It Is Written Canada

Taking the Risk #2: The Guidance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201526A

00:00 IIW-2015-26 Take the risk-The guidance
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00:46 IIW-2015-26 Take the risk-The guidance
01:29 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:32 God's book, The Bible
01:36 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:42 It Is Written
01:43 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:56 CHRIS: Dear friends, thank you so much for joining us. We are in the middle of an incredible
02:01 story: the story of Pastor Manuel Donoso and how God led throughout his life. The last
02:09 show, we left you with Pastor Donoso in the army. Pastor Donoso, I want to welcome you
02:16 again to It Is Written. PASTOR DONOSO: Thank you, Chris. CHRIS: You know, Pastor Donoso,
02:20 we were talking about your story, talking about the journey, key pivotal moments in
02:26 your journey. If you've missed any of the program. of the last program, you can go to our
02:34 website,, and there you can watch last week's program. But Pastor
02:38 Donoso, we talked about several pivotal moments in your life. When you began, in your
02:44 childhood, you would have long walks to school, and at that time, you began talking to God,
02:48 maybe not understanding fully who God was and what He was and what He could do, but you began
02:54 these conversations, which was a key point in your formation. Then, as you entered upon life,
03:01 there was a tragic situation with your father, and that situation led to rebellion in
03:07 your life and led to you entering into the army, which, at the time, was not a good
03:15 experience for you. However, you've said, looking back on it, it began to emphasize the
03:21 principle of discipline in your life. Where we left the last show is, you're in the army,
03:28 you're going through struggles, things aren't going like you want it to go. You're wanting to
03:34 get out. How do you eventually get out? Because obviously, you're not still in the army.
03:39 PASTOR DONOSO: Well, as I mentioned, I wrote to the president, to the elected
03:45 president at the time, newlylected president, a letter asking him to intervene
03:52 on my behalf. CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR DONOSO: Well, about a month and a half passed by, I
03:56 didn't receive any news, so I kind of forgot about the idea, 'til one day, one weekend, I was
04:02 out, I was on leave. When I came back on Sunday night, everybody knew that I had received a
04:09 letter from the presidency; it had come to the army base. And so, as you can imagine, how
04:19 excited I was, but I didn't know whether it was good news or not. So I read the letter, and the
04:27 president was telling me that he has intervened with the ministry of defence, and that to be
04:33 patient, because something was being done. Well, the following day, the very next day, on
04:38 Monday, I was called to the office of the general of the. in charge of the regiment. And the
04:45 first thing he asked me was how come I didn't go forward when they asked a few months earlier
04:52 whoever wanted to be discharged earlier? And this was my payback to the lieutenant, because I
04:58 said to the general that I had done so, but the lieutenant had pushed me back. So to make the
05:06 story short, I was discharged immediately after that. I was able to leave. And actually, I
05:16 was given a month leave, and I was spending Christmas and New Year's out. And even though I
05:27 wasn't discharged, at least I thought, you know, it was something good. But when I came
05:32 back after being away for a month, the very next day after I arrived, I was told that I was
05:39 discharged for good. CHRIS: So you're discharged from the army. Where does your story lead you
05:46 from there? PASTOR DONOSO: Well, I went home in the country, and I was wondering what I was going
05:52 to study. I was leaning in a particular direction, but I wanted to take some time off.
