Participants: Pr. Chris Holland
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201511A
00:00 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2
00:04 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:10 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:16 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:21 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:27 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:33 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:40 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 00:46 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #2 01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 01:34 God's book, The Bible 01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world 01:44 It Is Written 01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 01:58 CHRIS: The story of the birth of Jesus. Can you imagine Joseph's reaction when Mary came and told 02:05 him that she was pregnant? I am sure disbelief, confusion, and disappointment all in one. How 02:13 could this woman he was to marry be pregnant? Could she really be pregnant with the son of God? An 02:21 angel visitor came and shared with him what we find recorded in Matthew chapter 1: 02:49 Jesus, the son of God, with one mission: to save. This is a special word in the original 02:57 language, most often translated "to save". However, in some places, it is also translated 03:03 "to heal". Jesus came to save us from our sin and heal us from our pain. He would accomplish 03:11 this through his life on this earth, and ultimately, by his death and resurrection. He was 03:19 the baby who was born to die. 03:29 Shepherds gazed in wonder 03:36 While angel voices sing. 03:43 This night of nights has come and brought 03:49 The world the long-awaited King. 03:57 The earth is filled with wonder 04:05 And yet the heavens weep, 04:13 For heaven's eyes can see 04:16 He was born to die for me. 04:25 Jesus, baby Jesus, 04:33 Is that a tear in Your eye? 04:39 Jesus, sweet baby Jesus, 04:46 You must know You were born to die. 05:06 It must have broken God's heart 05:13 For the future You could see. 05:21 Yet He formed the hands and feet, 05:25 Knowing one day they'd be nailed to a tree. 05:35 So all the world could know Him, 05:42 A gift came from above. 05:49 For God so loved the world 05:54 That He gave His only Son. 06:02 Jesus, baby Jesus, 06:10 Is that a tear in your eye? 06:16 Jesus, sweet baby Jesus, 06:24 You must know You were born to die. 06:31 So Jesus, thank you, Jesus, 06:40 For your gift of eternal life. 06:46 Jesus, baby Jesus, 06:53 It's for me You were born to die. 07:15 CHRIS: The Son of God, the Messiah, the Saviour. For thousands of years, his coming 07:21 had been anticipated. But now that he had arrived, no one seemed to be prepared. No one 07:27 was waiting. There were no banquets, no prepared receptions. In fact, there was 07:33 no room in the inn. Joseph had to stay in a stable, a barn, and there in that barn, Jesus was 07:43 born. No crib. Only a trough, a manger, for the Son of God. 08:01 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, 08:10 The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. 08:18 The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay, 08:27 The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 08:47 [Ooo, Lord Jesus asleep, ooo] 08:52 The cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes 09:01 But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. 09:10 I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky. 09:19 And stay by my cradle 'til morning is nigh. 09:30 [Away in a manger] 09:43 Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay 09:52 Close by me for ever and love me, I pray. 10:01 Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care 10:10 And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there. 10:22 Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care 10:32 And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there. 10:49 [Away in a manger, away in a manger] 10:55 CHRIS: Can you picture the scene? Can you imagine giving birth in a stable? And there, 11:02 Mary wrapped Jesus in his swaddling clothes. God's gift to this world. 11:14 Snow was falling down that night 11:18 With no place to rest in sight 11:22 Soon she would bring forth a son. 11:29 The inn was full, so instead, 11:32 He was born in a stable bed. 11:36 And there, his life had just begun. 11:44 How was she supposed to know, 11:47 As she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, 11:51 That her precious newborn baby boy 11:54 Would become a sacrifice? 11:58 He would run, he would laugh and play, 12:02 But as a man, he would bring the day 12:06 When for the world, he would choose to die. 12:13 Mary wrapped a present to the world 12:20 On that first Christmas morn. 12:24 When her baby was born, 12:28 Mary wrapped a present to the world. 12:39 There were no lighted Christmas trees, 12:43 Just one bright star for all to see 12:48 The way to Bethlehem that winter night. 12:54 Many gifts they brought to him, 12:57 But a greater gift she gave to them, 13:01 For through her Son would come eternal life. 13:09 Mary wrapped a present to the world 13:15 On that first Christmas morn. 13:19 When her baby was born, 13:23 Mary wrapped a present to the world. 