Participants: Chris Holland
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201514A
00:06 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:13 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:18 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:24 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:29 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:35 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:41 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:46 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 00:51 PHILOSOPHY'S ACHILLES HEEL The Daniel Cycle 01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 01:35 God's book, The Bible 01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world 01:44 It Is Written 01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 01:58 As we begin today, it is important to remember what we have talked about before.The 02:06 book of Daniel is broken up into two major sections: the historical section, which covers 02:11 Dan 1-6 and the prophetic section, which covers Dan 7-12. What we will study today will 02:20 actually prepare us for that prophetic section. In those chapters of Daniel 7-12, every 02:29 chapter, except Dan 10 and 11, contains a very specific time prophecy. Those prophecies need 02:39 to be properly interpreted in order to be properly understood. For instance in Daniel 7:25, the 02:50 little horn 03:01 In addition Daniel 8:14 says it would take 2,300 days in order to cleanse the sanctuary. And 03:10 also in Daniel 9:24 seventy weeks are determined for Daniel's people and for the holy 03:18 city; verse 25 says that Messiah the prince will arrive in 69 weeks after the decree is given 03:26 to restore and build Jerusalem. And Daniel 12:7 says that the abomination that makes desolate 03:35 would shatter the power of the holy people for a time, two times and half a time. That is 03:44 only to name just a few of the time prophecies in Daniel 7 through 12. 03:53 We will study and have much more to say about these amazing time prophecies in future shows, but 04:00 for now the key to understanding these time prophecies lies in the specific relationship 04:08 between a day, a month, and a year. There is actually a remarkable prophecy that occurs 04:18 7 times in the scriptures that revolves around this relationship between a day, a 04:25 month, and a year. Those 7 times are all found in the book of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel 04:34 and Revelation are really sister books or book ends of one another. Daniel was a sealed 04:40 book and in essence the book of Revelation represents the unsealing of Daniel. But was is 04:49 this amazing prophecy that occurs 7 times? It's first appearance is found in Daniel 04:56 7:25,: 05:06 Then in Daniel 12:7 05:22 As we turn to the book of Revelation 11:2, 05:35 verses 3, 7, 05:52 While Rev. 12:6, pronounces 06:06 But verses 14, 15 of Revelation 12 also say, 06:27 And finally Revelation 13:5-7 states, 06:45 Now I know that this may be a bit confusing, but here is what I want you to notice..Each of 06:51 these prophecies is describing the exact same events. However, as the timing is described it 07:01 uses different language of have days, months and times. That word times is another word for 07:09 years. And so, when we compare these numbers let's take particular notice that 1260 days 07:19 equals 42 months and 42 months equals a time, times and a half a time, which is clearly 3 and ½ 07:28 years. These are three different ways of expressing the exact same time period. So you might 07:38 say, what's the big deal? Here's the big deal and the question we need to ask - are the prophecies 07:52 of Daniel 7-12 simply limited to some 3 and a half year period some 2500 years ago? 08:00 Well we need to go to the book of Daniel itself to answer this question. It is interesting how 08:07 Daniel uses the word days in his book. For example, in Daniel 1:5 and18, the Bible says that 08:20 Daniel and his friends appeared before the king "at the end of days." However, their schooling 08:29 covered 3 years. And again in Daniel 4:34, where King Nebuchadnezzar lost his mind, 08:37 the king recovered from his insanity, the Bible states, "at the end of the days." But we 08:46 know from Daniel 4:25 that the period involved was 7 years.Daniel 5:11 refers to the 08:56 "days" of Nebuchadnezzar. This reference was to events that had occurred more than a half a 09:04 century earlier. Daniel 2:28 speaks of Nebuchadnezzar' dreamthat revealed what was to 09:15 come in the latter "days." However those events occurred years later. Verse 44 of Daniel 09:28 2 says that the great image of the dream was to come in the "days" of the kings who were to 09:35 rule the divided kingdom of iron and clay. Those days are obviously referring to the years 09:41 of those kings. Daniel 8:26 refers to the sealing up the vision which pertains to many 09:50 "days," even to the time of the end. Was the time of the end