>>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:11.33\00:00:14.13 God's book, The Bible 00:00:14.63\00:00:17.66 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:00:18.16\00:00:22.10 It Is Written 00:00:24.36\00:00:25.46 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 00:00:25.86\00:00:29.73 >>Chris: Annie Shapiro was 50 years old in 1963. She was watching coverage of 00:00:39.23\00:00:44.43 the John F. Kennedy assassination on her black and 00:00:44.43\00:00:49.16 white TV and had a massive stroke and fell into a deep coma. Her husband Martin 00:00:49.16\00:00:55.46 Shapiro, dedicated to his wedding vows, spent the next 30 years bathing, changing, 00:00:55.46\00:01:02.23 and dressing his wife. He would comb her hair and brush her 00:01:02.23\00:01:08.06 teeth. He would give her eye drops ever few hours to keep her eyes from drying out. He would 00:01:08.06\00:01:12.73 sleep next to her at night. He prayed for a miracle recovery. 00:01:12.73\00:01:19.06 He went to great lengths to find some type of medical solution. 00:01:19.06\00:01:25.46 During her coma, like an active human being, her body began to break down. She had to 00:01:25.46\00:01:30.00 have cataract surgery, a hip replacement and even a hysterectomy. Mrs. Shapiro 00:01:30.00\00:01:36.43 was successful before this tragedy beset her. She was planning on opening 00:01:36.43\00:01:42.20 businesses in Hamilton Ontario. Now she just laid there, a shell 00:01:42.20\00:01:49.60 of her former self. During her coma the world went on the war had ended, the moon 00:01:49.60\00:01:56.20 landing had happened, technology had advanced. But on October 14, 00:01:56.20\00:02:03.56 1992 miracle of all miracles happened, Annie Shapiro wakened 00:02:03.56\00:02:10.43 from her comatose state. Martin Shapiro shares the story that on that day, while he lay 00:02:10.43\00:02:16.16 next to his wife, she suddenly sat up and said, turn on the 00:02:16.16\00:02:21.96 television, I want to watch I Love Lucy. Her whole world had changed. She had aged 30 00:02:21.96\00:02:28.80 years. Her husband, now 81, looked like an old man. Her son, 00:02:28.80\00:02:35.76 who was 18 at the time of her stroke was now 48 and had two children. Phones were now 00:02:35.76\00:02:42.43 cordless; the whole world around her had changed. Martin said, 00:02:42.43\00:02:49.00 the day she awoke "It was like a dead person come to life." 00:02:49.00\00:02:54.73 When asked by the media why he didn't put his wife in a nursing 00:02:55.83\00:02:59.96 home, he answered quite simply, "When I married," he said simply, "I pledged to be 00:02:59.96\00:03:05.13 with Anne in sickness and in health and I stuck to my vow." 00:03:05.13\00:03:12.23 I believe each one of us is going to experience an awakening 00:03:13.86\00:03:19.73 that is even more amazing than the one Annie Shapiro went through. We are going to 00:03:19.73\00:03:24.00 find ourselves suddenly thrust into a whole new world which 00:03:24.00\00:03:29.60 none of us can even begin to imagine. The Bible announces in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 00:03:29.60\00:03:43.93 The Second Coming of Christ will be the most spectacular event 00:04:09.66\00:04:14.73 ever to occur on this planet. The Bible tells us that this even will not be missed by 00:04:14.73\00:04:21.93 any living person, Revelation 1:7, 00:04:21.93\00:04:30.23 All of the death, all of the murders, all of sin filled 00:04:38.40\00:04:42.50 darkness of this planet will end in dramatic fashion and a newness will exist that we 00:04:42.50\00:04:48.76 have never experienced before. 