It Is Written Canada

Philosophy's Achilles Heel: Troubling News of Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland (Host),


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201519A

01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:34 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:59 It is hard to believe that we are ending this series. What an amazing journey we have
02:07 undertaken. This study in the book of Daniel has revealed 4 major visions. Daniel 2, the
02:15 first vision, describes the rise and fall of world empires and ends with the 2nd coming of
02:21 Christ crushing all earthly empires. The second vision, Daniel 7, covers the same
02:28 history, but introduces new details, especially the rise of the Little Horn. Daniel 8 and 9
02:35 stand as the third vision covering the same history, but it introduces even more detail.
02:43 Most importantly the reality of Christ as the Eternal One with who is in the sanctuary in
02:51 heaven. This is the process of repeating called recapitulation or repeat and enlarge.
03:07 Today our study takes us to the fourth and final vision of Daniel in chapters 10-12. It
03:16 also covers the same history, with new details. Daniel 10:1 says,
03:46 The Hebrew word translated as "appointed time" can also be translated as "army" "host"
03:52 "warfare" or "service." This word appears 500 times and onlythree timesit is translated
04:02 as "appointed time."Some versions such as the RSV translate the verse as "And the
04:11 word was true, and it was a great conflict."By understanding the deep meaning of this word it
04:20 gives the sense that there is a conflict occurring behind the scenes, more than just wars with
04:28 men and weapons. A conflict between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. This
04:35 conflict forms the backdrop for the battles described in in chapter 11 between the king of
04:43 the north and the king of the south.Now instead of a statue or beasts we have the king of the
04:53 north and south as symbols. The angel Gabriel also states,
05:10 It is God's people who are at the center of the great battles that take place between the king
05:16 of the north and the king of the south. Now because there is so much historical content in Dan
05:23 11, we will not attempt here to exhaustively cover every facet of this amazing chapter.
05:30 Instead, we will look at some highlights. In Dan 10:21, Gabriel begins by telling
05:38 Daniel,
05:45 Gabriel continues in Dan 11:2 where he states,
05:54 This series has noted time and time again how impossible it would be for the content of the
06:02 book of Daniel to come about by chance or luck. Gabriel states that he will show Daniel the
06:09 truth. In order for the truth to be truth it must pass the test of fulfillment, otherwise it's
06:18 just a meaningless claim. And friends we are given opportunity to examine this claim ourselves.
06:26 In Daniel 11:2, after Cyrus' reign, Gabriel informs Daniel that,
06:48 History demonstrates that three kings did follow Cyrus. They were Cambyses, the False
06:56 Smerdisand Darius I.But fascinatingly, the fourth king is Xerxes. He is also known as
07:06 Ahasuerus in the book of Esther. He succeeded in gathering over 40 nations to commit troops for
07:15 the Persian army against the Greek. His strength and riches far surpassed those of the
07:23 previous kings. Exact fulfillment. This prophecy reveals new details.Daniel
07:32 11:3-4 continues,
08:01 The Persians stirred up the Greeks and these verses undoubtedly refer to Alexander
08:08 the Great New details emerge that his posterity would not inherit his kingdom after it
08:20 fell. He had no heir. Daniel 11, like chapters 7 and 8, reiterates the fact that
08:27 Alexander's kingdom would be divided into four. The remainder of the chapter speaks of that
08:35 division and struggles between the kings, describing them as the king of the north and the
08:43 king of the south.
08:47 It is important for us to note, in the three main visions of Daniel we have studied, we see a
08:54 movement from literal Babylon to spiritual Babylon. Here is what I mean. Daniel 2 begins with
09:01 literal Babylon as the head of gold, and ends with the Roman legs of iron that reach to the
09:08 toes. Later in the Bible, the apostle Peter identifies Rome as spiritual Babylon in 1 Peter
09:19 5:13. Daniel 7 likewise begins with literal Babylon as the lion with eagle's wings and ends with
09:28 the roman beast. Again, Rome eventually being identified in scripture as spiritual Babylon.
