It Is Written Canada

Philosophy's Achilles Heel: Lions, Leopards and Bears...Oh My!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201515A

01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:34 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:45 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:58 >>CHRIS: We began this series by introducing a very powerful principle that helps us to
02:04 determine whether our claims about the knowledge we have are certain. Simply stated, this
02:11 principle is the principle of probability and reveals that extremely small probabilities
02:18 point to certainty, and eliminate chance as an explanation. This principle of
02:26 probability, when applied to the existence of God, and the reliability of His Word, soundly
02:34 demonstrate that He is real and this Bible can be trusted. Some of the greatest evidence of this
02:45 has been found in prophecy. Over the course of our study of the first 6 chapters of Daniel
02:54 through the lens of probability we have seen some incredible things that defy simple chance
03:02 as an explanation. That was most especially the case in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of Daniel
03:09 2, that Daniel interpreted. That dream outlined over 2,500 years of history in advance. Simply
03:18 amazing, but more than amazing, it points to the existence of an all knowing, all powerful God
03:25 who cares and interacts with us as His creation. This week we turn our attention to the
03:32 prophetic section of the book of Daniel and open the pages of the Bible to Daniel 7. This chapter
03:40 introduces us to a very sinister power that does all kinds of things against God and against
03:47 God's people. In fact, his attacks are so devastating that Daniel wants to make sure that
03:56 God's people are able to identify this menacing agent of evil. Let's turn to Daniel
04:04 7:1-7, here is what God's word says,
05:46 What should stand out first about this amazing dream is that these creatures seen will not be
05:56 seen or show up in any of your local zoos. Each of these animals violate the very laws of
06:02 nature. Have you ever seen a lion with eagles wings, or a leopard with four wings and four
06:09 heads, or animals with iron teeth? Of course not! As we look at this passage there are four
06:18 symbols that we need to interpret: the winds, the great sea, the beasts and the horns.
06:30 Our mission here at It Is Written is to instill the understanding that the Bible
06:36 interprets itself. And so each of these are symbolic representations of something
06:43 else. So then what are those four winds? Well, in Jeremiah 51:1 God said that He would send
07:01 a destroying wind against Babylon. He was speaking of the strife and destruction caused by
07:06 the Medo-Persians. This means that wind represents strife and destruction. But what about the
07:14 sea.the waters?Rev 17:15 is actually quite clear when it states,
07:27 Thus the great sea represents peoples or a populous place. That still leaves us wondering
07:34 about those beasts, what do they represent?
07:56 The beasts represent kingdoms, empires. Interestingly enough Daniel 7:24 declares "The ten
08:04 horns are ten kings," and so the horns also represent kingdoms. What then does all of this mean?
08:11 How do we sort this all out? Let's look at the specific symbols and see what they might
08:19 mean. That first symbol was a lion with eagle's wings. What could that amount to? As a
08:25 beast, it represents a kingdom, but what kingdom? Friends, it is a fitting symbol of Babylon,
08:34 which came to power in 605 BC. Remarkably enough Jeremiah 4:7, 50:17,44 refers to
08:45 Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon as a lion that has arisen out of his lair to destroy the nations. In
08:53 addition, the winged lion is one of the forms that is often pictured in art and inscription
09:00 in combat with Marduk, who was the patron god of the city of Babylon. But Daniel informs us
09:09 that the wings were plucked off that lion and a man's heart was given to it. What an description
09:20 of the fate of Babylon. After Nebuchadnezzar's death, Babylon lost much of its prestige and
09:28 power and ultimately became weak and enfeebled.
09:37 It is here that I want to introduce you to how Hebrew thinking works. It is something
09:44 called recapitulation or repeat and enlarge. Our western minds don't quite work like those from
09:52 the east. But here is the basic concept, something is said, then that same thing is repeated or
10:00 restated with greater detail but possibly in a bit different language. Daniel 7 is a
10:09 recapitulation of Daniel 2. It is a restatement of the world's history, but with greater
10:21 detail. And so this description of Babylon as the lion parallels that of Daniel 2 and Babylon
10:28 being represented as the head of gold But after the 2 winged lion, on the scene a bear shows
10:36 up. That bear is raised up on one side with three ribs in its mouth. As you could probably
10:45 guess, this bear represents the Medo-Persian empire. And although Daniel 7 does not
10:52 mention who the three ribs represent, history reveals that they were symbols of the three
10:58 principal powers of Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt, that were conquered by the combined forces
11:04 of the Medes and the Persians who came to power around 539 BC. What makes this symbol
11:11 additionally fascinating is the reality that when these powers came together, the Medes were
11:18 the stronger of the two, however over time the Persians grew in strength and became so strong
11:27 that most history books today simply refer to it as the Persian empire. This symbol of
11:34 the bear parallels the chest and arms of silver from Daniel 2. But the bear is moved aside by a
11:42 even stranger looking creature.a leapard with four wings and four heads! This bizarre looking
11:50 beast represents the kingdom of Greece. Now, like the other beasts, leopards are fierce and
11:56 carnivorous, yet they have the added advantage of being swift and agile. Even more, this beast
12:06 has four wings which denote its incredible speed and agility What a fitting representation of
12:14 Greece. It is almost inadequate to describe the amazing speed of Alexander the Great's conquest
12:22 of the known world. Astonishingly, in less than a decade, Alexander and his army
12:29 came into possession of the greatest empire the world had ever seen at the time. One
12:35 commentator put it this way, "there is no other example in ancient times of such rapid
12:42 movements of troops on so large and successful a scale." In 331 BC Alexander's army decisively
12:52 defeated the Persians in the famous battle of Arbela. Yet, Alexander's kingdom would not
13:00 last very long. Alexander could conquer the world, but he could not conquer himself. He died
13:09 from his own lustful exuberance and on his death bed was asked who would succeed him. He simply
13:18 answered.he who is strongest. Greece was weakened by internal strife and civil war. The four
13:28 heads of the leopard represent the four kingdoms that occupied the territory of Alexander's
13:35 conquest. Greece would come to an end. This winged leopard kingdom corresponds with the
13:44 bronze or brass of the statue of Daniel 2.