00:04:48.76\00:04:52.33 The coming of Jesus Christ will be the climactic close to a 00:04:53.43\00:04:56.86 chapter in this earth's history. Those who have died and are sleeping in Jesus will awaken 00:04:56.86\00:05:01.80 from their grave and it will be as time stood still. Like Annie 00:05:01.80\00:05:07.13 Shapiro, they will not know that a day or an hour has gone by. They will be living, but unlike 00:05:07.13\00:05:14.66 Annie, they won't have broken down bodies. They will be new 00:05:14.66\00:05:20.06 bodies. Completely healthy, optimal in operation. Sadly, for 00:05:20.06\00:05:27.40 some people, the awakening from the grave won't be good news. In fact, the arrival of 00:05:27.40\00:05:32.76 God's kingdom will not be good news at all for them, but truly 00:05:32.76\00:05:42.80 tragic news. The Bible teaches that there are actually two awakenings from the grave. 00:05:42.80\00:05:46.53 Those two awakenings lead to very different outcomes and are 00:05:46.53\00:05:53.86 two completely different events. Jesus had these words to describe those different 00:05:53.86\00:06:00.76 events, John 5:28-29, 00:06:00.76\00:06:09.00 Please notice very carefully: every human being, throughout 00:06:28.23\00:06:33.40 history will be resurrected from their sleep of death at one of 00:06:33.40\00:06:38.63 the two resurrections. Jesus' words are quite clear. "All who 00:06:38.63\00:06:43.20 are in the graves shall hear His voice." He goes on to describe the two resurrections: 1) The 00:06:43.20\00:06:49.93 resurrection of life, 2) The resurrection of condemnation. 00:06:49.93\00:06:57.70 Friends we don't want any part of the resurrection of condemnation. Revelation 00:06:57.70\00:07:02.53 20:6 is the promise that we want to be fulfilled, it says, 00:07:02.53\00:07:14.10 The first resurrection is quite clearly the resurrection of life 00:07:22.43\00:07:26.00 and the second one follows it, which is the resurrection of condemnation. By God 00:07:26.00\00:07:31.60 specifying that those raised in the first resurrection are 00:07:31.60\00:07:35.56 blessed and holy, we know that these are the faithful throughout the generations 00:07:35.56\00:07:41.20 but we also learn that the remainder of the dead, are those who were unfaithful, 00:07:41.20\00:07:47.03 and are raised at some time later from the first 00:07:47.03\00:07:56.10 resurrection. So here is the key question, as we have continually 00:07:57.73\00:08:01.43 asked the question, is heaven for real - what happens to those 00:08:01.43\00:08:07.60 who are a part of the first resurrection? Revelation 20:6 promises that those awakened in 00:08:07.60\00:08:14.16 that first resurrection, 00:08:14.16\00:08:16.43 The first resurrection, called the resurrection of life, is the 00:08:28.00\00:08:31.76 moment that the dead in Christ are transformed from corruptible 00:08:31.76\00:08:35.50 to incorruptible bodies and they are caught up to meet Jesus in 00:08:35.50\00:08:41.46 the sky. Where do they go from there? They travel with Jesus to heaven. However, they are 00:08:41.46\00:08:47.70 not the only ones who will go on that journey, but those faithful 00:08:47.70\00:08:51.46 followers who are alive at the coming of Jesus also will join 00:08:51.46\00:08:55.80 in this parade to heaven. This is the moment all of us have been waiting for. That moment 00:08:55.80\00:09:02.76 described in 1 Corinthians 15:51, 00:09:02.76\00:09:13.43 That is the day that will fulfill Paul's words in 2 00:09:38.76\00:09:51.53 Timothy 4:8, Friends our mortal sick bodies that can age and die will be made perfect 00:10:05.63\00:10:13.90 to never age and die. We will be with Jesus and he will have 00:10:13.90\00:10:22.23 changed us. Then we rise toward Him and all together with those raised from the dead will travel 00:10:22.23\00:10:35.76 to heaven. We will leave behind an earth that has been decimated 00:10:35.76\00:10:40.80 by the upheaval of the natural world at the coming of Jesus. The wicked who were 00:10:40.80\00:10:46.43 dead will stay dead - we will talk about this more