05:57 And I had been home for a couple of months when I saw a jeep coming home toward my home, and
06:06 I knew the jeep; it was my good friend that we had been in the army together. And he came to
06:14 invite me to go to Peru. And the story. the reason was that he was in love with this girl. She
06:20 was poor and he was wealthy. And the family, when they found out that this was getting serious,
06:24 they decided to send them to Peru to get away, but they wanted for him to go with a
06:34 friend, and they picked me as the person that should accompany him. But unfortunately, the
06:42 story was a little more complicated, because the girl was pregnant. CHRIS: Okay. So
06:46 you get out of the army, you had a friend that was actually a friend before you went into the
06:51 army? PASTOR DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: Continued on as friends in the army. He left the army
06:54 before you did. PASTOR DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: He shows up at your house in a jeep and
06:58 says, "Let's go to Peru." PASTOR DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: So what do you do? Do you go to Peru? Do
07:03 you have other plans? 'Cause you're thinking about studying. What do you do? PASTOR
07:06 DONOSO: Well, I decided to go with him, because I agreed that he was doing the right thing. He
07:14 was not abandoning this girl. But there was another issue as well. Because the family was
07:19 providing for his trip, there was a need to. for more money to finance the girl's. So I was in
07:29 the picture for this as well. So we did make the trip in that. you need to read the book to
07:38 know the whole story, because a movie could be made of just that, how we got away from Chile
07:45 with this girl, and to Peru. CHRIS: Now, for some of our viewers, their geography of
07:50 South America may not be. how long of a journey is it from where you lived in Chile to
07:56 where you were going in Peru? PASTOR DONOSO: We took a bus and it took us two-and-a-half days
08:01 to arrive in Lima, Peru. And we had to stay at a hotel one night. This girl was seven
08:16 months pregnant. CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR DONOSO: And one of the things that happened when we
08:21 arrived in Lima, she almost died. She was wearing a corset to hide the pregnancy, and she
08:29 did that throughout the trip. And she almost died in Peru. CHRIS: Wow. So you end up in
08:37 Peru. Tell me what happens in Peru. What are some pivotal moments that happen in Peru?
08:42 PASTOR DONOSO: We had some jewellery that somebody had sent to their daughter in Peru that
08:50 she was married to an executive with the American cable. So that's the contact that we had.
08:55 And this lady is the one that really helped her and basically saved her life because she took
09:03 her to her doctor and saved this girl's life. But right next door to this lady, this Peruvian
09:10 lady, lived a man that had a poultry farm, a large poultry farm, and he was looking for a
09:16 manager at the time. So I landed a job only a couple of days after I arrived in Lima; I got
09:25 this job as managing a large poultry farm in the north of Peru. CHRIS: Well, so you have a
09:32 history of being on farms. Your father was an administrator at a farm. So you go to Peru, don't
09:39 really have necessarily a plan of what you're going to do, how you're going to do it. The young
09:45 lady who was the girlfriend of your friend is taken care of, even though she almost dies. And
09:50 now you are managing a poultry farm. What happens next? PASTOR DONOSO: Well, what happened next
09:58 is I worked there and tried to get my working visa. And I was unsuccessful because the
10:06 contract was not valid. It had no value to the government. It was just between us, the owner
10:15 and myself. So I spent a year managing this farm, and I decided to go back to Chile.
10:26 These friends had already gone; shortly after she recuperated, they returned. The family had
10:33 accepted the girl, and so they returned. A year later, now I wanted to return. And the day
10:42 before, I stayed at a hotel, and the next day I was going to go, because it was not in Lima, the
10:47 capital; it was 60 kilometres away to the north of Lima. And at the hotel the next morning,
10:53 when I was supposed to go to Lima, I met this man who said, "Have you gone to the jungle, to
10:57 the Amazon jungle?" And I said, "No." He said, "You can't come to Peru and not go to the Amazon
11:02 jungle." CHRIS: Hmm. PASTOR DONOSO: So he convinced me to go to Iquitos, the largest city in
11:08 Peru, in the Amazon area. CHRIS: So you meet this individual as you're leaving the
11:17 hotel, asks you if you've been to the jungle in the Amazon, you say no, you head to the Amazon.