13:49 But now we are brought to the fourth beast. The description was frightening, it is described
13:57 as dreadful, terrible, exceedingly strong and with iron teeth. You'll remember back in
14:03 Daniel 2, the metals started with gold, then silver, bronze, and finally the fourth symbol in
14:09 Daniel 2 was iron. These iron teeth of this non-descript fourth beast give us a clue to
14:17 who this is in Daniel 7. It is the kingdom of Rome and perfectly matches the order of
14:24 Daniel 2 with the legs of iron. In the vision of Daniel 2 there was no fifth world empire.
14:33 Simply a mixture of iron and clay, a representation of the kingdom of Rome not being
14:40 defeated, but falling apart or dividing. Similarly in Daniel 7 the Bible records that this
14:48 non-descript beast would not give way to another beast or world empire; instead this beast
14:56 has 10 horns, which means that 10 kingdoms would arise out of the Roman Empire. And although
15:03 a score or more barbarian tribes evolved from the Roman Empire the ten kingdoms that would
15:11 represent the division of the Roman Empire are the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals,
15:19 Suevi, Alamanni, Anglo-Saxons, Heruli, Lombards, and Burgundians. But wait, there is
15:32 more. Three of those are removed and replaced by a little horn.
15:42 At this point, we need to notice that as we have read Daniel 7, we will not find Daniel
15:47 identifying the little horn. He doesn't say that it is Christianity, or the little horn
15:53 is Islam, or Buddhism, or Hitler, Napolean or some other power. Daniel does not provide
15:59 us with a short concise statement telling us who the little horn represents. However,
16:05 instead of a short statement, Daniel describes the various characteristics that make up the
16:11 identity of the little horn. God in His wisdom has provided this much better approach. How so,
16:20 you might ask? Quite simply, the probability of misinterpreting or falsifying one statement is
16:28 much greater than the probability of misinterpreting or falsifying many
16:33 characteristics that describe one entity. Think about in this way, let's say, for example's
16:40 sake, that you were robbed by someone at gun point who stole your belongings. After the
16:47 event, the police visit you and police ask you to describe the robber. So you tell them he was
16:53 light skinned, average height, average build, long hair, mark on his face, and spoke with an
17:00 accent. Friends, there are going to be several problems with this description if that is the most
17:07 precise you can be. His long hair can be cut; the mark on his face can be removed, and he can
17:13 modify his accent.if you can even remember what type of accent it was. See all of those
17:21 characteristics are too general. Maybe your son or nephew could match that description? The
17:29 probability of getting the wrong thief increases greatly with such general characteristics.
17:36 But the probability of getting the right thief increases with specific characteristics.he was
17:44 5'9", black hair down to the shoulders, brown eyes, crooked nose, spoke with a British
17:50 accent and was missing his left ring finger. That type of description greatly helps catch
17:59 the thief.
18:02 It is in the same way, that probability of wrongly identifying this little horn of
18:06 Daniel 7 greatly decreases with more specific characteristics and descriptions. So God, in His
18:13 infinite wisdom did not limit the identification of the little horn to one statement. He give
18:20 nine characteristics or nine features to this little horn power Those nine characteristics
18:27 would be like, using our earlier illustration, finding the thief's fingerprints everywhere
18:38 in the house. And, in addition in your struggle with the thief , you scratched the thief and
18:45 had some of his skin and hair under your fingernails. With DNA now in hand, the probability of
18:53 correctly identifying the thief is almost sure. And that is what we have here in Daniel 9.the DNA
19:04 of the little horn power. What we are about to reveal is 9 characteristics of the little
19:12 horn power that no one else on the face of the earth will be able to fulfill other than one
19:18 identifiable power. With all of that, we are now ready to reveal the 9 specific characteristics
19:27 of Daniel 7 that identify the little horn power. 1. According to verses 8 and 24, It rose out
19:38 of the "fourth beast." 2. Verses 7 and 8 tell us It arose "among" the "ten horns" -
19:47 geographically. 3. Verse 24 iterates that It appeared after "ten" other "horns." 4. Verse
19:58 25 states It was allotted special powers for "a time, two times, and half a time." 5.
