It Is Written Canada

All Eyes Looking in the Wrong Directions, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201604A

00:01 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:04 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:09 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:14 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:21 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:26 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:32 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:37 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:42 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:46 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
00:50 IIW-2016-4 --- All eyes looking in the wrong direction #2
01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:35 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:58 We left off last week wondering how the 2300 day prophecy would answer the challenge the crisis
02:06 of the world today. If you missed last week's show, you can go to our website
02:11 or our youtube channel, and
02:22 view the previous weeks. We pick up right where we left off as the angel Gabriel helps reveal
02:32 the answer to the question of what does this mysterious 2300 days mean. In Daniel 9:24
02:41 Gabriel speaks
03:00 Daniel's people are the Jews. Daniel's city is Jerusalem. Seventy weeks. Is this kind of
03:19 starting to make sense? Daniel was given a vision of 2300 days, in Daniel chapter 8. Now he's
03:23 given a vision of seventy weeks. We need to do a little math, if you're not a mathematician, just
03:30 stay with me, because it's actually all rather simple. Daniel's city is Jerusalem,
03:35 Daniel's people are the Jews. The Bible says 70 weeks are determined. Literally in the
03:42 Hebrew, this means cut off from a larger piece. Cut off from what? The 2300 days of Daniel
03:59 chapeter 8. Gabriel says, "I've come to help you understand What is he coming to help him
04:09 understand? That which Daniel did not understand. And what did he not understand? The 2300
04:14 days." Seventy weeks are determined. Seventy weeks are cut off. Cut off from the 2300
04:22 days. And then he says to Daniel, "Daniel I am giving you a starting point for the time
04:28 prophecy of the 2300 days." However, we have weeks and days We need to keep it simple and
04:38 make it all the same. Seventy weeks times seven days in a week is 490 days. The angel Gabriel
04:46 is making this all very simple for us. The 2300-day prophecy has something to do with the
04:54 time of the end it has heavenly sanctuary language. But we have no beginning point of the 2300
05:00 days,but Gabriel says that 70 weeks have been determined, 70 weeks have been cut off, 490
05:10 days have been cut off from the 2300 days that are specific to the Jews.
05:18 Remember, this cannot be literal days, because it refers to the time of the end. To help us with
05:28 our journey, we must look at one of the most accepted Biblical principles of interpretation of
05:32 time prophecy. It is found in Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34, and that is this:
05:48 And so, if we're talking about prophetic days, we're talking about literal years. So the 490
05:56 days, the 2300 days are actually literal years. So here's what the chart looks like. There are
06:04 2300 years, 490 years have been dedicated to or have been cut off for the Jews and Jerusalem.
06:18 However, we still have a problem, because if we have no starting point, none of these
06:25 numbers help much at all. Praise the Lord that the Bible gives us a starting point. Daniel chapter
06:37 9 and verse 25:
06:52 This word command is literally translated from the original Hebrew as decree. Well, that's
07:05 kind of interesting because Ezra chapter 7 verses 12 to 13:
07:35 Artaxerxes made a decree that allowed the Jewish people to go back to Jerusalem and begin to
07:42 rebuild Jerusalem. Thankfully, from history, we know exactly when this happened. That date
07:50 was in 457 B.C. Friends, we now have a starting point which reveals some of the most
08:00 exciting news that you could ever see hear. The verse of Daniel 9 continues:
08:23 Seven plus 62 gives us how much? 69. The Bible says after 69 weeks, the Messiah will come.
08:32 Literally in the Hebrew this means "the anointed one." But we learned from Ezekiel 4:6 and
08:38 Numbers 14:34 that a prophetic day equals how long? A literal year. So if we go 483 years from
08:47 457, what do we come to? 26 AD. We have a little bit of a problem, though. You see, on a
09:01 calculator, your calculator is zeroed. You have zero on your calculator. But in history,
09:08 there was no year zero. They went from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. So you just need to add a year back
09:18 in. Again, this is not quick-footed math here, pretty simple. Make sense to everybody?
09:25 So actually, it takes us to 27 A.D. So did anything interesting happen in 27 A.D.? Dr. Luke,
09:36 when he was recording his gospel, begins Luke chapter 3 with these words: "Now, in the
09:46 15th year of Tiberius Caesar." The 15th year of Tiberius Caesar was 27 A.D. And immediately
10:02 following that, in Luke chapter 3, it says,
10:16 Acts chapter 10:38 says,
10:36 Jesus was anointed as Messiah when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism. Jesus
10:44 was the Messiah when He was born, but He was anointed for His mission at His baptism when
10:50 the Holy Spirit fell upon Him. The book of Daniel predicts with absolute reliability the year
10:58 that Jesus would be baptized. Jesus was baptized on time. Then Daniel 9:26 goes on and says:
11:22 69 weeks plus the 1 week gives us the 490 years or the full 70 weeks. There's one week in here
11:30 that happens. What happens during that week? Well, Daniel 9:27 is very clear what happens:
11:46 But what happens?