11:22 What happens? PASTOR DONOSO: Yeah. And instead of flying to Chile, I flew to the
11:27 Amazon. There, many things happened, but I got a job with a company that was extracting oil
11:34 from rosewood right in the middle of the Amazon jungle. And I was hired to go to do an
11:41 inspection because it had been idle; the distillery had been idle for a few years. I went. We
11:47 went in a plane. They took me there. When we were flying back, one of the doors fell off the
11:55 plane. It was an aquatic plane. We almost. the plane almost went underwater. Then they asked me
12:02 again to. after all the material was bought, purchased, to get the machine going, I was asked
12:12 to go there, accompany the boat with all the material. And so I arrived there and they had a
12:19 man, a young man, that was supposed to run the distillery after I went back. And when they
12:26 came to pick me up in a plane, this young man was very ill. So they asked me to stay while he
12:34 went to get medical attention, and they would bring him back in a plane and then pick me up. But
12:41 that never happened. CHRIS: Okay, you say that never happened. So you're in the
12:46 middle of the Amazon, you're working for a company that's extracting oil from.? PASTOR
12:49 DONOSO: Rosewood. CHRIS: .from rosewood. And you end up actually managing or running the
12:56 machinery for this extraction unit, unexpectedly. And you just said they were supposed to
13:05 return, but that didn't happen. What do you mean? I mean, you're here, so obviously you were not
13:09 stuck in the Amazon forever. But what happened? What do you mean, that didn't happen? PASTOR
13:14 DONOSO: Well, the reason it never happened is because this company with three architects
13:20 have started a construction company and they have got a contract to build a convent for
13:24 the nuns, and they took the down payment and purchased this distillery from somebody else,
13:31 and they thought it was going to be a quick return, but it didn't happen that way. So when the
13:37 nuns discovered this, they went to the authorities and the people declared bankruptcy, the
13:45 company that was employing me, and they left me there for seven months. CHRIS: So you were left
13:51 in the Amazon. by yourself? For seven months. Now, Pastor Donoso, I can't even imagine
14:00 this, but what happened during that seven months? PASTOR DONOSO: I almost died. It was a
14:04 terrible thing. One other thing that became very apparent to me very shortly after is the value
14:14 of family. Because here I was, have no way of contacting my family in any way, shape, or
14:20 form. It was just like being in a concentration camp somewhere where you have no way of getting
14:28 out. There is no, nothing that you can go to. And fortunately, there was a man there that had
14:36 run the distillery for the previous owner, and he had a fairly decent home with kerosene
14:42 lamp and refrigerators and all of that, and he housed me during that time. But I had an
14:51 experience when I was playing soccer with some of the native Indians in the little village,
14:55 and I fell and one of them stepped on my hand, broke the skin, and my hand got infected,
15:04 and I knew I was going to die. CHRIS: Wow. So you're being cared for by this man, staying
15:10 in the home of this man who used to run the distillery. You've got this infection. Pastor
15:16 Donoso, how do you survive? How do you eventually make your way out of the Amazon? PASTOR
15:20 DONOSO: Well, first of all, the hand, I knew that. because things were getting worse and
15:26 worse, I knew that I was going to die. And I was desperate. And then one day I was in my room
15:35 when I hear all this commotion, and I came out of the room, and I looked in the bay - it was a
15:41 big bay - and I saw this big ship. And I couldn't believe my eyes. It was just like watching
15:48 a vision. But it was actually a Peruvian navy hospital ship that they do - I didn't know - but
15:56 they go through the rivers giving medical attention to the people that live in those areas
16:02 because there is no other way. And they saved my life. The doctor told me that maybe in 24
16:08 hours, I would have got blood poisoning and died. CHRIS: Wow. So by a miracle, this Peruvian
16:15 naval ship, naval hospital ship, comes through, helps you, heals this infection. So how do you
16:25 get out of the Amazon? PASTOR DONOSO: Well, we have an outdoor motorboat with a motor, and
16:32 there was a radio station that transmit messages to the people in the jungle, because there's
16:38 no other way. And we heard that this plane was going, Peruvian plane, the air force plane, used
16:51 to rent certain planes to get things to the jungle or. and there was this plane going to go
16:59 and pick up some tropical fish. Somebody was paying to bring that. But it was a long way from
17:06 where I was. CHRIS: Okay. PASTOR DONOSO: So we went, we make. there was a man there who had
17:17 been hired to make the boats, the bark, to bring the wood into the distillery. And he told me,
17:21 "You need to get out of here before you go crazy." So that's how I made my way to the. we had
17:27 to travel all night, and it was extremely dangerous to travel at night in those rivers. There's
17:35 trees floating down the water, and it was just amazing. That's how I got out. CHRIS: So you
17:41 make your way down the river, you intercept this Peruvian air force plane, they fly you out.
17:48 What happens next in your life? PASTOR DONOSO: I met this girl. As soon as I came back, I met
17:55 this girl, wealthy Peruvian beautiful girl that had gone with a friend to buy the wedding
18:03 dress. And I met her the day before she was going back to Lima, because the only way to
18:15 come to Iquitos was by plane. So they had gone, and I met. And we really liked each other. But I
18:21 was waiting for a cheque from the company, and they had given me one month out of the seven
18:27 months that I was away, one month's payment, but it was a ninetyay cheque. I had to wait
18:33 ninety days. And I was waiting there. Well, I met this girl. I waited for somebody to cash the
18:40 cheque. Finally, somebody did, for a fraction of the amount, and I flew back to Chile.
