Participants: Pr. Chris Holland
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201510A
00:00 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1
00:05 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:10 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:16 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:21 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:27 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:33 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:37 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:42 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:45 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 00:49 IT IS WRITTEN Immanuel, God with us #1 01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 01:35 God's book, The Bible 01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world 01:44 It Is Written 01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 01:58 CHRIS: Christmas. It's always been a favourite time of the year for me. The smells, the 02:03 trees, the lights, and the snow. But you know, it is amazing that this special time of the year 02:10 for families is also one of the most stressful. As the commercial pressures of the 02:17 Christmas holiday has steadily increased over the years, more and more people seem to enjoy 02:24 Christmas less and less. Could it be that there is something more? Could it be that this 02:31 season has a deeper and truer meaning? Could it be that the real reason behind this season 02:38 is something that will give us inner peace? Could it be that each of us really needs the 02:47 experience of a silent night? 02:56 I've made the same mistake before: 03:01 Too many malls, too many stores. 03:05 December traffic, Christmas rush, 03:10 It breaks me 'til I push and shove. 03:14 Children are crying while mothers are trying 03:17 To photograph Santa and sleigh. 03:21 The shopping and buying and standing forever in line. 03:25 Oh, what can I say? 03:29 I need a silent night, a holy night 03:37 To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise. 03:44 I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here 03:51 To end this crazy day with a silent night. 04:04 December comes and disappears 04:08 Faster and faster every year. 04:13 Did my own mother keep this pace? 04:17 Or was the world a different place? 04:21 Where people stayed home wishing for snow 04:24 Watching three channels on their TV? 04:28 Look at us now running around 04:32 Trying to buy Christmas peace. 04:36 I need a silent night, a holy night 04:43 To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise. 04:50 I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here 04:57 To end this crazy day with a silent night. 05:07 What was it like back there in Bethlehem 05:12 With peace on earth, good will toward men? 05:20 [There were shepherd's out in the field 05:22 Keeping watch over their flock by night 05:24 And the glory of the Lord shone around them 05:27 And they were so afraid 05:29 And the angels said, "Fear not, for behold, 05:33 I bring you good news of a great joy that shall be for all people; 05:38 For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 05:43 And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace." 05:49 I need a silent night, a holy night 05:56 To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise. 06:03 I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here 06:10 To end this crazy day with a silent night. 06:18 To end this crazy day with a silent night. 06:36 MARK JOHNSON: Hi, my name is Mark Johnson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 06:40 Canada. On behalf of the 68,000 Seventh-day Adventists across our great nation, I want to wish 06:49 you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. 06:55 CHRIS: You know, we live in a world of constant turmoil: wars, terrorism, political battles, 07:02 illness, depression, and the list could go on and on. It almost seems at times that this 07:10 world is spiraling out of control with no plan. But you know, the Bible actually says 07:18 there is a plan, that there has always been a plan. In fact, John 1:1 says these words: 07:48 That word, that life, is the person of Jesus Christ. He made everything and he had a plan. 07:55 His plan was not for us to spiral out of control, but the Bible says that he himself is 08:03 the lamb slain before the foundation of the world, a world embroiled in turmoil and slave 08:11 to sin. But God has an answer to that sin problem that each of us do face. According to Romans 08:19 3:23, 08:24 So God lovingly revealed a plan. He revealed it in a silent night. He revealed it in a holy 08:33 night. 08:39 Silent night, Holy night 08:50 All is calm, all is bright. 09:01 Round yon virgin, mother and child 09:12 Holy infant so tender and mild 09:24 Sleep in heavenly peace, 09:37 Sleep in heavenly peace. 09:56 Silent night, Holy night 10:07 Shepherds quake at the sight. 