13:31 Mary wrapped a present to the world 13:37 On that first Christmas morn. 13:41 When her baby was born, 13:46 Mary wrapped a present to the world. 13:53 Mary wrapped a present to the world. 14:11 EMILE MAXI: Hi, my name is Émile Maxi, president of the Québec Conference of Seventh-day 14:16 Adventists. On behalf of the 8,000 members in Québec, I want to wish for you and yours a 14:24 merry Christmas and a happy new year. Joyeux Noël et bonne année. 14:33 CHRIS: A stable. A mother who had given birth. A child in swaddling clothes. But he wasn't 14:40 just any child. He was a king. 14:51 Mommies and daddies always believe 14:59 That their little angels are special indeed 15:08 And they could grow up to be anything; 15:17 But who would imagine a king? 15:26 A shepherd, a teacher, is what you could be 15:38 Or maybe a fisherman out on the sea 15:44 Or maybe a carpenter building things 15:52 But who would imagine a king? 16:02 It was so real when the wise men arrived 16:10 And the angels were singing your name 16:19 That the world would be different 'cause you were alive. 16:28 That's why heaven stood still to proclaim. 16:38 One day an angel said quietly 16:46 That soon he would bring someone special to me. 16:56 And of all of the wonderful gifts he could bring, 17:06 Who would imagine? 17:12 Who could imagine? 17:17 Who would imagine a king? 17:44 CHRIS: This child born in a barn. His arrival, however, wouldn't go completely 17:49 unnoticed. Shepherds came to him, common men. Later on, wise men came from the East. These 17:58 were outsiders. They weren't Jews. And in those two groups and their reception of Jesus, 18:05 there is a lesson for each of us today. Each of us can come in response to the call of Jesus 18:13 and receive the peace and goodness he offers. Do you hear him calling? Why not reach out 18:21 your hand in this Christmas season and embrace the peace of being in a relationship with 18:31 him? 18:36 Said the night wind to the little lamb, 18:41 Do you see what I see? 18:45 Way up in the sky, little lamb, 18:49 Do you see what I see? 18:53 A star, a star, dancing in the night 18:57 With a tail as big as a kite 19:03 With a tail as big as a kite 19:07 Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, 19:12 Do you hear what I hear? 19:16 Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, 19:20 Do you hear what I hear? 19:24 A song, a song, high above the trees 19:28 With a voice as big as the sea 19:32 With a voice as big as the sea 19:39 Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, 19:43 Do you know what I know? 19:47 In your palace warm, mighty king, 19:51 Do you know what I know? 19:55 A Child, a Child, shivers in the cold 19:59 Let us bring Him silver and gold 20:03 Let us bring Him silver and gold 20:14 Said the king to the people everywhere, 20:18 Listen to what I say: 20:22 Pray for peace, people everywhere! 20:27 Listen to what I say: 20:30 The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night 20:34 He will bring us goodness and light 20:38 He will bring us goodness and light 20:55 MANSFIELD EDWARDS: Hi, my name is Mansfield Edwards, president of the Ontario Conference of 20:59 Seventh-day Adventists. On behalf of the 32,000 members in Ontario, I want to wish you a 21:05 merry Christmas and a happy new year. 21:29 CHRIS: Friends, I'm so happy you joined us for this special holiday edition of "Live 21:33 Healthy". I have the newest member of our Live Healthy team, Darlene Blaney, PhD in 21:38 nutrition, teaches at college, and owns a health food shop and clinic in Eckville, Alberta. 21:45 Darlene, I'm so glad that you've joined us today. DARLENE: Thank you. CHRIS: Darlene, holidays, 21:49 difficult time to stay on that healthy path. DARLENE: Yes. CHRIS: But you have some recipes 21:54 that you're going to share with us today that are going to keep us on track. 21:56 DARLENE: Absolutely. CHRIS: So what are we going to make today? DARLENE: Well, to start with, a 22:00 hot fruit cider. CHRIS: That sounds wonderful. DARLENE: So, a very simple, 22:04 easyohrowogether recipe that your company will love. We will begin with two litres of 22:10 apple juice. Now, the nice thing about this juice is that it's unsweetened. Make sure you're 22:15 purchasing an unsweetened juice. CHRIS: Okay. DARLENE: Okay? And added to our apple juice, to 22:20 make it more of a fruit cider, we will be adding some cranberry juice. Again, try to read your 22:26 labels and choose one that does not have sugars added to it. CHRIS: Okay. DARLENE: And third 22:31 juice that we're adding is an orange juice. So our unsweetened orange juice. CHRIS: Wonderful. 22:38 And then are we going to spice that up at all? DARLENE: We are, with some whole cinnamon sticks 22:43 and some whole cloves. CHRIS: Excellent. DARLENE: Okay? And then we will just give this 22:48 a little bit of a stir and turn our burner on and let those flavours simmer through there. 22:55 CHRIS: Very, very good. DARLENE: Now, I've done one ahead here, and for a little bit 23:00 of fun, you can also add some mandarin oranges. Just tear them up into segments and then when 23:05 you're serving them a cup of this hot fruit cider, just make sure that you have some fun 23:09 adding in one of those little orange segments for them as well. CHRIS: Excellent. 