It Is Written Canada

Star Wars Part 1: The Birth of the Controversy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201611A

00:01 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:05 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:10 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:15 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:20 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:26 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:31 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
00:36 IIW --- Star Wars- The Birth of the Controversy
01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:34 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:58 In 1975 a young director by the name of George Lucas began to conceive and write the story of
02:07 a young boy by the name of Anakin Skywalker. As he wrote more and more, his idea became a
02:13 full script of 6 movies - two trilogies. He presented his idea to many studios, almost all of
02:22 them rejectied his idea as silly, one studio, 20th Century Fox, however, went out on a limb
02:30 to support his idea. Work immediately began on the second trilogy and in May of 1977, Star
02:39 Wars: A New Hope was released. It became the highest grossing film of all time, at the time.
02:47 The second movie followed in 1980 with the Empire Strikes Back and then the third movie,
02:54 Return of the Jedi debuted in 1983. The Star Wars trilogy became a timeless classic
03:03 appealing to all ages. It was so successful because it depicted the classic battle of good
03:11 verses evil, Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader. Toys, games, comics all came exploding the
03:22 growth of the brand. Then in 1999 after 16 years the prequel trilogy debuted giving the
03:30 history of the birth of evil. In 2015 after ten years and the sale of LucasFilm to Disney the
03:41 sequel trilogy began with The Force Awakens. And in 2016 began the anthology films.
03:53 Make no mistake about it, this classic battle of good versus evil falls into the movie genre
04:01 of Science Fiction and that is exactly what it is - fiction And by using the illustration of
04:07 these movies and sharing the title with this series I am in not suggesting that you view any
04:13 of these films. Because the reality friends, is that we do not need to watch some film to
04:18 experience "Star Wars".each and every day we all live star wars as the battle of good versus
04:28 evil is played out in our lives. There is a constant struggle between right and wrong, and the
04:36 events unfolding before us are a demonstration of that battle between good and evil that
04:44 happens every day. Many questions arise as we talk about good and, when did it
04:49 will it end.what is my role in this whole situation.and most importantly who or what
05:03 will be victorius? Over the next several weeks we will delve behind the scenes and explore
05:10 the foundational event of history that defines the battle of good versus evil and its
05:17 impact, not only for each of us personally and globally, but also for the universe at large.
05:28 First we must clearly identify who the players are in this battle of good versus evil. Now
05:36 the Bible gives clear evidence to the rise of evil and the development of the battle
05:41 between good and evil. Someone watching It Is Written for the first time, might ask, how can I
05:46 trust the Bible? I'd encourage you to go to our website, It Is Written Canada dot ca and there
05:52 you can go to our archives and find the program, The Book that Couldn't Be Silenced or go to
05:58 our YouTube page and find it there. This Book can be trusted and it tells the story of good
06:08 in evil. Who are the players in the great battle of Good and evil. Jesus Himself defines
06:15 clearly who is good and the author of all good things, in
06:22 Matthew 19:17 he says,
06:33 Psalm 52:1 furthers testifies that reality,
06:44 Psalm 145:9 goes on to state that
06:56 While James 1:17 promises that
07:17 And in one of the most quoted passage's of the Bible, 1 John 4:16,
07:39 The Bible is crystal clear, God is good, He is holy and He is love. We could spend the entire
07:47 show delving further into the depths of God's love and goodness, but today I am looking
07:54 want to simply establish that God is good. Yet there is also evil in the world. How did that
08:04 happen?
08:07 The book of Revelation tells the story.a tragic story. Somehow and someway there was war in
08:15 heaven. When did this all come to be? Revelation 12 beginning in verse 7.
08:31 Just that phrase alone should raise our eyebrow. How could there be war in heaven? We'll
08:35 talk about that in just a moment. The versse continues
08:47 There's war in heaven. There's Michael. There's a dragon. Angels fighting. Verse 8 goes on
09:11 In a fascinating turn of events, the Bible says that there was war in heaven. Why was
09:18 there war in heaven and where did this dragon come from? Tonight, friends, we will look
09:23 and answer the question of why. Why do bad things happen to good people? We are going to talk
09:30 about this dragon. Who is this dragon that the Bible calls a serpent, the devil, and Satan?
09:39 Who is the devil? where did he come from? How is he in heaven. Ezekiel 28 gives us the history
09:51 of this being. Beginning in verse 11
11:23 The first question that comes to mind as we read this passage is: what in the world does the king
11:31 of Tyre have to do with the battle of good versus evil? As we look at this passage brothers
11:39 and sisters, we will become aware that everything is not as it seems. Let's look at the
11:45 passage: The first two verses tell us very quickly that this is a word from the Lord and it
11:50 is directed to the King of Tyre. Tyre was one of the main city-states of the Phoenician
11:56 empire. It is found in the area of modern day Lebanon. Tyre was known for its abundance of rich
12:05 merchandise The king of Tyre supplied king David with the cedars of Lebanon to build the
12:12 palace.
