It Is Written Canada

Philosophy's Achilles Heel: The Handwriting on the Wall

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201509A

00:01 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:06 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:12 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:18 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:24 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:31 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:37 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:42 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
00:47 Philosophy's Achilles heel - The handwriting on the wall -
01:31 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:34 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
01:58 Dear friend, presentation after presentation in this series, Philosophy's Achilles
02:04 Heel, demonstrates how God has opened Himself up to be tested on whether He truly exists.
02:12 Last week demonstrated that not only does God exist, but He is relentlessly pursuing us
02:18 that we might respond to His love. Nebuchadnezzare responded to God's revealing
02:25 by making a decision to serve Him forever. As we now move to Daniel chapter 5, we will once
02:35 again see God revealed in astounding ways. Let's begin in Daniel 5:1-9 which takes 23
02:48 years after Nebuchadnezzar's death.
04:48 Can you imagine the scene? Partying and feasting all interrupted by the handwriting
04:54 on the wall. And once again, the question of "who is the true God?" continues to be
05:02 agitated. This question has been settled over and over again in the book of
05:09 Daniel.Nebuchadnezzar stated in Dan 2:47 that Daniel's God was a God of gods and a Lord
05:17 of kings. In Daniel 3 after the God of heaven rescued the Hebrew young men from the
05:23 fiery furnace, the king stated "There is no other god that can deliver like this;" and
05:30 yet again in Dan 4 the king not only intellectually acknowledged the God of
05:36 heaven, but he fully submitted to him as well. Yet, the decision of Nebuchadnezzar is
05:42 not passed along by genetics to Belshazzar, who is his grandson. Once again, God's
05:51 love is seen to not force or coerce. And now with this new leader in Babylon who was in a
05:59 position of power, God is giving opportunity to either accept or reject the
06:06 overwhelming conviction of His existence and plan for His life. Dear friend, He does the
06:15 same with us. It doesn't matter what your parents believed. What personal
06:21 decision will you make based on the evidence?
06:34 It is evident from this story that Daniel has had no communication with the new
06:40 king. In addition, it appears that Daniel is no longer president of the wise men.We
06:47 cannot know for sure, but it would appear that because Belshazzar is completely
06:52 opposed to every religious and political principle that Daniel stands for, he has been
07:02 marginalized in the kingdom. But the queen mother tells Belshazzar about Daniel and
07:09 that he should be brought to interpret these things. Daniel does come to the palace. And
07:15 Daniel reminds Belshazzar of his grandfather's journey verses 18-23 state:
09:06 As Daniel recounted God's dealings with Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, Daniel mentions
09:12 the main reason for why the issue of"who is the true God?" continues to be agitated, even
09:19 though it has been settled. Very simply put, the reason is pride. That pride then leads
09:28 to self-glorification. It was pride that led Belshazzar to praise the gods of silver,
09:36 gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone; it was pride that led him to get rid of Daniel as
09:43 the president of the wise men; it was pride that led him to continue to rely on the wisdom
09:53 of his wise men even thoughhe should have known better; it was pride that led him to
10:01 desecrate the vessels of God's house and showing that nothing was too sacred for him to
10:08 handle, and it was pride that led him to choose to forget all of the history of what had
10:17 happened to his grandfather. Although pride may attempt to ignore the facts of history,
10:25 in the end, it cannot deny them; nor can it deny the living God to whom they point.
10:36 I wonder, how many of us today are doing the same thing as Belshazzar and his lords.