just days after Daniel had the 09:59 dream? There are many other examples, but one of the most important comes in Daniel 11:33 10:11 which says the persecution would last for "days." Those "days" are the same as the time, times 10:23 and half a time, or 3 and half years of Dan 7:25. What does all this mean? Quite clearly, in 10:33 prophetic literature, one prophetic day is equal to that of one literal year. And so this 10:44 means that 1260 days is equal to 1260 years; 42 months is equal to 1260 days which is equal to 10:50 1260 years; and 3 and a half times or years is equal to 1260 days which is equal to 1260 11:05 years. This is not some new discover that I am sharing with you. Many Bible students, 11:13 teachers and scholars throughout the centuries of the past have utilized this principle in Bible 11:21 prophecy that a prophetic day represents a literal year. And all of this is an essential part 11:32 of the building blocks that an astronomer by the name of Jean-Phillipe de Chesaux used in 11:43 order to solve a very complex astronomical problem. What is fascinating is that his solution 11:52 in astronomy led to the discovery of the Daniel cycle. What we are going to see is that 12:03 de Chesaux's discovery actually confirms the year/day principle that we just saw in Scripture 12:10 through scientific means. 12:16 So let's talk a little about de Chesaux's problem. For centuries astronomers and mathematicians 12:23 have tried for to harmonize the daily, monthly, and yearly cycles. Think about for just a 12:32 moment. It is a very difficult thing to balance. 12:37 A day contains 24 hours and is the fundamental measure of time. The month, or the interval 12:45 between one new moon and another contains 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 3 seconds.The year 12:55 occupies 12 months 10 days 21 hours, or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 49 seconds. If we 13:10 were to calculate the number of days in a month, or in a year; or how many months in a year our 13:17 answer would involve fractions that would make the task increasingly difficult. Don't be 13:25 confused by all of this, but I want you to imagine for just a moment that the earth, moon and 13:34 sun were perfectly arranged in a straight line. Given that the earth revolves or spins 13:43 completely every 24 hours, and that the moon takes 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 3 seconds 13:50 to go around the earth, and that a year takes the earth 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 49 14:02 seconds to go around the sun, how long would it take to bring these cycles together again, so 14:11 that the earth, moon and sun came back to that same original position of being in a perfect 14:15 line? Well enter on the scene astronomer Jean-Philippe de Chéseaux. He was doing 14:24 chronological research in an attempt to answer the question we just talked about. In 14:30 addition, he was seeking to find an accurate date for the crucifixion. To accomplish that 14:41 he was studying closely the prophecies of Daniel, especially Daniel 8 and Daniel 9. Through 14:48 his study of Daniel, he began to wonder about the relationship between the 1260 day and the 14:56 2300 day prophecy being actually years. Somehow he must have noticed that these periods are 15:04 linked to one another by various themes. This led him to a brilliant idea!! He began to 15:11 analyze these periods from an astronomical point of view. In other words, he began to wonder 15:17 if the 1260 and 2300 prophetic days and literal years might be the key to harmonizing three 15:29 basic time units of the solar day, the solar year, and the lunar month. He concluded that 15:38 there was one of four possibilities: Now don't lose me here.the solar day harmonized 15:46 with the solar year, the solar year somehow harmonized with the lunar month; the solar day 15:54 someway harmonizes with the lunar month or all three harmonized, the day, month, and 16:03 year. And here is the beautiful thing that de Chesaux discovered when he applied the year/day 16:10 principle to these mathematical and astronomical challenges. 16:17 First, he discovered that both the 1260 and the 2300 prophetic day prophecies of Daniel were 16:27 remarkably perfect and accurate luni-solar cycles. Each was a harmonization of the second 16:36 class, meaning that the solar year harmonized with the lunar month. No previous astronomer 16:42 had discovered this relationship. As de Chéseaux continued his calculations he 16:49 discovered a cycle of harmonization between the day, the month, and the year. This 16:55 also had eluded the astronomers up to this point. When he looked at the 1260 years, they were a 17:05 good fit, almost perfect harmony and "a remarkably small error." between the day, month and year. 17:12 However the 2300 year prophecy was even better, it represented the kind of cycle that had long 17:20 been unsuccessfully demonstrated by astronomers.In fact by using the 2300 years to harmonize the 17:27 day, month and year, there was only an error of 8 hours and 12 minutes, which is remarkable 17:35 small. That's roughly a .005% error over the 2,300 years! As de Chéseaux pondered the 17:46 similarity of the very small error in each of these time prophecies, he theorized that 17:54 the difference between the 1260 and the 2300 years or 1040 years, would prove to be key to 18:05 unlock the mystery of when the earth, moon and sun would be in perfect alignment. And, my dear 18:14 friends, that is exactly what he found! Let's allow him to communicate this discovery in 18:22 his own words. 