next week - 00:10:46.43\00:10:54.36 and the wicked alive, those who have rejected the love of God and all of His attempts to 00:10:54.36\00:10:59.30 woo them to him, will die and remain on this planet Revelation 00:10:59.30\00:11:12.13 6:15-17 tells of their demise, 00:11:12.13\00:11:14.86 They could stand if they loved Jesus, but instead they rejected 00:11:42.16\00:11:48.70 His please of mercy and forgiveness, they rejected His outstretched arms and they 00:11:48.70\00:11:53.76 chose not to be rescued by the Lamb of God who takes away the 00:11:53.76\00:11:57.50 sins of the world. The love of God is like the sun.if you would take two bowls and put 00:11:57.50\00:12:08.03 butter in one and clay in the other and then put it out in the 00:12:08.03\00:12:15.06 sun - what would happen. The butter would be melted, but the clay would be hardened. 00:12:15.06\00:12:22.56 These are the two reactions to the love of God. Paul put it 00:12:22.56\00:12:27.80 this way in 1 Corinthians 1:18, 00:12:27.80\00:12:35.90 It is the same message but two very different reactions. The 00:12:47.76\00:12:55.56 message of Jesus and His death to save us is foolishness and myth to some and doesn't 00:12:55.56\00:13:03.53 awaken any change in their lives. However, to others the good news is the power 00:13:03.53\00:13:09.06 of God that changes a life forever. Friend, I want that good news to be the 00:13:09.06\00:13:15.13 power of God in my life, don't you? 00:13:15.13\00:13:19.40 So at the coming of Jesus, those who have experienced the power 00:13:20.93\00:13:25.76 of God in their lives - those who have had a transformational relationship with Jesus 00:13:25.76\00:13:29.73 are taken from the sin stricken planet. Those who are alive and 00:13:29.73\00:13:35.53 have seen the message of Jesus as foolishness and rejected the message of the cross 00:13:35.53\00:13:41.50 will be slain by the brightness of His coming - those wicked 00:13:41.50\00:13:47.73 that are dead remain dead. But the followers of Christ are caught up with Jesus to go 00:13:47.73\00:13:54.96 to heaven. What happens to this earth? Revelation 20:1-2 tells 00:13:54.96\00:14:05.20 us quite clearly, 00:14:05.20\00:14:09.00 In Christianity this thousand-year period is often 00:14:27.40\00:14:31.30 referred to as the millennium. While this word never occurs in the Bible, it is a Latin 00:14:31.30\00:14:36.60 conjunction millo, which means 1000, and annum, which means 00:14:36.60\00:14:44.00 years. It is simply a descriptive word for this time period. What happens during that 00:14:44.00\00:14:49.46 1000 years? Satan and his angels are bound in the bottomless pit. 00:14:49.46\00:14:55.66 What is this bottomless pit? In looking at the original Greek 00:14:55.66\00:15:00.93 the phrase bottomless pit is the Greek word Abussos. From it, we 00:15:00.93\00:15:07.70 get the English word abyss. It is the same word used in Genesis 1:2 that describes the earth 00:15:07.70\00:15:15.33 as without form and void. The earth is in a completely 00:15:15.33\00:15:22.90 devastated state. The earth has gone through so much turmoil that it is actually in an 00:15:22.90\00:15:32.23 almost de-created state. Satan is chained to the earth through 00:15:32.23\00:15:38.90 the chains of circumstance Jeremiah also described the earth in this Abussos state. In 00:15:38.90\00:15:48.73 Jeremiah 4:23-27, 00:15:48.73\00:16:01.20 And later in Jeremiah 25:33, 00:16:37.86\00:16:42.10 Satan is chained by the chains of circumstance. He is banished 00:16:58.86\00:17:03.23 to this earth, which is in a de-created state, and no one is alive except he and his angels. 