09:35 Again In Daniel 8, the prophecy about the Little Horn traces the western Greeks becoming pagan
09:44 Rome, and eventually evolving into papal Rome. Spiritual Babylon. In the same way in
09:50 Daniel 11there is clear movement from the Greek Seleucid empire to the pagan Roman empire, and
09:57 then finally to papal Rome-all of them symbolized as the king of the north. Returning to
10:03 Daniel 11, verses 5-13, which happen long after Alexander, describe battles between the
10:12 king of the South who is identified as the Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt and the king of
10:23 the North represented by the Syrian or Seleucid Empire. But in Dan 11:14-16, the Greek
10:27 Seleucid Empire is conquered by pagan Rome who now becomes the king of the north. So the symbol
10:36 of the king of the north begins with the Seleucid Greeksbut moves to pagan Rome. Friends
10:44 this matches Daniel 8.The evidence of this transition from Greece to Rome is in chapter
10:55 11:16. It states,
11:11 The glorious Land according to Daniel8:9 represents Palestine, which was conquered by the
11:22 Romans under Pompey in 63 BC. Furthermore Rome as the king of the north is evidenced in 11:20
11:27 and 22. Verse 20 states,
11:39 This is undoubtedly a reference to Caesar Augustus. Luke 2:1 records that
11:56 Chapter 11:22 states that the prince of the covenant would be broken by the power of the king
12:04 of the north. The prince of the covenant isJesus Christ, who was executed by the Romans. We see
12:14 this clear transition from the Greek Seleucid kingdom to the pagan romans as the king of the
12:21 north. Just as in previous chapters, Daniel 11:31-45, traces that the pagan king of
12:31 the north becoming the papal king of the north. Just as the papal Little Horn of Dan 8
12:38 defiled the heavenly sanctuary, so the papal king of the north does the same in 11:31. In 11:33
12:48 it says that God's people will instruct many, yet
13:01 This harmonizes with Dan 7:25 where the papal Little Horn persecuted the saints for 1260
13:07 years. Dan 11:36 states,
13:27 It was the papal Little Horn of Daniel 7 and 8 that magnified himself, spoke great and pompous
13:33 words against the Most High. This all leads us to conclude that in Daniel 11:31 we
13:41 transition from pagan Rome to papal Rome.
13:46 Each of Daniel's visions all end with the doom of Babylon. In Daniel 2, the stone crushes the
13:52 image ending all kingdoms including Rome. In Daniel 7 the Roman beast is destroyed at the
13:59 second advent by the burning flame. In Daniel 8:25 it says that the Little Horn "shall be
14:06 broken without human means." In Daniel 11:45, we find similar language regarding the king of
14:15 the north. It states,
14:24 The king of the north, papal Rome, is spiritual Babylon just as in Daniel 2, 7, and 8.
14:30 Another remarkable similarity is that the visions move from a local setting to a universal
14:38 setting.Here is what I mean: Daniel 2 begins with literal Babylon, yet the rock crushes
14:42 all the kingdoms, but also fills the entire earth. In Daniel 7, God takes away the kingdom of
14:51 the Little Horn, and grants that "the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms
14:56 under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High." In Daniel 8,
15:04 the Little Horn is broken without hand, a reference to divine universal judgment. Here
15:13 in Daniel 11 as it moves into Daniel 12, we see the final battle is a worldwide battle
15:19 that involves a universal time of trouble for all of God's people that is followed by a
15:26 universal deliverance. Daniel 12:1 states,
15:41 Don't lose sight, God's people are at the center of this battle between the king of the north
15:45 and the king of the south. Just as the king of the north went from literal and local to
15:51 spiritual and universal, the same happens with God's people. Dan 9:24 refers to Daniel's
15:57 people, literal Jews, but ends with the expansion of the Gospel to all people. Daniel 12:1
16:06 states
16:30 This clearly points to the deliverance of God's people who are now found over the entire
16:36 planet.
16:39 Just as with previous prophecies, although the battles between the king of the north
16:44 and king of the south are at first military engagements, the ultimate nature of the battle at
16:49 the time of the end is a spiritual battle that is fought over the sanctuary, law of God
16:56 and the covenant. Daniel 2, 7, 8 and 9 all point to that spiritual battle. The rock cut
17:02 out without hands, a reference to God. The little horn attempting to change the law,
17:08 the little horn attacking the sanctuary, the Messiah being cut off - all point to a spiritual
17:14 battle. In the same way, Daniel 11:22 the king of the north crucified the prince of the
17:23 covenant and sought to overthrow the covenant and make war upon those who honor it. The
17:29 sanctuary and covenant are often placed together in Scripture. The Little Horn attacks the
17:35 heavenly sanctuary, the king of the north attacks the covenant. Friends, the clear conclusion is
17:41 that the warfare in Daniel 11, while fulfilling history, is primarily concerned with a
17:49 spiritual warfare that is fought over the law of God. What is the culmination of the battle
17:55 between the king of the north and the king of the south? Daniel 11:40 reads,
18:18 We need to fast forward a bit to understand this. In Daniel 12:4 Gabriel says
18:35 In Daniel 12:6, Daniel asks,
18:56 In other words, the time of the end would begin after the 1260 year prophecy which is equal to
19:04 a time, times, and half a time. We have studied this before and discovered that this time began
19:10 in 538 AD and ended in 1798. Thus, the time of the end would be around 1798 and provides the
19:23 context for the culmination of the last battle between the two kings.
