 00:25:55.55\00:25:59.29 saying is that when we come and gather together, whether it's for a session that you and I are 00:25:59.39\00:26:04.53 doing right now as we're talking about spiritual things, or whether it's in a church, we're 00:26:04.63\00:26:09.96 actually orienting ourselves toward the heavenly. But what he first says is that when you come 00:26:10.07\00:26:15.00 together, you didn't come to that literal mountain back in Exodus chapter 20 on Mount 00:26:15.10\00:26:20.88 Sinai. CHRIS: That's right. PASTOR KARL: So you're not coming there. And so in verse 00:26:20.98\00:26:26.88 22, it switches gears. He says, "You're not coming to that literal mountain where I spoke 00:26:26.98\00:26:31.75 the Ten Commandments, and even Moses said, 'I'm really 00:26:31.85\00:26:34.42 afraid.'" It says: PASTOR KARL: And I'll stop there for a moment. So you're not coming to 00:27:02.08\00:27:06.15 Mount Sinai where the Ten Commandments were proclaimed; you're coming to the mountain in 00:27:06.25\00:27:10.79 heaven, the heavenly Jerusalem. And this is where the saints of God, as we are worshipping all 00:27:10.89\00:27:17.00 over the planet - when we're worshipping here in Canada or in the U.S. or in South America or 00:27:17.10\00:27:23.71 in Asia or in Africa - whenever God's people are coming together in a corporate sense, although 00:27:23.81\00:27:28.34 we're all geographically scattered all over the place, we're not just orienting 00:27:28.44\00:27:33.65 ourselves to some earthly location. It's saying we're actually orienting ourselves 00:27:33.75\00:27:39.29 toward that heavenly Jerusalem where the presence of God is. It mentions God as the Judge there, 00:27:39.39\00:27:44.13 it mentions the blood of the covenant and Christ being there. It also mentions the angelic 00:27:44.23\00:27:51.67 host. So the angelic host and us are all together in this. There's a dynamic interaction 00:27:51.77\00:27:57.91 going on. And as the Word of God is preached, notice the appeal in verse 25 of Hebrews chapter 00:27:58.01\00:28:06.35 12. It says: PASTOR KARL: And so as God's Word is spoken from heaven through the living 00:28:16.93\00:28:20.20 preacher on earth, we are all gathered together, there's a dynamic interaction going on. 00:28:20.30\00:28:23.73 CHRIS: Now, Pastor Karl, this is exciting. We are going to come back to this text. But we are 00:28:23.83\00:28:27.70 just out of time. But here's the powerful thing that we end on today: When we worship God, we 00:28:27.80\00:28:35.58 actually come into His very presence, which is in the heavenly sanctuary. PASTOR 00:28:35.68\00:28:41.92 KARL: Amen. CHRIS: Lets pray on that as we end today, but we'll continue next week. Heavenly 00:28:42.02\00:28:46.82 Father, we are so grateful that we are not left alone, but we can be with You in the heavenly 00:28:46.92\00:28:53.86 sanctuary. We pray this in Jesus' name, amen. 00:28:53.96\00:28:56.63 CHRIS: Friends, today's program was jam-packed with information. Are you interested in building 00:29:12.01\00:29:17.22 your spiritual foundation on the solid rock, Jesus Christ? If you are, I invite you to call our 00:29:17.32\00:29:22.96 toll-free number. There, you can enrol in our correspondence Bible school. We also have 00:29:23.06\00:29:28.40 people standing by who can pray with you for any of your special prayer requests. Pastor Karl, 00:29:28.50\00:29:35.84 I want to thank you so much for joining us today. PASTOR KARL: It's been a privilege to 00:29:35.94\00:29:39.44 be here. CHRIS: Thank you. And friend, I hope you enjoyed today's program. I invite you to 00:29:39.54\00:29:43.78 join us again next week. Until then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread 00:29:43.88\00:29:50.75 alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:29:50.85\00:29:56.06