19:03 Perfect harmony. It couldn't be an accident. De Chesaux recorded this profound discovery in a 19:12 booklet titled "Historical, Chronological, and Astronomical Remarks on Certain Parts of the 19:19 Book of Daniel." It was edited by his sons, and was published in 1754 some time after his 19:27 death. But more importantly his findings were independently confirmed by Messrs, Mairan and 19:39 Cassini, who were all celebrated astronomers of the Royal Academy of Science in Paris. The 19:49 declared de Chasaux's findings to be in harmony with astronomical fact. 19:59 Don't let all of this astronomical talk confuse you. What does this all mean? 20:06 Friends, this demonstrates that the year/day principle, which is widely attested to in Scripture, 20:15 finds its ultimate ground and foundation in the very material of creation itself. You see de 20:24 Chéseaux own conclusion of this astonishing discovery demonstrated to him that is 20:31 provided absolute proof that the book of Daniel was divinely inspired. Listen to de 20:39 Cheseaux's own words, 20:58 My dear friends, since de Chesaux's use of the year/day principle works in a miraculous 21:04 way to unlock the mathematical and astronomical problem of harmonizing the solar day, lunar 21:12 month and solar year, there are only two possible explanations. First, this is all just a matter 21:22 of chance or pure luck. Or this is designed, planned. It is clear in my mind, that this is 21:39 evidence that a divine hand has given the prophet divine information that could only 21:46 point to one conclusion.there is a divine source things and a creator, a designer who has 21:59 designed all things. Therefore, there are only two logical conclusions to this issue of 22:15 time and prophecy, any other conclusion would simply be irrational. The first is that 22:23 God does indeed exist and He desires personal interaction with each of us.And secondly, 22:34 this book, the Bibleis divinely inspired, designed by a master designer and is authoritative 22:43 and completely trustworthy in the lives of those who choose to trust in Him. Listen to these 22:51 provocative words of de Chesaux: 23:44 Will we, as we study this book, fail to see the creator of the heavens and the earth? God is 23:53 calling, He is appealing to each of us to see Him as Creator and Lord. Author Edwin de Kock 24:05 perfectly summarizes de Chesaux's discovery when he states, 24:41 Did you hear that? This book, the Bible, is a message to you. It is a personal message. 24:51 Directed right at you and in your heart. God wants to be in relationship with you. He wants 25:00 you to trust His book. He wants you to hear his call to come in relationship with you. My dear 25:12 friend, if God can guide the universe with such precision, don't you think He has a plan 25:20 for you? Today, wil you accept that plan? Today, will you listen to that call? 25:35 In this quiet place with you 25:38 I bow before your throne 25:43 I bare the deepest part of me 25:47 To you and you alone 25:51 I keep no secrets For there is no thought You have not known 26:00 I bring my best and all the rest 26:04 To you and lay them down 26:16 With all my heart 26:21 I want to love you Lord 26:25 And live my life 26:29 Each day to know you more 26:33 All that is in me 26:38 Is yours completely 26:42 I'll serve you only 26:46 With all my heart 27:06 You faithfully supply my needs 27:10 According to your plan 27:14 So help me Lord to seek your face 27:18 Before I seek your hand 27:22 And trust you know what's best for me 27:26 When I don't understand 27:36 And follow in obedience 27:41 In every circumstance 27:50 With all my heart 27:56 I want to love you Lord 28:00 And live my life 28:04 Each day to know you more 28:08 All that is in me 28:12 Is yours completely 28:19 Thank you Jesus 28:40 I'll serve You 28:46 With all my heart 29:13 >>CHRIS: Friend, would like more information on pursuing that relationship with God? Today I 29:17 want to offer you a booklet by my friend Mark Finley, "Living In The End Time Prophecy Study 29:23 Guides". Here's the information you need. 29:51 >>CHRIS: Friend, thank you so much for watching. Join us again next week. Until then remember, 29:55 It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from 30:01 the mouth of God. 30:03 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2016-01-08