18:47 CHRIS: So you meet this young lady, but you're able to get the money together. You fly back to
18:55 Chile. And then once back in Chile, where does life take you? PASTOR DONOSO: Well, once again,
19:01 I was going to study. My mother, when I left Chile, she opened up a bank account, and started
19:10 putting money just in case I came back broke. And what I did, I did. There's many miracles in
19:16 the meantime that happened. But my mother gave me the equivalent of about $3,500 and she said,
19:24 "Nobody knows about this. Your father doesn't know, your brother doesn't know. This is
19:28 for you." And unfortunately, she regretted that later, because once again, another friend came,
19:35 about after a month I'd been back in Chile, and he said, "You need to accompany me to Brazil
19:43 because I left a girlfriend there." CHRIS: So Pastor Donoso, you've helped somebody with
19:49 their girlfriend in Peru, and now you have another friend that wants you to help them with
19:54 their girlfriend that's in Brazil. And I even hate to ask, but what did you do? PASTOR
19:58 DONOSO: I went. CHRIS: So you go to Brazil, and what happens in Brazil? PASTOR DONOSO: Well,
20:04 what happened in Brazil is, when we arrived in a city in Brazil, we have given the address for my
20:10 family to send us correspondence. We'd been there I think about two days. When we
20:18 went back to the home where we were staying, I found a letter there addressed to me. And the
20:25 letter was from Maria Elena, this girl that I had met just before I left for Chile. And she
20:34 had gone with her mother and grandmother to Chile to look for me. CHRIS: Wow. So you mean. and
20:42 maybe I missed the story. I want to make sure I understand it correctly. Now, you meet this
20:47 woman in Peru. PASTOR DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: Who was supposed to get married,
20:51 actually. PASTOR DONOSO: No, no, her friend. CHRIS: Oh, her friend, okay. PASTOR DONOSO: She
20:57 accompanied her friend and went to get a wedding dress. CHRIS: All right, well that's
21:00 good, Pastor Donoso. I thought you maybe stole a bride from somebody. PASTOR DONOSO: No, no.
21:02 CHRIS: Okay. So this woman that you meet in Peru that you have a good conversation with or two,
21:09 you leave her behind in Peru, you go to Chile. PASTOR DONOSO: Well, she went back to
21:14 Lima. CHRIS: Oh, she went back to Lima. PASTOR DONOSO: While I was staying there waiting for
21:17 the cheque to. for somebody to cash my cheque. But it just happened that somebody cashed my
21:24 cheque just after she had gone back to Lima. So we had no way of communicating. So after she
21:33 arrived in Lima, she began to communicate to me where the place where I was staying, and
21:38 the letters were returned. So she went back to the place in the jungle, Iquitos, to look for
21:44 me. And a friend that knew me said, "No, he went back to Chile." But he didn't have my
21:52 address. He only said, "Now, he lives on a farm in Melipilla. That is a city. And so the farm
21:59 is on the outskirts of the city." So she began to write to me to the farm at the name of
22:06 the city. And the letters were returned. CHRIS: Mmhmm. PASTOR DONOSO: So she went to Chile now
22:11 to look for me in Chile. CHRIS: Well, I tell you, Pastor Donoso, you must have made some
22:16 impression on this young lady. She comes looking for you. At this point, though, you've
22:22 helped another friend who's got a girl problem and gone down to Brazil. She ends up in Chile
22:27 looking for you, and now you get this correspondence from her that she's come looking for you.
22:33 What do you do? PASTOR DONOSO: The thing is, this letter says - you might not
22:39 believe it, but when she wrote the letter, it was about five days earlier - she said, "An
22:46 hour ago I was talking to your mother and to your sister. And that's how I got the address.
22:52 And I want you to come to Peru. My family has a place for you in the business." And so that is
22:59 how I tried to make my way now from Brazil to the Pacific coast, but it didn't work.