10:19 Glories stream from heaven above; 10:31 Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah. 10:42 Christ the Savior is born, 10:56 Christ the Savior is born. 11:17 CHRIS: The Bible promises about Jesus in 1 Peter 1:20: 11:33 And now, that plan was put in place on this earth. It was a holy night that would change the 11:41 course of this earth's history. 11:47 O holy night! The stars are brightly shining; 11:56 It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth! 12:05 Long lay the world in sin and error pining 12:14 'Til he appeared and the soul felt its worth. 12:22 A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices; 12:30 For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! 12:38 Fall on your knees 12:45 Oh hear the angel voices 12:53 Oh night divine 13:00 Oh night when Christ was born 13:09 Oh night divine 13:17 Oh night when Christ was born 13:29 Truly he taught us to love one another 13:37 His law is love and his gospel is peace. 13:47 Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother; 13:55 And in his name all oppression shall cease. 14:04 Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we 14:12 Let all within us praise his holy name. 14:20 Christ is the Lord! 14:27 Oh, praise his name forever, 14:35 His power and glory evermore proclaim. 14:50 His power and glory evermore proclaim. 15:10 [Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining 15:16 It is the night of our dear Savior's birth!] 15:24 So fall on your knees 15:31 Don't you hear the angel voices? 15:39 They're singing, "Oh night divine, 15:47 Oh night when Christ was born; 15:54 Oh night divine 16:03 Oh night when Christ was born. 16:20 MANSFIELD EDWARDS: Hi, my name is Mansfield Edwards, president of the Ontario Conference of 16:25 Seventh-day Adventists. On behalf of the 32,000 members in Ontario, I want to wish you a 16:31 merry Christmas and a happy new year. 16:37 CHRIS: That silent night, that holy night, in the hushed quietness of that night, an 16:45 angel visitor came to a young girl named Mary and announced, 17:48 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 17:54 Would someday walk on water? 17:57 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 18:03 Would save our sons and daughters? 18:07 Did you know that your Baby Boy 18:13 Has come to make you new? 18:17 This Child that you've delivered 18:22 Will soon deliver you. 18:26 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 18:31 Would give sight to a blind man? 18:36 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 18:41 Would calm the storm with His hand? 18:45 Did you know that your Baby Boy 18:51 Has walked where angels trod? 18:55 When you kiss your little Baby 19:00 You kiss the face of God. 19:25 The blind will see. 19:27 The deaf will hear. 19:29 The dead will live again. 19:34 The lame will leap. 19:36 The dumb will speak 19:39 The praises of the Lamb. 19:45 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 19:51 Is Lord of all creation? 19:55 Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy 20:00 Would one day rule the nations? 20:05 Did you know that your Baby Boy 20:10 Is heaven's perfect Lamb? 20:15 The sleeping Child you're holding 20:19 Is the Great I Am. 20:39 CHRIS: This baby was the one God promised in Genesis 3:15, who would come to bruise the head of 20:46 the serpent, that serpent that deceived the whole world and is the cause of all the pain, 20:53 suffering, and destruction in this world. This is that baby that God promised would come 21:01 through Abraham's seed to bless all the nations of the earth. This is he who spoke to Moses 21:08 through the midst of a burning bush, making himself known as "I Am," promising to deliver his 21:16 people out of bondage. He appeared again at a later time to Moses, saying, 21:39 He was the one who gave courage to Joshua when he faced an overwhelming battle, saying, 21:55 Solomon predicted that he would bring justice to the poor of the people. He will save the 22:01 children of the needy and will break in pieces the oppressor. God, wanting his people to be 22:10 prepared for this baby when he came, gave this sign through the prophet Isaiah: 22:25 Immanuel, which is translated "God with us." This is he who revealed to Jeremiah, "For I am 22:34 with you to save you." God sent his son into this world to be with us and to save us. This was 22:42 something only God, because of his incredible love for us, could do. John 20:31 says: 23:02 The apostle John also testifies that: 23:12 God did not withhold himself from you, but gave himself up for you. Do not withhold 23:19 yourself from him. Today, I invite you to choose to have God with you. Choose to have God 23:27 save you. Choose life. Choose Immanuel. 23:36 KEN CORKUM: Holiday greetings to you, the viewer of It Is Written Canada. Hi, my name is Ken 23:42 Corkum. I'm responsible for the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Newfoundland 23:46 and Labrador. During this time of sharing, hey, let's remember It Is Written with a gift; and 23:52 thanks for your generosity. 