23:14 DARLENE: You can give it a try. CHRIS: Now, as I get a try here, you've got another recipe. What 23:18 do we have here? DARLENE: Well, what is a traditional dessert you think of at Christmas? 23:22 CHRIS: Fruitcake. DARLENE: Fruitcake. So I'm beginning again with unsweetened 23:26 pineapple juice in here. Added to this, we are going to add some dried fruit of your choice. 23:33 Pineapple, mango, papaya. We're going to add some raisins, some dates, some cranberries. Really 23:42 make it your own. Whatever dried fruit that you enjoy that is natural. Cranberries, nice and 23:48 red, takes the place of our cherries, those dyed cherries. CHRIS: And I am noticing, you're 23:53 not putting all the sugared, weirdooking fruits in there. DARLENE: No, that's right. So 23:58 people who don't like fruitcake, I encourage you to try this, because it has a different 24:03 flavour. Some honey, just a half of cup of honey is our only sweetener in this entire recipe. 24:07 CHRIS: All right, so we're really sweetening with the natural fruit sugars. 24:13 DARLENE: Absolutely, that's all it is. Vanilla, little bit of cinnamon, a little bit of 24:17 allspice, and we have something that is called egg replacer powder. I just like to add a 24:22 little bit of water to that. And then you just stir it up to activate it, add it to our 24:28 recipe. And we will add some flour, of course, to this, just kind of we give this a little 24:37 bit of a mix here. Get your flavours through there into the juice of the dried fruit. 24:41 CHRIS: Now, Darlene, I can already tell, this is not going to be your fruitcake that comes 24:46 out like a brick. DARLENE: Well, hopefully not. My kids still like to tease me it's heavy. But 24:53 no, it is filling. It is solid, filling, but it is a different texture altogether. This is 24:58 something you don't have to have sit and age for a long period of time. CHRIS: Okay. DARLENE: So 25:03 while I'm just mixing this up here, you can put it into whatever pan that you choose. 25:08 Now, the flour I've added, I should mention, I've added a spelt flour, so people who have 25:12 a wheat sensitivity, the gluten content of spelt is different. And so this is a cake that maybe 25:22 people who have wheat sensitivities can still enjoy at Christmas. CHRIS: Okay, very 25:25 good. And you have over there. DARLENE: I do. CHRIS: . some demonstrations of what that cake 25:30 actually looks like once it's baked and out of the oven. DARLENE: Absolutely. So here, 25:36 I've taken it. You can do it in a rectangle pan, you can do it in a round pan. I like to slice 25:41 it up and serve it. The round is excellent for Christmas gifts, which is a lot of fun too. 25:46 CHRIS: You know, Darlene, this makes me feel very Christmassy. I just had some of this warm 25:51 cider that is delicious and not that sugary cider and I feel like I could have several cups 25:57 of this and still feel good about living healthy and being on the journey to health. 26:05 DARLENE: Yes. CHRIS: You know, Darlene, I'm so thankful that you've demonstrated these 26:08 recipes. If you're interested in these recipes, I would encourage you to go to our website, 26:14, and there you'll find all of the Live Healthy recipes, but 26:22 especially, the spice cider recipe and the fruitcake recipe that Darlene made for us today. 26:30 Friends, God wants us to be in good health. Darlene, thank you so much for showing us how to 26:37 live healthy. DARLENE: Thank you. 26:46 RON NELSON: Hi, my name is Ron Nelson, president of the Manitobaaskatchewan Conference 26:50 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. On behalf of your Seventh-day Adventist friends 26:54 and neighbours throughout our conference and the Nunavut Territories, I want to wish you 26:58 a merry Christmas and a happy new year. 27:04 CHRIS: Dear friends, this season is all about Jesus and his birth, his coming to this earth 27:12 to save us and to take us home. I'd like to offer to you the DVD of this Christmas program, 27:21 "Immanuel, God With Us". It's a three-part program. Here's the information you need to receive 27:29 today's offer. 28:30 CHRIS: Dear friends, the Christmas season brings an end to the year. It is at this time 28:35 that many people consider their end-of-the-year giving to charitable organizations. It Is 28:41 Written Canada is a not-for-profit charity that qualifies for tax-deductible 28:46 giving. It Is Written Canada is committed to sharing a message of hope and wholeness through 28:54 this program and a variety of humanitarian projects. If you would like to donate to this 28:59 ministry as part of your end-of-the-year plan, you can call our toll-free number. As a 29:05 thank you to your tax-deductible gift, we will send you the musical DVD "O Come All Ye 29:12 Faithful" from my friends at Fountainview Academy. It will be a wonderful addition to your 29:18 Christmas collection or even a good gift to give to someone. My friends, thank you so much for 29:25 watching. Please join us again next week for part three of "Immanuel, God With Us." Until 29:32 then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that 29:39 proceeds from the mouth of God." 29:44 &&&&&&&& |
Revised 2015-12-18