IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:00.76\00:00:04.50 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:04.93\00:00:10.01 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:10.41\00:00:15.18 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:15.64\00:00:20.25 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:20.68\00:00:24.99 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:25.45\00:00:29.82 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:30.19\00:00:34.30 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:34.73\00:00:39.10 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:39.50\00:00:43.67 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:44.14\00:00:48.51 IIW---STAR WARS #2 - HOPE RISES 00:00:48.94\00:00:53.58 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:31.72\00:01:34.39 God's book, The Bible 00:01:35.22\00:01:37.96 Still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:38.69\00:01:42.20 It Is Written. 00:01:45.03\00:01:46.07 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 00:01:46.40\00:01:50.64 The story begins sometime in the ancient past. We don't know exactly when - the Bible doesn't 00:02:05.69\00:02:11.79 tell us exactly when - but in the ancient past, the ancient near past, the Bible, in Genesis 00:02:11.89\00:02:19.30 chapter 1, tells the story, tells the event of God creating the heavens and the earth. And 00:02:19.40\00:02:28.34 He created this earth in six day and rested on the seventh day. But during those six days He 00:02:28.44\00:02:36.72 made a beautiful place where there was perfect harmony. No death, no dying, no pain, no 00:02:36.82\00:02:43.59 sorrow. Perfect harmony between everything. And on the earth He created a garden. The garden was 00:02:43.69\00:02:51.37 a special dwelling place for the first human beings that He created, Adam and Eve. And He 00:02:51.47\00:02:58.01 looked around, and Adam names all the animals, and as Adam names the lion, He says, "You 00:02:58.11\00:03:10.65 know, I made this lion just for you, Adam." When Adam names the great egret, He said, "You know, 00:03:10.75\00:03:18.66 this great egret, I made this just for you, Adam." And when he walked next to the roses, He 00:03:18.76\00:03:28.34 said, "Eve, I made these flowers just for you. Everything in the garden is for you. But there's 00:03:28.44\00:03:38.35 one tree., Adam and Eve, I need to be secure in knowing that you will obey Me no matter what the 00:03:38.45\00:03:45.99 circumstances..So, there's one tree. Don't eat from it." One day, Eve found herself 00:03:46.09\00:04:00.27 wandering, and she ended up by that tree that God said, "Don't eat from it." And there at that 00:04:00.37\00:04:07.18 tree, Satan who had been cast out of heaven. disguised himself as a serpent and began speaking 00:04:07.28\00:04:14.25 to Eve. "You're going to reach a plane higher than you've ever reached if you eat from this 00:04:14.35\00:04:25.89 tree. If you eat from this tree, you will become like God Himself." And in a moment of 00:04:25.99\00:04:34.54 weakness, Eve takes from the tree and she eats of it. And then she brings it to Adam. And 00:04:34.64\00:04:43.01 Adam faced with a choice..to either trust God, that God would come up with a plan, or he could 00:04:43.11\00:04:54.59 manoeuvre and make his own way. And so instead of trusting God, Adam, not deceived by the 00:04:54.69\00:05:05.67 serpent, makes his own choice, to partake of the fruit in a demonstration of his lack of 00:05:05.77\00:05:13.88 trust in God. And in that moment, the dominoes began to fall. I can imagine for just a 00:05:13.98\00:05:23.85 moment - and I'm speculating just a bit - but I can imagine for just a moment when Adam 00:05:23.95\00:05:29.52 partook, all of a sudden, everything changed. They knew it had changed because the Bible 00:05:29.62\00:05:37.23 says that they realized that they were naked. Their eyes had been opened. And in that very 00:05:37.33\00:05:43.24 moment, everything changed. The lion would no longer lay with the lamb. The leopard would no 00:05:43.34\00:05:51.21 longer be friends with the fawn. Everything changed. Right in that moment, the flowers began 00:05:51.31\00:05:58.32 to wilt. The ferns began to wilt. The trees began to die. In that moment, everything changed. 