It Is Written Canada

The One Thing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201333

01:32 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time....
01:35 God's book, The Bible
01:38 Still relevant in today's complex world
01:44 It Is Written
01:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world
01:59 The year was 1962, Dick and Judy Hoyt were looking forward to the arrival of
02:05 their new baby boy. However, during the birthing process something
02:09 happened. The child, who they were to name Rick, was deprived of oxygen for
02:15 a prolonged period of time. As a result the young child was diagnosed
02:20 as a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. The doctors told Dick and Judy
02:26 that Rick was destined for a life that was anything but normal and the best
02:31 thing they could do for him was to institutionalize him
02:33 because he had no chance of recovery. Dick and Judy made a choice to not
02:39 institutionalize young Rick and attempt to give him every opportunity at a
02:45 quote unquote normal life. Even though Rick could not walk or speak, it was
02:52 clear that his mind was functioning quite well. As he would look at his
02:57 parents, his eyes would follow them around as they moved around. Dick and
03:04 Judy pushed for Rick to be involved in a public school and took him
03:08 swimming, sledding and many of the normal activities of a young
03:12 boys. They taught him his numbers and alphabet and there was no doubt that
03:20 while he faced huge physical handicaps, his mind, intellect and
03:26 ability were excellent. Engineers at Tufts University designed a
03:32 computer for Rick to be able to communicate in 1972. In 1977, Rick told
03:39 his father that he wanted to participate in a 5-mile run to benefit a paralyzed
03:46 LaCrosse player. Dick wondered what they could do and so he came up with
03:53 a plan that he would run while pushing Rick's wheelchair. They completed
04:02 that first race in next to last place, but Rick told his father, "Dad, when I'm
04:08 running, it feels like I am not handicapped." Dick then committed that this
04:15 would be his gift to his son. And now almost 40 years after that first
04:21 race Dick and Rick have participated in over 1000 races. This includes 6
04:31 ironman triathlons where Dick swims with a harness pulling an inflatible raft
04:37 that Rick is placed in. And rides a bike with a specially designed seat in
04:42 front the Rick rides in.
04:45 The highlight of there racing came in 2014 when
04:48 they ran the Boston Marathon in the one year anniversary of the Boston
04:54 Marathon Bombings.During all of this Rick would graduate from public high
05:01 school and graduated in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in special
05:07 education for Boston University. Commitment and priorities. For Dick
05:15 and Judy they committed to their son and made making something of his life a
05:21 priority. We too must have priorities in order to have success in this life.
05:28 During the ministry of Jesus there was an event that teaches us what our
05:32 number one priority ought to be.
05:38 Come back with me in time. Come back to Israel, just outside the small village
05:45 of Bethany. It is the early 1st century. Jesus and His disciples are
05:50 traveling together. He had just sent out the seventy to do their work two by
05:56 two and now they had returned. They all had been involved in an
06:01 intense amount of ministry and now Jesus felt the need for rest and
06:06 fellowship. He had no home, no place to rest His weary body. So He, along
06:12 with those who were following Him stopped there in Bethany. Bethany
06:17 was very close to Jerusalem. It was here that His close friends,
06:23 Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived. This is the same Lazarus whom Jesus would
06:28 later raise from the dead. These people had a special place in the heart of
06:33 Jesus and He would often come here to find rest and solitude. It is on this
06:40 day that Jesus and His followers stop, and although the text does not
06:45 make it clear, it seems that Jesus has surprised His friends - most
06:50 particularly Martha. He has either surprised her because she did not know
06:56 he was coming or He surprised her because she did not expect Him that
07:00 early. We find the story in Luke 10 and we will pick it up in verse 38
07:33 Jesus and His followers had entered the village of Bethany and they came to
07:38 the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. I'm sure with a little surprise on her
07:42 face she invited the Lord in along with some of the followers. Here Martha
07:48 shows her compassion and love for the Lord. Seeing Him in this wearied
07:51 condition, she invites Him in as a guest of her home. And as Jesus enters the
07:59 home, instead of laying His head down to rest, He sees the need and desire
08:05 of others to hear His word.s And so He sits and others gather around Him,
08:11 but the text specifically mentions Mary. And the text specifically says
08:18 that Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and heard His word. The Greek word that
08:25 is used for hearing is the word akouo. It carries with it the connotation of
08:31 not only hearing and listening, but also of understanding and
08:35 obedience. Mary's listening is not just a casual background noise
08:39 kind of listening. She is listening intently, desiring to understand.
08:46 And while she sits at the feet of Jesus, listening to the words of our
08:51 Saviour and the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Martha was distracted with much
08:57 serving. The KJV says that she was cumbered about with much serving. The
09:05 word cumbered or distracted in the Greek literally means to be
09:09 drawn away, to be over-occupied, and to be over-burdened. She was
09:15 over-occupied and distracted by what? By serving. Friends, the word
09:21 to serve here literally means to minister. Can you picture it in your mind?