11:56 So the middle of the week, which would be about three-and-a-half years after 27 A.D., which would
12:04 take us to the year 31 A.D. Does anything happen that brings an end to sacrifice? Jesus was
12:11 crucified in 31 A.D., exactly on time. And in the sanctuary, in the temple, the curtain is torn
12:23 from top to bottom, and with it ended the sacrificial system. Exactly as Daniel said, as given
12:32 by Gabriel, who received his message from God to give to Daniel.
12:42 In Daniel 9, the central figure is Jesus Christ as Messiah. This is why, by the way, Jesus would
12:51 say, "For this is My blood, the blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the
12:55 remission of sins." You see, Christ was crucified exactly on time. This is why Paul said in
13:02 Galatians 4:4:
13:11 Why would Paul use that kind of language? Because Paul understood the book of Daniel.
13:16 God sent forth His Son. Romans 5:6 says:
13:25 Paul understood the message of the book of Daniel. Daniel chapter 9 tells us that Christ
13:32 was baptized on time, Christ was crucified on time, and Christ is now ministering, because He
13:43 ascended into heaven. And as Paul said in Hebrews 8:
14:00 What about the last three-and-a-half years. What happens in A.D. 34? The book of
14:09 Acts records in A.D. 34 what happened. The deacon Stephen comes before the religious
14:15 council, and he's given opportunity to testify on behalf of Jesus Christ. Stephen gave
14:22 them the history of Israel and their continued rejection of the prophets. Stephen was giving the
14:33 Jews as a nation another opportunity to be maintained as God's special people, however
14:43 they rejected him and they stoned Stephen in A.D. 34. That day marked three things:
14:56 Stephen's speech that Christ was the Messiah; the Jewish high priest rejected Stephen's
15:13 reasoning that Jesus was the Messiah; and in A.D. 34, the gospel now goes full force to
15:18 the gentiles. Part one of the prophecy was for the Jewish people. But there's 1810 years
15:31 left in the prophecy. Simple math and addition takes us to the year 1844. If you understand
15:41 history and the history of Christianity, in the 1840s, something very special began to
15:48 happen. In the early 1800s, people began to re-engage with the book of Daniel and a great
15:56 awakening occurred
15:59 This was vital because in the 18th century and the 19th century, much of North American
16:04 Christianity believed in something called post-millennialism. They
16:09 basically believed that the earth was getting better and better and better and better and
16:13 better, and finally, Jesus would come and reign over this utopian state that had been achieved
16:18 through human intervention and human goodness. But as people began studying the book of
16:30 Daniel all over the world, and they read Daniel chapter 8:14, and they say, "2300 days and
16:38 then the sanctuary would be cleansed." They understand that only God's intervention could
16:47 bring about a perfect and harmonious place. They began to identify Daniel 8:14 as the
16:53 second coming of Christ. While Jesus said no man knows the day or the hour. They believed that
17:02 those words were for the time of Jesus and now He was revealing the date of His coming. It
17:08 seemed logical and very exciting. These God-fearing people began preaching and
17:13 proclaiming the return of Christ somewhere in the mid-1800s. And there was an explosion in growth
17:22 in Christianity called the Second Great Advent Awakening. It happened in the U.S.,
17:26 happened in Canada. People were excited. They identified a date for Christ to return: in 1844.
17:37 And before we laugh at them and condemn them, I want you to think now for a moment. Put
17:44 yourself in their shoes. There's historical record of people opening up their shops and
17:49 letting people take everything in it. There is historical record of farmers not harvesting
17:54 their crops because Jesus was coming. And the day on which they predicted that He was going
18:01 to come, of course He did not come. I want you to put yourself in those kind of shoes. Imagine
18:14 for a moment. And I want you to think of something that's happened in your life that was
18:23 the worst disappointment that you've ever experienced. And now magnify that 100,000-fold. These
18:33 people placed everything on the idea that Jesus was coming back, and He didn't.
18:44 But some re-examined the prophecy. The timeline was right. The event was wrong. As
19:01 they examined the words."For 2,300 days, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed. They saw the
19:08 connection to the Day of Atonement,they connected it to a day of judgement, the cleansing
19:14 of the sanctuary. Here is the reality in 1844 nothing happened on the earth. Something did
19:28 happen in heaven. Christ transitioned in His ministry. Christ is still in a ministry of
19:37 redemption. But in 1844, He transitioned into a phase of His ministry of judgement. The
19:47 judgment because that is what is needed just before the second coming? Daniel 2 was Babylon,
20:06 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, divided Rome, second coming. Daniel chapter 7 gives new
20:12 details. The new details are: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, divided Rome,
20:18 religio-political power, judgement, second coming. Daniel chapter 8: the ram of
20:25 Medo-Persia; the goat of Greece; the horn of Rome; a horn that extends out of religiopolitical
20:32 significance. And if the prophecies all match in Daniel 2, 7, and 8, what should happen
20:39 after the rise of this religiopolitical power? Judgement. Daniel chapter 8
20:46 verse 14, Daniel there was given by God Himself an indication for people of all time of a
20:59 preparatory message. A preparatory message because God wants everyone possible to be in
21:07 heaven.
