It Is Written Canada

Is Heaven for Real? Choose Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201331

00:11 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
00:15 God's book, The Bible
00:18 Still relevant in today's complex world
00:24 It Is Written
00:26 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
00:39 >>Chris: Is heaven for real? The testimony of the Bible is that heaven is a
00:43 very real place that is assured to those who want to spend their lives with
00:48 Jesus. And Jesus wants to spend it with you. John 14:1-3 shows us the heart
01:00 cry of Jesus,
01:57 Jesus is the Way. He is the only way to heaven. And Jesus desires to give
02:05 us life abundant. In John 10:10 Jesus says,
02:17 The desire of Jesus for each one of us is to have a life of abundant living
02:23 in Him that leads to eternal life. He has made the provision for each of
02:31 us to be rid of the guilt and shame or our sin. He is the one who has made a
02:40 way for us to be reconciled to Him. The last book of the Bible is
02:45 the book of Revelation. It is really the revelation of Jesus Christ. It tells
02:52 the story of Jesus and His faithfulness to us to save us from our sin and make
02:58 the path clear to heaven. Heaven is for real and Jesus has done, is doing
03:06 and will do everything He can to assure your place there. It is in this vain
03:12 that Jesus is introduced in the book of Revelation in Revelation 1:5-6 as,
03:57 Jesus has always been and He always will be and it is He who wants to save
04:05 us. He stands in the midst of the lampstands, which represent the churches.
04:11 Jesus walks among the churches, He walks among the people. He knows you
04:17 and He knows me. He knows our trials and knows the burdens of our life. He
04:24 understands us and makes a way for us. Jesus is pictured all throughout
04:29 Revelation with different symbols and metaphors. As the only One who can open
04:36 a scroll for our redemption, He is pictured as the babe of Bethlehem.
04:42 But He is also pictured as the conquering king. Revelation 14:14 says,
05:05 Jesus wants to save us and He has made a way for us to be in our heavenly home
05:10 with Him. He is pictured again in Revelation 19:11,
05:29 Jesus is coming as our king of kings and lord of Lords In Revelation 21 and
05:34 22, He is the one who makes all things new for our new home in heaven
05:39 with Him. Jesus boldly states in Revelation 22:7, 12, and 20 the three-fold
05:50 promise that He is coming quickly. Friends, He is coming soon to take us
05:58 home. The key in all of this and the key for our success in this life is
06:05 found in Revelation 12:11,
06:26 Over and over again in the scripture and especially in Revelation, Jesus is
06:32 pictured as a lamb. When you think of mighty animals, you don't
06:38 typically think of a lamb, however the Lamb is the victor in the book of
06:45 Revelation. Revelation 17:14 makes it very clear,
07:08 The Lamb wins. Jesus wins and this is the profound message of the Bible and
07:15 reaching the pinnacle in the book of Revelation. As long as we are for the
07:21 Lamb, Jesus we will be victorious with Him. The lamb is a symbol of
07:29 Christ. It has been a symbol of Christ throughout the Bible. The
07:32 lamb points to Jesus, the innocent One who died on the cross for you and for
07:38 me to make a way for us to be reconciled to God.
07:45 I would like for us to take a journey back in time. The story and names
07:49 are only for illustrative purposes. But we go back in time to the tent of
07:58 Ariel. Ariel is up early this morning and he begins walking. He walks through
08:06 the encampment of Israel. Tents here and there. He walks leading a lamb. This
08:15 lamb is perfect, it is spotless. He and his family have raised this
08:20 lamb since it had been born. Ariel is taking this lamb as a sacrifice. It is
08:28 a sacrifice for a sin that is at the forefront of his mind. There is only one
08:35 way to reconcile with God and it is to take the life of this little lamb Ariel
08:41 arrives at the entrance to the sanctuary. He is greeted by a priest. He
08:48 takes that little lamb into the courtyard and places his hands on the
08:54 head and confesses his sin. Symbolically transferring his sin to
09:01 that lamb then the throat of the lamb is slit. It is swift and merciful, but
09:10 the blood of the animal is spilt. The priest takes the lamb and places it on
09:16 the altar of burnt offering. Ariel sees the smoke arising to heaven.