09:27 You have a very important guest coming and he or she has arrived a little early
09:32 or you are running a little late. And so now as your guest waits you hurry
09:38 yourself about serving and trying to get ready.
09:45 And then it happens. Maybe it was just out of the corner of her eye or
09:54 through a quick glance, she sees her. And the emotions of jealousy,
10:03 anger, and frustration all begin to boil and mix Martha has seen Mary
10:11 sitting, listening to Jesus while she works so very hard. Not only is
10:19 this someone not helping her, but this is her sibling, her sister -
10:26 which is just additional salt on the wound. Those of you that have brothers
10:30 and sisters know exactly what I am talking about - the absolute injustice of
10:35 you having to do work while your brother or sister doesn't. And so now
10:41 the stage is set and Martha in her absolute frustration, turns to
10:47 Jesus and says, according to verse 40,
11:03 In the New Livign Translation, it reads,
11:14 In one of the great moments of Biblical history. Martha, tells the
11:19 King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Creator of the heavens and earth, she
11:24 tells Him what to do. In fact, she not only tells Him, but according to the
11:30 Greek, she uses an imperative verb, which is to say that she commands
11:36 Him to have Mary help. Now befoe we get too riled up about Martha's treatment
11:46 of Jesus we need to be careful of our condemnation of Martha,
11:50 because many of us do the same today, don't we? We want God to do things our
11:58 way. Like Frank Sinatra singing "I did it my way." we want to do things our
12:05 way and have God bless it. Jesus would rather have us come to Him and ask for
12:12 guidance so He can lead us. But here in Luke 10 Jesus displays one of the
12:18 greatest acts of compassion and mercy, Jesus replies to Martha in
12:28 a loving way and outlines for Martha, as well as us today that which is
12:35 important in life. It is recorded in Luke 10 verses 41 and 42,
13:05 In a most compassionate and loving voice, Jesus first gently rebukes
13:11 Martha, telling her she is worried and troubled by many things. The NIV uses
13:19 the words worried and upset. In the Greek the word worried literally
13:23 means to be troubled and anxious, while the word troubled is the Greek word
13:28 turbadzo. The English word turbulence is derived from it. It literally means to
13:35 be disturbed and bothered. Mary is anxious, troubled, worried, disturbed and
13:47 bothered by many things - a general word for anything really. And then
13:53 Jesus proceeds by saying but. But, there is another way. There is another way
14:01 that will relieve you of all this running around, there is another way that
14:05 will give you comfort from doing, doing, doing. He says, "one thing is
14:09 needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken
14:13 away from her." One thing is needed, only one thing is necessary and essential
14:22 and Mary chose it. What was it that Mary chose? To sit at the feet of Jesus.
14:34 Jesus speaks loud and clear to us today. You can spend all the time in the
14:45 world serving Him, but if you don't spend time at His feet learning from Him
14:50 - you are merely distracted. He says to all of us that believe that we
14:57 can work our way to heaven by working for are only troubled and worried
15:07 and distracted because what you need is to sit at my feet. And for those of
15:15 us that have so much to do, that we are constantly on the go - Jesus says all
15:22 is for naught; come and sit at my feet. Friends, it is at the feet of Jesus
15:27 where we find the essentials and necessities of life. Now listen to
15:34 these words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:30-34,
16:24 Jesus goes as far as saying that even the most basic, fundamental
16:28 necessities of survival should not be worried about. Seek Him first and
16:32 He will take care of you. This is a most difficult saying for me personally.
16:39 I was talking with someone recenty about this very topic. It is more natural
16:45 for me to generate a to do list and go, go, go. But Jesus says wait, wait -
16:53 seek Me first and all those things on your to do list will be added unto
16:59 you. In one of my favorite books on the life of Christ, The Desire of
17:07 Ages, it says these words,
18:15 Friends, Jesus cries out to us that we are troubled by so many things, we are
18:20 so busy with our smart phones, tablets and computers, but we must
18:26 first take time to sit at His feet.
18:34 You know, a number of years ago there was a popular slogan - WWJD.
18:41 What would Jesus Do? And in a game of philosophical wrestling people tried to
18:47 figure out what Jesus might do in a given situation. Instead of
18:53 asking what He might do, let's focus on what He did do. By asking us to seek
19:01 Him first, He asks us nothing more than what He himself did do. Listen to
19:10 these verses: In Mark 1:35 it tells us about Jesus,
19:29 And later in Mark 6:46 it says,
19:42 The Gospel of Luke also sheds light on the priorities of Jesus, in
19:48 Luke 6:12
20:02 In fact, earlier in Luke it tells us what Jesus' habit was, in Luke 5:16,
20:17 All of these texts make it plain that Jesus, who I might remind you, is God
20:23 incarnate - spend time alone in prayer listening to His Father in heaven.