21:11 In 1844, God began a special ministry. Friends, Daniel was accurate about the baptism of
21:17 Jesus, Daniel was accurate about the crucifixion of Jesus, Daniel was accurate about the stoning
21:22 of Stephen and the gospel going to the Gentiles. And friends Daniel is accurate that the
21:29 judgement hour began in 1844. And here's the beauty: we have nothing to be fearful of,
21:37 because First John 2:1 says this:
21:50 The goal of Christian living is to live a victorious life in Him, that we would enjoy peace
21:56 and safety and love right here on this earth. But then it goes on to say,
22:12 That word literally translated means "the atoning sacrifice."This is for our sins,
22:22 and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. So I want you to notice the progression.
22:29 First John 2:1 says that Jesus is our advocate, which means He is on our behalf. He is standing
22:35 there next to us. He's our comforter, he is our encourager, He's there to lift us up when we
22:40 fall down. But the Bible also says in the judgement that He is our sacrifice as well. You see -
22:47 and the Bible also says that Jesus is what? He is the judge, because Daniel 7 says the
22:58 judgement was given into His hands. Too often in Christianity the Bible is
23:06 presented as a book of rules and regulations, narrowing down and limiting who can go and be a
23:13 part of God's kingdom. But Jesus says, "No, no, no, that's not what the deal is. That's not
23:23 what the deal is. I came into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world might
23:27 saved through Me. I came to the world as a human being, so that way, I can sympathize with
23:34 what's happening in your life. You're going through difficulties? I went through
23:39 difficulties as well.
23:44 Are you experiencing loss in your life? Jesus experienced loss. Are you experiencing
23:50 rejection in your life? Jesus experienced rejection. Jesus experienced everything that
23:57 we've experienced. And the Bible says that He is our high priest, which means He's in
24:05 charge. Then the Bible says He is our judge, which means He's the one that looks at the
24:11 account of our life. And then the Bible says He's the one that advocates and stands next to us
24:18 to encourage us. And then to top it all off, it says that Jesus is the sacrifice as well.
24:27 And the question we wrestle with today is this: What else? What else could He have done? The
24:39 story of the Bible is the relentless pursuit of God to save us and to take us to our
24:50 rightful home. He never intended for economic decline and people being bankrupted. He never
24:59 intended for people to die of cancer. He never intended for people to die of old age. He
25:03 never intended for the hip surgery. He never intended for rejection. He never intended for
25:11 any of that. The story of the Bible is God doing everything He can to catch our attention, so
25:22 we would look up and look into the sanctuary where He is the high priest, the one who
25:29 sympathizes with all our needs, that we can come boldly to the throne and say, "Jesus, I don't
25:37 know what I'm going to do. I'm at my wit's end and I need You to do something," and Jesus
25:42 says, "That's okay, I'm going to encourage you. When it comes down to judging this thing that
25:50 happened in your life, if you accept My sacrifice, it will wipeall of your sins clean. I
25:57 will give you a new start.A new record in the book of judgment.
26:05 Jesus has done everything in the sanctuary. We don't have to fear the judgement. The judgement is
26:11 not something we must cringe. The judgement is something we can take joy in, because we know
26:17 Jesus transitioned His ministry in the year 1844 and it means one very simple thing: Friends,
26:28 we are in the final hours of earth's history. We don't know when, but we know this: We are
26:38 in the final hours. The appeal of Jesus today, is this: "Come into the sanctuary. See Me. Give
26:49 your life to Me, and I'll make all things right. I'll make you a new man, a new woman, a new
26:55 girl, a new boy. I will lift you up." And if you keep your eyes focused on that temple in heaven
27:03 and cling to Jesus you'll be ready for that day when He comes in glory with the shout of an
27:10 archangel, with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise. And First Corinthians says
27:17 that we who are alive and remain will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. The message of Jesus
27:25 today is simple: Keep your eyes on Him in the sanctuary.
27:37 Heavenly Father, we thank You so much that You are for us, and if You are for us, who can be
27:43 against us? We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
28:13 Dear friends, God is doing everything He can to get you into heaven. I want to offer you
28:20 today the little booklet, Pending Your Case in Court by Joe Crews. In that book, you'll
28:25 find encouragement that you can stand tall in this hour of judgement. Here's the
28:31 information you need for today's offer.
29:33 Friend, I hope you enjoyed today's program and I hope that you have found joy in Jesus and
29:40 know that He's doing everything for you. Please join us again next week. Until then, remember,
29:46 it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from
29:53 the mouth of God."
29:56 #########


Revised 2016-10-27