09:23 This little lamb pointed forward to the true sacrifice that would be
09:27 given by the perfect Messiah. Ariel has been forgiven, not because of
09:34 the loss of life of that animal but because of his trust in God that this
09:39 sacrifice pointed forward to Jesus. The sanctuary service helped people to a
09:48 personal responsibility for their own sin. It also pointed out that
09:54 forgiveness came from outside of themselves and could only be administered
09:58 by God. They needed His divine grace to experience forgiveness. The
10:06 sacrificing of the lamb was an act of faith that Jesus was the one who
10:11 takes away all the sins of the world. John the Baptist testified to Jesus
10:19 being that lamb when he said in John 1:29,
10:36 Jesus was the fulfillment of the symbol of the spotless lamb. My dear
10:42 friend, the scripture is very clear in Romans 6:23,
11:04 We are in desperate need of a Saviour. Without Jesus we have one destiny
11:10 - death and not just death in a grave, but eternal death. Permanent
11:16 separation from God. The Old Testament sacrifice pointed forward to Jesus.
11:22 The guilt of a sinner was symbolically removed in the service. Not all we
11:29 need is to confess our sins and they are placed upon Jesus and we are
11:36 forgiven. 1 John 1:9 promises,
11:53 Jesus will forgive us and cleanse us. We are freed in therms of Jesus. He
12:02 has born the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the cross as a
12:11 sacrifice for our sins. That is the only sacrifice that cleanses us and makes
12:17 us whole. Jesus is the only way. There are not multiple routes. Christ
12:25 was offered for us as a sacrifice for our sins. He paid the price as the
12:32 perfect Lamb of God. He was victorious over sin. He lived a perfect life
12:37 and as an innocent sacrifice paid the price for us. And his victory
12:47 brings divine forgiveness in our life.
12:57 We need forgiveness today. Guilt will rob a person of peace and happiness and
13:01 security. The death of Jesus removes that guilt when we confess our sins
13:06 to Him. Friends we often try all kinds of different ways to relieve our guilt
13:11 and shame. But the only forgiveness that truly can bring peace comes from one
13:19 source and that is Jesus Christ. Our friends may try to bring comfort, but
13:26 they can't solve our guilt. Even psychology can help us adjust and cope,
13:32 but it can't really deal with our guilt. It took the cross to create pardon
13:43 and grace. Christ poured out His life on the cross, He took on our guilt and
13:49 gave us His righteousness, His right standing with the Father. That's why the
14:00 sacrifice of the Lamb is so powerful. That's why it can become the source of
14:07 great peace. Paul makes this wonderful promise about Jesus in 2
14:14 Corinthians 5:21,
14:30 Christ never sinned. He was perfect He lived a perfect life. But He made
14:37 a choice. He didn't sin but became sin for us. He assumed the guilt of us
14:46 all and all our sin, but never committed one sin. We find peace in Jesus. We
14:56 don't deserve it, we haven't earned but Jesus offers it freely. We find
15:03 the peace of Jesus Christ by reaching out in faith and asking Jesus to
15:10 forgive us and be our Savior. Our sin required the death of Jesus, my sin
15:19 required Jesus to die - so I might live. It's our sin that required this great
15:35 sacrifice. And it's our lives that Jesus wants to rescue. He wants to take
15:42 us to heaven to live with Him forever. His death has made that path clear.
15:52 The story of the Bible is that Jesus, the Lamb of God wins. He cannot be
16:03 defeated. We have been given a view of the end. We know how the story
16:09 ends. He has given us everything. We are guaranteed a victory,
16:17 listen to these words of 1 Peter 1:18-19,
16:45 Friends we are not saved by our wealth, we are not saved by our possessions,
16:50 and we are not saved by our good deeds. We cannot earn salvation through
16:55 working harder - we are saved by Jesus alone. By the blood of the Lamb. It
17:04 is through Him that we can live a victorious life. Salvation is a gift from
17:12 Jesus. He offers it to us, and all we have to do is accept it by faith. For
17:18 many of us this is so hard to understand - not because it is complicated,
17:23 but because of how our lives have been shaped. For many of us we have
17:27 tried to earn the approval or acceptance of others. We have spent our whole
17:32 lives seeking that acceptance from a mother or father, maybe from a
17:39 spouse or some love interest. We have done this or done that to earn
17:46 love and Jesus says no. Salvation is a gift from God. The grace of Jesus
17:59 Christ is a gift, His forgiveness is a gift and conceptually we might nod
18:08 our head in agreement that it is a gift - but wetry to earn it. But today
18:14 Jesus is calling to our hearts to accept this simple life-giving gift.