12:16 Yet with all there rich merchandise they worshiped many god's including Baal. Jezebel,
12:23 herself, was the daughter of the king of Tyre. And so a word of the Lord has come to Ezekiel and
12:30 he is to take up a lamentation The word lamentation here means a poem. It is a poem that tells
12:37 of the impending destruction that is about to come. And as we read further, we must begin to
12:44 wonder about the identity of this King of Tyre. As this lamentation is brought against
12:51 the King of Tyre, we see clearly some of the characteristics of the king of Tyre revealed. The
12:59 text outlines plainly: He was the seal of perfection He was full of wisdom He was perfect in
13:05 beauty He was in the Garden of Eden Every precious stone was his covering He was the anointed
13:11 cherub who covers He was on the mountain of God Now friends, I must ask you - does this sound
13:18 like a human being to you? Going from the last description to the first. We see that he was on the
13:24 mountain of God and He was the anointed cherub who covers. Throughout the Old and New
13:31 Testament, the phrase "mountain of God" refers to God's kingdom or dwelling place. Did the
13:37 literal King of Tyre live in heaven? And the text states he was the anointed cherub who
13:43 covers. A cherub is a special classification of angelic being And this cherub is the one who
13:51 covered the throne. In the instructions of Exodus 25:18, given to Moses to build the
13:59 earthly wilderness sanctuary and specifically the ark of the covenant we find a description
14:06 of two cherubim that were to cover the ark of the covenant and specifically the mercy seat.
14:14 Scripture tells us that the earthly sanctuary is symbolic of the heavenly sanctuary where God
14:21 does dwell. Is the literal King of Tyre an angel?
14:30 The being talked about here in Ezekiel 28 is a very special being, the language used is
14:35 symbolic. Symbolic to describe the history of the war of good versus evil. - This symbolic
14:44 story tells the events of the history of the battle. The birth of the the dragon. He was one of
14:55 the two covering cherubim and he walked in the midst of God's throne. And not only that but
15:03 this angelic being was the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty and walked in
15:11 the Garden of Eden. This angel was important. It is here we learn a very important principle
15:20 of prophecy, that is sometimes, God uses earthly situations to symbolize heavenly realities.
15:29 Friends this is clearly symbolic of a heavenly angel. And this heavenly angel is important for
15:38 he was one who covered the throne of God According to Psalm 104:4 that it is God who created
15:49 the angels. So this important angel is working with God and is beautiful in stature. But
15:59 something terrible happens. Verses 15 and 17 tell of a terrible happening,
16:25 This angel was perfect until iniquity was found in him. The word iniquity in the Hebrew
16:31 means injustice or wrongdoing. Somehow his perfection is marred. Verse 17 reveals what
16:42 his iniquity, what his injustice was,
16:51 The pride of his beauty and wisdom had corrupted him. Who is this angel, who is this one who
17:03 was perfect and then became prideful? We look to Isaiah 14:12-14 and find further
17:14 insight into this tragic story.
17:49 This angel who's name is Lucifer, who was perfect, who was beautiful in stature, who
17:55 was full of wisdom and who stood next to the throne of God is now a sinner who has allowed pride
18:05 to enter his heart. He has actually thought himself to be above the almighty God
18:15 Friends we see now with clarity that Lucifer, an angel created by God, was the seal of
18:23 perfection, He was full of wisdom, He was perfect in beauty, He was in the Garden of
18:26 Eden, Every precious stone was his covering, He was the anointed cherub who covers, and
18:36 He was on the mountain of God. Pride entered his heart and he thought himself to be above God.
18:44 And because of his sin and rebellion it spread throughout the heavens like cancer and a
18:52 third of the angels end up following him and wage war in heaven. It is then that Michael
19:00 the archangel of God. We can see through a careful study of scripture that Michael the
19:09 archangel is actually Jesus, taking the form of the creature he is trying to save - It is He
19:18 and the remaining angels that stay faithful and wage this war and win this war and cast
19:26 Lucifer, who now is Satan, the Devil, the father of lies he along with imps are cast out of
19:34 heaven and to this earth. The conflict began this way. But many ask another question, and
19:42 it's another "Why" question. Why did God create Lucifer with the ability to make wrong choices?
19:50 Why did God create him with the ability to disobey? What we will see, friends, is that God, the
20:00 very, very essence of the character of God, as outlined in First John, is that God is love.
20:09 And in order for love to be love, love gives you the ability to say yes, but love also gives
20:20 you the ability to say no.
20:26 One of the riskiest propositions that's faced by any human being is when a decision is made to
20:31 bring a child into the world. When your child was brought into this world, your child was
20:37 brought into this world with what's called free will. Your child could accept you, or your
20:42 child could reject you. And God, in the same way, when God creates beings, the very essence
20:50 of the government of God is love, God wants people to love Him because they want to love
20:57 Him. God doesn't want to simply create robots. Imagine for a moment that that is in fact how
21:03 life worked, that when your child was born, your child was nothing more than a mere robot.