00:05:58.42\00:06:09.86 Adam and Eve made for themselves coverings. It is a demonstration, by the way, of 00:06:09.96\00:06:16.57 the crisis that we face. Adam and Eve made a choice to cover themselves because they want to 00:06:16.67\00:06:22.78 try to cover up what they've done. Isn't that how we all work today? We try to fix it and 00:06:22.88\00:06:30.22 cover it up. Adam and Eve tried to fix their own problem and cover themselves. When God 00:06:30.32\00:06:40.40 arrived on the scene, He began looking for Adam and Eve; God, Who communed with Adam and Eve 00:06:40.50\00:06:48.60 one on one comes, can't find them. "Where are you? Where are you?" And Adam says, "But we 00:06:48.70\00:07:01.92 were afraid. We heard You walking and we were afraid." Why would they be afraid of God? You 00:07:02.02\00:07:13.53 see, because that's what Satan wants to do. Because as soon as we sin, we make a choice to not 00:07:13.63\00:07:21.14 do what God wants us to do. Satan brings guilt into our life. And as soon as we 00:07:21.24\00:07:27.88 experience guilt, we experience fear, anxiety, pain; and this is what Adam and Eve experience. 00:07:27.98\00:07:36.22 And in that moment, God had to teach Adam and Eve. God wasn't caught by surprise.in the 00:07:36.32\00:07:47.66 ancient past,God knew that this might happen. Jesus, the Son, made a decision that He would 00:07:47.76\00:07:59.67 come and die in our place because sin demands death. And so God pointed forward to that 00:07:59.77\00:08:17.63 even, so Adam and Eve, could know." Out of great disappointment, hope would rise. 00:08:17.73\00:08:31.04 Jesus is described as the Lamb 27 times in the book of Revelation. Revelation 13:8, 00:08:31.14\00:08:42.42 Right in the centre of that is the most important verse of the entire chapter. It speaks of 00:08:42.52\00:08:53.43 Jesus as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. This is what differentiates the 00:08:53.53\00:09:03.57 religion of the Bible from other pagan practices, those gods demanded a sacrifice. The pagan 00:09:03.67\00:09:14.48 gods demanded life. Here's the difference, the God of the Bible, Jesus, made the ultimate 00:09:14.58\00:09:23.99 sacrifice because He didn't demand someone else's life; He gave His own life. Jesus gave 00:09:24.09\00:09:31.83 His life. But here's the question that many people ask, why did Jesus have to die? Why 00:09:31.93\00:09:43.01 did He have to give him life? Romans 6:23 makes it clear: 00:09:43.11\00:09:58.16 The demand of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life. Hebrews 9:22 tells us without 00:10:06.30\00:10:14.68 the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. In the garden hope rose and was 00:10:14.78\00:10:23.25 demonstrated to Adam and Eve, blood is what covers and makes clean. What a beautiful 00:10:23.35\00:10:32.89 illustration. Why blood? Leviticus says: Leviticus 17:11 00:10:32.99\00:10:38.00 Blood is multifaceted in its work. When our blood is healthy, when we have good circulation, 00:10:40.64\00:10:50.11 it delivers oxygen to all of our cells. It carries nutrients to where they need to go. And then 00:10:50.21\00:10:56.52 it takes out the waste and removes it out of the body. And so God uses this illustration 00:10:56.62\00:11:02.76 that blood cleanses, which doesn't seem very logical, because when you cut yourself 00:11:02.86\00:11:09.30 and your blood runs and you get it on your white shirt, it stains. But the Bible says an 00:11:09.40\00:11:16.37 amazing thing, that: Isaiah 1:18 00:11:16.47\00:11:18.14 How is this possible? Because blood cleanses. During the time of the Old Testament, God had 00:11:24.15\00:11:31.09 put in place a sacrificial system that symbolically pointed forward to Jesus as the Lamb of 00:11:31.19\00:11:37.76 God who would take away the sins of the world. Leviticus 5:5-6 recounts the essence of that 00:11:37.86\00:11:46.63 system. 