20:30 If there be anyone who could be self sufficient it is Jesus, yet by
20:35 example, He demonstrates the importance of spending time alone in prayer and
20:41 listening to God. Where is it that we find the voice of God speaking to us
20:46 today? In His Holy Word, in the Bible. Jesus makes it clear, that if we would
20:53 only study His word listening to His voice and praying, He would provide
20:58 for all of our needs.
21:03 Friends the evidence is abundant that this book can be trusted and it is
21:14 the word of God. The questions is, do we listen to it? Are you having
21:18 difficulty in your marriage, Jesus calls out to you and says come and
21:21 spend time at my feet. Are you struggling at work - turn to Jesus and sit at
21:26 his feet. Are you struggling in school - turn to Jesus and sit at
21:30 his feet. Are you being tempted - turn to Jesus and sit at his feet. Are
21:34 you children running wild - turn to Jesus and sit at his feet. Some might be
21:49 asking where and how to start. It is different for each person. I would
21:57 recommend getting yourself a notebook. Not necessarily anything
22:07 fancy. In it you will journal, which can be done in many ways. You can
22:14 write out your prayers to God, you can write the message you think God is
22:18 giving to you. You can take notes on those things which you are reading that
22:25 are especially powerful to you. As you read the Bible and reflect on the text
22:35 you can ask three simple questions, what does the text say? How does it
22:45 intersect with my life? And what is the invitation being made to me
22:56 personally. Take time to read and listen to what God is saying to you. Some
23:06 will ask where do I start? Really the sky is the limit. I recommend
23:17 starting in the gospels, particularly in Mark or John and read a story at a
23:26 time or a number of chapters at a time. And then reflect on those.
23:29 Maybe you would like to read the whole Bible through. You can do this
23:35 actually very rapidly. At 40 chapters a day you can read the Bible in 30 days.
23:42 At 20 chapters a day, you can read it in 60 days or at 10 chapters a day, you
23:54 can read it in 120 days. No matter how you do or what works for you, friend
24:02 the message is plain turn to Jesus, spend time at His feet and learn from
24:09 Him in His Word is powerful. Hebrews 4:12,
24:38 The Bible is living and powerful in the life of the believer who listens
24:43 to what God is saying. Do you want to listen to what the Word has to say? Psalm
24:49 119:105 says,
24:58 The word is our sure guide. God's word is light in the darkness. Doug
25:05 Goins tells the story of a woman, who's name was Helen Hayworth Lemmel. She
25:11 was in her nineties. She had been born and raised in wealth in England, and
25:16 was well-known as a songwriter. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Lemmel probably
25:20 wrote seventy or eighty Christian hymns and gospel songs that were popular in
25:25 the 1920s through the early 1950s. Mrs. Lemmel had married into nobility;
25:30 her husband was a lord. But she was stricken with blindness as a very young
25:35 woman, and her husband divorced her because he didn't want to be married
25:41 to a blind woman. I don't know all the circumstances, but somehow
25:46 she ended up destitute in Seattle, Washington, a ward of King County,
25:51 living in a tiny room in a home where the rent was paid by the county. You
25:57 probably know the most famous song that Mrs. Lemmel wrote:Turn your
26:02 eyes upon Jesus. Every time we would visit her or she would come to our
26:11 home, we would ask her how she was doing, and she would always say, "I am
26:16 fine in the things that count." That's a godly perspective on things that
26:24 could be embarrassing or humiliating. Today, Jesus is calling you, won't you
26:30 turn your eyes upon Jesus. Won't you make a commitment this day to
26:35 spend time at His feet and learn from Him. Today will you make a commitment to
26:41 read His Word and allow the tranforming power of His Word to be activated
26:47 in your life today?
26:50 Let's pray and make that commitment together. Today, Lord, we come to
26:55 you. We commit to reading your word. We commit to being open to the
26:59 transforming power of your word. Lord, change us and make us more like You, we
27:05 pray in Jesus' name, amen.
27:25 You know, friend, as we talk about sitting at the feet of Jesus, we're
27:28 really talking about coming to Jesus and learning how to walk with
27:34 Him. You know, in any job that I've ever had in my life, I've needed
27:39 training, training to teach me how to do what I needed to do. It's the
27:45 same way with walking with Jesus. It's the same way in the spiritual life. We
27:49 need to be trained and we need to be taught how to do it. So today, I want to
27:56 offer you the Discover Bible guides. The Discover Bible guides are a
27:59 refreshing lead in the Bible on how we can develop a relationship
28:07 with Jesus. Here's the information you need
28:11 to get those Discover Bible guides.
28:57 In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said these words:
29:11 Sitting at the feet of Jesus is about finding rest for our souls in Him.
29:19 Jesus desires for us to sit at His feet and to have an ever-deepening
29:26 relationship with Him, that more and more each day, we would be like Him.
29:32 Friend, I hope you're on that journey of an ever-deepening
29:36 relationship with Jesus. Thank you for watching today. I hope you'll join
29:41 us again next week. Until then, remember, it is written, "Man shall not
29:47 live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of
29:52 God."
29:56 $$$$


Revised 2015-10-07