10:43 Instead of allowing the facts of history to confirm the prophetic statements of t he
10:49 Bible, many choose instead to escape the lessons from history by further drowning
10:56 their convictions in alcohol, sex, sports and the gods of this world. But the revelation
11:04 of God is powerful and convincing. God reveals himself here to Belshazzar and
11:12 the court of Babylon through his prophet Daniel interpreting the handwriting
11:18 on the wall. Listen to Dan 5:25-28:
11:54 The fall of Babylon was a highly improbable eventWith Nebuchadnezzar as king,
12:00 Babylon reached the pinnacle of its power. Even though the rulers that followed
12:05 Nebuchadnezzar were weaker and inefficient, and although the Medes and Persians earlier did
12:11 cross the "Media Line" in the battle of Opisby defeating Babylon, the truth is that
12:18 Babylon was still the ruling power in the world. Furthermore, the city of
12:24 Babylon itself was considered to be impregnable. The inner city alone had a size of about
12:30 1 square mile. In the northwest corner lay the royal palace, and south of that the
12:37 sacred precinct of Esagila, in which stood Etemenanki, the temple tower. This tower was
12:45 about 300 ft. square at its base and more than 300 ft. high, and that it was built in
12:53 7 stages, having on top as its 7th stage a shrine dedicated to the god Marduk. Etemenanki
13:04 means "the foundation stone of heaven and earth." Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt and
13:11 extended the palace, adding among other things a vaulted structure with a roof garden
13:18 on it called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, known in the ancient world as one of
13:26 the Seven Wonders of the World. He added a new city to the inner city and connected
13:31 it with a permanent bridge. He surrounded the New City with a double wall and a moat that
13:39 met the wall and a moat that protected the inner city. It's estimated that the height of
13:46 the walls was between 200 to 300 ft. high and 87 ft. thick. Furthermore the gates of the
13:54 city were made of solid brass. With a total circumference of about 10 miles, Babylon was
14:03 probably the largest city of antiquity. It is estimated that the city had provisions
14:10 that could last up to 20 years. The land within the limits of the city
14:17 weresufficient to furnish food for the inhabitants and garrison for an indefinite
14:23 period. Also, since Babylon sat upon the great Euphrates river it had an endless water
14:31 supply. Babylon was impregnable and undefeatable The Media-Persian empire was
14:43 growing strong, but certainly nothing to fear. And even thought Belshazzar knew of
14:52 Cyrus' plans to take the city, he had every confidence in those strongly fortified
14:57 walls, in his armies and his supplies. He well knew that the city could never be taken
15:04 with any of the conventional means of warfare known at the time. Therefore, he threw a
15:12 grand party for 1000 of his lords. For Daniel to predict the fall of Babylon back in
15:20 Dan 2 when everything looked like it would last forever was highly improbable. Again, to
15:28 interpret the handwriting, for God to know the city would fall is improbable as well.
15:38 For Cyrus, general of the Medo-Persian armies, the only way to get into the city was
15:45 to find where the river Euphrates entered under the walls and gain access. Cyrus'
15:52 favorite horse had been killed in battles with the Babylonians and he was so
15:57 angered that he resolved that he would take the city. To accomplish this, he would
16:04 utilize a strategy that was not your typical "take it by force" method. He learned of
16:10 an annual festival in which the whole city would be given up to mirth and revelry, and
16:17 he determined that it would be the day to carry out his purpose. Then through a
16:23 marvelous feet of engineering, Cyrus developed a plan in which he would divert the
16:30 waters of the Euphrates from its channel. On the evening of Belshazzar's party he
16:37 detailed one body of soldiers to turn the river at a given hour into a large artificial
16:44 lake a short distance above the city; another to take their station at the point
16:52 where the river entered the city; and a third to take a position fifteen miles below,
16:58 where the river emerged from the city. The two later bodies were instructed to enter the
17:04 channel as soon as they found the river fordable, and then in the night to explore their
17:13 way beneath the walls and press on to the palace of the king where they were to
17:19 surprise the guards and kill the king. And this is exactly what happened. In direct
17:29 fulfillment of the handwriting on the wall. On the very night of Belshazzar's party Daniel
17:36 informed the king his kingdom would end. And in fact, the Medo-Persians would enter the
17:43 city and that night the king was slain. This happened in October of 539 BC, when Cyrus
17:53 entered the gates and took the city without a real battle and Babylon fell. The fall of
18:07 Babylon was a highly improbable event, almost impossible. Belshazzar's
18:13 partying, carelessness and presumption, let to Cyrus' men being able to reach the gates
18:21 in the river, which had been left open. No one saw that the level of the river had
18:27 suddenly gone down signaling their impending doom. However, even more amazing is this. The
18:34 prophet Isaiah, almost 150 years before the event took place, predicted with stunning
18:45 accuracy not only the fall of Babylon, but also the manner in which the city would fall.