00:11:46.74\00:11:49.14 Symbolically, in that moment, you would be cleansed of your sin. The lamb became the 00:12:08.96\00:12:17.13 sacrifice. But here's the thing, here is the critical piece we miss. The innocent animals were 00:12:17.23\00:12:25.44 to demonstrate to us and were a foreshadowing of the arrival of Jesus. If all of these animals 00:12:25.54\00:12:34.85 pointed forward to the sacrifice of Jesus, it wasn't the sacrifice of the animal itself 00:12:34.95\00:12:40.72 that was important, but it was looking forward to the Son of God coming and dying for our 00:12:40.82\00:12:46.86 sins. Every lamb or sacrifice pointed forward to the Lamb of God. This is why John the 00:12:46.96\00:12:54.47 Baptist, when he saw Jesus for the first time, cried out, John 00:12:54.57\00:12:58.04 1:29 You see, Jesus came. He came to this earth for one purpose and with one person in 00:13:04.65\00:13:12.55 mind, and that was you and that was me. Here's what the devil wants: the devil want you to 00:13:12.65\00:13:18.16 experience guilt in your life, because if you experience guilt it's going to bring you fear, 00:13:18.26\00:13:23.03 anxiety, distress, and sickness. And if he can keep you in fear and anxiety and distress and 00:13:23.13\00:13:29.54 sickness, it will prevent us from doing the one thing that will take all of those things 00:13:29.64\00:13:37.68 away. Jesus invites us to pray and come to Him and accept the sacrifice that He has made on 00:13:37.78\00:13:47.56 our behalf. Jesus can bear my burdens." Jesus can handle my guilt." The Lion of the tribe 00:13:47.66\00:14:00.77 of Judah, the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world is the one who brings hope into 00:14:00.87\00:14:12.48 our lives. Jesus is "The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end," He sustains all 00:14:12.58\00:14:21.16 things. We need to come to realize that the Christ of Revelation is the all-powerful 00:14:21.26\00:14:36.64 Saviour. The Bible tells us that Jesus wins and Satan loses Jesus came 2000 years ago, and 00:14:36.74\00:14:46.85 when He came 2000 years ago, He came as a suffering servant to die for our sins. We live in a 00:14:46.95\00:14:55.66 world that does not like the word sin. We don't like to talk about sin. Because we live in a 00:14:55.76\00:15:02.10 time where people say, "Hey what's good for you is good for you, what's good for me is good 00:15:02.20\00:15:07.87 for me - hey - and that's how we'll live." But we live in a society that is ever-increasing 00:15:07.97\00:15:11.41 and dispelling the issue of personal accountability. We have all kinds of excuses for 00:15:11.51\00:15:17.08 why we do what we do, some us will say "Well you know it's just my genes," "my genes. I 00:15:17.18\00:15:21.98 can't help myself." Or sometimes we'll talk about the environment that we live in and we say, 00:15:22.08\00:15:27.92 "Well, but that's the way I was brought up." But friends, when we talk about this in the 00:15:28.02\00:15:31.26 context of Jesus' sacrifice, we have to understand, excuses won't do. Excuses won't save us. 00:15:31.36\00:15:37.37 We also live in a world where we want to do things to make up for our sins. We want to try and do 00:15:37.47\00:15:43.51 enough good things to outweigh the bad things. But good works won't help us. There is only one 00:15:43.61\00:15:51.01 thing that will save us, only one hope for humanity and that is Jesus Christ. How can you 00:15:51.11\00:16:02.06 receive the hope that has risen in these days? First, Jeremiah 00:16:02.16\00:16:10.17 31:3 says: One of the hardest things for most people to accept is to accept the reality that 00:16:20.81\00:16:26.05 God loves you. Some have grown up in a home where there was a father that was abusive or a 00:16:26.15\00:16:32.15 mother that was abusive or a mother and a father that abandoned them. Maybe there's 00:16:32.25\00:16:38.36 someone watching today who doesn't even know who their mom or dad is. God says, "I loved 00:16:38.46\00:16:45.17 you with an everlasting love," which means God knew you before you were even born, which means 00:16:45.27\00:16:51.11 He loves you and He loves you just the way you are. God says, "Come to Me tonight as you are 00:16:51.21\00:17:02.85 because I have loved you with an everlasting love." Second, friend, we must recognize that 