20:08 Verses 8 and 24 also state that "It was to "put down three kings" so that, as it arose,
20:18 "three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots." 6. Verse 25 tells us that It was to
20:28 "think to change the times and the law." 7. Verses 8 and 20, inform us that It was "little"
20:40 when it was first seen, but in time it became "greater than its fellows.". 8. Verses 8 and 25
20:48 outline that it had "eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things," and it
20:54 spoke "words against the Most High." 9. And finally, verse 25 says It was to "wear out the
21:02 saints of the Most High." History clearly tells us who this power was and is. Of the
21:11 ten kingdoms that rose out of the Roman empire, the Heruli were the first to be eliminated,
21:17 after them the Vandals fell and finally there was a decisive blow against the Ostrogothsin
21:23 538 AD. Why would this little horn choose these kingdoms to eliminate? Well the little horn
21:31 warred against God. The Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths represented Germanic
21:40 Christianity. Germanic Christianity consisted of a more pure and Biblical religion that
21:48 derived from the East, many of them kept all the commandments of God including the fourth,
21:56 which remembers the seventh-day Sabbath. The espoused a belief in Christ as the only mediator
22:05 between God and man. They also believed that Christ was not created, but a divine being.
22:14 While they rejected the Nicene Creed, it was for other reasons, but were labeled as being Arian
22:26 tribes. For this little horn power, that warred against God, it needed to make sure that they
22:36 disappeared. The last of those was defeated in 538, this marks the beginning of the time, times
22:50 and half a time. You'll remember from our last show that that phrase is equal to 1260
22:56 prophetic days or 1260 literal years. In addition 538 represented theyear that Emperor
23:06 Justinian made a decree which established Catholicism as the religion of the empire. Thus,
23:14 any Christians outside of Catholicism were either forced to accept Roman Christianity or
23:20 suffer the death of martyrdom. In addition in 538 at the third synod of Orleans, a church-state
23:30 system that was set up that made Christians to be punished for violating or desecrating Sunday,
23:42 "not as the civil authorities may direct, but as the ecclesiastical powers may
23:50 determine."
23:52 Each of these nine characteristics, give us a clear picture of who the little horn
23:58 power must be. It would be utterly impossible for any human being to try to predict by
24:03 chance processes some of these characteristics. No, there is a precision that outlines
24:10 characteristics that clearly identify it. Perhaps the characteristic that most clearly
24:16 defies chance processes is the prediction that this little horn's activity would last for
24:21 1260 years. But, when we account for this time period along with the geographical location in
24:30 which it arose; the fact that it arose after the fall of Rome and after the 10 horns; that it
24:36 would intend to change times and laws; that it would put down three kings as it arose; that it
24:42 would have a man at the head; that it would speak blasphemous words against God, and that it
24:48 would persecute the saints throughout the 1260 year period; the only reasonable conclusion
24:56 is that the information that Daniel 7 contains did not originate with any human source.
25:03 Isaiah the prophet states,
25:36 God has spoken and His words are clear. This power is clearly identified. It is now speaking
25:44 of a person or a peoples, but rather a system. As system of religio-political magnitude that
25:54 actually opposes God and His mission. The beautiful promise of scripture is that this power
26:00 doesn't win. God wins. The future is in His hands. He is coming again. And here Daniel 7
26:10 further emphasizes what we have seen over and over again. God is real. God cares. And God wants
26:20 to be in relationship with you.
26:25 Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are in control of all things. Please be with us we
26:31 pray in Jesus name, amen.
26:49 Our God is an awesome God
26:52 He reigns from heaven above
26:56 With wisdom, power and love
27:00 Our God is an awesome God
27:04 Hail Him the King of glory,
27:08 Once the Lamb for sinners slain;
27:11 Tell, tell the wondrous story,
27:15 "Jesus comes to reign."
27:21 Tell it to every kindred and nation,
27:28 Tell it far and near;
27:30 Earth's darkest night will fade with the dawning,
27:33 Jesus will soon appear!
27:37 Hail Him the King of glory,
27:41 Once the Lamb for sinners slain;
27:45 Tell, tell the wondrous story,
27:49 "Jesus comes to reign."
27:55 Children of God look up with rejoicing;
27:58 Shout and sing His praise;
28:02 Blessèd are they who, waiting and watching,
28:06 Look for the dawning rays.
28:10 Hail Him the King of glory,
28:14 Once the Lamb for sinners slain;
28:17 Tell, tell the wondrous story,
28:22 "Jesus comes to reign."
28:28 Jesus Christ, He reigns
28:34 Our God is an awesome God
28:37 He reigns from heaven above
28:41 With wisdom, power and love
28:45 Our God is an awesome God
29:01 >>CHRIS: Friend, would you like to learn more about these amazing prophecies? I want to
29:05 offer you the "Living in the end time prophecy study guides" for today's offer. Here is the
29:10 information you need.
29:45 >>CHRIS: Friends, thank you so much for watching. God cares for you, God loves you. Join us
29:50 again next week. Until then remember, It Is Written, man shall not live by bread alone,
29:56 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
30:03 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2016-01-15