18:52 Let's take a closer look at Isaiah 44:26-45:4
20:31 In addition, we find these words about the fall of Babylon written by Isaiah in
20:39 chapter 21:2
20:51 This is a description of the work of Babylon. Then later in verse 2, Isaiah hears the
20:58 words
21:07 In v.4, the prophet Isaiah's fright regarding the destruction of Babylon
21:12 reflects that of Belshazzar, it states
21:23 In v.5 he sees the feasting Babylonians. The passage declares,
21:38 Then in v. 9 the prophet declares
21:51 More than 150 years before it happened, the prophet Isaiah, one, names Media as one of the
21:59 two nations that would come against Babylon; two and even more astonishing, Yet, even
22:06 more astonishing is that Cyrus is called by name. Think about this friend, identifying
22:11 the nation that take over Babylon 150 years in advance is quite a feat, but naming
22:18 the very general who would lead the army adds a significant layer of
22:25 complexity to this prophecy. Isaiah even predicted that the Euphrates river would dry up.
22:32 This fact alone would almost be impossible to predict.Isaiah foresaw that
22:40 the gates of the city would be opened. He saw the drunken night of pleasure and heard
22:46 the declaration that Babylon is fallen Finally, he foresaw that Cyrus would grant
22:55 permission to the Jews to go back to their homeland and to rebuild the temple. Dear
23:01 friends, this is truly remarkable. You know, some respond to these remarkable
23:08 things in several ways: first, some will say that the book of Daniel was written in the 2nd
23:14 century. Part of the reason for this is that the only place where Belshazzar's name
23:20 was mentioned was in Daniel 5. Therefore, they say, the story is fictitious. Furthermore,
23:28 critics have undermined the credibility of the book of Isaiah by believing that the
23:32 book that bears his name was written by at two or three persons. Both of these
23:41 criticisms have been convincingly answered by archaeological and historical
23:47 discoveries. Cuneiform tablets have been discovered that make crystal clear the fact that
23:53 Belshazzar was the son of Nabonidus, son of Nebuchadnezzar, and that he
23:59 was indeed king of Babylon as Daniel asserted. Also, the discovery of the Dead Sea
24:06 Scrolls has unearthed the entire book of Isaiah laying to rest the assertion that
24:15 this book was written by other redactors. The real reason for why critics of the 19th
24:22 century Enlightenment period rejected the 6th century date for Daniel is philosophical,
24:30 it was the result of Immanuel Kant's criticism of reason, and many critics and liberal
24:37 theologians believed that it was impossible for God to communicate with the prophets.
24:43 They believed that this means that predictive prophecy would also be impossible. Yet,
24:50 Daniel is real, Belshazzar is real, and the fall of Babylon is real; all of which occurred
25:01 in the 6th century BC. Others say that all of this was simply pure coincidence. Yet,
25:12 to take this position is not any different than believing in miracles. At this point, we
25:23 need to remind ourselves that this ancient story is another amazing example that sets the
25:29 Bible apart from all other forms of literature or communication. As we have
25:36 elaborated on in past programs, the reason is really quite simple: The highly
25:41 improbable nature of this prophecy, which includes at least 7 specific predictions,
25:48 not only points to the existence of God, it also points to the Bible being the
25:54 Word of God. Only the Bible gives evidence of the test that only God can pass. Dear
26:08 friends, Belshazzar felt safe within the walls of Babylon, and scoffed at the idea that
26:14 Cyrus had any chance of invading the city.This general feeling of peace and safety
26:20 also characterizes many today who feel secure within their own religious, political or
26:29 philosophical walls, but they are no more prepared for the end of things than was
26:35 Belshazzar. Perhaps the apostle Paul was thinking about Belshazzar when he wrote
26:42 these words found in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3:
27:14 One again, God has demonstrated beyond measure two very important things.
27:21 One, He is real, he does exist. Two, He cares for you and wants to be in
27:30 relationship with you. That same hand that wrote that handwriting on the wall, it is
27:38 the same hand that bore the nails of the cross for you What stops you today from
27:45 entering into relationship with Him? The evidence is clear. The day is today. The
27:54 time is now.
28:06 Dear Lord, help us to believe and help us to follow You, we pray in Jesus name, amen.
28:22 Dear friend, time after time God is revealing Himself. He's revealing Himself to us today.
28:27 I want to offer you the book "The Thought Makers" that you might study more about God and
28:33 understand how He is revealing Himself today. Here's the information you need for
28:37 today's offer.
29:29 >>Chris: My dear friend the Bible says that God is patiently waiting for us. With
29:34 open arms He's inviting us. Time after time He reveals Himself to us. He longs to
29:41 have an experience with you and for you to have an experience with Him. Thank you
29:46 so much for watching this week - I invite you to join us again next week. Until then,
29:51 remember, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
29:59 proceeds from the mouth of God.
30:03 $$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-12-04