00:17:02.95\00:17:11.56 we can't save ourselves. Romans 3:23 says: 00:17:11.66\00:17:14.03 All of us have sinned. There's not one of us that can say, "Oh, I have walked a perfect life. I 00:17:18.87\00:17:23.24 have not sinned." You see, we need to come to the place where we realize we cannot save 00:17:23.34\00:17:28.44 ourselves. Third, believe that Jesus can and will save you. John 3:16, it says: 00:17:28.54\00:17:39.25 Whoever includes you and thankfully it includes me. Too often we can't believe this, but 00:17:51.77\00:17:59.81 the Bible says that God sent Jesus, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have 00:17:59.91\00:18:06.95 everlasting life. And the verse after this says: 00:18:07.05\00:18:11.69 Isn't that beautiful? The Bible is quite clear. God's not out to get you; God wants to save you. 00:18:18.93\00:18:25.67 Fourth, confess your sins to Jesus and believe you are forgiven. First John 1:9 makes 00:18:25.77\00:18:34.88 this promise: 00:18:34.98\00:18:36.48 Isn't that a beautiful thing? Forgiveness means that we are released or God has released us 00:18:47.09\00:18:52.73 from the penalty that we are to receive. But He goes beyond that; the Bible says that He 00:18:52.83\00:19:00.30 cleanses us as well. God doesn't just want to forgive you; He wants to cleanse you. Fifth, 00:19:00.40\00:19:07.38 claim His gift of eternal life and decide to serve Him forever. Romans 10:9 simply says this: 00:19:07.48\00:19:17.12 Jesus is calling you today and He says to you, "I want you to receive eternal life." He had 00:19:28.50\00:19:35.77 just one thing on His mind when He came to this earth and that was you. Second Corinthians 5:21 00:19:35.87\00:19:43.55 says: 00:19:43.65\00:19:44.85 When Jesus died on the cross, He did not die of the agony of pain, although there was plenty 00:19:56.96\00:20:02.93 of it. As the sins of the world were poured upon Jesus that Thursday night in the Garden of 00:20:03.03\00:20:09.97 Gethsemane, something began to happen. All the sins throughout history were packaged up in one 00:20:10.07\00:20:17.75 bundle and laid on Jesus. Imagine the guilt, the anguish, the anxiety, and the stress of 00:20:17.85\00:20:23.79 every single person who's lived throughout all of history being placed on Jesus at once. Jesus 00:20:23.89\00:20:32.59 didn't die because of His physical pain; Jesus died because of a broken heart. He 00:20:32.69\00:20:37.90 bore the guilt of humanity. 00:20:38.00\00:20:40.80 The beauty of the scriptures is that it pictures Jesus as the Lamb of God that taketh away the 00:20:42.57\00:20:47.04 sins of the world. This entire book has one storyline: Jesus wins, Satan loses. If you want 00:20:47.14\00:21:00.69 to summarize the story of this Book, all 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New 00:21:00.79\00:21:07.83 Testament, all 1200 chapters of this Book have one testimony: Jesus wins and Satan loses. So 00:21:07.93\00:21:17.51 be on Jesus' side. I'll never forget, I was teaching young people, ages seven to nine, and 00:21:17.61\00:21:28.28 we were having kind of a Vacation Bible School situation, and we had them all day long and 00:21:28.38\00:21:33.82 one of the things we did is we went to the pool. And I had a bunch of teenagers that were 00:21:33.92\00:21:41.66 helping me in the pool. The pool had a rubberized brick that would sink to the bottom of the 00:21:41.76\00:21:49.17 pool so you could go and retrieve it. The teenagers began dropping and retrieving the 00:21:49.27\00:21:55.74 brick in the deep end of the pool. Now the seven- to nine-year-olds see this, and of 00:21:55.84\00:22:02.92 course, guess what? They want to do it too. So we took these young people, many of these 00:22:03.02\00:22:08.59 children, we took them to a shallower side, and that worked. And then they weren't satisfied 00:22:08.69\00:22:14.73 and they wanted to go to the deep end, so we went to the deep end. And here's the fascinating 00:22:14.83\00:22:20.07 thing: what many of them would do, they would dive down no problem, they would pick up the 00:22:20.17\00:22:26.78 brick, they'd get it, and they'd push themselves off the bottom of the pool. And they'd be 