18:20 To stop the rat race of trying to earn His love and accept that which He
18:25 has freely given.He desires this real experience for us that we
18:33 might be prepared for the reality of heaven. So how can we receive and have
18:40 the assurance of this free gift of salvation. The first step is to accept
18:47 and know that God loves you and longs to save you. Jeremiah 31:3 gives this
18:55 wonderful promise,
19:07 God has everlasting love for you and everlasting love for me. This is the
19:12 reality. We first must comes to terms with and accept that reality. No
19:18 matter what you've done, who your family is, whether your rich or poor
19:22 - He loves you with an everlasting love. And then, secondly, we need to
19:29 realize that we cannot earn our salvation or save ourselves. Romans 3:23
19:35 makes this clear,
19:47 We are sinners and cannot save ourselves;there is nothing we can do. We are
19:53 justified or simply saved by the Jesus Christ. He alone is the way to
20:03 salvation. Thirdly, in accepting that, we need to really believe that Jesus
20:08 can and will save us. Romans 10:9 is clear,
20:31 It is a guarantee, a promise that won't fail. Then friend we confess our
20:38 sin to Jesus 1 John 1:9,
20:50 There are no conditions other than confessing. We tell Jesus who we are and
20:57 what we have done, then He forgives us - we no longer have to pay the price for
21:03 our own sin, we accept his sacrifice on our behalf, but not only that - He
21:11 cleanses us - He helps us to have a life that is clean and pure. And lastly
21:17 friend, we live and claim this gift. 1 John 5:11-12 assure us,
21:43 We have life with Jesus.
21:48 Heaven is for real and it will be the home of those who accept the salvation
21:54 of Jesus Christ freely. Will you accept that gift today? Jesus came 2000
22:00 years ago. He is life. He is our peace in a time of trouble. When we choose
22:08 Jesus He is our strength, even in our weakness. When our world is crumbling
22:14 around us and world seems shaken to the core, Jesus renews us and gives us
22:19 life. He alone can give that life. He is light in our dark world. Jesus is
22:26 the one. His amazing sacrifice of love gives us life. That life is an
22:33 renewed life now and eternal life in the future. What He has done
22:39 for you, what he has done for me is truly amazing.
23:05 You are our life when death is all around
23:10 Your are our peace when all else seems to fail
23:17 You are our strength when our weakness overcomes
23:22 You are, yes, You are.
23:28 When our world is shaken
23:31 When our hope is broken
23:34 Still You are God of all
23:38 You amaze us
23:42 You alone are worthy of our praises
23:47 You deserve our worship
23:50 We adore you
23:53 Your glory and Your majesty renew us, consume us
24:15 Your word brings life when darkness falls around
24:21 Your word speaks truth when the lost are wandering
24:27 You are are God, above you there's no one else
24:32 You are, yes, You are
24:37 Oh, when our world is shaken
24:41 When our hope is broken
24:44 Still You are God of all
24:48 You amaze us
24:52 You alone are worthy of our praises
24:57 You deserve our worship
25:00 We adore you
25:03 Your glory and Your majesty renew us, consume us
25:18 Renew us
25:22 Consume us
25:24 You amaze us (ooh)
25:29 You amaze us
25:33 You alone are worthy of our praises
25:38 You deserve our worship
25:41 We adore you
25:44 Your glory and Your majesty renew us, consume us
25:54 Glory and honour belong to you (renew us)
26:01 All the glory and honour belong to you (consume us)
26:05 All the glory and honour belong to you
26:10 All the glory and honour belong to you
26:20 God is truly amazing. This wondful song was offered by the Christian recording
26:26 group Selah. It Is Written is proud to present three Selah concerts across
26:33 Canada this fall. September the 6th, Selah will be at the Toronto
26:40 Airport Marriott at 8 p.m. September the 20th, they will be in British
26:44 Columbia at the Bell Performing Arts Centre. And then on October the
26:49 11th, in Alberta, they will be at the Red Deer Sheraton, also at 8 p.m.
26:55 You can go to your website,, and
27:01 there, find more information about purchasing tickets and
27:04 getting to that concert. Also, friends, as we have been studying over the
27:10 last weeks, is heaven for real? This eight-part series, I want to offer
27:16 that series to you in a DVD set. Here is the information you need to
27:21 receive that offer.
28:13 Friends, Jesus is going to make a new heaven and a new earth for us to spend
28:18 eternity with him. Do you want to be there? I hope you enjoyed today's
28:23 program. I invite you to join us again next week. Until then, remember, it
28:30 is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
28:36 proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:41 $$$$$$$$
28:59 $$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-09-24