24:15 BEV: Hi, everyone. I've got my apron on, so today, you know we're doing a little bit of 24:19 cooking. And I'm here with Chris and we're going to be doing something with beets. 24:23 CHRIS: Beets. You know, it's the Christmas season and we've been doing some holiday recipes. 24:28 BEV: Yes. CHRIS: So what are we going to do with beets for the holidays? BEV: Well, you know 24:32 what? We're going to be making a beet and cilantro salad. And I chose the beets because of that 24:35 gorgeous rubyed, and the cilantro for the green. Kind of a Christmassy kind of thing 24:40 happening. CHRIS: That sounds good. BEV: So let's get to it. CHRIS: All right. BEV: Okay. 24:43 We've got three or four beets here, and they've been cooked just for about 40 minutes until 24:48 they're soft. And then we just kind of cool them off a little bit so that they're comfortable 24:53 to handle. We've got some red pepper and some green onion chopped up. We're going to add 24:58 that to the mix. And then we're going to add some of this beautiful carrot that I've 25:03 shredded. So the colors are just going to be so eye-popping. That's the beauty of this. 25:09 CHRIS: Very vibrant. BEV: Exactly. Then we've got some cilantro that we're going 25:12 to just put on top. You know, a lot of people don't like cilantro, but a lot more love 25:16 it, like me. CHRIS: I like cilantro. Now, Bev, tell me, what's the benefit of cilantro? 25:20 BEV: Oh, heavy metals, removing heavy metals from your body, fantastic. Then we've got this 25:26 wonderful dressing that we've made, and I've got the ingredients right here: onion, 25:30 lemon, garlic, cumin, a pinch of cayenne, some olive oil, and a little bit of sweetener just to 25:36 make it. give it that nice depth. And we've got this beautiful golden colour. What 25:42 we're going to do is just dress our salad and then we're going to mix it up and the colours are 25:50 just going to be eye-popping and the taste is going to be so delicious. And beets are so 25:55 fabulous for your liver for detoxing. The red peppers have got vitamin C happening there. 26:01 The onion is just going to give it a little bit of pungency. And the cumin that's in here is 26:07 going to give it that exotic kind of flavour. So this is what you're going to end up with: 26:12 beside your protein and whatever else you're having on your table, you're going to have this 26:18 beautifullyoloured salad, and voilà, it's so good for you. CHRIS: It looks very good. And I 26:25 think, Bev, if it's okay, I'm going to have a little taste of this beet salad. 26:29 BEV: Absolutely, go right ahead. And you're going to have red mouth and lips and all the rest 26:33 of it, just in time for Christmas. CHRIS: Oh, that's okay. That is delicious and 26:36 would be a wonderful addition to any holiday meal. BEV: Exactly. I got the recipe from this 26:41 wonderful cookbook: Yum. My friend Theresa Nicassio wrote this. We went to raw chef school 26:47 together. And this is an awesome book. It's egg-free, dairy-free, wheatree, all kinds of free. 26:53 And the website that you could go to is where you can find out more 26:59 about this recipe book. CHRIS: And this recipe can be found at www.itiswrittenca. You 27:07 can go there and find any Live Healthy recipe from Bev or Darlene. BEV: That's right. 27:12 CHRIS: And we want you to live healthy. May God bless you abundantly. BEV: We'll see you 27:18 next time. 27:26 JOHN FOURNIER: Hi, my name is John Fournier, president of the Maritime Conference of 27:30 Seventh-day Adventists. On behalf of our members in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and 27:35 New Brunswick, I want to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Joyeux Noël et 27:41 bonne année. 27:45 CHRIS: Dear friends, the Christmas season brings an end to the year. It is at this time 27:51 that many people consider their end-of-the-year giving to charitable organizations. It Is 27:57 Written Canada is a not-for-profit charity that qualifies for taxeductible 28:01 giving. It Is Written Canada is committed to sharing a message of hope and wholeness through 28:08 this program and a variety of humanitarian projects. If you would like to donate to this 28:15 ministry as part of your end-of-the-year plan, you can call our toll-free number. As a 28:22 thank you for your tax-deductible gift, we will send you the musical DVD "O Come 28:28 All Ye Faithful" from my friends at Fountainview Academy. It will be a wonderful addition to your 28:34 Christmas collection or even make a good gift to give someone. My friends, thank you 28:41 so much for watching. Please join us again next week for part two of "Immanuel God With Us." 28:49 Until then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word 28:56 that proceeds from the mouth of God." 29:01 $$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2016-12-09