00:22:26.88\00:22:32.28 kicking their little feet as fast as they could, and several of them would get almost to the 00:22:32.38\00:22:40.86 top. They'd be about half a metre from the top, and their feet are kicking as fast as they 00:22:40.96\00:22:46.66 can kick and they are not moving. They're levitating in the water. And we would let 00:22:46.76\00:22:56.54 that go on for a moment or two and then grab them and pull them up out of the water. And in each 00:22:56.64\00:23:00.61 and every case I would ask them the same question, "Why didn't you let go of the brick?" And 00:23:00.71\00:23:09.75 they would answer "But I just wanted to get to the top." You see, they could not come to the 00:23:09.85\00:23:16.79 conclusion that they could not do it, and they were unwilling to let it go. All they would 00:23:16.89\00:23:25.97 have had to do was let it go and they would have come right to the top. Today Jesus calls upon 00:23:26.07\00:23:34.21 you to let go.to let go and collapse in His arms and say, "Lord, give me the gift of 00:23:34.31\00:23:44.12 salvation. I come with an open heart. I come to the cross, I come believing that Jesus is my 00:23:44.22\00:23:51.09 Lamb. I kneel before the cross, I confess my sin. He invites us to encounter Him in a special 00:23:51.19\00:24:00.24 way, to come to Him with all our guilt and shame and say, "Save 00:24:00.34\00:24:10.55 me Jesus." I regret the hours I have wasted 00:24:15.68\00:24:21.19 and the pleasures I have tasted 00:24:21.82\00:24:25.59 that you were never in. 00:24:25.93\00:24:30.90 And I confess that though your love is in me, 00:24:32.43\00:24:37.91 it doesn't always win me 00:24:38.44\00:24:42.04 when competing with my sin. 00:24:42.61\00:24:47.92 And I repent, making no excuses. 00:24:48.45\00:24:57.13 I repent no one else to blame. 00:24:57.36\00:25:05.03 And I return to fall in love with Jesus. 00:25:05.47\00:25:14.44 I bow down on my knees and I repent. 00:25:14.68\00:25:26.29 I lament the idols I've accepted, 00:25:31.49\00:25:36.83 the commandments I've rejected 00:25:37.13\00:25:40.87 to pursue my selfish end. 00:25:41.17\00:25:46.14 And I confess I need you to revive me, 00:25:47.91\00:25:53.31 put selfishness behind me 00:25:53.72\00:25:57.49 and take up my cross agian. 00:25:57.82\00:26:03.29 And I repent, making no excuses. 00:26:03.69\00:26:12.67 I repent no one else to blame. 00:26:13.17\00:26:21.81 And I return to fall in love with Jesus. 00:26:22.08\00:26:29.92 I bow down on my knees... 00:26:30.25\00:26:35.62 And I return to fall in love with Jesus. 00:26:36.29\00:26:48.64 I bow down on my knees and I repent. 00:26:50.07\00:27:05.25 >>Chris: Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for the gift of hope in Jesus Christ. Today we give 00:27:18.43\00:27:24.74 our lives to Him. Give us encouragement. We confess our sins to You. Please, forgive us 00:27:24.84\00:27:33.18 of our sins, cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are so thankful for this promise. We 00:27:33.28\00:27:38.55 pray in Jesus' name, amen. 00:27:38.65\00:27:42.39 My dear friends, the rising of hope in this star wars battle between good and evil is the 00:28:01.64\00:28:09.18 rise of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. He wants to be in 00:28:09.28\00:28:15.16 a relationship with you. I want to offer to you today The Passion of the Messiah. This 00:28:15.26\00:28:20.83 gripping book talks about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Here's the information 00:28:20.93\00:28:27.20 you need to receive today's offer. 00:28:27.30\00:28:30.17 >>Chris: My dear friends, the story of the Scriptures is simple: Jesus wins, Satan loses. 00:29:26.39\00:29:33.37 If you'd like to know more about that story, I encourage you to 00:29:33.47\00:29:37.17 go to our website, itiswrittencanada.ca. You'll find resources for your 00:29:37.27\00:29:42.18 spiritual life and archives of our program. I hope you enjoyed today's program. Please join us 00:29:42.28\00:29:47.75 again next week. Until then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, 00:29:47.85\00:29:54.99 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:29:55.09\00:29:57.16