19:32 Around 1798, the king of the south would push against the king of the north which
19:38 represents the papacy. Now the king of the south originally represented the Ptolemaic
19:43 kingdom of Egypt. Yet, just as the literal Greco-Roman Seleucid empire became the spiritual and
19:55 worldwide papal Roman church under the symbol of the king of the north, so the king of the
19:59 south at the time of the end would represent not literal but spiritual Egypt. In Exodus 5:2
20:08 Pharaoh asks
20:21 Revelation 11:8 declares that the dead bodies of the two witnesses
20:37 At the time of the end, spiritual Egypt represents the atheism and secularism that
20:45 engulfed the nation of France, which is the only nation in modern history to declare in her
20:52 National Assembly that there is no God. And although organized atheism in France is gone, it
21:00 has been taken up by other political systems in the world and is alive and well. Atheistic
21:12 France struck a nearly fatal blow to the papal king of the north when Napoleon's general
21:19 Berthier marched into Rome on February 10, 1798 and took the pope captive. Many believed that
21:27 the reign of the papacy had come to an end. The Bible, however, declared otherwise. Dan 11:40
21:34 reveals that the king of the north would be revived and would come against the king of the
21:39 south like a whirlwind. The king of the north would seek to expand his kingdom from Europe
21:45 to the entire world. Remember though, this battle is primarily a spiritual battle. Daniel 11:41
21:55 states he, the king of the north,
22:09 The Glorious land of Daniel 11:41 and the glorious holy mountain that formerly stood for
22:14 the Jews in ancient Palestine now represent God's spiritual Israelites that are found all
22:20 over the world. Since this is primarily a spiritual battle that is fought over the
22:27 commandments of God, the king of the north seeks to enter the Glorious Land using economic and
22:32 military force in order to compel God's people to accept the commandments of men in place
22:38 of God's laws. The sad result is that when church and state once more unite as they did in the
22:49 Dark Ages many of God's people will be overthrown. However, under the symbolism of Edom,
22:55 Ammon and Moab who are closely related to God's people, Dan 11:41 also states that they
23:03 shall be delivered out of the hand of the king of the north. Daniel 11:42-43 informs us that
23:11 the land of Egypt, which formerly represented the king of the south, will not escape. At
23:17 the time of the end, Egypt represents atheism which first appeared in the nation of France
23:24 but subsequently has spread to many other countries. In this spiritual warfare the king of
23:29 the north will eliminate atheism through signs and wonders.. Yet, as the king of the north is
23:37 attempting to gain control over the entire world, Dan 11:44 states,
23:54 This news represents the preaching of the everlasting gospel, which according to Rev
24:00 18:1 will light up the entire world. Unfortunately, the king of the north reacts in much the
24:06 same way that the enemies of Christ reacted when He and His disciples preached the Word with
24:11 power. Instead of allowing the gospel to transform them, they use the strong arm of the state
24:17 in order to destroy them. Daniel 11:45 then records, the king of the north strategically
24:24 positioning himself for the final strike against those who wish to be loyal to God, and as
24:32 he is about to deliver the death blow the Bible tells us that "he shall come to his end, and no
24:41 one will help him." Then the powerful word of Daniel 12:1,
25:11 Jesus is real, He is alive, He is in the heavenly sanctuary ministering on your behalf. He
25:20 will stand up and He will deliver those loyal to him. That is a guarantee, a promise. So
25:30 what will you do? Friend, I invite you to extend out your hand and clasp the hand of the
25:39 one who died for you and wants to deliver you.
25:46 When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,
25:51 And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;
25:55 When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,
25:59 And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
26:03 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:08 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:12 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:17 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
26:22 On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise,
26:26 And the glory of His resurrection share;
26:30 When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies,
26:35 And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
26:39 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:43 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:47 When the roll is called up yonder,
26:53 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
26:58 Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun,
27:02 Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care;
27:06 Then when all of life is over, and our work on earth is done,
27:10 And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
27:14 When the roll is called up yonder,
27:19 When the roll is called up yonder,
27:23 When the roll is called up yonder,
27:30 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
27:39 >>Chris: Heavenly Father, when the roll is called up yonder, may our names be found in the
27:45 lamb's book of life. We pray in Jesus name, amen.
27:57 My dear friends, there is a real Jesus, who is in a real heaven who wants to have a real
28:01 relationship with you. Today I want to offer to you the book "Thoughts from the mount of
28:08 blessing". That book will help you develop your relationship with Jesus. In addition to that,
28:14 I'd like to offer you the entire "Philosophy's Achilles heel" DVD set - all 16 programs, for any
28:23 size donation. Here is the information you need for today's offer.
29:22 My dear friend, there is no world view - there is no philosophy in the entire world,
29:28 that will give you the peace, happiness and joy of following Jesus. This book can be trusted,
29:35 Jesus can be trusted, and he wants to be in a personal relationship with you. I hope
29:41 you have been blessed by this program, I hope you have been blessed by this series. I invite
29:46 you to join us again next week. Until then remember, It Is Written, man shall not live by
29:53 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
30:00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2016-02-03