00:17:03.23\00:17:10.56 No one more to tempt, no one more to be led into sin - only 00:17:10.56\00:17:18.60 by himself to contemplate his life of complete rebellion. This earth will be like a 00:17:18.60\00:17:31.40 bottomless pit for Satan. In the utter destruction of this 00:17:31.40\00:17:37.86 planet, one timeless principle is echoed over and over: the wages of sin is death. And 00:17:37.86\00:17:51.90 looking on, the whole universe will bear witness to the 00:17:51.90\00:17:58.06 terrible truth of those words. He will be confronted with the horrible results of his 00:17:58.06\00:18:03.83 rebellion for a thousand years. 00:18:03.83\00:18:10.70 But let's focus on the more positive aspects of the thousand 00:18:13.23\00:18:17.83 years. What joyous things will the righteous be doing with Jesus? Remember that verse 00:18:17.83\00:18:22.96 6 of Revelation 20 said that we will be priests of God reigning 00:18:22.96\00:18:28.33 with Him for a thousand years. Friends, it is almost unimaginable how amazing it will 00:18:28.33\00:18:35.96 be to be with Jesus for one thousand years. It will be absolutely wonderful. But 00:18:35.96\00:18:42.10 there are liable to be some questions. You know, I once 00:18:42.10\00:18:47.20 heard it said that we will be surprised by three things in heaven - number one that we are 00:18:47.20\00:18:51.43 there, number two by who isn't there and number three by who is 00:18:51.43\00:19:02.73 there. You might have questions.why isn't uncle so and so here, where is pastor so 00:19:02.73\00:19:10.60 and so - they were such good people. Or maybe you wonder how 00:19:10.60\00:19:15.70 that person could possibly be there - they had been so unkind and mean to you The good 00:19:15.70\00:19:23.96 news about the Good News of Jesus Christ is that He will answer every last one 00:19:23.96\00:19:30.50 of those questions. We will actually have the opportunity to 00:19:30.50\00:19:35.16 review God's decisions in the judgment. Yes, you heard me right. The almighty 00:19:35.16\00:19:43.03 creator of the Universe is going to allow you and me to review 00:19:43.03\00:19:50.86 his work. Revelation 20:4 tells of this time, 00:19:50.86\00:19:58.23 and Paul stated it this way in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, 00:20:04.96\00:20:18.80 Friends isn't God just amazing? The opportunity to actually 00:20:38.40\00:20:45.40 evaluate His decisions. We will look over the cases of the saved 00:20:45.40\00:20:51.33 and the lost. Paul wrote these words, in 1 Corinthians 4:5, 00:20:51.33\00:20:56.03 Every hidden and secret thing will be brought to light. You 00:21:13.73\00:21:18.80 can't hide anything from Him. It will be revealed in those days why God couldn't save 00:21:18.80\00:21:23.86 some people. Their choices, we will see those choices that 00:21:23.86\00:21:32.03 individuals made to reject the sweet love of God. We will see every way He tried to 00:21:32.03\00:21:39.50 reach out. We will see every opportunity He put before them; 00:21:39.50\00:21:44.73 we will see to what great extent He went to with every individual 00:21:44.73\00:21:52.10 in history. At the end of it all, we will only have one conclusion. As Revelation 16:7 00:21:52.10\00:22:00.70 states, Each of us will be able to understand fully why we experienced what we did in 00:22:10.36\00:22:16.76 life. We will see the entire road map that God took us on and 00:22:16.76\00:22:23.36 we will see that His plan was perfect. 