23:08 Everything that I did, it pulled me the other way, and instead of going south, I came north, and
23:15 that's how I ended up in Canada. CHRIS: Okay. So Pastor Donoso, we are running short on time
23:22 again. And so we're going to have to leave a good chunk of your story to the next show.
23:27 This young lady comes to Chile looking for you, sends you a letter while you're down in
23:36 Brazil. You leave Brazil and you attempt to go to Peru for this business opportunity. PASTOR
23:48 DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: But you can't get to Peru. PASTOR DONOSO: Yeah. CHRIS: You make
23:52 every effort to get to Peru. And somehow, someway, in your efforts to get to Peru, you
23:57 actually end up in Canada. PASTOR DONOSO: Yes. CHRIS: Where do you end up in Canada and what
24:07 are you getting ready to do once you have landed in Canada? PASTOR DONOSO: Well, I came to
24:10 study here, actually. I had decided while I was in Costa Rica - in Central America, not
24:16 in South America - I decided that I needed to study. So I decided to go to New Jersey to
24:22 study poultry in New Jersey. And there, while in Costa Rica, I met the Canadian consul and his
24:31 wife, and they convinced me to go. to come to Canada instead. CHRIS: Pastor Donoso, what a
24:37 story. From Chile to Peru; from Peru to Chile; from Chile to Brazil; from Brazil to Costa
24:45 Rica; Costa Rica to New Jersey. PASTOR DONOSO: I didn't go to New Jersey. I was planning to.
24:50 CHRIS: Oh, so you don't even end up in New Jersey. And then finally you end up in Canada.
24:55 And we are all out of time. Pastor Donoso, we're going to pray. We're going to thank God
25:00 that He is the One Who governs our affairs and He moves us along the way. And in the next
25:06 show, we'll talk about how God intervened in your life in a mighty way. Let's pray together.
25:11 Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that even in the confusion of our lives, you are
25:18 able to guide us and direct us. And so I pray, Lord, that You would continue to lead us into a
25:25 relationship with Your Son Jesus. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen. PASTOR DONOSO: Amen.
26:04 CHRIS: Do you sometimes wonder if God cares about your physical health? I mean, certainly, He is
26:10 very concerned about our spiritual health, but does he care about what you eat or if
26:15 you exercise? To answer those questions, our two women from our Live Healthy team, Bev
26:22 Edwardsaines, registered dietician and organic farm owner from Kelowna, B.C., and Darlene
26:29 Blaney, who holds a PhD in nutrition, teaches at university level, and owner of Total Health
26:37 in Eckville, Alberta. BEV: Chris, you know, spiritual health and physical health
26:42 actually go hand in hand. One of my favourite Bible texts tells us that absolutely, God cares
26:48 about our health. Listen to this. He tells us in 3rd John 1:2:
27:02 BEV: I love that. DARLENE So first thing's first. What we need is a fresh, new start. And
27:08 if we use God's plan for healthy living - and yes, He does have one - we will be healthier in
27:13 all aspects of our lifestyle, including the physical, mental, social, and spiritual. BEV: So,
27:20 over the next several weeks, we'll share with you the various components of healthy living
27:25 using the acronym NEWSTART. That's N E W S T A R T DARLENE Remember, God wants us
27:33 to enjoy a new and better quality of life, and He wants us to do so more abundantly.
27:38 ALL: See you next time.
27:48 CHRIS: Friend, I hope you're intrigued by this story. You are surely going to want to get the
27:52 rest of the story. Today, I want to offer you, for any size donation, the autobiography of
27:59 Pastor Donoso, A Risk Taker's Journey. I need to tell you, this is a book that has made a
28:05 difference in people's lives across denominations, people who are not religious. It's making
28:12 an impact. You will not want to miss out on this book. In addition to that, I want to
28:17 offer you the book Christ's Object Lessons. Christ's Object Lessons will give you those
28:22 principles to live by to be in a relationship with Jesus. Here's the information you need to
28:28 receive today's offer.
29:30 CHRIS: Dear friend, thank you so much for joining us today. And Pastor Donoso, thank you for
29:35 sharing a portion of your story. PASTOR DONOSO: Thank you for inviting me to share the story.
29:40 CHRIS: I invite you to join us next week as we finish the amazing story of Pastor Donoso.
29:47 Until then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
29:53 that proceeds from the mouth of God."
29:58 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2016-03-31