21:09 That was programmed to be obedient and love you. I want you to think more deeply about
21:19 the ramifications. while there may be the beauty of having a child that listened all the
21:24 time, think more deeply, that at some leve is the reality that your child loves you because you
21:32 programmed it to love you, not because your child wanted to love you. See, this is why God,
21:40 when He created, He creates us not as robots or puppets, but He creates us with the ability to
21:46 say yes or say no. Lucifer wasn't satisfied with the freedom of choice he had been
21:53 provided. The Bible says that he desired something more. Not only did he want to sit on the throne
22:00 of God, but he actually wanted to sit above the throne of God. My dear friends, if we could
22:07 understand this verse and what it means, it would resolve some of life's greatest problems. The
22:14 greatest problems in life are faced when we make a decision that our way is better than
22:18 God's way. And in essence, what happened in heaven is Lucifer said in his heart, "Wait a
22:26 second, I think I can govern better than God. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why do I have to
22:32 follow all these rules? I certainly know how to rule better than God. I could be
22:36 above God." And in that moment, Lucifer begins to transition. Lucifer, not being satisfied
22:43 with his opposition to God, began to sow seeds of discord in heaven, and he began asking
22:48 questions. "Don't you think that I could rule better than God?" And he began sowing the seeds.
22:59 You see, Lucifer desired a higher position. He desired an exalted throng. He desired
23:06 rulership and dominance. Lucifer questioned God's very authority and he questioned God's
23:13 fairness. And I want you to think about that now. It's the ultimate catch 22. You are not
23:19 just and you are not fair, so how does God demonstrate His justice and how does God
23:30 demonstrate that He's fair? You see, Lucifer didn't see God as his friend, but he viewed God as
23:33 a rival. So how would God face this challenge of Lucifer? Why wouldn't God just destroy evil
23:43 before it had the chance to spread?"
23:51 Let's paint a hypothetical picture. Let's just pretend for a moment that the local MP
23:57 accused the prime minister of embezzling money. Then the next day, after his accusations were
24:04 made public, soldiers, sent by the prime minster showed up at his home.They went in and they
24:12 handcuffed the MP. They took the MP out of his home, and there in the street, while the cameras
24:17 were rolling, they executed the MP. So let me ask you a question: Would you trust the
24:24 prime minister after that? In fact, you would have bigger questions about the prime
24:30 minister? It would raise questions amongst many people that, well, maybe the prime
24:36 minister had something to hide. You see, if God simply destroyed Satan on the spot,
24:45 then the questions arise, "Well, maybe God isn't very fair. Maybe God's justice isn't really
24:55 just." So God had to answer the question of Lucifer. And the only way to answer that
25:01 question, unfortunately for us, is time. You see, in the moment that Lucifer made a decision to
25:10 disobey God, to leave God's governance, to create war in heaven, Lucifer transformed
25:16 himself from Lucifer the perfect angel created by God, to Satan the arch-deceiver, the great
25:23 devil, the serpent of old. In that very moment, he went from God's creation to the creation
25:30 of his own. God did not create Satan. God created Lucifer who was good, perfect, full of
25:38 beauty, the covering cherub. Satan made himself through his own choices.
25:50 For a few weeks we'll explore the history of this war. We will look at this Star War and see
25:56 what it means for us today. Although our study explored a conflict that began thousands of
26:03 years ago, it is a conflict that wages on today. 1 Peter 5:8,
26:28 Friends there is hope for today, it is found in Revelation 12:11,
26:47 The war has been won by Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, there is
26:55 hope, so place your trust in him today.
27:08 Heavenly Father, even though there is a wile foe the devil raoming about this world like a
27:15 roaring lion seeking whom he may devour we have the hope in Your son Jesus the one who overcomes
27:23 the devil the one who overcomes the roaring lion. Today, may we place our faith and trust in
27:30 Jesus, may we give our hearts to Him that we might enjoy the safety of His arms the one who
27:38 has overcome may we enjoy victory in Him we pray in Jesus name amen.
27:50 Friends the beginning of the great epic Star Wars it's happening in the universe today.
27:57 is a fascinating development of the battle between good and evil. Today I want to offer you
28:03 the magazine "The great controversy of Good and Evil is nearly over". As you peruse the
28:10 pages of this magazine, you'll see chapters like "War in heaven", "God's rescue plan" and
28:16 "The final Conflict". You'll want to read this magazine. It will give you hope and joy for
28:24 this time. here's the information you need to receive today's offer.
29:28 My dear friends in the great battle of good versus evil the testimony of the scriptures is
29:34 this, Jesus wins, good wins. encourage you to choose Jesus today. I hope you enjoyed the
29:42 program today I invite you to join us again next week. Until then remember, it is written man
29:48 shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2017-01-11