00:22:23.36\00:22:28.23 At the end of the thousand years we will experience even more 00:22:30.26\00:22:36.66 joy. Now the Bible does describe Satan being released from His prison and that second 00:22:36.66\00:22:41.00 resurrection of the wicked and their eventually destruction in 00:22:41.00\00:22:46.23 the lake of fire, but we will cover that in detail next week. But with the Satan and his 00:22:46.23\00:22:52.60 angels, along with wicked destroyed in the lake of fire, 00:22:52.60\00:22:58.06 what does God do next? God is going to restore earth to his perfect Edenic beauty that 00:22:58.06\00:23:06.66 it was originally created with. Revelation 21:1-2 describes this 00:23:06.66\00:23:16.73 marvelous event, 00:23:16.73\00:23:18.70 This is a description of our return trip from heaven. We are 00:23:39.60\00:23:44.03 in the New Jerusalem, in that mansion that place that Jesus said he was preparing for us 00:23:44.03\00:23:48.76 and now He is bringing us back to the earth where He will make 00:23:48.76\00:23:58.56 it new again. The chapter goes on to say, 00:23:58.56\00:24:01.53 God will reclaim this planet as His own and restore it to its 00:24:17.50\00:24:22.50 perfect beauty. He is making our home and our home will be with 00:24:22.50\00:24:29.10 Him. Of the vast universe, God chooses to make His dwelling with the only rebellious planet 00:24:29.10\00:24:37.66 there has ever been. Oh what a privilege - what a joy to be 00:24:37.66\00:24:44.66 able to live with God forever. 00:24:44.66\00:24:48.73 My friends, unlike poor Annie Shapiro, when God wakes us up, 00:24:50.16\00:24:56.36 He will awaken us to new bodies, completely perfect bodies - 00:24:56.36\00:25:03.83 never to grow old, experience pain or die. No more handicaps, no missing limbs, no blindness - 00:25:03.83\00:25:12.00 perfect health and perfect harmony. The good news friends 00:25:12.00\00:25:19.93 is that Jesus desires to save you that His power would change you. The experience of 00:25:19.93\00:25:27.73 heaven will be something you'll never want to miss. It comes 00:25:27.73\00:25:33.10 down to a decision, one very simple decision. Will you yield your life to the One who 00:25:33.10\00:25:41.60 gave His life on Mount Calvary? Is heaven for real? It is very 00:25:41.60\00:25:48.73 real. And it will be the grandest time that anyone can every experience. It comes down 00:25:48.73\00:25:55.66 to a decision to believe and have faith in Jesus who died for 00:25:55.66\00:26:06.76 me and died for you. Will you believe? Will you place your trust in Jesus? Will you believe 00:26:06.76\00:26:12.10 in that hill called Mount Calvary? 00:26:12.10\00:26:17.00 Oh heavenly Father, we believe that your son Jesus came and 00:26:18.90\00:26:23.63 died for us. We believe in that hill called Mount Calvary, and we believe that, just 00:26:23.63\00:26:29.70 as he died, he's coming again to take us home. May the power of 00:26:29.70\00:26:36.30 your Son be in us and change us and transform us and make us ready for that day when he 00:26:36.30\00:26:42.26 comes again, we pray in Jesus' name, amen. 00:26:42.26\00:26:46.20 The subject of the millennium and the subject of heaven, the 00:26:51.63\00:26:57.33 subject of the second coming of Jesus is such a thrilling topic to study. After today's 00:26:57.33\00:27:03.03 program, I'm sure you need more resources to help build that 00:27:03.03\00:27:07.70 relationship you have with Jesus. We'd like to offer to you today the Discover Bible guides. 00:27:07.70\00:27:12.66 The Discover Bible lessons are a refreshing look at the Bible, 00:27:12.66\00:27:20.03 and help deepen our relationship with Jesus. Here's the information you need to 00:27:20.03\00:27:24.96 receive today's offer. 00:27:24.96\00:27:28.33 Jesus is coming again soon. He's coming to take us home. He's 00:28:01.63\00:28:06.80 coming to take us to heaven, that we might spend a thousand years with him, and then 00:28:06.80\00:28:10.63 come to this earth, which he will recreate, and live forever 00:28:10.63\00:28:16.20 in perfect harmony. I hope you enjoyed today's program. I invite you to watch again 00:28:16.20\00:28:21.73 next week. Until then, remember, it is written, "Man shall not 00:28:21.73\00:28:29.10 live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from 00:28:29.10\00:28:34.40 the mouth of God." $$$$$ 00:28:36.93\00:28:39.56 $$$$$ 00:28:58.53\00:28:59.53